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Appendix 3.5.8: BBSS Field Staff Training Agenda. [Country]. Day 1: Overview of ... coupons and who will be responsible
Appendix 3.5.8: BBSS Field Staff Training Agenda

[Country] Day 1: Overview of BBSS activities and cultural competency Time Topic 8:00 Welcome/Overview of Orientation Session 1. Introduction to BBSS and Study Team 8:30 - Introduce BBSS activity and how it fits in with MoH priorities - Epi overview - Review roles of various organizations in the study: MoH, NASTAD, CDC, Steering Committee - Overview of activities to date Session 2. Research Ethics 9:00 - Overview of ethics in research - Discuss ethics issues particular to this project as a group Session 3. MoH Confidentiality Agreement 9:30 - Overview of the confidentiality agreement followed by signing of it by all staff 10:15 Break 10:30

12:00 1:00

Facilitators [include name of individual(s)]

[include name of individual(s)] [include name of individual(s)]

[include name Session 4. BBSS Survey Promotion Methods Used - Overview of methods used to promote survey, and what of individual(s)] groups have been targeted - Facilitate discussion on additional methods to raise awareness about survey - Discussion about boundaries of appropriate promotion, and roles for promotion among the survey team Lunch [include name Session 5. Cultural Competency with MSM of individual(s)]

3:00 3:30

Break Session 6. Cultural Competency with MSM


Wrap up

[include name of individual(s)]

Day 2: RDS Methodology, Recruitment, Consent and Safety Time Topic 8:00 Welcome/Summary of Day One Session 7. Introduction to RDS Method 8:30 - Overview of RDS theory and methods - Explore Strengths and weaknesses of the method in group discussion Session 8. Activities and Participant Flow at Survey Site 9:15 - Using diagrams in the operations manual, explain the order of activities at the field site - In groups of 3, staff reproduce flow of activities on their own then discuss as a group 10:15 Break Session 9. Recruitment Process 10:30 - Overview of principles of recruitment in RDS - Show examples of referral chains Session 10. Coupon Management 11:15 - Review role of coupons and what they help the survey team to track - Introduce paper and electronic means of managing coupons and who will be responsible for management 12:00 Lunch Session 11. Consent Process 12:45 - Review role of informed consent in assuring ethical principles - Read through consent form - Q&A about form, facilitate discussion about issues related to obtaining consent (i.e. impaired recruits) Session 12. Recruiter Training 1:30 - Review information that should be shared with participant and material given to them to help recruit - Discussion about how to support recruiter 2:15 Break Session 13. Site Safety 2:30 - Presentation of general principles - Brainstorm with the group 3:15

Session 14. Aggressive Behavior Management - Presentation of general principles - Brainstorm with the group


Wrap up

Facilitators [include name of individual(s)]

[include name of individual(s)]

[include name of individual(s)] [include name of individual(s)]

[include name of individual(s)]

[include name of individual(s)]

[include name of individual(s)]

Field Supervisors [include name of individual(s)]

Day 3: Interviewing, Testing and Confidentiality Time Topic 8:00 Welcome/Summary of Day Two Session 15. ACASI Process and Methods 8:30 - Overview of ACASI method - Walk through full survey 10:00 10:15

Facilitators [include name of individual(s)]

Field Supervisors

Break Session 16. Essential Interviewer Skills - Present general principles - Brainstorm with the group

[include name of individual(s)]


Session 17. Procedures for Testing - Overview of testing procedures

[include name of individual(s)]


Session 18. Incentives - Review incentive system and roles within the study team

[include name of individual(s)]

12:15 1:45

Lunch Session 19. Confidentiality Training - Present CHART DVD - CITI training - Lead group discussion Wrap up


Job-specific training sessions Time Data Manager

Field Supervisors

[include name of individual(s)]

Coupon Managers & Field Supervisors

[include name of individual]

[include name of individual]


Data Management


10:00 10:15


Wrap-up N/A


Recruitment Monitoring


