SS symmetry Article
Content-Based Color Image Retrieval Using Block Truncation Coding Based on Binary Ant Colony Optimization Yan-Hong Chen 1 , Chin-Chen Chang 2 , Chia-Chen Lin 3, * 1 2 3
and Cheng-Yi Hsu 2
School of Information, Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics, Zhejiang 310018, China;
[email protected] Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Feng Chia University, Taichung 40724, Taiwan;
[email protected] (C.-C.C.);
[email protected] (C.-Y.H.) Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, Providence University, Taichung 43301, Taiwan Correspondence:
[email protected]
Received: 2 December 2018; Accepted: 24 December 2018; Published: 27 December 2018
Abstract: In this paper, we propose a content-based image retrieval (CBIR) approach using color and texture features extracted from block truncation coding based on binary ant colony optimization (BACOBTC). First, we present a near-optimized common bitmap scheme for BTC. Then, we convert the image to two color quantizers and a bitmap image-utilizing BACOBTC. Subsequently, the color and texture features, i.e., the color histogram feature (CHF) and the bit pattern histogram feature (BHF) are extracted to measure the similarity between a query image and the target image in the database and retrieve the desired image. The performance of the proposed approach was compared with several former image-retrieval schemes. The results were evaluated in terms of Precision-Recall and Average Retrieval Rate, and they showed that our approach outperformed the referenced approaches. Keywords: contest-based image retrieval; block truncation coding; ant colony optimization; vector quantization; feature descriptor
1. Introduction Block Truncation Coding (BTC) is a classic technique for image compression [1]. It divides the original images into small, non-overlapped image blocks, and each block is simply represented by two mean values and a bitmap image. Because of the limitations of the traditional BTC method, some improved BTC methods have been proposed to improve the image quality and the compression ratio [2]. Yang et al. [3] proposed a near-optimum, accelerated BTC algorithm based on a truncated K-means algorithm that drastically reduced the computational complexity by utilizing the image inter-block correlation. An improved BTC scheme based on a set of pre-defined bit planes has also been proposed [4]. In this method, a Huffman compress algorithm is used to reduce the bit rate. Guo et al. proposed the Ordered Dither Block Truncation Coding [5], Error Diffusion Block Truncation Coding [6], dot-diffused BTC [7], and Direct Binary Search BTC [8] to improve the quality of images. Traditional BTC and improved BTC have achieved outstanding performances in various fields, including data hiding and content-based image retrieval (CBIR), especially in CBIR. In recent years, with the rapid development of social media and the explosive growth of image scale, the image retrieval scheme based on a compressed domain has been paid more and more attention; it extracts features directly from the compressed stream, rather than extracting features from the original image as in the classical method. This type of retrieval method reduces the time of feature extraction. As a classic technique for image compression, many researchers have presented numerous new CBIR-based Symmetry 2019, 11, 21; doi:10.3390/sym11010021
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BTC approaches to improve the performance of image retrieval. Guo et al. [9–12] presented several approaches to retrieve color images utilizing the features extracted from improved block truncation coding. Wang et al. [13] described the multi-factor correlation of images through gradient value, structural correlation and gradient direction, utilizing block truncation coding. Wang et al. [14] focused on a novel image retrieval algorithm combined with a global statistical feature and a local binary bitmap feature. Keker et al. [15] discussed a novel image retrieval technique, which is based on the slope magnitude method with block truncation coding and the shape features. In this paper, we introduce an approach for retrieving images that enhances the performance of the CBIR using color and texture features extracted based on binary ant colony optimization (BACOBTC). First, an RGB color space image is converted to two quantizers and a bitmap image utilizing BACOBTC. Subsequently, two image features, i.e., the color histogram feature and the bit pattern histogram feature, are extracted from the quantizers and bitmap, respectively. Then, the similarity measure is performed between each target image vector and the query vector. The experimental results showed that the proposed scheme has a higher recall ratio and retrieval precision. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, the CBIR framework is introduced briefly, and the proposed BACOBTC algorithm is presented in Section 3. Feature extraction is performed in Section 4, and extensive experimental results are reported in Section 5. Our conclusions are presented in Section 5.6. 2. Content-Based Image Retrieval Framework At present, most popular search engines use traditional text-based methods to provide image-retrieval services, which depend mainly on the keyword associated with the images, and these keywords require manual annotation [16]. When a query is submitted to the search engine, it could be matched with indexed terms associated with images in the database. The process of manual image annotation is very time-consuming and imprecise. If the tagged keyword is inappropriate, it is difficult for this method to obtain accurate search results. Therefore, content-based image retrieval is proposed. In CBIR, images can be retrieved by visual features, which can be extracted directly from image databases such as color, texture and shape. Many image retrieval schemes based on visual features have been proposed in the last few years [17–25]. Literatures [17–25] are discussed in Table 1. Table 1. Introduction of Literatures [17–25]. Reference
Feature and Technique
S. Silakari et al. [17]
Block truncation coding, using K-Means clustering algorithm
F. X. Yu et al. [18]
Block truncation coding, vector quantion, colour pattern co-occurrence matrix.
