Has John broken the old lady's window ? ⦠...... All the windows and doors in their house were broken . ...... There w
Contents No.
Unit 10
Unit 11
Unit 12
Sample Test
Unit 13
Unit 14
Unit 15
Sample Test
Unit 16
Unit 17
Unit 18
Sample test
Final Revision & Tests
Extra Work Sheet
The English Department Sixth Primary ( Language Section )
Class ……………..
1) Please bring the books according to the following schedule:
Please bring 1) 1 Copybook for “Dictation” ( 28 Pages ) covered in ………… . 2) 1 File
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Cairo Governorate Nozha Directorate of Education Nozha Language Schools “Ismailia Road” Branch
Department : English Form : 6th Primary Revision Sheet Second Term
Unit 10 * New Words : - generous (adj)
To give money , help , kindness , etc. , especially more than what’s usual or expected
- share (v.)
To divide food , money , goods , etc. and give part of it to someone else.
- deserted (adj)
An empty place without any people at all .
- dusk (n.)
The time before night when it’s not dark yet .( just after the sun set )
- dusty (adj)
Covered in dust .
- rather (adj)
Exactly – quite .
- loaf (n.)
a loaf of bread means bread that’s shaped and baked in a single piece and can be cut for eating .
- sleeve(n.)
The part of a piece of clothing that covers some or all of the arm .
- wonder(v.)
To ask yourself .
- shame(n.)
Bad feeling of worry because of your own or someone’s else bad behaviour .
- ridiculous (adj)
Stupid or unreasonable and deserving to be laughed at nonsense .
- shade(n.)
An area that is away from direct sunlight .
- gentle (adj)
Calm , kind or soft careful .
- conversation (n.)
Talk between two or more people in which thoughts , feelings are expressed .
- can’t help
Not able to control or stop something .
- overhear (v.)
To hear what other people are saying without intending to and without telling them .
- extremely (adv)
- there’s no need
It’s not necessary to do something .
- quarrel (v.)
To have an angry disagreement with someone .
- bit (n.)
A small piece or amount of something .
- pop(v.)
To put or take something quickly .
- continue (v.)
To keep doing something .
- insult (n.)
Remark or action said to someone to show rudeness or impoliteness
- offer (v.)
To give something to somebody .
- hurry (v.)
To do something more quickly because there isn’t much time .
- amazement (n.)
A feeling of great surprise . 3
- selfish (adj)
Caring only about yourself more than about other people .
- greedy (adj)
Wanting more money , food , power etc. , than what you really need
- sack (n.)
A large bag with no handles , made of strong rough material and used for carrying or storing things .
- panic(n.)
A sudden feeling of great fear that cannot be controlled and prevents you from thinking clearly .
- frantic (adj)
Wildly excited with joy , pain , anxiety .
- lick (v.)
To move the tongue across something in order to taste or make wet .
- conjuror(n.)
Magician . A person who performs magical tricks .
N B : Remember that 1) Adjectives describe nouns . Ex: - Loud voice / small piece we can join . 2) We can join two simple sentences to be one compound sentence using [ and ], [ but ] , [ or ] Ex: - I’m very tired . I need some rest . - I’m very tired and I need some rest . 3) present perfect – active and passive Ex : (1) S - The teacher (3) O - A new lesson
( 2 )V. ( 3) O has explained a new lesson (2)V ( S) 1 has been explained by the teacher .
I - Change into passive : 1. My dad has already painted our house . ……………………………………………………………………… 2. Has John broken the old lady’s window ? ……………………………………………………………………… 3. I haven’t written the lesson yet . ……………………………………………………………………… 4
4. The servant has left the door open and a wild cat went in . ……………………………………………………………………… 5. The bomb has killed ten thousands people so far . ……………………………………………………………………… II- Change into active : 1. The opera show has been watched by a lot of audience . ……………………………………………………………………… 2. Taj Mahal has been completed in 22 years . ……………………………………………………………………… 3. A lot of changes has been made by the Egyptian Revolution . ……………………………………………………………………… 4. Mrs. Picky’s new car has been stolen last night, it is still missing . ……………………………………………………………………… 5. Have all the chocolate eaten by the children ? ……………………………………………………………………… Underline the correct answer : 1.
Mr. John is a [ shameful – generous – greedy ] man . He always helps poor people with money . 2. Most of the birds go back to their nests by [ night – dusk – sunrise ] . 3. Alice is a / an [ rather – exactly – such ] intelligent girl . 4. Mary usually has two [ packets – bars – loaves ] of bread for breakfast . She must be very fat . 5. My brother always likes to roll up the [ shade – loaves – sleeves ] of his shirt . 6. Gulliver was a famous [ traveller – stranger – narrator ] who has gone to places that nobody has ever been to before . 7. It’s a [ frantic – generosity – shame ] to speak to your parents in such a rude way . 8. The big red car [ belongs to – breaks off – picks out ] Mr. John . 9. Sally is admired by all her friends for being [ selfish – gentle – worried ] . 10. They enjoyed sitting on the beach under the [ shadow – rock – shade ] of an umbrella . 11. Mum told us not open the door for any [ stranger – traveller – narrator ] . 12. I really enjoyed having this [ loaf – conversation – roadside ] with Professor George . 5
13. We all couldn’t help [ laughed – laugh – laughing ] when we saw her slipping and falling down . 14. I advised her to stop that bad habit of [ watching – overhearing – picking up ] what others say . 15. After Mr. Johnson had died , his wealth was [ popped – broken off – divided ] among his three sons . 16. Jenny was so [ gentle – selfish – generous ] when she took all the sweets for herself and forgot about others . 17. “ Don’t [ panic – lick – trick ] when the light goes out suddenly . It happens nearly everyday . 18. Everyone should be positive and share in the Clean Up operation of campaign . You shouldn’t be like a [ bag - sack – packet ] of potatoes . 19. Some of the new cities in Egypt are [ dessert – deserted - desert] places because of the lack of facilities like transports , schools , and hospitals . 20. My uncle is a heavy smoker . He [ can’t help – can’t afford – can’t stand ] smoking .
* Re-write the following sentences using the words in brackets : 1.
Grandma arrived home two days ago . [ yet ] ……………………………………………………………………………….. 2. I’ve already booked a table at that restaurant . [ been ] ……………………………………………………………………………….. 3. Mr. Jack Robinson is extremely rich , He is a miser . [ but ] ……………………………………………………………………………….. 4. A waitress served us. She was polite and patient . [ who ] ……………………………………………………………………………….. 5. Has she ever baked pizzas ? [ been ] ……………………………………………………………………………….. 6. Sally studied at Cambridge university . She worked as a librarian as well . [ and ] ……………………………………………………………………………….. 7. The manager resigned three days ago . [ just ] ……………………………………………………………………………….. 8. I think Sara will win the first prize . [ be ] ……………………………………………………………………………….. 9. We found an expensive ring last week . It belonged to Mrs. Vicky . [ which ] ……………………………………………………………………………….. 10. I advised you to leave this house . [ If I .. ] ………………………………………………………………………………..
11. The secretary has typed thirteen letters so far . [been ] ……………………………………………………………………………….. 12. Maria is an air-hostess . She works in Egypt Air . [ and ] ……………………………………………………………………………….. 13. I like Michael Jackson because he sings sweetly . [ sweet ] ……………………………………………………………………………….. 14. Martin has joined the army recently . [ what ] ……………………………………………………………………………….. 15. The scouts has held a national camp by the western deserts for a whole week. [ A National camp... ] ……………………………………………………………………………….. Spelling Quiz 1. hanger + y = 4. buy + ed = 7. difficult + er = 10. lorry + s =
2. hungry + ly = 5. music + al = 8. say + ed =
3. break + ed = 6. easy + er = 9. toy + s =
Complete the following sentences using words you have learned through this unit : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
It’s a great feeling to …………….. what we already have with people who are in need . The old Indian ……………….. told the incredible story and all the people listened attentively . It’s better to be poor but …………… than being rich and a miser . As soon as I had thrown the peanut to the monkey , it ……………. It quickly into its mouth . many scientist …………………… about how the dinosaurs died out .
Fill in the spaces to complete the following dialogues : Ben : ……………………………………………………………..? Sam : I have just finished my homework . What about you . Ben : …………………………………………………………….. Sam : ……………………………………………………………..? Ben : There’s a problem with the English homework . Sam : …………………………………………………………….. Ben : It’s a good idea . I think I’ll ask the teacher tomorrow .
Composition :Write a paragraph on 8 lines on :“Benefits of travelling abroad” Guiding words learn – medical treatment – gain information communicate with other cultures – business new types of food ……………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………. Comprehension :Read the following , then answer the questions :Today we are having a party and I’m really busy . We are getting ready for my grandfather’s sixtieth birthday . There will be a big family party this evening in the garden of our house . We have invited about forty people . This afternoon we are cleaning and tidying up . My mother is cooking in the kitchen and my aunts are helping her . Dad is putting up lights in the garden . My uncle is preparing the tables and chairs . My cousin are here too , but they aren’t helping much . They are playing computer games . My grandfather’s hobby is gardening , so we all bought him new garden tools as a present . Answer the following questions :1. How old is your grandfather ? ………………………………………………………………… 2. What is dad doing ? ………………………………………………………………… 3. How many people have we invited ? ………………………………………………………………… Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :4. Today we are having a ………………………. party . a- wedding b- goodbye c- birthday d- school 5. My cousins are …………………………….. a- playing volleyball b- playing computer games c- putting up lights d- preparing tables and chairs 6. My grandfather is interested in ……………………… a- photography b- carpentry c- reading d- gardening 8
Unit 11 Tigers New Vocabulary - endangered (adj) - creature(n) - hunt (v) - fur (n) - protect (v) - increase (v) - fierce (adj) - Male(n) - female (n) - adult (n) - Apart (adv) - stripe (n) - rare (adj) - swamp (n) - common (adj) - match ( v) - pattern (n)
- bush (n) - creep (v) - territory (n) - scent (n) - droppings (n) - scrape (v) - roar (v) - keep out (v) - Search for (v)
Animals or plants which may soon not exist because there are very few now alive Any large or small living thing which can move . To chase and try to catch and kill an animal or bird for food or sport . The thick hair that covers the bodies of some animals To keep someone or something safe from injury , damage or loss . To make something larger in amount or size . ≠ decrease . Strong , violent and frightening . Men or boys. ≠ female . Women . A person or animal that has grown to full size . Far from A long narrow line of colour that's different from the areas next to it . Not done , seen or happening so often . An area of ground that's wet and in which plants are growing . Happening often or existing in large numbers or in many places . To be the same or similar to another thing . Any regularly repeated arrangement , especially a design made from repeated lines , shapes or colours on a surface . A small tree To move slowly , quietly and carefully , usually not to be noticed . An area that an animal or person tries to control or thinks belongs to them . A smell produced by an animal which acts as a signal to other animals . Solid waste produced by animals and birds . To rub something by accident so that it gets damaged or hurt . To make a very loud , deep sound . Not to enter a place , to stay outside a place . To try to find somebody / something , especially by looking carefully for them / it .
