Control of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection by ... - Ingenta Connect

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1Department of Medicine, UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School, 185 South Orange Avenue, Newark, NJ07103, United. States; 2Basic Medical Sciences ...

Recent Patents on Anti-Infective Drug Discovery, 2009, 4, 214-226

Control of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection by Glutathione Nancy D. Connell1 and Vishwanath Venketaraman2,* 1

Department of Medicine, UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School, 185 South Orange Avenue, Newark, NJ07103, United States; 2Basic Medical Sciences Department, College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific, Western University of Health Sciences, 309 East Second Street, Pomona, CA 92336, United States Received: July 26, 2009; Accepted: August 10, 2009; Revised: August 18, 2009

Abstract: Tuberculosis is the most prevalent infectious disease in the world. It is also believed that in developing countries, as many as 40 to 80% of individuals with AIDS are at risk of developing tuberculosis. In recent years there has been a significant increase in the incidence of tuberculosis due to the emergence of multi-drug resistant strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and due to increased numbers of highly susceptible immuno-compromised individuals arising from the AIDS pandemic. Extreme drug resistant tuberculosis raises the possibility that the current tuberculosis epidemic of mostly drug-susceptible tuberculosis will be replaced with a form of tuberculosis with severely restricted treatment options. This phenomenon would jeopardize the progress made in recent years to control tuberculosis globally and would also put at risk the plans to progress towards universal access to HIV prevention and treatment. Patients with extreme drug-resistant tuberculosis would have to be managed in the same way as tuberculosis patients before the antibiotic era. No new anti-tuberculosis drugs have been brought into the clinic in the past 40 years. Immuno-adjunctive therapy appears to be promising in improving outcome of clinical control of refractory mycobacterial infections, including multi-drug resistant tuberculosis and Mycobacterium avium complex infection. The tripeptide, glutathione protects all cells against oxidizing agents, free radicals and reactive oxygen intermediates, either directly or through enzymatic action of glutathione peroxidases and glutathione-transferases. This review article is a compilation of our major research findings on the innate immune responses against Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. We discuss in detail both the direct antimycobacterial effects as well as the immune enhancing effects of glutathione leading to the inhibition of growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The article presents some new promising patents related to the control of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection.

Keywords: Tuberculosis, innate immunity, macrophages, natural killer cells, cytokines, glutathione. INTRODUCTION Tuberculosis (TB) is a major global health problem. Approximately one-third of the world’s population is latently infected with its etiologic agent, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis). Such individuals have a 5-10% lifetime risk of progression to active disease, resulting in eight million new cases and two million deaths annually [1, 2]. TB infection originates in the lung. Inhaled droplets containing minute numbers of bacteria are engulfed by alveolar macrophages. The innate response to this early stage of infection, triggered mainly by toll-like receptors, leads to the release of inflammatory mediators such as TNF- and chemokines. In a TB naïve individual, the cells initially responding to these signals are neutrophils, natural killer (NK) cells, and  T cells. Although these cells are thought to contribute to early defenses against TB, these innate responses are often unsuccessful in containing the infection, which spreads via macrophages to draining lymph nodes, and through the bloodstream to many organs [1, 3]. However, only in a small proportion of cases does the initial infection progress directly to overt disease. In most immunocompetent humans, the subsequent expansion *Address correspondence to this author at the Department of Basic Medical Sciences, School of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific, Western University of Health Sciences, 309 E Second Street, Pomona, CA 91766-1854, USA; Tel: 909-706-3736; Fax: 909-469-5698; E-mail: [email protected] 1574-891X/09 $100.00+.00

of pathogen - specific T lymphocyte populations results in the evolution of granulomas where the infection is contained but not eradicated. This condition where the infection continues to persist within the host at a sub-clinical level has been termed latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI). In April 2009, US Patent 20090123491 was published, disclosing the methods to prevent the activation of M. tuberculosis infection by the use of mixed composition of nucleic acid with an adjuvant [4]. CONDITIONS ASSOCIATED WITH AN INCREASED RISK OF ACTIVE TB The risk for developing active TB is increased in many conditions such as: silicosis [2], chronic renal failure or hemodialysis [2], diabetes mellitus [2]. Patients with silicosis and a positive tuberculin skin test have a 30-fold increased risk; while persons on hemodialysis have a 10-25 times greater risk of developing active TB as compared to the general population. However, the risk is highest in persons infected with HIV. Rates of progression to active disease range from 35 to 162 per 1,000 persons a year [1-3, 5]. In a prospective study of HIV-infected individuals with a positive tuberculin test the annual risk of developing TB was found to be 45 per 1,000 persons a year. Tuberculin skin testing (TST) is the most widely used test for the detection of LTBI, however, the test has limitations with respect to both falsepositive and false-negative test results. © 2009 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.

