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Stormwater. 5448. 628.00. 468.00. 74.52%. Waste Mngmt/Recycling. 5449. 250.00. 151.00. 60.40%. Water & Sewer. 5450.
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Year-to-Date 2013-2014 Budget Fiscal year YTD May 18 % of Account # 2013-2014 2013-2014 2013-2014 INCOME 4000 CONTRIBUTION INCOME 4010 UNRESTRICTED 4020 96.64% OFFERINGS 4025 14,000.00 13,529.82 PLEDGES 4045 0.00% Uncollectibles 4046 (2,572.24) 88.40% 2013-2014 Pledges 4070 257,224.00 227,379.30 58.88% 2013-2014 New Pledges 4080 8,000.00 4,710.00 Subtotal Pledges 4045 262,651.76 232,089.30 88.78% Subtotal Unrestricted 4020 276,651.76 245,619.12 DONOR RESTRICTED 4200 TEMPORARILY RESTRICTED 4201 0.00% RE OWL 4240-118 525.00 147.50% RE Summer Camp Income 4246-119 3,600.00 5,310.00 Subtotal Temporarily Restricted 4201 4,125.00 5,310.00 Subtotal Donor Restricted 4200 4,125.00 5,310.00 89.37% Subtotal Contribution Income 4010 280,776.76 250,929.12 INTEREST/DIVIDEND INCOME 4500 90.00 28.39 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 4600 69.44% BUILDING USE INCOME 4601 6,500.00 4,513.75 150.31% FUNDRAISING INCOME - GF 4630 10,000.00 15,031.17 OTHER MISC INCOME 4650 Grocery Card Income 4651 6,500.00 3,270.63 99.20% Subtotal Miscellaneous Income 4600 23,000.00 22,815.55 90.09% TOTAL INCOME 303,866.76 273,744.67 EXPENSES 5000 DESIGNATED EXPENSES 5201 76.05% Cong. Childcare Expense 5204-102 1,000.00 760.50 19.12% RE OWL EXPENSES 5240-118 1,250.00 239.00 17.97% RE SUMMER CAMP EXPENSES 5246-119 3,600.00 647.00 97.33% UU Partner Church Expense 5266-123 300.00 292.00 31.52% Subtotal Designated Expenses 5201 6,150.00 1,938.50 PROGRAM EXPENSES 5300 0.00% Campus Ministry 5306 25.00 0.00% Cmte Shared Ministry 5308 50.00 247.74% FUNDRAISING EXPENSES 5320 500.00 1,238.70 65.00% Green Sanctuary 5332 100.00 65.00 LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT 5336 19.20% Ldrshp Devel. (Inc Lay) 5337 500.00 96.00 0.00% Mid-South Pres Con 5338 150.00 14.77% Subtotal Leadership Development 5336 650.00 96.00 76.00% Membership 5342 750.00 570.00 49.20% MUSIC PROGRAM 5344 2,000.00 984.00 92.00% Pastoral Care Rings 5350 50.00 46.00 52.62% RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROG 5354 3,100.00 1,631.14 100.00% Small Group Ministries 5366 100.00 100.00 100.00% SOCIAL ACTION PROGRAM 5368 500.00 500.00 32.25% Stewardship 5374 400.00 129.00 83.33% Sunday Services (WA) 5376 600.00 500.00 66.40% Subtotal Program Expenses 5300 8,825.00 5,859.84 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 5400 44.29% Admin Communications 5402 280.00 124.00 72.25% ADMIN SUPPLIES 5404 2,000.00 1,445.00 0.00% Background Checks 5414 320.00 97.95% Bank Charges 5416 375.00 367.31 37.07% Postage 5420 400.00 148.28 133.40% PRINTER & COPIER COSTS 5422 1,200.00 1,600.75 80.55% Subtotal Administrative Expenses 5400 4,575.00 3,685.34 BUILDING & GROUNDS 5430 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 5432 152.00% Supplies 5435 500.00 760.00 92.31% Cleaning Service 5436 5,200.00 4,800.00 93.65% Pest Control 5437 630.00 590.00 108.22% Repairs & Maintenance 5438 3,000.00 3,246.59 100.71% Subtotal Building Maintenance 5432 9,330.00 9,396.59 UTILITIES 5444 79.35% Electricity 5445 8,000.00 6,348.00 118.50% Natural Gas 5446 4,000.00 4,740.00 92.00% Telephone/Internet 5447 2,725.00 2,507.00

