Course Catalog - NetCom Learning [PDF]

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12/04/2017 – 12/10/2017. The Android platform is the fastest growing mobile development platform in the world. With Android phones being produced by all of ...
Course Catalog August 2017 to April 2018



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Course Catalog

Over 1,000 Courses

Table of Contents Adobe Dreamweaver ................................................. 3 Adobe Flash................................................................ 3 Adobe Illustrator ........................................................ 4 Adobe InDesign .......................................................... 5 Adobe Photoshop ...................................................... 6 Agile Project Management ........................................ 7 Android and iPhone ................................................... 7 Autodesk 3ds Max...................................................... 9 Autodesk AutoCAD .................................................... 9 Autodesk Revit ......................................................... 11 AWS Architecting ..................................................... 13 AWS Developing....................................................... 13 AWS Essentials ......................................................... 14 AWS Operations ....................................................... 14 AWS Speciality Technical Courses............................ 15 CAP: Certified Authorization Professional ............... 15 CEH & CNDA ............................................................. 16 Certified Information Privacy Manager (CIPM) ....... 17 Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP) ... 18 Certified Information Privacy Technologist (CIPT) ... 21 Check Point .............................................................. 23 CICS .......................................................................... 24 CISA .......................................................................... 25 Cisco Cloud Track ..................................................... 25 Cisco Collaboration Track......................................... 26 Cisco Data Center Track ........................................... 29 Cisco Design Track.................................................... 32 Cisco Routing & Switching Track .............................. 34 Cisco Security Track ................................................. 38 Cisco Specialist ......................................................... 40 Cisco Wireless Track................................................. 54 CISM ......................................................................... 57 Citrix NetScaler ........................................................ 58 Citrix Provisioning Services ...................................... 61 Citrix ShareFile ......................................................... 61 Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop ................................ 62 Citrix XenMobile....................................................... 64 Cognos...................................................................... 65 CompTIA A+ ............................................................. 66 CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner (CASP) .... 70 CompTIA CTT+ .......................................................... 71 CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CSA+) ................... 72 CompTIA Linux+ ....................................................... 72 CompTIA Network+ .................................................. 73

CompTIA Security+ .................................................. 77 Cyber Security Nexus (CSX)...................................... 78 Dassault CATIA ......................................................... 79 Dassault SOLIDWORKS............................................. 80 Dell Network Security .............................................. 80 DevOps..................................................................... 81 EC-Council Certified Security Analyst / Licensed Penetration Training (ECSA/LPT) ............................. 81 F5 Networking ......................................................... 82 Google AdWords & Google Analytics ...................... 82 HPE Networking ....................................................... 84 IBM Business Process Management ........................ 84 IBM Cloud ................................................................ 86 IBM DataBase .......................................................... 87 IBM iOT .................................................................... 88 IBM Rational Software ............................................. 88 IBM Security Systems .............................................. 89 IBM Server ............................................................... 90 IBM Storage Track.................................................... 92 IBM System .............................................................. 92 Information Management ....................................... 93 Information Storage Management (ISM) ................ 96 ISTQB........................................................................ 97 ITIL Foundation ........................................................ 97 Juniper Routing & Switching Track .......................... 99 Lotus ...................................................................... 100 Mainframe Servers ................................................ 102 Microsoft .NET Framework / Visual Studio ........... 103 Microsoft Access .................................................... 115 Microsoft Azure ..................................................... 120 Microsoft BizTalk Server ........................................ 127 Microsoft Cloud ..................................................... 129 Microsoft Dynamics 365 ........................................ 133 Microsoft Dynamics AX.......................................... 136 Microsoft Dynamics CRM ...................................... 138 Microsoft Dynamics GP ......................................... 140 Microsoft Dynamics NAV ....................................... 141 Microsoft Excel ...................................................... 141 Microsoft Exchange Server .................................... 148 Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) ........ 153 Microsoft Lync Server ............................................ 153 Microsoft Office 365 .............................................. 154 Microsoft Outlook.................................................. 155 Microsoft Power BI ................................................ 159

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ Microsoft PowerPoint ............................................ 161 Microsoft PowerShell............................................. 165 Microsoft Project ................................................... 168 Microsoft SharePoint ............................................. 170 Microsoft SharePoint EndUser............................... 179 Microsoft Skype For Business ................................ 180 Microsoft Skype for Business ................................. 180 Microsoft SQL Database......................................... 182 Microsoft SQL Server ............................................. 184 Microsoft System Center Manager ........................ 199 Microsoft Virtualization ......................................... 207 Microsoft Visio ....................................................... 208 Microsoft Windows................................................ 211 Microsoft Windows Server .................................... 217 Microsoft Windows Server 2012 ........................... 233 Microsoft Word...................................................... 240 Microsoft Workshops............................................. 244 Midrange Servers (System i) .................................. 245 Oracle Database ..................................................... 246 Oracle E-Business Suite .......................................... 247 Oracle Operating Systems...................................... 250


Palo Alto................................................................. 250 PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) ........... 251 Project Management Professional (PMP) ............. 251 QlikView ................................................................. 252 Rational .................................................................. 253 Salesforce Authorized Courses .............................. 254 SAP BO ................................................................... 258 SAP HANA .............................................................. 259 SAP Sales & Distribution ........................................ 259 SAS Business Intelligence....................................... 260 Scaled Agile ............................................................ 261 SDN Networking .................................................... 261 Soft skills, Leadership & Management .................. 262 Symantec ............................................................... 262 TOGAF .................................................................... 263 UNIX Servers (System p) ........................................ 263 Vendor Neutral – Technical ................................... 265 VMware ................................................................. 267 VMware Training by VMsources............................ 271 WebSphere ............................................................ 273

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Course Catalog

Over 1,000 Courses

Adobe Dreamweaver

Adobe Flash

Dreamweaver Fundamentals: An Introduction to Dreamweaver CC

An Introduction to Flash CC

32 Hours | $1,750


32 Hours | $1,750

Schedules 09/18/2017 – 09/21/2017 11/06/2017 – 11/09/2017

09/11/2017 – 09/14/2017 10/30/2017 – 11/02/2017

Adobe Dreamweaver CC web design software provides an intuitive visual interface for making and editing HTML websites and mobile apps. This course will provide web designers with the knowledge and hands-on practice they need to build and manage professional websites.

Adobe Flash Professional CC provides a comprehensive authoring environment for creating interactive and media-rich applications. Flash is widely used to create engaging projects integrating video, sound, graphics, and animation. You can create original content in Flash or import assets from other Adobe applications such as Photoshop or Illustrator, quickly design animation and multimedia, and use Adobe ActionScript 3.0 to integrate sophisticated interactivity. Use Flash to build innovative and immersive Web sites, to create stand-alone applications for the desktop, or to create apps to distribute to mobile devices running on the Android or the iOS system. With extensive controls for animation, intuitive and flexible drawing tools, and a powerful object-oriented coding language, Flash delivers one of the only robust environments that let your imagination become reality.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

Adobe Illustrator Adobe Illustrator CC Combo

40 Hours | $2,690


Illustrator CC Advanced Schedules 08/24/2017 – 08/25/2017 10/26/2017 – 10/27/2017 11/16/2017 – 11/17/2017

08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 10/23/2017 – 10/27/2017

12/21/2017 – 12/22/2017

11/13/2017 – 11/17/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017

This package is a combo of two courses (1) Adobe Illustrator Fundamentals: An Introduction to Illustrator CC, (2) Illustrator CC Advanced

Adobe Illustrator CC is an essential design tool for anyone who needs to express ideas visually in print, on the web, and in any other medium. In this course, which is a combination of Adobe Certified Instructor-led demonstration and hands-on practice, you will learn the advanced techniques of working with Illustrator CC so that you can incorporate visual effects into your workflow.

Adobe Illustrator Fundamentals: An Introduction to Illustrator CC

24 Hours | $1,495

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/23/2017 10/23/2017 – 10/25/2017 11/13/2017 – 11/15/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/20/2017

Adobe Illustrator CC is an essential design tool for anyone who needs to express ideas visually in print, on the web, and in any other medium. In this three-day course, you will get a thorough overview of the interface, tools, and features of Illustrator CC. You will learn, step-by-step, the key techniques, as well as tips and tricks, for working in Illustrator CC. In this combination of instructor-led demonstration and hands-on practice led by Adobe certified instructors, you will learn the basics of working with Illustrator CC so that you can incorporate visual effects into your workflow.


16 Hours | $1,195

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Course Catalog

Over 1,000 Courses

Adobe InDesign

Adobe InDesign Fundamentals: An Introduction to InDesign CC

Adobe InDesign CC Advanced

16 Hours | $1,195


24 Hours | $1,495

Schedules 08/28/2017 – 08/30/2017 10/09/2017 – 10/11/2017

08/31/2017 – 09/01/2017 10/12/2017 – 10/13/2017

11/27/2017 – 11/29/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/06/2017

11/30/2017 – 12/01/2017 12/07/2017 – 12/08/2017

Adobe InDesign CC software speaks the language of professional designers, delivering unparalleled creative freedom, productivity, and precision for designing superb pages. It works seamlessly with Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator, providing a single integrated design environment that doesn’t interrupt your creative process. InDesign CC Advanced course provides a thorough overview of the interface, the tools, the features, and the production tips for page layout and design using InDesign.

Adobe InDesign CC software speaks the language of professional designers, delivering unparalleled creative freedom, productivity, and precision for designing superb pages. It works seamlessly with Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator, providing a single integrated design environment that doesn’t interrupt your creative process. Adobe InDesign CC course provides a thorough overview of the interface, the tools, the features, and the production tips for page layout and design using InDesign.

Adobe InDesign CC Combo

40 Hours | $2,690

Schedules 08/28/2017 – 09/01/2017 10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017 11/27/2017 – 12/01/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/08/2017

this package is a combo of two courses (1) InDesign Fundamentals: An Introduction to InDesign CC, (2) InDesign CC Advanced.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

Adobe Photoshop Photoshop CC Advanced – Web and Video

An Introduction to Photoshop CC course provides a thorough overview of the interface, the tools, the features, tricks, and tips for using Photoshop CC.

16 Hours | $1,195

Schedules 10/19/2017 – 10/20/2017 12/14/2017 – 12/15/2017

Photoshop CC Advanced – Web and Video course provides a thorough overview for experienced users who wish to further their effectiveness on Photoshop. This class is aimed at the Photoshop professional who needs to enhance their knowledge to work with web and video images more effectively.

Photoshop CC Advanced: Print and Photography

16 Hours | $1,195

Schedules 10/19/2017 – 10/20/2017 12/14/2017 – 12/15/2017

Photoshop CC Advanced: Print and Photography course provides a thorough overview for experienced users who wish to further their effectiveness on Photoshop CC. The course trains photographers and designers how to catalogue their work as well as how to enhance their photographs.

Photoshop Fundamentals: An Introduction to Photoshop CC

24 Hours | $1,495

Schedules 10/16/2017 – 10/18/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/13/2017


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Course Catalog

Over 1,000 Courses

Agile Project Management

Android and iPhone Android Programming with Java Basics

56 Hours | $3,800

Agile Project Management

24 Hours | $2,195

Schedules 09/25/2017 – 10/01/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/10/2017

Schedules 08/09/2017 – 08/11/2017 09/18/2017 – 09/20/2017

As companies increasingly adopt the agile methodology to manage a wide spectrum of projects, project managers and team members at all levels must learn how to effectively apply this approach to maximize results. If your role involves managing or working on projects in an existing agile environment or if your company is planning to implement agile soon, then take this course to learn how to manage an agile project from inception to closeout. This course provides a thorough understanding of the agile process and extensive opportunities to practice implementing agile best practices throughout a project’s life cycle. You will learn about agile concepts such as the minimum viable product (MVP), project envisioning, team velocity, estimating and prioritizing user stories, how to manage risk, effective techniques to identify key stakeholders and their success criteria, and best practices for leading agile teams. The course exercises provide hands-on experience in all areas of agile project management including developing an agile team, understanding client needs, creating user stories, estimating required resources, and prioritizing features. This course also covers how to coach and collaborate effectively, including integrating with teams using different methodologies. In addition, you will plan iterations, identify risk, modify stories in the backlog, and coordinate a release.

The Android platform is the fastest growing mobile development platform in the world. With Android phones being produced by all of the major phone manufacturers, and the addition of new tablet devices, the platform will only continue to grow. NetCom’s 7-day Android Programming course will teach application development for the Android Development using the Java Programming Language and the Eclipse Development Environment. This course will include basic application development including use of the Android phone camera, geolocation tools, and playing audio and video files.

iPhone / iPad Programming

56 Hours | $3,800

Schedules 10/02/2017 – 10/08/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/17/2017

In this course participants will learn to create applications for the popular Apple iPhone. This class first reviews the Objective C programming language and then discusses the important primary skills used by iPhone programmers. By the end of this course, participants will be able to create full iPhone applications that make use of the iPhone OS including the built in camera, geolocation and the accelerometer. *Students are expected to bring their own Apple laptops or Mac Mini for the iPhone programming class

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ *Students should have basic background for the iPhone class.


*An Apple Developer’s license is a desired requirement, which can be obtained by following instructions here: Apple Developer Program

Mobile Development Professional Combo

112 Hours | $7,600


participants will be able to create full iPhone applications that make use of the iPhone OS including the built in camera, geolocation and the accelerometer. The first day will be devoted towards covering Objective C, laying down the foundation for our iPhone Development course. • Students are expected to bring their own Apple laptops or Mac Mini for the iPhone programming class • Intel Based Mac with OSX 10.7 or better operating system installed • Everyone needs the latest XCode installed which is available from the Appstore. XCode must be installed before class begins.

09/25/2017 – 10/08/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/17/2017

NetCom’s two week Mobile Development Professional is an intensive hands-on instructor led approach to developing mobile applications for both Android programming and iPhone programming. The class also includes creating sample applications from scratch for both Android and iPhone classes for a 360 degree hands-on experience.

• Students should have basic background for the iPhone class.

• An Apple Developer’s license is a desired requirement which can be obtained at

Android Programming – Week 1 (7 days):The Android platform is the fastest growing mobile development platform in the world. With Android phones being produced by all of the major phone manufacturers, and the addition of new tablet devices, the platform will only continue to grow. NetCom’s 7-day Android Programming course will teach application development for the Android Development using the Java Programming Language and the Eclipse Development Environment. The first day will be devoted towards covering Object Oriented Java, which is the backbone of our Android Development course. iPhone/iPad Programming – Week 2 (7 days): In this course participants will learn to create applications for the popular Apple iPhone. This class first reviews the Objective C programming language and then discusses the important primary skills used by iPhone programmers. By the end of this course,



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Course Catalog

Over 1,000 Courses

Autodesk 3ds Max

Autodesk AutoCAD

Autodesk 3ds Max 2017 Fundamentals

Autodesk AutoCAD 2017 Combo



24 Hours | $1,595

09/18/2017 – 09/20/2017

64 Hours | $3,985

09/11/2017 – 09/27/2017 10/09/2017 – 10/22/2017

In this course, you’ll receive a thorough introduction to Autodesk 3ds Max that will help new users make the most of this sophisticated application and will broaden the horizons of existing, self-taught users. The practices in this course are geared toward real-world tasks you will encounter. You will learn to use Autodesk 3ds Max to create photo-realistic renderings and animations. You’ll examine the interface and workflow and learn to configure a project. You’ll learn to work with lighting and perform rendering and animation, and you will learn to work with geometry imported from other applications.

11/06/2017 – 11/22/2017

NetCom Learning’s Authorized AutoCAD course is taught by industry experts and Autodesk Certified instructors to give you the best of concepts, procedures, and real world best practices. This combo starts from the essential elements of drawing using AutoCAD, extending to the concepts beyond the basics and explaining how to practice proficiency in the use of AutoCAD software. NetCom is an Autodesk Authorized Learning Center utilizing official Autodesk curriculum.

Learning Modalities - Instructor-led Classroom Training

Autodesk AutoCAD 2017 Level 1: Essentials

24 Hours | $1,495

- Online Training - Corporate Training - Onsite Training - One-on-One Training What’s Included - Facilitated Training - Books - Labs

Schedules 09/11/2017 – 09/13/2017 10/09/2017 – 10/11/2017 11/06/2017 – 11/08/2017

Learn to design and shape the world around you using the powerful, flexible features found in AutoCADツョ design and documentation software, one of the world’s leading 2D and 3D CAD tools. In this course, you will learn to navigate the AutoCAD user interfaces and use the fundamental features of AutoCAD. You will learn to use the precision drafting tools in AutoCAD to develop accurate technical drawings and you will also discover the ways to present drawings in a detailed and visually impressive way. Learning Modalities

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ - Instructor-led Classroom Training

- One-on-One Training

- Online Training

What’s Included

- Corporate Training

- Facilitated Training

- Onsite Training

- Books

- One-on-One Training

- Labs

What’s Included - Facilitated Training

Autodesk AutoCAD 2017 Level 3: Advanced

24 Hours | $1,495

- Books Schedules

- Labs

09/25/2017 – 09/27/2017 10/16/2017 – 10/22/2017 11/20/2017 – 11/22/2017

Autodesk AutoCAD 2017 Level 2: Intermediate

16 Hours | $995


AutoCAD 2017: Advanced introduces advanced techniques and teaches you to be proficient in your use of the AutoCAD software. This is done by teaching you how to recognize the best tool for the task, the best way to use that tool, and how to create new tools to accomplish tasks more efficiently.

09/18/2017 – 09/19/2017

Learning Modalities

10/12/2017 – 10/13/2017 11/13/2017 – 11/14/2017

- Instructor-led Classroom Training Discover the powerful tools and techniques for drawing, dimensioning, and printing 2D drawings in this course that enables you to reuse content and extract information from your drawings. With an understanding of the tools and concepts you’ll learn in class, you can begin to streamline the design process and become more productive with AutoCAD.

- Online Training - Corporate Training - Onsite Training

Learning Modalities

- One-on-One Training

- Instructor-led Classroom Training

What’s Included

- Online Training

- Facilitated Training

- Corporate Training

- Books

- Onsite Training

- Labs


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Course Catalog

Over 1,000 Courses

Autodesk Revit Autodesk Revit Architecture 2017 Fundamentals

32 Hours | $1,999

Autodesk Revit BIM Management 2017: Template and Family

16 Hours | $995

Schedules 11/27/2017 – 11/28/2017

Schedules 09/18/2017 – 09/21/2017 10/30/2017 – 11/02/2017

This course is designed to teach you the Autodesk Revit functionality as you would work with it throughout the design process. You begin by learning about the user interface and basic drawing, editing, and viewing tools. Then you learn design development tools including how to model walls, doors, windows, floors, ceilings, stairs and more. Finally, you learn the processes that take the model to the construction documentation phase Autodesk Revit 2017 Architecture Fundamentals training course is designed with an objective to enable the participants to create full 3D architectural project models and set them up in working drawings. Learning Modalities - Instructor-led Classroom Training - Online Training - Corporate Training - Onsite Training - One-on-One Training

The objective of the Autodesk Revit 2017 BIM Management: Template and Family Course is to enable users who have worked with the software to expand their knowledge in setting up office standards with templates that include annotation styles, preset views, sheets, and schedules, as well as creating custom system, in-place, and component families. Learning Modalities - Instructor-led Classroom Training - Online Training - Corporate Training - Onsite Training - One-on-One Training What’s Included - Facilitated Training - Books - Labs

What’s Included - Facilitated Training - Books - Labs

Autodesk Revit MEP 2017 Fundamentals

32 Hours | $1,999

Schedules 09/11/2017 – 09/14/2017 11/27/2017 – 11/30/2017

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ To take full advantage of Building Information Modeling, the Autodesk Revit 2017 MEP Fundamentals course has been designed to teach the concepts and principles of creating 3D parametric models of MEP system from engineering design through construction documentation. The course is intended to introduce students to the software’s user interface and the basic HVAC, electrical, and piping/plumbing components that make the Autodesk Revit software a powerful and flexible engineering modeling tool. The course will also familiarize students with the tools required to create, document, and print the parametric model. The examples and practices are designed to take the students through the basics of a full MEP project from linking in an architectural model to construction documents. Learning Modalities - Instructor-led Classroom Training - Online Training - Corporate Training - Onsite Training - One-on-One Training What’s Included - Facilitated Training - Books - Labs

Autodesk Revit Structure 2017 Fundamentals

32 Hours | $1,999

Schedules 09/11/2017 – 09/14/2017 11/27/2017 – 11/30/2017

To take full advantage of Building Information Modeling, the Autodesk Revit 2017 Structure Fundamentals course has been designed to teach the concepts and principles from building design through construction documentation using the Autodesk Revit 2017 Structure software. This course is intended to introduce students to the user interface and the basic building components of the software that makes it a powerful and flexible structural modeling tool. The goal is to familiarize you with the tools required to create, modify, analyze, and document the parametric model. Learning Modalities - Instructor-led Classroom Training - Online Training - Corporate Training - Onsite Training - One-on-One Training What’s Included - Facilitated Training - Books - Labs


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Course Catalog

Over 1,000 Courses

AWS Architecting

AWS Developing

AWS Solutions Architect Certification Prep

AWS Developer Certification Prep

32 Hours | $2,500


32 Hours | $2,000

Schedules 09/19/2017 – 09/22/2017 11/07/2017 – 11/10/2017

08/21/2017 – 08/24/2017 10/02/2017 – 10/05/2017 11/27/2017 – 11/30/2017

AWS Solutions Architect Certification Prep is a hands-on course, where we will deep-dive into the advance architecture and design patterns used on the AWS infrastructure by performing labs. Another aim of the course is to empower for taking the AWS Certified Solutions Architect exam and clear it.

AWS Developer Certification Prep is a programming course to dive- deep into designing and developing scalable web applications on AWS infrastructure using services like S3, SQS, SNS, SDB, IAM and Elastic Beanstalk. The hands-on labs for this course start with developing sample web application, deploying it on AWS, and building on it to use the services being covered in this course (Knowledge of Java programming language is required).

DevOps Engineering on AWS

24 Hours | $2,050

Schedules 10/16/2017 – 10/18/2017

DevOps Engineering on AWS demonstrates how to use the most common DevOps patterns to develop, deploy and maintain applications on AWS. The course covers the core principles of the DevOps methodology and examines a number of use cases applicable to startup, small-medium business, and enterprise development scenarios.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

AWS Essentials AWS Technical Essentials

AWS Operations 8 Hours | $650


AWS SysOps Administrator Certification Prep

32 Hours | $2,500


08/07/2017 – 08/07/2017 09/18/2017 – 09/18/2017

09/26/2017 – 09/29/2017

09/25/2017 – 09/25/2017 11/06/2017 – 11/06/2017

11/14/2017 – 11/17/2017

11/13/2017 – 11/13/2017

AWS Technical Essentials course introduces you to AWS products, services, and common solutions. It provides IT technical end users with basic fundamentals to become more proficient in identifying AWS services so that you can make informed decisions about IT solutions based on your business requirements and get started working on AWS.

AWS SysOps Administrator Certification Prep course, is to delve deeply into deploying, operating and managing scalable systems on AWS infrastructure using services like VPC, CloudFront, IAM and CloudFormation.

DevOps Engineering on AWS

24 Hours | $2,050

Schedules 10/16/2017 – 10/18/2017

DevOps Engineering on AWS demonstrates how to use the most common DevOps patterns to develop, deploy and maintain applications on AWS. The course covers the core principles of the DevOps methodology and examines a number of use cases applicable to startup, small-medium business, and enterprise development scenarios.


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Course Catalog

Over 1,000 Courses

AWS Speciality Technical Courses Data Warehousing on AWS

24 Hours | $2,050

Schedules 08/28/2017 – 08/30/2017

CAP: Certified Authorization Professional CAP Certification Course

24 Hours | $1,650


Data Warehousing on AWS training introduces you to concepts, strategies, and best practices for designing a cloud-based data warehousing solution using Amazon Redshift, the petabyte-scale data warehouse in AWS. This course demonstrates how to collect, store, and prepare data for the data warehouse by using other AWS services such as Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon EMR, Amazon Kinesis Firehose, and Amazon S3. Additionally, this course demonstrates how to use business intelligence tools to perform analysis on your data.

09/11/2017 – 09/13/2017

This course is designed for the information security practitioner who champions system security commensurate with an organization’s mission and risk tolerance while meeting legal and regulatory requirements. The Certified Authorization Professional (CAP) certification course conceptually mirrors the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) system authorization process in compliance with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-130, Appendix III. Gain the skills needed to categorize, implement, authorize, assess, continuously monitor (real-time risk management), and select security controls for information systems that meets federal mandates on requirements and process guidelines. Background information related to how the federal RMF was developed, the expectations set by Congress and OMB, as well as the manner in which the RMF integrates with other information and business processes

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

CEH & CNDA EC-Council CEH: Certified Ethical Hacker v9 & CNDA: Certified Network Defense Architect

40 Hours | $2,875


EC-Council Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) v9 iClass|iWeek

40 Hours | $2,899

Schedules 08/28/2017 – 09/01/2017 10/23/2017 – 10/27/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017

08/28/2017 – 09/01/2017 09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017 11/27/2017 – 12/01/2017

EC-Council’s Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) is the most renowned and desired professional credential in the network security domain. A Certified Ethical Hacker finds vulnerabilities in systems and network by way of scanning, penetrating and testing. They use hacking techniques, tools and knowledge like a hacker but in a lawful and legitimate manner for security purpose. This helps them to secure the entire IT architecture against any kind of malicious attacks. EC-Council CEH: Certified Ethical Hacker v9 & CNDA: Certified Network Defense Architect certification course at NetCom Learning is the most advanced and extensive ethical hacking course, which includes all the 18 core modules of information security domain. The vendor-neutral CEH certification training is imparted by expert trainers using authenticated and comprehensive course curriculum. The CEH V9 classes includes hands-on exercises, assessments and real-life projects which helps the learner to understand the complex security concepts in-depth. The EC-Council CEH V9 training courses are designed and imparted keeping the network security measures across all-level organizations in mind.


EC-Council CEH: Certified Ethical Hacker v9 iClass|iWeek, a live on-line instructor led training (ILT), provides a comprehensive ethical hacking and network security-training program to meet the standards of highly skilled security professionals. Hundreds of SMEs and authors have contributed to the content presented in the CEHv9 courseware. CEH is the worlds most advanced ethical hacking course with 18 of the most current security domains any ethical hacker will ever want to know when they are planning to beef up the information security posture of their organization. The goal of this course is to help you master an ethical hacking methodology that can be used in a penetration testing or ethical hacking situation. You walk out the door with ethical hacking skills that are highly in demand, as well as the globally recognized Certified Ethical Hacker certification! This course prepares you for EC-Council Certified Ethical Hacker exam 312-50. What’s Included - Instructor-led live online training Official courseware - Access to EC-Council’s official Online lab environment (iLabs) - Certification Voucher

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Course Catalog

Over 1,000 Courses

Certified Information Privacy Manager (CIPM)

Certified Information Privacy Professional U.S. Private Sector (CIPP/US) + Certified Information Privacy Manager (CIPM)

Certified Information Privacy Manager (CIPM) Prep Course


16 Hours | $2,595

Schedules 12/14/2017 – 12/15/2017

Certified Information Privacy Manager (CIPM) Prep Course, you will gain foundational knowledge on concepts of privacy and data protection laws and practice. You will learn common principles and approaches to privacy as well as understand the major privacy models employed around the globe. An introduction to information security concepts and information security management and governance will be covered including frameworks, controls, and identity and access management. You will also learn about online privacy as it relates to using personal information on websites and other internet-related technologies. You will learn how to create a privacy program at an organizational level, develop and implement a framework, and establish metrics to measure program effectiveness. In an interactive format applying practices to a real-world scenario, you will review privacy program practices through the privacy life cycle: assess, protect, sustain and respond.