Glutathione and Control of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis

Recent Patents on Anti-Infective Drug Discovery, 2009, Vol. 4, No. 3



Control of M. tuberculosis infection occurs both at the macroscopic and cellular levels. At the macroscopic level, the physical containment of viable mycobacteria within fibrotic granulomas contributes to the prevention of active disease. Control of mycobacterial replication also occurs within macrophages. Murine macrophages can be activated to kill intracellular M. tuberculosis by treatment with LPS (a stimulus for TNF- expression, via triggering of toll-like receptors) and Interferon-gamma (IFN-), a product of activated lymphocytes. Nitric oxide (NO) produced by infected macrophages is the main mediator in this process Fig (1). NO is considered as a major effector molecule involved in the control of M. tuberculosis infection.

NK cells are defined phenotypically as large granular lymphocytes that express both CD16 and CD56 [7-12]. NK cells may be defined functionally as cells that mediate nonMHC-restricted cytotoxicity against a variety of target cells [7-12, 13]. NK cells are considered to play an important role in tumor resistance and host immunity to viral infections [712]. The lytic capacity of NK cells is controlled by a balance between inhibitory and activating receptors [7-12]. All normal nucleated cells express MHC class I molecules on their surface, which bind to inhibitory NK cell receptors and prevent triggering of lytic machinery [14]. Many of the NK cell inhibitory receptors, including killer inhibitory receptors (KIRs), leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor subfamily B member 1 (LILRB1) and CD94/NKG2A, are engaged by HLA molecules [9]. NK cells also bear a variety of activating receptors, including some that are restricted to NK cells. These include NKp30, NKp44, and NKp46 receptors, the enhanced expression of which is associated with lysis of tumor and microbe-infected cells [9, 15, 16]. CD94 is a lectin-like receptor that is expressed at the surface of NK cells in association with NKG2A to form an inhibitory receptor, or with NKG2C to form an activatory receptor [17, 18]. These heterodimers bind to the non-classical HLA-E molecule which presents peptide derived from the leader sequence of many class I HLA alleles [19]. Several mechanisms have been proposed for the involvement of NK cells in the defense against microbes. NK cells have been

MYCOBACTERIAL IMMUNITY IN HUMANS Like those of mice, human macrophages also acquire antimycobacterial activity through interferon (IFN)-dependent interactions with lymphocytes [3, 5]. However, exogenous IFN- does not enhance the mycobactericidal activity of isolated human macrophages as it does those of mice Fig. (2). Several studies indicate instead that direct cellular contact is required for the induction of antimycobacterial activity in human macrophages [6], and that this activity reflects caspase-mediated induction of apoptosis, triggering of toll-like receptors, the release of antibiotic peptides (e.g. granulysin), or unknown mechanisms [6].

Fig. (1). Control of M. tuberculosis infection in mice.


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Fig. (2). Control of mycobacterial infection in human: Stimulation of isolated human macrophages with IFN- failed to generate NO and induce growth control of H37Rv.

shown to bind and express direct cytotoxicity for microorganisms by secreting bactericidal molecules [20]. Most recent studies have reported expression of surface ligands on NK cells that are capable of inducing apoptosis [6, 9, 12, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25]. Apoptosis of infected cells may lead to killing of intracellular pathogen. NK CELLS, IL-2 & IL-12 It is well established that IL-2 induces proliferative and increased cytolytic responses in NK cells. in vitro Culture of NK cells in the presence of IL-2 induces increased lytic activity referred as lymphocyte activated killer (LAK) activity [20]. Studies have also shown that IL-2 treatment markedly enhances the cytolytic activity of NK cells on macrophages infected with Legionella, Shigella and Rickettsia [26]. IL-12, also known as NK cell stimulatory factor is produced by dendritic cells (DCs) and phagocytes after microbial or cytokine stimulation [27]. IL-12 dramatically enhances NK cell activity and induces NK cells to synthesize IFN-. Studies have shown that IL-12 plays an important role in activating NK cells to control growth of M. tuberculosis [28]. However, the underlying mechanism is not clearly known. Consistent with the above reports, Burmudez et al. [29] have also shown that stimulation of human NK cells with IL-12 induced macrophages to inhibit the growth of M. avium. These studies point out the role of IL-12 in enhancing NK cell functions to control M. tuberculosis infection. NK CELLS AND INNATE IMMUNITY AGAINST M. TUBERCULOSIS INFECTION Recent studies have shown that NK cells contribute towards protection against bacterial infections. In myco-

