Countable & Uncountable Nouns- Your Week -

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Listening to music/ Listening to the radio. ○ Meeting people from overseas. ○ (Business) meetings ... Surfing the we
This Week- Countable and Uncountable Countable and Uncountable Nouns/ Present Perfect Simple Try to find things you have done more of than your partner in the last seven days by giving information about yourself and/ or asking your partner questions. Suggested topics  Alcohol/ Drinking  Breaks  Commuting/ Travel/ Hours on trains  (Cups of) tea/ (Cups of) coffee  Eating out/ Fast food/ Junk food  Emails/ Emailing  Exercise/ Walking  Food/ Meals  Housework  Listening to music/ Listening to the radio  Meeting people from overseas  (Business) meetings  Reading  Shopping/ Purchases  Sleep  Smoking/ Cigarettes  Snacks  Spending money  Spending time with your family  Studying  Studying English/ Homework  Surfing the web  Teleconferences/ Videoconferences  Telephoning  Using English  Watching TV/ Watching DVDs/ Watching movies  Work/ Hours at work/ Jobs/ Projects Useful language A huge amount/ number Quite a lot Little/ Few Hardly any

A lot Not much Very little/ Very few No…/ None

Written by Alex Case for © 2014

Without looking at the last page, put “s” after any of the nouns below which can take it.  Alcohol/ Drinking  Break  Commuting/ Travel/ Hour on train  (Cup of) tea/ (Cup of) coffee  Eating out/ Fast food/ Junk food  Email/ Emailing  Exercise/ Walking  Food/ Meal  Housework  Listening to music/ Listening to the radio  Meeting people (from overseas)  (Business) meeting  Reading  Shopping/ Purchase  Sleep  Smoking/ Cigarette  Snack  Spending money  Spending time with your family  Studying  Studying English/ Homework  Surfing the web  Teleconference/ Videoconference  Telephoning  Using English  Watching TV/ Watching DVD/ Watching movie  Work/ Hour at work/ Job/ Project Check your answers with the last page. Other answers might be possible. What would these things mean? I have done some exercises. I have drunk many teas. I have watched many TVs.

Written by Alex Case for © 2014