Yaser Ellethy. 10 The Location of Religion in Bruce Springsteen's Wrecking Ball: Common Ground Prior to 'Religious' and 'Secular'? 126. Henry Jansen. Part 3.
Contested Spaces, Common Ground Space and Power Structures in Contemporary Multireligious Societies
Contents Preface: Contested Spaces, Common Ground? XI Word of Appreciation xviii List of Figures and Tables xix Contributors to this Volume xx
part 1 Approaching the Topos 1 In Search of Pastoral Power: Religious Confrontations with Thirdspace 3 Hans-Joachim Sander 2 Texts as Places of Sacred Meeting: Towards an Ethic for Comparative and Interreligious Readings and Transgressions 18 Paul Hedges 3 Interreligious Studies: A New Academic Discipline? 33 Oddbjørn Leirvik 4 Religious Identities in Third Space: The Location of Comparative Theology 43 Ulrich Winkler
Part 2 Changing Spaces 5 The Maps and Tours of Theological Knowledge: Reading Melchior Cano’s De Locis Theologicis after the Spatial Turn 57 Judith Gruber 6 Sacred Time as Sacred Space: The Spaces of Memory and Anticipation in Christianity and Judaism 73 Emma O’Donnell
Blazing Light and Perfect Death: The Martyrs of Córdoba and the Growth of Polemical Holiness 203 Aaron T. Hollander
From Acceptance to Religious Freedom: Considerations for Convivencia in Medieval Spain and Multireligious Coexistence Today 225 Mariano Delgado
Part 5 The Basque Country: Sharing Space as a Minority Religion 17
Religious Minorities and Access to Public Space in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country and in Navarre: The Perspective of Religious Minorities 243 Lidia Rodríguez Fernández and Luzio Uriarte González
Contested Spaces and Religious Minorities: The Basque Experience and the Swiss Pyrenees 253 Eduardo J. Ruiz Vieytez
Scenarios of Interreligious Dialogue in the Basque Country 272 José Luis Villacorta Núñez
part 6 Space and Eastern Religion 20 The Secular and the Sacred as Contested Spaces? A CrossCultural Hermeneutical Investigation into Western and Chinese Perspectives 279 André van der Braak 21
Style for Better Understanding: A Buddhist-Christian Approach to ‘Truly Beautiful Spaces’ 290 Sybille C. Fritsch-Oppermann
Time and History in Buddhist-Christian Relations 302 John D’Arcy May
Europe as a Contested Space and European Cities as Shifting Symbols of Europe Throughout History: Historical Changes in the Spatial Orientation of Europe and Its Images of ‘Europeanness’ 319 Lourens Minnema
24 The Festival as Heterotopia in the City as Shared Religious Space 347 Jaco Beyers 25 Between Fear, Freedom, and Control: Islam and the Construction of a Modern European Identity 363 Lucien van Liere Index of Names 373 Index of Subjects 379