- Authorized courseware - Exam voucher - IAPP Membership

08/14/2017 – 08/16/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/27/2017 10/30/2017 – 11/01/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/13/2017

09/27/2017 – 09/28/2017 11/02/2017 – 11/03/2017

What’s Included

24 Hours | $3,595

Certified Information Privacy Professional U.S. Private Sector (CIPP/US) + Certified Information Privacy Manager (CIPM), you will gain foundational knowledge on concepts of privacy and data protection laws and practice. You will learn common principles and approaches to privacy as well as understand the major privacy models employed around the globe. An introduction to information security concepts and information security management and governance will be covered including frameworks, controls, and identity and access management. You will also learn about online privacy as it relates to using personal information on websites and other Internet-related technologies. The structure of US law, the enforcement of US privacy and security laws, and information management from a US perspective will be discussed as well as the limitations on private-sector collection and usage of data. This course will also provide an introduction to workplace privacy considerations and US state laws related to marketing, financial data, data security and breach notification. You will learn how to create a privacy program at an organizational level, develop and implement a framework, and establish metrics to measure program effectiveness. In an interactive format applying practices to a real-world scenario, you will review privacy program practices through the privacy life cycle: assess, protect, sustain and respond. What’s Included

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ - Authorized courseware - Exam voucher - IAPP Membership

Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP) Certified Information Privacy Professional Canada (CIPP/C)

16 Hours | $2,595

Schedules 09/07/2017 – 09/08/2017 10/12/2017 – 10/13/2017 11/20/2017 – 11/21/2017 12/21/2017 – 12/22/2017

In this CIPP/C course, you will gain foundational knowledge on concepts of privacy and data protection laws and practice. You will learn common principles and approaches to privacy as well as understand the major privacy models employed around the globe. An introduction to information security concepts and information security management and governance will be covered including frameworks, controls, and identity and access management. You will also learn about online privacy as it relates to using personal information on websites and other Internet-related technologies. You will gain an introduction to the Canadian legal system and statues related to privacy in the private sector. Key concepts and practices related to the collection, retention, use, disclosure, and disposal of personal information by federal, provincial and territorial governments will be discussed. You will also learn about compliance practices related to private, public, and health-sectors. What’s Included - Authorized courseware - Exam voucher - IAPP Membership


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Course Catalog

Over 1,000 Courses

Certified Information Privacy Professional U.S. Private Sector (CIPP/US) + Certified Information Privacy Manager (CIPM)

24 Hours | $3,595

- Authorized courseware - Exam voucher - IAPP Membership

Schedules 08/14/2017 – 08/16/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/27/2017 10/30/2017 – 11/01/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/13/2017

Certified Information Privacy Professional U.S. Private Sector (CIPP/US) + Certified Information Privacy Manager (CIPM), you will gain foundational knowledge on concepts of privacy and data protection laws and practice. You will learn common principles and approaches to privacy as well as understand the major privacy models employed around the globe. An introduction to information security concepts and information security management and governance will be covered including frameworks, controls, and identity and access management. You will also learn about online privacy as it relates to using personal information on websites and other Internet-related technologies. The structure of US law, the enforcement of US privacy and security laws, and information management from a US perspective will be discussed as well as the limitations on private-sector collection and usage of data. This course will also provide an introduction to workplace privacy considerations and US state laws related to marketing, financial data, data security and breach notification. You will learn how to create a privacy program at an organizational level, develop and implement a framework, and establish metrics to measure program effectiveness. In an interactive format applying practices to a real-world scenario, you will review privacy program practices through the privacy life cycle: assess, protect, sustain and respond.

Certified Information Privacy Professional U.S. Private Sector (CIPP/US) + Certified Information Privacy Technologist (CIPT)

24 Hours | $3,595

Schedules 08/09/2017 – 08/11/2017 09/20/2017 – 09/22/2017 10/23/2017 – 10/25/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/06/2017

Certified Information Privacy Professional U.S. Private Sector (CIPP/US) + Certified Information Privacy Technologist (CIPT), you will gain foundational knowledge on concepts of privacy and data protection laws and practice. You will learn common principles and approaches to privacy as well as understand the major privacy models employed around the globe. An introduction to information security concepts and information security management and governance will be covered including frameworks, controls, and identity and access management. You will also learn about online privacy as it relates to using personal information on websites and other Internet-related technologies. The structure of US law, the enforcement of US privacy and security laws, and information management from a US perspective will be discussed as well as the limitations on private-sector collection and usage of data. This course will also provide an introduction to workplace privacy considerations and US state laws related to marketing, financial data, data security and breach notification.

What’s Included

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ You will learn the need and importance for privacy in the IT environment with impacts such as regulatory activities, security threats, advances in technology and the proliferation of social networks. This course will provide an introduction to privacy laws, regulations, and standards impacting privacy in IT and the risks inherent in the IT environment. You will also learn about the importance of personally identifiable information and methods for ensuring its protection.

You will gain an introduction to US government privacy definitions and principals as well as a discussion around privacy and in the intelligence community. You will learn how to adequately protect government information, leadership responsibilities, information security, and compliance monitoring and workforce management. What’s Included - Authorized courseware

What’s Included

- Exam voucher

- Authorized courseware

- IAPP Membership

- Exam voucher - IAPP Membership

Certified Information Privacy Professional US Government (CIPP/G) Prep Course

16 Hours | $2,395

16 Hours | $2,595

Schedules 08/07/2017 – 08/08/2017 09/18/2017 – 09/19/2017 10/26/2017 – 10/27/2017 12/07/2017 – 12/08/2017

Schedules 08/31/2017 – 09/01/2017 09/28/2017 – 09/29/2017 11/02/2017 – 11/03/2017 12/14/2017 – 12/15/2017

In this CIPP/G course, you will gain foundational knowledge on concepts of privacy and data protection laws and practice. You will learn common principles and approaches to privacy as well as understand the major privacy models employed around the globe. An introduction to information security concepts and information security management and governance will be covered including frameworks, controls, and identity and access management. You will also learn about online privacy as it relates to using personal information on websites and other Internet-related technologies.


Certified Information Privacy Professional US Private-Sector (CIPP/US) Prep Course

Certified Information Privacy Professional US Private-Sector (CIPP/US) Prep Course, you will gain foundational knowledge on concepts of privacy and data protection laws and practice. You will learn about common principles and approaches to privacy as well as the major privacy models employed around the globe. An introduction to information security concepts and information security management and governance will be covered, which includes frameworks, controls, and identity and access management. You will also learn about online privacy as it relates to using personal information on websites and other Internet-related technologies. The structure of US law, the enforcement of US privacy and security laws, and information management from a US perspective will be

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Course Catalog

Over 1,000 Courses

discussed, as well as the limitations on private-sector collection and usage of data. This course will also provide an introduction to workplace privacy considerations and US state laws related to marketing, financial data, data security, and breach notification. What’s Included - Authorized courseware - Exam voucher

Certified Information Privacy Technologist (CIPT) Certified Information Privacy Professional U.S. Private Sector (CIPP/US) + Certified Information Privacy Technologist (CIPT)

24 Hours | $3,595

Schedules 08/09/2017 – 08/11/2017

- IAPP Membership

09/20/2017 – 09/22/2017 10/23/2017 – 10/25/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/06/2017

Certified Information Privacy Professional U.S. Private Sector (CIPP/US) + Certified Information Privacy Technologist (CIPT), you will gain foundational knowledge on concepts of privacy and data protection laws and practice. You will learn common principles and approaches to privacy as well as understand the major privacy models employed around the globe. An introduction to information security concepts and information security management and governance will be covered including frameworks, controls, and identity and access management. You will also learn about online privacy as it relates to using personal information on websites and other Internet-related technologies. The structure of US law, the enforcement of US privacy and security laws, and information management from a US perspective will be discussed as well as the limitations on private-sector collection and usage of data. This course will also provide an introduction to workplace privacy considerations and US state laws related to marketing, financial data, data security and breach notification. You will learn the need and importance for privacy in the IT environment with impacts such as regulatory activities, security threats, advances in technology and the proliferation of social networks. This course

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ will provide an introduction to privacy laws, regulations, and standards impacting privacy in IT and the risks inherent in the IT environment. You will also learn about the importance of personally identifiable information and methods for ensuring its protection. What’s Included

regulations, and standards impacting privacy in IT and the risks inherent in the IT environment. You will also learn about the importance of personally identifiable information and methods for ensuring its protection. What’s Included - Authorized courseware

- Authorized courseware

- Exam voucher

- Exam voucher

- IAPP Membership

- IAPP Membership

Certified Information Privacy Technologist (CIPT) Prep Course

16 Hours | $2,595

Schedules 09/06/2017 – 09/07/2017 10/12/2017 – 10/13/2017 11/20/2017 – 11/21/2017 12/21/2017 – 12/22/2017

Certified Information Privacy Technologist (CIPT) Prep Course, you will gain foundational knowledge on concepts of privacy and data protection laws and practice. You will learn common principles and approaches to privacy as well as understand the major privacy models employed around the globe. An introduction to information security concepts and information security management and governance will be covered including frameworks, controls, and identity and access management. You will also learn about online privacy as it relates to using personal information on websites and other Internet-related technologies. You will learn the need and importance for privacy in the IT environment with impacts such as regulatory activities, security threats, advances in technology and the proliferation of social networks. This course will provide an introduction to privacy laws, 22

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Course Catalog

Over 1,000 Courses

Check Point CCSA+CCSE: Check Point Cyber Security Administrator and Engineering Bundle (R80.10)

40 Hours | $5,000

Schedules 08/28/2017 – 09/01/2017 09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017 10/30/2017 – 11/03/2017

CCSA+CCSE: Check Point Cyber Security Administrator and Engineering Bundle (R80.10) course covering Check Point Security Administration & Engineering (R80.10) provides you with an understanding of the basic concepts and skills necessary to configure Check Point Security Gateway and Management Software Blades. CCSA-R80.10: The goal of this course is to provide an understanding of basic concepts and skills necessary to configure Check Point Security Gateway and Management Software Blades. CCSE-R80.10: The goal of this course is to provide an understanding and skills necessary to configure and optimally manage Check Point Next Generation Firewalls.

CCSA+CCSE: Check Point Security Administration and Security Engineering Bundle (R77.30 GAiA)

38 Hours | $5,000


Check Point Security Gateway and Management Software Blades. During this course, you will configure a Security Policy and learn about managing and monitoring a secure network, upgrading and configuring a Security Gateway, and implementing a virtual private network. This part prepares you for CCSA certification. The advanced part of the course provides you training on how to build, modify, deploy and troubleshoot Check Point Security Systems on the GAiA operating system. Hands-on lab exercises teach how to debug firewall processes, optimize VPN performance and upgrade Management Servers. This advanced part prepares you for CCSE certification.

CCSA: Check Point Cyber Security Administrator (R80.10)

24 Hours | $3,000

Schedules 08/07/2017 – 08/09/2017 09/18/2017 – 09/20/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/27/2017

The goal of CCSA: Check Point Cyber Security Administrator (R80.10) course is to provide an understanding of basic concepts and skills necessary to configure Check Point Security Gateway and Management Software Blades.

CCSA: Check Point Security Administration (R77.30 GAiA)

24 Hours | $3,000

09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017


This special CCSA and CCSE bundle covering Check Point Security Administration & Engineering (R77.30 GAiA) provides you with an understanding of the basic concepts and skills necessary to configure

09/11/2017 – 09/13/2017

Check Point Security Administration (R77.30 GAiA) provides you with an understanding of the basic

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ concepts and skills necessary to configure Check Point Security Gateway and Management Software Blades. During this course, you will configure a Security Policy and learn about managing and monitoring a secure network, upgrading and configuring a Security Gateway, and implementing a virtual private network.

CCSE Check Point Security Engineering (R77.30 GAiA)

24 Hours | $3,000

CICS CICS V5 Fundamentals Schedules 11/13/2017 – 11/15/2017

In this course, you learn about the basic concepts and facilities of IBM CICS Transaction Server V5. After completing this course, you have the prerequisite knowledge for all of the follow-on CICS application and systems programming courses that IBM Training offers.

Schedules 09/13/2017 – 09/15/2017

Check Point Security Engineering (R77.30 GAiA) is an advanced course that provides you training on how to effectively build, modify, deploy, and troubleshoot Check Point Security systems on the GAiA OS. You will learn about firewall processes, user and kernel processing, and Stateful Inspection. Labs include configuring security gateways, implementing VPNs, and performing advanced troubleshooting tasks on the firewall.


24 Hours | $2,100

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Course Catalog

Over 1,000 Courses

CISA CISA Certification Course

Cisco Cloud Track 40 Hours | $2,795


Introducing Cisco Cloud Administration v1.0 – CLDADM (Associate)

40 Hours | $4,295


01/22/2018 – 01/26/2018

10/16/2017 – 10/20/2017

In this course, you will perform evaluations of organizational policies, procedures, and processes to ensure that an organization’s information systems align with overall business goals and objectives. You will evaluate the security and controls of business structure and governance methods; the policies, procedures, and guidelines used; and the overall security of the business environment. Also, this course will help you prepare for the ISACA CISA certification exam. CISA Certification acts as a career differentiator for security professionals or IT managers who wish to enhance their marketability and credibility. This is an ideal path for those looking at a long term career in Information Systems Auditing. This course is highly recommended for IS/IT auditors, IT managers, Audit Managers, Security Managers, System Analysts, Consultants, and even CIOs and CTOs.

Introducing Cisco Cloud Administration (CLDADM) course is designed to help aspirants prepare for the CCNA Cloud certification. This course is designed to provide aspirants with the necessary knowledge and skills to perform the essentials of Cloud administration and operations. Exam Format Exam Number: 210-455 Associated Certifications: CCNA Cloud Duration: 90 minutes (55-65 questions) Register with: Pearson VUE

Understanding Cisco Cloud Fundamentals v1.0 – CLDFND (Associate)

40 Hours | $4,295

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 11/13/2017 – 11/17/2017

Understanding Cisco Cloud Fundamentals v1.0 – CLDFND course is designed to provide aspirants with the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities (KSA) to perform foundational tasks related to Cloud computing. It teaches the characteristics and deployment models of a Cloud network. Exam Format

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ Exam Number: 210-451 Associated Certifications: CCNA Cloud Duration: 90 Minutes (55 – 65 questions) Register: Pearson VUE

Cisco Collaboration Track Implementing Cisco Collaboration Applications v1.0 – CAPPS (Professional)

40 Hours | $3,545

Schedules 08/07/2017 – 08/11/2017 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017 10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017 10/23/2017 – 10/27/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/08/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017

Integrating Cisco Unified Communications Applications (CAPPS) v1.0 is a five-day course that prepares the learner for integrating Cisco Unity Connection, Cisco Unity Express, Cisco Unified IM and Presence, and video into a Collaboration deployment. It describes voice messaging deployment scenarios, Cisco Unified Presence features, and troubleshooting mechanisms as well as Cisco Unified IM and Presence and Cisco Jabber integration options with Cisco Unified Communications Manager. Exam format Exam Number: 300-085 CAPPS Associated Certifications: CCNP Collaboration Duration: 75 minutes (55-65 questions) Register with: Pearson VUE


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Over 1,000 Courses

Implementing Cisco Collaboration Devices v1.0 – CICD (Associate)

Implementing Cisco IP Telephony and Video, Part 1 – CIPTV1 (Professional)



40 Hours | $3,795

40 Hours | $3,595

08/14/2017 – 08/18/2017 08/28/2017 – 09/01/2017

08/28/2017 – 09/01/2017 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017

09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017 10/02/2017 – 10/06/2017

10/02/2017 – 10/06/2017 10/16/2017 – 10/20/2017

11/27/2017 – 12/01/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017

11/27/2017 – 12/01/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/08/2017

01/08/2018 – 01/12/2018

12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017

Implementing Cisco Collaboration Devices (CICD v1.0) course focusing on providing the skills and knowledge necessary to implement Cisco Unified Communications (UC) solutions. It covers administration of end-user interfaces, telephony and mobility features, and Cisco UC solutions maintenance., including: Cisco Unified Communications Manager Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express Cisco Unity Connection Cisco Unified Communications Manager IM and Presence Service Exam format

Associated Certifications: CCNA Collaboration

Register with: Pearson VUE

Lab exercises included in the course help learners to perform post installation tasks, configure Cisco Unified Communications Manager, implement MGCP and H.323 and, SIP trunks, and build dial plans to place single site on-cluster and off-cluster calling for voice and video. Learners will also implement media resources, audio and video conferencing, and describe QoS. Exam format

Exam Number: 210-060 CICD

Duration: 75 minutes (55-65 questions)

Implementing Cisco IP Telephony & Video, Part 1 (CIPTV1) v1.0 is a five-day course that prepares the learner for implementing a Cisco Collaboration solution at a single site environment. This course focuses primarily on Cisco Unified Communications Manager Version 10.x, which is the call-routing and signaling component for the Cisco Collaboration solution.

Exam Number: 300-070 CIPTV1 Associated Certifications: CCNP Collaboration Duration: 75 minutes (55-65 questions) Register with: Pearson VUE

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

Implementing Cisco IP Telephony and Video, Part 2 – CIPTV2 (Professional)

40 Hours | $3,595

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017 10/02/2017 – 10/06/2017 11/06/2017 – 11/10/2017 11/27/2017 – 12/01/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017

Implementing Cisco IP Telephony Video, Part 2 (CIPTV2) v1.0 is a five-day course that prepares the learner for implementing Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Cisco VCS-C, and Cisco Expressway series in a multisite voice and video network. It covers globalized call routing, URI call routing, global dial plan replication based on the ILS, Cisco Unified SRST, mobility features, call admission control, integration of Cisco VCS and Cisco Unified Communications Manager, and Cisco Mobile Remote access on Cisco Expressway Series. Exam format

Troubleshooting Cisco IP Telephony and Video (CTCOLLAB) v1.0 is a five-day course that prepares the learner for troubleshooting Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Cisco VCS-C, and Cisco Expressway series in a multisite voice and video network. The course teaches troubleshooting methodology, triage, resources, tools, and fixes at the integrated system or solution level for Cisco Collaboration Solutions. It covers troubleshooting of Cisco Unified Communications Manager, VCS Control and VCS Expressway, issues with Call Setup, issues with ILS, Cisco Unified Communications Manager Mobility Features, Cisco TelePresence Management Suite, and issues with Voice Quality and Media Resources. Exam format Exam Number: 300-080 CTCOLLAB Associated Certifications: CCNP Collaboration Duration: 75 minutes (55-65 questions) Register with: Pearson VUE

Exam Number: 300-075 CIPTV2 Associated Certifications: CCNP Collaboration Duration: 75 minutes (55-65 questions) Register with: Pearson VUE

Troubleshooting Cisco IP Telephony and Video – CTCOLLAB (Professional)

40 Hours | $3,545

Schedules 08/28/2017 – 09/01/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017 11/13/2017 – 11/17/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017


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Course Catalog

Over 1,000 Courses

Cisco Data Center Track

10/30/2017 – 11/03/2017 01/22/2018 – 01/26/2018

Designing Cisco Data Center Infrastructure v6.0 – DCID (Professional)

40 Hours | $3,695

Schedules 09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017 11/13/2017 – 11/17/2017

Exam Format

12/04/2017 – 12/08/2017

The course includes information on designing data centers with Cisco components and technologies. It covers network designs with virtualization, Layer 2 and Layer 3 technologies and routing protocols, and data center interconnect design options. Also covered are device virtualization technologies, including virtual switches, virtual routers, and virtual firewalls. Storage and SAN design is covered. Design practices for the Cisco Unified Computing System (UCS) solution based on Cisco UCS B-Series and C-Series servers and Cisco UCS Manager are covered. Network management technologies. Exam Format

Exam Number: 300-165 DCII Associated Certifications: Duration:

CCNP Data Center

90 minutes (60-70 questions)

Exam Registration:

Pearson VUE

Implementing Cisco Data Center Unified Computing v6.0 – DCUCI (Professional)

40 Hours | $4,000

Exam Number: 300-160 DCID Associated Certifications: Duration:

The focus of this skills-building course is implementation of LAN, SAN, and Data Center Unified Fabric using Cisco MDS switches, Cisco Nexus switches, and Cisco Nexus 2000 Series Fabric Extenders (FEXs). The course provides rich, hands-on experience with implementing Cisco data center infrastructure.

Schedules CCNP Data Center

90 minutes (60-70 questions)

Exam Registration:

Pearson VUE

40 Hours | $3,695

08/28/2017 – 09/01/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017 10/16/2017 – 10/20/2017 11/06/2017 – 11/10/2017 11/27/2017 – 12/01/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017

Implementing Cisco Data Center Infrastructure v6.0 – DCII (Professional) Schedules

08/14/2017 – 08/18/2017 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017

The focus of this skills-building course is on deploying, securing, operating, and maintaining the Cisco Unified Computing System (UCS) and UCS C-Series Rack Servers for use in data centers. The extensively hands-on course covers configuring and managing Cisco UCS servers using unified I/O networking for LAN and SAN connectivity, virtualizing server hardware identifiers to enable rapid recovery of server operating system images,

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ automating UCS deployments using UCS Central Software and Cisco Integrated Management Controller (IMC) Supervisor, configuring fault tolerance, implementing role-based access control (RBAC), backing up and restoring system configurations, and using the monitoring and troubleshooting tools in Cisco UCS Manager and Cisco IMC. Exam Format

Exam Format Exam Number: 300-170 DCVAI Associated Certifications: Duration:

CCNP Data Center

90 minutes (60-70 questions)

Exam Registration:

Pearson VUE

Exam Number: 300-175 DCUCI Associated Certifications: Duration:

CCNP Data Center

Introducing Cisco Data Center Networking v6.0 – DCICN (Associate)

40 Hours | $4,495

90 minutes (60-70 questions)

Exam Registration:

Pearson VUE

Schedules 08/07/2017 – 08/11/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017 10/02/2017 – 10/06/2017

Implementing Cisco Data Center Virtualization and Automation v6.0 – DCVAI (Professional)

40 Hours | $3,595

Schedules 08/14/2017 – 08/18/2017 09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017 10/16/2017 – 10/20/2017 11/13/2017 – 11/17/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/08/2017

Implementing Cisco Data Center Virtualization and Automation (DCVAI) v6.0 is designed to help students prepare for the Cisco CCNP Data Center certification and for professional-level data center roles. The focus of this skills-building course is on the implementation and deployment automation of Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) and Cisco Nexus switches. The course provides rich, hands-on experience in building a data center solution based on Cisco ACI. Learners are introduced to the automation capabilities offered by Python and RESTful APIs in combination with Cisco ACI and Cisco Nexus switches. 30

11/06/2017 – 11/10/2017 11/27/2017 – 12/01/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017

Introducing Cisco Data Center Networking (DCICN) v6.0 course is designed to help students prepare for the Cisco CCNA Data Center certification and for associate-level data center roles. The course covers foundational knowledge, skills, and technologies including network protocols and host-to-host communication, data center networking concepts and technologies, data center storage networking, and Cisco UCS architecture. Exam Format Exam Number: 200-150 DCICN Associated Certifications: Duration:

CCNA Data Center

90 minutes (55-65 questions)

Exam Registration:

For more schedules visit

Pearson VUE

Course Catalog

Over 1,000 Courses

Introducing Cisco Data Center Technologies v6.0 – DCICT (Associate)

40 Hours | $4,495

Schedules 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017 10/02/2017 – 10/06/2017

(UCS), and Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI). The course provides rich, hands-on experience in resolving problems on Cisco MDS switches, Cisco Nexus switches, Cisco fabric extenders (FEXs), Cisco UCS, and Cisco ACI. Exam Format

12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017

The Introducing Cisco Data Center Technologies (DCICT) v6.0 course introduces students to Cisco technologies and products that are deployed in the data center: network virtualization, network technologies, unified computing, automation and orchestration, and the Cisco Application-Centric Infrastructure (Cisco ACI). The introductory level of knowledge that is provided in these courses is targeted for individuals who can perform basic configuration tasks. The hands-on lab exercises focus on configuring features on Cisco Nexus Operating System (Cisco NX-OS), Cisco Unified Computing System (Cisco UCS), and Cisco UCS Director.

Exam Number: 300-180 DCIT Associated Certifications: Duration:

CCNP Data Center

90 minutes (60-70 questions)

Exam Registration:

Pearson VUE

Exam Format Exam Number: 200-155 DCICT Associated Certifications: Duration:

CCNA Data Center

90 minutes (55-65 questions)

Exam Registration:

Pearson VUE

Troubleshooting Cisco Data Center Infrastructure v6.0 – DCIT (Professional)

40 Hours | $3,695

Schedules 01/08/2018 – 01/12/2018

The focus of this skills-building course is troubleshooting of LAN, SAN, Cisco Data Center Unified Fabric, Cisco Unified Computing System Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

Cisco Design Track CCDA v3.0 Prep Boot Camp

24 Hours | $1,950


You will also cover enterprise campus, data center, e-commerce, IP addressing and routing, security solutions, VPNs, IP multicast, and security in a borderless cloud environment. Exam format

10/21/2017 – 10/22/2017

The CCDA certification (Cisco Certified Design Associate) includes major updates and follows the updated for associated exam of CCDA 200-310. However, note that this course might not not cover all items listed on to the extent that the exam expects of the candidate. Students, in order to pass the exam, need to carefully study and gain clear understanding of knowledge and skills listed.

Exam Number: 300-320 ARCH Duration: 75 minutes (60-70 questions) Exam Registration: Pearson VUE

Designing for Cisco Internetwork Solutions v3.0 – DESGN (Associate)

40 Hours | $3,295

Designing Cisco Network Service Architectures v3.0 – ARCH (Professional)



Designing for Cisco Internetwork Solutions (DESGN) v3.0 course presents a structured and modular approach to designing networks that are scalable, resilient, and have well-defined failure domains. The course discusses routing and switching design of Campus and Enterprise networks in detail. Data center, wireless networking, and real-time traffic infrastructure are introduced and their effects on the core network are discussed from the design perspective.

40 Hours | $3,145

08/07/2017 – 08/11/2017 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017 10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017 11/27/2017 – 12/01/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017

In this course, you will learn the conceptual, intermediate, and detailed design of a network infrastructure that supports desired network solutions over intelligent network services in order to achieve effective performance, scalability, and availability. This is an advanced course designed for CCNA and CCDA certified personnel, or those with equivalent experience in routing and switching Cisco networks. You will learn how to apply Cisco network solution models and recommended design practices, to provide viable and stable enterprise internet working solutions. Additionally, you will learn the concepts that are necessary to design converged enterprise networks.


08/14/2017 – 08/18/2017 10/02/2017 – 10/06/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017

Exam Format Exam Number: 200-310 DESGN Associated Certifications:



75 minutes (55-65 questions)


Pearson VUE

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Implementing Cisco IP Routing v2.0 – ROUTE (Professional)

40 Hours | $3,395

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017 11/27/2017 – 12/01/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017 01/08/2018 – 01/12/2018

SWITCH v2.0, 5 day ILT, includes major updates along with several IPv6 routing topics. In this course, you will gain the knowledge and skills needed to create an efficient and expandable enterprise network. You will focus on Layer 2 and multilayer switch functions including VLANs, trunks, inter-VLAN routing, port aggregation, spanning tree, first hop redundancy, as well as network security and high availability features. Exam Format

04/09/2018 – 04/13/2018

In this course, you will gain the knowledge and skills needed to plan, implement, and monitor a scalable routed network. You will focus on routing protocols for both IPv4 and IPv6: EIGRP and OSPF for an enterprise and BGP for enterprise Internet connectivity. You will also learn how to redistribute routes, implement path control, and secure Cisco routers. Exam Format

Exam Number – 300-115 Duration – 120 minutes (30 – 40 questions) Register with – Pearson VUE

Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices, Part 1 v 3.0 – ICND1 (Entry)

40 Hours | $3,000

Exam Number – 300-101


Duration – 120 minutes (45 – 55 questions) Register with – Pearson VUE

08/14/2017 – 08/18/2017 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017 09/12/2017 – 10/12/2017 09/16/2017 – 10/14/2017 11/04/2017 – 12/02/2017 11/06/2017 – 11/10/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017

Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks v2.0 – SWITCH (Professional)

40 Hours | $3,395

Schedules 08/14/2017 – 08/18/2017 08/28/2017 – 09/01/2017 10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017 10/16/2017 – 10/20/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/08/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017 02/05/2018 – 02/09/2018

NetCom Learning provides the perfect platform for aspiring IT professionals to enhance their knowledge in Cisco products and technologies as a Cisco-authorized training provider. Learn the basics and fundamentals of networking and switching domain through the entry level Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices, Part 1 v3.0 – ICND1 training course at NetCom. Imparted through hands-on lab exercises by the expert instructors, the ICND1 Part 1 v3.0 exam training will impart learners about installing, preparing, configuring and verifying a basic IPv4 and

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ IPv6 network. The all-inclusive training also includes tutorials on establishing internet connectivity, functions of networking, performing basic troubleshooting, configuring device security, configuring static routing, and more. The Part 1 v3.0 – ICND1 Certification Exam training covers all the basic fundamentals and concepts of Cisco routers and switches. Providing a foundational understanding to entry-level candidates as well as working professionals, the course prepares learners for Cisco CCNA certification. This course is also associated with CCENT certification Exam Format Exam Number – 100-105 ICND1

Cisco Routing & Switching Track CCDA v3.0 Prep Boot Camp

24 Hours | $1,950

Schedules 10/21/2017 – 10/22/2017

The CCDA certification (Cisco Certified Design Associate) includes major updates and follows the updated for associated exam of CCDA 200-310. However, note that this course might not not cover all items listed on to the extent that the exam expects of the candidate. Students, in order to pass the exam, need to carefully study and gain clear understanding of knowledge and skills listed.