Grammar 1) We use [ have to / has to ] when it is your duty to do something . [ obligation ] Ex: - You have to study hard . - My father has to work hard to get money . 2) Can = the ability to do something Ex. - I can draw . I can’t swim 3) Ought to / should = when it is necessary to do something or you advise someone to do something . [ No obligation ] Ex. - You should eat healthy food . - You ought to behave nicely to your sister . 4) Must = when it is very important to do something and you don’t have any choices , like obeying the rules . [ Obligation ] Ex. - You must pass the exam to be promoted to the prep stage . - You mustn’t park here , it is not allowed . Complete the sentences using : have to – hast to – can – should – ought to – must – mustn’t 1. You …………………. to obey your parents ,otherwise you’ll be grounded . 2. Ben …………… lift this heavy box alone . He is so strong . 3. You ……………….. smoke here ! Can’t you see the “ No smoking” sign ?! 4. Mark ………………. stay at home tonight . He has got a lot of homework . 5. You look so tired , you ……………………. have some rest . 6. You ……………… buy a ticket if you want to watch the film at the cinema . 7. You ……………….. to eat vegetables and fruit if you want to be healthy .
Underline the correct answer : 1. Elephants are endangered animals as they are always [ haunted – hunted – kept ] for their ivory tusks . 2. Mothers always look after their babies and [ respect – protect – pretend ] them from any danger . 3. Tigers are very [ fearing – fierce – faithful ] animals, they are very wild . 10
4. An [ angry – adult – aggressive ] person needs eight hours of sleep but a baby needs eighteen hours . 5. I think I’ll have this [ striped – spotted – flowered ] T-shirt . I like its colourful lines . 6. The daffodils always have a very nice [ scene – scent – smile ] . It’s my favourite flower . 7. My sister lost her gold ring yesterday . She [ searched up – searched for – searched at ] it every where , but she couldn’t find it . 8. The thief [ was crying – was creeping – was carrying ] quietly when my dad surprised him from behind and knocked him down . 9. [ Keep on – Keep out – Keep up ] , it’s a wet floor ! 10. The Egyptians always celebrate the [ Valentine – Victory – Mother ] Day on the sixth of October . 11. You [ should – ought – can ] to go to bed early and get up early . 12. You [ must – mustn’t – should ] smoke here . We are in the Non- Smoking area . 13. We [ ought – should – have ] keep our environment clear and healthy . 14. What is done [ ought not – can’t – has not ] be undone . Complete :1. Many animals are …………. as they have been hunted for their fur , tusks or skins . 2. The tiger is a ………………….. strong cat that likes in forest and jungles . 3. The ………………………. is a female tiger . 4. …………………… should set good examples for those who are younger than them . 5. I like this …………………… shirt . I always like black & white .
Comprehension :Read the following , then answer the questions :Uncle Usama was a great footballer . He used to play football in one of the big sports clubs . He gave up playing five years ago . Now he owns a shop where he sells sportsmen’s clothes . But he always talks to us about one match which he thinks is the dearest to his heart “ The match started at four o’clock , “ He says ,” and five minutes later I scored a goal .” Then he ads with pleasure ,” It was the first and the last goal in the match , and it earned us the cup .” Uncle Usama keeps all the medals he has received in the different matches at home . He feels proud when he looks at them . He always shows these medals to his children . He also talks to them about the championships that he took part in . Answer the following questions :1. Why is Uncle Usama proud of the goal he scored in this match ? ………………………………………………………………… 2. How does Uncle Usama earn his living now ? ………………………………………………………………… 3. What is Uncle Usama’s job ? ………………………………………………………………… Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :4. Where did Uncle Usama use to play football ? a- At school b- In the street c- In a sports cub d- At home 5. Uncle Usama scored goal at …………………….. a- 4 : 00 b- 4 : 05 c- 4: 50 d- 3 : 55 6. What does the undelined word “ them” refer to ? a- The matches b- The children c- The goals d- The medals
Composition Write a story about “ Keeping Promises” Don’t forget to use the past tense Helping words Once upon a time – it happened one day that – life is full of surprises …– This is a story of
……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………
Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue :Zaher
: ………………………………………………….?
: I usually read in my spare time .
: What books do you like reading ?
: ………………………………………………………
: Me too , ……………………………………………?
My favourite is “ The adventures of sindbad the sailor .”
: ……………………………………………………… ?
: The best part is when sindbad fights the sea monster .
Unit 12 The Black Beauty New Vocabulary :Pull ≠ Carriage (n.) Inn (n.) Stable (n.) Cough (v.)
prish A vehicle pulled by horse , used in the past for carrying passengers . Small hotel , especially one in the country – side . A building where horses are kept . To force air out of your lungs through your throat with short loud sound . Un comfortable (adj) The feeling of being worried and uneasy about something . Thick (adj) ≠ thin Difficult to see through . Rushing (adj) Moving quickly . Crackle (v.) To make a lot of short noises that sound like wood burning in a fire . Snap (v.) To break sth with sharp noise . Sense (v.) To know something that is not said or shown openly/ to feel. Stable lad (n.) The person who works in a stable and looks after horses .( stable boy ) Untie(v.) ≠ tie To unfasten a knot or something tied . Drag (v.) To move sth. By pulling it a long a surface usually the ground . Stall (n) A small closed area within farm a building in which there is space for one animal to be kept . Flicker (v.) When a light is sometimes bright and sometimes week . Dreadful (adj) Very bad . Be off ( phrasal v.) To depart or leave . Pat (v.) To touch someone or something gently and usually repeatedly with flat hand . Bridle (n.) A set of leather strips that are put around horse’s head to allow its rider to control it . Slip sth off To quickly take off a piece of clothing ( phrasal verb) Dart (v.) To move quickly or suddenly . Whinny (v.) Whinnied ( past form ) : ( of horse ) to make a soft high sound . Homophones Words that sound the same but have different meanings and different spelling [ right – write – knight – night ]
* New structure 1)“ Relative Clauses .” They are used to add more about sth. Or some one . Who people Ex: - This is Mrs. Maria . She phoned the police yesterday . - This is Mrs. Maria who phoned the police yesterday .
Which things Ex:- Ali bought a new jacket . It was expensive . - Ali bought a new jacket which was expensive .
2) May / might : indicate present or future possibility . He might arrive soon / He may arrive soon May / might + stem(v.) Negative form : May Might
may not might not = mightn’t
Underline the correct answer :1. I [ patted – flickered – darted ] behind the sofa and hid from my brother while playing hide and seek . 2. He’s got a terrible cold . He is [ calling – coughing – cracking ] all the time . 3. We use the mouse to [ tie – drag – snap ] the items on the screen of the computer . 4. [ Thin – Thick – Rush ] black smoke was pouring out of the chimney . 5. My uncle has a big [ inn – shed – stable ] for horses on his farm . 6. What a nice sofa ! It looks so [ comfortable – uncomfortable – dreadful ] . 7. You should hold the [ bride – broom – bridle ] tightly , so that you can control your horse easily . 8. Her younger brother [ cracked – tied – patted ] her when she cried . 9. The news report was so [ nice – good – dreadful ] that I just had to switch the T.V off . 10. Mary cleaned the [ mall – hall – stall ] for her horse yesterday. 11. Sam can’t cross the railway because the red light is [ floating – whinnying – flickering ] 12. That man [ who – which – that ] complained is always making trouble . 13. The television [ who – which – where ] they have designed is going to be expensive . 14. We threw out the computer [ where – who – which ] never worked properly . 15. This is the man [ where – who – which ] I met in Paris . 15
Re-write the following sentences :1. Sam is an architect . He designs buildings . [ who ] …………………………………………………………………………… 2. Do you think I could have one of the these cakes ? [ may ] …………………………………………………………………………… 3. Diana has cleaned the room . [ what ] …………………………………………………………………………… 4. A dictionary is a book . It gives you the meaning of words . [ which ] …………………………………………………………………………… 5. Perhaps he will get a new job . [ might ] …………………………………………………………………………… 6. A building was destroyed in the fire . It has now been rebuilt. [ which ] …………………………………………………………………………… 7. They travelled abroad 2 years ago . [ when .. ?] …………………………………………………………………………… 8. A man answered the phone . He told me you were out . [ who ] …………………………………………………………………………… 9. I’m not sure if Ann will come to the party . [ might ] …………………………………………………………………………… 10. He wrote his letter a moment ago . [ yet ] …………………………………………………………………………… 11. I passed the Math exam . It was so difficult . [ which ] …………………………………………………………………………… 12. Max will probably buy a new car this month . [ may ] …………………………………………………………………………… 13. We might have pizza for dinner tonight . [ what ] …………………………………………………………………………… 14. My uncle is a very rich man . He lives in a very big house . [ who ] …………………………………………………………………………… 15. Dina read the letter . She should not . [ which ] ……………………………………………………………………………
* Complete the following sentences :1. The horse ran away because she …………………………it . 2. I was beginning to think , I’d made a ……………………. Mistake . 3. I bent down to ……………….. the little puppy . 4. We slept in ……………………. While we were traveling to Mexico . 5. This …………………… is not suitable for my horse .
Spelling Quiz 1. use + able = 2. advise + able = 3. care + ful = 4. beauty + ful = 5. big + er = 6. write + ing = 7. study + s = 8. run + ing = 9. simple + ly = 10. lie + ing =
Complete the following dialogue :Mayar
: Hallo , …………………… yesterday ?
: I was drawing picture .
: …………………………………………………?
: I was drawing at home .
: …………………………………………………?
:Yes , I like painting very much .
: Can I see this picture ?
Composition :Write a paragraph on 8 lines on :“Endangered animals” Guiding words Tigers – elephants – polar bears – white whale – hunting – personal interest - protect ……………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………….