bacterial infection, depletion of NK cells in C57BL/6 mice enhances the growth of M. avium [27]. Denis [28] showed that freshly isolated NK cells from healthy donors lysed infected monocytes and reduced the rate of intracellular M. tuberculosis growth, but the mechanisms underlying these effects were not investigated. Yoneda and Ellner [30] reported that growth inhibition of mycobacteria was mediated by soluble factors (TNF-) produced by NK cells. Brill et al. [6] suggested that growth inhibition of M. tuberculosis requires contact between NK cells and monocytes and was associated with induction of monocyte apoptosis. A recent study has shown that NK cells from healthy individuals (both tuberculin positive and negative) efficiently lysed the M. tuberculosis -infected monocytes [16]. Decreased levels of intra-cellular GSH severely impair NK cell activity [20, 25]. CD40-CD40-LIGAND INTERACTIONS Engagement of CD40 on antigen presenting cells is central to the initiation of immune response. NK cells express CD40L (CD154) which interacts with CD40, a 50 kDa membrane glycoprotein expressed on monocytes [31, 24]. Expression of CD154 in response to Candida albicans, cytomegalovirus, or Toxoplasma gondii was impaired in cells from individuals with HIV infection [19]. This defect correlated with decreased production of IL-12 and interferon (IFN)- in response to T. gondii. Recombinant CD154 partially restored secretion of IL-12 and IFN- in response to T. gondii in cells from patients with HIV infection. Together, defective induction of CD154 is likely to contribute to impaired cell-mediated immunity against opportunistic pathogens in HIV-infected patients [19].

Glutathione and Control of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis

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studied antigens (ovalbumin, fowl -globulin, and a synthetic copolymer of glutamic acid and tyrosine). In all cases, GSH depletion inhibits TH1-associated cytokine production and /or favors TH2-associated responses [36]. Further, by charting the responses of isolated cell populations mixed in vitro, Peterson clearly demonstrate that the decrease in TH1 cytokine production is due to the short-term, readily reversible depletion of GSH in antigen presenting cells [36].

Fas (APO-1/CD95) [23], a member of the TNF receptor family, and its ligand (FasL) [9, 23, 32] play an important role in various processes involving the induction of apoptosis. Binding of FasL to Fas results in the transduction of a signal into the cell, leading to apoptosis [32]. Interestingly, NK cells can express FasL. Studies have shown that that FasL-induced apoptosis of human macrophages is associated with a substantial reduction in the viability of intracellular mycobacteria [23]. A recent study has analyzed the expression and functionality of the CD95/CD95L system during acute HIV infection, and its eventual role in peripheral blood mono-nuclear cells (PBMC) apoptosis [32]. The results of this study indicate that nearly all PBMC, whether CD4 or CD8 T cells, B cells or NK cells expressed CD95, a key molecule in the process of activation-induced cell death. The reason for this up-regulation is not clearly known. Increased amount of circulating virions and TNF- might be the possible reasons for the increased expression of CD95. Interestingly, CD95L, the natural ligand of CD95, was not expressed by cells from patients with acute HIV syndrome. These findings indicate that deregulation of the CD95/CD95L system is characteristic of acute HIV infection and may persist for months even in association with stable reductions in viral load and T cell activation [32]. GSH GSH is a tripeptide comprised of glutamate, cysteine and glycine. GSH is present in most cells, where it functions as an antioxidant protecting cells from the toxic effects of reactive oxygen and nitrogen intermediates [33, 34]. The intracellular concentration of GSH is approximately 1-8 mM and is three logs higher than the plasma concentration, which is approximately 5-50 μM [33, 34]. Synthesis of GSH occurs in two steps. The initial step (the rate limiting step) is the formation of dipeptide, -glutamyl cysteine, the reaction catalyzed by -glutamylcysteine synthetase. Intracellular levels of L-cysteine are substantially lower than levels of Lglutamate and glycine. Therefore, GSH synthesis is limited by the availability of cysteine [33, 34]. The second step involved in the synthesis of GSH is the formation of glutamyl cysteine glycine (GSH), catalyzed by the enzyme GSH synthetase [33, 34]. Most of the GSH present in cells is available in the reduced form, GSH. During oxidative stress GSH is oxidized to glutathione thiodisulphide (GSSG). GSSG is converted back to GSH by GSH reductase; this reaction requires NADPH as cofactor. GSH AND REGULATION OF T CELL IMMUNITY In addition to its antioxidant role, GSH plays a vital role in maintenance of cell viability, DNA replication and thiolation of proteins [33, 34, 35]. A role has also been proposed for GSH as a carrier molecule for NO. GSH has been reported to regulate immune cell functions. GSH levels in antigen presenting cells play a central role in determining which of the cytokine (TH1 or TH2) patterns predominate in the immune response [36]. In one study, Peterson depleted GSH in vivo and/or in vitro by treatment with three different agents (diethyl maleate, ethanol, and cyclophosphamide) and examined the in vivo and in vitro responses, to three well-







