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Recreational Wellbeing, and Psychological Health. Mizzo Kwon1 ... A311H Sanford Coyote Sports Center (SCSC), Vermillion, SD 57069, USA. 3. Department of ...
Applied Research Quality Life CORRECTION

Correction to: Neighborhood Physical Environments, Recreational Wellbeing, and Psychological Health Mizzo Kwon 1 & Andrew C. Pickett 2 Yunsoo Lee 3 & SeungJong Lee 4


# Springer Science+Business Media B.V., part of Springer Nature and The International Society for Qualityof-Life Studies (ISQOLS) 2018

Correction to: Applied Research Quality Life The original version for this paper unfortunately contained errors. The following is a list of changes made to the article.

The online version of the original article can be found at

* Mizzo Kwon [email protected] Andrew C. Pickett [email protected] Yunsoo Lee [email protected] SeungJong Lee [email protected]


Korea Institute of Public Affairs, Graduate School of Public Administration, Seoul National University, Seoul 08826, South Korea


Division of Kinesiology & Sport Management, School of Education, University of South Dakota, A311H Sanford Coyote Sports Center (SCSC), Vermillion, SD 57069, USA


Department of Learning and Performance Systems, Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA 16801, USA


Graduate School of Public Administration, Seoul National University, Seoul 08826, South Korea

M. Kwon et al.



Correct version

Author group (first page)

Drew Pickett

Andrew C. Pickett

Author group (first page)

Missing ORCID number/logo for Andrew C. Pickett

ORCID: 0000-0003-0454-0517

Affiliation of Yunsoo Lee

Workforce education and development, Department of Learning and Performance Pennsylvania State University, 612, 710 S. Systems, Pennsylvania State University, Atherton St, State College, PA 16801, State College, PA 16801, USA USA

Abstract (2nd sentence)

The texts in bold font should not be included The correct line should read: in this line: BThe current study examined the role of BThe a model for managing weight stigma several features of neighborhoods, such as and creating body-inclusive spaces. perceived walkability and neighborhood current study examined the role of several appearance, in promoting recreational features of neighborhoods, such as wellbeing, and resulting in impacts on perceived walkability and neighborhood physical wellbeing, happiness, and life appearance, in promoting recreational satisfaction of residents.^ wellbeing, and resulting in impacts on physical wellbeing, happiness, and life satisfaction of residents.^

The original article has been corrected.