Controlled Experiments on Pair Programming - Semantic Scholar

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Reidar Conradi. 1. , Muhammad Ali Babar2. 1 Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway. 2IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Controlled Experiments on Pair Programming: Making Sense of Heterogeneous Results Reidar Conradi1, Muhammad Ali Babar2 1

Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway 2 IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark [email protected], [email protected]

ABSTRACT Recently, several controlled experiments on adoption and use of pair programming (PP) have been reported. Most of these experiments have been conducted by constructing small-scale programs of a few hundred lines of code, using correctness, duration, and effort metrics. However, none of the experiments is a replication of a previous one, and there are significant differences among contextual factors such as local goals, metrics, and collected measures. Hence, it is very difficult to compare, assess and generalize the results from different experiments. We illustrate this difficulty by comparing metrics and measures from two wellknown PP experiments. We also show how one study failed in applying large-scale defect profiles on small-scale systems. We asserted that apart from studying the quantitative effects of PP, researchers should also focus on studying PP’s social and cognitive impact on teamwork. Such studies require longitudinal case studies in commercial settings, which are hard to carry out.

Categories and Subject Descriptors K.6.3 [Software Engineering]: Software Management – Software process.

General Terms Management, Experimentation.

Keywords Architecture evaluation, quality attributes, scenarios, controlled experiments, empirical software engineering.

1. INTRODUCTION There has been a substantial industrial uptake of agile approaches [4] during the last decade. Some of the most popular ones are two of the 12 eXtreme Programming (XP) practices, Test Driven Development (TDD) and Pair Programming (PP). There has been an increase in research efforts (e.g., [15] and [1]) that investigate the effect of PP using controlled experiments involving both professionals and students. Most of the reported PP controlled experiments are based on small tasks to develop or maintain miniature software systems. The dependent variables are typically producPermission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. ESEM'10, October xx, 2010, Bolzano, Italy. Copyright 2006 ACM 1-59593-218-6/06/0009...$5.00.

tivity (code size, effort, duration), quality (defect density), or aspects of social behaviour (team spirit, personal motivation, dissemination of skills). The independent variables are typically the given software tasks (requirements from a treatment specification), paired vs. single-person execution, pair/person allocation, maximum duration, and participants’ background (age, education, affiliation, knowledge, and skills). Contextual or stable background variables are the actual programming environment (language, tools), and work environment (work hours, communication channels, social organization). Recent studies (see later Sections 2-3) reveal that PP typically contributes 10%-15% to improved software correctness, increased development speed, and causes a moderate decrease in productivity (number of written code lines per person hour, p-h) or increase in effort (total number of spent p-hs). However, the different local aims, scopes, metrics and configurations of these studies lead to rather heterogeneous measures and methodological problems in comparing and interpreting the collected measures across reported studies, for instance [10-11]. Hence, it is not clear if we can come up with a combined, contextual cost/benefit model of PP’s influence on software development. Such models are necessary to support robust decision-making between anticipated changes in selected properties of software products and/or processes. Aggregated evidence can help practitioners to compose teams to harvest maximum and reproducible impacts of PP’s properties. Such trade-offs occurs frequently in software development. There have been some efforts to do secondary or meta-analysis studies of agile approaches [6, 8]. It has been found that the coverage and quality of the published empirical studies of agile approaches still need considerable improvement [6]. Hence, the current PP experiments may not help build reliable body of evidence because of the abovementioned reasons. Given the Goal Question Metrics principle of lean metrics in empirical work [3], this should not come as a surprise that we cannot come after the completion of a study and demand different or possibly supplementary data. However, we can try to agree upon a minimal common metrics for a few key variables. Another important point is that PP also involves interesting social and cognitive teamwork aspects in developing and maintaining software, such as work satisfaction, team spirit, knowledge dissemination, and experience-driven learning. However, researchers have not paid much attention to gather and disseminate empirical evidence about the socio-technical benefits of PP. However, such studies would need longitudinal case studies in industrial settings. Software engineering researchers are constrained both by limited resources and by methodological hinders for not studying large commercial systems that can be the reason for the lack of indus-

trial case studies and abundance of experiments with “toy systems” to study PP. Based on the reasons given for the genesis of EBSE and by looking through SLR papers [6, 8], we have formulated the following questions, which have motivated this study: • RQ1. How to assess and compare the effects of different PP studies? • RQ2. What common metrics could possibly be applied in the PP primary studies? • RQ3. How to study and promote the cognitive and social aspects of PP?

