contribution of nitrogen species and phosphorus ... - Soil and Water Lab
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The alkali reacts chemically with CO2 and barium chloride (BaCl2) and can be back- ... button. In our research, the Solvita system is used to measure microbial.
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Ria Lagartos, a hypersaline coastal lagoon in the Gulf of Mexico on the Yucatan ... coastal lagoon, on the northern coast of the Yucatan .... anaerobic incubation.
Boca Raton, Florida, USA) 1996, pp. 469. 2 Justic D ... (Institute of Aquaculture. University of Stirling. ... (Academic
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contribution of nitrogen species and phosphorus ... - Soil and Water Lab
Oct 26, 1994 - nitrogen in a river, but only the concentration of nitrate is monitored. ...... 'Long-term nitrate trends in the River Trent and four major tributaries', ...