Comprehension :Read the following , then answer the questions :Kamel was driving home from the station yesterday evening when he had an accident . He was driving along the road at 80 kilometres per hour . Another car came out of a side road and hit his . There was a lot of damage to both cars . Kamel broke his arm and the other driver had a bad cut on the head . Another car was following Kamel’s . It stopped quickly and a man and his wife got out of it . They ran to the two cars and pulled Kamel and the other driver out . They thought that the two cars might catch fire and burn the two men . Then they called a policeman who telephoned the emergency number . An ambulance came and the two men were taken to hospital . Answer the following questions :1. When did the accident happen ? ………………………………………………………………… 2. What does the underlined word “ his” refer to ? ………………………………………………………………… 3. Where was Kamel driving ? ………………………………………………………………… Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :4. The man and his wife were driving ……………. a- in front of Kamel b- behind Kamel c- along the side road d- to the station 5. Because of the accident ……………….. a- the other driver broke his arm b- Kamel cut his head c- kamel’s arm was broken d- Kamel was all right 6. The man and his wife were helpful as they …………….. a- called the ambulance b- got the two men out c- hit the two cars d- stopped the fire
Sample Test on Units ( 10 , 11 , 12 ) A- Vocabulary & Structure 1- Underline the correct word(s) in brackets : 1. After the landing of the plane , the passengers [ hasten – tied – untied ] their seat belts . 2. We had two stable [ lids – lads – lags ] in our farm . They look after the horses . 3. The dog [ sensed – sentenced – snapped ] that I was afraid . 4. The travellers stopped to sleep in a / an [ shed – inn – stable ] . 5. She [ sensed – crackled – dragged ] the canoe down to the water . 6.
Our computer works perfectly there’s [ no- any – none ] need to buy new one .
That coat is really elegant but it’s [ exactly – extremely – equally ] expensive .
Although we mustn’t park here , they [ wanted – allowed – popped ] us to keep our car only for quarter an hour .
She [ broke off – picked up – belonged to ] her bag and went out angrily .
10. They always [ quarrel – overhear – share ] with the driver because he comes late . 2- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
I think that Andrew will collect the money . [ might ] …………………………………………………………………………… It seems that earth is the only planet it can support life . [ which ] …………………………………………………………………………… The stranger has laughed at Ashraf and Anwar . [ been ] ……………………………………………………………………………….. Dad was driving his car yesterday at 3 o’clock . [ ever ] ……………………………………………………………………………….. We have already watched this movie twice . [ by ] ………………………………………………………………………………..
3- Complete the following sentences : 1. It’s totally dishonest to ………………. others conversation . 2. He sat under the ……………….. of a big palm tree to get some rest . 3. I’ve just finished my dinner , however I can’t help having a small ………….. of mum’s chocolate cakes ! They are really delicious . 4. This dress is elegant , but it’s a little bit tight . I think I’ll ask for a bigger ……………. 5. The room is ……………… . It hasn’t been cleaned for ages .
B- Language Function 4- Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue : Tina Sally Tina Sally Tina Sally Tina Sally Tina Sally Tina
: Why are you late , Sally ? I’ve been waiting . For half an hour . : …………………………………………………………… : Oh , dear ! How did this accident take place ? : He ran quickly in front of the car and I couldn’t stop at the right time . : ……………………………………………………………….? : He was taken to the hospital . : ………………………………………………………………..? : I think everything will be all right . He has just had a broken leg . : ……………………………………………………………….? : Oh , Tina ! What’re you talking about ! Whose parents ? It’s just a little puppy. : How silly !! C- Reading Comprehension
5-Read the following passage and answer the questions below : King Louis the Eleventh was the King of France about 500 years ago . One day a young man said to the King , “ I can tell the future.” This wasn’t true but the king believed him . The young man was pleased and hoped to get an important job . But King Louis thought,” This man knows the future , so he knows more than I know . He is dangerous , and I must kill him .” The King told his servants ,” I am going to invite that man to eat with me . When I lift up my hand , throw him out of the window.” When the man came , the King told him, “You know the future so tell me your future. When are you going to die ?”The young man understood his mistake. He thought quickly before he answered the King , then he said ,” I will die three days before you.” The King did not move his hand and the man was safe but he never told another lie . Answer the following questions 1- What was the young man’s lie ? …………………………………………………………………….. 2- Why did the King invite the young man ? …………………………………………………………………….. 3- Why didn’t the King kill the young man ? …………………………………………………………………..
Choose the correct answer : 4- The King …………………….. the young man . a- was afraid of
b- was pleased with
c- wanted to help
5- The young man lived because the King ………………….. a- moved his hand
b- did not want to die
c- died
6- The young man was ……………………………. a- intelligent
b- lazy
c- brave D- Composition
6- Write a paragraph of Six sentences on “ Television” using these guiding words: Media – entertainment – information - films – cartoons – news – songs – religious programmes - waste of time – bad for eyes ……………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………….………….. ……………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………..…….. ……………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………….………….. E- The Link Readers 7- A- Read the following quotation , then answer the questions : 1. ''I wish to marry a rich young lady whom I love very much'' a- Who said these words ? …………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………. b- To who ? …………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………. c- On what occasion were these words said ? …………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………. 21
B- Complete the following sentences : 2. ………………….. made his wealth in an illegal way which affected his relation with
Christians. 3. Shylock had his own reasons to hate ……………………...
F- Orthography 8- A- Supply the missing lines Ag-in , the str-nger br-aks off some of the br-ad and pops it int- his mouth . He co-tinues doing this unt-l only two very sm-ll piec-s of b-ead are left .
G- Handwriting 8- Copy the following sentence in your best handwriting Courage is the desire to maintain our integrity .
Unit 13 Grace Darling New Vocabulary :Bravery (n)
The action of being courageous and fearless and ready to face danger or pain .
Brave = la dj =
A person who faces danger fearlessly .
Risk (v.)
To be placed in danger
Move off
To leave or depart .
Coast (n)
The land next to the sea ( sea shore )
Keeper (n)
A person who guards , protects or looks after .
Long journey , especially by ship .
In charge of
Being responsible for something or someone .
Leak (v)
To escape from a hole or crack in a pipe or a container to allow liquid or gas to escape .
Serious =
Slightly (adv)
To a small degree .
Drift (v)
To move slowly , especially as a result of outside force , with no control over direction .
Toss (v)
To throw something carelessly
Ferocious (adj)
Frightening and violent .
Relieved (adj)
Happy that something unpleasant has not happened or has ended .
Faint (n)
Not strong / become weaker
Forcefully (adv)
With strength and power .
Cling (v)
To stay close or near
Hang on
Hold or continue holding on to something .
Crash (v)
To hit something , often making loud noise or causing damage .
Dawn (n)
First light of day / day break
Realized (v) Horrified (adj) Plead (v) Rescue(v) Sweep (v) Fierce (adj) Survivor (n) Hero(n)
Became aware of a situation . Very shocked . To make an urgent , emotional statement or request for something . To help someone or something out of dangers . To remove and take in a particular direction especially quickly and powerfully . Physically violent and frightening . A person who continues to live , despite nearly dying . A person who is admired for having done something very brave or having achieved something great . selfish
Selfless ≠
Structure 1) Abstract nouns Names of feelings and qualities . Ex : Friendship – fear – love - childhood 2) Passive form of Modal verbs . Present form Modal + be + past participle S.
e.g : ( active) ( passive )
you can do the Revision on a computer Revisions can be done on the computer .
* Change into passive : 1) Jacklin must deliver the research on time . ………………………………………………………………………………………. 2) Mum might bring a birth day cake tonight . ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 3) Mona could do the washing up . ………………………………………………………………………………………… 4) Can Zack watch the plants daily ? ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 5) The government must built new houses for these homeless people . ………………………………………………………………………………………… Underlined the correct answer :1. He was a young sailor on his first sea [ dawn – voyage – shore ] . 2. She gave me a [ coast – survivor – faint ] smile of recognition . 3. You can walk miles a long the [ shore – survivor – dawn ] . 4. He glanced at the letter and then [ crashed – tossed – realized ] it into the bin . 5. No one noticed that the boat had began to [ leak – warn – drift ] out to sea . 6. Who will be [ in charge – mange – sweep ] of the department when Sophie leaves ? 7. Oil [ relieved – leaked – fainted ] out of the car , and it stopped suddenly . 8. Quick ! Get the ladder up to him , he says he can’t [ hang - cling – crash ] on much longer . 9. Mum is always up before the [ down – voyage – dawn ] . 10. As she came closer I [ realized – rescued – hanged ] that I knew her . 24
11. He looked [ tossed – horrified – happy ] when I told him about the accident . 12. We had a hut by these we could hear the waves [ realizing – hanging – crashing ] on the shore . 13. He was [ relieved – leaked – tossed ] to see Jeanie reach the other side of the river safely 14. It was a [ rough – smooth – slightly ] mountain road , full of stones and huge holes . 15. A large wave [ sweat – swept – stir ] a way half of the sandcastles .
Rewrite :1.There’s possibility that the show will be cancelled .
[might ]
…………………………………………………………………………… 2.Water covers most of the Earth’s surface .
[ by ]
…………………………………………………………………………… 3. Maybe she’ll move to London .
[ might ]
…………………………………………………………………………… 4. We must not throw wastes from factories into the sea .
[ be]
…………………………………………………………………………… 5. We should protect animals in danger .
[ protected ]
…………………………………………………………………………… 6. People drink coca-cola , all over the world .
[ by ]
…………………………………………………………………………… 7. A famous architect designed the building .
[ was ]
…………………………………………………………………………… 8. If she doesn’t follow a stricter diet , she won’t lose any weight .
[ unless ]
…………………………………………………………………………… 9. We should recycle bottles and paper .
[ be ]
…………………………………………………………………………… 10. John is always criticising my friends .
[ being ]
* Complete :1. She …………….. the pile of papers and books into her bag. 2. The government has refused to …………………… the company from bankruptcy . 3. The earthquake ………………….. are in desperate need of help . 4. James Bond was a ………………… of mine when I was young . 5. The prisoners …………………… for mercy . Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue :Yasser
: ………………………… , Tamer ?
: I’m waiting for a taxi .
: Where are you going ?
: …………………………………………
: Why are you going to El Haram ?
: ………………………………………………
: Is this interview for a new job ?
: …………………………. new company .
: Good luck . goodbye .
