Think Pair Square –. Same as Think, Pair, Share, but add on a fourth step. 4)
Square. Each pair shares their thinking with another pair prior to sharing out with
Cooperative Learning Strategies that meet Speaking and Listening Guidelines
Think Pair Share – 1) Think. The teacher provokes students' thinking with a question or prompt or observation. The students should take a few moments (probably not minutes) just to THINK about the answer to the question. 2) Pair. Using designated partners, students PAIR up to talk about the answer each came up with. They compare their mental or written notes and identify the answers they think are best, most convincing, or most unique. 3) Share. After students talk in pairs for a few moments (again, usually not minutes), the teacher calls for pairs to SHARE their thinking with the rest of the class. Often, the teacher or a designated helper will record these responses on the board or on the overhead.
Think Pair Square – Same as Think, Pair, Share, but add on a fourth step. 4) Square. Each pair shares their thinking with another pair prior to sharing out with the class.
Whip Around the Circle This strategy is best used when there are many possible answers to a question.
Ask the question. Give students thinking time. Start at any location in the room. Have students quickly give answers going up and down the rows (or around the circle) without commenting.
Students are allowed to pass if they do not have a response or someone has already shared the same idea.
©Davis School District Farmington, UT 2012-2013
Paired Verbal Fluency 1. Establish partners. Have each pair determine who will be A and who will be B. 2. Assign the topic that each pair will discuss. Partners need to listen closely to what is being said because during their turn they cannot repeat anything that has been said by either person. 3. Round One: Facilitator says "Go" and A talks for 60 seconds. Facilitators says ,"Switch" and B talks for 60 seconds. Round Two: Facilitators says, "Switch" and A talks for 40 seconds. Facilitator says, "Switch" and B talks for 40 seconds. Round Three: Facilitator says, "Switch" and A talks for 20 seconds. Facilitator says "Switch" and B talks for 20 seconds. 4. After participants have shared, have them write independently the important things they want to remember.
Numbered Heads Together 1. Divide the students into groups of four and give each one a number from one to four. 2. Pose a question or a problem to the class. 3. Have students put their heads together in the middle of a table to think about the question and to make sure everyone in their group understands and can give an answer. 4. Ask the question and call out a number randomly. 5. The students with that number raise their hands, and when called on, the student answers for his or her team.
©Davis School District Farmington, UT 2012-2013