Associated Certification – CCNA Routing and Switching Duration – 90 minutes (45-55 questions) Register with – Pearson VUE

CCNA Routing & Switching (ICND1 and ICND2) v3.0 (Associate) Combo

80 Hours | $6,000

Schedules 08/05/2017 – 10/07/2017 08/14/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/11/2017 – 09/22/2017 09/12/2017 – 11/16/2017 09/16/2017 – 11/18/2017 11/04/2017 – 01/06/2018 11/06/2017 – 11/17/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/22/2017

NetCom Learning is a Cisco Learning Partner offering hands-on Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Routing and Switching course. The CCNA Routing and Switching is a certification program for entry-level network engineers that helps maximize your investment in foundational networking knowledge and increase the value of your employer’s network. CCNA Routing and Switching is for Network Specialists, Network Administrators, and Network Support Engineers with 1-3 years of experience. The CCNA Routing and Switching validates the ability to


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install, configure, operate, and troubleshoot medium-size routed and switched networks.

Implementing Cisco IP Routing v2.0 – ROUTE (Professional)

40 Hours | $3,395


CCNA v3, CCENT (ICND1, ICND2) and CCDA (DESGN) – Prep Boot Camp

84 Hours | $5,750

08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017 11/27/2017 – 12/01/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017 01/08/2018 – 01/12/2018

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/27/2017

04/09/2018 – 04/13/2018

10/16/2017 – 10/22/2017

This is a 7 day boot camp aimed towards IT professionals seeking to get their CCNA v3 and CCDA certifications. The Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) v3 Boot Camp is a thorough five day program taught by the industry’s leading and most exceptional CCIE level instructors. Prospective CCNA and CCENT students should have a background and apprentice familiarity in networking knowledge. Accredited CCNA certified professionals can install, configure, and operate LAN, WAN, and dial access services for small scale networks including but not limited to use of these protocols: IP, IGRP, Serial, Frame Relay, IP RIP, VLANs, RIP, Ethernet, access lists. The CCDA certification (Cisco Certified Design Associate) indicates a foundation or apprentice knowledge of network design for the Cisco Internetwork Infrastructure. CCDA certified professionals can design routed and switched network infrastructures involving LAN, WAN, and dial access services for businesses and organizations.

In this course, you will gain the knowledge and skills needed to plan, implement, and monitor a scalable routed network. You will focus on routing protocols for both IPv4 and IPv6: EIGRP and OSPF for an enterprise and BGP for enterprise Internet connectivity. You will also learn how to redistribute routes, implement path control, and secure Cisco routers. Exam Format Exam Number – 300-101 Duration – 120 minutes (45 – 55 questions) Register with – Pearson VUE

Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks v2.0 – SWITCH (Professional)

40 Hours | $3,395

Schedules 08/14/2017 – 08/18/2017 08/28/2017 – 09/01/2017 10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017 10/16/2017 – 10/20/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/08/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017 02/05/2018 – 02/09/2018

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ SWITCH v2.0, 5 day ILT, includes major updates along with several IPv6 routing topics. In this course, you will gain the knowledge and skills needed to create an efficient and expandable enterprise network. You will focus on Layer 2 and multilayer switch functions including VLANs, trunks, inter-VLAN routing, port aggregation, spanning tree, first hop redundancy, as well as network security and high availability features.

IPv6 network. The all-inclusive training also includes tutorials on establishing internet connectivity, functions of networking, performing basic troubleshooting, configuring device security, configuring static routing, and more.

Exam Number – 300-115

The Part 1 v3.0 – ICND1 Certification Exam training covers all the basic fundamentals and concepts of Cisco routers and switches. Providing a foundational understanding to entry-level candidates as well as working professionals, the course prepares learners for Cisco CCNA certification. This course is also associated with CCENT certification

Duration – 120 minutes (30 – 40 questions)

Exam Format

Register with – Pearson VUE

Exam Number – 100-105 ICND1

Exam Format

Associated Certification – CCNA Routing and Switching

Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices, Part 1 v 3.0 – ICND1 (Entry)

40 Hours | $3,000

Duration – 90 minutes (45-55 questions) Register with – Pearson VUE

Schedules 08/14/2017 – 08/18/2017 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017 09/12/2017 – 10/12/2017

Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices, Part 2 v3.0 – ICND2 (Associate)

09/16/2017 – 10/14/2017 11/04/2017 – 12/02/2017 11/06/2017 – 11/10/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017

40 Hours | $3,000

NetCom Learning provides the perfect platform for aspiring IT professionals to enhance their knowledge in Cisco products and technologies as a Cisco-authorized training provider. Learn the basics and fundamentals of networking and switching domain through the entry level Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices, Part 1 v3.0 – ICND1 training course at NetCom. Imparted through hands-on lab exercises by the expert instructors, the ICND1 Part 1 v3.0 exam training will impart learners about installing, preparing, configuring and verifying a basic IPv4 and 36

Schedules 09/09/2017 – 10/07/2017 09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017 10/17/2017 – 11/16/2017 10/21/2017 – 11/18/2017 11/13/2017 – 11/17/2017 12/09/2017 – 01/06/2018 12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017

The Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices, Part 2 v3.0 -ICND2 (Associate) training course is ideal for all those who have undertaken ICND1 v3.0 – Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices, Part 1 training. Undergoing ICND2 training will help them to

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advance their knowledge and skills in the domain and prepares for the CCNA Routing and Switching certification exam. Imparted by the expert trainers at NetCom Learning, the Associate-level Routing and Switching course is offered by utilizing Cisco-authorized training materials. The training provides comprehensive knowledge and skill development to learners to install, operate, configure and troubleshoot a small enterprise network. The Part 2 certification exam training guide includes understanding of QoS (Quality of Service) elements and their applicability, overview of network programmability, and understanding of software defined network architectures. The complete training is provided through intensive sessions, incorporating hands-on lab exercise environment. Exam Format Exam Number – 200-105 ICND2 Associated Certification – CCNA Routing and Switching Duration – 90 minutes (45-55 questions)

Enhance your networking knowledge with respect to Cisco products and technologies by opting for Routing & Switching (ICND1 and ICND2) v3.0 Boot Camp – CCNAX (Associate) Training Course at NetCom Learning. This is an Associate-level networking course, comprising of ICND1 and ICND2 composite course curriculum, provided through boot camp training medium. NetCom Learning offers an interactive, organized hands-on learning environment through the boot camp training to help learners enhance their skills and knowledge thoroughly. Imparted by experienced instructors, the Routing and Switching Training helps learners build their conceptual knowledge, and learn about troubleshooting common network glitches. The Cisco authorized Routing & Switching (ICND1 and ICND2) v3.0 certification exam training equips the participants on installing, operating, configuring and troubleshooting basic IPv4 and IPv6 networks, WAN connection, configuring EIGRP and OSPF, and more. Exam Format Exam Number – 200-125 CCNA

Available Languages – English, Japanese

Associated Certification – CCNA Routing and Switching

Register with – Pearson VUE

Duration – 90 minutes (50-60 questions) Register with – Pearson VUE

Routing & Switching (ICND1 and ICND2) v3.0 Prep Boot Camp – CCNAX (Associate)

60 Hours | $3,800


Troubleshooting and Maintaining Cisco IP Networks v2.0 – TSHOOT (Professional)

40 Hours | $3,595

08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 10/16/2017 – 10/20/2017

Schedules 08/07/2017 – 08/11/2017 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

Cisco Security Track

10/16/2017 – 10/20/2017 11/06/2017 – 11/10/2017 11/13/2017 – 11/17/2017

Implementing Cisco Network Security v3.0 – IINS (Associate)

02/12/2018 – 02/16/2018

In this course, you will learn and practice techniques to monitor and troubleshoot routed and switched networks through extensive hands-on lab exercises. Troubleshooting methods, approaches, procedures, and tools are explored. A series of different organizations are introduced for each a set of troubleshooting scenarios that are presented. You will attempt to solve as many of the troubleshooting tickets as you can; the debrief includes review information that will help you further understand the specific issues raised in the scenarios. Exam Format Exam Number – 300-135 Associated Certification – CCNP Routing and Switching Duration – 120 minutes (15 – 25 questions) Register with – Pearson VUE

40 Hours | $3,445

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017 11/06/2017 – 11/10/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017

In this course, you will learn about the design, implementation, and monitoring of a comprehensive security policy using Cisco IOS security features and technologies as examples. You will also learn about security controls of Cisco IOS devices as well as a functional introduction to the Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA). This course enables you to perform basic tasks to secure a network using Cisco IOS security features, which are available through web-based GUIs on the Cisco ASA, and the command-line interface (CLI) on Cisco routers and switches. Site-to-site virtual private network (VPN) configuration is covered on both the Cisco IOS and the Cisco ASA. Modern malware examples are included in this course as are cryptographic techniques using stronger hashing and encryption algorithms. Current versions of Cisco IOS, Cisco ASA, and Cisco Any Connect are featured. Exam format Exam Number: 210-260 IINS Associated Certifications: CCNA Security Duration: 90 minutes (60-70 questions) Register with: Pearson VUE


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Implementing Cisco Threat Control Solutions v1.5 – SITCS (Professional)

40 Hours | $3,795

Schedules 08/28/2017 – 09/01/2017 11/27/2017 – 12/01/2017

Implementing Cisco Threat Control Solutions v1.5 – SITCS (Professional) course provides network professional with the knowledge to implement Cisco FirePOWER NGIPS (Next-Generation Intrusion Prevention System) and Cisco AMP (Advanced Malware Protection), as well as Web Security, Email Security and Cloud Web Security. You will gain hands-on experience configuring various advance Cisco security solutions for mitigating outside threats and securing traffic traversing the firewall. Exam Format Exam Number: 300-210 SITCS Associated Certifications: Duration:

CCNP Security

90 minutes (65-75 questions)

Exam Registration:

Pearson VUE

in Cisco products and technologies as a Cisco-authorized training provider. Learn the basics and fundamentals of networking and switching domain through the entry level Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices, Part 1 v3.0 – ICND1 training course at NetCom. Imparted through hands-on lab exercises by the expert instructors, the ICND1 Part 1 v3.0 exam training will impart learners about installing, preparing, configuring and verifying a basic IPv4 and IPv6 network. The all-inclusive training also includes tutorials on establishing internet connectivity, functions of networking, performing basic troubleshooting, configuring device security, configuring static routing, and more. The Part 1 v3.0 – ICND1 Certification Exam training covers all the basic fundamentals and concepts of Cisco routers and switches. Providing a foundational understanding to entry-level candidates as well as working professionals, the course prepares learners for Cisco CCNA certification. This course is also associated with CCENT certification Exam Format Exam Number – 100-105 ICND1 Associated Certification – CCNA Routing and Switching

Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices, Part 1 v 3.0 – ICND1 (Entry)

40 Hours | $3,000

Duration – 90 minutes (45-55 questions) Register with – Pearson VUE

Schedules 08/14/2017 – 08/18/2017 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017 09/12/2017 – 10/12/2017 09/16/2017 – 10/14/2017 11/04/2017 – 12/02/2017 11/06/2017 – 11/10/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017

NetCom Learning provides the perfect platform for aspiring IT professionals to enhance their knowledge

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

Cisco Specialist Administering Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise, Part 1 v10.0 – AUCCE1 (Collaboration)

40 Hours | $4,195

inbound/outbound UCCE environment. This course is intended for those performing advanced administration of the solution, or who may be responsible for Level 2-3 support of the solution. The AUCCE1 course or equivalent prior experience is a prerequisite for attending this course.

Schedules 08/28/2017 – 09/01/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017 10/23/2017 – 10/27/2017

Advanced Scripting for Cisco Unified Contact Center Express v8.0 – ASCCX

11/27/2017 – 12/01/2017

Administering Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise, Part 1 (AUCCE1) course is intended for system engineers and customers who will be involved with “Day 2” support of a UCCE solution deployed in a CVP comprehensive environment. You will learn the requirements for performing routine adds, moves, and changes in the inbound/outbound UCCE environment. This course is intended for those administering the solution or who may be responsible for Level 1-2 support of the solution.

Administering Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise, Part 2 v10.0 – AUCCE2 (Collaboration)

40 Hours | $4,195

Schedules 08/14/2017 – 08/18/2017

40 Hours | $3,495

Schedules 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017 11/27/2017 – 12/01/2017

Building on the knowledge base and scripting experience learned in the UCCXD class, the student will explore more advanced techniques in scripting and overall Cisco Unified CCX functionality. During this five day class the students implement features that extend the functionality of Cisco Unified CCX using many of the tools that are already available in the premium version of the product. Expect to spend time exploring the Agent Desktop Interface, Desktop Administrator and the Desktop Workflow Administrator to invoke behaviors that involve Third Party applications and web based apps like “Web Callback Option” and “Leave a Message in Queue”. There will be a major focus on Scripting and Subsystem management.

09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017 10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017 11/06/2017 – 11/10/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/08/2017

Administering Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise Part 2 (AUCCE2) is a 5 day instructor-led course for system engineers and customers who will be involved with “Day 2” support of a UCCE solution deployed in a CVP comprehensive environment. This course gives the learner an understanding of the requirements, resources and tools required to perform complex adds, moves and changes in the


Cisco UCS Director Foundation v5.4 – UCSDF (Data Center)

40 Hours | $3,995

Schedules 08/07/2017 – 08/11/2017 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017 10/23/2017 – 10/27/2017

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11/13/2017 – 11/17/2017 11/27/2017 – 12/01/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/08/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017

Cisco UCS Director Foundation (UCSDF) version 5.4 course. This training course will enable Cisco end customers and authorized Cisco System Engineers (SEs) to understand the concepts, architecture, and use cases that are related to the Cisco UCS Director deployment. This course will also prepare learners to implement basic Cisco UCS Director Deployment solutions. The focus is to ensure that students can implement the core features of the Cisco UCS Director that most implementations require. Students should already be familiar with basic Data Center Concepts.

And finally, the student will learn how to setup and use troubleshooting tools including RTMT, System CLI, Diagnostic Framework, and ICM command-line utilities to find status information and log files, and to track a call from the point of entry to the agent desktop.

Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise Advanced Administration v11.5 – UCCE-AA

40 Hours | $4,395

Schedules 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017 10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017 11/06/2017 – 11/10/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/08/2017

Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise Administration v11.5 – UCCE-A

40 Hours | $4,395

Schedules 11/27/2017 – 12/01/2017

Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise Administration (UCCE-A) course that helps prepare learners to administer the Cisco Unified CCE v11.5 solution. This course will provide the student with the basic knowledge to understand the Cisco Unified CCE deployment solution, requirements for deployment, and how to install and configure all major Cisco Unified CCE components. As a part of deployment activities, the student will understand how to install and integrate Intelligent Contact Manager (ICM) with Active Directory, how to install and integrate Cisco Unified CVP components using an IOS-based voice browser and Cisco Virtualized Voice Browser (Cisco VVB), how to install and integrate Cisco Finesse, how to install and integrate Cisco Unified Intelligence Center with Active Directory and associated Data Sources for reporting purposes, and how to install and configure Agentand IVR-based Outbound Option dialing campaigns.

Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise Advanced Administration (UCCE-AA) course that helps prepare learners to implement more advanced functions and options in the Cisco Unified CCE environment. This course will provide the student a more comprehensive look at complex topics such as advanced routing techniques, Cisco Finesse Administration, using VoiceXML applications, accessing an external database, and translation routing. This course will also provide students with the capability of implementing Cisco Options such as the Cisco Outbound Option, Courtesy Callback, and Agent Greetings and Whisper announcements. And finally, the student will learn about advanced reporting topics such as advanced administration, importing reports, and custom reporting.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise Deployment v11.5 – UCCE-D

40 Hours | $4,395

Schedules 09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017 11/13/2017 – 11/17/2017

Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise Deployment (UCCE-D) course that helps prepare learners to deploy the Cisco Unified CCE v11.5 solution. This course will provide the student with the underlying knowledge to understand deployment design solutions, requirements for deployment, and how to install and configure all major Cisco Unified CCE components. As a part of deployment activities, the student will understand how to install and integrate Intelligent Contact Manager (ICM) with Active Directory, how to install and integrate Cisco Unified CVP components using an IOS-based voice browser and Cisco Virtualized Voice Browser (Cisco VVB), how to install and integrate Cisco Finesse, how to install and integrate Cisco Unified Intelligence Center with Active Directory and associated Data Sources for reporting purposes, and how to install and configure Agent- and IVR-based Outbound Option dialing campaigns.And finally, the student will learn how to setup and use troubleshooting tools including RTMT, System CLI, Diagnostic Framework, and ICM command-line utilities to find status information and log files, and to track a call from the point of entry to the agent desktop.

Cisco Unified Intelligence Center for Advanced Users v1.1 – CUICAU

Intelligence Center 8.0.4 is a comprehensive, end-to-end reporting solution, designed to simplify the task of creating and modifying reports. It also can manage disparate data sources and, at the same time, to present a consistent user interface and a common tool to access varied data across multiple Cisco product families. NOTE: If you are intending to take CUICAU, you do not need to take CUICEU, as CUICAU includes the content from CUICEU.

Cisco Unified Intelligence Center for End Users v1.1 – CUICEU

16 Hours | $2,495

Schedules 09/05/2017 – 09/06/2017 11/06/2017 – 11/07/2017

The Cisco Unified Intelligence Center for End Users v1.1 (CUICEU v1.1) course is a two-day instructor-led training (ILT) course. Cisco Unified Intelligence Center 8.0.4 is a comprehensive, end-to-end reporting solution, designed to make the task of creating and modifying reports easier on the customer and, at the same time, to present a consistent user interface and a common tool to access varied data across multiple Cisco product families. NOTE: If you are intending to take CUICAU, you do not need to take CUICEU, as CUICAU includes the content from CUICEU.

32 Hours | $3,295

Schedules 09/05/2017 – 09/08/2017 11/06/2017 – 11/09/2017

The Cisco Unified Intelligence Center for Advanced Users v1.1 (CUICAU v1.1) course is a four-day instructor-led training (ILT) course. Cisco Unified 42

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Communications Manager Administration v11.0 -CMA

24 Hours | $2,695

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/23/2017 09/11/2017 – 09/13/2017 10/02/2017 – 10/04/2017 10/23/2017 – 10/25/2017 10/30/2017 – 11/01/2017 11/13/2017 – 11/15/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/06/2017

Communications Manager Administration for Version 11.0 (CMA v11.0) course to system administrators and customers involved with day-to-day operation of the Cisco Unified Communications Manager 11.0 (CUCM 11) product. This course will introduce you to the CUCM 11.0 system, the basic procedures for administering IP Phones and Users, understanding the Dial Plan and implementing Features. In addition to instructor-led lecture and discussions, you will configure CUCM and Cisco IP Phones in the lab, either in a live classroom or WebEx remote classroom environment. While the Cisco Unified Communications Manager software used in the class will be version 11.0.1, the course material is applicable to versions 8.x, 9.x, 10.x or 11.x. The concepts and the lab tasks are the same for most of the Cisco Unified Communications Manager software versions.

Configuring BGP on Cisco Routers v4.0 – BGP

40 Hours | $3,695

Schedules 10/16/2017 – 10/20/2017

Configuring BGP on Cisco Routers version 4.0 provides students with in-depth knowledge of Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), the routing protocol that is one of the foundations of the Internet and New World technologies such as Multiprotocol Label

Switching (MPLS). This curriculum covers the theory of BGP, configuration of BGP on Cisco IOS routers, detailed troubleshooting information, and hands-on exercises that provide learners with the skills that they need to configure and troubleshoot BGP networks in customer environments. Different service solutions in the curriculum cover BGP network design issues and usage rules for various BGP features, preparing learners to design and implement efficient, optimal, and troublefree BGP networks.

Configuring Cisco MDS 9000 Series Switches v2.0 – DCMDS(Associate)

40 Hours | $3,695

Schedules 08/07/2017 – 08/11/2017 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017 10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017 11/06/2017 – 11/10/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/08/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017 01/15/2018 – 01/19/2018

In this course, you will learn how to install, configure, and manage the Cisco MDS 9000 Series switch platform in a scalable, highly available environment. You will learn about the features on each of the MDS 9000 Series product family of switches including the 9100, 9200, 9500, and 9700 models and the Fibre Channel, Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE), and service modules supported. You will learn about SAN configuration for features such as interface configuration, Cisco N-Port Virtualizer (NPV), N-Port ID Virtualization (NPIV), virtual SAN (VSAN) and domain setup, SAN zoning, and SAN extension using FCIP and Inter-VSAN Routing (IVR). Topics introduced also include centralized SAN services using the Cisco MDS 9222i Multiservice Modular Switch and Cisco MDS 9250i Multiservice Fabric Switch for Cisco I/O

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ Acceleration (IOA) and Cisco Data Mobility Manager (DMM), management security and role-based access control (RBAC) topics.

Configuring Cisco Nexus 5000 Switches v3.1 – DCNX5K (Data Center)

40 Hours | $3,695


Configuring Cisco Nexus 5000 Series Switches v3.0 – DCNX5K

40 Hours | $3,795

Schedules 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017

Configuring Cisco Nexus 5000 Series Switches (DCNX5K) v3.1 program designed to serve the needs of systems and field engineers, consulting systems engineers, technical solutions architects, and Cisco integrators and partners who install and implement Cisco Nexus 5000 Series Switches and Cisco Nexus 2000 Series Fabric Extenders. This course covers the key components and procedures required to configure, manage, and troubleshoot these Cisco Nexus platforms. A certification exam is not associated with this course, and Channel Partner deployment engineers will use this training as augmentation to the DCUFI course material to provide in-depth experience in implementing the Cisco Nexus family product features. This is the third release of material covering the Cisco Nexus 5000 Series Switches and Cisco Nexus 2000 Series Fabric Extender product families. The course focuses on the product hardware, its architecture, key features, and market differentiators, with extensive feature configuration and hands on labs.

09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017

Configuring Cisco Nexus 5000 Series Switches (DCNX5K) v3.1 is a course designed to serve the needs of systems and field engineers, consulting systems engineers, technical solutions architects, and Cisco integrators and partners who install and implement Cisco Nexus 5000 Series Switches and Cisco Nexus 2000 Series Fabric Extenders. This course covers the key components and procedures required to configure, manage, and troubleshoot these Cisco Nexus platforms.

Configuring Cisco Nexus 7000 Switches v3.1 – DCNX7K (Data Center)

40 Hours | $3,950

Schedules 10/02/2017 – 10/06/2017

In this course, you will cover the key components and procedures needed to install, configure, manage, and troubleshoot the Cisco Nexus 7000 Switch. Through hands-on labs using NX-OS version 6.2(6b) code, you will gain an understanding of the day-to-day operation of the switches, including key features and functions.

Configuring Data Center Unified Computing v3.0 – DCUCS

40 Hours | $3,695

Schedules 08/14/2017 – 08/18/2017 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017


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Course Catalog

Over 1,000 Courses Switches in ACI mode utilizing the updated 2.0(x) version, & how to connect the ACI Fabric to external networks & services.

09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017 10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017 10/30/2017 – 11/03/2017 11/13/2017 – 11/17/2017 11/27/2017 – 12/01/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017

The Configuring Data Center Unified Computing course is a 5-day product training course designed to familiarize data center engineers, architects and Cisco partners with the Cisco UCS B-series and C-series products. This course prepares individuals for implementing and maintaining Cisco UCS hardware with a strong emphasis on best practices. The Configuring Data Center Unified Computing course also addresses relevant additional features added by Version 2.1 Cisco UCS Software Release.

Data Center Application Centric Infrastructure Fundamentals v2.0 – DCACIF

40 Hours | $4,595

Schedules 08/07/2017 – 08/11/2017 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017 10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017 11/27/2017 – 12/01/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017 01/22/2018 – 01/26/2018

DCACIF (Data Center Application Centric Infrastructure Fundamentals) is a 5-day Instructor-led training course that is designed for systems & field engineers who install & implement the Cisco Nexus 9000 Switches in ACI mode using the updated 2.0(x) version & updated Cisco Nexus 9000 hardware platform. The course covers the key components & procedures you need to know to understand, configure, manage Cisco Nexus 9000

Deploying Cisco Unified Contact Center Express v6.0 – UCCXD

40 Hours | $3,750

Schedules 08/07/2017 – 08/11/2017 08/14/2017 – 08/18/2017 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017 10/02/2017 – 10/06/2017 10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017 10/23/2017 – 10/27/2017 11/06/2017 – 11/10/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017

In this course, you’ll gain an understanding of Cisco Unified Contact Center Express (Unified CCX) product and all of its associated client applications and scripting tools. You will learn about all of the Unified CCX components, servers, deployment options, and clients. You will learn how to perform capacity planning, choose the correct product features, and install the product. Our instructors place major emphasis on the Unified CCX script editing tool, Unified CCX Editor, which allows administrators to script the contact center’s caller experience through the system, including queries, recordings, menu input, digit string input, and database operations. You will cover the Cisco Finesse Agent and Supervisor Desktops as well as the Finesse Desktop Administration tool to optimize the call agent’s desktop display and options, supervisor optimization of the call center, and reporting options and customizations. You will explore Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and Text-to-Speech (TTS) technologies, Social Miner, and Outbound Dialing technologies and you will examine options for troubleshooting, reporting, and maintaining the system.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ Our voice network labs use the latest hardware and software and all of our IP telephony courses provide a simulated public switched telephone network (PSTN).

Deploying Unified Contact Center Enterprise v10.0 – DUCCE (Collaboration)

40 Hours | $4,195

Schedules 09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017

Deploying OpenStack Cloud – Fundamentals v3.0 – OCDCU

24 Hours | $3,895

Schedules 08/01/2017 – 08/03/2017 08/15/2017 – 08/17/2017 09/05/2017 – 09/07/2017 09/26/2017 – 09/28/2017 10/24/2017 – 10/26/2017 11/07/2017 – 11/09/2017 11/28/2017 – 11/30/2017 12/12/2017 – 12/14/2017 12/19/2017 – 12/21/2017 01/30/2018 – 02/01/2018

Deploying OpenStack Cloud – Fundamentals (OCDCU) v3.0 is course designed for Systems and Field Engineers, Consulting Systems Engineers, Technical Solutions Architects, Integrators, and Partners. The course is targeted towards individuals who are responsible for configuration and administration of an OpenStack Cloud. This course covers the key components and procedures needed to configure, and administer an OpenStack Cloud using CLI and the GUI. This course will deal with most if not all subjects referred to in the Certified OpenStack Administrator test. This course will provide hands-on lab exercises utilizing via cloud-based (virtual) servers. Students will perform hands-on lab exercises that were created to teach the necessary skills to configure and administer an OpenStack Cloud.


11/13/2017 – 11/17/2017

Deploying Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise (DUCCE) course that helps prepare learners to deploy the Unified CCE v10.0 solution including installation, deploying HA and using troubleshooting tools to identify issues with inbound and outbound Contact Center functionality. This course is intended for those installing the Unified CCE solution, or those providing Level 3 solution support. Students will learn enough about CCE scripting in this course to ensure system functionality only. Additional CCE scripting information and lab exercises are provided in AUCCE1 & AUCCE2.

