Mises, Rothbard and Salerno on Costs. William Barnett ... consumer goods by supply and demand" (Salerno, 2003, p.83). ..... State, Auburn AL: Mises Institute. 5.
CO RP OR AT E OW NE RS HIP & CO NT RO L Volume 3, Issue 2, Win ter 2005-2006 (con tinue d) \
Corp orate Gove rnanc e, Publi c Acco untin g Firms and Multi natio nal Corp oratio ns: The US Sarba nes-O xley Act Persp ective
Marc Masso ud, E. Danie l Shim
Deter mina nts of Board Comp ositio n: Evide nce From Tunis ian Comp anies
Sonda Marra kchi Chtou rou, Soum aya Ayedi , Yosra Makn i Foura ti
Towa rds an Orga nisati onal Law of the Polyc orpor ate Enter prise ? A Comp arativ e Analy sis