began in school days. · The Low Self-Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7:00PM. Please use the back. door. Past
July Birthday/Anniversary Calendar
Mr. & Mrs.
Newsletter JULY 2017
Carl Jones
Craig Baker
Leona Emrick
Mel Fancher Mr. & Mrs. Tom Terry
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Astrop
Shirley Perry
Tim Buckner
Jack Perry
Bob Hankins
Gary Schliessman
Stephen Swim
Connie Wyrick/
Mr. & Mrs. Russ Flannery
Travis Reed
Conner Caldwell
Taylor Wagner
Lawrence Hammer
Inside Out
Mr. & Mrs. Erich
Mr. & Mrs. John
Russ Flannery
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Hensley
Delaney Mr. & Mrs. Bob Morris
Rhoades Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Swim
31 Trent Bradburn
This past Sunday night, June 25, is one of those “amazing” events that I will humbly, lovingly, cherish in my heart forever. It was beautiful ‘gifts” of expressions of love, encouragement, thanksgivings, tears, hugs, cards, gifts, “CAKE”, and sharing of memories, ministry, moments...and much, much more in this “See Ya” (I don’t do good-bye’s) service for me. I had my “calling” into ministry in December of 1975, began preaching in 1977. in June of 1990, I became the pastor of Center Chapel United Methodist Church, where I have had the honor and privilege to serve this church and community up until June of 2017. Because of some health issues, I was granted a medical leave by our Bishop and our Conference to work on these issues in order to restore my good health...and I will! Twenty~seven years with you and more people than I could ever know!! How can I ever say “thank you” for allowing me into your lives, to become friends, family, and grow as faithful followers of Jesus Christ!! And to all of you whom may not have been able to be there Sunday or that I haven’t spoken to personally, “THANK YOU” with all of my heart!! (it’s incredibly humbling as I’m receiving cards and letters from people I didn't even know or barely knew, sharing kindness, gratitude and love.) Sunday night, at the “See Ya” event, I told several people as they were coming by to greet me, standing in a long line to wait their turn, it suddenly reminded me of being at a funeral ~~ and it was mine!! If I would have heard someone say, “I think they did a good job of making him look like himself”, or “I think he needed more make-up”...I would have lost it!! Garden View Funeral Home even sent me a “spray”!! (actually they did send me an amazing fruit basket with their love and friendship!) Then, when I suggested this to Jack Nale, he told me to see it not as a funeral ~ but picture this is what Heaven will be like...we will have forever and forever to share our love and friendship and thanksgiving! WOW!! Jack is so right! So, if I didn’t get a chance to say, “thank you” personally, I will get in “your line” in Heaven to express how much you mean to me ~~ even if I have to stand in your line three or four thousand years!! And while I wait, I may do a little “line dance” (I love to dance for Jesus), while I sing with everyone else about God’s amazing grace! I love the first verse (of what would have been in Casey Kasem’s top 40) from 1777, John Newton’s Amazing Grace… Amazing Grace! How sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found; Was blind, but now I see! Thank you!! I love you...forever!!
Pastor Parish Relations Team News!
Here are some church bulletin bloopers for your entertainment!! · · · · · ·
Ladies, don’t forget the rummage sale. It’s a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house anymore. Don’t forget your husbands. Next Thursday, there will be tryouts for choir. Please come. They need all the help they can get. Barbara remains in the hospital and needs blood donors. She is also having trouble sleeping and requests tapes of Pastor Josh’s sermons. The pastor will preach his farewell sermon, after which the choir will sing “Break Forth into Joy”. Irving Benson and Jessie Carter were married last Saturday. So ends a friendship that began in school days. The Low Self-Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7:00PM. Please use the back door.
Please pray for the following people: Pastor Rusty, President Trump and all elected officials, our military and their families (including Mike Reno, Zak Maple, Robbie Grimes, Joshua Weaver, Mark Westerfield, Cory Fugett, Brock House, and Justin Dilts), Conner Caldwell, Rob Farmer, Phyllis Parker, Emily Hiatt, Dick Clevenger Jr., Brad Simmons, Mary Richmond, Monty Robbins, Gwen Mulford, Pat Godsey, and Bob Hankins.
The financial report for June 2017 is available in the office if you are interested in a copy. June’s Actual Offering: $22,896.00 June’s Projected Offering: $26,848.00