Designing and Implementing Cisco Network Programmability v1.0 – NPDESI

40 Hours | $3,795

Schedules 09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/08/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017

Designing and Implementing Cisco Network Programmability v.1.0 (NPDESI) is a course that addresses the evolving role of network engineers towards more programmability, automation and orchestration, enabling them to leverage the powerful level of abstraction provided by controller based architectures to create real added value. This course is aligned with the topics covered by the 300-550 NPDESI exam, leading to the Cisco Network Programmability Design and Implementation Specialist Certification.

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Over 1,000 Courses

The goal of the course is to provide the student a foundation to get started with network programmability by learning how to minimize the amount of manual interactions ( with the network and increase the use of scripts and automation tools to drive down operational inefficiencies. Within these goals, the learner reviews network programmability fundamentals such as using Linux and Python, common automation protocols such as NETCONF and REST, how they relate to YANG data models, SDN controller northbound and southbound APIs, how to use device APIs on various Cisco platforms, and how to get started using automation tools such as Ansible and Puppet.

Developing with Cisco Network Programmability v4.0 – NPDEV

40 Hours | $3,795

Schedules 08/07/2017 – 08/11/2017 10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017

Developing with Cisco Network Programmability v4.0 (NPDEV) is a 5-day course for software developers looking to automate network infrastructure and utilize APIs and toolkits to interface with SDN controllers and individual devices. This course is aligned with the topics covered by the 300-560 NPDEV exam, leading to the Cisco Network Programmability Developer Specialist Certification. Exam Format

40 Hours | $3,795

Schedules 08/14/2017 – 08/18/2017 08/28/2017 – 09/01/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017 11/27/2017 – 12/01/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017

Implementing Advanced Cisco ASA Security v2.1 – SASAA course provides updated training on the key features of the Cisco ASA, including the ASA FirePOWER Services Module and ASA Clustering. SASAA v2.1 course that provides updated training with labs. The labs focus on the key features of the Cisco ASA (covering up to the ASA 9.5.1 release). The goal of the course is to be able to implement the key features of the Cisco ASA, including Cisco ASA Firepower Services (including Firepower v6.0), ASA Cloud Web Security, ASA Identity Firewall, ASA Clustering and the Virtual ASA (ASAv).

Implementing and Configuring Cisco Identity Services Engine v2.1 – SISE

40 Hours | $3,995

Schedules 08/07/2017 – 08/11/2017 08/28/2017 – 09/01/2017 09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017 10/02/2017 – 10/06/2017 10/23/2017 – 10/27/2017

Exam Number – 600-510 NPDEV Associated Certification – Cisco Network Application Developer Specialist Duration – 75 minutes (55 – 65 questions) Register with – Pearson VUE

Implementing Advanced Cisco ASA Security v2.1 – SASAA

11/06/2017 – 11/10/2017 11/27/2017 – 12/01/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017 01/22/2018 – 01/26/2018

This course discusses the Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE), a an identity and access control policy platform that provides a single policy plane across

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ the entire organization, combining multiple services, including authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA), posture, profiling, device on-boarding, and guest management, into a single context-aware identity-based platform. The training provides learners with the knowledge and skills to enforce security posture compliance for wired and wireless endpoints and enhance infrastructure security using the Cisco ISE.

various QoS mechanisms to facilitate the creation of effective administrative policies providing QoS

Implementing Cisco Secure Access Control System v5.2 (Professional)

24 Hours | $2,695

Schedules 08/28/2017 – 08/30/2017

Implementing Cisco MPLS v3.0 – MPLS

40 Hours | $3,500

Schedules 08/07/2017 – 08/11/2017 10/30/2017 – 11/03/2017

This course is designed to introduce you to MPLS concepts, installation, migration, operation, inspection, and troubleshooting. You’ll start with an overview of MPLS and its operation, after which you’ll concentrate on MPLS Virtual Private Network (VPN) deployment. The MPLS fundamentals covered in this class will provide the theory and hands-on knowledge to implement, integrate, and deploy an MPLS infrastructure. The MPLS VPN lecture and labs will cover the models, diversity, implementation, troubleshooting, and flexibility of MPLS VPNs.

Implementing Cisco Quality of Service v2.5 – QOS

40 Hours | $3,445

This course teaches students how to provide secure access to network resources by using the Cisco Secure Access Control System (ACS) version 5.2, which interoperates with security features in Cisco IOS Software. Students will gain a thorough understanding of the operation of the Cisco Secure ACS to control access to network services and devices. Course subjects include the principles of authentication (identifying users and devices in order to control access to networks, services, and devices), authorization (restricting the functions that users can perform on services and devices) and accounting (to track the activities of users). The RADIUS, TACACS+, Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP), and IEEE 802.1X protocols are discussed in theory and practice as the basis of network security. Specific methods and configurations are shown that can be used in your production networks to achieve targeted and detailed control objectives. The course includes hands-on labs to provide direct experience in configuring Cisco Secure ACS and Cisco network devices.

Schedules 10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017

In this course, you will learn about QoS requirements, conceptual models such as best effort, IntServ, and DiffServ, and the implementation of QoS on Cisco platforms. The curriculum covers the theory of QoS, design issues, and configuration of


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Course Catalog

Over 1,000 Courses

Implementing Core Cisco ASA Security v1.0 – SASAC

40 Hours | $3,795

Schedules 08/14/2017 – 08/18/2017 08/28/2017 – 09/01/2017 09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017 10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017 10/23/2017 – 10/27/2017 11/06/2017 – 11/10/2017 11/27/2017 – 12/01/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017

This course covers the Cisco ASA 9.0 / 9.1 core firewall and VPN features. Cisco ASA Core v1.0 is designed to teach network security engineers working on the Cisco ASA Adaptive Security Appliance to implement core Cisco ASA features, including the new ASA 9.0 and 9.1 features.

Installing Cisco UC on UCS in a Virtualized Environment v4.5 – UC-UCS

40 Hours | $3,495

Schedules 08/07/2017 – 08/11/2017 08/28/2017 – 09/01/2017 10/02/2017 – 10/06/2017 10/16/2017 – 10/20/2017 11/06/2017 – 11/10/2017 11/27/2017 – 12/01/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017 01/22/2018 – 01/26/2018

In the past two years, Cisco has made a concerted effort to move many of its applications from dedicated servers to a virtual environment. This five day training event is intended for individuals who are interested in learning the fundamentals of supporting UC applications in a UCS virtualized environment. The course will cover both the Unified Computing System B Series servers and the stand alone C Series servers.

The four main areas of study will be system preparation (B series and C series), ESXi deployment, Unified Communications applications in ESXi, and the Nexus 1000v virtual Ethernet switch. While this course is written with Unified Communications as its focus, anyone with a desire to learn the fundamentals of these topics would benefit from this course. Unlike traditional server based installations, the next generation of Unified Communications applications will install in a virtualized environment (VMware ESXi) on either standalone C series servers or the integrated Cisco Unified Computing System platform. While C series servers are configured directly, Cisco UCS servers can be configured through the UCS Manager (UCSM) using Service Profiles. This training includes a brief discussion of the changing Data Center server environment, where the Cisco UCS system fits into this environment, and LAN and storage (SAN) considerations. An overview of the UCS products will be provided, with emphasis on the advantages the UCS Manager brings to server provisioning. Server provisioning, through the use of easy-to-configure Service Profiles, will also be covered in detail, along with supporting labs. The lab exercises will include initializing both B and C series servers. This will include the Fabric Interconnects within UCS and the CIMC for C series servers. VMware ESXi is an integral part of this installation. The various flavors of ESXi are discussed along with the features that are supported in current UC applications. The concepts and methods of virtual Ethernet traffic are covered in detail to provide a good understanding of how ESXi changes the access layer of the network and how it can be configured. The lab exercises will include installing ESXi on both UCS (B series) and C series serves. VMware vCenter, VMware networking, iSCSI SAN access and vMotion will be explored. UC on UCS specific considerations will then be covered, including design requirements, VMware OVF templates, caveats, recommendations, etc.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ Unified Communications installation within ESXi and migration from MCS 7800 series servers to Virtual Machines will be covered. A troubleshooting section relating to UC application in a virtual environment will also be covered. Lab exercises will include installing a Cisco Unified Communications Manager subscriber in ESXi, database verification and vMotion. A frequent addition to a VMware installation is the Nexus 1000v virtual switch. The Nexus 1000v allows traditional networking personnel to have Virtual Machine level network visibility using a familiar Command Line Interface (CLI) interface. An overview of the Nexus 1000v, installation and configuration are covered in this course. Practical labs include installation of the VSM and VEM, integration with vCenter and configuration of the port profiles.

Introducing Cisco Nexus 9000 Switches in NX-OS Mode v1.0 – DCINX9K (Data Center)

16 Hours | $2,195


Introducing Python and Web Services Programmability for Network Engineers v3.0 – IPWSP-NE

32 Hours | $3,495

Schedules 08/14/2017 – 08/17/2017 09/05/2017 – 09/08/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/28/2017 10/10/2017 – 10/13/2017 10/30/2017 – 11/02/2017 11/27/2017 – 11/30/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/07/2017

Introducing Python and Web Services Protocols for Network Engineers 3.0 is a course that focuses on the interoperability of Python programming with Networking to prepare the Next Generation Engineers for Software Defined Networking. This class is designed for Network Engineers and Administrators looking to add necessary programming skills in preparation for various ACI and SDN technologies as well as interacting with WEB Services on appliances such as the F5, A10, and Cisco UCS. The course has been modified to emphasize the skillset of data extraction for interacting with BIG DATA platforms.

09/05/2017 – 09/06/2017 11/20/2017 – 11/21/2017

Introducing Cisco Nexus 9000 and Application Centric Infrastructure (DCINX9K v1.0) (DCINX9K) is a 2-day hands-on course that focuses on deployment and operations of the Cisco Nexus 9000 Series switches. Participants will learn how to configure and manage Cisco Nexus 9000 Series switches using the NX-OS CLI, Python scripts, bash shell, and NX-API. DCINX9K is designed for systems and field engineers who install and implement the Cisco Nexus 9000 Switches in NX-OS mode. This course covers the key components and procedures you need to know to install, configure, manage, and troubleshoot the Cisco Nexus 9000 Switch platform.


Introduction to 802.1X Operations for Cisco Security Professionals (802.1X) v1.0

24 Hours | $2,995

Schedules 09/06/2017 – 09/08/2017 12/27/2017 – 12/29/2017

Introduction to 802.1X Operations for Cisco Security Professionals (802.1X) v1.0 is a newly created three-day course designed to prepare Cisco Channel Partners, systems engineers, and implementers with the knowledge and hands-on experience to prepare them to configure Cisco TrustSec solutions based on

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Course Catalog

Over 1,000 Courses

Cisco Identity Services module, Cisco Catalyst switches, and Cisco Wireless LAN Controllers. The goal of the course is to provide students with foundational knowledge in the capabilities and functions of the IEEE 802.1X protocol and the ability to configure the Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE) for 802.1X operation. The course will introduce the architecture, components, and features of a Cisco TrustSec network designed around the IEEE 802.1X and RADIUS protocols. The student will gain hands-on experience with configuring a network for 802.1X-based network servicesusing the Cisco ISE, Cisco Catalyst switches, and Cisco wireless products.

IPv6 Fundamentals, Design and Deployment v3.0 – IP6FD

40 Hours | $3,395

Managing Enterprise Networks with Prime Infrastructure v3.0 – MENPI

40 Hours | $3,750

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017 10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017 10/30/2017 – 11/03/2017

The Managing Enterprise Networks with Cisco Prime Infrastructure course offered by Cisco Learning Services. This course provides network engineers and technicians with tools necessary to design, deploy, operate, and optimize enterprise networks with the Cisco Prime Infrastructure solution.

Managing Industrial Networks for Manufacturing with Cisco Technologies v1.0 – IMINS2

40 Hours | $4,195

Schedules 09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017


The IPv6 Fundamentals, Design, and Deployment (IP6FD) v3.0 course is an instructor-led course that is presented by Cisco Learning Partners to their end-user customers. This five-day course aims at providing network engineers and technicians that are working in the enterprise sector with the knowledge and skills that are needed to study and configure Cisco IOS Software IPv6 features. The course also provides an overview of IPv6 technologies, covers IPv6 design and implementation, describes IPv6 operations, addressing, routing, services, transition, and deployment of IPv6 in enterprise as well as in service provider networks, and includes case studies useful for deployment scenarios.

09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017

Managing Industrial Networks for Manufacturing with Ciscoツョ Technologies (IMINS2) Version 1.0 is a lab intensive course, which helps students with the skills required to successfully implement and troubleshoot the most common industry standard protocols while leveraging best practices needed in Security and Wireless technologies for today’s industrial networks. The IMINS2 course, developed in conjunction with Rockwell Automation, helps plant administrators, control system engineers and traditional network engineers in the manufacturing, process control, and oil and gas industries, who will be involved with the convergence of IT and Industrial networks. This course also helps you prepare for the Managing Industrial Networks for Manufacturing with Cisco Technologies Certification exam (exam ID 200-601) and (having completed required

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ prerequisites) qualify for the Cisco Certified Network Associate Industrial (CCNA Industrial) certification. This course is job-role specific and enables you to achieve competency and skills to configure, maintain, and troubleshoot industry standard network protocols as well as wireless and security technologies to ensure that current infrastructures are maximized while developing a converged platform for flexibility to support future business outcomes. Students will be exposed to multiple industrial network technologies as well as products from Cisco and other industrial suppliers including Rockwell Automation.

Network Programmability for the Data Center v1.0 – NPDC

32 Hours | $4,500


Network Programmability for the Enterprise v1.0 – NPEN

32 Hours | $4,500

Schedules 08/07/2017 – 08/10/2017 09/11/2017 – 09/14/2017 10/02/2017 – 10/05/2017 11/06/2017 – 11/09/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/07/2017

Network Programmability for the Enterprise (NPEN) v1.0 is a four-day instructor led course. This course teaches how to automate common Cisco enterprise platforms such as IOS-XE and IOS-XR routers as well as ASA firewalls. This course also includes coverage of the automation capabilities of the APIC Enterprise Module or IC-EM Applying CCIE-style learning methods, the course places emphasis on learning via hands-on labs and hands-on demonstrations. The terms proof-by-Python and proof-by-JSON or XML will be used frequently throughout the course.

08/21/2017 – 08/24/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/28/2017 10/16/2017 – 10/19/2017 11/13/2017 – 11/16/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/21/2017

Network Programmability for the Data Center (NPDC) v1.0 is a four-day instructor led course. This course teaches how to automate an end-to-end Cisco Data Center consisting of Nexus 7000 and 9000 switches. This course also includes Cisco ACI and UCS platforms using state of the art Model Driven API’s Applying CCIE-style learning methods, the course places emphasis on learning via hands-on labs and hands-on demonstrations. The terms proof-by-Python and proof-by-JSON or XML will be used frequently throughout the course.


Securing Networks with Cisco Firepower Next-Generation IPS v3.0 – SSFIPS (Security)

32 Hours | $4,000

Schedules 08/07/2017 – 08/11/2017 08/14/2017 – 08/18/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017 10/16/2017 – 10/20/2017 10/23/2017 – 10/27/2017

Securing Networks with Cisco Firepower Next-Generation Intrusion Prevention System is an instructor-led, lab-based, hands-on course offered by Ciscoツョ Learning Services. This course is part of a portfolio of security courses designed to help businesses support and maintain their Cisco Firepower systems.

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This lab-intensive course introduces you to the basic next-generation intrusion prevention system (NGIPS) and firewall security concepts. The course then leads you through the Cisco Firepower system. Among other powerful features, you will become familiar with: In-depth event analysis NGIPS tuning and configuration Snort rules language You will also become familiar with the latest platform features: file and malware inspection, security intelligence, domain awareness, and more. The course begins by introducing the system architecture, the latest major features, and the role of policies in implementing the solution. You learn how to manage deployed devices and perform basic Cisco Firepower discovery. You’ll be able to describe how to use and configure Cisco NGIPS technology, including application control, security intelligence, firewall, and network-based malware and file controls. You will learn how to take advantage of powerful tools so you can carry out more efficient event analysis, including the detection of file type and network-based malware. And you will learn how to properly tune systems for better performance and greater network intelligence. The course finishes with system and user administration tasks. This course combines lecture materials and hands-on labs that will give you practice in deploying and managing the Cisco Firepower system.

Securing Networks with Cisco Firepower Threat Defense NGFW – FIREPOWER200 (Security)

40 Hours | $4,000

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017

10/02/2017 – 10/06/2017 10/16/2017 – 10/20/2017 10/30/2017 – 11/03/2017

Securing Networks with Cisco Firepower Threat Defense NGFW (FIREPOWER200) course that is part of a portfolio of security courses designed to help businesses support and maintain their Cisco Firepower Threat Defense systems. This lab-intensive course introduces you to the basic next-generation intrusion prevention system (NGIPS) and next-generation firewall (NGFW) security concepts. The course then leads you through the Cisco Firepower system. Among other powerful features, you become familiar with: - Firepower Threat Defense configuration - In-depth event analysis - NGIPS tuning and configuration You also become familiar with the latest platform features: file and malware inspection, security intelligence, domain awareness, and more. The course begins by introducing the system architecture, the latest major features, and the role of policies in implementing the solution. You learn how to deploy and manage Cisco Firepower Threat Defense devices and perform basic Cisco Firepower discovery. You learn how to use and configure Threat Defense technology, including application control, security intelligence, NGFW, NGIPS, and network-based malware and file controls. Also, you learn how to take advantage of powerful tools, so you can perform more efficient event analysis, including the detection of file types and network-based malware.

09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ And you will learn how to properly tune systems for better performance and greater network intelligence. The course concludes with system and user administration tasks and Threat Defense system troubleshooting. This course combines lecture materials and hands-on labs that give you practice in deploying and managing the Cisco Firepower system.

Unity Connection Administration v11.0 – UCA

16 Hours | $1,995

Schedules 08/17/2017 – 08/18/2017 08/31/2017 – 09/01/2017 09/14/2017 – 09/15/2017 10/05/2017 – 10/06/2017 10/19/2017 – 10/20/2017

Deploying Cisco Wireless Enterprise Networks v1.1 – WIDEPLOY (Professional)

40 Hours | $3,695

Schedules 08/14/2017 – 08/18/2017 08/28/2017 – 09/01/2017 10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/08/2017

In this course, you will learn how to deploy wireless networks using Cisco controller and unified switching architectures policies and best practices, as well as ensure the proper implementation of mobility standards and proper configuration of all aspects of wireless components. Hands-on labs reinforce concepts taught, including deployment of Cisco AireOS 8.0, Cisco Prime Infrastructure Release 2.2, as well as the Cisco Mobility Services Engine Release 8.0 features. Cisco CCNP Wireless certification addresses the need for designing, implementing, and operating Cisco Wireless networks and mobility infrastructures. CCNP Wireless certification emphasizes wireless networking principles and theory.

10/26/2017 – 10/27/2017 11/02/2017 – 11/03/2017 11/16/2017 – 11/17/2017 12/07/2017 – 12/08/2017 12/14/2017 – 12/15/2017

Unity Connection Administration (UCA) v11.0 describes Cisco Unity Connection administration features, options, and configuration settings as they apply to the administrator. The course presents Cisco Unity Connection with the focused goal of providing the administrators with the necessary skills to perform their day-to-day job functions using the Cisco Unity Connection version 11.0 system. While the Cisco Unity Connection software used in the class will be version 11.0.1, the course material is applicable to versions 8.x, 9.x, 10.x or 11.x. The concepts and the lab tasks are the same for most of the Cisco Unity Connection software versions.


Cisco Wireless Track

Deploying Cisco Wireless Enterprise Networks v1.1 – WIDEPLOY (Exam 300-365) is a new course/exam replacing the old Implementing Cisco Unified Wireless Voice Networks v2.0 – IUWVN (Exam 642-742) since September 21, 2016. Exam Format Exam Number: 300-365 WIDEPLOY Associated Certifications:

CCNP Wireless


90 minutes (60 窶・70 questions)


Pearson VUE

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Designing Cisco Wireless Enterprise Networks v1.1 – WIDESIGN (Professional)

Implementing Cisco Wireless Network Fundamentals v1.0 – WIFUND (Associate)



40 Hours | $3,695

40 Hours | $3,300

08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017

08/07/2017 – 08/11/2017

10/16/2017 – 10/20/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017

09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017 10/02/2017 – 10/06/2017

In this course, you will learn how to design a Cisco wireless network from initial customer contact to post-deployment activities. In addition, you will learn to use the appropriate tools to assist in wireless design and management. This course is targeted toward wireless network engineers with at least three years of experience in the networking field. The Cisco CCNP Wireless certification addresses the need for designing, implementing, and operating Cisco wireless networks and mobility infrastructures. CCNP Wireless certification emphasizes wireless networking principles and theory. Designing Cisco Wireless Enterprise Networks – WIDESIGN (Exam 300-360) is a new course/exam replacing the old Conducting Cisco Unified Wireless Site Survey – CUWSS (Exam 642-732) since September 21, 2016. Exam Format Exam Number: 300-360 WIDESIGN Associated Certifications:

10/23/2017 – 10/27/2017 11/06/2017 – 11/10/2017 11/27/2017 – 12/01/2017

Implementing Cisco Wireless Network Fundamentals (WIFUND) course, designed to help students prepare for the CCNA-Wireless certification, an associate level certification specializing in the wireless field. The WIFUND course and CCNA-Wireless certification is a prerequisite to the CCNP-Wireless (Cisco Certified Wireless Professional) curriculum. The CCNA-Wireless curriculum will prepare wireless network associate for the use, positioning, planning, implementation and operation of Cisco WLAN networks. The goal of the WIFUND v3.0 is to provide students with information and practice activities to prepare them to help design, install, configure, monitor and conduct basic troubleshooting tasks of a Cisco WLAN in SMB and Enterprise installations. As an associate level, the course aims at providing entry level information, and will not specialize in any of the advanced features of the Cisco WLAN networks solutions. Exam format

CCNP Wireless


90 minutes (60 窶・70 questions)


Pearson VUE

Exam Number: 200-355 WIFUND Associated Certifications: CCNA Wireless Duration: 90 minutes (60-70 questions) Register with: Pearson VUE

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices, Part 1 v 3.0 – ICND1 (Entry)

40 Hours | $3,000

Duration – 90 minutes (45-55 questions) Register with – Pearson VUE

Schedules 08/14/2017 – 08/18/2017 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017

Securing Cisco Wireless Enterprise Networks v1.1 – WISECURE (Professional)

09/12/2017 – 10/12/2017 09/16/2017 – 10/14/2017 11/04/2017 – 12/02/2017 11/06/2017 – 11/10/2017

40 Hours | $3,695

12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017


NetCom Learning provides the perfect platform for aspiring IT professionals to enhance their knowledge in Cisco products and technologies as a Cisco-authorized training provider. Learn the basics and fundamentals of networking and switching domain through the entry level Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices, Part 1 v3.0 – ICND1 training course at NetCom. Imparted through hands-on lab exercises by the expert instructors, the ICND1 Part 1 v3.0 exam training will impart learners about installing, preparing, configuring and verifying a basic IPv4 and IPv6 network. The all-inclusive training also includes tutorials on establishing internet connectivity, functions of networking, performing basic troubleshooting, configuring device security, configuring static routing, and more. The Part 1 v3.0 – ICND1 Certification Exam training covers all the basic fundamentals and concepts of Cisco routers and switches. Providing a foundational understanding to entry-level candidates as well as working professionals, the course prepares learners for Cisco CCNA certification. This course is also associated with CCENT certification Exam Format

10/23/2017 – 10/27/2017

In this course, you will learn how to secure Cisco wireless networks. The course provides guidelines for implementing Wi-Fi security architectures through proper configuration of Cisco wireless components, and also includes hands-on labs to reinforce concepts. You will learn about deploying Cisco AireOS 8.0, Cisco Prime Infrastructure Release 2.2, as well as Cisco Identity Services Engine Release 1.3 features. Cisco CCNP Wireless certification addresses the need for designing, implementing, and operating Cisco Wireless networks and mobility infrastructures. CCNP Wireless certification emphasizes wireless networking principles and theory. Securing Cisco Wireless Enterprise Networks – WISECURE (Exam 300-375) is a new course/exam replacing the old Implementing Advanced Cisco Unified Wireless Security – IAUWS (Exam 642-737) since September 21, 2016. Exam Format Exam Number: 300-375 WISECURE

Exam Number – 100-105 ICND1 Associated Certification – CCNA Routing and Switching


08/07/2017 – 08/11/2017 08/28/2017 – 09/01/2017

Associated Certifications: Duration:

CCNP Wireless

90 minutes (60 - 70 questions)

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Over 1,000 Courses


Pearson VUE

CISM Prep Course Troubleshooting Cisco Wireless Enterprise Networks v1.1 – WITSHOOT (Professional)

24 Hours | $3,695

Schedules 09/06/2017 – 09/08/2017 10/30/2017 – 11/01/2017 12/27/2017 – 12/29/2017

In this course, you will learn how to troubleshoot Cisco wireless networks. In addition, you will learn about the guidelines for troubleshooting Wi-Fi architectures of Cisco wireless components. Hands-on labs are designed to reinforce concepts such as troubleshooting Cisco AireOS Release 8.0, Cisco Prime Infrastructure Release 2.2, and Cisco Identity Services Engine (Cisco ISE) Release 1.3 features.

24 Hours | $1,995

Schedules 09/11/2017 – 09/13/2017

CISM certification program was developed by the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) for experienced Information security management professionals with work experience in developing and managing information security programs and who understand the programs relationship with the overall business goals. The CISM exam is offered three times a year (June, September, and December), consisting of 200 multiple-choice questions that cover the four CISM domains. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) has accredited the CISM certification program under ISO/IEC 17024:2003, General Requirements for Bodies Operating Certification Systems of Persons.

Cisco CCNP Wireless certification addresses the need for designing, implementing, and operating Cisco Wireless networks and mobility infrastructures. CCNP Wireless certification emphasizes wireless networking principles and theory. Troubleshooting Cisco Wireless Enterprise Networks v1.1 – WITSHOOT (Exam 300-370) is a new course/exam replacing the old Implementing Cisco Unified Wireless Mobility Services – IUWMS (Exam 642-747) since September 21, 2016. Exam Format Exam Number: 300-370 WITSHOOT Associated Certifications:

CCNP Wireless


90 minutes (60 - 70 questions)


Pearson VUE

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

Citrix NetScaler CNS-219 Citrix NetScaler Traffic Management

16 Hours | $2,000

Schedules 08/03/2017 – 08/04/2017

Improved course structure and flow to focus on NetScaler essentials for the first 3 days, and traffic management for the remaining 2. • A new lab environment, redesigned and built for enhanced performance. • Incorporated course feedback that has been gathered over the last year.

08/10/2017 – 08/11/2017 08/24/2017 – 08/25/2017 08/31/2017 – 09/01/2017 09/14/2017 – 09/15/2017

• New content introduced throughout the course.

09/28/2017 – 09/29/2017 11/02/2017 – 11/03/2017

NetScaler Essentials (Days 1 – 3):

12/07/2017 – 12/08/2017

Learn the skills required to configure and manage NetScaler Citrix Traffic Management features, including Content Switching, Traffic Optimization, and Global Server Load Balancing. At the end of the course, students will be able to configure their NetScaler environments to address efficient traffic switching and resilience requirements including Content Switching, Traffic Optimization, and Disaster Recovery.

CNS-220: Citrix NetScaler Essentials and Traffic Management

40 Hours | $5,000

Schedules 08/07/2017 – 08/11/2017

Learn the skills required to implement NetScaler components including secure Load Balancing, High Availability, and NetScaler Management. At the end of the course students will be able to configure their NetScaler environments to address traffic delivery and management requirements including load balancing, availability, and NetScaler operation management. NetScaler Traffic Management (Days 4 – 5): Learn the skills required to configure and manage NetScaler Traffic Management features, including Content Switching, Traffic Optimization, and Global Server Load Balancing. At the end of the course students will be able to configure their NetScaler environments to address efficient traffic switching and resilience requirements including content switching, traffic optimization, and disaster recovery.