Writing Write a paragraph of Six sentences on " Friendship" . You can use these guiding words :Friends – important – help each other – in need - share – ideas – the same interests – differences of age – secrets – have fun .……………………………………………………………………………..….. .……………………………………………………………………………..….. .……………………………………………………………………………..….. .……………………………………………………………………………..….. .……………………………………………………………………………..….. .……………………………………………………………………………..….. 26
Reading Comprehension Read the following comprehension then answer the questions : Joe was the son of a farmer . His father's farm was poor , and Joe worked on it for a long time , but then his father died , and Joe said , " I needn't stay here now . I'll sell this farm and buy one in a better place . Then I'll soon be rich ." He bought a farm in the east of the country, but then his new neighbour said to him , " The weather's often very bad here . The wind's very strong , and it breaks windows and doors . You must build a room under the ground , and then you and your family can go down there , and you'll be safe from the wind ." So Joe built a room under the ground . It was a lot of work because the ground was hard . But after that , the weather was good for a very long time . There was no wind and Joe spoke angrily . He said , " Why did I listen to my neighbours ? I didn't have to make a room under the ground . The wind never blows strongly here ." But then one day there was a very strong wind , and Joe and his family had to go down into their room under the ground . They were there for a long time then the wind stopped , and they came up . All the windows and doors in their house were broken . Joe was not angry about his work now . He smiled happily and said , " Ah ! I'm glad I built the room ! " A- Answer the following questions : 1. What did Joe's father do ? ……………………………………………………………….. 2. What did Joe's neighbours tell him to do ? Why ? ……………………………………………………………….. 3. Why did Joe think he didn't have to make that room ? ……………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………….. B- Choose the best answer : 4. Joe left his father's farm because ……………………. a- the wind was very strong there . b- he wanted a farm in a better place . c- there was no wind 5. The people came up when ………………………….. a- all the windows and doors were broken. b- the wind stopped . c- Joe was angry . 6. The wind broke all the windows and doors of Joe's ……………. a- house b- room under the ground c- Joe's father's house .
Unit 14 * New Words : - dump
A place where people are allowed to leave their rubbish or things that they do not need .
- pit
Area – large hole in the ground .
- rickety
In bad condition weak , likely to break .
- dig a way
To make a hole using machines .
- peer
Look closely as if you can’t see well .
- flint
Shiny grey or black stone that is like glass .
- poke out
To cause sth to appear or stretch out from behind or through sth else.
- crumbly (adj)
Breaking easily into small pieces
- looped over
To move in a curving way .
- ivy
An ever green , never losing its leaves , plant .
- creepers
Kind of plants .
- wreckage
A badly damaged object or the separated parts of it .
- nettle
Wild plant with heart shaped leaves which are covered in hairs which stings .
- moss
A very small green or yellow plant that grows especially in wet earth or on rocks .
- rattle
A short , sharp and quick sound .
- clutching
To take a hold of sth tightly usually in fear , worry or pain .
- clump
A group of trees or flowers .
- gives away
To betray / to give sth for free , unpaid .
- somersault
Leap or fall in which one turns heals over head before landing on one’s feet .
- ledge
Narrow horizontal shelf coming from a wall , cliff or other upright surface
- rotten
Gone bad , decayed .
- rusty
Covered with a reddish brown coat formed on iron by action of water and air .
- wage
Payment received for work per week .
- sage
Wise man .
- rage
Furious anger .
- shelter
Sth that covers or affords protection .
Write the past tense of these verbs :crawl – get – go – tell – make – dig – throw – feel – make – grow – think
Grammar Reported Speech Statement Direct Speech To say what someone has said using exactly the words they used . .ex : Judy said to me , " My parents are very well."
Indirect Speech ( Reported Speech ) To report ( re -say ) what was said without using exactly the same words ex : Judy told me that her parents were very well .
* To change from direct speech into reported ( indirect ) speech follow these steps : 1. Cross out the speech marks "……" . 2. Change [ said to ] into [ told ] . 3. Use [ that ] to join the two parts of the sentence . 4. Change the pronouns according to the meaning : Direct Indirect I he , she Me him , her My his , her Mine his , hers You they , them We They Us Them Our Their Ours Theirs Your Their 5. Change the present tense into the past . 6. Change the adverbs of time and place as follows: Direct Indirect This That These Those Here There Now Then Today that day Tonight that night must Had to NB : - We don’t change the lenses if it is “ say says” Ex: - David says to me “ I will send the fax”. - David says tells me that he will send the fax . 29
Examples : 1) Jim said , " I'm tired ." Jim said that he was tired . 2) John said to Tom , " I don't know Peter ." John told Tom that he didn't know Peter . 3) Sally said to her sister " I can't ride a bike ." Sally told her sister that she couldn't ride a bike . 2- Orders Said to ordered asked , advise Joining word to / not to Ex. “ Read in your book .” Moher , said. Mum told us to read in our book . “ Don’t make noise “ Teacher asked us not to make noise . Change these sentences into reported speech :1. Grandmother said to Barney “ stay a way from the pit .” ………………………………….…………………………………………… 2. Ben’s sisters paid to Ben “ Don’t go near that mad dog.” ………………………………….…………………………………………… 3. Mother said to Lilly “ I am going to the dentist today .” ………………………………….…………………………………………… 4. The police officer said to Mr. Baker “ Don’t park your care here.” ………………………………….…………………………………………… 5. Omar said to Ali “We had a surprise party for our friend yesterday.” ………………………………….…………………………………………… 6. Nancy said to me “ I visited Dalia today.” ………………………………….…………………………………………… 7. Ramez said to Ali “ I scored two goals.” ………………………………….…………………………………………… 8. Sandra says to me “ I have a new computer.” ………………………………….…………………………………………… 9. Ahmed said to Emy “ I can swim fast” ………………………………….…………………………………………… 10. Hadir said to Mrs Ola “ I have written the report.” ………………………………….…………………………………………… 11. Samy said to his little sister ,” Wait a moment.” ………………………………….…………………………………………… 12. The teacher said to us “Don’t be noisy.” ………………………………….…………………………………………… 13. Monika said to Berry. “ I have bought a new mobile phone.” ………………………………….…………………………………………… 30
14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
Mother said “ Tidy your room before going out , Soha.” ………………………………….…………………………………………… Sam said to Ben “ Open the door .” ………………………………….…………………………………………… Nina told her sister “ Don’t cross that road.” ………………………………….…………………………………………… The teacher said to her students “ Do your homework.” ………………………………….…………………………………………… “ Help me wash the car.” Dad said to me. ………………………………….…………………………………………… “ Please , don’t smoke .” said the driver to the passenger . ………………………………….…………………………………………… “ My grandpa was in the hospital last week.” Dina said . ………………………………….……………………………………………
Underline the correct word in brackets :1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
The Grand mall [ gave away – gave up – gave in ] a lot of offers on accession of opening his new branch. If you leave iron on the wet weather , it will become [ dusty – rusty – rickety ] . The workers of this factory were complaining about their low [ ledge – wages – pages ] African children are suffering a lot , they have no food , or [ shed – shelter – sheets ] to stay in . The policemen moved all the cars [ package – wreckage – damage ] after the accident . People throw all the things that they don’t need and their rubbish in that [ pump – dump – clump ] . The wheels of the train were [ battling – rattling – clutching ] when it slowed down before reaching the station . Watch out ! this box is full of [ crumbling – clucking – matching ] and fragile dishes . If you leave food out of the fridge in such hot weather it will be [ forgotten – rotten – written ] . Jim said that he [ can’t come – couldn’t come – comes ] to the party then . Nora said that her father [ is – was – will be ] in hospital . Jack said that he [ didn’t – does not – won’t ] know what Fred was doing . The doctor told Sam [ staying – to stay – stayed ] in bed for 3 days . Ann asked me [ to not tell – not to tell – tell ] any one what had happened . Mr. Edwards [ dies – died – had died ] ten years ago .
Rewrite :1. He said to me , “ I shall go to the zoo.”
[ told ]
...................................................................................................................... 2.
My father said to me “ Don’t play in the street.”
[ told ]
...................................................................................................................... 3.
The teacher told me to answer the question .
[ said to ]
...................................................................................................................... 4.
The teacher told as not to shout inside the class .
[ said ]
...................................................................................................................... 5.
Dina said to me “ I will travel to the Red Sea next week.”
[ told ]
...................................................................................................................... 6.
“ We’re going to fly for two hours” the pilot said to us .
[ told ]
...................................................................................................................... 7.
“ Don’t be so lazy , Amr .” Mother said .
[ Mother told Amr ]
...................................................................................................................... 8.
Ben thought, “ I will be late for school”
[ that ]
...................................................................................................................... 9.
“ Run faster , boys “ the sports teacher said .
[ to ]
...................................................................................................................... 10. I wasn’t at school yesterday.
[ Were .............?]
...................................................................................................................... 11. My family often goes abroad .
[ 2 years ago ]
...................................................................................................................... 12. Mum prepared everything . Then the guests arrived .
[ by the time ]
...................................................................................................................... 13. Miss Thomson teaches us science .
[ Begin with : Science ]
...................................................................................................................... 14. I have got a new bike .
[ not ]
..................................................................................................................... 15. Those boys swim well .
[ How ]
...................................................................................................................... 32
* Complete the following sentences :1.
Homeless children who live in streets have no sh ................ to keep them safe and warm
People throw anything they didn’t want in the d .......................
This is a very old house ! Look at its r ....................... fence .
The old man was so d .......................... when he his wife passed away .
Barney’s room is very untidy . All things are m ................ . He needs to sort them out .
Dialogue : Mr. Cooper
: Let’s go shopping .
Mrs. Cooper
: Good idea ........................................... ?
Mr. Cooper
: A new coat . How about you ?
Mrs. Cooper
: ..............................................................................
Mr. Cooper
: Perhaps we’ll have time for a pizza .
Mrs. Cooper
: Nice . ...................................................................?
Mr. Cooper
: Well ! Let’s see the film next week-end .
Mrs. Cooper
: ..............................................................................?
Mr. Cooper
: Don’t worry . I have enough money and I can afford it .
Mrs. Cooper
: Ok. Let’s go .
