Coupled Oscillator Antenna Arrays - CiteSeerX

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Steering in Planar (2-D) Coupled Oscillator Antenna. Arrays ... Abstract—Constrained beam steering in planar coupled oscillator ..... By employing Graf's addition ...
A Convex Optimization Method for Constrained Beam- Steering in Planar (2-D) Coupled Oscillator Antenna Arrays A. Georgiadis, and K. Slavakis

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in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 55 10 Oct. 2007

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the rest of the radiated fields are below the 030 dB level. The component of the total radiated field with polarization perpendicular to the desired polarization (cross-polarization) is shown in Fig. 5. For all the directions of  and , the values remain below 030 dB. Thus the main beam is pointing in the desired direction (d = 30 and d = 90 ) with sidelobe and cross-polarization levels below 030 dB. Co- and cross-polarization pattern cuts through the main beam are presented in Fig. 6(a) and (b) at  = 90 and  = 30 , respectively. The main beam is pointing in the desired direction with sidelobe levels below 030 dB. The cross-polarization pattern for the array also remains below 030 dB. IV. CONCLUSION Adaptive array theory is applied to a conformal antenna array to synthesize a main beam with optimized polarization employing dual polarized patch antennas as radiators. The required polarization in the main beam region of the array is realized by combining the weighted individual feeding ports of the patch antennas before the beam forming optimization is performed. This significantly reduces the number of unknowns in the beam forming optimization problem compared to previous optimization schemes for conformal arrays with optimized polarization properties. The same technique to reduce the number of unknowns can also be employed in previously reported iterative leastsquare methods. The radiating elements considered, consist of dual fed patch antennas. The radiating characteristics (pattern and polarization) of a representative patch antenna, conformal to a curved surface were measured in a compact antenna test range and used in the optimization scheme.

REFERENCES [1] T. E. Morton and K. M. Pasala, “Pattern synthesis of conformal arrays for airborne vehicles,” in Proc. IEEE Aerospace Conf., Mar. 2004, pp. 1030–1039. [2] S. Gao and A. Sambell, “Low-cost dual-polarized printed array with broad bandwidth,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 52, no. 12, pp. 3394–3397, Dec. 2004. [3] D. L. Sengupta, T. S. Smith, and R. W. Larson, “Experimental study of a spherical array of circularly polarized elements,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 56, no. 11, pp. 2048–2051, Nov. 1968. [4] L. I. Vaskelainen, “Iterative least-squares synthesis methods for conformal array antennas with optimized polarization and frequency properties,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 45, no. 7, pp. 1179–1185, Jul. 1997. [5] L. I. Vaskelainen, “Virtual array synthesis method for planar array antennas,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 391–396, Mar. 1998. [6] L. I. Vaskelainen, “Phase synthesis of conformal array antennas,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 48, no. 6, pp. 987–991, Jun. 2000. [7] M. Dinnichert, “Full polarimetric pattern synthesis for an active conformal array,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Phased Array Systems and Technology, May 2000, pp. 415–418. [8] C. A. Olen and R. T. Compton, Jr., “A numerical pattern synthesis algorithm for arrays,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 38, no. 10, pp. 1666–1676, Oct. 1990. [9] A. Tennant, “Numerical pattern synthesis of difference beams in conformal arrays,” Electron. Lett., vol. 31, no. 12, pp. 938–939, Jun. 1995. [10] W. A. Swart and J. C. Olivier, “Numerical synthesis of arbitrary discrete arrays,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 41, no. 8, pp. 1171–1174, Aug. 1993. [11] L. Dan, S. Jingzhao, and F. Zhenghe, “An algorithm of low sidelobe synthesis for arbitrary arrays,” in Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology, 2004, pp. 247–250. [12] P. Y. Zhou and M. A. Ingram, “Pattern synthesis for arbitrary arrays using an adaptive array method,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 862–869, May 1999.


A Convex Optimization Method for Constrained BeamSteering in Planar (2-D) Coupled Oscillator Antenna Arrays Apostolos Georgiadis and Konstantinos Slavakis

Abstract—Constrained beam steering in planar coupled oscillator arrays is presented as a convex optimization problem extending previous works applied in linear arrays. Maximum level constraints are introduced in the array factor by perturbing both the amplitudes and the phases of the array elements. The steady state of the array is included in the optimization problem as a linear constraint. After an optimized solution is found its stability is examined. Design examples that demonstrate the validity of the method are presented. Index Terms—Beam forming, convex optimization, coupled oscillator arrays.