08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 08/28/2017 – 09/01/2017 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

CNS-221: Citrix NetScaler Unified Gateway

11/06/2017 – 11/10/2017 11/13/2017 – 11/17/2017

16 Hours | $2,000

12/04/2017 – 12/08/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017

Schedules 08/17/2017 – 08/18/2017

The course has been completely redeveloped and improves upon CNS-205: Citrix NetScaler Essentials and Networking via the following:


08/31/2017 – 09/01/2017 09/21/2017 – 09/22/2017 09/28/2017 – 09/29/2017

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Over 1,000 Courses NetScaler, NetScaler Gateway or Unified Gateway environments.

11/02/2017 – 11/03/2017 12/14/2017 – 12/15/2017

Designed for aspirants with previous NetScaler experience, yet no NetScaler Gateway or Unified Gateway experience, this course is best suited for individuals who will be deploying or managing NetScaler Gateway, or Unified Gateway environments. Learn the skills required to configure and manage NetScaler Gateway and Unified Gateway features, including how to implement Gateway components including NetScaler Gateway and Unified Gateway. At the end of the course, aspirants will be able to configure their NetScaler environments to address remote access requirements for Apps and Desktops.

CNS-222: Citrix NetScaler 12.x Essentials and Unified Gateway

40 Hours | $5,000

Schedules 08/07/2017 – 08/11/2017

CNS-318 Citrix NetScaler Advanced Topics – Secure Web Applications

24 Hours | $3,000

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/23/2017 09/18/2017 – 09/20/2017 10/23/2017 – 10/25/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/13/2017

The course has been specifically designed for individuals with previous NetScaler experience. It is more appropriate for those who are responsible to deploy and/or manage Citrix NetScaler Application Firewall (AppFirewall) in Citrix NetScaler environments.The course aims to provide the skills required to deploy and manage AppFirewall including types of web attacks, protections and signatures, the adaptive learning engine, AppFirewall policies and profiles, troubleshooting, and additional pertinent NetScaler security features.

08/28/2017 – 09/01/2017 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017 09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

CNS-319 Citrix NetScaler Advanced Topics – Management and Optimization

10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017 10/30/2017 – 11/03/2017 11/27/2017 – 12/01/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017

16 Hours | $2,000

Expand your NetScaler knowledge and skills by enrolling in this five-day course. It covers NetScaler essentials, including secure load balancing, high availability and operations management, and also focuses on Unified Gateway, and NetScaler Gateway. You will learn to deliver secure remote access to apps and desktops integrating XenApp and XenDesktop with Unified Gateway and NetScaler Gateway. This course is best suited for IT professionals, with little or no previous NetScaler experience, who will be deploying or managing

Schedules 08/03/2017 – 08/04/2017 08/24/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/21/2017 – 09/22/2017 10/26/2017 – 10/27/2017 12/14/2017 – 12/15/2017

CNS-319 Citrix NetScaler Advanced Topics – Management and Optimization course is designed for students with previous NetScaler experience, and best suited for individuals who will be deploying

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ NetScaler Management and Analytics System (MAS) to administer a Citrix NetScaler environment or optimize NetScaler-managed application delivery traffic. Students will learn the skills required to deploy and utilize the NetScaler Management and Analytics System including the ability to manage multiple NetScaler platforms centrally, orchestrate configuration changes, report on transactions passing through the NetScaler environment, visualize infrastructure, and plan expansions. Students will also learn the skills required to implement features including Caching, Frontend Optimization, NetScaler Web logging, and TCP/HTTP optimization to optimize traffic managed by a NetScaler environment. At the end of the course, students will be able to automate and manage network services for scale-out application architectures with the Citrix NetScaler Management and Analytics System and optimize NetScaler-managed application delivery traffic.

CNS-320: Citrix NetScaler Security, Management and Optimization

Students will learn the skills required to deploy and manage AppFirewall including types of web attacks, protections and signatures, the adaptive learning engine, AppFirewall policies and profiles, troubleshooting, and additional pertinent NetScaler security features. Students will learn the skills required for deploying and utilizing the NetScaler Management and Analytics System including the ability to manage multiple NetScaler platforms centrally, orchestrate configuration changes, report on transactions passing through the NetScaler environment, visualize infrastructure, and plan expansions. Students will also learn how to implement features including Caching, Frontend Optimization, NetScaler Web logging, and TCP/HTTP optimization to optimize traffic managed by a NetScaler environment. At the end of the course, students will be able to configure NetScaler environments to address application services security requirements with AppFirewall, as well as automate and manage network services for scale-out application architectures with Citrix NetScaler Management and Analytics System and optimize NetScaler managed application delivery traffic.

40 Hours | $5,000

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017 10/23/2017 – 10/27/2017 11/27/2017 – 12/01/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017

This course is designed for students with previous experience NetScaler experience, and best suited for individuals who will be deploying and/or managing Citrix NetScaler Application Firewall (AppFirewall) to secure application access in a Citrix NetScaler environment, as well as NetScaler Management and Analytics System (MAS) to administer a Citrix NetScaler environment or optimize NetScaler-managed application delivery traffic. 60

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Citrix Provisioning Services

Citrix ShareFile

CXD-304 Citrix Provisioning Services 7.1x Administration

16 Hours | $2,000

CSF-201 Citrix ShareFile Enterprise Essentials

16 Hours | $2,000

Schedules 09/07/2017 – 09/08/2017


10/25/2017 – 10/26/2017 11/20/2017 – 11/21/2017

08/10/2017 – 08/11/2017 08/24/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/21/2017 – 09/22/2017 10/19/2017 – 10/20/2017 11/30/2017 – 12/01/2017

Improve your XenApp and XenDesktop image management and performance with Provisioning Services. Learn to install and configure a highly available Provisioning Services farm according to leading practices. In this course, you will learn about the architecture, communication, and processes that make up Provisioning Services to be successful with deploying and managing a farm. Manage and integrate vDisks and target devices with XenApp and XenDesktop for easy rollback, upgrades, and performance of Virtual Delivery Agent machines. At the end of this course you will be able to install, configure and manage the Provisioning Services solution.

Designed for students with little previous ShareFile experience. Learn the skills required to implement ShareFile components including the ShareFile for Windows client, XenApp and XenDesktop client, and StorageZones. Learn to integrate ShareFile with key backend elements including Microsoft ADFS for single sign-on and understand the data flow behind it. Also learn to navigate the ShareFile control plane user interface. At the end of the course students will be able to configure and manage their ShareFile environments to address their Enterprise File Sharing and Sync requirements. Students looking to deploy or manage ShareFile in their XenApp and XenDesktop environment will find Citrix ShareFile Enterprise Essentials to be a good compliment to CXD-203 Managing App and Desktop Solutions with Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop 7.6, or CXD-300 Deploying App and Desktop Solutions with Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop 7.6.

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NetCom Learning™

Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop CMB-310: Citrix XenApp, XenDesktop, and Provisioning Services 7.1x Administration (Fast Track)

40 Hours | $6,000


CXD-105 Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop Help Desk Support course provides help desk representatives with the skills required to effectively troubleshoot and resolve user issues faster, prevent issues from reoccurring and use the proper consoles during troubleshooting to quickly determine the root cause of user issues within a XenApp or XenDesktop 7.x environment. Students will leave class with the ability to troubleshoot user issues, including interpreting user needs, asking the proper questions to resolve common issues, and applying documentation practices when troubleshooting to ensure a smooth transition when escalation is necessary.

08/14/2017 – 08/18/2017 08/14/2017 – 08/18/2017 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017 10/16/2017 – 10/20/2017 11/06/2017 – 11/10/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017

CMB-310 Citrix XenApp, XenDesktop, and Provisioning Services 7.1x Administration (Fast Track) course covers the major aspects of installing, configuring and managing a highly available XenApp and XenDesktop 7.1x environment as well as a full Provisioning Services 7.1x environment for image management. Gain an understanding of the solution architecture and communications, and the factors that contribute to a successful deployment. This accelerated 5-day course will teach you how to deploy and deliver apps and desktops (MCS and PVS); install and configure StoreFront and Citrix Receiver; set up profile management; and configure policies, printing and basic security features. Also learn how to monitor and troubleshoot the environment with Citrix Director.

CXD-105 Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop Help Desk Support

16 Hours | $2,000

Schedules 09/07/2017 – 09/08/2017 10/09/2017 – 10/10/2017

CXD-210 Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop 7.1x Administration

40 Hours | $5,000

Schedules 08/14/2017 – 08/18/2017 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017 09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017 10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017 11/13/2017 – 11/17/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/08/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017

This course is designed for students with little or no previous XenApp or XenDesktop experience. Obtain foundational knowledge of XenApp and XenDesktop required to be successful with the platform. Learn to install, configure, and manage a highly available environment comprised of XenApp and XenDesktop controllers, StoreFront, Citrix Receiver, Director, and Profile management. Refer to the topic outline for a detailed view of topics covered in the course.

11/20/2017 – 11/21/2017


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Over 1,000 Courses

CXD-250 Moving to XenApp and XenDesktop Service on Citrix Cloud

24 Hours | $3,000


CXD-304 Citrix Provisioning Services 7.1x Administration

09/05/2017 – 09/07/2017 10/11/2017 – 10/13/2017

16 Hours | $2,000

11/20/2017 – 11/22/2017

CXD-250 Moving to XenApp and XenDesktop Service on Citrix Cloud course is designed for students with previous experience with XenApp and XenDesktop on-premises. This course introduces Citrix Cloud including architecture, communications, management, installation and configuration of the Citrix Cloud Connector. Learn about the services available in Citrix Cloud and get hands on with the XenApp and XenDesktop Service. Students will learn to deliver resources using the XenApp and XenDesktop Service and Cloud Connectors and to migrate existing on-premises infrastructure into a Citrix Cloud service through hands-on-labs. Recommended pre-requisite course: CXD-210 Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop Administration Note: This course is based on XenApp and XenDesktop 7.x CR (Current Release) and Citrix Cloud services including the hands-on labs. The Citrix Cloud services are updated frequently with new features and improvements and as such, course content may not always reflect the latest features.

CXD-303 Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop 7.1x Optimization and Troubleshooting

24 Hours | $3,000

Schedules 08/07/2017 – 08/09/2017 08/21/2017 – 08/23/2017 09/18/2017 – 09/20/2017 10/16/2017 – 10/18/2017 11/27/2017 – 11/29/2017

Schedules 08/10/2017 – 08/11/2017 08/24/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/21/2017 – 09/22/2017 10/19/2017 – 10/20/2017 11/30/2017 – 12/01/2017

Improve your XenApp and XenDesktop image management and performance with Provisioning Services. Learn to install and configure a highly available Provisioning Services farm according to leading practices. In this course, you will learn about the architecture, communication, and processes that make up Provisioning Services to be successful with deploying and managing a farm. Manage and integrate vDisks and target devices with XenApp and XenDesktop for easy rollback, upgrades, and performance of Virtual Delivery Agent machines. At the end of this course you will be able to install, configure and manage the Provisioning Services solution.

CXD-310 Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop 7.1x Advanced Administration

40 Hours | $5,000

Schedules 08/07/2017 – 08/11/2017 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017 10/02/2017 – 10/06/2017 11/13/2017 – 11/17/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ CXD-310 Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop 7.1x Advanced Administration course is designed for students with previous experience with XenApp and XenDesktop pursuing to further their expertise with additional components and concepts. This course is ideal for students interested in getting more value out of their XenApp and XenDesktop investment through the use of Workspace Environment Management, Provisioning Services, Application Layering, and advanced troubleshooting tools. Students will also focus on additional use cases leveraging FMA zones and advanced StoreFront configurations to provide a more robust experience to a mobile workforce. Students will learn the skills required to be more efficient with XenApp and XenDesktop and be able to leverage more functionality through additional components. A deeper understanding of troubleshooting tools will help student be self-sufficient with solving issues and identifying root cause. Through Workspace Environment Management students will learn to improve logon times, user personalization, and resource performance to provide a better experience while minimizing resource requirements. Using App Layering students will learn to more optimize management of applications and images by combining layers to support end users.

Citrix XenMobile CXM-303: Deploying Enterprise Mobility Solutions with Citrix XenMobile

40 Hours | $5,000

Schedules 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017 10/30/2017 – 11/03/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/08/2017

This course provides the skills necessary to install, configure, and integrate components in a Citrix XenMobile 10 Enterprise solution. Students with limited or no XenMobile experience will gain an understanding of the components of a XenMobile Enterprise solution and their functions. Students will deploy and configure the XenMobile Enterprise components, apply principles to enroll mobile devices, install mobile apps, and use policies to manage device and application usage in a lab environment. In addition, topics such as how to integrate additional Citrix products and applications as part of the solution and how to troubleshoot some of the most common implementation issues will be discussed.

Students will install, configure, manage, and troubleshoot Provisioning Services. The course will focus on leading practices, design considerations, and optimizations in setting up Provisioning Services for optimal resource consumption and performance.


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Over 1,000 Courses

Cognos Essentials for IBM Cognos BI (V10.2.2)

40 Hours | $4,850

Schedules 12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017

This accelerated offering is intended for core project team members wishing to acquire a broad understanding of a Business Intelligence platform implementation. During the ILT segments, participants will perform hands-on demos and workshops that cover three essential topic areas: modeling, report authoring, and administration of a BI platform.

content in IBM Cognos BI. Through a combination of lectures and interactive exercises, students will install and configure the IBM Cognos BI software, implement security, and manage the server components. Students will also monitor and schedule tasks, create data sources, manage and deploy content, manage report content in IBM Cognos Connection.

IBM Cognos BI Administration (V10.2.2)

24 Hours | $2,100

Schedules 11/20/2017 – 11/22/2017

IBM Cognos Analytics – Author Reports Fundamentals v11.0

24 Hours | $2,100

Schedules 12/04/2017 – 12/06/2017

This course provides professional report authors an opportunity to learn report building techniques using relational data models. Techniques to enhance, customize, and manage professional reports will be explored. Demonstrations and exercises will illustrate and reinforce key concepts during this learning opportunity.

This course provides training to new administrators on the fundamental tasks of installing and configuring IBM Cognos BI, and administering servers and content in the environment. In the course, you will install and configure the IBM Cognos BI software, implement security, and manage the server components. You will also monitor and schedule tasks, create data sources, manage and deploy content in IBM Cognos Connection and IBM Cognos Administration.

IBM Cognos Query Studio: Build Ad Hoc Reports (V10.1/10.2)

8 Hours | $795

IBM Cognos BI Administration (V10.2)

Schedules 11/03/2017 – 11/03/2017

24 Hours | $2,100

Schedules 11/13/2017 – 11/15/2017

IBM Cognos BI Administration (V10.2) course that is designed to teach new administrators the fundamental tasks of administering servers and

IBM Cognos Query Studio: Build Ad Hoc Reports (V10.1/10.2) is a one-day, instructor-led course designed for business authors who want to learn how to create, modify and organize ad hoc reports. This course covers how to use different report capabilities, how to graphically display data, and how to create reports with a consistent look and feel

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NetCom Learning™ through the use of templates. The course also covers basic administrative tasks, such as scheduling reports and delivering reports in different formats (e.g. HTML, PDF, Excel). Please Note: Screen captures and labs in this course are taken from the V10.1 of the product. However, the concepts, procedures, and tasks are all applicable to a V10.2 environment and are suitable for V10.2 user education.

CompTIA A+ CompTIA A+ and Network+ Certification Combo

80 Hours | $4,998

Schedules 08/19/2017 – 10/21/2017 08/21/2017 – 09/01/2017 09/06/2017 – 11/13/2017 09/17/2017 – 11/19/2017 10/02/2017 – 10/13/2017 10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017 10/28/2017 – 12/30/2017

IBM Cognos Report Studio: Author Reports with Multidimensional Data (V10.2)

16 Hours | $1,400

Schedules 09/14/2017 – 09/15/2017

IBM Cognos Report Studio: Author Reports with Multidimensional Data (V10.2) is an advanced two-day course in which professional report authors build on their experience with Report Studio by applying dimensional techniques to reports. Through interactive demos and workshops, students will learn how to author reports that navigate and manipulate dimensional data structures using specific dimensional functions and features available in Report Studio.

IBM Cognos Transformer: Design OLAP Models (v10.2.2)

32 Hours | $2,800

Schedules 12/04/2017 – 12/07/2017

This course provides developers with knowledge of OLAP modeling concepts using IBM Cognos Transformer. Participants will learn how to design, build, and maintain PowerCubes for use in IBM Cognos BI so that end users can easily analyze data.


11/27/2017 – 12/08/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/08/2017 01/15/2018 – 01/19/2018 02/26/2018 – 03/02/2018 04/09/2018 – 04/13/2018

If you are getting ready for a career as an entry-level information technology (IT) professional or computer service technician, the CompTIA A+ course is the first step in your preparation. The course will build on your existing user-level knowledge and experience with personal computer (PC) software and hardware to present fundamental skills and concepts that you will use on the job. In this course, you will acquire the essential skills and information you will need to install, configure, optimize, troubleshoot, repair, upgrade, and perform preventive maintenance on PCs, digital devices, and operating systems. The CompTIA A+ course can benefit you in two ways. Whether you work or plan to work in a mobile or corporate environment where you have a high level of face-to-face customer interaction, where client communication and client training are important, or in an environment with limited customer interaction and an emphasis on hardware activities, this course provides the background knowledge and skills you will require to be a successful A+ technician. It can also assist you if you are preparing to take the CompTIA A+ certification examinations, 2016 objectives (exam numbers 220-901 and 220-902), in

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Course Catalog order to become Professional.

Over 1,000 Courses a




To become certified, a student must pass two exams: CompTIA A+ exam code 220-901; and CompTIA A+ exam code 220-902. The CompTIA Network+ certification is the sign of a competent networking professional. It is an international, vendor-neutral certification that proves a technician’s competency in managing, maintaining, troubleshooting, installing and configuring basic network infrastructure. The CompTIA Network+ certification is an international industry credential that validates the knowledge of networking professionals. This course teaches the fundamentals of networking and prepares students for the Network+ certification exam. Through hands-on training and exercises students learn the vendor-independent skills and concepts necessary for all networking professionals. In order to be certified in the latest version of CompTIA Network+, students have to pass exam N10-006: Network+ Certification. Learning Modalities

- Labs Exam Format for A+ - Multiple choice questions (single and multiple response), drag and drops and performance-based - Number of Questions: 90 (max) - Exam Duration: 90 minutes - Pass Score: 675 out of 900 for CompTIA A+ 220-901 and 700 out of 900 for CompTIA A+ 220-902 Exam Format for N+ - Multiple Choice Questions (single and multiple response), drag and drops and performance-based - Number of Questions: 90 (max) - Exam Duration: 90 minutes - Pass Score: 720 (on a scale of 100-900)

- Instructor-led Classroom Training

CompTIA A+ and Network+ Certification Prep Boot Camp

- BootCamp Training


- Online Training - Corporate Training - Onsite Training - One-on-One Training What’s Included - Facilitated Training - Books

70 Hours | $4,250

09/18/2017 – 09/24/2017 11/13/2017 – 11/19/2017

NetCom Learning provides the best training for A+ and Network+ Boot Camp: In seven days you will be trained for two CompTIA A+ exams and one Network+ exam. The CompTIA A+ module can benefit you in two ways. Whether you work or plan to work in a mobile or corporate environment where you have a high level of face-to-face customer interaction, where client communication and client training are

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ important, or in an environment with limited customer interaction and an emphasis on hardware activities, this course provides the background knowledge and skills you will require to be a successful A+ technician. It can also assist you if you are preparing to take the CompTIA A+ certification examinations, 2016 objectives (exam numbers 220-901 and 220-902), in order to become a CompTIA A+ Certified Professional. The CompTIA Network+ certification is an international industry credential that validates the knowledge of networking professionals. This course teaches the fundamentals of networking and prepares students for the Network+ certification exam. Through hands-on training and exercises students learn the vendor-independent skills and concepts necessary for all networking professionals. In order to be certified in the latest version of CompTIA Network+, students have to pass exam N10-006: Network+ Certification. The exam addresses the latest skills needed by technicians, such as basic principles on how to secure a network. The exam covers network technologies, media and topologies, devices, management, tools and security. Although not a prerequisite, it is recommended that CompTIA Network+ candidates have at least nine months of experience in network support or administration or academic training, along with a CompTIA A+ certification.

If you are getting ready for a career as an entry-level information technology (IT) professional or computer service technician, the CompTIA A+ Certification (900 Series) course is the first step in your preparation. The course will build on your existing user-level knowledge and experience with personal computer (PC) software and hardware to present fundamental skills and concepts that you will use on the job. In this course, you will acquire the essential skills and information you will need to install, configure, optimize, troubleshoot, repair, upgrade, and perform preventive maintenance on PCs, digital devices, and operating systems. The CompTIA A+ course can benefit you in two ways. Whether you work or plan to work in a mobile or corporate environment where you have a high level of face-to-face customer interaction, where client communication and client training are important, or in an environment with limited customer interaction and an emphasis on hardware activities, this course provides the background knowledge and skills you will require to be a successful A+ technician. It can also assist you if you are preparing to take the CompTIA A+ certification examinations, 2016 objectives (exam numbers 220-901 and 220-902), in order to become a CompTIA A+ Certified Professional. This international vendor-neutral certification requires that you pass two exams: CompTIA A+ Essentials Exam 220-901 and Practical Application Exam 220-902. Learning Modalities

CompTIA A+ Certification Schedules

- Instructor-led Classroom Training 40 Hours | $2,499

- BootCamp Training

09/06/2017 – 10/09/2017

- Online Training

09/17/2017 – 10/15/2017 10/02/2017 – 10/06/2017

- Corporate Training

10/28/2017 – 11/25/2017 11/27/2017 – 12/01/2017

- Onsite Training


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Over 1,000 Courses

- One-on-One Training

exam. Through hands-on training and exercises students learn the vendor-independent skills and concepts necessary for all networking professionals.

What’s Included - Facilitated Training - Books - Labs A+ Exam Format – Multiple choice questions (single and multiple response), drag and drops and performance-based – Number of Questions: 90 (max) – Exam Duration: 90 minutes – Pass Score: 675 out of 900 for CompTIA A+ 220-901 and 700 out of 900 for CompTIA A+ 220-902

This training addresses the latest skills needed by technicians, such as basic principles on how to secure a network. It focuses on the topics covered in the exam including network technologies, media and topologies, devices, management, tools and security. In order to be certified in the latest version of CompTIA Network+, students have to pass exam N10-006: Network+ Certification. Learning Modalities - Instructor-led Classroom Training BootCamp Training - Online Training - Corporate Training - Onsite Training - One-on-One Training What’s Included - Facilitated Training - Books - Labs Exam Format for N10-006 - Multiple Choice Questions (single and multiple response), drag and drops and performance-based - Number of Questions: 90 (max) - Exam Duration: 90 minutes Pass Score: 720 (on a scale of 100-900)

CompTIA Network+ Certification

40 Hours | $2,499

Schedules 08/28/2017 – 09/01/2017 09/23/2017 – 10/21/2017 10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017 10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017 10/11/2017 – 11/13/2017 10/22/2017 – 11/19/2017 12/02/2017 – 12/30/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/08/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/08/2017 01/15/2018 – 01/19/2018 02/26/2018 – 03/02/2018 04/09/2018 – 04/13/2018

The CompTIA Network+ certification is an international industry credential that validates the knowledge of networking professionals. This course teaches the fundamentals of networking and prepares students for the Network+ certification

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner (CASP)

- Corporate Training

CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner (CASP) Certification

- One-on-One Training

40 Hours | $2,499


- Online Training

- Onsite Training

What’s Included - Facilitated Training

10/23/2017 – 10/27/2017

CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner (CASP) is the course you will need to take if your job responsibilities include securing complex enterprise environments. In this course, you will expand on your knowledge of information security to apply more advanced principles that will keep your organization safe from the many ways it can be threatened. Today’s IT climate demands individuals with demonstrable skills, and the information and activities in this course can help you develop the skill set you need to confidently perform your duties as an advanced security professional.

- Books - Labs Exam Format for CAS-002 - Multiple choice and performance-based - Number of Questions: 90 (max) - Exam Duration: 165 minutes - Pass Score: Pass/Fail only. No scaled score.

This course can also benefit you if you intend to pass the CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner (CAS-002) certification examination. CASP certification is an international, vendor-neutral exam that proves competency in enterprise security. What you learn and practice in this course can be a significant part of your preparation. The exam covers the technical knowledge and skills required to conceptualize, design, and engineer secure solutions across complex enterprise environments. It involves applying critical thinking and judgment across a broad spectrum of security disciplines to propose and implement solutions that map to enterprise drivers. Learning Modalities - Instructor-led Classroom Training - BootCamp Training


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CompTIA CTT+ CompTIA Train the Trainer (CTT+) Certification

40 Hours | $2,699

Schedules 09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017

CompTIA Certified Technical Trainer (CTT+) certification is a cross-industry credential that provides recognition that an instructor has attained a standard of excellence in the training industry. NetCom Learning’s CompTIA CTT+ is a highly interactive and participant-driven course designed to cultivate the technical training and concept delivery skills in trainers, technicians, Subject Matter Experts, presenters, sales and support staff in any organization. The participants will connect abilities, theories and situations to create their most effective instructional styles. This course is accepted by Microsoft and ProSoft towards their MCT. NetCom’s CompTIA CTT+ course is the only 5-day class that prepares you for all three CompTIA CTT+ exams. The course not only focuses on the traditional classroom style instruction, but also on delivering training virtually. NetCom has packaged this unique and comprehensive program while considering the co-existence of both classroom and virtual training style, and the growing adoption/popularity of virtual training. About the Exams:

minutes - Pass Score: 655 (on a scale of 100-900) Exam Format for CTT+ Classroom Performance Based Exam TK0-202 and CTT+ Virtual Classroom Performance Based Exam – TK0 -203 Performance-based exam in which the candidate demonstrates prescribed skills - Exam Duration: Length of instruction recording must be between 17 minutes and 22 minutes - Pass Score: 36 (on a scale of 48) CompTIA CTT+ is a qualifying certification towards your MCT status validating your instructional skills. Please note that by simply taking the CTT+ course or passing the exams won’t grant you a MCT status. You will need to meet other Microsoft requirements in addition to achieving your CTT+ certification. NetCom’s CTT+ Student Care: • Maximum of 8 students per class: Hands-On Personalized Training Care • Exam Preparation Included • We not only record your videos, but also review your video files prior to submission, and convert the files for you based on CompTIA accepted formats. • We strongly recommend preparing for all 3 exams even though only 2 exams are required for a CompTIA CTT+ certification designation. Both Classroom and Virtual based are equally important given the industry trends.

• CompTIA CTT+ Essentials (TK0-201) • CompTIA CTT+ Classroom Trainer (TK0-202) • CompTIA CTT+ Virtual Classroom Trainer (TK0-203) Exam Format for CTT+ Essentials - TK0-201 Computer-based test in the form of multiple choice questions (single and multiple response), and drag and drops that assesses knowledge Number of Questions: 95 - Exam Duration: 90

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CSA+) CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CSA+) Certification

40 Hours | $2,495

CompTIA Linux+ CompTIA Linux+ Certification Powered by LPI

40 Hours | $1,999

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017


10/30/2017 – 11/03/2017

08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 10/02/2017 – 10/06/2017

CompTIA CSA+ courses launches on 15th Feb 2017 to bridge the skills gap between CompTIA Security+ and the CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner (CASP) exam and creates a vendor-neutral certification.

CompTIA Linux+ Certification Powered by LPI is a vendor neutral credential. It prepares the candidate with the foundational skills and knowledge to work as a Linux administrator. Learning Linux is significant for any IT professional as it’s the operating system used in majority of the IT infrastructures.

CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CSA+) is an international, vendor-neutral IT professional certification that applies behavioral analytics to improve the overall state of IT security. It validates the knowledge and skills required to configure and use threat detection tools, perform data analysis and interpret the results to identify vulnerabilities, threats and risks to an organization, with the end goal of securing and protecting applications and systems within an organization.