Mitogenically stimulated human peripheral blood lymphocytes and T cell clones were found to have weak membrane transport activity for the disulfide cystine but strong membrane transport activity for the thiol amino acid cysteine. Cysteine, however, is represented at the lowest concentration among all protein-forming amino acids in the blood plasma [37, 38]. Complementary laboratory experiments have shown that the cysteine supply is indeed limiting for important lymphocyte functions. Proliferative responses of mitogenically stimulated lymphocytes and T-cell clones and the activation of cytotoxic T cells in allogeneic mixed lymphocyte cultures are strongly influenced by small variations in the extracellular cysteine concentration even in the presence of relatively high and approximately physiologic concentrations of cysteine. Cysteine can be substituted by NAC but not by cystine. The more detailed analysis revealed that the extracellular supply of cysteine influences strongly the intracellular level of GSH and also the activity of the transcription factor NF kappa B that regulates the expression of several immunologically relevant genes. in vitro Experiments including double-chamber experiments with macrophages and lymphocytes revealed, moreover, that cysteine plays an important role as a regulatory mediator between these cell types. The cysteine supply is impaired directly or indirectly in several pathologic conditions that are associated with immunodeficiencies, including AIDS. GSNO AND CONTROL OF M. TUBERCULOSIS INFECTION Although NO is considered as a major effector molecule involved in the control of M. tuberculosis infection it has a short biological activity as it gets rapidly detoxified to nitrate and nitrite. Both nitrate and nitrite lack antimicrobial effects Fig. (3). NO also reacts with GSH to form GSNO. GSNO, an NO donor, can then release NO, leading to the death of M. tuberculosis Fig. (3). The stability of NO is increased when in complex with GSH Fig. (3). Till date there has been no successful demonstration of NO production by in vitro cultured human macrophages indicating that the levels of GSNO in human body may either be undetectable or negligible. Hence we do not anticipate any cytotoxic effects of GSNO on human cells. In contrast to humans, murine cells will produce GSNO upon stimulation. Again the intracellular concen-tration of GSNO in murine system will be higher than the extracellular concentration due to low levels of GSH in the extracellular fluids. Therefore the toxic effects of GSNO on murine cells will be a localized phenomenon, confining to the cells that generate GSNO in

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Fig. (3). NO, GSNO, and innate immunity against TB infection in mice.

abundant quantities and in parallel lack the ability to degenerate GSNO. GSH & CONTROL INFECTION




GSH, a tripeptide and an antioxidant plays an important role in maintenance of cell viability and regulating immune cell functions. The intracellular concentration of GSH is in the range of 0.1 to 10 mM. Interestingly, mycobacteria do not synthesize GSH. Rather, they produce mycothiol in millimolar amounts. We have reported that GSH plays an important role in limiting intracellular BCG growth in macrophages derived from NOS2 knock-out C57BL6 mice and in HMDM [39]. In other words, GSH has direct antimycobacterial activity distinct from its role as a nitric oxide (NO) carrier [39]. This is an important distinction, since the role of NO in human mycobacterial immunity is uncertain. These results unfold a novel and potentially important innate defense mechanism adopted by human macrophages to control M. tuberculosis infection [39-41]. We also observed that the virulent laboratory strain of M. tuberculosis, H37Rv is sensitive to GSH at physiological concentrations (5mM) when grown in vitro [40]. In other words, GSH has direct antimycobacterial activity [39]. SENSITIVITY OF M. TUBERCULOSIS H37RV TO GSNO In our studies, we observed that the virulent laboratory strain of M. tuberculosis, H37Rv, grown in vitro, is sensitive

to GSNO at physiological concentrations [40]. GSNO is cytocidal to H37Rv [40]. H37Rv was grown in mycobacterial growth media 7H9, in the presence and absence of GSNO. GSNO at 5mM concentration is bactericidal, as observed by O.D. and CFU [40]. The sensitivity of M. tuberculosis to GSNO is due to the microbicidal effects of NO released from the GSNO complex. GSNO represent one of the most important active forms of NO as an antimicrobial agent. Based on the results of these studies, we hypothesize that growth inhibition of H37Rv in murine macrophages is mediated in part by GSH and GSNO generated by macrophages during oxidative or nitrosative stress. We tested this hypothesis by performing in vitro infection studies in the murine macrophage cell line, J774.1. Discussed below are the data from our studies on the pivotal role of GSH and GSNO in regulating the intracellular killing H37Rv in J744.1 macrophages. SURVIVAL OF H37RV IN UNTREATED, IFN- + LPS-TREATED AND IFN- + LPS+BSO- TREATED J774.1 CELL LINES We tested the survival of H37Rv in J774.1 cells under conditions known to induce NO (hence GSNO) production [41]. H37Rv-infected macrophages were treated with IFN- (100 U/ml) and LPS (1μg/ml). The results obtained from six different experiments performed in triplicate indicate a significant growth of H37Rv inside unstimulated J774.1 macrophages and growth inhibition of H37Rv inside IFN-+ LPS-stimulated J774.1 cells [40]. To prove that GSH/GSNO

Glutathione and Control of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis

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play a major role in macrophage killing of H37Rv in IFN-+ LPS-treated J774.1 cells, buthionine sulphoximine (BSO) was added to macrophage cultures. BSO specifically inhibits the synthesis of GSH. Addition of BSO (500μM) to IFN-+ LPS treated J774.1 cells, resulted in significant growth of H37Rv and abrogation in the static effect brought about by IFN-+ LPS treatment [40]. This indicates that intracellular GSH and GSNO play a significant role in the killing of intracellular H37Rv in J774.1 cells [40].

the IL-12-IFN- axis [3]. We therefore tested and compared the growth of H37Rv in HMDM from healthy subjects that are unstimulated, or stimulated in vitro with IFN- and LPS. Results from six different experiments performed in triplicate indicate a significant and almost four-fold increase in the intracellular growth of H37Rv inside unstimulated HMDM [43]. Stimulation of HMDM cells with IFN-+LPS also resulted in significant growth of intracellular H37Rv [43]. These results confirm the observations of others that exogenous IFN- does not enhance the mycobactericidal activity of isolated human macrophages as it does those of mice Fig. (4).