I. INTRODUCTION Convex optimization methods are a family of optimization problems where both the optimization objective and the optimization constraints satisfy the property of convexity. The advantage of convex optimization problems lies in the fact that in such problems a local minimum is a global minimum and, therefore, once a solution is reached its optimality is guaranteed [1]. The problem then becomes that of being able to formulate a certain optimization problem as a convex one. Constrained beam steering in linear coupled oscillator antenna arrays has been demonstrated in [2], by properly adapting the convex optimization formulation of [3] for passive arrays. In [4] the work of [2] has been extended to include both amplitude and phase perturbations in the array factor and to incorporate the array dynamics in the optimization problem as an additional linear constraint. In this work the linear matrix equations for the array factor and the steady state of the array used in [4] are generalized to planar arrays. In addition, the nulling constraint is relaxed to a maximum level constraint in order to obtain more robust solutions. A design example is included to demonstrate the validity of the method. II. CONSTRAINED BEAM STEERING PROBLEM FORMULATION The array factor of a planar array of M elements is


m j1 ej[kr r+ ] m=1 r(; ) = [u v]T = [sin  cos  sin  sin ]T : F(r) =

V e

(1a) (1b)

The array elements are located on the xy plane without loss of generality, rm = [xm ym ]T . The superscript T indicates the transpose operation and column vectors and matrices are printed in bold. The phases om are chosen so that the main beam is directed at (o ; o ). Assume an Nx by Ny array of M = Nx Ny elements with element spacing dx , dy along the x and y axis, respectively. The array elements can be ordered row by row forming a one dimensional vector by mapping

Manuscript received March 1, 2007; revised May 9, 2007. A. Georgiadis is with the Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC), Castelldefels 08860, Barcelona, Spain (e-mail: [email protected]). K. Slavakis is with the University of Athens, Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, Athens, Greece (e-mail: [email protected]). Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAP.2007.905979

0018-926X/$25.00 © 2007 IEEE



m = (Nx 0 1) 3 j + i with i = 1 . . . N j = 1 . . . N m = 1 . . . ; M = Nx Ny . In this case each (i,j) pair to an index m as follows ; ; x, ; ; ; y,

= 0i 1 kdx sin o cos o 0 j 1 kdy sin o sin o: (2) The element amplitudes are given by Vm = Vo + 1Vm allowing for amplitude perturbations, and phase perturbations are indicated by 1m . It is then possible to write the array factor in a way that is similar om

to the 1-D case [4]

F(r) = Vo uH 1M + uH 1V + jVo uH 1


j[kr r+ ] H , and where u in the 2-D case is defined as u r V m T with ; ; . The superm T,  script H indicates the conjugate transpose, and 1M is an M dimensional vector of ones. The array factor may be limited to a maximum value at Q angular ; ; for locations in the far-field, rq r q ; q

1 = [1V ] 1 = [1 ] = (

( ) = [e m = 1 ... M

) q = 1 ... Q

F(rq ) 2 0erq ; +erq + j 0eqi ; +eiq Setting C


Fig. 1 Planar coupled oscillator array.



+ jS = U = [u1 u2 1 1 1 uQ ]H with C = RefUg and

S = ImfUg all constraints are combined in

0e  Vo C1M + C1V 0 Vo S1  e 0ei  Vo S1M + S1V + Vo C1  ei r


(5a) (5b)

= [erq ]T and ei = [eiq ]T . T = [11VT 1T 1T ] one has

where er Setting x


exp j




0Vo C1M 0 er  C 0Vo S 0 x S Vo C 0 0Vo S1M 0 ei r 0 M+e  0VVooC1 i S1M + e

_ _ =K

fl  Fx  fh :


1 = [1m]T contains the oscillator frequency tuning

The vector  parameters.

III. PLANAR COUPLED OSCILLATOR ARRAY DYNAMICS In [4], the steady state of a 1-D coupled oscillator array was derived as a perturbation of the free (uncoupled) individual oscillator element steady state. Identical oscillators were assumed with amplitude o and free-running frequency !o , set by a tuning parameter o . The steady state of an M element linear array is given by [4]


Gx = g


= [Re( ) Im( )]T = [Re( ) Im( )]T = =[ ] = V ( Y V) + 0V 8 8 = jV [88 8 0 diag(88 8 )] = 8 8 V(Y ) Gc Gc , g gc gc gc o oH Yc o 1M , Gc G1 G2 G3 , G1 o @ =@ IM H H H o Yc o , G2 o Yc o 1M , and G3 o o Yc o o @ =@ IM .