Composition : Write a paragraph of eight lines on the following “ A nice shopping day .” Family – Grand mall – new jeans – some CDs – big brother – spend – pocket money – icecream – stay in cafe – Mum – pair of shoes – on sale – discount – surprised .……………………..……………………….…………………………………………… .……………………..……………………….…………………………………………… .……………………..……………………….…………………………………………… .……………………..……………………….…………………………………………… .……………………..……………………….…………………………………………… .……………………..……………………….…………………………………………… .……………………..……………………….…………………………………………… .……………………..……………………….…………………………………………… .……………………..……………………….…………………………………………… 33
Reading Comprehension Read the following passage and answer the questions below : Robots are machines invented to do a lot of jobs . They are invented to replace man and do the hard work . In films set in the future , robots often look like metal people and they can walk , talk and even think . Real robots are very different . They are machines with arms that can move in many directions . Robots are programmed machines . This means they can be instructed to carry out different tasks . The instructions , or programs , are stored in the robots' computer brain . Most robots work in industry ( factories ) and do jobs such as painting, spraying , welding and lifting heavy things . They can also load trucks . Some robots work in places that are dangerous for humans , such as outer space . Answer the following questions : 1- Why are robots invented ? …………………………………………………………………….. 2- What do we mean by programmed robots ? …………………………………………………………………….. 3- What can robots do in films ? …………………………………………………………………….. Choose the suitable answer : 1- Robots can move in .......... directions . a- one
b- two
c- many
2- The instructions are stored in the robots' computer .......... a- tasks
b- brain
c- mind
3- Robots can carry .................... different tasks . a- out
b- off
c- on
Unit 15 Flow chart Diagram (n) Throw away Rubbish Wondered To deal with (v) Regularly (adv) Crush Land fill Site (n) Layer(n) Advantages Disadvantages Rot Out weigh Slime Craze (n)
Sheet of paper with information in the form of diagrams or curves . A drawing to explain or , ill lustrate something Get rid of Litter – wastes Asked To handle Doing the same thing at the same time everyday Press hard A place where we collect rubbish A place where something is to be done or built Thickness of material spread over a surface . Good feature or quality something has . Bad feature or quality something has . Go bad Likely to be more important Sticky liquid substance which is unpleasant to touch . Enthusiastic interest of sth for a short time .
* Remember :1. Antonym is the opposite of a word Full ≠ empty / outside ≠ inside / comes ≠ goes Back ≠ front / less ≠ more / cheap ≠ expensive / easy ≠ difficult / noisy ≠ quiet / dirty ≠ clean 2. We add (y) to the noun to form an adjective . We cross the (e) at the end of this noun . Ex. noise smoke dirt rose
noisy smoky dirty rosy
3. We can answer questions about “ Why” using because or so that . Ex: 1)I need to go to the dentist because my tooth needs filling . I need to go to the dentist so that he can fill my teeth 2) Mona went to the railways station so that she could take the train to Alex .
Grammar Question Tag - Question tags :- are short questions which are placed at the end of statement
1) V. to be + subject pronouns . Ex: He is late , isn’t he ? She is not a doctor is she ? He was absent , wasn’t he ?
2) V. to do + subject pronoun Ex: He gets up early , doesn’t he ? - Mona doesn’t have a car , does she ? - Mary bought a new car , didn’t she
3) Exceptions 1. I'm happy with my family , aren't I ? 2. Let's go for a walk , shall we ? 3. Let us (me ) go swimming , will you ? 4. Turn off the lights , will you ? 5. Don't come late , will you ? 6. This / that is right , isn't it ? 7. These / Those are perfect , aren't they ? 8. There is no one in the house , is there ?
* Complete using so that or because 1. I was late ………………………. there was much traffic . 2. I am tired . I am going to bed ……………………. I can have some rest . 3. We decided to go to the beach ………………….. we could swim . 4. They enjoyed their holiday ………………… it was so relaxing . 5. I’d like to be a teacher ……………………….. I can teach students all what I want .
* Finish the sentence as in the example :1. You are tired , aren’t you……………………………………………? 2. Kate applied for the job , ……………………………….…….……? 3. He Jack is a clever boy,……………………………………….……? 4. John was absent , …………………………………………..……….? 5.They went out , ……………………………………………………..? 6. Dad travels to Alex once a week , ………………………….……….? 7. That man doesn’t work hard , ………………………….…….……….? 8. They don’t play football , ………………………..………….……….? 9. Mum didn’t go to the supermarket , ………………………….……….? 10. It isn’t very hot , …………………………………………….……….? 11. You were at school yesterday , ………………….………….……….? 12. Soha doesn’t live in Cairo, ………………………..………….……….? 13. Manal is a good girl , ……………………………………….……….? 14. This book is interesting , …………………………………….……….? 15. Maha didn’t like computer , …………………………………..……….? Underline the correct word between brackets :1. The earthquakes usually happen when the [ layers – lays – liers ] of the earth crack and become weak . 2. Farmers used to [ brush – crush – wash ] the wheat to get flour . 3. One of the boys [ threw – drew – blew ] the ball strongly and hit the old woman’s window . 4. We should [ throw away – throw back – throw down ] all the unnecessary things in the litter bins , so that we can keep our houses clean and tidy . 5. The [ land lords – land fills – land ladies ] are harmful places that can pollute the environment as they are always dirty and smelly . 6. The advantages of travelling abroad [ over weigh – out weigh – weight ] its danger and suffering . 7. I need to recharge my mobile . It’s battery is almost [ full – low – fill ] . 8. People should exercise [ rapidly – regularly – repeatedly ] as sports are very important . 9. The Math teacher used a very simple [ draw – diagram – design ] to explain today’s lesson . 10.It took me two hours to go back home yesterday. There was lots of [ terrific – traffic – troubles ] on the road . 37
11. This dress is not very [ cheap – expensive – dirty ] I can afford buying it . 12. Jack is on holiday , isn’t he ? [ yes he is – No , he won’t – yes , he was ] . 13. Many will not attend the party [ so – because – so that ] she is in Spain this week . 14. I walked over this old bridge [ so that – because – in order to ] I could reach the old palace . 15.The climbers reached the top of the mountain , [ did they – didn’t they – aren’t they ] ? * Rewrite the following sentences using words in brackets : 1. Sherry bought a new dress because she was going to a party .
[ so that ]
……………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. They have been abroad , ……………………………………………?
[ haven’t ]
3. A famous artist painted this picture .
[ by ]
……………………………………………………………………………………….. 4. Those boys swim well .
[ not ]
……………………………………………………………………………………….. 5. The cyclists are wearing helmets . [ what ] ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 6. You’re with your friends in a restaurant , you are looking at the prices , which are very high . What would you say ?
[ expensive ]
……………………………………………………………………………………….. 7. “ Sam can’t come to the party .” said Kim
[ that ]
Kim said ……………………………………………………………………………… 8. “ Please : Don’t waste your time .” Mother said to Ammar.
[ Mother asked ]
……………………………………………………………………………………….. 9. Jimmy ………………….. play football with a broken leg .
[ must – can’t- will ]
……………………………………………………………………………………….. 10. All the windows have been broken by the storm .
[ The storm ]
……………………………………………………………………………………….. 11. She read a story . It was very interesting .
[ which ]
……………………………………………………………………………………….. 38
12. I fell asleep during the film .
[ while ]
……………………………………………………………………………………….. 13. Mona has been studying hard . She wants to pass the exam.
[ so that ]
……………………………………………………………………………………….. 14. The government will build a lot of modern schools .
[ built ]
……………………………………………………………………………………….. 15. This bag is very heavy . I can’t carry it .
[ too- to ]
……………………………………………………………………………………….. 16. Aida is intelligent . Azza is less intelligent .
[ more ]
……………………………………………………………………………………….. 17. She got up early because she wanted to catch the train .
[ why ]
……………………………………………………………………………………….. 18. “ Don’t leave the door open , Hala” .
[ Father asked ]
……………………………………………………………………………………….. 19. I haven’t seen my cousin since last year .
[ for ]
……………………………………………………………………………………….. 20. “ I’m tired and I want to sleep.” Huda said to her mum .
[ told ]
……………………………………………………………………………………….. * Complete the following sentences :1. The fire made the building very ……………………………………………. 2. The streets down town are very ……………………………………………. 3. The travellers in the desert were looking for a ………………… place to have some rest . 4. Our teacher checks the home works …………………….. to make sure that we understand everything . 5. The rubbish bin is full . It needs to be ………………….. into the dustbin outside the house .
* Supply the missing lines in the following dialogue :Max
: Have you seen Liz recently ?
: No , but …………………….. for lunch next week .
: Great I’m free then ……………………………….?
: Concert ? Great idea ……………………………..?
: At 8 p.m sharp .
: ………………………………………………………..?
: At the Grand theatre in Opera House .
: ………………………………………………………….?
: Of course we should wear formal clothes .
: Ok. See you there bye .
Composition : Write a paragraph not less then 10 lines on the advantages and disadvantages of living in big cities . Helping words :modern life – lots of places of interest – cinemas – schools – hospitals – hotels - theatres – clubs – busy – traffic jam – noisy – polluted – crowded – expensive . .……………………..……………………….…………………………………………… .……………………..……………………….…………………………………………… .……………………..……………………….…………………………………………… .……………………..……………………….…………………………………………… .……………………..……………………….…………………………………………… .……………………..……………………….…………………………………………… .……………………..……………………….…………………………………………… .……………………..……………………….…………………………………………… .……………………..……………………….…………………………………………… .……………………..……………………….…………………………………………… .……………………..……………………….…………………………………………… .……………………..……………………….……………………………………………
Comprehension Read the following passage then answer the questions below : A few people have some bad habits . A bad habit is something that is not good for us and for other people . One bad habit is making a mess and leaving it for someone else to tidy it up . People may get angry if other people never wash the dishes after using them or if they spend a lot of time in the bathrooms while others are waiting to use it . Some bad habits are not very harmful but there are some that are bad for your health . Smoking is an example of a bad habit that is harmful both to the person who smokes and the people sitting around . It damages everybody’s lungs . Parents should teach their children to avoid such bad habits . A- Answer the following questions : 1- When does making a mess annoy others ? …………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………. 2- Why is smoking dangerous to health ? …………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………. 3- What should parents do to help their children ? …………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………. Choose the correct answer : 4- Washing the dishes after eating is a [ bad – good – harmful ] habit . 5- Smoking is dangerous to [ the smoker – other people – both the smoker and other people ] 6- Parents should teach their children to [ love – leave – learn ] bad habits .