ROI & THE NITRITE ASSAY IFN-+ LPS-treatment induce several antimicrobial mechanisms within the macrophages. In order to demonstrate that GSH and GSNO contribute to the growth inhibition of H37Rv inside IFN-+ LPS treated macrophages, we measured GSH, reactive oxygen intermediates (ROI), and nitrite levels in macrophages treated with IFN-+ LPS, and IFN-+ LPS+BSO. ROI was detected in J774.1 cells by staining using a fluorescent dye dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate (DCDHF) and nitrite was detected spectrophotometrically by the Greiss reaction [42]. IFN-+ LPS stimulation of J774.1 macrophages resulted in significant four-fold increases in ROI and NO generation, compared to unstimulated macrophages [40]. Treatment of J774.1 cells with IFN-+ LPS and BSO also resulted in a significant and an almost four-fold increase in ROI and NO generation, compared to unstimulated macrophages [40]. ASSAY OF GSH BY FLOW CYTOMETRY AND SPECTROPHOTOMETERY GSH was assayed by two methods: spectrophotometery and fluorescent detection monochlorobimane (MCB) staining. Similar results were obtained by both techniques. Treatment of J774.1 cells with IFN-+ LPS and BSO caused a significant decrease in intracellular GSH levels, compared to untreated and IFN-+ LPS treated macrophages. The decrease in intracellular GSH levels in IFN- + LPS+ BSOtreated macrophages, in comparison to untreated and IFN-+ LPS-treated macrophages was four-fold by flow cytometric determination [40]. If NO and ROI are the primary species responsible for controlling the growth of M. tuberculosis in murine macrophages, then we should observe growth inhibition of M. tuberculosis in IFN-+ LPS+ BSO-treated macrophages. However, we observe significant growth of M. tuberculosis in IFN-+ LPS+ BSO-treated macrophages [40]. Treatment of J774.1 cells with IFN- + LPS+BSO resulted in decreased GSH levels [40], which likely reflects a concomitant decrease in GSNO formation. Hence, we observe significant increased growth of intracellular H37Rv.These results strongly indicate that GSH/GSNO generated by macrophages contributes significantly to the innate immunity against M. tuberculosis infection. SURVIVAL OF H37RV INSIDE UNTREATED, IFN+LPS-TREATED HUMAN MONOCYTE DERIVED MACROPHAGES (HMDM) It is well known that production of IFN- appears to be crucial to the control of M. tuberculosis infection [3, 5]. Impaired production of IFN- correlates with progression of immunodeficiency and is likely related to abnormalities in


SENSITIVITY OF H37RV TO GSH H37Rv was grown in 7H9 in the presence and absence of GSH. GSH at 5mM concentration (physiological concentration) is bacteriostatic to H37Rv, as observed by O.D. and CFU [40]. The mechanism of antimycobacterial activity of GSH is not fully understood. One possibility is that the presence of a high concentration of GSH may result in a redox imbalance in a bacterium containing an alternative thiol, such as mycothiol, that regulates reduction/oxidation activity. We also consider the hypothesis of Spallholz [44], who observed the similarity in structure between GSH and penicillin antibiotics. Spallholz proposed that GSH activity might reflect the need for innate antibiotic activity [45, 46]. The results of this study led us to predict that the growth control of H37Rv inside human macrophages may partly be due to the direct toxic effects of GSH. SURVIVAL OF H37RV INSIDE CYSTEINE (NAC) TREATED HMDM


To examine whether GSH plays a role in controlling M. tuberculosis infection inside human macrophages, HMDM from healthy volunteers were treated with 5, 10, 15, and 20mM NAC, and intracellular growth of H37Rv was measured Fig. (5). We observed that treatment of HMDM with 10 mM NAC resulted in stasis in H37Rv growth [43]. Treatment of HMDM with other concentrations of NAC did not result in significant growth inhibition of H37Rv. Therefore, NAC at 10 mM is more effective in inducing growth control of M. tuberculosis Fig. (5). WHOLE BLOOD MYCOBACTERICIDAL ASSAY IN BLOOD FROM HEALTHY SUBJECTS Since GSH is also known to enhance the functions of immune cells including NK cells, we hypothesized that treatment of whole blood cultures with NAC will result in more efficient growth inhibition of H37Rv and this may be due to the combination of direct antimycobacterial effects of GSH as well as due to the enhanced activation of NK cells Fig. (6). We tested our hypothesis by performing infection assays using whole blood from healthy subjects. Whole blood infection model represent a physiologically relevant model, since all blood elements are represented. Control and NK cell-depleted (by mini-MACS column using CD56coated microbeads) blood cultures were treated overnight with 10mM NAC followed by infection with processed H37Rv. Intracellular growth of H37Rv was monitored in

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Fig. (4). Intracellular survival of H37Rv inside IFN-+LPS-stimulated human monocyte derived macrophages.