Stormwater 5448 Waste Mngmt/Recycling 5449 Water & Sewer 5450 Subtotal Utilities 5444 Casualty & Liability Ins 5454 Mortgage Interest 5456 Mortgage Principal (BALANCE SHEET) 2620 Subtotal Building & Grounds 5430 STAFF EXPENSES 5500 MINISTER 5502 COMPENSATION 5504 Salary 5506-300 Housing Allowance 5507 FICA Reimbursement 5508 Subtotal Compensation 5504 BENEFITS 5510 Medical 5511-301 Group Term Life 5512 Disability 5513 Dental Insurance 5514 Retirement Plan 5515-302 Prof Expense Allowance 5516 Subtotal Benefits 5510 Subtotal Minister 5502 CONGREGATIONAL ADMIN 5518 COMPENSATION 5520 Salary 5522-300 BENEFITS 5524 Health Insurance 5525-301 Retirement Plan 5526-302 Professional Development 5527-303 Subtotal Benefits 5524 Subtotal Congregational Admin 5518 RE DIRECTOR 5530 COMPENSATION 5532 Salary 5534-300 BENEFITS 5536 Health Insurance 5537-301 Retirement Plan 5538-302 Professional Development 5539-303 Subtotal Benefits 5536 Subtotal Re Director 5530 MUSIC DIRECTOR 5540 COMPENSATION 5542 Salary 5544-300 BENEFITS 5546 Retirement Plan 5548-302 Professional Development 5549-303 Sub-Sabbatical Staff 5550 Subtotal Benefits 5546 Subtotal Music Director 5540 PIANO ACCOMPANIST 5552 COMPENSATION 5554 Salary 5556-300 BENEFITS 5558 Professional Development 5559-303 Subtotal Piano Accompanist 5552 BOOKKEEPER 5560 COMPENSATION 5562 Salary 5564-300 NURSERY STAFF 5566 COMPENSATION 5568 EMPLOYER EXPENSES 5574 TAXES AND INSURANCE 5575 FICA/Medicare Taxes 5576-304 Disability Insurance, ALL 5578 Worker's Comp Ins 5580 Subtotal Employer Expenses 5574 Subtotal Staff Expenses 5500 OTHER EXPENSES 6000 GIFT Program (UU & Dist) @ 5% of 2012-13 Op Budget 6050 SECOND SERVICE 6100

628.00 250.00 400.00 16,003.00 2,448.00 6,723.33 17,462.67 51,967.00 53,550.00 15,000.00 5,244.00 73,794.00 9,071.41 526.44 685.56 1,194.00 6,855.00 4,500.00 22,832.41 96,626.41 17,350.00 3,325.18 1,735.00 500.00 5,560.18 22,910.18 27,450.00 5,482.36 2,580.00 2,000.00 10,062.36 37,512.36 22,884.00 2,089.00 2,000.00 4,350.00 8,439.00 31,323.00 9,920.00 80.00 10,000.00 7,800.00 4,500.00 6,897.63 727.80 1,132.00 8,757.43 219,429.38 12,623.41 -

468.00 151.00 522.00 14,736.00 2,496.00 6,178.00 15,992.00 48,798.59

74.52% 60.40% 130.50% 92.08% 101.96% 91.89% 91.58% 93.90%

46,856.25 13,125.00 4,370.00

87.50% 87.50% 83.33% 87.20%


17,675.15 82,026.40

80.38% 83.32% 83.33% 83.33% 83.33% 59.24% 77.41% 84.89%



2,703.40 1,445.80 0.00 4,149.20 19,330.52

81.30% 83.33% 0.00% 74.62% 84.38%



4,661.93 2,150.00 1,627.28 8,439.21 32,680.68

85.04% 83.33% 81.36% 83.87% 87.12%



1,740.00 1,401.00 2,993.00 6,134.00 26,357.57

83.29% 70.05% 68.80% 72.69% 84.15%



80.00 9,009.50

100.00% 90.10%





6,172.20 606.50 1,480.00

89.48% 83.33% 130.74% 94.31% 85.80%

7,291.97 438.64 571.30 995.00 5,712.50 2,665.74

8,258.70 188,266.87 12,623.00 -


Second Service Expense TOTAL EXPENSES

6110 -


296.97 303,866.76 -

261,172.14 12,572.53