CompTIA Linux +Training courses at NetCom is delivered through domain experts who share real-life scenarios based on their experiences. Focus is led on Linux installation, use of commands, file system, user management, networking fundamentals, and basic security.ツHoning essential Linux skills with a valid certification opens up tremendous job opportunities across the world for managing and configuring web, cloud and mobile based systems and applications. CompTIA Linux+ certification is comprised of two exams LX0-103 and LX0-104. Candidates must pass LX0-103 before taking LX0-104. Learning Modalities - Instructor-led Classroom Training - BootCamp Training - Online Training - Corporate Training - Onsite Training - One-on-One Training


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CompTIA Network+

What’s Included

CompTIA A+ and Network+ Certification Combo

- Facilitated Training

80 Hours | $4,998

- Books


Exam Format for LX0-103 and LX0-104

08/19/2017 – 10/21/2017

- Multiple Choice (Single Response), Multiple Response and Fill-in-the-Blank - Number of Questions: 60

08/21/2017 – 09/01/2017 09/06/2017 – 11/13/2017 09/17/2017 – 11/19/2017 10/02/2017 – 10/13/2017 10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017 10/28/2017 – 12/30/2017

- Exam Duration: 90 minutes

11/27/2017 – 12/08/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/08/2017

- Pass Score: 500 (on a scale of 200-800)

01/15/2018 – 01/19/2018 02/26/2018 – 03/02/2018

Exam Information

04/09/2018 – 04/13/2018

When you earn the CompTIA Linux+ certification, you also qualify for the LPIC-1 certification. Please note that you cannot earn LPIC-1 and then apply for Linux+. The Linux+ must be earned first. (This offer is NOT available in Japan.) Following are the steps to earn two certifications with Linux+: 1. Earn your Linux+ 2. Once you have passed both Linux+ exams, log into your CompTIA certification account. Choose Demographics | Settings. On the Settings page check the box to have your information forwarded to LPI, then click Submit.

If you are getting ready for a career as an entry-level information technology (IT) professional or computer service technician, the CompTIA A+ course is the first step in your preparation. The course will build on your existing user-level knowledge and experience with personal computer (PC) software and hardware to present fundamental skills and concepts that you will use on the job. In this course, you will acquire the essential skills and information you will need to install, configure, optimize, troubleshoot, repair, upgrade, and perform preventive maintenance on PCs, digital devices, and operating systems. The CompTIA A+ course can benefit you in two ways. Whether you work or plan to work in a mobile or corporate environment where you have a high level of face-to-face customer interaction, where client communication and client training are important, or in an environment with limited customer interaction and an emphasis on hardware activities, this course provides the background knowledge and skills you will require to be a successful A+ technician. It can also assist you if you are preparing to take the CompTIA A+ certification examinations, 2016 objectives (exam numbers 220-901 and 220-902), in

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NetCom Learning™ order to become Professional.





To become certified, a student must pass two exams: CompTIA A+ exam code 220-901; and CompTIA A+ exam code 220-902. The CompTIA Network+ certification is the sign of a competent networking professional. It is an international, vendor-neutral certification that proves a technician’s competency in managing, maintaining, troubleshooting, installing and configuring basic network infrastructure. The CompTIA Network+ certification is an international industry credential that validates the knowledge of networking professionals. This course teaches the fundamentals of networking and prepares students for the Network+ certification exam. Through hands-on training and exercises students learn the vendor-independent skills and concepts necessary for all networking professionals. In order to be certified in the latest version of CompTIA Network+, students have to pass exam N10-006: Network+ Certification. Learning Modalities

- Labs Exam Format for A+ - Multiple choice questions (single and multiple response), drag and drops and performance-based - Number of Questions: 90 (max) - Exam Duration: 90 minutes - Pass Score: 675 out of 900 for CompTIA A+ 220-901 and 700 out of 900 for CompTIA A+ 220-902 Exam Format for N+ - Multiple Choice Questions (single and multiple response), drag and drops and performance-based - Number of Questions: 90 (max) - Exam Duration: 90 minutes - Pass Score: 720 (on a scale of 100-900)

- Instructor-led Classroom Training

CompTIA A+ and Network+ Certification Prep Boot Camp

- BootCamp Training


- Online Training - Corporate Training - Onsite Training - One-on-One Training What’s Included - Facilitated Training - Books


70 Hours | $4,250

09/18/2017 – 09/24/2017 11/13/2017 – 11/19/2017

NetCom Learning provides the best training for A+ and Network+ Boot Camp: In seven days you will be trained for two CompTIA A+ exams and one Network+ exam. The CompTIA A+ module can benefit you in two ways. Whether you work or plan to work in a mobile or corporate environment where you have a high level of face-to-face customer interaction, where client communication and client training are

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important, or in an environment with limited customer interaction and an emphasis on hardware activities, this course provides the background knowledge and skills you will require to be a successful A+ technician. It can also assist you if you are preparing to take the CompTIA A+ certification examinations, 2016 objectives (exam numbers 220-901 and 220-902), in order to become a CompTIA A+ Certified Professional. The CompTIA Network+ certification is an international industry credential that validates the knowledge of networking professionals. This course teaches the fundamentals of networking and prepares students for the Network+ certification exam. Through hands-on training and exercises students learn the vendor-independent skills and concepts necessary for all networking professionals. In order to be certified in the latest version of CompTIA Network+, students have to pass exam N10-006: Network+ Certification. The exam addresses the latest skills needed by technicians, such as basic principles on how to secure a network. The exam covers network technologies, media and topologies, devices, management, tools and security. Although not a prerequisite, it is recommended that CompTIA Network+ candidates have at least nine months of experience in network support or administration or academic training, along with a CompTIA A+ certification.

If you are getting ready for a career as an entry-level information technology (IT) professional or computer service technician, the CompTIA A+ Certification (900 Series) course is the first step in your preparation. The course will build on your existing user-level knowledge and experience with personal computer (PC) software and hardware to present fundamental skills and concepts that you will use on the job. In this course, you will acquire the essential skills and information you will need to install, configure, optimize, troubleshoot, repair, upgrade, and perform preventive maintenance on PCs, digital devices, and operating systems. The CompTIA A+ course can benefit you in two ways. Whether you work or plan to work in a mobile or corporate environment where you have a high level of face-to-face customer interaction, where client communication and client training are important, or in an environment with limited customer interaction and an emphasis on hardware activities, this course provides the background knowledge and skills you will require to be a successful A+ technician. It can also assist you if you are preparing to take the CompTIA A+ certification examinations, 2016 objectives (exam numbers 220-901 and 220-902), in order to become a CompTIA A+ Certified Professional. This international vendor-neutral certification requires that you pass two exams: CompTIA A+ Essentials Exam 220-901 and Practical Application Exam 220-902. Learning Modalities

CompTIA A+ Certification Schedules

- Instructor-led Classroom Training 40 Hours | $2,499

- BootCamp Training

09/06/2017 – 10/09/2017

- Online Training

09/17/2017 – 10/15/2017 10/02/2017 – 10/06/2017

- Corporate Training

10/28/2017 – 11/25/2017 11/27/2017 – 12/01/2017

- Onsite Training

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ - One-on-One Training

exam. Through hands-on training and exercises students learn the vendor-independent skills and concepts necessary for all networking professionals.

What’s Included - Facilitated Training - Books - Labs A+ Exam Format – Multiple choice questions (single and multiple response), drag and drops and performance-based – Number of Questions: 90 (max) – Exam Duration: 90 minutes – Pass Score: 675 out of 900 for CompTIA A+ 220-901 and 700 out of 900 for CompTIA A+ 220-902

This training addresses the latest skills needed by technicians, such as basic principles on how to secure a network. It focuses on the topics covered in the exam including network technologies, media and topologies, devices, management, tools and security. In order to be certified in the latest version of CompTIA Network+, students have to pass exam N10-006: Network+ Certification. Learning Modalities - Instructor-led Classroom Training BootCamp Training - Online Training - Corporate Training - Onsite Training - One-on-One Training What’s Included - Facilitated Training - Books - Labs Exam Format for N10-006 - Multiple Choice Questions (single and multiple response), drag and drops and performance-based - Number of Questions: 90 (max) - Exam Duration: 90 minutes Pass Score: 720 (on a scale of 100-900)

CompTIA Network+ Certification

40 Hours | $2,499

Schedules 08/28/2017 – 09/01/2017 09/23/2017 – 10/21/2017 10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017 10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017 10/11/2017 – 11/13/2017 10/22/2017 – 11/19/2017 12/02/2017 – 12/30/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/08/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/08/2017 01/15/2018 – 01/19/2018 02/26/2018 – 03/02/2018 04/09/2018 – 04/13/2018

The CompTIA Network+ certification is an international industry credential that validates the knowledge of networking professionals. This course teaches the fundamentals of networking and prepares students for the Network+ certification


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CompTIA Security+ CompTIA Security+ Certification

40 Hours | $1,999

Schedules 08/14/2017 – 08/18/2017 08/19/2017 – 09/16/2017

What’s Included - Facilitated Training - Books - Labs Exam Format for SY0-401 - Multiple Choice and performance-based - Number of Questions: 90 (max) - Exam Duration: 90 minutes - Pass Score: 750 (on a scale of 100-900) Ask us about our Security+ DOD 8570 Compliance special pricing and onsite scheduling options.

09/30/2017 – 10/28/2017 10/03/2017 – 11/02/2017 10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017 10/16/2017 – 10/20/2017 10/16/2017 – 10/20/2017 11/16/2017 – 12/21/2017

CompTIA Security+ Certification Prep Boot Camp

11/18/2017 – 12/16/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017

40 Hours | $2,159


12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017 01/22/2018 – 01/26/2018

09/25/2017 – 09/28/2017

02/26/2018 – 03/02/2018 04/02/2018 – 04/06/2018

11/27/2017 – 11/30/2017

CompTIA Security+ (Exam SY0-401) is the primary course you will need to take if your job responsibilities include securing network services, devices, and traffic in your organization. You can also take this course to prepare for the CompTIA Security+ certification examination. In this course, you will build on your knowledge of and professional experience with security fundamentals, networks, and organizational security as you acquire the specific skills required to implement basic security services on any type of computer network. This course can benefit you in two ways. If you intend to pass the CompTIA Security+ (Exam SY0-401) certification examination, this course can be a significant part of your preparation. But certification is not the only key to professional success in the field of computer security. Today’s job market demands individuals with demonstrable skills, and the information and activities in this course can help you build your computer security skill set so that you can confidently perform your duties in any security-related role. Learning Modalities - Instructor-led Classroom Training BootCamp Training - Online Training - Corporate Training - Onsite Training - One-on-One Training

CompTIA Security+ (Exam SY0-401) is the primary course you will need to take if your job responsibilities include securing network services, devices, and traffic in your organization. You can also take this course to prepare for the CompTIA Security+ certification examination. In this course, you will build on your knowledge of and professional experience with security fundamentals, networks, and organizational security as you acquire the specific skills required to implement basic security services on any type of computer network. This course can benefit you in two ways. If you intend to pass the CompTIA Security+ (Exam SY0-401) certification examination, this course can be a significant part of your preparation. But certification is not the only key to professional success in the field of computer security. Today’s job market demands individuals with demonstrable skills, and the information and activities in this course can help you build your computer security skill set so that you can confidently perform your duties in any security-related role. Learning Modalities - Instructor-led Classroom Training BootCamp Training - Online Training - Corporate Training - Onsite Training - One-on-One Training

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ What’s Included - Facilitated Training - Books - Labs Exam Voucher Ask us about our Security+ DOD 8570 Compliance special pricing and onsite scheduling options.

Cyber Security Nexus (CSX) ISACA CSX Practitioner I: Identification and Protection

40 Hours | $4,495

Schedules 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017 11/27/2017 – 12/01/2017

In this first course in the CSX Practitioner series, you will focus on gaining key cybersecurity skills and receive foundational real-world instruction on the Identify and Protect domains. You’ll learn about topics ranging from preliminary network scanning to security control implementation. Completing multiple lab-reinforced modules, you will learn how to apply industry-developed, experience-based methods to identifying key networks, and you will learn to develop appropriate protection mechanisms. In the Identify domain, you will learn to recognize, assess, and remediate specific internal and external network threats. The Protect domain offers instruction in the basic concepts, methods, and tools associated with implementing cybersecurity controls to protect a system from the identified threats.

ISACA CSX Practitioner II: Detection

40 Hours | $4,495

Schedules 09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/08/2017

In this second course in the CSX Practitioner series, you will go deeper into skills focused in the Detect domain. You will learn the basic concepts, methods, and tools used to leverage cybersecurity controls in order to identify system events and non-event level incidents. Completing multiple lab-reinforced


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modules, you will gain the skills necessary to detect potential network events and incidents. You will learn about topics ranging from incident packet analysis to drafting and generating incident response reports.

Dassault CATIA CATIA V6 Mechanical Design Fundamentals (V6F)

40 Hours | $2,200

Schedules 10/23/2017 – 10/27/2017

ISACA CSX Practitioner III: Respond and Recover

40 Hours | $4,495

Schedules 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017

This course will teach you how to build parts using feature-based and functional modeling techniques and how to apply design rules in CATIA V6. This course also teaches you how to create a simple assembly, simulate a mechanism, create a rendered image and generate a simple detail drawing.

In this final course in the CSX Practitioner series, you will gain hands-on instruction in the Respond and Recover domains. With course lecture backed up by lab sequences, you will learn how to apply professional methodology to respond to and recover from network incidents or disasters. You will discover how to contain an event and protect assets and infrastructure, and you will learn the components and procedures required for a comprehensive incident response plan. In the Respond domain, you will learn the basic concepts, methods, and tools required to draft and execute comprehensive incident response plans, provide proper isolation response documentation, and document and maintain information related to incident response. In the Recover domain, you will master the basic concepts, methods, and tools required to recuperate a system or network, and you will learn how to implement continuity and contingency plans.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™


Dell Network Security


Dell SonicWALL Network Security Basic Administration

32 Hours | $1,400


16 Hours | $2,000


08/15/2017 – 08/18/2017

08/07/2017 – 08/08/2017

SOLIDWORKS Essentials teaches you how to use the SOLIDWORKS mechanical design automation software to build parametric models of parts and assemblies, and how to make drawings of those parts and assemblies. The candidates must have installed SolidWorks (current version) software on their computer system.

This course provides you with the background, knowledge, and hands-on experience to begin designing, implementing, and troubleshooting SonicWALL security appliances running SonicOS firmware. Attend this course, and receive one Dell SonicWALL TZ 205 TotalSecure network security appliance and a one-year Comprehensive Gateway Security Suite license. This technical training covers configuration and deployment of the SonicOS firmware. You will become familiar with a wide spectrum of SonicWALL’s innovative feature set, such as Unified Threat Management (UTM), Single Sign On, VPN, SSL VPN, and Content Filtering Service. As you examine the wide array of security features SonicOS has to offer, you will learn validation of settings and troubleshooting techniques using the SonicWALL diagnostic tools. Formative evaluations (knowledge checks and hands-on exercises) are incorporated throughout this course to test new skill sets. To attend this course, prerequisite skills and knowledge are required, including completing three e-Learning courses prior to beginning this class. Information from these e-Learning modules is included on the certification exam. The prerequisite training is available from SonicWALL at es/training/100/dell-sonicwall-network-security-basi c-administration-cssa-level-course-instructor-led-trai ning


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DevOps Foundation Certificate Program – DevOps

24 Hours | $1,995

Schedules 09/11/2017 – 09/13/2017

Foundation Certificate Program course is designed to provide the core education necessary to build your DevOps vocabulary, understand its principles and practices, and acquire a fundamental understanding of DevOps.

EC-Council Certified Security Analyst / Licensed Penetration Training (ECSA/LPT) EC-Council Certified Security Analyst (ECSA) v9 iClass|iWeek

40 Hours | $2,899

Schedules 10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017

EC-Council’s Penetration Testing Certification Training Course – ECSA v9 iClass|iWeek takes the skills taught in our CEH course to the next level by offering cyber security professionals a pen test methodology deployed through its hand-on component; EC-Council’s online cyber range. The ECSA penetration tester course was designed by professionals to teach ethical hackers how to apply their hacking skills (Not limited to but including The Five Phases of Ethical Hacking) in a pen test scenario. The scenarios cover the testing of modern infrastructures, operating systems and application environments while teaching the students how to document and write a penetration testing report. Each candidate will be required to write and submit a penetration test report which they will develop throughout the course and which will be based on the labs in the course delivered via EC-Council iLabs cyber range platform. Only candidates who can successfully complete the challenges and pass the report writing portion of the course will be allowed to take the EC-Council Certified Security Analyst (ECSA) certification exam. What’s Included - Instructor-led live online training Official courseware - Access to EC-Council’s official Online lab environment (iLabs) - Certification Voucher

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

F5 Networking F5 Configuring BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager (LTM) V12x

24 Hours | $2,995


Google AdWords & Google Analytics Google Analytics & AdWords Combo

32 Hours | $1,998


08/02/2017 – 08/04/2017

08/21/2017 – 08/24/2017

F5 Configuring BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager (LTM) V12x course gives network professionals a functional understanding of BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager (LTM), introducing students to both commonly used and advanced LTM features. Incorporating lecture, extensive hands-on labs, and classroom discussion, the course helps you build the well-rounded skill set needed to manage BIG-IP LTM systems as part of a flexible and high performance application delivery network.

10/30/2017 – 11/02/2017

This combo is comprises of the following courses (1) Introduction to Google Analytics (2) Introduction to Google Adwords.

Introduction to Google AdWords

16 Hours | $999

Schedules 08/23/2017 – 08/24/2017 11/01/2017 – 11/02/2017

In today’s technologically connected society, people have access to information almost everywhere they go on a variety of devices. All strong marketing campaigns should incorporate some form of web-based advertising. Google AdWords is a web-based advertising tool that allows individuals and organizations to advertise on the Internet. Google AdWords is the most popular web advertising tool and operates on the largest connected set of networks, Google’s networks. Google AdWords is simple to start using, but is difficult to master. AdWords campaigns have many components that must work together well to create an effective ad campaign. Managing an AdWords campaign involves constant monitoring, analysis, and refinement to improve campaign performance. In this course, you will create a Google AdWords account and an AdWords campaign. You will refine and optimize aspects of your AdWords campaigns from ads, to keywords, to bidding, to budgets


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Introduction to Google Analytics

16 Hours | $999

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/22/2017 10/30/2017 – 10/31/2017

then use Google Analytics real-time reports and dashboards to perform quick analysis of your monitored websites. Finally, you will perform more in-depth analysis of website data by using Google Analytics reports.

Every business and organization has a web presence. It may be a single website or multiple websites, mobile applications, or any combination. However your organization presents itself on the web, managing its web presence is vital to its success. Knowing how people and customers interact with your websites and mobile applications can provide potent insights into how well the messages, pages, and other content on your website is received. By monitoring, tracking, and analyzing visitors to your website and their activities on your website, you can draw conclusions about the effectiveness of your site content, promotions, and advertising campaigns and technical details such as site architecture and navigation. Google Analytics is a robust analytics suite that is integrated with Google’s data and other application service offerings such as AdWords and AdSense. Google Analytics is free to use and easy to set up. It allows your organization to track user actions on your web properties and use Google Analytics’ rich reporting and analysis tools to analyze data, measure discrete interactions on your site, and qualify the success of your web initiatives. With Google Analytics, you can define success metrics for your website and measure that performance through data analysis. Google Analytics also lets you monitor your site in real-time, and provide alerts when events occur that are out of the norm. Although it is easy to start using Google Analytics, its robust and complex suite of tools will take time to master. In this course, you will create a Google Analytics account, create multiple web properties to monitor, and tag website pages with Google Analytics tracking code. You will then create multiple views for collecting and analyzing data, and create filters, goals, and funnels for your views. You will

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

HPE Networking AirWave Wireless Management Suite Installation, Configuration and Use (AICU) 8.2, Rev. 16.41

24 Hours | $1,500


IBM Business Process Management Administering IBM Operational Decision Manager V8.7.1

32 Hours | $3,150


08/23/2017 – 08/25/2017

10/02/2017 – 10/09/2017

This hands-on course prepares you with the knowledge and experience required to install and use the AirWave Wireless Management Suite: AirWave Management Platform (AMP), RAPIDS, Visual RF, network health diagnostics, client troubleshooting, alerts and reporting. In this course, you learn about AirWave’s capabilities in troubleshooting network health and client status via the various stages of association and authentication, as well as redundancy and master consoles for large networks.

This course introduces administrators to IBM Operational Decision Manager (ODM) V8.7.1. You will learn the concepts and skills that are necessary to install, configure, and manage Decision Server Rules, Decision Center, and Decision Server Insights.

Administration of IBM Business Process Manager Advanced V8.5

40 Hours | $3,500

Schedules 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017 10/23/2017 – 10/27/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/08/2017

The course covers how to configure both Process Center and Process Server in a network deployment environment. You learn about the various deployment topologies available for both Process Center and Process Server. The course also teaches you about the selection criteria for choosing an appropriate deployment topology.

Administration of IBM Business Process Manager Standard V8

32 Hours | $3,100

Schedules 10/16/2017 – 10/19/2017


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The course begins with an overview of business process management (BPM) and its architecture. You learn how to make team collaboration more efficient by enabling all team members to use standard process model elements. This approach makes expressing and interpreting business requirements consistent throughout the BPM lifecycle. The course continues with the installation, configuration, and management of IBM Business Process Manager. First, you install and configure IBM Business Process Manager in two different operating systems, by using a typical installation and a custom installation approach with a script. Next, you examine the architecture of IBM Business Process Manager. You use this knowledge to develop strategies for building an efficient topology to provide contextual information for the rest of the course. Then, you define and manage user authentication and authorization. You learn about installing, deploying, and upgrading snapshots to different environments, and you use various tools to monitor process execution and system errors. Finally, you examine methods to enhance system performance and apply troubleshooting techniques. The course uses an interactive learning environment, with hands-on demonstrations and class activities to reinforce concepts and check understanding. Lab exercises throughout the course give you hands-on experience with administrative tasks and skills. This course is collaborative, and you can work in teams to complete class activities.

throughout agile projects with IBM Rational Team Concert. The IBM Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM) brings together requirements management, quality management, change and configuration management, project planning, and tracking on a common unified platform. CLM is a set of seamlessly integrated tools that work together as one: Rational Team Concert, Rational Quality Manager, and Rational DOORS Next Generation. Through a combination of instructor-led lectures and hands-on lab exercises, the course explains how to use Rational Team Concert to support agile Application Lifecycle Management (ALM). You learn the major benefits of Rational Team Concert for agile with scrum.

IBM Cognos Cube Designer – Design Dynamic Cubes (v11.0)

16 Hours | $1,400

Schedules 10/19/2017 – 10/20/2017

This course provides participants with introductory to advanced knowledge of how to model metadata for predictable reporting and analysis results using IBM Cognos Cube Designer. Participants will learn the full scope of the metadata modeling process, from initial project creation, to publishing a dynamic cube, and enabling end users to easily author reports and analyze data.

Agile Planning and Tracking with IBM CLM V6

16 Hours | $1,400

IBM Cognos Framework Manager Design Metadata Models (V10.2.2)

Schedules 09/14/2017 – 09/15/2017

40 Hours | $4,000

This course teaches you the fundamental skills that are required to manage key scrum artifacts

Schedules 12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ IBM Cognos Framework Manager: Design Metadata Models (V10.2.2) is designed to provide you with introductory to advanced knowledge of metadata modeling concepts, and how to model metadata for predictable reporting and analysis results using Framework Manager. You will learn the full scope of the metadata modeling process, from initial project creation, to publishing of metadata to the Web, enabling end users to easily author reports and analyze data.

IBM Cloud Administering IBM Operational Decision Manager V8.5

32 Hours | $2,800

Schedules 10/09/2017 – 10/12/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/21/2017

This course introduces administrators to IBM Operational Decision Manager (ODM) V8.5. You learn the concepts and skills that are necessary to install, configure, and manage Decision Server Rules, Decision Server Events, and Decision Center.

IBM Cognos Report Studio: Author Reports with Multidimensional Data (V10.2)

16 Hours | $1,400

Schedules 09/14/2017 – 09/15/2017

IBM Cognos Report Studio: Author Reports with Multidimensional Data (V10.2) is an advanced two-day course in which professional report authors build on their experience with Report Studio by applying dimensional techniques to reports. Through interactive demos and workshops, students will learn how to author reports that navigate and manipulate dimensional data structures using specific dimensional functions and features available in Report Studio.


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IBM DataBase DB2 Family Fundamentals

IBM Cognos Workspace Advanced Author Self-Service Reports (V10.2.2) 16 Hours | $1,025


16 Hours | $1,600

Schedules 10/05/2017 – 10/06/2017

10/12/2017 – 10/13/2017

This Database Associate is an entry level DBA or a user of any of the DB2 family of products. This individual is knowledgeable about the fundamental concepts of DB2 9 through either hands on experience or formal and informal education. The database associate should have an in-depth knowledge of the basic to intermediate tasks required in day-to-day administration, basic SQL (Structured Query Language), understand how DB2 9 is packaged and installed, understand how to create databases and database objects, and have a basic knowledge of database security and transaction isolation.

This course will develop the skills participants will need to use IBM Cognos Workspace Advanced to create effective reports with relational and dimensional data. Through interactive demos and workshops, this course will present topics related to creating reports with IBM Cognos Workspace Advanced for the business author.

IBM Cognos Analytics – Author Reports with Multidimensional Data (V11.0)

16 Hours | $1,595

Schedules 11/02/2017 – 11/03/2017

This course is designed to guide report authors in building on their expertise with IBM Cognos Analytics by applying dimensional techniques to reports. Through interactive demonstrations and exercises, participants will learn how to author reports that navigate and manipulate dimensional data structures using the specific dimensional functions and features available in IBM Cognos Analytics.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™


IBM Rational Software

Administering IBM Web Content Manager 8.0

Configuring Projects in IBM Rational Team Concert V4.0



16 Hours | $1,400

12/21/2017 – 12/22/2017

24 Hours | $2,100

10/09/2017 – 10/11/2017

In this class, you will learn about administration tasks and concepts.

Advanced IBM Web Content Manager 8.0 concepts

16 Hours | $1,400

Schedules 12/28/2017 – 12/29/2017

In this class, you will learn about administration tasks and concepts.

Configuring Projects with IBM Rational Team Concert V4.0 targets project administrators and team leads. You learn how to configure Rational Team Concert project areas and processes so that the core IBM practices for agile development and change and release management can be effectively adopted by the project team. Topics include planning projects, teams, and iterations to support both traditional and agile projects; defining source control streams and component structure; customizing process controls and work items; and customizing Rational Team Concert queries and reports to provide project status and measure progress.

Essentials of IBM Rational Rhapsody for Systems Engineers V8.1.1

32 Hours | $3,200

Schedules 11/13/2017 – 11/16/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/21/2017

In this course you learn the techniques required to use the Systems Modeling Language (SysML V1.3) and Rational Rhapsody to solve a complex system engineering problem. Through the use of hands-on exercises creating “real world” applications, you build a strong foundation in SysML and Rhapsody. The process by which models are created is explored through the creation of a “real-world” systems engineering model. The essential SysML diagrams for Requirements Analysis, System Functional Analysis, System Design Synthesis, are explored in the exercises. In this course, you learn how to use Rhapsody to build a model of a filling station. New in


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this version of the course is the coverage of executable token-based activity diagrams, Metrics views, OSLC-based requirements linking and SysML 1.3 Proxy Ports and Interface Blocks

IBM Security Systems Accelerate, Secure and Integrate with IBM DataPower V7.1

40 Hours | $4,500

Schedules 10/02/2017 – 10/06/2017

This course teaches you the fundamental skills that are required to configure, implement, and troubleshoot services that are developed on the IBM DataPower Gateway (IDG) appliances with firmware version 7.1.x. The concepts in this course are also beneficial to system administrators of the DataPower appliance, although there is a separate course for administrators. The DataPower Gateway Appliances allow an enterprise to simplify, accelerate, and enhance the security capabilities of its XML and web services deployments, and extend the capabilities of its service-oriented architecture (SOA) infrastructure. The appliances also extend these capabilities into the JSON, REST, and Mobile application areas. Through a combination of instructor-led lectures and hands-on lab exercises, you learn how to implement the key use cases for the DataPower appliances. These include web service virtualization, web services security, integrating with IBM MQ, Mobile and REST support, integrating with OAuth 2.0, and authentication, authorization, and auditing (AAA). You also learn how to use various problem determination tools such as logs, monitors, and probes, and techniques for testing DataPower services and handling errors.