Sample Test on Units ( 13, 14 , 15 ) A- Vocabulary & Structure 1- Underline the correct word(s) in brackets : 1.The lifeboat [ rescued – pleaded – relaxed ] the sailors from the sinking ship . 2.The only [ services – survivor – shelter ] of the accident was found in the water after six hours . 3. Wael Ghoniem became a national [ warrior – hero – survivor ] for his role in the Egyptian revolution . 4. He was on his knees , [ bleeding – pleading – peered ] for forgiveness . 5. Many protesters were shot during the [ fierce – joyful – sterling ] fighting last year . 6. Their teacher thought that they had cheated as their answers were [ extremely –exactly – rather ] the same . 7. In autumn , leaves of the trees fall [ of – off – out ] . 8. The ship [ argued – hurried – continued ] its voyage in spite of the bad weather conditions 9.The children ate all the jam in the fridge only little jam [ left – had left – is left ] . 10.He thought it was / an [ insult – amazement – share ] to be waiting for her for more than an hour . 2- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets : 1. Hadeer was watching a film . Dalia was preparing dinner . [ as ] …………………………………………………………………………… 2. A bus goes to the airport . It runs every half an hour . [ which ] …………………………………………………………………………… 3. I had seen a hospital . Uncle Bob had an operation there . [ where] ……………………………………………………………………………….. 4. Sam and I met each other ten years ago and we are still friends . [ for] ……………………………………………………………………………….. 5. Dan has ridden a black horse . [ been] ……………………………………………………………………………….. 3- Complete the following sentences : 1. Despite …………………… competition she made a gallant effort to win the first medal . 2.The climber …………………. on the ledge , prying for rescue . 3.The Military council is …………………….. the political affairs now in Egypt . 4. She …………………….. to my hand as we entered to the doctor’s surgery . 5. They partied till ………………………………..
C- Language Function 4- Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue : Mr. Tom Sam Mr. Tom Sam Mr. Tom Sam Mr. Tom Sam
:Tell me Sam . ………………………………………………? : I’d like to be a teacher . : Really ! ……………………………………………………..? : I think it’s an honorable message to teach children and build up their minds . : ……………………………………….. , ……………………..? : I know that it isn’t easy . : I hope ………………………………………………………. : Thank you , Mr. Tom .
D- Reading Comprehension 5- Read the following passage then answer the questions below : Once there was a town called Hamelin . It had a lot of rats . One day a stranger arrived in the town . He promised to kill the rats for a bag of gold . The people agreed . The stranger took a musical pipe from his pocket and began to play a song which was very beautiful . All the rats came from all over the town . They followed him out of town . But when the stranger returned , the people didn’t keep their promise , they did not give him the bag of gold . So , the stranger decided to punish them . He played another song . At this time , all the children followed him out of town . The people have never seen them again . A- Answer the following questions : 1- How did the stranger punish the people of Hamelin ? …………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………….. 2- Why did the stranger punish the people of Hamelin ? …………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………….. B- Choose the correct answer : 3- The stranger used …………………. to get rid of the rats . a- a gun
b- a musical pipe
c- a water pipe
4- The stranger promised to ……………………….. a- kill the rats for a bag of gold . b- let the children follow him out of town . c- to deceive the people of Hamelin . 43
D- Writing 6- Write a paragraph of Six sentences on " A visit to the funfair ." Guiding words :last week – with my family – my father's car – many- delicious – sandwiches – skip – roller coaster – scary ……………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………….………….. ……………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………..…….. ……………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………….. E- The Link Readers 7- A- Read the following quotation , then answer the questions : 1.''Once laws are made, they can't be broken.'' .
a- Who said it ? …………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………. b-To who ? …………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………. c-On what occasion ? …………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………. B- Complete the following sentences : 1. ''Oh wise young judge. How much I admire you.'' , said …………… 2. ''I'm rich enough not to want a rich husband.'' , said ………………. F- Orthography 8- A- Supply the missing lines Tig-rs l-ve on their o-n for most of the t-me . A tiger do-s not m-ke a h-me but ech on- lives in its own spec-al area . This is called its territ-ry and it has to be large en-ugh to give the tiger f-od , water and sh-lter . G- Handwriting 9- Copy the following sentence in your best handwriting Speech is silver , Silence is Gold .
Unit 16 New Vocabulary :Got away Ordinary Gerbil
= manage to leave or escape . Usual – common – not special . A small animal similar to a mouse with long back legs that is often kept as a pet . Rare Not happening or seen very often . Fossil Part of an animal or plant that lived thousands of years ago . Eaves dropping Listening to other people’s conversation . Punch To hit with your fingers the buttons on a telephone , or the keys of a keyboard . Twig A small branch on a tree . Assembly Meeting of the whole school before lessons begin . Whirred round Moved around Hairy Used about a part which is covered with lots hair . Lame Not able to walk easily . Conkers (wooden pieces ) A children’s game in which you have a conker with a string through it and try to break another child’s conker by hitting it with yours . Glossy Smooth and shiny Label A piece of paper, cloth or plastic on or beside an object and describing its nature . Contribution Something you do or give to share in .. Stalks The tall , main part of a plant . Pounced Quickly jumped on something . Squeak To make a high , thin sound like a mouse . Greepy - crawlies Insects Rapidly Very quickly Shriek To give a sudden shout in a loud high voice . Constellation A group of stars . Batch A group of cakes Bouquet A bunch of flowers . Menagerie A collection of wild animals Swarm A group of insects flying together . Pride A group of lions . Dictionary A book which gives an alphabetical list of words and their meanings . Salary Money you earn from your job per month . Diary A book in which you write what has happened each day . Burglary A robbery [ the act of stealing something ] Solitary Alone 45
Literary Secondary Temporary
Relate to literature a stage of education that comes after the prep. Less important than something else . Existing for a short period of time .
Remember : 1- A collective noun is the name of a group of things . I e- class – school – herd – swarm .... 2- We can join two sentences with time conjunctions like after , before , where ........... Ex: • I always have breakfast before I go to school . • I usually take my lunch when I got home after school . 3- We change the present tenses into past tenses and past prefect tenses when we change the sentences into repented speech . Ex : “ I wrote a letter yesterday” Jane said . - Jane said that she had written a letter yesterday . I- Underline from between the brackets :1. It’s an [ ordinary – normal – special ] level exam that follows the governmental specifications , and it is usually dare in no time . 2. [ Rare – Rarely – Really ] stones , monuments and pictures are kept in museums . 3. [ Eavesdropping – following – hearing ] on others ? conversations is a very bad habit . We should never do that ! 4. My dad promised to buy me the “ I ce- watch” when he gets his monthly [ wage – salary – money ] . 5. My sister has wonderful [ shine – tall – glossy ] pair of shoes . They always look like new ones . 6. You’ll find all the instructions about how to use [ labeled – covered – lost ] on all the Products
7. My father paid 5000 L. E as a [ contribution – camping – carriage ] in building the hospital 57357 . 8. The latest development in our country is increasing [ rapidly – rapid – quick ] . 9. We always [ kick – begin – start ] off with Quran before any celebration in our school . 10. Tigers always [ pounce – run – bounce ] on the prey to catch it . 11. The [ pride – swarm – batch ] is a group of lions . 12. I felt terrified when I heard the [ sight – squeak – shape ] of the mouse . 13. The bride always carries a white [ bouquet – roses – batch ] on her wedding day . 14. A [ constellation – menagerie – swarm ] is a group of wild animals . 15. Rana told Yomna that she [ buys had – bought – will buy ] a new dress .
Rewrite the following sentences using the words between the brackets :1. Fred said to Amr “ I can see Mr. Ali and his wife”
[ Fred told ]
…………………………………………………………………………………. 2. The boy said “ I rode my bike yesterday ”
[ that ]
…………………………………………………………………………………. 3. Dina said “ I like my parents very much “
[ that ]
…………………………………………………………………………………. 4. Sally said “ I will go to the cinema tomorrow”
[ Sally said that ]
…………………………………………………………………………………. 5. The boys said “ We have finished our homework”
[ that ]
…………………………………………………………………………………. 6. Omar says “ I’ve read this story”
[ that ]
…………………………………………………………………………………. 7. Nour has bought a new car .
[ what ]
8. Ahmed said to Ali “ Don’t open the window”
[ Ahmed told ]
…………………………………………………………………………………. 9. Father said to Yasin “ Take the car to the mechanic”
[ Father told ]
…………………………………………………………………………………. 10. “ I’m travelling to London tomorrow , Ali “
[ He told ]
…………………………………………………………………………………. 11. Maher said to me,"I’ve just bought a new motor bike ."
[ that ]
…………………………………………………………………………………. 12. Dina said to mum ,” I passed long exams and got high marks.
[ told ]
…………………………………………………………………………………. 13. Ali said to Maged , “ I fell down and broke my leg.”
[ told ]
…………………………………………………………………………………. 14. It is probable that Dad will leave for London next week .
[ may ]
…………………………………………………………………………………. 15. It is necessary for the students to study hard to pass the exam .
[ have to ]
…………………………………………………………………………………. 16. Sarah said , “ I found my last watch , Dina”
[ told ]
…………………………………………………………………………………. 17. He set the alarm clock . He wanted to get up early .
[ so that ]
…………………………………………………………………………………. * Complete the following sentences :1. ………………….. your sleeves , they are too long . 2. You can look up in a ………………… to check now a word is spelt . 3. The ……………………. of the match is at 3 o’clock today . 4. Don’t forget to write the date of the meeting in your …………………… 5. A …………………. Is a group of insects flying together .
* Fill in the spaces to complete the following dialogue :Sally
: I telephoned you yesterday but nobody answered .
: …………………………………………….. ?
: It was eight o’clock when I phoned .
: That’s right I wasn’t at home .
: ……………………………………………..?
: I went to ………………………….
: What film did you witch ?
: Did you enjoy it ?
: ……………………………………………….