Table 2. Independent variables. Indep. variables



Given objects: Software artefacts

Two variants of Java program code.

(no C program)

Executing team

Paired / solo


Task complexity

Simple / Complex

(not investigated)

Assumed individual programming expertise

Junior / Intermediate / Senior; assessed by job manager.

Same, but according to previous exam marks.

Pre-test of actual individual programming skills

Observed duration to perform a correct T1 pre-test.


2. COMPARING TWO PP EXPERIMENTS We looked through recently published literature reviews [6, 8] on agile approaches in order to find the studies for comparison. We selected two published PP experiments [1, 15]. The first was conducted by Arisholm et al. [1-2] and the second experiment was performed by Williams and her team [15]. Later on, we will also discuss the attempt of Erdogmus [7] to add commercial defect measures of amounts and costs on data gathered in Williams’ experiment [15]. Both of the abovementioned studies intended to measure the effect of paired vs. solo teams by varying several factors as indicated in Tables 1 through Table 4.

Table 3. Dependent variables. Dep. variables



Final objects: Software artefacts and logs.

Modified Java code, no. (i.e., percentage) of teams w/ all tests passed.

Developed C code, percentage of tests passed.

Code size

Neither size of baseline (200-300? LOC), nor number or size of increments given – but known by the researchers.

LOC (lacks detail), ca. 100-150 LOC per program.


No. (or percentage) of teams (0..10), with all three tests (T2,T3,T4) finally passed and after a censor’s final code inspection (binary score: Pass/Fail).

Percentage of tests being finally passed - i.e., can deduce remaining defects.

Table 1. General information. General info.




Assess PP effect on software maintenance wrt. duration, effort, and correctness (as no. of teams with zero remaining defects) by varying task complexity, programmer expertise, and team size (pair / soloist).

Same, plus code size (LOC), but only development, no maintenance.

T0: Briefing, Questionnaire, and Java Prog. Env. try-outs, but no practical PP training (“pair yelling”).

T0: Briefing, a bit practical PP training.


T1: A pre-test to modify ATM software, with 7 classes and 358 LOC.

T1-T4: Develop 4 independent tasks from scratch. 4th task had incomplete data.

T2-T4: 3 incr. changes on same evolving source in two arch. variants: simple / complex.

Test suite of test cases etc.

Total no. of committed defects not known! Duration

Max 5-8 hours in same day

4 sessions of max 5 hours during 6 weeks


In p-hs, including defect fixing (but not incl. correction work that did not lead to more passing of tests!).

In p-hs, including defect fixing.

Table 4. Contextual variables.

T5: a final task; not considered. Subjects

Total no. of committed defects not known!

295 extra-paid professionals in 29 companies in 3 countries in phase2; 99 professionals in phase1.

41 senior (4th year) students, many with industrial experience; as part of a sw.eng. course.

Pre-prepared by the researchers.


Contx. variables



Programming language


C (assumed but not stated).

Prog.environment / tools

Text editor, e.g. JDK w/ Javacompiler (cf. T0).

Emacs, C compiler etc.


Distributed work places / ”offices”.

Central univ. lab.

The data presented in Table 1 through Table 4 reveal that two PP experiments with similar overall objectives vary from each other

on a number of characteristics. Let us consider the variations between the testing set-ups in these two studies: • All test cases and test suites are premade. • Assuming only coding defects; no requirements, design, or other kinds of defects. • Only correcting pre-delivery defects, not post-delivery ones with extra reproduction costs. • No version control or systematic regression testing. • May correct the program several times until it passes the test(s). For Simula: a correction effort that does not lead to passing of one more test is ignored. • Correctness metrics is very different; - at Simula: Number of teams (i.e., 0..10) in a similar - group with all tests passed; at Utah: percentage of tests actually passed; - elsewhere: number of corrected pre-delivery defects or corresponding defect rate (divided per LOC). These observations of variations between two studies raises one important point: do we need so much diversity? It is clear that neither code size nor code quality has comparable metrics. Hence, it may not be possible to aggregate the evidence from these experiments for supporting decision making for PP adoption and use.