Fig. (5). Intracellular survival of H37Rv in NAC-treated HMDM.

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Glutathione and Control of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis

Recent Patents on Anti-Infective Drug Discovery, 2009, Vol. 4, No. 3


Fig. (6). Growth control of M. tuberculosis by human blood cultures (in vitro): interaction of monocytes with other cellular components will lead to growth inhibition of M. tuberculosis.

whole blood cultures with and without NK cells. In the normal, untreated whole blood culture, we observed an approximately two fold increase in the growth of H37Rv between the initial and final time points of termination. Interestingly, depletion of the NK cell population from the untreated blood culture resulted in a six-fold increase in the intracellular viability between the two time points [25]. This observation underscores the importance of NK cells in controlling M. tuberculosis infection. Treatment of blood cultures with NAC resulted in growth inhibition of H37Rv [25]. Interestingly, depletion of NK cells from NAC-treated blood cultures resulted in abrogation of growth inhibition as marked by a four-fold increase in the intracellular growth of H37Rv. These results signify the role of GSH and NK cells in growth inhibition of M. tuberculosis. GROWTH INHIBITION OF H37RV IN MONOCYTE + NK CELL CO-CULTURE In order to determine the ability of NK cells to inhibit the intracellular growth of M. tuberculosis, we examined the intracellular survival of H37Rv in a co-culture of infected monocytes and NK cells. Infected monocytes cultured in the absence of NK cells were included as a negative control. We observed a seven fold increase in the intracellular growth of H37Rv in monocytes cultured in the absence of NK cells in comparison to the monocytes that were co-incubated with

NK cells, in which there was only three-fold growth of H37Rv. Growth inhibition of H37Rv was observed when NK cells were co-incubated with the infected monocytes, but this difference was not significant from the H37Rv category. This observation highlights the important contribution of NK cells in controlling M. tuberculosis infection. Treatment of NK cells with NAC did not result in additional increase in growth inhibition of H37Rv. Further increases in growth inhibition of intracellular H37Rv were observed when NK cells were treated with either IL-2 or IL-12 both in the presence and absence of NAC. This is reflected in the low CFU observed between the initial and final time point in all the categories that had NK cells treated with stimulatory cytokines with and without NAC. Interestingly, treatment of NK cells with the combination of IL-2+IL-12+NAC resulted in the most effective control of M. tuberculosis growth Fig. (7). These studies provide solid evidence that GSH in conjunction with IL-2 and IL-12 activates NK cells to control M. tuberculosis infection [25]. NK CELL CYTOTOXICITY ASSAY USING K562 AS TARGET CELLS We studied the effect of GSH in enhancing the cytolytic activity of NK cells by performing NK cell cytotoxicity assays, using K562 cells as target cells. NK cell cytotoxicity against K562 cells was assayed in a 24-h 51Cr release assay.

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Fig. (7). Treatment of NK cells with IL-2+IL-12+NAC result in growth inhibition of M. tuberculosis inside human monocytes.

Experiments performed in 8 subjects consistently indicate increases in NK cell cytolytic activity in the presence of NAC and further increases in NK cell cytolytic activity in the presence of cytokines +NAC combination. In comparison to untreated NK cells, NAC treatment caused a 7.5 fold increase in the %51Cr release [25]. Treatment with IL-2 increased the cytolytic activity of NK cells to levels similar to those with NAC treatment [25]. NAC treatment enhanced the effect of IL-2, increasing the cytotoxic function of NK cells to significantly higher levels [25]. Addition of IL-12 to NK cells induced only an approximate three fold increase in %51Cr release and this effect was also significantly enhanced with the addition of NAC [25]. Treatment with a combination of both IL-2 and IL-12 did not result in significant increases in lytic activity, but when NAC was also added to this treatment, a maximum and significant increase in %51Cr release was observed [25]. These findings suggest an important role for GSH in modulating the ability of NK cells to lyse K562 cells either alone or in combination with stimulatory cytokines. INDUCTION OF APOPTOSIS OF M. TUBERCULOSIS INFECTED MACROPHAGES BY NK CELLS In contrast to our earlier studies where IL-2+IL12+NAC-treated NK cells significantly lyse the K562 cells, we did not observe any lysis of H37Rv-infected human macrophages when co-cultured with NK cells. Interestingly, we observed increased apoptosis of H37Rv-infected macrophages when co-cultured with NK cells. H37Rv