C. H. Lin [19]
Color co-occurrence matrix.
P. Poursistani et al. [20]
Vector quantization, K-means clustering, create an effective histogram from DCT coefficients.
X. Wang and Z. Wang [21]
Image structure elements’ histogram, HSV color space, integrates the advantages of both statistical and structural texture description methods.
G. H. Liu et al. [22]
The correlation between each pair of database images based on a query log and inferring the relevance.
B. S. Manjunath et al. [23]
Bayesian classifier, Feature extracted in DCT, Image semantic classification. Based on feature extracted in DCT and semantic classification by Bayes.
G. H. Liu et al. [24] C. H. Lin et al. [25]
The micro-structure descriptor, HSV color space. K-means algorithm, color spatial distribution features, clustering-based filter.
Biasotti S. et al. [26]
geometric shape or texture
Masoumi M. et al. [27]
The spectral graph wavelet approach for 3D shape retrieval using the bag-of-features paradigm.
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In the CBIR system, a query image will be submitted to the system by a user, where the query image and all other images in the database will be processed and represented in the same manner so that relevant images can be retrieved. Then, the available visual features will be extracted and characterized in a certain manner into the data space. Finally, the distance between the query image’s transformed features and those of all other images in the database will be computed by the system so that the most relevant images according to some distance measures will be returned [16]. 3. BACOBTC for Color Image The proposed BACOBTC [28] method introduces a BTC technique based on binary ant colony optimization (BACO) in order to get images that have good visual quality. The ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm is a probabilistic technique for solving computational problems that can be reduced to finding good paths through graphs [29]. Following the idea of ACO, the BACO algorithm performs competitively in solving the discrete-domain problems because of its unique space structure of random binary search. The BACO’s solution is represented by a binary bit string with each node selected from two possible values, i.e., 0 or 1 [29]. Considering that each position of the common bitmap has an independent effect on the distortion of a block, instead of assigning an ant to search all the positions, we assigned an ant for each position to reduce the time required to determine the proper common bitmap. For a common bitmap, each position has only two choices, 0 or 1. Each ant is initialized to 0 or 1 randomly and an initial common bitmap is generated when all the ants have been initialized. Then select an ant each time and change its value to the opposite. The pheromone of this ant for choosing 0 or 1 is changed by computing the evaluation value for the corresponding block. By comparing the updated pheromone value of this ant, the choice of 0 or 1 will be determined. When the pheromone of all the ants are updated, the near-optimal solution will be generated according to the updated pheromone matrices. Although the initialization of the binary matrix is random, in each loop we only reverse the value of one single position, thus, it will not affect the final optimal results. This process is detailed as follows: Step 1. Input a color image that is to be divided into non-overlapping m × n blocks, and the color image generates a bitmap mij and two mean values, x H and x L , which are defined in Equation (1): u=
1 m×n
∑ ∑ xij ,
i =1 j =1 1 x H = n H ∑ xij , i f xij ≥ u, x L = n1L ∑ xij , otherwise,
where u is the block’s mean value and xij is the pixel value located at the position (i, j) in each block. Step 2. Generate three pairs of quantization values, i.e., ( x RH , x RL ), ( xGH , xGL ), ( x BH , x BL ) and a random binary matrix C = Cij Cij ∈ {0, 1}, 1 ≤ i ≤ m, 1 ≤ j ≤ n as an initial common bitmap. Calculate the initial MSE using Equation (2): MSE =
cij =0
xij − x L
2 xij − x H ,
cij =1
where xij = Rij , Gij , Bij are the original values from the three channels at the same position. Step 3. Obtain the image Z by replacing the pixel tagged as 1 with x H and 0 with x L . Then, select a value of matrix C and change it into the opposite value to generate a temporary matrix. Reconstruct image Z by replacing the pixel tagged as 1 with x 0H and 0 with x 0L and get the image Z 0 . Step 4. Compute the corresponding newMSEij for this matrix by using Equation (2). Generate two pheromone matrices, τij (0) and τij (1), and each component in these matrices is selected as τij (k) = 0.5(k ∈ {0, 1}) because each ant located in matrix C has the same probability of selecting path “0” or path “1” in the initial state.