3. PROBLEMS IN COMBINING DATA FROM PP EXPERIMENTS Erdogmus and Williams [7] combined the PP-experiment data from [15] with commercial defect rates and costs, and put all this into a Net Product Value (NPV) model. Moderate quality or productivity differences around 15 % might translate into significant savings or losses [7]. The intended analysis may convert general effectiveness data to concrete cost efficiency data. The actual PP data showed that average code productivity for “soloists” was 25 LOC1 per p-h and 21.7 for pairs. However, productivity rates for “toy programs” are expectedly 3-5 times higher than the 5 LOC per p-h typical for large commercial programs, since coding represents only 20-30 % of the total development effort according to the common “4+2+4” rule. The average share of passed pre-delivery tests (provided for free by the researchers) was 75 % for soloists, and 85 % for pairs (corrected down from an initial figure of 90 %). We assume that each test targets one unique defect, not combinations. However, it is not reported how many such tests were available, e.g., 75 % could mean passing 3 out of 4, or 15 out of 20 tests. The following baseline measures stem from [9] and come from a sample of 150 large commercial programs with average code size of 2.15 MLOC (megaLOC) and a median of 0.28 MLOC. From this sample, Jones predicts that ca. 5 defects per Function Point (FP) will result from the coding phase; and thus be subject to pre-delivery testing. Erdogmus and Williams followed Jones' assumption that there are 128 LOC-C (lines of C code) per FP, or ca. 60 Java code lines per FP. This again translates into 39 postcoding-phase defects per 1000 LOC-C. According to Jones, about 15 % of these, or 6 defects, will escape pre-delivery testing. The delivered code from pairs will then have a mean of 6 (15 % of 39) post-delivery defects per 1000 LOC-C, while soloist code will have 10 such defects (25 % of 39).


For simplicity we do not distinguish between LOC (all source lines) and NSLOC (non-commenting and non-blank source lines).

Comment 1 - Normalization of defect densities: To retain an average of 6 post-delivery defects per 1000 LOC-C for soloists, we must "normalize" our number of post-delivery defects to 6 for soloists and to 4 for pairs (Erdogmus and Williams used respectively, 6 and 3 here). Comment 2 - Three times too many coding defects: The 5 defects per FP (for the years 1986-1996 [9], p. 117) include not only coding defects caught by testing (1.75 defects), but also requirements defects caught by inspections (1.00), design defects caught by other kinds of inspections (1.25), defects from faulty user documents (0.60), plus secondary defects from bad fixes and wrong test cases (0.40). So the relevant number of "true" coding defects in the PP-developed software is expected to be only 1.75 per FP, not 5.00 – i.e., only 35 % of initially envisaged. The above 39 general defects per 1000 LOC-C must be adjusted to 39*035 = 13.7 which includes only coding defects. The revised number of post-delivery coding defects per 1000 LOC-C then becomes 1.4 (4*0.35) for pairs, i.e. that 12.3 coding defects are committed, discovered and corrected before delivery. Similarly, the number of post-delivery coding defects becomes 2.1 (6*0.35) for soloists, i.e. that 11.6 such coding defects are corrected before delivery. The average effort to correct a pre-delivery coding defect then seems to be less than one p-h for unit-test defects, and 3-5 p-hs for system-test defects, given around 40 p-hs of total code development. Comment 3: 3-4 times too high correction effort for each postdelivery coding defect: Jones ([9] p. 129) reports cost to correct an average defect is $1500 or 34 p-hs, given a total hourly salary of $44.2. This means that a soloist first will spend a working week of 40 p-hs to produce 1000 LOC-C of software code, plus some 100-200 more p-hs to make corresponding requirements, design, user manuals, and test cases. This total amount of software will have 6 post-delivery defects of any kind, totally costing 6*34 = 204 p-hs to correct. However, an average, post-delivery defect correction cost of 34 p-hs is simply not credible for the “toy” systems in the given PP experiment. It merely illustrates that use of data from large commercial systems in the “toy” system context must be done with great care. For instance, the mentioned "4+2+4” rule predicts that testing is twice as expensive as coding, but that covers many testrelated activities not included here If we apply the previous 35 % reduction to get a revised effort estimate for fixing post-delivery coding defects, we get 34*0.35 = 12 p-hs per fixed defect. This reduced effort is even close to what some companies with MLOC software have reported to us, i.e., 810 p-hs to fix a post-delivery (or user-reported) coding defect. We can say that 10 p-hs to correct a post-delivery coding defect may serve as a robust quality cost estimate, at least at the start. It should be noted that the “toy” programs in [15] were never intended to have an "after-use" corrective maintenance. Example A: It now takes a soloist 40 p-hs to write 1000 LOC-C including fixing 11.6 pre-delivery coding defects, and another 2.1 * 10 = 21 p-hs to fix post-delivery coding defects, totally 20 + 21 = 61 p-hs. A pair will use 43.4 p-hs for coding including fixing 12.6 pre-delivery coding defects and another 1.4*10 = 14 p-hs for fixing post-delivery coding defects, totally 43.4 + 14.0 = 57.4 phs. So the pair “wins” by a margin of 7 % less coding/defectfixing effort over the soloist. However, the margin is narrow and the whole experiment so far inconclusive, especially considering the many simplifications and assumptions made.

