Corrigendum: Activation and repression by oncogenic MYC ... - Nature

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repression by oncogenic MYC shape tumour-specific gene expression profiles. Susanne Walz, Francesca Lorenzin, Jennifer Morton,. Katrin E. Wiese, Björn von ...

Corrigendum: Activation and repression by oncogenic MYC shape tumour-specific gene expression profiles Susanne Walz, Francesca Lorenzin, Jennifer Morton, ¨rn von Eyss, Steffi Herold, Lukas Rycak, Katrin E. Wiese, Bjo He´le`ne Dumay-Odelot, Saadia Karim, Marek Bartkuhn, ¨ stefeld, Matthias Fischer, Frederik Roels, Torsten Wu Martin Teichmann, Lars Zender, Chia-Lin Wei, Owen Sansom, Elmar Wolf & Martin Eilers Nature 511, 483–487 (2014); doi:10.1038/nature13473

In this Letter, the ArrayExpress microarray data set accession number was wrongly given as E-MTAB-1524; the correct accession number is E-MTAB-1886. This has been corrected in the online versions of the paper.

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