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Step 5. Compute the incremental pheromone ∆τij (k) according to Equation (3), and update the initial pheromone matrices τij (0) and τij (1) using Equation (4): ( ∆τij (k) =
1 MSE 1 newMSEij
if Cij = k, otherwise,
where k ∈ {0, 1}, i ∈ [1, m], j ∈ [1, n]. τij (k) = τij (k) + ∆τij (k)
where k ∈ {0, 1}, i ∈ [1, m], j ∈ [1, n]. Step 6. Update the common bitmap according to the following rule: ( Cij∗ =
1 if τij (1) > τij (0) 0 otherwise
where i ∈ [1, m], j ∈ [1, n]. Step 7. Repeat Steps 3 through 6 until all of the values in matrix C are dealt with. Similarly, all of the image blocks are dealt with in the same way. To this point, the near-optimal common bitmap C* for the entire color image has been generated. An example for BACOBTC algorithm procedures is shown in Figure 1.
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Figure Figure1.1.An Anexample exampleofofBACOBTC BACOBTCalgorithm algorithmprocedures. procedures.
4. Feature Representation 4. Feature Representation In this paper, color histogram feature (CHF) and pattern histogram feature (BHF) are used In this paper, color histogram feature (CHF) and pattern histogram feature (BHF) are used to to represent the content of the image. The CHF is derived from the two color quantizers (max represent the content of the image. The CHF is derived from the two color quantizers (max quantizer and min quantizer), and the BHF is simply constructed from the BACOBTC bitmap image [9]. quantizer and min quantizer), and the BHF is simply constructed from the BACOBTC bitmap A detailed description of how to acquire these two features is introduced below. image [9]. A detailed description of how to acquire these two features is introduced below. 4.1. Color Histogram Feature 4.1. Color Histogram Feature 1. Generate BACOBTC Max Quantizer And Min Quantizer. For each color block, the quantization 1. Generate BACOBTC Max Quantizer And Min Quantizer. For each color block, the values, including x RH , x RL , xGH , xGL , x BH , andx BL are computed. Then, x RH is mapped to the red quantization values, including 𝑥 , 𝑥 , 𝑥 , 𝑥 , 𝑥 , 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑥 are computed. Then, 𝑥 is max quantizer table, and x RL is mapped to the red min quantizer table. Blue and green channels mapped to the red max quantizer table, and 𝑥 is mapped to the red min quantizer table. Blue could do the same operations. The analyses of the min quantizer and the max quantizer are shown and green channels could do the same operations. The analyses of the min quantizer and the max in Figure 2. quantizer are shown in Figure 2.
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Figure 2. Example of min quantizer and max quantizer calculation. Figure 2. Example of min quantizer and max quantizer calculation.
2. TheThe color codebook C is generated by quantization vector quantization (VQ). In this study, 2. color codebook C is generated by vector (VQ). In this study, the Linde– the Linde–Buzo–Gary vector quantization (LBGVQ) was utilized to perform color clustering for a Buzo–Gary vector quantization (LBGVQ) was utilized to perform color clustering for a given given training set to obtain the color codebook, C = c , c , . . . , c , where c denotes the codeword Nc } 𝑐 Nc training set to obtain the color codebook, 𝐶 = {𝑐 , 𝑐 {, …1 , 𝑐2 }, where denotes the codeword from from the quantizer. the quantizer. 3. Obtain Obtain the the color color index index table table as as shown shown in in Equation Equation (6): (6): 3. (
yymax (i, j) = = argmin argmin || q (i, j) (i, j), cmax ||2 |q max(i, j), c min| 22 . (6) (6) ymin (i, j) = argmin qmin (i, j), c 2 . y (i, j) = argmin q (i, j), c For k = 1, 2, . . . , Nc , i = 1, 2, . . . , M/m, and j = 1, 2, . . . , N/n where ymax (i, j) denotes the optimal j) denotes the optimal … (, i,M/m, and j =, 1,2, , N/n wherei and y j (i, For kdistance = 1,2, …between , N , i = 1,2, matching qmax j) and cmax and…the symbols represent the indices of the (i, matching distance between q j) and c , and the symbols i and j represent the indices the image block. Herein, qmax (i, j) denotes the R, G and B values of the max quantizer of each image of block, theyR, G(i,and B values the max quantizer of each image image block. Herein, q (i, j) denotes and cmax denotes the codeword. Similarly, j) denotes theof optimal matching distance between min (i, max block, and c j) denotes the optimal matching distance denotes the codeword. Similarly, y qmax (i, j) and c in the min quantizer. between q (i, j)CHF and c in the min quantizer. 4. Compute max and CHFmin using Equation (7): 4. Compute 𝐶𝐻𝐹 and 𝐶𝐻𝐹 using Equation (7): n o CHFmax (k) = Pr ymax (i, j) = k i = 1, 2, . . .𝑀 ,M ; = 1,2, … , m; } o 𝐶𝐻𝐹 (𝑘) = Prn{𝑦 (𝑖, 𝑗) = 𝑘|𝑖 (7) CHFmin (k) = Pr ymin (i, j) = k i = 1, 2, . . . 𝑚 ; ,M (7) m 𝑀 𝐶𝐻𝐹 (𝑘) = Pr{𝑦 (𝑖, 𝑗) = 𝑘|𝑖 = 1,2, … , ; } 𝑚 Pr{.} denotes the probability of the occurrence of certain color codewords’ appearing in an image. Pr{. } denotes the probability the occurrence An example of the CHF calculation of is shown in Figure of 3a.certain color codewords’ appearing in an image. An example of the CHF calculation is shown in Figure 3a.