Basics of z/OS RACF Administration

40 Hours | $4,095

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/08/2017

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ This course begins with an introduction to the z/OS environment, TSO and ISPF/PDF, batch processing, and z/OS data sets. Hands-on labs allow you to gain experience with viewing and allocating data sets, submitting a batch job, and viewing job output. After the introduction to z/OS, you will then learn, through lecture and exercises, how to use basic RACF command parameters and panels to define users and groups, protect general resources, z/OS data sets, and choose a basic set of RACF options.

IBM Server Administration of IBM Business Process Manager Advanced V8.5.5

40 Hours | $4,500

Schedules 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017 10/30/2017 – 11/03/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017

In this introductory course, you learn the skills that are needed to install, configure, and administer IBM Business Process Manager Advanced V8.5.5. IBM Business Process Manager Advanced V8.5.5 includes IBM Process Server, IBM Integration Designer, IBM Process Designer, IBM Process Center, and WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus. This course focuses on IBM Process Server, which is a high-performance business engine at the heart of business process management (BPM) and service-oriented architecture (SOA). The course covers how to configure both Process Center and Process Server in a network deployment environment. You learn about the various deployment topologies available for both environments. The course also teaches you about the selection criteria for choosing an appropriate deployment topology. You learn how Business Process Manager uses the service integration bus (WebSphere Platform Messaging) for all asynchronous communications. To build a highly available Process Server architecture, you must understand how the service integration bus works, and know how to integrate it into the design of a topology. Hands-on exercises on the Linux operating system are provided throughout the course, giving you practical experience with designing, deploying, and troubleshooting a highly available Process Server environment. Through the labs, you configure both Process Center and Process Server in a network


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deployment environment and verify the configuration. You deploy a basic application and use it to test the capabilities of the Process Server environment. You examine applications in Process Center and deploy applications to both an online and an offline Process Server environment. Finally, you integrate the deployment manager with IBM Tivoli Directory Server and secure the environment. This course provides lab exercises running on IBM Business Process Manager Advanced V8.5.5. The lab environment for this course uses the Linux platform.

CICS V5 CICSPlex System Manager Administration

IBM BigFix Platform Foundations

24 Hours | $2,395

Schedules 11/20/2017 – 11/22/2017

IBM BigFix (formerly IBM Endpoint Manager) combines endpoint and security management into a single solution that enables your team to see and manage physical and virtual endpoints. Rapidly remediate, protect, and report on endpoints in real-time by automating time-intensive tasks across complex networks, controlling costs, reducing risk, and supporting compliance. This course presents basic and intermediate level knowledge to help users in administrator and operator roles of the product to develop the knowledge they need to successfully leverage this product in their managed environments.

32 Hours | $3,200

Schedules 12/18/2017 – 12/21/2017

This advanced-level course teaches you how to install, configure, and use CICS TS System Manager components and functions.

Developing Websites Using IBM Web Content Manager 8.5

40 Hours | $4,000

Schedules 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

This course introduces the concepts and skills necessary to build a website by using IBM Web Content Manager 8.5. It includes building an authoring system, creating and managing web content items, creating a change management framework, and delivering web content.

IBM Cognos Analytics – Enterprise Administration v11.0

24 Hours | $2,100

Schedules 11/27/2017 – 11/29/2017

This course provides training to new administrators on the fundamental tasks of installing and configuring IBM Cognos Analytics, and administering servers and content in the environment. In the course, participants will install and configure the IBM Cognos Analytics software, implement security, and manage the server components. Students will also monitor and schedule tasks, create data sources, and manage and deploy content in the portal and IBM Cognos Administration.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

IBM Storage Track

IBM System

DFSMS Implementation

IBM Cognos Report Studio Author Professional Reports Fundamentals (V10.2)

40 Hours | $4,100


24 Hours | $2,100

09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017

Schedules 11/20/2017 – 11/22/2017

This course provides the skills required to plan and implement Data Facility Storage Management Subsystem (DFSMS). A step-by-step implementation strategy, emphasizing coexistence considerations, is reinforced by hands-on labs. In the hands-on labs, students will be creating constructs as well as coding ACS routines. This milestone approach includes managing temporary and permanent data sets. The course also discusses exploitation of functions provided by DFSMS as the installation evolves to the DFSMS environment.

IBM Cognos Report Studio: Author Professional Reports Fundamentals (V10.2) training course is designed for professional report authors to learn report building techniques using relational data models, and methods of enhancing, customizing, and managing professional reports. Attendees will participate in hands-on demos and workshops that illustrate key concepts while learning how to use the product.

DFSMShsm Implementation

40 Hours | $4,100

Schedules 08/14/2017 – 08/18/2017 10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017 11/13/2017 – 11/17/2017

This course prepares you to implement and manage DFSMShsm (DFSMS hierarchical storage manager). You will learn how to automate the storage management tasks, which optimize DASD space utilization and provide data availability. You will be taught basic DFSMShsm terminology and concepts, and you will examine the functions and interfaces used to tailor DFSMShsm processing to meet your installation’s storage management requirements. Hands-on lab exercises enable you to perform a step-by-step implementation.


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Information Management

DB2 10 for z/OS Implementation Workshop

DB2 10 for LUW: Basic Administration for AIX


40 Hours | $3,350

32 Hours | $2,680

Schedules 10/23/2017 – 10/26/2017 11/06/2017 – 11/09/2017

This course teaches you to perform, basic database administrative tasks using DB2 10.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows. These tasks include creating and populating databases and implementing a logical design to support recovery requirements. The access strategies selected by the DB2 Optimizer will be examined using the DB2 Explain tools. Various diagnostic methods will be presented, including using the db2diag.log file messages to direct your investigation of problems, as well as using the db2pd commands.

12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017

This course is for installers of DB2 10 z/OS and/or migration to DB2 11 for z/OS using the Install CLIST. The participants are involved in lectures that explain DB2 11 components and pointers, and the processes used to install or migrate from DB2 10 for z/OS. To reinforce the lectures, a series of labs are provided to give each participant hands-on experience installing DB2 10 for z/OS and migrating to DB2 11 for z/OS.

DB2 10 for z/OS Utilities for Database Administrators

24 Hours | $2,010

Schedules 10/16/2017 – 10/18/2017

DB2 10 for LUW: Basic Administration for Linux and Windows

32 Hours | $2,680

Schedules 11/13/2017 – 11/16/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/07/2017

This course teaches you to perform basic database administrative tasks using DB2 10.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows. These tasks include creating and populating databases and implementing a logical design to support recovery requirements. The access strategies selected by the DB2 Optimizer will be examined using the DB2 Explain tools. Various diagnostic methods will be presented including using the db2diag.log file messages to direct your investigation of problems as well as using the db2pd commands.

This course is designed to teach you advanced topics about DB2 for z/OS utilities. It is assumed that you attended course DB2 10 for z/OS Database Administration Workshop Part 1 (CV831) so that you already have basic skills about the main utilities. Recovery-oriented topics are not part of this course, so such utility functions are not presented.

DB2 10.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Quickstart for Experienced Relational DBAs

32 Hours | $3,200

Schedules 10/16/2017 – 10/19/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/21/2017

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ This course teaches you to perform, basic and advanced, database administrative tasks using DB2 10.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows. These tasks include creating and populating databases and implementing a logical design to support recovery requirements. The access strategies selected by the DB2 Optimizer will be examined using the DB2 Explain tools. Various diagnostic methods will be presented, including using various db2pd command options. Students will learn how to implement automatic archival for database logs and how to plan a redirected database restore to relocate either selected table spaces or an entire database. The REBUILD option of RESTORE, which can build a database copy with a subset of the tablespaces, will be discussed. We will also cover using the TRANSPORT option of RESTORE to copy schemas of objects between two DB2 databases. The selection of indexes to improve application performance and the use of SQL statements to track database performance and health will be covered. This course provides a quick start to DB2 database administration skills for experienced relational Database Administrators (DBA).

DB2 9 for LUW Advanced Database Recovery

32 Hours | $2,680

recovery features of DB2 9 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows database environments with single and multiple partition databases. In this course, the learning will receive practical experience in the planning and utilization of a wide variety of DB2 recovery facilities in a series of database recovery scenarios you complete during lab exercises using DB2 Enterprise 9.7 for Linux.

DB2 Family Fundamentals

16 Hours | $1,025

Schedules 10/12/2017 – 10/13/2017

This Database Associate is an entry level DBA or a user of any of the DB2 family of products. This individual is knowledgeable about the fundamental concepts of DB2 9 through either hands on experience or formal and informal education. The database associate should have an in-depth knowledge of the basic to intermediate tasks required in day-to-day administration, basic SQL (Structured Query Language), understand how DB2 9 is packaged and installed, understand how to create databases and database objects, and have a basic knowledge of database security and transaction isolation.

Schedules 09/25/2017 – 09/28/2017

Gain a deeper understanding of the advanced recovery features of DB2 9 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows database environments with single and multiple partition databases. Get practical experience in the planning and utilization of a wide variety of DB2 recovery facilities in a series of database recovery scenarios you complete during lab exercises using DB2 Enterprise 9.7 for Linux. The purpose of this course is to enable the learning to gain a deeper understanding of the advanced


DB2 for LUW Performance Tuning and Monitoring Workshop – DB2 10.1

32 Hours | $2,680

Schedules 12/04/2017 – 12/07/2017

Learn how to tune for optimum performance the IBM DB2 10.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows relational database management system and associated applications written for this environment. Learn about DB2 10 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows in

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a single partition database environment. Explore performance issues affecting the design of the database and applications using the database, the major database performance parameters, and the different tools that assist in performance monitoring and tuning.

IBM DB2 10 for z/OS Database Administration Part 2

Use tools in class that are common across the Linux, UNIX, and Windows environments. During labs running on DB2 10.1, develop your ability to use monitoring tools. Explain tools and DB2 utilities like RUNSTATS, REORG and db2batch to tune a database running on your local Linux workstation.

This course is a continuation of course DB2 10 for z/OS Database Administration Workshop Part 1 (CV831) and is designed to teach you how to perform additional database administration tasks.

DB2 SQL Workshop

24 Hours | $2,100

Schedules 10/09/2017 – 10/11/2017

IBM InfoSphere Advanced DataStage – Advanced Data Processing V9.1

16 Hours | $1,400

16 Hours | $1,025

Schedules 09/21/2017 – 09/22/2017

Schedules 10/19/2017 – 10/20/2017

This course provides an introduction to the SQL language. This course is appropriate for customers working in all DB2 environments, that is, z/OS, VM/VSE, iSeries, Linux, UNIX, and Windows. It is also appropriate for customers working in an Informix environment.

DB2 SQL Workshop for Experienced Users

24 Hours | $2,010


This course is designed to introduce advanced parallel job development techniques in DataStage V9.1. In this course you will develop a deeper understanding of the DataStage architecture, including a deeper understanding of the DataStage development and runtime environments. This will enable you to design parallel jobs that are robust, less subject to errors, reusable, and optimized for better performance.

IBM InfoSphere Advanced QualityStage V9.1

24 Hours | $3,400


11/13/2017 – 11/15/2017

10/30/2017 – 11/01/2017

This course teaches you how to make use of advanced SQL techniques to access DB2 databases in different environments. This course is appropriate for customers working in all DB2 environments, specifically for z/OS, Linux, UNIX, and Windows.

Learn how to build Quality Stage rule sets to standardize product data. Learn how to use reference matching to find related records. Gain hands-on experience by building jobs that standardize and match product data.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

IBM InfoSphere DataStage Essentials 9.1

32 Hours | $2,800

Schedules 10/16/2017 – 10/19/2017

This course is designed to introduce ETL developers to DataStage 9.1.

Information Storage Management (ISM) Advanced Programming Topics for IBM WebSphere Commerce V7 Customization

40 Hours | $4,450

Schedules 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

IBM InfoSphere Information Analysis 9.1

32 Hours | $3,400

In this 5-day instructor-led course, students build on the skills that were developed in course IBM WebSphere Commerce V7 Foundation (6S220) / (WC700) / (VC700) / (ZC700)

Schedules 12/04/2017 – 12/07/2017

You will learn how to use the IBM InfoSphere suite to analyze data and report results to business users. Information discovered during analysis will be used to construct data rules. This course will also explore techniques for delivering data analysis results to ETL developers and show how to develop more meaningful meta data to reflect data discovery results. An information analysis methodology and a case study will be used to guide hands-on labs. This course introduces the concepts and methods used to perform information analysis. IBM InfoSphere Information Analyzer, Business Glossary, and QualityStage will be used to perform data profiling,data assessment and meta data enrichment tasks.


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ITIL Foundation

ISTQB Software Testing Foundation

ITIL Foundation with Certification Exam



24 Hours | $1,945

08/14/2017 – 08/15/2017 10/23/2017 – 10/25/2017

24 Hours | $2,095

10/16/2017 – 10/18/2017

This is a foundation-level course designed to provide participants with an understanding of some of the fundamental principles of testing. You will learn how testing activities support development activities across different software development models as well as the common testing terminology. The course provides an overview of both static and dynamic testing techniques and how to apply them; introduces test management issues including test planning and estimation, risk-based testing and incident management; and covers tool support for testing, describing many types of tool support, the benefits and potential risks of tools and an effective process for introducing them into an organization. Holders of the Foundation Certificate will be able to go on to a higher-level software testing qualification.

The IT Infrastructure Libraryツョ (ITILツョ) Foundation certification training course from NetCom Learning provides an insight into the fundamentals of the globally adopted framework for IT Service Management. The ITIL Foundation courses focus on basic concepts of the ITIL Service Lifecycle and how it influences IT Service Management across private and public organizations. Conducted via ITILツョ Foundation training online and instructor-led media, the course delivers an introduction to the five core elements of IT Service Management processes. The candidates learn about aligning IT goals with business objectives, along with improving the overall quality of operation and reducing operational costs. Learners are provided with real-world projects, assessments, and presentations to prepare competently for their ITIL Foundation certification exam. The program explains the key concepts and principles of the ITIL Service Management model, providing comprehensive coverage of the knowledge required for this entry-level qualification. NetCom is an Accredited Training Affiliate in partnership with ITPreneurs. Learning Modalities - Instructor-led Classroom Training - Online Training - Corporate Training - Onsite Training

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ - One-on-One Training

- Pass Score: 26/40 or 65%

Course Preparation

- Exam Duration: 60 minutes

- You will receive a course study book including case studies and sample exam questions

- Open/Closed Book: Closed Book

- You should acquire and read the ITIL Service Design core publication, which you should read as part of personal study - Review your ITIL Foundation course materials

Credits - Upon successfully achieving the ITIL Foundation certificate, the participants earn two credits toward their ITIL Expert certification

What’s Included - Facilitated Training - Books - Voucher Exam Name - ITIL Foundation Certificate Exam Certification - ITIL Foundation Certificate Exam Information The ITIL Foundation exam can be taken in any of the following three ways: - On the last day of the course, in-class exam - In the comfort of your home and at any time, after the course completion via PeopleCert (online) - At your convenience, at an eligible testing center Exam Format - Multiple choice examination questions - Number of Questions: 40


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Juniper Routing & Switching Track

Virtual LANs (VLANs)

Introduction to the Junos Operating System – IJOS (Associate)

8 Hours | $795

Schedules 08/07/2017 – 08/07/2017

Spanning Tree Protocol (STP), Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP), and VLAN Spanning Tree Protocol (VSTP) Authentication and access control for Layer 2 networks Port and device security features

This one-day provides aspirants with the foundational knowledge required to work with the Junos operating system and to configure Junos devices. The course provides a brief overview of the Junos device families and discusses the key architectural components of the software. Key topics include user interface options with a heavy focus on the command-line interface (CLI), configuration tasks typically associated with the initial setup of devices, interface configuration basics with configuration examples, secondary system configuration, and the basics of operational monitoring and maintenance of Junos devices. Through demonstrations and hands-on labs, learners will gain experience in configuring and monitoring the Junos OS and monitoring basic device operations. This course is based on Junos OS Release 12.1X47-D30.

Junos Enterprise Switching Skills Camp (JEX, AJEX)

32 Hours | $2,995

High availability (HA) features IP telephony features Class of Service (CoS) Monitoring and troubleshooting

Junos Intermediate Routing – JIR (Specialist)

16 Hours | $1,400

Schedules 09/05/2017 – 09/06/2017

This two-day course provides aspirants with intermediate routing knowledge and configuration examples. The course includes an overview of protocol-independent routing features, load balancing and filter-based forwarding, OSPF, BGP, IP tunneling, and high availability (HA) features.

Schedules 08/22/2017 – 08/25/2017

We combined two authorized Juniper courses, Juniper Enterprise Switching (JEX) and Advanced Juniper Enterprise Switching (AJEX), to create this convenient, four-day course in which you will build your intermediate and advanced Junos enterprise switching skills. You will gain hands-on experience with the features of EX Series Ethernet switches, including:

Junos Routing Essentials – JRE (Associate)

8 Hours | $795

Schedules 08/08/2017 – 08/08/2017

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ This one-day course provides aspirants with foundational routing knowledge and configuration examples, and includes an overview of general routing concepts, routing policy, and firewall filters.

Lotus Administering IBM Web Content Manager 8.0

16 Hours | $1,400

Schedules 12/21/2017 – 12/22/2017

In this class, you will learn about administration tasks and concepts.

Building the IBM Lotus Domino 8.5 Infrastructure

16 Hours | $1,200

Schedules 12/14/2017 – 12/15/2017

The course is designed to introduce IBM Lotus Domino system administrators to the process of establishing an IBM Lotus Domino 8.5 environment. It provides students with hands-on practice with installing Lotus Domino servers and clients; configuring users, groups, and administrative tools; and configuring, managing, and troubleshooting mail.

Developing IBM Lotus Domino 8.5.2 Applications Advanced XPage Design

16 Hours | $1,400

Schedules 11/09/2017 – 11/10/2017

This advanced course builds upon the skills you obtained in the Developing IBM Lotus Domino 8.5.2 Applications: Intermediate XPages through informative lectures and discussions and hands-on labs.


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Developing IBM Lotus Domino 8.5.2 Applications Intermediate XPage Design

24 Hours | $1,950


IBM Domino 9 Administration Fundamentals

40 Hours | $3,000

Schedules 08/07/2017 – 08/11/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/08/2017

11/27/2017 – 11/29/2017

This course is designed for this course is experienced application developers who have developed basic IBM Lotus Domino XPage applications and who need to create advanced applications using XPages. You will be able to use the features and functions of IBM Lotus Domino Designer 8.5.2 to analyze their project needs and determine whether to use form-based architecture to the XPage-based architecture, plan and style user interface enhancements, integrate their XPage application with multiple databases, and debug an existing XPage application.

In this course, you will be introduced to basic concepts that provide the foundation for IBM Domino and IBM Notes and practice performing basic administration tasks using the IBM Domino Administrator client and install and configure a basic infrastructure with a single domain to perform standard server maintenance and troubleshooting tasks

Fundamentals of IBM Lotus Domino 8.5.1 Application Development

40 Hours | $3,250

Schedules 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017 10/23/2017 – 10/27/2017

In this course, you will learn to create and modify database applications using IBM Lotus Domino Designer 8.5.1. This course provides an overview of the Lotus Domino 8.5.1 and Domino Designer 8.5.1 environments, introduces the elements and skills used to create single-database Domino applications, describes how you can use the Formula language and XPages to enhance the functionality of a Domino application, and explains how you can securely deploy Domino applications.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

Mainframe Servers Advanced Parallel Sysplex Operations and Recovery Workshop

40 Hours | $4,500

Schedules 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017

Basic z/OS Tuning Using the Workload Manager

40 Hours | $4,500

Schedules 08/07/2017 – 08/11/2017 10/23/2017 – 10/27/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/08/2017

10/02/2017 – 10/06/2017

This course describes advanced operator actions to implement new policies, coupling facilities, structures and sysplex related operational enhancements. It diagnoses problems and demonstrates recovery techniques in these areas. These include: • Identifying HMC problems and recovery, including IPL problems during system and sysplex activation • Recovery with and without SFM policies

This course is designed for new performance analysts to learn to work with the Workload Manager (WLM) in goal mode. Learn concepts of WLM and performance management in the z/OS system using the WLM. Learn how to analyze Resource Monitoring Facility (RMF) reports and implement service definitions using the WLM Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF) application. The course uses z/OS hands-on lab exercises to reinforce the concepts and techniques discussed in lecture.

• Couple data set failures • CF and CF structure failures

Exploiting the Advanced Features of RACF

32 Hours | $4,065

An Introduction to the z/OS Environment



This course teaches you how to implement the new facilities available in RACF. Over one-half of the class time is devoted to the RACF Remote Sharing Facility (RRSF). Through a combination of classroom lecture and hands-on lab exercises, you will learn how to establish an RRSF environment, including using RRSF facilities to administer security of remote RACF databases from a single centralized location, allowing users to synchronize password changes among several associated userids, using RRSF facilities to automatically maintain synchronization of two or more separate RACF databases, and setting up RACF security for APPC/MVS, which is used to communicate with other RACF/MVS systems in the

16 Hours | $1,195

12/14/2017 – 12/15/2017

This course is an overview of the z/OS operating systems and services for non-MVS IS technical personnel.


09/25/2017 – 09/28/2017 11/06/2017 – 11/09/2017

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RRSF environment. Other major functions that you will study include RACF Sysplex Data Sharing and Sysplex Communication, the RACF Remove ID Utility, RACLIST enhancements, RACF support for OpenEdition MVS, and DB2 security using RACF.

Microsoft .NET Framework / Visual Studio 10267: Introduction to Web Development with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010

40 Hours | $2,945

Fundamental System Skills in z/OS

40 Hours | $3,295

Schedules 08/07/2017 – 08/11/2017


09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017 10/30/2017 – 11/03/2017

11/06/2017 – 11/10/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017

This course is designed to teach you the fundamental practical skills to navigate and work in a z/OS environment. This includes the use of ISPF/PDF dialogs, TSO/E commands, JCL, UNIX System Services shell, and BookManager.

This five-day instructor-led course provides knowledge and skills on developing Web applications by using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. This course is intended for Web developers who are beginners and have knowledge of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) or Dynamic HTML (DHTML), along with some knowledge of a scripting language such as Visual Basic Scripting Edition or Microsoft JScript.

20480: Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 (Visual Studio 2013)

40 Hours | $2,945

Schedules 09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017 11/27/2017 – 12/01/2017

This course provides an introduction to HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. This course helps students gain basic HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript programming skills. This course is an entry point into both the Web application and Windows Store apps training paths. The course focuses on using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript to implement programming logic, define and use variables, perform looping and branching, develop user interfaces, capture and validate user

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ input, store data, and create well-structured applications. The lab scenarios in this course are selected to support and demonstrate the structure of various application scenarios. They are intended to focus on the principals and coding components/structures that are used to establish an HTML5 software application. This course uses Visual Studio 2012, running on Windows 8. Upon passing Exam 70-480: Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3, you receive your Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 Specialist certification. It also counts as credit toward MCSD: Windows Windows Store Apps using HTML5 certification, and MCSD: Web Applications.

Customers demand beautiful, elegant apps that are alive with activity. Demonstrate your expertise at designing and developing the fast and fluid Metro style apps that are the focal point of the user experience on Windows 8 Consumer Preview by earning the Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD): Windows Store Apps certification. There are two paths to achieving this certification – using HTML5 or C#. Exam 70-482: Advanced Store Apps Development using HTML5 and JavaScript: counts as credit toward MCSD: Windows Store Apps using HTML5 certification.

20483: Programming in C# (Visual Studio 2012) 20481: Essentials of Developing Windows Store Apps using HTML5 and JavaScript (Visual Studio 2012)

40 Hours | $2,945

Schedules 10/23/2017 – 10/27/2017

In this course students will learn essential programming skills and techniques that are required to develop Windows Store apps. This includes a combination of both design and development skills, as well as ensuring that students are comfortable using and making the most of the Visual Studio and Expression Blend tools.

40 Hours | $2,945

Schedules 09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017 11/27/2017 – 12/01/2017

This training course teaches developers the programming skills that are required for developers to create Windows applications using the C# language. During their five days in the classroom students review the basics of C# program structure, language syntax, and implementation details, and then consolidate their knowledge throughout the week as they build an application that incorporates several features of the .NET Framework 4.5. Exam 70-483: Programming in C#: counts as credit toward MCSD: Windows Metro style Apps using C#.

20482: Advanced Windows Store Apps Development using HTML5 and JavaScript (Visual Studio 2012)

40 Hours | $2,945

Additionally, Upon passing Exam 70-483: Programming in C#, you receive your Programming in C# Specialist certification. It also counts as credit toward MCSD: App Builder

Schedules 10/30/2017 – 11/03/2017


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20484: Essentials of Developing Windows Store Apps Using C# (Visual Studio 2012)

40 Hours | $2,945


20486: Developing ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Applications (Visual Studio 2013)

40 Hours | $2,945

Schedules 10/02/2017 – 10/06/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/08/2017

09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/08/2017

In this course students will learn essential programming skills and techniques that are required to develop Windows Store apps. This includes a combination of both design and development skills, as well as ensuring that students are comfortable using and making the most of the Visual Studio and Expression Blend tools.

20485: Advanced Windows Store App Development Using C# (Visual Studio 2012)

40 Hours | $2,945

Schedules 10/02/2017 – 10/06/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017

In this course, students will learn to develop advanced ASP.NET MVC applications using .NET Framework 4.5 tools and technologies. The focus will be on coding activities that enhance the performance and scalability of the Web site application. ASP.NET MVC will be introduced and compared with Web Forms so that students know when each should/could be used. Exam 70-486: Developing ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Applications counts as credit toward the MCSD: Web Applications certification.

BizTalk Server 2016 Administrator Deep Dive

40 Hours | $3,995

In this course the you will learn advanced programming practices and techniques that will help develop you Windows Store apps. In addition, you will learn how to design and develop Windows Store apps, as well as implement advanced features, such as using location information, streaming media to external devices, and integrating with online services. You will also learn how to use Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 and Expression Blend tools. Exam 70-485: Advanced Store App Development using C#: counts as credit toward MCSD: Windows Store Apps using C# certification.

Schedules 11/27/2017 – 12/01/2017

Attendees of this course learn how to create and implement plans for performance tuning, scaling out, and automated monitoring. If you want to understand how to keep your BizTalk Server environments healthy, happy, and issue-free, this is the course for you. In this 5-day course, you will learn how to design and run a variety of tests in a BizTalk Server environment, including: performance testing, load testing, and integration testing. You will learn how to measure your tests and analyze your testing data so you can apply the lessons learned from your tests to configure your hardware, network, SQL Server, and BizTalk Server for ideal performance and sustained health.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ Furthermore, you will learn about the inner workings of BizTalk Server host instances and the databases that support BizTalk Server. At the end of this course you will be able to apply all the lessons learned to configure BizTalk Server throttling to ensure sustainable throughput. This is an advanced-level course. Attendees are expected to have a working understanding of BizTalk Server administration concepts, including: application deployment, application management, and basic troubleshooting.

BizTalk Server 2016 Administrator Immersion

40 Hours | $3,495

Attendees are expected to have hands-on experience managing a Windows-based network environment, but no prior BizTalk Server experience is required. In this course, attendees will receive live instruction from one of our expert trainers, classroom demonstrations, challenging hands-on labs, and an electronic copy of the presentation materials and lab guide with hands-on activities.