infection induced 18% apoptosis in HMDM at 7 days postinfection [25]. Co-incubation of infected HMDM with NK cells resulted in 32% of HMDM staining positive in the TUNEL reaction [25]. Interestingly, treatment of NK cells with IL-2 or IL-12 resulted in down-regulation in apoptosis of HMDM; the percentage of HMDM staining positive with TUNEL was around 18% and is similar to the levels observed in H37Rv-infected HMDM cultured in the absence of NK cells [25]. Furthermore, treatment of IL-2+IL-12stimulated NK cells with NAC increased the apoptosisinducing activity of NK cells, increasing the percentage of HMDM staining positive for TUNEL to 40% [25]. These results suggest that induction of macrophage apoptosis could be an important mechanism by which IL-2+IL-12-NACtreated NK cells control M. tuberculosis infection Fig. (7). ASSAY OF GSH IN PBMC AND RBC FROM HEALTHY SUBJECTS AND TB PATIENTS Importantly, we have recently reported that GSH levels are decreased in individuals with active pulmonary TB and this decrease correlates with increased pro-inflammatory cytokine production and enhanced growth of M. tuberculosis [47]. Our group is a pioneer in reporting that GSH levels are decreased in individuals with pulmonary TB and correlating decreased GSH levels with increased pro-inflammatory cytokine production and enhanced growth of M. tuberculosis [47]. A total of 12 subjects (6 healthy volunteer controls and 6 subjects with pulmonary TB infection) were enrolled in this study. Subjects with pulmonary TB infection (without

Glutathione and Control of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis

Recent Patents on Anti-Infective Drug Discovery, 2009, Vol. 4, No. 3


HIV infection) were enrolled at the Lattimore Clinic at the University hospital of University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ), Newark. Active pulmonary TB was defined as isolation of M. tuberculosis from sputum. Immediately after diagnosis, subjects with sputum smears positive for M. tuberculosis infection were initially treated in a negative pressure isolation room and given standard antiTB regimen for about three weeks in the hospital until their sputum smears became negative for M. tuberculosis. Afterwards, patients were treated for six to nine months at the Lattimore clinic. Forty milliliters of blood was drawn from all the subjects within the first six weeks of starting TB treatment after obtaining informed consent. Subjects coinfected with HIV and TB, were excluded from the study. Healthy subjects without HIV infection or a history of TB were recruited from the hospital and the university faculty and staff (n = 6). Healthy subjects with a history of a positive TST were excluded from the study so as to maintain strict study definitions. This is according to the CDC recommendation that recognizes that a positive TST reflects LTBI. Intracellular GSH levels in PBMC, RBC, and plasma from healthy individuals and TB patients were assayed by spectrophotometry using a GSH assay kit (Calbiochem). Samples were also used in the Bradford protein assay (BioRad). We observed a significant decrease in the GSH levels in PBMC [47] and RBC [47] isolated from patients with active pulmonary TB, compared to healthy subjects. The percent decrease in intracellular GSH levels was more than 70% in PBMC and 30% in RBC, isolated from TB patients. Although the patients were on anti-TB treatment at the time of blood draw it should be noted that the blood was drawn very early during the treatment period (within the first six weeks) and we believe that the decreased GSH is truly due to the effect of infection and the disease. No studies have been reported thus far associating anti-TB treatment with decreased GSH levels. Nevertheless, several studies have demonstrated anti-TB drug-related hepatic dysfunctions and the conditions that may cause potential risks include: 1) heavy alcohol consumption; 2) heroin addiction; 3) hepatitis B carrier status; 4) HIV-infection and 5) long-term steroid administration. Since liver plays a major role in GSH synthesis, liver dysfunction can possibly result in impaired GSH synthesis. However, none of the factors listed above were observed among our participants and thus favors the likelihood that the observed decrease in GSH is truly due to M. tuberculosis infection. In our future studies, we will confirm this finding under most stringent conditions such as measuring GSH levels in samples obtained from TB patients prior to the commencement of treatment. These findings will provide a definitive link between TB disease and GSH levels. The reason for low GSH levels in TB patients is unclear, but we believe that enhanced ROI and TNF- might be responsible for this finding Fig (8). Inflammation-related oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathogenesis of lung fibrosis and dysfunction in patients with pulmonary TB [48]. Jack et al. [49] reported that several circulating markers of free radical activity were increased in pulmonary TB patients and some of these markers remain elevated even after completion of antimicrobial chemotherapy, indicating ongoing oxidative stress, which may contribute to decreased GSH levels. Moreover, in our studies we observed increased levels of TNF- both in plasma and in H3Rv-infected blood

