Page 1 of 1. Corporate & Commercial Law INTERNATIONAL TRADE LAW.pdf. Corporate & Commercial Law INTERNATIONAL TR
PG – 469
First Semester LL.M. [CBCS] (One Year Course) Degree Examination, January 2015 Paper – 4 : Corporate & Commercial Law INTERNATIONAL TRADE LAW Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 70
Instructions : 1) Answer question No. 7 and any four of the remaining and answers shall be in English. 2) Question No. 7 carries 10 marks and remaining carry 15 marks each. 1. Critically examine the dispute settlement mechanism under WTO. 2. How do you appreciate the MFN Treatment under GATT and GATS ? 3. Do you subscribe to the view that GATS is a certain step of liberalizing trade in services ? 4. Assess the role played by WTO in protection of environment. 5. Critically analyze the significance of the Vienna convention on contract for International sale of Goods. 6. Is the Indian arbitration regime in sync with the International commercial Arbitration ? Explain. 7. Write a short essay on any one : a) EXIM policy in India b) FDI in India. ——————