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Figure3.3.Example Exampleof ofCHF CHFand andBHF BHFcalculation. calculation. Figure
4.2. Bit Pattern Histogram Feature 4.2. Bit Pattern Histogram Feature The bit pattern histogram feature can identify the texture and brightness of the image effectively. The bit pattern histogram feature can identify the texture and brightness of the image Figure 3b shows an example of the BHF computation. Similar to the CHF calculation, the procedures effectively. Figure 3b shows an example of the BHF computation. Similar to the CHF calculation, for computing BHF are described below. the procedures for computing 𝐵𝐻𝐹 are described below. 1. The bit pattern histogram feature can identify the texture and brightness of the image effectively. 1. The bit pattern histogram feature can identify the texture and brightness of the image Figure 2 shows an example of the BHF computation. Similar to the CHF calculation, the procedures effectively. Figure 2 shows an example of the BHF computation. Similar to the CHF calculation, the for computing BHF are described below: procedures for computing BHF are described below: 2. The bit image is generated from the BACOBTC encoding process. Then, the bit pattern 2. The bit image is generated from the BACOBTC encoding process. Then, the bit pattern codebook B = b1 , b2 , . . . , b N is defined as the bit pattern codebook comprised of Nb bit codewords. codebook 𝐵 = {𝑏 , 𝑏 , … , 𝑏 }b is defined as the bit pattern codebook comprised of 𝑁 bit 3. Obtain the bitmap image index table as shown in Equation (8): codewords. Equation (8): 3. Obtain the bitmap image index asmin shown b(i, j)table = arg ϕ inbm (8) (i, j), Bq H
𝑏(𝑖, 𝑗) = 𝑎𝑟𝑔 min 𝜑 {𝑏𝑚(𝑖, 𝑗), 𝐵 } (8) where q = 1, 2, . . . , Nb , ϕ H {., .} denotes the Hamming distance between the bitmap image bm(i, j), , 𝜑 {. , codewords. . } denotes the Hamming distance between the bitmap image 𝑞 = 1,2, and where Bq denotes the … bit, 𝑁 pattern’s 𝑏𝑚(𝑖,4. 𝑗),Compute and B denotes the bit pattern’s BFH using Equation (9): codewords. 4. Compute BFH using Equation (9): i = 1, 2, , . . . ,𝑀M ; j = 1, 2, .𝑁. . , N BHF (𝐵𝐻𝐹(𝑘) k) = pr= 𝑝𝑟 b(i,𝑏(𝑖, j) = k (9)(9) 𝑗) = 𝑘 𝑖 = 1,2, , … , 𝑚m; 𝑗 = 1,2, … , 𝑛 n
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5. Experiments and Results This section demonstrates the performance of the proposed image retrieval scheme using two Corel datasets and one Caltech101 dataset. In order to evaluate the performance of the retrieval module, some experiments were conducted to compare the proposed algorithm with several image-retrieval approaches. 5.1. Image Databases Caltech 101 is a digital image data set created in September 2003, and it contains 9146 images in total, which are divided into 101 distinct object categories (for instance, faces, watches, ants, pianos, etc.) and a background category [30]. The Corel image database is the most commonly used database to test the performance of image retrieval. In our experiments, we used two Corel subsets, i.e., Corel 1000 and Corel 10000 [31]. The Corel 1000 database consisted of over 1000 images in 10 categories, with each category containing 100 images. Every image in the database had the sizes of 256 × 384 or 384 × 256. The Corel 10000 database consisted of 100 categories including diverse content such as beach, car, door, sunset fish, and so on. 5.2. Distance Metric The similarity distance computation is one of the important steps in retrieving images. We can judge whether the two images are similar by the similarity distance. If the three feature vectors of the two images are approximate, the compared images are similar. By the analysis in Section 3, the image is converted to three feature vectors, i.e., CHFmax , CHFmin , and BHF. Assuming that the size of the bit pattern codebook B is 64 and that the size of the color codebook C is 64, then CHFmax = {a1 , a2 . . . , a64 }, CHFmin = {b1 , b2 . . . , b64 }, and BHF = {c1 , c2 . . . , c64 }. Let the query image’s feature 0 0 V = {CHFmax , CHFmin , BHF} and the target image’s feature in database V0 = CHFmax , CHFmin , BHF0 . The similarity distance of the query image and the target image is described in Equation (10): Dis(query, target) = ρ1 ∑kN=c 1
q t (k) (k)−CHFmin |CHFmin |
+ ρ2 ∑kN=c 1