cultures of TB patients [47]. It has been shown that TNF- stimulates ROI production. TNF- could impair GSH-redox status by production of ROI, and the impairment of GSHreductase system could lead to decreased regeneration of reduced GSH from oxidized GSSG. Moreover, enhanced ROI is likely to increase TNF-  in various cells. Thus, enhanced TNF- production may represent a pathogenic loop, leading to enhanced inflammation and ROI production, leading to reduced GSH levels Fig. (8). Antonio et al. discussed the therapy against M. tuberculosis by the use of the polypeptide having immunogenic portion of Mycobacterium in US Patent 20090022742 [50]. INTRACELLULAR SURVIVAL OF M. TUBERCULOSIS, H37RV IN UNSTIMULATED AND NAC-TREATED BLOOD CULTURES OF TB PATIENTS Next, we studied the intracellular growth of H37Rv using whole blood cultures prepared from blood TB patients. The whole blood culture model is useful because it does not require a high volume of blood and it includes interactions of infected monocytes with other immune cells. Blood cultures were maintained and infected with H37Rv using standardized protocols [25]. GSH levels in blood cultures were altered using the agents NAC and BSO, which specifically increase and decrease intracellular GSH, respectively. The effect of altered GSH levels on H37Rv survival was studied. In contrast to healthy subjects, infection of blood cultures from TB patients with H37Rv resulted in an almost threefold increase in H37Rv growth [47]. Furthermore, pretreatment of blood cultures from TB patients with NAC caused improved control of intracellular H37Rv infection compared to untreated blood cultures from TB patients [50]. However, we observed that pre-treatment with NAC resulted in more efficient of growth control of intracellular H37Rv in blood cultures derived from healthy subjects compared to TB patients [47]. Our results suggest that growth inhibition of H37Rv in NAC-treated blood cultures is due to direct antimycobacterial effects of GSH and due to activation of immune cells by GSH. BSO-treatment abrogated the effects of NAC in inducing growth control of H37Rv [47]. This is the first study that correlates GSH levels with protective immunity in TB patients. We also observed a low uptake of H37Rv in untreated blood cultures of TB patients [47]. Furthermore, pre-treatment with NAC caused increased uptake of H37Rv. DETECTION OF CYTOKINES USING CYTOKINE ARRAY To examine whether GSH modulates cytokine synthesis, we measured cytokine levels in blood culture supernatants from active TB patients. Cytokines were assayed in cell-free supernatants that were collected from uninfected, H37Rvinfected, and H37Rv-infected+NAC-treated blood cultures using a Liqui- Chip cytokine detection kit procured from Qiagen. The assay kit measured the following cytokines: IL1, IL-2, IL-6, IL-10, TNF-, and IFN-. H37Rv infection induced the blood cultures of TB patients to produce increased levels of IL-10 [47] and pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1, TNF- and IL-6 [47]. Treatment with

224 Recent Patents on Anti-Infective Drug Discovery, 2009, Vol. 4, No. 3

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Fig. (8). Model describing the reasons for decreased GSH levels in individuals with active tuberculosis.

GSH enhancing agent, NAC decreased the levels of IL-10, IL-6, TNF- and IL-1 in blood cultures derived from TB patients [47]. Basal or undetectable levels of cytokines were found on supernatants from blood cultures of healthy individuals. Increased levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines may cause acute-phase events, such as fever, and may also mediate cachexia, hemorrhagic necrosis and lethal shock [48, 51, 52]. Active TB is associated with suppression of T-cell responses [48] and enhanced production and activity of immunosuppressive cytokines such as IL-10, which inhibits T-cell proliferation and IFN- production. Interestingly, we observed that NAC treatment decreased the levels of IL-10 and pro-inflammatory cytokines. Our results emphasize the important role of GSH in both innate and cellular immunity against TB infection. Our studies also indicate that GSH can modulate cytokine synthesis and promote the host immune responses to contain M. tuberculosis infection successfully. In October 2009, patent application US20090123531 was published describing a new system of delivery including the GSH and its grafted derivative [53]. Naparstek and Hershko reported new elements in WO patent 2009024986 for the enhancement of innate immunity by the active compositions and the elements from the promoter region of different cytokines [54].

cytokines (IL-2, IFN-gamma, GM-CSF, IL-12, ATP etc.) particularly those with no severe side-effects, are urgently needed. The outcomes of our research indicate that GSH can be a promising immune-adjunctive agent that potentiate control of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) by its direct antimycobacterial activity as well as by enhancing the immune cell functions (NK cells).Our future studies will provide further compelling evidence for the use of GSH as an immuno-therapeutic agent in conjunction with antimycobacterial drugs for successful control of MDR-TB. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The glutathione studies reviewed in article was conducted between 2003 and now. We acknowledge the support of Potts Memorial Foundation Grant (V.V), Start-up funds from Western University of Health Sciences (V.V), UMDNJ Foundation Grant (V.V), American Heart Association-Scientist Development Grant (V.V) and the Infectious Diseases division of the Department of Medicine of UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School. We thank the volunteers for providing us with blood samples for this study. CONFLICT OF INTEREST

CURRENT & FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS Our studies indicate the association between GSH and control of M. tuberculosis infection. Immunotherapy of mycobacterial infections in combination with antimycobacterial drugs is highly warranted . Importantly, development of new classes of immune-modulators other than

The corresponding author declares no conflict of interest. REFERENCES [1]

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