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luggage, money, news, noise nonsense, music, petrol, pollution, progress, research, rubbish, spaghetti, travel, traffic,
COUNTABLE / UNCOUNTABLE COUNTABLE * Add s to the singular noun to make the plural form: dog – dogs car – cars * If a countable noun ends in ch, s, x, sh, o, add es to make the plural form: bus – buses watch – watches potato – potatoes bush – bushes * If a countable noun ends in a consonant + y, it changes to i an add es: baby – babies fly – flies * If a countable noun ends in f or fe, you change the f to v and add s or es: thief – thieves leaf - leaves wife – wives knife – knives * Some countable nouns have irregular forms: man – men ox - oxen woman – women goose - geese person – people fish - fish child – children sheep - sheep tooth – teeth foot – feet mouse – mice louse – lice * Use a singular verb with singular countable nouns. The child is happy * Use a plural verb with plural countable nouns. The children aren’t happy. * Some nouns are always plural. You use a plural verb. scissors, police, trousers, glasses, pyjamas, tights, pliers, jeans, shorts, clothes, outskirts, surroundings, pants, knickers, valuables The police are coming

UNCOUNTABLE * Uncountable nouns are normally singular. They don’t have a plural form, so you can’t add s to the noun. Uncountable nouns refer to: Materials / Substances: air, water, milk, bread, butter, cheese, coffee, fruit, coffee, coal, ice, iron, steel Feelings: anger, happiness, joy, pride, respect, relief Human Qualities: courage, cruelty, honesty, patience Abstract Ideas: freedom, beauty, death, fun, luck * Use a singular verb with an uncountable noun. The water is cold. * Don’t use the articles a or an with uncountable nouns. I need an information (NOT) I need information. noise, coffee, hair, time, exercise, glass, can be countable or uncountable but the meaning changes. Uncountable nouns in English: accommodation, advice, baggage, behaviour, damage, equipment, evidence, furniture, garbage, homework, information, knowledge, luggage, money, news, noise nonsense, music, petrol, pollution, progress, research, rubbish, spaghetti, travel, traffic, transport, weather, work. Some uncountable nouns end in –s and look like plural count nouns Subjects of study: maths, physics Activities: athletics, gymnastics Games: cards, darts Illnesses: measles, mumps