The Docker daemon acts as a server and supports the creation, lifecycle and .... Next we want to create a dedicated etcd
CoreOS integration for Foreman Johannes Maximilian Scheuermann
1. A brief introduction to Docker 1.1 What is Docker? Docker is a lightweigth container virtualization plattform. Docker helps you to develop, ship and run your applications anywhere. As docker based on container virtualization which does not rely on a full-blown hypervisor, kernel and operatingsystem, compared to virtual machines docker containers run with less overhead and better utilize your hardware. Docker provides a flexible way to ship your container regardless if you run the container locally on your workstation, on a server or in the cloud. Docker was initally released on 13 March 2013. 1.2 Docker components The two major components of Docker are Docker itself and the Docker Hub which provides a service for sharing and managing Docker containers. Docker uses a client-server architecture. The Docker daemon acts as a server and supports the creation, lifecycle and distributing of Docker containers. The Docker client talks to the daemon through sockets or a RESTful API. You can run booth on your local computer or you can connect yourself with a remote Docker daemon. Docker images Docker images are read-only templates which contains information about the container e.g. which OS, which applications should be installed etc.. You can download existing images like Ubuntu or create your own images. Docker registries A Docker registry manages your Docker images. You can use the public Docker registry Docker Hub or you can run your own private registry. If you use the public registry you have access to a huge collection of existing images. Docker containers A Docker container provides the complete application runtime environment. Every container is created from a Docker image. A container can have different states like run,
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started, stopped, moved and deleted. Each container is an isolated application instance. The level of isolation (and security) highly depends on the underlying techology (i.e. libcontainer).
Figure 1: Containers vs VMs
1.3 Benefits
Rapid application development Containers minize the overhead to deploy an application by providing the minimal runtime requirements only. Portability An application and all its dependencies are bundled into a single container which can be shipped around. The container is independent from the host version of Linux Kernel, host Linux distribution and deployment model. A container can be shipped to any machine which runs Docker and be executed without any compatibility issues. Version control and component reuse Docker provides a version control system which allows you to inspect differences between version and roll-back to a previous versions. Containers can reuse components which makes them more lightweight. Sharing You can share your Docker images via a public repository or using your own. Lightweight Normally Docker images are quite small to provide rapid delivery and reduces the time to deploy new application containers. A Docker container spins up in some seconds, only a fraction of the time required to boot a VM. And many more
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2. CoreOS 2.1 What is CoreOS? CoreOS is a fork of Crome OS and many new features have been added since. The inital release date of CoreOS was October 3, 2013. CoreOS is a Linux distribution for massive server deployments. It was rearchitected to provide features to create modern infrastructure stacks. The new architecture allows you to run your services at scale and with high resilience but less overhead and a significat smaller footprint compared to other Linux distribution. 2.2 Overview “CoreOS is designed for security, consistency, and reliability. Instead of installing packages via yum or apt, CoreOS uses Linux containers to manage your services at a higher level of abstraction.“ from coreos CoreOS can be run on nearly every X86 platform. You can run a CoreOS cluster across multiple cloud provider and your own machines. The three main blocks of CoreOS are etcd, docker and systemd. Docker The main building block of CoreOS is Docker as a container engine. To manage your Docker containers you can use fleet, which is shipped with CoreOS by default. The rational behind moving functionality from the OS into containers is to keep the footprint of CoreOS small and to not rely on a complex packet manager. This means that any software not included in CoreOS has to be deployed in its own container.
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Figure 2: CoreOS - Three Tier App
systemd and fleet When you run Docker containers on CoreOS you should use fleet to schedule them. Fleet is a tool that presents the entire cluster as a single (systemd) init system. To interact with fleet you have to create systemd unit files. Fleet will then schedule them onto the machines in the cluster based on rules, like declared conflicts and other encoded preferences. You can create very complex architectures by combining properties like collocation with the same properties. Also you can define which service containers should not run on the same machine based on availability zone or region. etcd etcd is a distributed high-available key value store for shared configuration and service discovery. Every CoreOS host has a local endpoint for etcd. The benefit of etcd is the replicated state which means every change is available on every node in the cluster. With etcd you don’t need to hardcode links to different layers like a database, you can simply fetch the information from etcd. Service discovery allows you to distribute your applications and scale them.
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2.3 Cloud config CoreOS can be configured using a YAML based configuration file. The configuration file can be applied using the coreos-cloudinit process during setup. A cloud-config file must start with #cloud-config or #!. You can define zero or more of the following keys : coreos ◦ etcd, configuration for etcd like addr, peer-addr, name etc. ◦ fleet, allows configuration of fleet. You can pass different metadata like role etc. ◦ flannel , with flannel you can setup an overlay network for your cluster. ◦ update, you can define different update strategies.
◦ units, defines a list of systemd units which are started after booting. This is useful for a simple network configuration or to mount storage. ssh_authorized_keys, define a list of ssh keys which are authorized for the core user. hostname, defines the hostname. user, you can add or modifiy the specified list of users. Each user object has a subset of fields. write_files, you can define a set of files which will be crea ted on the local filesystem. manage_etc_hosts, manages the content of /etc/hosts.