Example B: A customer may initially give a premium on correct software or a penalty on bugging software, which can justify higher quality cost during development. Time-to-market pressure may dictate a progressively lower price on future deliveries, so correctness is sacrificed on behalf of shorter duration. Summing up: Erdogmus and Williams adopted from [9] a three times too high coding defect rate, followed by a 3-4 times too high correction effort for post-delivery coding defects. While Erdogmus and Williams’ instrumented NPV model may still be valid, the efforts (costs) must be reduced by a factor of 10. Despite the overall cost/benefits of using PP seems quite small, we may choose to apply PP just because of its anticipated social and cognitive effects on teamwork.

4. DISCUSSION and CONCLUSION In order to answer our first research question, we can say that it is hard to answer the questions such as how to assess and compare the effects of different PP studies as they vary drastically in terms of contextual factors and studied variables, like [9] vs. [15]. How can we only perform relative comparisons but not absolute ones because each organization is unique with regards to its application domain, software portfolio, technology, skills, people, and culture. Productivity and defect measures are unlikely to be commensurable between organizations. Can we then only compare teams vs. soloists in the same study or setting, but not teams vs. teams across studies or settings? Regarding the question, how to define a partially standard metrics for software, we suggest that the elements of a minimal common metrics could include volume or code size (in LOC or Function Points; and neutral tools can help perform size calculations), defect rate (measured pre- or post-delivery), effort (p-hs) and personal background. The meta-paper [8] concludes "pair programming is not uniformly beneficial or effective" - "you cannot expect faster and better and cheaper" [13]. The obvious solution is to introduce pragmatic and experience-based cost/benefit models and estimates. If quality is paramount, then duration and/or effort may have to suffer, but a compromise is often feasible and negotiable. Likewise, for easy vs. complex tasks, we may compose programmer pairs accordingly to reflect expected behavior or to serve later needs in maintenance. There are nevertheless some paradoxes such as are novice teams behaving like "the blind leading the blind" [12] or capable of a "remarkable 149% increase" in correctness for more complex tasks when compared with novice “soloists” [1]. Based on this study, we can conclude that there are several kinds of problems in investigating the findings from PP experiments for aggregation purposes due to heterogeneous contextual variable and produced data. Hence, the approaches like systematic literature reviews may not be a panacea to such problems unless we fix the underlying problem of heterogeneity. For our third research question (How to study and promote the cognitive and social aspects of PP?), we can conclude that researchers also need to focus on studying socio-technical benefits of agile approaches in general and PP in particular. However, such aspects can be appropriately studied by designing and conducting longitudinal case studies in industrial settings. We can also conclude that there are few PP studies on learning, either regarding new technologies or getting insight in developed software vs. customer requirements with respect to future maintenance and support. However,

it is not clear if the PP is well-suited to make novices learning from experts [14] or other team structures can be more suitable [5]. Acknowledgements: We are grateful to discussions from colleagues. This work was partly funded by the Research Council of Norway under grant # 179851/I40.

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