Cellular Only Verizon Wireless. 712-707-8900 | 642 8th St SE. $10.00 Off Tempered Glass ... SUPER HI TECH. 712-707-7787
CONTEST DETAILS Now thru July 21 businesses are offering exclusive deals to shoppers wearing a RAGBRAI Orange City T-Shirt on Fridays. • It must be Friday! • All customers wearing shirts are eligible for discounts. • Eligible customers may submit only one entry form per purchase. • Customers must make a purchase to be eligible. • Customers must be wearing their shirt to be eligible. • Must be 18 to enter contest (not to receive discount)
Thank you for helping Orange City RAGBRAI!
Look for this poster at participating merchants!
Apres Soleil Tanning Studio 712-737-9304 | 636 8th St SE 50% off tanning lotion
April’s Floral Boutique 712-707-9800 | 310 8th St SW 10% off any order
Cellular Only Verizon Wireless
712-707-8900 | 642 8th St SE $10.00 Off Tempered Glass Screen Protectors or 20% off Accessory Purchase
Centrum Foto Studio
712-707-9876 | 215 N Central Ave Passport Photos for $10.00 / 10% off any custom frame ordered on Friday
Crafts Central
712-737-4858 | 207 Central Ave S 15% off any one regular priced item
712-737-2923 | 312 8th St SE Buy 5 bags of salt, get one FREE! (in store purchase only)
Diamond Vogel Paint Center 712-737-4971 | 109 3rd St NW $3 off per gallon PermAcryl paint
Don’s Food Center
712-737-4848 | 102 Albany Ave NE 5% off purchase (See store for details)
Downtown Grille
712-707-3100 | 121 3rd St NW Free Appetizer with Purchase of Meal
Dr. David Gohman, Optometrist 712-737-2126 | 110 2nd St NW 10% off non-Rx sunglasses if paid at time of purchase
Dutch Bakery
712-737-4360 | 221 N Central Ave 3% off any buns.
Dutch Mart
712-737-6440 | 901 Albany Pl 5 cent a gallon discount when wearing shirt. Cannot be combined with other coupons or discounts. 50 cent ice cream cone.
Dutch Mill Pharmacy
712-737-4844 | 104 Albany Ave NE 10% off everything in store. Excludes prescriptions and diabetic supplies.
Family Eye Care
712-737-4246 | 114 Central Ave NW 20% off Sunwear
712-707-9350 | 512 8th St SE Free reusable bag with any purchase
Gameday Liquor
712-737-9305 | 632 8th St SE 10% discount when wearing the shirt on friday for liquor store
Hands Around the World
712-737-8181 | 123 N Central Ave 10% off on candy and chocolates on Spirit Fridays
712-737-8979 | 809 Albany Pl 10% off order
Holland House
712-707-5522 | 109 N Central Ave 20% off one clothing item
I29 Sports
712-737-9090 | 101 3rd St NE 30% Discount
Joe’s TV & Appliance
712-737-4254 | 223 Central Avenue NE BOGO Buy any BBQ spice or sauce and receive a 2nd for free
Jonny’s Place
712-707-9500 | 813 Lincoln Ave SE $6 Meal Deal - Customer’s Choice of Sub with Chip and Drink
Jubon Juweelen
712-737-8920 | 107 3rd St NE 15% off anything with a bicycle on it (napkins, keychains, scrapbooking paper, etc.)
712-737-5484 | 102 Central Ave NW 10% off of all merchandise when wearing the RAGBRAI t-shirt
Kopetsky’s Ace Hardware 712-707-2813 | 510 8th St SE 20lb propane tank fill for $12
Kraai Furniture
712-737-4923 | 208 Albany Ave NE Must see store for details.
Napa Industrial & Farm Supply 712-737-4930 | 305 8th St SW Injector cleaner for only 98 cents
Nederlander’s Grill
712-737-3900 | 604 8th St SE Stop in each week for a new Spirit Friday Special. Only available to customers in OC RAGBRAI shirts.
Next Door Boutique
712-707-5588 | 105 Central Ave S 15% off any one regular priced clothing or jewelry item. (some exclusions apply)
One Office Solution 712-737-2403 | 118 2nd St NW 10% off a $50 order
P’s Pizza House 712-737-9077 | 723 8th St SE $5 off any Large Pizza
Pizza Ranch
712-737-3711 | 1505 8th St SE $1 off buffet
Stitch Studio
712-737-9800 | 104 Central Ave NW 1 Free Fat Quarter with any purchase
712-707-7787 | 108 N Central Ave 10% off any service item
Szechuan Inn
712-737-8887 | 114 2nd St NE .50 cent off one buffet
Tip Top Tux
712-737-4888 | 219 Central Ave NW 1) BOGO - Buy 1 designer tie and get 1 designer tie free. 2) BOGO - Buy 1 pair designer socks get 1 free. 3) Purchase suit and get $50 off.
Town Square Coffeehouse + Kitchen 712-707-5566 | 125 Central Ave NW Buy One Get One half off non-alcoholic drinks
Van Maanen’s Radio Shack 712-737-4776 | 115 N Central Ave Buy 1 Get 1 Free of selected batteries
We Rock the Spectrum
712-737-2456 | 3498 450th St We Rock RAGBRAI BOGO Special - Buy One, Get One- BUY ONE: Open Play, We Rock Camp, or 5 visit membership, or 12 visit membership and GET ONE FREE. Must be of equal or lesser value. Not good with any other offers. Expires 90 days from purchase.
Windmill Park Jewelers
712-737-4208 | 112 2nd St NW Buy one regular priced item, Get a second of equal or lesser value at 40% off