q t ( k )+ ε CHFmin (k )+CHFmin q BHF (k )− BHF t (k ) Nb k =1 BHF q (k )+ BHF t (k )+ε
ρ3 ∑
q t (k) (k)−CHFmax |CHFmax | q
t ( k )+ ε CHFmax (k )+CHFmax
+ (10)
where ρ1, ρ2 and ρ3 denote the similarity weighting constants, and ρ1 + ρ2 + ρ3 = 1, which represents the percentage contributions of CHFmax , CHFmin , and BHF in the proposed image-retrieval process. To avoid mathematical errors in division, a small number, ε, is added to the denominator. CHFq and CHFt represent the query and target images of the color feature descriptors, and BHFq and BHFt denote the query and target images of the descriptors of the bit pattern features. 5.3. Performance Metrics Precision-Recall curves, as the commonly used performance measure, were used to measure the effectiveness of the proposed method. Precision P and recall R are defined below: P(q) = Iq /N,
R(q) = Iq /M,
where M, N and Iq denote the number of similar images in the entire database that are similar to the query, the total number of images retrieved and the number of retrieved relevant images. In addition to the Precision-Recall curves, the average precision rate, APR, was used to measure the retrieval performance. The definition of the average precision rate is shown in Equation (13): APR =
1 | Nt |
| Nt |
P ( q ),
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where NNt isisthe thetotal totalnumber numberofofimages imagesininthe thedatabase. database. where 5.4. Retrieval Performance
Figure 4 shows the precision precision recall recall values values of of the the proposed proposed BACOBTC BACOBTC feature feature descriptor descriptor under 1000 database. database. In Corel 1000 In this this experiment, experiment, in in order to obtain feature descriptors, all images in the database are areencoded encodedinto into various image block 8 ×8,16,16 32addition, 32. In database various image block sizes,sizes, i.e., 4i.e., × 4,48 ×4,8, 16 and16, 32 ×and 32. In addition, and bitcodebook pattern codebook sizes were determined as NNb = 64. compared We compared the color the andcolor bit pattern sizes were determined as Nc = = N64.=We the the influence of different values on ρ1, and in Figure 1(ρi The red, red, blue blue and influence of different values on ρ1, ρ2,ρ2, and ρ3ρ3 in Figure 1(ρi = {=0,{0,1}, 1}, i i==1,1,2,3). 2, 3). The green lines represent different values of ρ1, ρ1, ρ2, ρ2, and and ρ3, ρ3, respectively, respectively, i.e., i.e., different different combinations combinations of three characteristic characteristic vectors, vectors, CHF CHFmax , CHF CHF min,,and the three and BHF. BHF. Obviously, Obviously, the red line achieved the best the combined combined action of the three result over all image block sizes, and this was due to the effect of the characteristic vectors. The common use of the three feature vectors produced the highest highest precision precision The common recall rate, rate,because becausethe the color distribution information can be determined. recall color distribution andand the the edgeedge information can be determined. FigureFigure 1 shows1 shows the precision as the block size increased. wasthe because the reference extracted that thethat precision became became lower aslower the block size increased. This was This because extracted reference factors became when size the block size increased. factors became less when less the block increased.
Figure 4. Effectiveness of the proposed feature under Corel 1000 database. Figure 4. Effectiveness of the proposed feature under Corel 1000 database.
Figure The image image at at the Figure 55 shows shows the the 10 10 examples examples of of image-retrieval image-retrieval results. results. The the top top of of the the left-top left-top corner is the query image, and the rest are the 10 most-similar images. In this experiment, the average corner is the query image, and the rest are the 10 most-similar images. In this experiment, the precision of our scheme is scheme 0.7962. In proposed thescheme, color probability used as an important average precision of our is the 0.7962. In thescheme, proposed the colorisprobability is used as reference for the retrieval feature. There are some soccer images in the retrieval of the Tai an important reference for the retrieval feature. There are some soccer images in theresult retrieval result Chi image. of the Tai Chi image.
