Poster Presentations: Wednesday, July 19, 2017
relationship of global and voxel-wise FDG SUVR, using both RStudio (global FDG SUVR) and VoxelStats (FDG SUVR in each image voxel), and decline in memory using the ADNI memory composite score (ADNI-MEM) measured yearly over 4 years time, adjusting for age, gender, education, and APOE ε4 carrier status. Results: The voxel-wise analyses showed that ADNI-MEM decline was predicted by decreased FDG SUVR in the left temporal lobe and precuneus in A+/T+ MCI subjects (Fig 1) and in the inferior parietal lobe in A+/T- MCI subjects (Fig 2). In addition, ADNI-MEM decline was predicted by globally decreased FDG SUVR in A+ MCI subjects. However, as the change in ADNI-MEM in the A+/ T- MCI groups was not significant, this finding is clinically insignif-
icant (Fig 3). Conclusions: The predictive value and the involved regions of FDG-PET depend on disease phase and “A/T” status. P4-240
Hun Jeong Eun, Mal Rye Choi, Presbyterian Medical Center-Jesus Hospital, Jeonju, Republic of South Korea. Contact e-mail:
[email protected] Background: Alzheimer’s disease have shown generally macro-
scopic and microscopic structural changes in previous studies. These changes have many implications for cognitive change and survival rate. The aims of this study are to investigate relationship between structural changes and cognitive function and survival rate in alzheimer’s disease patients. Methods: Recruited 42 Alzheimer’s disease patients through chart review in general hospital. Data collections (Demographic data, MR Imaging-Global cortical atrophy scale-GCS, Koedam scale of posterior atrophy, Medial temporal atrophy scale-MTA, Fazekas scale). Charlson comorbidity index(CCI) and calculator(10 year survival rate, CCI10) . MMSE-K(baseline, 1 year follow up). Statistic analyses(IBM SPSS statistics 23.0)-Hypothesis Testing(Spearman Correlation Analysis, Multiple Regression Analysis) Results: Demographic & Clinical Data (1) Samples: Men 12, Women 30, Total 42 (2) Mean Age(Men 76.1768.91, Women 79.7066.03, Total 78.6967.05) (3) BMI (Men 24.3563.70, Women 24.3662.44, Total 24.3662.81) (4) Charlson comorbidity index(CCI, Men 7.0061.41, Women 6.4761.91, Total 6.6261.78) (5) 10year survival rate by CCI (Men 4.1268.11%, Women 12.1268.11%, Total 9.84615.26%) (6) MMSE-K(Baseline, Men 21.0064.59, Women 20.5364.57, Total 20.6764.52 ; 1 year follow up, Men 21.8365.61, Women 20.5364.57, Total 20.1065.68), MR Mean(GCS-Left 1.2660.77, GCS-Right 1.2460.76, Koedam-Left 0.7160.86, Koedam-Right 0.5760.83, MTA-Left 1.1260.86, MTA-Right 1.1260.97, Fazekas 1.1060.85) . Correlation(Spearman) Analyses(**p¼0.01, *p¼0.5) : CCI/CCI10**, MMSE-K-1/MMSE-K-B**, MR-GCS-Rt/MR-GCSLt**, MR-Koedam-Lt/MR-GCS-Lt**, MR-Koedam-Lt/MR-GCSRt**, MR-Koedam-Rt/MR-GCS-Lt**, MR-Koedam-Rt/MR-GSCRt**. MR-Koedam-Rt/MR-Koedam-Lt**, MR-/MMSE-K-B*, MRMTA-Lt/MR-GCS-Lt**, MR-MTA-Lt/MR-GCS-Rt*, MR-MTARt/MMSE-K-B*, MR-MTA-Rt/MR-GCS-Lt**, MR-MTA-Rt/MRGCS-Rt*, MR-MTA/Rt-MR-MTA-Lt**, MR-Fazekas-MMSE-KB*, MR-Fazekas/Mr-GCS-Lt*, MR-Fazekas/Mr-GCS-Rt*, MR-Fazekas/MR-MTA-Lt**, MR-Fazekas/MR-MTA-Rt**. Multiple Regression Analysis : MR-MTA-Rt(predictor)/MMSE-K-B Dependent variable(F¼8.275, p¼0.006), MR-GCS-Rt(predictor)/MMSEK-1 Dependent variable(F¼7.174, p¼0.011), MR-GCS-Rt(predictor)/CCI-10(F¼4.255, p¼0.046). Conclusions: The above results show that right medial temporal atrophy and global cortical atrophy in brain can influence cognition problems(baseline, 1 year) . Also, those show that right global cortical atrophy in brain have some relation with 10 year survival rate by Charlson comorbidity index (CCI). P4-241
Hyun-Ghang Jeong1, Suji Lee2, Woo-Suk Tae3, Hyun Chul Youn4, HanYong Jung5, 1Korea University Guro Hospital, Korea University College of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of South Korea; 2Korea University
Poster Presentations: Wednesday, July 19, 2017
Graduate School, Seoul, Republic of South Korea; 3Korea University Medical Center, Seoul, Republic of South Korea; 4 Korea University Guro Hospital, Seoul, Republic of South Korea; 5 Soonchunhyang University College of Medicine, Bucheon, Republic of South Korea. Contact e-mail:
[email protected] Background: Alzheimer’s dementia (AD) is characterized by the
slow progression of cognitive decline due to the accumulation of amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in the brain. Neurodegeneration begins with subtle cognitive dysfunction before the prodromal phase of dementia syndromes. Therefore, we aim to investigate the structural alterations of the brains in elders with subjective memory impairment (SCI) and mild cognitive impairment (MCI) using cortical thickness analysis. Methods: This study includes 20 normal controls (NC), 26 SCI, 94 MCI, and 57 AD. 3D T1 MRIs of all subjects were processed by a fully automated cortical thickness analysis using CAT12 toolbox. Total Intracranial cavity volumes (TICV) were manually measured. The differences of the cortical thickness among the groups were tested using ANCOVA, and the confounding factors included age and TICV. Results: MCI patients showed significantly reduced cortical thickness in the areas of anteromedial temporal and posterolateral temporal lobe compared with SCI patients (P