Mar 5, 2015 - ... Jeremy Sauer, Ravi S Kane, Jonathan S Dordick & Jeffrey M Friedman ... Nicolas Wein, Adeline Vulin, Maria S Falzarano, Christina Al-Khalili ...
Corrigendum: PAI-1 mediates the antiangiogenic and profibrinolytic effects of 16K prolactin Khalid Bajou, Stephanie Herkenne, Victor L Thijssen, Salvino D’Amico, Ngoc-Quynh-Nhu Nguyen, Ann Bouché, Sébastien Tabruyn, Mohammed Srahna, Jean-Yves Carabin, Olivier Nivelles, Cécile Paques, Ivo Cornelissen, Michelle Lion, Agnès Noel, Ann Gils, Stefan Vinckier, Paul J Declerck, Arjan W Griffioen, Mieke Dewerchin, Joseph A Martial, Peter Carmeliet & Ingrid Struman Nat. Med. 20, 741–747 (2014); published online 15 June 2014; corrected after print 25 August 2014 In the version of this article initially published, it was stated that 16K PRL levels are increased in retinopathy, citing reference 10. However, this reference was cited incorrectly, and in fact another paper showed that 16K PRL levels are decreased in diabetic retinopathy. The error has been corrected in the HTML and PDF versions of the article.
Corrigendum: Remote regulation of glucose homeostasis in mice using genetically encoded nanoparticles Sarah A Stanley, Jeremy Sauer, Ravi S Kane, Jonathan S Dordick & Jeffrey M Friedman Nat. Med. 21, 92–98 (2015); doi:10.1038/nm.3730; published online 15 December 2014; corrected after print 20 February 2015 In the version of this article initially published, the ferritin linker region was incorrectly described as HA-tagged. It was FLAG-tagged. Thus, the descriptions of its detection in the study and of the protocol used for its detection in the Online Methods were incorrect (including an incorrect reference for the associated antibody used). Also, the description of the development of the tag was missing from the Online Methods. The errors have been corrected in the HTML and PDF versions of the article.
Corrigendum: Translation from a DMD exon 5 IRES results in a functional dystrophin isoform that attenuates dystrophinopathy in humans and mice Nicolas Wein, Adeline Vulin, Maria S Falzarano, Christina Al-Khalili Szigyarto, Baijayanta Maiti, Andrew Findlay, Kristin N Heller, Mathias Uhlén, Baskar Bakthavachalu, Sonia Messina, Giuseppe Vita, Chiara Passarelli, Simona Brioschi, Matteo Bovolenta, Marcella Neri, Francesca Gualandi, Steve D Wilton, Louise R Rodino-Klapac, Lin Yang, Diane M Dunn, Daniel R Schoenberg, Robert B Weiss, Michael T Howard, Alessandra Ferlini & Kevin M Flanigan Nat Med. 20, 992–1000 (2014); doi:10.1038/nm.3628; corrected 25 August 2014; corrected after print 13 March 2015 In the version of this article initially published, three participants of the study were not included as co-authors. Also, one of the individuals mentioned in the Acknowledgments section of the report was incorrectly included and thus has been removed at their request, and the name of another individual mentioned in the Acknowledgments was originally misspelled (“Fabbri” should have been “Fabris”). The errors have been corrected in the HTML and PDF versions of the article.
Erratum: Error in March 2015 cover caption Nat. Med. 21, i-iii (2015); published online 05 March 2015; corrected after print 25 March 2015 In the version of the cover caption initially published, the definitions of the green and blue staining were reversed. Green represents nuclear staining, and blue represents the apical membrane. The error has been corrected in the HTML version of the caption.