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be available on the website or The Candidate is requested to go through the details at these sites before registration.
23 PROCEDURE FOR COUNSELLING (INCLUDING FEE WAIVER SCHEME) FOR SESSION 2013-14 There shall be total three rounds in counselling. 1st round


This is to further clarify that if candidate is allotted seat in

of counselling shall start from 1st June 2013. The procedure

2nd round of counselling than his/her seat allotted in 1st

for counselling shall be as follows:

round is automatically cancelled and he shall have no right


JET-2013 are eligible to participate. 2.

or claim on that seat of 1st round of counselling.

Only the candidates who have appeared and qualified in 8.

On declaration of result of 2nd round of counselling the candidate shall again be provided time as per schedule of

Counselling is for candidates for Diploma in Engg. In 1st

counselling to deposit admission fee (for Fee waiver -

round of counselling candidate shall have to register him/

admission fee except tuition fees) and physically report to

her self on counselling website

the allotted institute for verification of documents and 3.

After registration, candidates shall be asked to exercise

confirm the seat.

their choices for courses and institutes in order of preference. In 1st round of counselling all candidates from general category and all reserved categories and


per merger policy of online counselling. 10. If the candidate wishes to participate in 3 rd round of

however the allotment of seats shall only be made in

counselling for up gradation of course/institute he/she shall

respective categories.

re register him/her self as per schedule of counselling.

After the declaration of result of 1st counselling, candidates admission fee except tuition fees) and report to the allotted institute as per counselling schedule of counselling for verification of documents and confirmation of seat. If a candidate wishes to participate in 2


round of

counselling for up gradation of course/institute he/she shall re register him/her self as per schedule of counselling. 6.

Vacant seats of 1st and 2nd counselling shall be merged as

candidates from other states are eligible to participate,

shall be asked to deposit admission fee (for Fee waiver -



11. Such candidates shall require to sign an online undertaking that “Before participating in 3rd round of counselling I have understood that if I am allotted a seat in 3rd round of counselling, my allotment in previous counselling shall automatically be cancelled and I shall have no claim on my previously allotted seat” 12. If candidate is allotted seat in 3rd round of counselling

Such candidates shall require to sign an online under taking

than his/her seat allotted in 1st /2nd round of counselling is


automatically cancelled and he shall have no right or claim

“Before participating in 2nd round of counselling I have understood that if I am allotted a seat in 2nd round of counselling, my allotment in first counselling shall automatically be cancelled and I shall have no claim on my previously allotted seat”

on that seat of 1st /2nd round of counselling.


To participate in online counseling, it is mandatory for every candidate to register himself/herself on the counseling website i.e.,


Candidates can register themselves from the premises of the Participating Institutions (PIs) as given on website without payment of any charges or from any internet point of their choice.


The candidate shall log on to where registration form shall be displayed on the screen with the following parameters mandatory for successful registration i.e., Application No, Candidate Name, Father’s Name and Date of Birth.


If all the four parameters are as per the database, then a new registration screen will appear and Candidate may register himself/herself.


Candidate shall be required to fill in basic details, which shall be used for choice filling and seat allotment including the candidate “User ID” which is his/her Roll No. and “Password” as generated by the candidate.


After successf ul registr ation he/ she will get a confirmation message on the same page. In case the confirmation message is not displayed the candidate has to re-register himself.


Candidates are advised in their own interest to remember their Password and keep it confidential, to avoid misuse by another candidate, for which PSBTE shall not be responsible.


In case Candidate forgot his/her password then “Forgot Password” option will help to re-generate the forgotten Password using password hints.


After successful login, candidate’s homepage will be opened and he shall be required to choose the option that he is eligible and wants to opt for seats under fee waiver scheme along with following options: 

Registration Details: Registration Detail is important for seat allotment and should be filled very carefully.

Edit Registration: In case you have entered information by mistake, you can edit your entered information by “Edit Registration” option.

Available Choices: You are provided with List of Colleges.

Fill Choices: You can fill the College of your choice provided in the list in order of preferences.

Display filled choices: Choices entered by the Candidate will be displayed on different form so that he/she can check the already entered information.

10. Allotment of seat : After the choice filling period is over, all filled choices of all registered candidates will be considered for allotment of seats as per merit (Rank) and category of the candidate. The allotment of seats is purely provisional and subject to verification of originals certificates, payment of semester fee etc, at the time of reporting at the allotted institute. 11. Candidates are required to report to their respective allotted institutions within the specified period(as per the counseling schedule) along with the documents/ testimonials/certificates/proof of deposition of semester fee as prescribed in the prospectus. If candidate does not report within the specified period, their allotted seats shall be cancelled and the candidate shall not have any claim on the seat, whatsoever. 2nd and 3rd Counseling Eligibility 12. The Candidates, irrespective of whether they have been allotted a seat or not allotted seat or could not join the allotted institution or could not participate in the earlier counseling will be encouraged to participate in the second and third phase of counseling against the available seats. 13. The Detailed Instruction about the online counseling shall be available on the website or The Candidate is requested to go through the details at these sites before registration.


Tentative Counselling Schedule 2013 (First year of Diploma)



Declaration of Result

Reporting time and date of depositing Semester Fee

1st Counseling

1st June(Sat) to 8th June (Sat)

11th June (Tue) (5.00 P.M)

12th June(Wed) to 16th June (Sunday)

2nd Counseling

18th June(Tue) to 20th June (Thur)

21st June (Fri) (5.00 P.M)

22nd June(Sat.) to 26th June (Wed)

3rd Counseling

28th June(Fri) to 30th June (Sun)

1st July (Mon) (5.00 P.M)

2nd July (Tue) to 6th July (Saturday)