* Punctuate the following sentences :1. have you traveled to India …………………………………………………………………………………. 2. You can visit the Eiffel tower in france …………………………………………………………………………………. Composition :Write a paragraph not less than 10 lines on “strange hobbies “ You find your own helping words .……………………..……………………….…………………………………………… .……………………..……………………….…………………………………………… .……………………..……………………….…………………………………………… .……………………..……………………….…………………………………………… .……………………..……………………….…………………………………………… .……………………..……………………….…………………………………………… .……………………..……………………….…………………………………………… .……………………..……………………….…………………………………………… .……………………..……………………….……………………………………………
Reading Comprehension Read the following passage then answer the questions below : It was a hot summer’s day , so my friends and I decided to go to the beach . As soon as we arrived , Monica and I went for a swim , but Susan wanted to sunbathe for a while first . Suddenly , Susan called us,” Come quickly ! I’ve found something.” We were curious , so we swam back to shore . Susan was holding a green glass bottle . “ I was making a sandcastle when I found this bottle,” she said . We looked at the bottle . To our surprise , there was a piece of paper inside it . It took us sometime to open the bottle , but in the end we got the message out . It read : “Whoever finds this piece of paper is the proud owner of Croft Castle . Lawrence Mcleod , 1st April , 1924 .” We couldn’t believe our eyes A castle of our own . “ Hey girls,” said Monica . “ I hope this isn’t a joke.” Later that afternoon , we all went to the library to find out about Croft Castle . Unfortunately , there was no Croft Castle in the area or a Lawrence Mcleod . We were disappointed ! Then Susan said ,” Look at the date ! It says 1st April.” So, there was no mystery to solve . It was just an April Fool’s joke . A- Answer the following questions : 1- Why did the writer and her friends decide to go to the beach? …………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………. 2- What did Susan find on the shore? …………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………. 3- What was the message in the bottle ? …………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………. Choose the correct answer : 4- It was ……………. to open the bottle . a- easy b- difficult c- impossible 5- The girls went to the library and found out that there was ……….. in the area . a- one Croft Castle . b- two Croft Castle . c- no Croft Castle . st 6- The date of the message “ 1 April,” means that it was just ……………… a- a mystery . b- Susan’s birthday . c- an April Fool’s joke
Unit 17 Interview with John little Interview (n.)
A meeting in which someone asks someone else questions about himself , his work or ideas .
Interviewer (n)
Someone who asks questions in the interview .
Interviewee (n.)
Someone who answers questions in the interview .( guest of the interview )
Extract (n)
A short piece of writing that’s taken from something such as a book or a letter .
Author (n.)
A person who writes books .
Like-best (v.)
To think that someone or something is more pleasant than anyone or anything else
Name after (v.)
To give someone or something the same name as another person or thing .
Jealous of (adj)
To feel unhappy and angry because someone has something you want .
Go off (v.)
To leave a place and go somewhere else .
Craft (n)
Things such as furniture or jewllery that’s made by hand .
Head boy
The boy who is chosen each year to represent his school .
Special (adj)
Not usual , different from what’s normal .
Show around (v.)
To be a guide for somebody when they visit a place for the first time .
Abroad (adv.)
To a foreign country .
Memory (n.)
Your ability to remember things .
Prize (n.)
An award that’s given to a person who wins a competition , race or who does very good work .
Ancient (adj)
Very old .
Fascinate (v.)
To attract or interest someone very much
Bushy (adj)
Thick hair
Moustache (n.)
A line of hair that grows on a man’s upper lip .
Come alive (v.)
To make a subject or an event interesting and exciting . 51
Patient (adj)
To be able to wait for a long time or accept annoying behaiour or difficulties without becoming angry .
University (n.)
An educational institution at the highest level of education where you can study for a degree or do research .
Head teacher
A teacher who is responsible for a school .
International (adj)
Connected with two or more countries .
Full time
For all the hours during which people normally work or study .
Sponge (n.)
A piece of artificial or natural material that’s soft and light and full of holes and can hold water easily .
Soak up (v.)
To take in liquid until it’s totally wet .
Knowledge (n.)
Information , understanding and skill that you gain through education or experience .
Dull (adj)
Not interesting or exciting .
Interest (n.0
An activity or subject that you enjoy and that you spend your free time doing or studying .
Furious (adj)
Very angry .
Various (adj)
Several and different .
Nervous (adj)
Worried and frightened .
Glorious (adj)
Bringing fame and success .
Ridiculous (adj)
Very silly and unreasonable
Marvelous (adj)
Good and wonderful .
Cautious (adj)
Being careful about what you say or do , especially to avoid danger or mistakes .
Wondrous (adj)
Strange and beautiful .
Curious (adj)
having great desire to know something .
Outrageous (adj)
Shameless , immoral very cruel
Courageous (adj)
very brave .
Grammar Reported Questions • To change questions from direct speech into reported speech , we change tenses , pronouns and other words .
Reported Questions Yes / No question 1. Answer the question 2. Use [ If or whether ] as a joining word . 3. Change the tenses and pronouns Example “ Are you hungry ?” Mother asked - I am hungry . - Mother asked if I was hungry .
(Wh ) questions 1. Answer the question. 2. Use the ( Wh ) word as a joining word . 3. Change the tense and the pronouns. Example : “ When is your birthday?” - My birthday is ………………….. - He asked when my birthday was .
Exercises : 1- Choose the correct answer : 1. My neighbour asked me [ open – to open – to be opened – to have opened ] the door . 2. He asked if he [ has bought – was bought – had bought – will ] the house . 3. She said , “ Why [ you left – you have left – did you leave – you had left ] early?” 4. The teacher told the student [ answer to answer – answering – answered ] the question . 5. The officer asked the policeman [ if he saw – did he see – would he see – had he seen ] The thief . 6. I asked her [ when did she buy – when had she bought – when she had bought – when she has bought ] her dress . 2- Read and match : A 1. Hesham told Soha that he 2. “I’ll wash up Mum ,” Soha 3. “Take off” means 4. In the 16th century , men 5. Salma was in the sitting room where
B a) said to her mother . b) from England went to North America . c) she had gone to sleep on the chair . d) was going to be late . e) to go up into the air . f) on the bed .
3- Underline the correct answer from between the brackets :1. Opera Winfry is a famous [ interview – interviewer – interviewee ] . I like to watch her programme every evening . 2. I’ve read only an [ interest – extract – author ] from the text book . It seems really terrific 3. Naguib Mahfouz was a famous [ author – craft – memory ] who won Nobel Prize in literature . 4. She talked frankly [ with – of – about ] her second marriage . 5. I red many novels but still I like “ Oliver Twist “ [ well – the best – best ] . 6. [ Where – Which – When ] did you go to school ? In Cairo , Egypt . 7. As uncle Tom is highly admired among all the family members , the new baby was [ looked – given – named ] after him . 8. Sarah always feels [ glorious – cautious – jealous ] of me when I get the full mark . 9. Every morning, mum stands by the window until the school bus goes[of – off – around ] . 10. Poor John ! He has written the homework in the wrong copybook . He has to [ soak – show – start ] it all over again . 11. Some works of [ craft – fury – art ] of famous painters worth Millions of dollars . 12. I advised him to pay a visit to the public [ university – library – school ] to get the information be needs for his research . 13. Head [ student – bay – teacher ] should be able to represent his school well . 14. Students must finish their [ secondary – vocabulary – international ] school before joining the university . 15. His works shop is specialized in the [ hobby – prize – craft ] of furniture . Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets :1. The teacher said to me “ Be quiet”! [ ordered ] ............................................................................................................................... 2. Kate said to Mike , “ please don’t tell my parents” . [ begged ] ............................................................................................................................... 3. Mark said “ Let’s go to the shopping centre .” [ suggested ] ............................................................................................................................... 4. Sam said to Mr. Ben , “ I’m sorry , I didn’t do my homework .” [ apologized ] ............................................................................................................................... 5. Dan said to his manager ,” I will move to London the next year .” [ told ] ............................................................................................................................... 6. A bus goes to the airport . It comes every half an hour . [ which ] ............................................................................................................................... 7. Dictionaries are important books . they give you the meanings of words . [ which ] ............................................................................................................................... 8. Alexander Bell is a famous man . He invented the telephone . [ who ] ...............................................................................................................................
9. My grandfather was able to speak five languages . [ could ] ............................................................................................................................... 10. I can’t understand Martin . [ by ] ............................................................................................................................... * Complete the following sentences using words you have studied in this unit :1. I must have an ………………… with the manager before I join the company . 2. The ………………. that I read from the play was so exciting that I decided to complete it all tonight . 3. Charles Dickens was a famous English …………….. 4. Sam was …………….. after our beloved uncle who traveled two months ago . 5. We all felt …………….. when he was honored in front of the whole school . Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue :Tom : I usually stay at home every weekend . I’d like to do something different this weekend . Tina : …………………………………………………….? Tom : Oh , it’s a good idea . I think the weather in the country will be perfect . But ……………………………… ? Tina : We can stay at Grandmas house . Tom : ………………………………………………..? Tina : Yes , it’s very nice . It’s a comfortable house with a big garden . Tom : ………………………………………………… ? Tina : All right . I’ll call her to ask her if we can come this weekend . * Write eight sentences on :“ Your School Day” Describe your school day starting from the moment you get off your school bus until you get on again , going back home . Guiding words : school – class – classmates subjects – morning line – teachers – sessions – enjoy – break – play – subjects – homework . ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................................
Comprehension :Read the following passage then answer the questions below :Debbie got up early on that sunny Saturday morning . She had arranged to go an a picnic to Green Park with her friends and she was very excited about it . As soon as she was ready , she got on her bike and headed for the park which was on the other side of the town . Suddenly , as she was riding through the town centre , She heard sirens . The sound of the sirens was getting closer and closer , so Debbie looked behind her to see what was happening . As a result , she lost control of her bike and fell off . Her bike ended up in the middle of the road . Luckily , Debbie wasn’t hurt , a car ran over her bike . After the car had stopped ,two men got out and started running . Just then , a police car stopped next to the same car and three police officers got out and started chasing the two men . One of the officers shouted , “ Stop the thieves!” Some time later a police officer offered Debbie a reward . She was the heroine of the day because in a way she helped them catch the thieves .
Answer the following questions :1. Why was Debbie rewarded ? 2. How was Debbie going to the park ?
Choose the correct answer : 3. The men in the car , that ran over Debbie’s bike , were ……………. a- police officers .
b- Debbie’s friends .
c- thieves
4. Debbie ……………………. to help the police officers . a- intended .
b- didn’t mean .
c- wished
Unit 18 Memories of School New Vocabulary : A memory(n.)
A thought of something that you remember from the past .
Chat (v.)
Talk in a friendly way
Look forward to (v.)
To be thinking with pleasure about something that’s going to happen .
Lunch break
The time around the middle of the day when you stop work er school to eat lunch
To walk slowly without lifting your feet completely off the ground .
To make an unpleasant sound by rubbing against a hard surface .
Wave (v.)
To move your hand or arm from side to side in the air in order to attract attention or to say “ hello !”
Bang (v.)
To hit something in a way that makes a loud noise .
Silence (n.)
A complete lack of noise or sound.
Join in (v.)
To take part in an activity with other people .
Leave somebody out (v.)
Not to include or mention somebody or something .
Schoolyard (n.)
An outdoor area of a school for children to play in .
Bother (v.)
To make effort to do something .
Pick (v.)
Eager (adj)
Wanting very much to do something , especially something interesting or enjoyable .