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Figure 5. Image retrieval for Caltech 101 dataset. Figure 5. Image 101 dataset. dataset. Figure 5. Image retrieval retrieval for for Caltech Caltech 101
Figures 6–8 show the comparison of the experimental results between the proposed scheme 6–8 show thecomparison comparison experimental results proposed scheme Figures 6–8 the ofof thethe experimental between proposed scheme and and other schemes. In show this experiment, the number of retrievedresults images, L,between was the 20. the Figure 6 shows and other schemes. In this experiment, the number of retrieved images, L, was 20. Figure 6 shows other schemes. In thiscannot experiment, the number retrieved images,precision L, was 20.inFigure shows that that the proposed scheme consistently obtainofthe best average every 6image that the proposed scheme cannot consistently obtain the best average precision in every image the proposed scheme cannot consistently obtain the best average precision in every image category. category. For example, in the “People” category, Yu’s scheme [18] produced the best results and category. For example, in the “People” category, Yu’s scheme [18] produced the best results For example, in the “People” category, Yu’s scheme [18] produced the best results and Silakari’s Silakari’s scheme [17] provided the best results in the “Building” category. Despite this, our scheme and Silakari’s scheme [17]precision provided the best results inthe thetime “Building” category. Despite this, scheme scheme [17] provided the best results the “Building” category. Despite this, our scheme achieved achieved a stable average rate. Ininaddition, complexity of our scheme is our O(n ) 2 achieved a stable average precision rate. In addition, the time complexity of our scheme is O(n a stable average precision rate. In addition, the time complexity of our scheme is O n while the) while the proposed scheme by literature [11] is also O(n ). Although the proposed scheme used the 2 . Although while the proposed scheme by literature [11] is also O(n ). Although the proposed scheme used proposed scheme by literature [11] is also O n the proposed scheme used the same same feature descriptor as Guo’s scheme [11], it provided better retrieval results because the the same had feature descriptor as scheme Guo’s scheme [11],Figure it provided better retrieval results because the feature descriptor as Guo’s [11], it provided better retrieval results because the BACOBTC BACOBTC better image quality than ODBTC. 8 shows that the proposed scheme BACOBTC had better image quality than ODBTC. Figure 8 shows that the proposed scheme had better image quality than ODBTC. Figure 8 shows that the proposed scheme achieved better achieved better performance than the other schemes in the Corel 10000 image database. Therefore, achieved better performance thanofthe schemes inimage theisCorel 10000 image database. performance than the other schemes inother the Corel 10000 database. we canTherefore, conclude we can conclude that the performance our proposed scheme superior toTherefore, the other schemes in we can conclude that the performance of our proposed scheme is superior to the other schemes in that the performance of our proposed scheme is superior to the other schemes in color image retrieval. color image retrieval. color image retrieval.
1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0
Average Precision
Average Precision
The proposed method Silakari[17] Yu[18] Lin[19] Poursistani[20] Guo [11] The proposed method Silakari[17] Yu[18] Lin[19] Poursistani[20] Guo [11]
1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 people
Bench buliding bus Din. Ele. flower Hourse Moun. Food people Bench buliding bus Din. Ele. flower Hourse Moun. Food 6. Contrasts of the proposed and former schemes on corel1000 database FigureFigure 6. Contrasts of the proposed schemescheme and former schemes based based on corel1000 image image database precision Figure Contrasts of the proposed scheme and former schemes based on corel1000 image database precision rate.6. rate. precision rate.
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Symmetry 10,0.80565 x FOR PEER REVIEW 0.779 0.9 2018, Symmetry 2019, 11, 21
0.6 0.9 0.3 0.6 0.9 0 0.3 0.6 0 0.3 0
11 of 14 11 of 14
0.56 0.80565
the proposed method the proposed method
Guo [11]
0.56 Silakari[17]
Guo [11]
the proposed method
Guo [11] Poursistani[20] Lin[19] Yu[18] Figure 7. The average precision rate in Corel1000.
Figure 7. The average precision rate in Corel1000. Figure 7. The average precision rate in Corel1000. 0.9 0.9 0.6 0.9 0.6 0.3 0.6 0.3 0 0.3 0 0
0.65 0.65
Figure 7. The average precision rate in Corel1000. 0.54 0.54
0.65 0.54
0.49 0.49
0.49 0.35
the proposed method the proposed method the proposed method
0.31 liu[24]
0.29 lin[25]
Wang[21] liu[22] precision Manjunath[23] liu[24] Figure The average average Figure 8. 8. The precision rate rate in in Corel10000. Corel10000.
