Correspondence Forthcoming Events - Cambridge University Press

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Joyce, 24 Corsica Street, Highbury, London N5. Telephone: ... Printed in Great Britain by Headley Brothers Ltd The Invicta Press Ashford Kent and London.
Correspondence The Future of the 'Coiyomt'DPM DEARSIR,

and organic lesions of the CNS are common accompani ments of psychiatric disorders'. Before the College takes a

announcement in the Bullelin (March 1980. above examination, and am pleased to note is inviting 'some open discussion of needs well known, the majority of the candidates

final decision on the subject, could they please get the views of the trainees, through the various Divisional represen tatives in the Collegiate Trainees Committee? The Divisional representatives could perhaps use part of the 'trainees day'

appearing for the Conjoint DPM examination are overseas psychiatric trainees. The reasons for this are many. Many of us find this a most useful examination in preparation for the MRCPsych. The format, with its emphasis on essay-type

being organized in the various regions to discuss this issue. MOHAN DAS, Senior Registrar, West Suffolk Hospital, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk 1P33 2QZ.

I refer to the p. 50) about the that the College and aims'. As is

questions, is very familiar to overseas graduates, and also there is still a lot of prestige attached to the Diploma, and it is a recognized postgraduate qualification in many countries. Neurology, both theory and clinical, is a large component of the examination, and this is invaluable for overseas doctors returning to their country of origin; for, as Carstairs observes: '... in developing countries, infections, toxaemic

REFERENCE CARSTAIRS,G. M. (1973) Psychiatric training for foreign medical graduates. Companion lo Psychiatric Studies (Ed. A. Forrest). Churchill Livingstone.

Forthcoming Events The Association of Therapeutic Communities is holding a one-day conference on 21 June, 1980 at the Richmond Fellowship Headquarters and College and at the Cardinal Vaughan School Hall, Addison Road, London. The subject of the conference is 'The Growth of the Therapeutic Com munity Outside the Hospital'. Information: ATC Con ference Secretary, The Richmond Road, London W14 8DL.


8 Addison

The Third Congress of Medical Informatics and Methodology, organized by the European Federation for Medical Informatics, will take place in Toulouse from 9 to 13 March, 1981. The themes selected are methodology of follow-up study of chronic diseases; methodology of analysis evaluation and improvement of health care systems; and the help that informatics and robotics can provide to handi capped persons. Information: Service des Relations Extérieures, Domaine de Voluceau—B.P. 105, 78150 Le Chesnay, The

France. British


for Psychopharmacology


holding its Annual Summer Meeting from 13 to 15 July, 1980, at Exeter University. There will be symposia on 'Psychopharmacology of Sleep' and 'New Antidepressants'. The Autumn Scientific Meeting will be held on 24 October, 1980, at the Royal Society, 6 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1. Information for both these events: Dr. David Wheatley, 325 Staines Road, Twickenham, TW2 5AX.

Adaptability and Aging is the theme of the IXth Inter national Conference of Social Gerontology which will be held from 27 to 30 August, 1980, in Quebec. Information: Maggy Bieulac, Siege Administratif. 91 Rue Jouffroy, 75017 Paris, France. The Third Annual Oxford Psychotherapy Workshop will be held from 23 to 26 September, 1980, at Charney Manor, Oxon. The theme will be 'The Group as a Therapeutic Process'. Information: Dr. S. Bloch, Psychotherapy Depart ment, Warneford

Hospital, Oxford OX3 7JX.

The Child Guidance Trust is sponsoring a one-day course for practitioners in the Child Guidance/Child Psychiatric Service on 19 September, 1980, at Bedford College, Regents Park, London Wl. The theme is 'Growing Points and Stick ing Points in Child Guidance'. Information: Ms Angela Joyce, 24 Corsica Street, Highbury, 01-359-1069.

London N5. Telephone:

A Course on Therapeutic Communication with Children will take place at the Child Guidance Training Centre on Monday afternoons during the Autumn Term 1980 and the Spring Term 1981. The course is open to staff of Child Guidance Clinics and Departments of Child Psychiatry who are already engaged in work with individual children and who are willing to contribute current clinical material. Ten places are available. Information: Mrs. J. Hopkins, Child Guidance Training Centre, 120 Belsize Lane, London NW3.

Printed in Great Britain by Headley Brothers Ltd The Invicta Press Ashford Kent and London