or, in concise format

where G

Y is the oscillator admittance and Yc is the coupling network Y-matrix. o is a diagonal matrix with the phase exponents f om g in its main diagonal. A 2-D planar array is considered in Fig. 1. By ordering the array elements row by row as in the previous section, (7) also applies in the planar array case. Yc is an ( x by y ) by ( x by y ) matrix which, using the mapping of m in (2), becomes an M by M matrix. @ =@ , @ =@, and @ =@! are calculated by a harmonic balance (HB) analysis of the free-running oscillator, with an auxiliary generator (AG) at its output node [4]. Yc is calculated using an S-parameter simulation. The stability of the solution (7) is examined by perturbing the steady state amplitudes and phases, leading to



where  indicates a perturbation variable and K is defined in [4]. Using row by row ordering of the elements, (8) is the same as in the linear array case. The stability of the solution (7) is determined by the 2M eigenvalues of K. The optimization problem can now be written as

min : L(x) = kxk2 s:t: fl  Fx  fh Gx = g:

(9a) (9b) (9c)

The objective function L (square of a norm), and the constraints (hyperplanes and half-spaces) are convex functions [1]. Therefore the problem has been formulated as a convex optimization problem. There exist many efficient algorithms and freely available software packages to solve such problems. One of the main streams of convex optimization algorithms is interior-point methods [5]. The hybrid steepest descent method (HSDM) [6] represents another branch of convex optimization algorithms which utilizes fixed point theory and set theoretic estimation. The HSDM was chosen to solve (9),



Fig. 2. X and Y coupling network circuit schematic.

Fig. 4. L contours (9a). The main beam direction is (u ; v ) = (0:32; 0:38), while (a) the desired null location (u ; v ) sweeps the uv plane. (b) a maximum level of 20 dB (relative to the peak) is desired at (u ; v ) instead of a null. The gray area (U) indicates unstable solutions.


Fig. 3. (a) Array factor contours in the uv plane for main beam direction  = 30 deg , ' = 50 deg . The gray area (U) indicates unstable solutions. (b) Array factor contours a desired null at  = 32 deg , ' = 20 deg . The main beam desired direction is indicated by an x, and the desired null direction by a square.

because it produces meaningful solutions also in the case of infeasible constraints [6], whereas interior-point software packages produce only a certificate of infeasibility [7]. IV. A DESIGN EXAMPLE The optimization problem (9) is demonstrated for a planar 7 2 7 element array. Broadband resistive loaded transmission line networks couple the array elements in both x and y directions (Fig. 2). Identical networks are assumed in both directions. The transmission line = 1 with Zo = 100 Ohm, and the loading resissection is tors are R = 270 Ohms. The antenna spacing is o =2 in both directions (kdx = kdy = ). A 5.5 GHz voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) was simulated in commercial HB software, using the available nonlinear models for the NE3210S01 NEC HJ-FET and the MACOM

MA46H070 varactor. The HB results were used to find the required derivatives in (7) and (8). The free-running steady state of each element was (Vo ; !o ; o ) = (0:47 V; 25:491 GHz; 1 V). The main beam is initially steered to o = 30 deg and 'o = 50 deg. The radiation pattern is projected on the uv plane (1b) by showing several array factor magnitude contours [see Fig. 3(a)]. The main beam direction (uo ; vo ) = (0:32; 0:38) is marked by an x. The stability of the constant phase difference solutions among the array elements that shift the main beam is examined by calculating the eigenvalues of (8). In Fig. 3(a), it is shown that stable solutions exist within the juj  0:5 and jvj  0:5 range approximately (the gray area up to the edge of the visible space indicates unstable solutions). A desired null is then placed at 1 = 32 deg, '1 = 20 deg and (9) is solved to produce the radiation pattern of Fig. 3(b). The desired null location is indicated by a square. Because the null is close to the main beam, the solution of (9) slightly shifts its direction. This is expected as the theoretical derivation of the method is based on a first order perturbation of the array factor, and the closer the desired null is placed to the main beam the larger perturbation is required, that affects the main beam direction.




The null location is then moved along the uv plane and the optimized solutions of (9) are examined. Contours of the optimal objective function (9a) are shown in Fig. 4(a). At the various sidelobe locations of Fig. 3(a) the optimal objective takes a larger value, because a larger perturbation is required to produce a null. There exist locations (u; v) = (0:32; 00:62), (u; v) = (00:68; 0:38) and (u; v) = (0:32; 00:38) where the objective takes very large values. Such points are inherent to this optimization method, and are not due to the array dynamics [4]. As the optimal objective takes larger values, the solution eventually becomes unstable [see Fig. 4(a)]. The optimal objective can be reduced if the nulling constraint is relaxed by allowing a maximum level rather than a null. This is verified in Fig. 4(b), where the optimal objective function contours are displayed when a maximum level of 020 dB is desired instead. In addition, the regions of unstable solutions are greatly reduced. V. CONCLUSION The problem of constrained beam steering in planar coupled oscillator antenna arrays is formulated and solved as a convex optimization problem. Previous works on 1-D arrays are extended to describe the steady state and stability of planar arrays. The validity and limitations of the proposed method are demonstrated by a 7 2 7 array design example.