Figure[13], 8. The average precision rate in Corel10000. Similar Similar to to the the experiment experiment of of [13], Figure Figure 99 show show four four examples examples of of image image retrieval retrieval results results for for the the Corel 1000 image database. The image at the top of the left-top corner is the query image and the rest CorelSimilar 1000 image database. The image at the top of the left-top corner is the query image and the Figureof 8. [13], The average precision rate in Corel10000. to the experiment Figure 9 showthe four examples of image results forand the are the 11 most-similar images. In this experiment, proposed scheme hadretrieval higher precision rest are the 11 most-similar images. In this experiment, the proposed scheme had higher precision Corel performance 1000 image database. The image at the top ofIn the left-top corner isthere the are query image and the better than the scheme in Reference [13]. the literature [13], color mismatched and better than in Reference [13]. In the literature [13], there are Similar toperformance themost-similar experiment ofthe [13],scheme Figure 9experiment, show four examples of image retrieval results for color the rest are the 11 images. In this the proposed scheme had higher precision images in the images “bus” and “flower” categories and irrelevant images in the “food” category. However, mismatched in the “bus” and “flower” and irrelevant images in the “food” Corel 1000 image database. The image at the top ofcategories the left-top corner is the query image and the and better performance than the scheme in Reference [13]. In the literature [13], there are color as shown in Figure 9,as theshown retrieved images 9, arethe food images in the “food” category andintheir colours category. However, in Figure retrieved images are food images the “food” rest are the 11 most-similar images. In this experiment, the proposed scheme had higher precision mismatched images query in theimage “bus”in and “flower” categories and irrelevant images in the “food” perfectly matched the “bus”the andquery “flower” categories. The reason the precision of the category theirthe colours perfectly matched image theliterature “bus” and “flower” categories. and better and performance than the in scheme in9,Reference [13]. In in the [13], there are color category. However, as shown Figure the retrieved images are food images inwere the used “food” proposed scheme was higher than that in the literature [13] was that CHF and CHF to maxthe literature min [13] was that The reason thetheir precision the proposed scheme was higher than that“bus” in mismatched images in theof“bus” andmatched “flower” and images in thecategories. “food” category and colours perfectly thecategories query image inirrelevant the and “flower” describe the color features, obtaining thedescribe main color characteristics of theobtaining original image. In addition, CHF andthe CHF were used to the color features, the main category. However, as shown inproposed Figure 9,scheme the retrieved images are images in the “food” The reason precision of the was higher than thatfood in the literature [13] wascolor that we used a probabilistic approach to describe the images’ textural information in the computation of characteristics of the original image. In addition, we used a probabilistic approach to describe the category their colourswere perfectly the query the “bus”obtaining and “flower” CHF and and CHF usedmatched to describe the image color infeatures, the categories. main color BHF, so the images’ right-and-left did not affectso thethe results when the images were retrieved. images’ thesymmetry computation of we BHF, images’ right-and-left symmetry did The reasontextural the precision of the in proposed was higher that in the literature [13] was that characteristics ofinformation the original image. Inscheme addition, used than a probabilistic approach to describe the As shown in Figure 9, the most-similar dragon images were retrieved irrespective of the direction of not affect the results when the images were retrieved. As shown in Figure 9, the most-similar CHF CHF information were used describe the colorso features, obtaining the main colordid images’and textural in thetocomputation of BHF, the images’ right-and-left symmetry the dragon. dragon images retrieved irrespective of theretrieved. direction the dragon. characteristics of were the original In addition, we used aof probabilistic the not affect the results whenimage. the images were As shown in approach Figure 9, to thedescribe most-similar images’ textural information in the computation of BHF, so the images’ right-and-left symmetry did dragon images were retrieved irrespective of the direction of the dragon. not affect the results when the images were retrieved. As shown in Figure 9, the most-similar dragon images were retrieved irrespective of the direction of the dragon.
Figure 9. Cont.
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Figure food and dragons. Figure 9. Image retrieval retrieval for bus, flower, Figure 9. 9. Image retrieval for for bus, bus, flower, flower,food foodand anddragons. dragons.