Hop (v.)
To move by jumping on one foot .
Grammar Wish / If only a) wish / if only + past simple Example : - I wish I had more free time . - If only I woke up earlier ! Usage : To express a wish about a present situation that we would like to be different . b) wish / if only + could + stem verb . Example : - I wish they would stop making noise . - If only you wouldn’t speak so much . Usage : To express annoyance about a present situation . d) Wish / if only + past perfect . Example : - I wish you had told us the truth . - If only Tony had called earlier . Usage : To express regret about something that happened in the past and we wish it could have been different . Note : With wish / if only we can use [ were ] instead of [ was ] . Example : - I wish I was / were taller . * Underline the correct answer from between the brackets :1. Grandma has a good [ break – memory – shuffle ] of names . 2. While the ladies were having their hair cut , they were [ scraping – chatting – picking ] . 3. It’s only one week before the summer holiday starts and I’m looking forward to [ travel – travels – traveling ] to Alex . 4. They were [ banging – shuffling – chatting ] all over the class , causing a lot of mess . 5. As soon as the bell had [ rung – clapped – banged ] the children rushed out of the class . 6. She [ answered – scraped – waved ] goodbye to her mother when the bus started to move . 7. Simons chair [ banged – picked – scraped ] as she moved it backwards . 8. Please [ wave – turn – pick ] over the page !
9. After they fought together , he got out of the house and [ clapped – banged – turned ] the door angrily . 10. She wasn’t really following the programme , she just kept the TV. on to break the [ voice – silence – wave ] . 11. Tom cried a lot yesterday because his cousins went to the park and [ looked – left – picked ] him out . 12. I waited [ by – at – for ] the school bus for half an hour but it didn’t come . 13. Mr. Adam sent jack out of the class , because he [ chatted – bothered – waved ] him with his silly questions . 14. Mrs. Brown is such a curious lady she’s always [ cautious – eager – tight ] to know her neighbour’s news . 15. The Jockey held the reins [ silently – tightly – fast ] before the race started . * Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets :1. I’m not a member of the club . I can’t play tennis there . [ wish ] ………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. Miss plum asked Tim ,” What’s your favourite school subject ?” [ was ] ………………………………………………………………………………….. 3. I’ve a lot of homework today , so I can’t hang out with you . [ If only ] ………………………………………………………………………………….. 4. Mum said to us , “ I’ve prepared your dinner .” [ told ] ………………………………………………………………………………….. 5. I can’t cook well , so I can’t prepare the meal . [ whish ] ………………………………………………………………………………….. 6. Sally asked Mary ,” Do you speak French ?” [ if ] ………………………………………………………………………………….. 7. Mr. Ben said to jack , “ I think this movie is ridiculous .” [ that ] ………………………………………………………………………………….. 8. This watch is expensive so I can’t buy it . [ If only ] ………………………………………………………………………………….. 9. Sam has a broken leg , so he can’t play in the match . [ wish ] ………………………………………………………………………………….. 10. I asked Jim , “ Why were you absent yesterday ?” [ was ] ………………………………………………………………………………….. 59
* Complete the following sentences using the words you have learnt in this unit :1. Uncle Bob is coming back from Italy tomorrow , I’m ……………… meeting him . 2. The audience ……………… their hands when they saw the actors . 3. She was so ……………. to know what would happen next . 4. Their neighbours kept bothering them so they had to call the police . 5. She …………………….. the best dress in the cupboard for tonight’s party . * Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue :Shop assistant
: ………………………………………………..?
: Yes , please . I want a pair of shoes , please .
Shop assistant
: ………………………………………………?
: Black , please .
Shop assistant
: ………………………………………………..?
: 38 , please .
Shop assistant
: Here you are .
: ………………………………………………..?
Shop assistant
: Of course , you can try them on .
* Write eight lines on :“ A character you admire” Guiding questions :1. Who is the person you admire best ? Why ? Describe this person . What should you do to like him ? ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………
Comprehension * Read the following passage , then answer the questions below :It was a very hot summer morning , but inside the pyramid it was quite cool . Tom and his classmates had just entered the Pyramid and were very curious to see what it was like . The guide took them to the Queens chamber first . There , she showed them passage which led to a small room . “ No one is allowed to go into that room , because it was recently discovered , “ she said . As she continued talking , Tom looked towards the passage . Two of his friends , Jason and Peter , saw him and warned him ,” Don’t get into trouble , Tom !” However , he didn’t listen to them , As soon as no one was looking , he went up the dark passage , opened the door and walked in suddenly the door shut behind him . The room was completely dark , but luckily , Tom had brought a torch with him . When he turned it on , he saw two white faces in front of him . “ Oh , no ! Mummies !” He screamed and ran to the door . He luckily opened it and went down the passage to the queen’s chamber as fast as he could . As soon as Tom had disappeared , Jason and Peter took the pieces of white cloth off their faces and walked slowly down the passage . They couldn’t stop laughing . “ That will teach him a lesson ,” Said Jason . Answer the following questions :1. Where were the children ? What did they see there ? ............................................................................................................................... 2. How was Tom taught a lesson ? ...............................................................................................................................
Choose the correct answer :3. Tom is a / an …………………………. boy . a- funny
b- disobedient
4. The children couldn’t get into the small room because …………. a- it contained valuable treasures .
b- it was locked .
c- it was recently discovered .
c- brave
Sample Test on Units ( 16, 17, 18 ) A- Vocabulary & Structure 1- Underline the correct word(s) in brackets : 1. She should [ pick – picked – be picked ] up by her father at 6 : 00 . 2. Attention must [ paid – be paid – pay ] in class . 3. Books can be [ find – found – is found ] on the shelves . 4. The door [ way – step – keeper ] looks after our building 5. The guard blew his whistle and the train moved [ on – off – over ] . 6. Dr Jack was warmly [ soaked – welcomed – fascinated ] by all his old friends when he came back to London . 7. The children enjoyed the trip with Mr. Ahmed who [ came – showed – soaked ] them around the Egyptian Museum . 8. Mary goes [ in – on – to ] regular visits to her old school to see her teachers . 9. Although travelling [ away – around – abroad ] is a great fun , it’s extremely expensive . 10. Sally is good [ with – on – at ] cooking , that’s why she joined a competition for the best cook . 2- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets : 1. Ned has been in London for a month . [ How long .. ?] …………………………………………………………………………… 2. Guests are allowed to wear casual dress . [ may ] …………………………………………………………………………… 3.They have built a new hospital near the airport . [ been ] …………………………………………………………………………… 4. I haven’t tasted Chinese food yet . [ been] ……………………………………………………………………………….. 5. They will bring me a new pet for my birthday . [by] ……………………………………………………………………………….. 3- Complete the following sentences : 1. We must finish our …………… school before we move to the preparatory one . 2. Mrs. Tina is a kind lady , she always ……………….. us generously when we visit her . 3. Reading is important because it increases our …………………… 4. I can’t go on reading this book . It’s really …………….. I’m not excited any more . 5. many tourists are ……………….. by the huge pyramids and the secret chambers inside . 62
B- Language Function 4- Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue : Ahmed : ……………………………………………… ? Mostafa : I’m trying to choose a special present. Ahmed : ……………………………………………………...? Mostafa : Because it’s for my grandma’s birthday. Ahmed : Oh! really …………………………………………...? Mostafa : She’s sixty. We’re going to visit her today. Ahmed : ……………………………………………………...? Mostafa : No, it’s not near us, she lives in Giza. Ahmed : Well, have a nice day, bye. C- Reading Comprehension 5-Read the following passage and answer the questions below : You may have seen people on television jumping out of a plane and falling through the air with huge smiles on their faces. They are enjoying the thrill of “free fall”. Not too many people like the idea of skydiving. It is very dangerous and some people have died from it. Others enjoy it so much that they do it over and over again. If you want to jump out of a plane 2000 feet in the air, then go skydiving. Free fall is part of the sport of skydiving. The jumper is free after leaving the plane and before opening the parachute. After leaving the plane, the jumper moves his or her body to stay in balance and to get into position over a landing target. Then the parachute is opened and, if the position is right, the skydiver falls slowly down to land right on target. Skydiving is a very dangerous sport but many people love it. A- Answer the following : 1. What is skydiving? …………………………………………………………………… 2. Why do some people like skydiving? …………………………………………………………………… 3. How high up are skydivers when they jump? ……………………………………………………………………. B- Choose the correct answer:4. After leaving the plane, your body goes into free …………………… a) flight b) fall c) ball 5. Skydivers …………….themselves while falling . a) balance b) dance c) curl 6. Skydivers try to land on a ………........ a) field b) target c) airport 63
D- Writing 6- Write a paragraph of Six sentences on “ A happy day in your life” using the guiding words : Guiding words : last – travelled - viisted – played – drank – ate – club – football – fun fair – my family – happy . ……………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………….………….. ……………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………..…….. ……………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………….. E- The Link Readers 7- A- Read the following quotation , then answer the questions : 1. " Do you not hope that your children shall be kings , when what the witches promised to me has so wonderfully come to pass . " Comment . a- Who said these words ?
………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… b- To whom were these words said ?
………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… c- On what occasion were they said ?
………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… B- Complete the following sentences : 1. " …………………… was a woman not easily shaken from her evil purposes ." 2. The king and his sons came to Macbeth's castle to …………….. F- Orthography 8- A- Supply the missing lines There was a lot of n-ise and move-ent in the y-rd . Horses and ca-riages come of all the s-ables in case the f-re should spr - -d . I watched our stable door . G- Handwriting 9- Copy the following sentence in your best handwriting Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave .
Dictation :
a. Again , the stranger breaks off some of the bread and pops it into his mouth . He continues doing this until only two very small pieces of bread are left .
b. Tigers live on their own for most of the time . A tiger does not make a home but each one lives in its own special area . This is called its territory and it has to be large enough to give the tiger food , water and shelter .
c. There was a lot of noise and movement in the yard . Horses and carriages come of all the stables in case the fire should spread . I watched our stable door .
d. At dawn , the light house keeper’s daughter woke up and looked out of her window . In the distance , she saw what she thought were seals on a big rock .
e. Barney and his family lived near a chalk pit it is grandmother said that he was not to go near it be because it was dangerous . But he did not listen .
f. Have you ever wondered what happens to our rubbish ? We all have rubbish in our houses , don’t we . Rubbish needs to be thrown away .
g. Malcolm stood by the desk with his match box . His contribution was definitely the most interesting thing that anyone had seen that morning .