REFERENCES [1] S. Boyd and L. Vandenberghe, Convex Optimization. New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2004. [2] T. Heath, “Simultaneous beam steering and null formation with coupled, nonlinear oscillator arrays,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 53, no. 6, pp. 2031–2035, Jun. 2005. [3] H. Steyskal, “Simple method for pattern nulling by phase perturbation,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. AP-31, no. 1, pp. 163–166, Jan. 1983. [4] A. Georgiadis, A. Collado, and A. Suarez, “Pattern nulling in coupled oscillator antenna arrays,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 55, no. 5, pp. 1267–1274, May 2007. [5] Y. Nesterov and A. Nemirovskii, Interior Point Polynomial Methods in Convex Programming. Philadelphia, PA: SIAM, 1994, vol. 13, Studies in Applied Mathematics. [6] I. Yamada, “The hybrid steepest descent method for the variational inequality problem over the intersection of fixed point sets of nonexpansive mappings,” in Inherently Parallel Algorithms in Feasibility and Optimization and Their Applications, D. Butnariu, Y. Censor, and S. Reich, Eds. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2001, pp. 473–504. [7] Z.-Q. Luo and W. Yu, “An introduction to convex optimization for communications and signal processing,” IEEE J. Select. Areas Commun., vol. 24, no. 8, pp. 1426–1438, Aug. 2006.

TM Scattering From a Dielectric Biconvex Cylinder Loading a Shallow Circular Gap in a Perfectly Conducting Plane Deng-How Tsaur and Kao-Hao Chang

Abstract—A series solution for TM scattering from a dielectric biconvex cylinder, which is formed by a semicircle and a portion of circular arc, buried in a shallow circular gap of a perfectly conducting plane is derived in this paper. The electric fields of biconvex cylinder region and its outer semiunbounded region are represented in terms of an infinite series of cylindrical waves with unknown coefficients respectively. By employing Graf’s addition theorem and matching the boundary conditions, the unknown coefficients are determined. The comparisons with available data in the literature point out a good agreement for the circular cylinder case. Some plotted results for the backscattering width and far-field radiation pattern reveal how the scattering properties have influenced by varying the depth-to-half-width ratio of the dielectric biconvex cylinder. Index Terms—Electromagnetic scattering, dielectric biconvex cylinder, shallow circular gap.

I. INTRODUCTION The scattering properties of the dielectric loads in a perfectly electric conducting (PEC) plane are of significant importance in many areas of technology such as antenna design, radar engineering, aircraft design, etc. In the past, the dielectric-loaded grooves of simple geometrical shapes in a PEC plane have been analyzed extensively; for example, a rectangular [1], V-shaped [2], semi-circular [3]–[5], semi-elliptic [6], trapezoidal groove [7] or a coaxial dielectric circular cylinder (DCC) loading in a semi-circular gap [8], etc. In this paper, the authors aim to obtain a series solution for the TM wave scattering problem of a dielectric biconvex cylinder (DBC) loading a shallow circular gap in a PEC plane. A semicircle and a portion of circular arc form the DBC cross-section. When the depth-to-half-width ratio is unit, the DBC is just a circular one. In other words, the DCC is a special case of the DBC. To date, to the best of authors’ knowledge, the case for DBC embedded in a shallow circular gap is not studied before. II. THEORETICAL FORMULATION The 2-D model depicted in Fig. 1 consists of a DBC buried in a shallow circular gap of a PEC plane. The interface SI is a semicircle with radius a, while the boundary SP is part of a circular arc with central angle 2 and radius a1 . The shallow circular gap is characterized by the depth-to-half-width ratio, d=a, which is related to the angle by d=a = tan01 ( =2).pThe wave numbers outside and inside the DBC are k1 and k2 = k1 "r r , respectively, where "r and r are relative permittivity and permeability, respectively. The definitions of two Cartesian and two cylindrical coordinate systems are taken as shown in Fig. 1. The vertical distance from the center of curvature of the gap to flat surface is e. The E -polarized plane waves of unit amplitude, which impinge upon the DBC at an angle with respect to the positive x axis, are considered. The time-factor exp(j!t) is suppressed throughout.

Manuscript received October 5, 2006; revised March 5, 2007. The authors are with the Department of Harbor and River Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, 202 Taiwan, R.O.C. (e-mail: [email protected]). Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAP.2007.905963 0018-926X/$25.00 © 2007 IEEE