5.5. Application Simulation 5.5. Analysis 5.5. Application Application Simulation Simulation Analysis Analysis CBIR is widely used in CBIR is widely used in many many fields fields such such as as e-commerce e-commerce [32], [32], medicine medicine [33], [33], military, military, security security technology [34], multimedia Geographic information System [35], architecture digital library, technology [34], multimedia digital library, Geographic information System [35], architecture and and engineering prevention etc. In this paper, engineering design design [36], [36], intellectual intellectual property property [37], [37], crime crime and and security security prevention prevention etc. etc. In In this this paper, paper, the is verified in e-commerce. the effectiveness effectiveness of of our our approach approach is is verified verified in ine-commerce. e-commerce. In In order order to to verify verify the the feasibility feasibility and and effectiveness effectiveness of of the the retrieval retrieval scheme, scheme, this this paper paper makes makes aa simulation simulation study study on on the the online online commodity commodity retrieval retrieval system. system. The The experiment experiment uses uses the the image image database database consisting consisting of of 1000 1000 images images in in four four groups groups (shoe, hat, watch and bag), in which each group contains 250 images. All images are from Taobao and (shoe, hat, watch and bag), in which each group contains 250 images. All images are from Taobao (shoe, hat, watch and bag), in which each group contains 250 images. All images are from Taobao other shopping sites.sites. As shown in Figure 10, Our scheme also obtains goodgood performance. and shopping As in 10, also performance. and other other shopping sites. As shown shown in Figure Figure 10, Our Our scheme scheme also obtains obtains good performance. hat hat
shoe shoe
shirt shirt
watch watch
bag bag
Precision Precision
11 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 00
10 10
20 20
30 30
40 40
50 50
Number Numberof of retrieved retrieved images images Figure 10. different commodities. Figure Precision comparison of Figure 10. 10. Precision Precision comparison comparison of of different differentcommodities. commodities.
Although the precision our proposed scheme is in the image database, are Although our proposed scheme is high in the image database, there there are some Althoughthe theprecision precisionofof of our proposed scheme is high high in color the color color image database, there are some shortcomings. As shown in Figure 3, the precision is lower in “people” and “mountain” shortcomings. As shown in Figure 3, the precision is lower in “people” and “mountain” categories. some shortcomings. As shown in Figure 3, the precision is lower in “people” and “mountain” categories. This is because the contents of of and the This is because the these two groups of two images are complex andare thecomplex image color categories. This iscontents because of the contents of these these two groups groups of images images are complex andboundaries the image image color boundaries are not prominent. In addition, because of the lack of shape and are not boundaries prominent. In addition, because of In the addition, lack of shape and spatial information, this scheme is not color are not prominent. because of the lack of shape and spatial spatial information, this scheme is not suitable for image retrieval in medicine, Geographic Information suitable for image retrieval in medicine, Geographic Information System, etc. Retrieval experiments information, this scheme is not suitable for image retrieval in medicine, Geographic Information System, experiments done after rotation and changes, but are done etc. after image rotation and scaleare changes, theimage experimental are not satisfactory. System, etc. Retrieval Retrieval experiments are done but after image rotationresults and scale scale changes, but the the experimental experimental results results are are not not satisfactory. satisfactory. 5.6. Conclusions and Future Work 5.6. and Work 5.6. Conclusions Conclusions and Future Future In content-based imageWork retrieval, color and texture are the two most frequently extracted features. Obviously, the combination of retrieval, these twocolor features could achieve better retrieval performance. In this In image and texture are most In content-based content-based image retrieval, color and texture are the the two two most frequently frequently extracted extracted paper, we proposed a novel approach for the retrieval of color images using the features extracted features. Obviously, the combination of these two features could achieve better retrieval features. Obviously, the combination of these two features could achieve better retrieval from block truncation codingwe based on binary ant colony optimization. BACOBTC compresses color performance. In proposed aa novel approach for of images performance. In this this paper, paper, we proposed novel approach for the the retrieval retrieval of color color imagesausing using image into two color quantizers and atruncation bitmap image, andbased the reconstructed have optimization. higher visual the extracted from coding on ant the features features extracted from block block truncation coding based on binary binary images ant colony colony optimization. quality. Two image features, i.e., color histogram feature and bit pattern histogram feature, were BACOBTC compresses a color image into two color quantizers and a bitmap image, and the BACOBTC compresses a color image into two color quantizers and a bitmap image, andused the to measure the similarity between a query image and the target image in the database. Experiments reconstructed reconstructed images images have have higher higher visual visual quality. quality. Two Two image image features, features, i.e., i.e., color color histogram histogram feature feature are two extensively-used colorto image databases to studybetween the influences different and bit histogram feature, measure the aa query and andperformed bit pattern patternon histogram feature, were were used used to measure the similarity similarity between queryofimage image and blocks and different parameter settings on Precision-Recall and to compare the results with several the target image in the database. Experiments are performed on two extensively-used color image the target image in the database. Experiments are performed on two extensively-used color image databases databases to to study study the the influences influences of of different different blocks blocks and and different different parameter parameter settings settings on on
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other image-retrieval schemes. The results showed that the proposed scheme had a higher retrieval precision and recall ratio. For future work, we intend to study the application of the content-based image retrieval approach. On the basis of the simulation network commodity retrieval, we will optimize the image retrieval algorithm for the application of large e-commerce image retrieval. Author Contributions: Methodology, C.-C.C.; Software, Y.-H.C.; Writing—original draft, C.-Y.H.; Writing—review & editing, C.-C.L. Funding: Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan: 105-2410-H-126-005-MY3. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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