You can provide a cloud-config file via a config-drive or via an URL passed to the kernel as an argument during boot, like we will do with foreman. A very useful tool to validate your cloud-config is
3. Foreman integration We use Foreman in many other projects as Bare Metal or VM provisioner. Therefore it was natural to integrate CoreOS into Foreman in order to deploy a single CoreOS machine or a complete CoreOS Cluster from scratch. As a proof of concept we used Foreman 1.6.1 on CentOS 6 to integrate CoreOS. 3.1 Code changes If you want to integrate CoreOS support into your Foreman you have to append and change some ruby files of Foreman. Alternatively you can pull the current develop branch of
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the foreman from github as changes have been merge into the project already and will be available in foreman 1.8. A full list of all changes is available on github in our pull request . If you installed foreman using packages, the code resides in /usr/share/foreman. After you applied the code changes you have to run these two commands: foreman−r a k e db : m i g r a t e foreman−r a k e db : s e e d These commands will load the new settings into foreman. 3.2 Template files You will need a PXELinux Template to boot and install CoreOS over PXE. A provision Template is used to provide a valid cloud-config for the installation. You can find all files in our community-templates pull request . The second pull request has been merged, too. PXELinux Template A simple PXELinux template for foreman. All needed variables will be replaced and filled in by foreman. Foreman will provide these settings to the new machine, which will boot over PXE. If Foreman notices that the needed boot up files are missing it will download these from where $release will be replaced by the defined release e.g. stable. default coreos label coreos k e r n e l i n i t r d= cloud −c o n f i g −u r l= Provision Template This is the main provision template for our unattended installation. It will start a systemd unit with the name coreos-bootstrap.service which will install CoreOS to your disk. We used the coreos-install script from CoreOS which is available by default in every CoreOS image. With the X-Conflicts attribute we ensure that only one instance of this service will run on the machine.
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In the next section we defined our SSH keys for remote access. You don’t need to define this section for unattended installation but it’s nice for debugging. In the last section we generate the actual cloud-config which will be used after the installation is completed. In order to generate the content the Provision template utilises the coreos cloudconfig snippet which we will detail below. Cloud Config snippet This cloud-config will be used for the next boot after the installation to configure our new CoreOS node. At first we defined our discovery token. CoreOS use this token to find other nodes in the cluster and make it easy to join to an existing cluster. You can simply get a new discovery token with a simple curl or simply type the url into your browser. We will need this token in the next section. Curl h t t p s : / / d i s c o v e r y . e t c d . i o /new Next we have defined that etcd and fleet should be started. Also we start the Docker TCPSocket which allows us to interact with the docker daemon remotly. You can interact with the Docker damoen when you specify the Docker host: sudo d o c k e r −H t c p : / / 1 2 7 . 0 . 0 . 1 : 2 3 7 5 In the last section we define our SSH keys to login to our CoreOS nodes. Host Groups parameters In the last step we need to define a host group for our CoreOS cluster and create some parameters. We called our host group ”coreos cluster”. Next we added the following attributes:
etcd_discovery_url Insert here the discovery token that you get from the discovery service: install-disk /dev/vda or if you like to install it to bare metal /dev/sda ssh_authorized_keys Your SSH key to login to the CoreOS nodes.
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Figure 3: Small Cluster Setup
4. Small Cluster deployment When you finished all the steps successfully it is pretty easy to create your first small CoreOS cluster. Just add some new hosts to foreman and start your machines. Sometimes if you use the alpha release you might hit a bug where CoreOS doesn’t boot correctly. Just try to login via ssh, if you are able to do this everything is fine. When you are logged in on your CoreOS node you can check with top that CoreOS is installing itself on the disk. After a succesfull installation you can again login to the CoreOS node. Now you can ensure that your CoreOS cluster is running correctly by showing all nodes in your cluster: f l e e t c t l l i s t −machines or you can take your discovery token and paste it in your browser. You should see all active nodes in your cluster. That’s it you are running a small cluster. Now you are able to run your fleet units.
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5. Easy Development / Testing Cluster
Figure 4: Easy Development/Testing Cluster
Next we want to create a dedicated etcd cluster and a bunch of worker nodes. A benefit of this setup is that your etcd cluster - in our case it’s only a single node - can send the workload to the worker nodes and you will gain some CPU and RAM to play with. At first we will modify the provision template like this: 27 − content : | 28 29 path : /home/ c o r e / cloud −c o n f i g . yml Snippets This allows us to dynamically load different cloud configs for different types of nodes. Now we create a snippet for our etcd cluster. Note we need a static entry point for our etcd cluster, this will be the first etcd node we launch in our etcd cluster. Also we can define the active cluster size which means how many nodes should be activly involed in our etcd cluster. The prefed size of an etcd cluster should be between 3-9. You should always choose a odd number for best effort . Every CoreOS node which is started up with this cloud config has the role ”etcd”.
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#cloud-config coreos: fleet: metadata: "role=etcd" etcd: peers: :7001 addr: :4001 peer-addr: :7001 cluster-active-size: units: - name: etcd.service command: start - name: fleet.service command: start ssh_authorized_keys: - ""
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In the next step we create a snippet for all worker nodes. We define that all new nodes have the role ”worker” which can be used for fleet files. Also we define a list or a single etcd server where the node will connect to. #cloud −c o n f i g coreos : fleet : metadata : ” r o l e=worker ” e t c d s e r v e r s : units : − name : e t c d . s e r v i c e mask : t r u e − name : f l e e t . s e r v i c e command : s t a r t ssh authorized keys : − ””
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Parameters We will define two new Host Groups which inherit from the coreos cluster host group we defined above. The first group is the etcd cluster group with the following Parameters:
cloudconfig etcd_cloudconfig cluster_active_size In my example I choosed 3 but you can choose every number between 3-9. peer_address Static IP address of the first etcd node you start.
In the second step we define the worker cluster host group which also inherits from the coreos cluster host group.
cloudconfig worker cloudconfig etcd_servers List all etcd server, if you insert more than one use a comma as serperator e.g.
Now we have to first start our etcd cluster and afterwards the worker nodes. Production Cluster It is the same setup described above except that we will start at least three etcd nodes.
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