Build and Release Management Using TFS 2015

16 Hours | $1,595



10/02/2017 – 10/06/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017

11/06/2017 – 11/07/2017

There’s much more to BizTalk Server administration than checking that the computer is powered on. Learning to install, configure, deploy, and manage a BizTalk Server environment can be difficult and time consuming. Become a more effective and confident BizTalk Server Administrator in just 5 days! This course teaches everything a new BizTalk Server Administrator needs to know to “hit the ground running“: installation and configuration, disaster recovery, tracking, troubleshooting, deployment, scripting, a variety of community tools, and, of course, best practices. If it concerns a BizTalk Server administrator, we cover it. All students work with their own multi-server BizTalk Server group. If you’re a Systems Administrator who deploys and manages BizTalk Server environments, or a Systems Engineer who designs and manages enterprise infrastructure, or even a BizTalk Developer who wants to see (and support) how the other half lives,


this course will equip you with the skills and knowledge you need.

Team Foundation Server 2015 and Visual Studio Team Services offer a completely redeveloped build system, and Microsoft is in the process of rolling out a new system for Release Management. This course focuses on building and releasing .NET applications using these new systems. It focuses on the new scriptable, cross-platform build system introduced in TFS 2015 and how to use it. The course briefly looks at the current version of Release Management for Visual Studio 2015, but then deep dives into Release Management vNext. Release Management vNext is currently in preview in Visual Studio Team Services and in TFS 2015 Update 2. If you are eager to learn how to implement DevOps practices designed to streamline your build and release processes using TFS or VSTS, this is the course for you. The content in this course is a subset of our 3-day devvOps using Visual Studio 2015 course.

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This course includes hands-on labs to reinforce practical skills and ensure you’re ready to use the tools upon returning to your workplace.

This course includes hands-on labs to reinforce practical skills and ensure you’re ready to use the tools upon your return to the workplace.

Build and Release Management Using TFS 2017

DevOps Using Visual Studio TFS 2015

16 Hours | $1,595


24 Hours | $2,095

Schedules 11/29/2017 – 12/01/2017

09/25/2017 – 09/26/2017

Team Foundation Server 2017 continues to improve on the new build and release management features introduced in TFS 2015. In this two-day course, we will focus on building and releasing .NET applications using on-premises TFS. The course covers how to install and configure your agents and agent pools to support a variety of scenarios. We have configure Continuous Integration (CI) for a web-based application that includes test execution, code coverage, test impact analysis, and much more. We will then set up a multi-environment release pipeline to support the latest innovations in Continuous Delivery (CD) to help ensure reliable releases to your users. Just some of the features you will learn about include: configuring environments, managing variables, configuring approvers, configuring release schedules, manual intervention steps, and understanding artifacts. We will also examine recently introduced features such as task versioning, variable groups, and the latest extensions from the Visual Studio Marketplace. If you are eager to learn how to implement DevOps practices designed to streamline your build and release processes using the latest version of Team Foundation Server, this is the course for you.

This course aims to help you achieve some of the key goals of DevOps namely reducing friction, increasing velocity and increasing value to your customers. The course starts by introducing DevOps and the Visual Studio 2015 product family. We wil look at how you can reduce lead time using the Agile planning tools in Visual Studio with still aligning with Enterprise goals. The course then focuses on the new scriptable, cross-platform build system introduced in TFS 2015 and how to use it. We briefly examine the current version of Release Management for Visual Studio 2015 before deep diving into Release Management vNext. Release Management vNext is in Visual Studio Team Services and TFS 2015 Update 2. The course then looks at the benefits of PowerShell and the use of Desired State Configuration (DSC) to configure the machines where you will deploy your application components. The final modules of the course look at Application Insights and how you can monitor your application.

DevOps Using VSTS and Azure

24 Hours | $2,095

Schedules 09/11/2017 – 09/13/2017

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ This three-day course aims to help you achieve some of the key goals of DevOps, namely: reducing friction, increasing velocity, and increasing value to your customers. The course starts by introducing DevOps and the Visual Studio 2017 product family. We will look at how you can reduce lead time using the Agile planning tools in Visual Studio, while still aligning with Enterprise goals. Next we will look at a number of features in Visual Studio 2017 designed to help you reduce technical debt and thereby help increase team productivity. The course then deep-dives into the build and release management features in VSTS with a focus on deploying to Azure. You will learn how to seamlessly manage Azure environments and set up your release with built-in tasks for Azure to allow you to deploy to websites, containers, virtual machines, and more. Towards the end of the course we will look at Application Insights and how you can monitor your application to reduce MTTD and MTTR metrics. This course includes hands-on labs to reinforce practical skills and ensure you are ready to use the tools upon your return to the workplace.

Managing Agile Projects Using TFS 2015 or Visual Studio Online

24 Hours | $2,095

This course focuses on agile methodologies and includes discussions and content focused on both Scrum and Kanban practices. In this course, attendees will plan a new software development project and go through the steps to initiate the project using Visual Studio 2015. This includes recording requirements, creating a product backlog, and estimating effort for backlog items. We will cover planning and running a sprint, as well as using the task board and burndown chart to track progress. The course also covers using storyboards to prototype experiences, requesting stakeholder feedback, team collaboration, and reporting. The final two modules of the course provide an overview of how testers and developers can work effectively using appropriate tools in the Visual Studio family. This course includes hands-on labs to reinforce practical skills and ensure you are ready to use the tools on your return to your workplace. All Scrum content adheres to the latest version of the official Scrum Guide and provides helpful preparation for anyone considering gaining Scrum certification.

Managing Agile Projects Using TFS 2017

24 Hours | $2,095

Schedules 10/16/2017 – 10/18/2017

Schedules 09/05/2017 – 09/07/2017 11/20/2017 – 11/22/2017

This 3-day course provides Project managers, Scrum masters, and Team leads the essential skills required to effectively manage a software development project using Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2015 or Visual Studio Online.


This course provides project managers, Scrum masters and team leads the essential skills required to effectively manage a software development project using Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2017. This course focuses on Agile methodologies and includes discussions and content focused on both Scrum and Kanban practices.

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In this course, attendees will plan a new software development project and go through the steps to initiate the project using Visual Studio 2017. This includes recording requirements, creating a product backlog, and estimating effort for backlog items. We will cover planning and running a sprint, as well as using the task board and burndown chart to track progress. The course also demonstrates how TFS facilitates the use of storyboards to prototype experiences, request stakeholder feedback, foster team collaboration, and generate reports. The final two modules of the course provide an overview of how testers and developers can work effectively using appropriate tools in the Visual Studio family. This course includes hands-on labs to reinforce practical skills and ensure you are ready to use the tools on your return to your workplace. All Scrum content adheres to the latest version of the official Scrum Guide and provides helpful preparation for anyone considering gaining Scrum certification.

MCSA: Web Applications Combo

80 Hours | $5,890

Schedules 09/25/2017 – 10/06/2017 11/27/2017 – 12/08/2017

This MCSA: Web Applications package is a combo of two courses: 20480: Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 (Visual Studio 2013) & 20486: Developing ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Applications (Visual Studio 2013).to become an MCSA: Web Applications Certified you have to clear all the exams followed by the course mentioned above.

MCSD: Windows Store Apps Using C# (Visual Studio 2012) Combo

120 Hours | $8,835

Schedules 09/18/2017 – 10/06/2017 11/27/2017 – 12/15/2017

MCSD: Windows Store Apps validates your skills to create rich and immersive applications that work across devices and connect to services. There are two paths to achieve a MCSD: Windows Store Apps certification, through demonstrating your skills to create metro apps using HTML, JavaScript, and CSS, or to create metro apps using C# and XAML. Customers demand beautiful, elegant apps that are alive with activity. Demonstrate your expertise at designing and developing the fast and fluid store apps that are the focal point of the user experience on Windows 8 Consumer Preview by earning the Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD): Windows Store Apps certification. There are two paths to achieving this certification – using HTML5 or C#. When you pass exams 70-483, you satisfy the requirements for MCSD: Web Applications certification. In addition, you also receive a Microsoft Specialist certification upon passing 70-483.

MCSD: Windows Store Apps Using HTML5 (Visual Studio 2012) Combo

80 Hours | $5,890

Schedules 10/23/2017 – 11/03/2017

Customers demand beautiful, elegant apps that are alive with activity. Demonstrate your expertise at designing and developing the fast and fluid Store apps that are the focal point of the user experience on Windows 8 Consumer Preview by earning the Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD): Windows Store Apps certification. There are two paths to achieving this certification – using HTML5 or C#.

OD20480B: Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 (Visual Studio 2012) MOD

40 Hours | $1,675

High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required.

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

This course provides an introduction to HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. This course helps students gain basic HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript programming skills. This course is an entry point into both the Web application and Windows Store apps training paths. The course focuses on using HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript to implement programming logic, define and use variables, perform looping and branching, develop user interfaces, capture and validate user input, store data, and create well-structured application. The lab scenarios in this course are selected to support and demonstrate the structure of various application scenarios. They are intended to focus on the principles and coding components/structures that are used to establish an HTML5 software application. This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 20480: Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 (Visual Studio 2012)

Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

OD20483B: Programming in C# (Visual Studio 2012) MOD

40 Hours | $1,675

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017

Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player.


09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

This e-learning course teaches developers the programming skills that are required for developers to create Windows applications using the C# language. During this course, students review the basics of C# program structure, language syntax, and

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implementation details, and then consolidate their knowledge throughout the week as they build an application that incorporates several features of the .NET Framework 4.5. The course introduces many of the techniques and technologies employed by modern desktop and enterprise applications, including: • Building new data types.

give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

• Handling events. • Programming the user interface.

Software Testing Using Microsoft Test Manager 2015

• Accessing a database.

24 Hours | $2,095

• Using remote data. • Performing operations asynchronously. • Integrating with unmanaged code.

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/23/2017

This course is designed for testers who need to gain a solid practical knowledge of testing applications using Microsoft Visual Studio 2015.

• Creating custom attributes. • Encrypting and decrypting data. At the end of the course, students should leave the class with a solid knowledge of C# and how to use it to develop .NET Framework 4.5 applications. This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 20483: Programming in C# (Visual Studio 2012). Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to

The course focuses primarily on the use of Microsoft Test Professional 2015, which is both a standalone product and part of the Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise edition. The course teaches you how to design test plans that include test cases, test suites, and test configurations. Best practices are also discussed, including how you can make your tests as resilient as possible. Attendees will learn how testers and developers can work more closely together to reduce the time it takes to find and fix software defects. Through the efficient use of new data collectors, developers should be able to pinpoint issues quicker than ever before. Testers will also learn how to manage their test plans over multiple iterations and releases of a product, including how to deal with different code branches within the same team project.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ This course includes hands-on labs to reinforce practical skills and ensure you are ready to use the tools upon your return to your workplace.

This course includes hands-on labs to reinforce practical skills and ensure you are ready to use the tools upon your return to the workplace.

Software Testing Using TFS 2017 or VSTS

Test Automation, Web Performance, and Load Testing with Visual Studio 2017

24 Hours | $2,095

16 Hours | $1,595



11/08/2017 – 11/10/2017

09/28/2017 – 09/29/2017

This three-day course is designed for testers who need to gain a solid practical knowledge of testing applications using Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2017 or Visual Studio Team Services. The course focuses primarily on the use of the web-based Test Hub some topics including Microsoft Test Manager 2017, which is both a stand-alone product and part of Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise edition. The course teaches you how to design test plans that include test cases, test suites, and test configurations. Best practices are also discussed, including how you can make your tests as resilient as possible. We will examine the web-based Test & Feedback extension to improve productivity by allowing you to spend more time finding issues, and less time filing them. Attendees will learn how testers and developers can work more closely together to reduce the time it takes to find and fix software defects. Testers will learn how to manage their test plans over multiple iterations and how cloning and copying between test plans can save time and effort. We finish with a brief look at test automation and the role of testing in modern DevOps-focused organizations.

Test Automation, Web Performance, and Load Testing with Visual Studio 2017 course is designed for automation and performance testers who have basic .NET coding skills. The course is divided into two main parts: the first part focuses on creating, executing, and maintaining coded UI tests for a variety of application types, while the second part looks at web performance and load testing using Visual Studio 2017 and includes coverage of executing load tests both on-premises and in the cloud using Azure. The course covers not only how to use the Microsoft tools, but also looks at testing processes and best practices for test automation and web performance testing. This course includes hands-on labs to reinforce practical skills and ensure you are ready to use the tools upon your return to the workplace.

TFS 2015 Configuration & Administration Schedules 08/15/2017 – 08/18/2017 11/13/2017 – 11/16/2017


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32 Hours | $2,795

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This newly expanded course is designed for team members who are responsible for the installation, configuration and administration of Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2015. This course explain not only the technical know-how to successfully run your TFS infrastructure but also best practises based on industry experience.

Key topics covered in this course include product installation, configuring security & permissions, reporting, customization, and installing extensions from the Visual Studio marketplace. The course also covers both build and release management and how to configure environments to support modern DevOps best practices.

This course combines both technical presentations as well as hands-on lab exercises designed to ensure attendees gain a solid, practical understanding of how to administer TFS 2015 in modern work environments.

If you will responsible for looking after your organization TFS server, then this is the course for you.

Key topics covered in this course include product installation, configuring security & permissions, reporting, customisation and build automation. We cover both the new Team Build as well as using legacy XAML build infrastructure.

TFS 2017 Configuration and Administration

32 Hours | $2,795

Schedules 10/10/2017 – 10/13/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/21/2017

This TFS 2017 Configuration and Administration deep dive course is designed for team members who are responsible for the installation, configuration, and administration of Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2017. This course teaches not only the technical know-how to successfully run your TFS infrastructure, but also best practices based on industry experience. This course combines both technical presentations as well as hands-on lab exercises designed to ensure attendees gain a solid, practical understanding of how to administer TFS 2017 in modern work environments.

TFS 2017 Developer Fundamentals

16 Hours | $1,595

Schedules 10/19/2017 – 10/20/2017

Team Foundation Server 2017 and Visual Studio Team Services offer many features to help make developers more productive. This 2-day course has been designed for developers wanting to work efficiently with Team Foundation Server 2017 or Visual Studio Team Services. All examples are shown using Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC). The course starts by getting developers familiar with the product suite before creating a new Team Project to organize their work. We then move onto Work Item Tracking, which is where requirements, tasks, bugs, and more are defined and tracked throughout the project. The central part of the course provides a deep dive into version control topics that are vital to a developer’s day-to-day work. This includes how to branch and merge following best practices before moving into unit testing and code quality features. We will examine the new build system and how to configure continuous integration (CI), and the final topic in the course looks at the new Package Management features introduced in TFS 2017 to

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ allow teams to easily reuse packages across their applications.

TFS 2017 Immersion

40 Hours | $3,495

Schedules 10/30/2017 – 11/03/2017

This five-day immersion course is designed to get your entire team working efficiently with Microsoft’s Application Lifecycle Management solution based around Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2017 or Visual Studio Team Services. The course is divided into different topics on each of the days to help you gain a complete understanding of the features and capabilities of Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2017. This class is designed for individuals or complete development teams who need to learn how to use Visual Studio 2017 and Team Foundation Server 2017 for Agile software development. This course covers team development, managing projects, Agile development, Agile testing, and DevOps. This course can also be taught onsite at your facilities and can be customized to meet the needs of your specific team members. This course includes hands-on labs to reinforce practical skills and ensure you are ready to use the tools on your return to your workplace.

Updating Your TFS Administration Skills for TFS 2017

16 Hours | $1,595

Schedules 09/14/2017 – 09/15/2017 12/14/2017 – 12/15/2017


This course is designed for experienced TFS administrators looking to quickly update their skills to the latest version of Microsoft Team Foundation Server. The course focuses primarily on new features in the TFS 2017 release with some coverage of features released in TFS 2015. This course combines both technical presentations as well as hands-on lab exercises designed to ensure attendees gain a solid, practical understanding of how to administer TFS 2017 in modern work environments.

VSTS Configuration and Administration

8 Hours | $799

Schedules 09/08/2017 – 09/08/2017 11/17/2017 – 11/17/2017

This course is designed for organizations that are adopting Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) and need staff skilled in how to configure and administer their VSTS account. The course covers creating and managing your organization VSTS account as well as how to add users and manage licenses. It looks at security and setting up your source control repositories. You will learn how to work with both hosted build/release infrastructure as well as using on-premises build/release agents. Finally, the course looks at the new process templates and how to customize them to meet your team’s needs. This course combines both technical presentations as well as hands-on lab exercises designed to ensure attendees gain a solid, practical understanding of how to administer VSTS for modern software development teams.

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Microsoft Access

Access 2010: Level 1

Access (2016/2013/2010) Combo

24 Hours | $1,080

8 Hours | $360

Schedules 10/02/2017 – 10/02/2017

Schedules 08/28/2017 – 08/30/2017 10/02/2017 – 10/04/2017 11/06/2017 – 11/08/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/13/2017

This course is suited for those using Microsoft Access (2016/2013/2010). This course will be taught using Microsoft Access. Data is everywhere. Whether you are at the grocery store, office, laboratory, classroom, or ballpark, you are awash in data: prices, schedules, performance measures, lab results, recipes, contact information, quality metrics, market indices, grades, and statistics. Your training and experience using Microsoft Access (2016/2013/2010) has given you basic database management skills, such as creating tables, designing forms and reports, and building queries. In this course, you will expand your knowledge of relational database design, write advanced queries, structure existing data, validate data entered into a database, and customize reports. Extending your knowledge of Microsoft Access will result in a robust, functional database for your users

Access 2010 Combo

24 Hours | $1,080

Schedules 10/02/2017 – 10/04/2017

Access 2010 gives you a powerful set of tools that are sophisticated enough for professional developers, yet easy for new users to learn. Create powerful database solutions that make organizing, accessing, and sharing information easier than ever.

Data is everywhere. Whether you are at the grocery store, office, laboratory, classroom, or ball park, you are awash in data: prices, schedules, performance measures, lab results, recipes, contact information, quality metrics, market indices, grades, and statistics. Most job roles today involve some form of data management. In the case of data workers, it may be their primary job task. For some, like research scientists and accountants, data management may be a strong component of the job. And for others, such as sales clerks or those in the skilled trades, data management may consist of an incidental job responsibility such as time reporting or recording a sale. But virtually everyone is affected in some way by the need to manage data. A relational database application such as Microsoftツ ョ Office Accessツョ 2010 can help you and your organization collect and manage large amounts of data. Access is a versatile tool. You can use it as a personal data management tool (for your use alone), or you can use it as a construction set to develop applications for an entire department or organization. In this course, you will learn how to use Access 2010 to manage your data, including creating a new database, constructing tables, designing forms and reports, and creating queries to join, filter, and sort data. You can also use this course to prepare for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Certification exam for Microsoft Access 2010.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

Access 2010: Level 2

8 Hours | $360


08/14/2017 – 08/16/2017

Your training and experience using Microsoft ツ ョ Access ツ ョ 2010 has given you basic database management skills such as creating tables, designing forms and reports, and building queries. In this course, you will expand your knowledge of relational database design, write advanced queries, structure existing data, share data across applications, and customize reports. Extending your knowledge of Microsoft Access 2010 will result in a robust, functional database for your users. You can also use this course to prepare for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Certification exams for Microsoftツョ Accessツョ 2010.

Data is everywhere. Whether you are at the grocery store, office, laboratory, classroom, or ballpark, you are awash in data: prices, schedules, performance measures, lab results, recipes, contact information, quality metrics, market indices, grades, and statistics. Most job roles today involve some form of data management. In the case of data workers, it may be their primary job task. For some, like research scientists and accountants, data management may be a strong component of the job. And for others, such as sales clerks or those in the skilled trades, data management may consist of an incidental job responsibility such as time reporting or recording a sale. But virtually everyone is affected in some way by the need to manage data.

8 Hours | $360


Access 2013: Level 1

10/04/2017 – 10/04/2017

You’ve covered many of the basic functions of Microsoftツョ Office Accessツョ and now you’re ready to learn advanced Access features such as, database management, advanced form design, packaging a database, encrypting a database, preparing a database for multi-user access and more. Knowledge of these features separate database professionals from the casual database users or occasional designers. Today’s training added to that which you’ve gained from the previous two days round out your Access education and provide you with marketable job skills. You can also use the course to prepare for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Certification exams for Microsoft Access 2010.


24 Hours | $1,080


10/03/2017 – 10/03/2017

Access 2010: Level 3

Access 2013 Combo

8 Hours | $360

Schedules 08/14/2017 – 08/14/2017

A relational database application such as Microsoft Office Access 2013 can help you and your organization collect and manage large amounts of data. Access is a versatile tool. You can use it as a personal data management tool (for your use alone), or you can use it as a construction set to develop applications for an entire department or organization. In this course, you will learn how to use Access 2013 to manage your data, including creating a new database; constructing tables; designing forms and reports; and creating queries to join, filter, and sort data.

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Over 1,000 Courses

You can also use this course to prepare for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Certification exam for Microsoft Access 2013.

your Access education and provide you with marketable job skills. You can also use the course to prepare for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Certification exams for Microsoft Access 2013.

Access 2013: Level 2

8 Hours | $360


Access 2016 Combo

08/15/2017 – 08/15/2017

Your training and experience using Microsoft Access 2013 has given you basic database management skills such as creating tables, designing forms and reports, and building queries. In this course, you will expand your knowledge of relational database design, write advanced queries, structure existing data, share data across applications, and customize reports. Extending your knowledge of Microsoft Access 2013 will result in a robust, functional database for your users. You can also use this course to prepare for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Certification exams for Microsoft Access 2013.

Access 2013: Level 3

8 Hours | $360

Schedules 08/16/2017 – 08/16/2017

You’ve covered many of the basic functions of Microsoft Office Access and now you’re ready to learn advanced Access features such as, database management, advanced form design, packaging a database, encrypting a database, preparing a database for multi-user access and more. Knowledge of these features separate database professionals from the casual database users or occasional designers. Today’s training added to that which you’ve gained from the previous two days round out

24 Hours | $1,080

Schedules 08/28/2017 – 08/30/2017 10/02/2017 – 10/04/2017 11/06/2017 – 11/08/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/13/2017

Data is everywhere. Whether you are at the grocery store, office, laboratory, classroom, or ballpark, you are awash in data: prices, schedules, performance measures, lab results, recipes, contact information, quality metrics, market indices, grades, and statistics. Your training and experience using Microsoft Access 2016 has given you basic database management skills, such as creating tables, designing forms and reports, and building queries. In this course, you will expand your knowledge of relational database design, write advanced queries, structure existing data, validate data entered into a database, and customize reports. Extending your knowledge of Microsoft Access 2016 will result in a robust, functional database for your users.

Access 2016: Level 1

8 Hours | $360

Schedules 08/28/2017 – 08/28/2017 10/02/2017 – 10/02/2017

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ 11/06/2017 – 11/06/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/11/2017

Data is everywhere. Whether you are at the grocery store, office, laboratory, classroom, or ballpark, you are awash in data: prices, schedules, performance measures, lab results, recipes, contact information, quality metrics, market indices, grades, and statistics. Most job roles today involve some form of data management. In the case of data workers, it may be their primary job task. For some, such as research scientists and accountants, data management may be a strong component of the job. And for others, such as sales clerks or those in the skilled trades, data management may consist of an incidental job responsibility, for example, time reporting or recording a sale. Virtually everyone is affected in some way by the need to manage data. A relational database application such as Microsoft Office Access 2016 can help you and your organization collect and manage large amounts of data. Access is a versatile tool. You can use it as a personal data management tool (for your use alone), or you can use it as a construction set to develop applications for an entire department or organization. In this course, you will use Access 2016 to manage your data, including creating a new database; constructing tables; designing forms and reports; and creating queries to join, filter, and sort data.

Access 2016: Level 2 Schedules

Your training and experience using Microsoft Access 2016 has given you basic database management skills, such as creating tables, designing forms and reports, and building queries. In this course, you will expand your knowledge of relational database design, write advanced queries, structure existing data, validate data entered into a database, and customize reports. Extending your knowledge of Microsoft Access 2016 will result in a robust, functional database for your users.

Access 2016: Level 3 Schedules 08/30/2017 – 08/30/2017 10/04/2017 – 10/04/2017 11/08/2017 – 11/08/2017 12/13/2017 – 12/13/2017

You have covered many of the basic functions of Microsoft Office Access 2016, and now you are ready to learn advanced Access features such as database management, advanced form design, packaging a database, encrypting a database, preparing a database for multi-user access, and more. Knowledge of these features separate database professionals from the casual database users or occasional designers. Today training, added to that which you’ve gained from the Microsoft Office Access 2016: Level 1 & 2 courses, rounds out your Access education and provides you with marketable job skills.

8 Hours | $360

Access Level 1 (2016/2013/2010)

8 Hours | $360

08/29/2017 – 08/29/2017 10/03/2017 – 10/03/2017 11/07/2017 – 11/07/2017 12/12/2017 – 12/12/2017


8 Hours | $360

Schedules 08/28/2017 – 08/28/2017 10/02/2017 – 10/02/2017

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Over 1,000 Courses

11/06/2017 – 11/06/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/11/2017

This course is suited for those using Microsoft Access Level 1 (2016/2013/2010). This course will be taught using Microsoft Outlook. Data is everywhere. Whether you are at the grocery store, office, laboratory, classroom, or ballpark, you are awash in data: prices, schedules, performance measures, lab results, recipes, contact information, quality metrics, market indices, grades, and statistics. Most job roles today involve some form of data management. In the case of data workers, it may be their primary job task. For some, such as research scientists and accountants, data management may be a strong component of the job. And for others, such as sales clerks or those in the skilled trades, data management may consist of an incidental job responsibility, for example, time reporting or recording a sale. Virtually everyone is affected in some way by the need to manage data. A relational database application such as Microsoft Office Access (2016/2013/2010) can help you and your organization collect and manage large amounts of data. Access is a versatile tool. You can use it as a personal data management tool (for your use alone), or you can use it as a construction set to develop applications for an entire department or organization. In this course, you will use Access to manage your data, including creating a new database; constructing tables; designing forms and reports; and creating queries to join, filter, and sort data.

Access Level 2 (2016/2013/2010)

8 Hours | $360

This course is suited for those using Microsoft Access Level 2 (2016/2013/2010). This course will be taught using Microsoft Access.Your training and experience using Microsoft Access (2016/2013/2010) has given you basic database management skills, such as creating tables, designing forms and reports, and building queries. In this course, you will expand your knowledge of relational database design, write advanced queries, structure existing data, validate data entered into a database, and customize reports. Extending your knowledge of Microsoft Access (2016/2013/2010) will result in a robust, functional database for your users.

Access Level 3 (2016/2013/2010)

8 Hours | $360

Schedules 08/30/2017 – 08/30/2017 10/04/2017 – 10/04/2017 11/08/2017 – 11/08/2017 12/13/2017 – 12/13/2017

This course is suited for those using Microsoft Access Level 3 (2016/2013/2010). This course will be taught using Microsoft Access. You have covered many of the basic functions of Microsoft Office Access (2016/2013/2010), and now you are ready to learn advanced Access features such as database management, advanced form design, packaging a database, encrypting a database, preparing a database for multi-user access, and more. Knowledge of these features separate database professionals from the casual database users or occasional designers. Today training, added to that which you’ve gained from the Microsoft Office Access (2016/2013/2010): Level 1 & 2 courses, rounds out your Access education and provides you with marketable job skills.

Schedules 08/29/2017 – 08/29/2017 10/03/2017 – 10/03/2017 11/07/2017 – 11/07/2017 12/12/2017 – 12/12/2017

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

Microsoft Azure 10978: Introduction to Azure for Developers

40 Hours | $2,945

Schedules 09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017

This course offers aspirants the opportunity to take an existing ASP.NET MVC application and expand its functionality as part of moving it to Azure. This course focuses on developing in Azure using Storage, Cloud Services, Service Bus, Active Directory, WebSites and SQL among other features. This course also focuses on using the provided .NET SDKs, REST APIs, configuration and deployment options related to Azure.

10979: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals

16 Hours | $1,178


consisting of virtual networks and storage. With this foundation, aspirants will learn how to create the most common Azure services, including Azure virtual machines (VMs), Web Apps, and SQL Databases. The course will conclude by describing features of Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) and methods of integrating it with on-premises Active Directory.

20532: Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions (Microsoft Specialist)

32 Hours | $2,356

Schedules 09/25/2017 – 09/28/2017 11/06/2017 – 11/09/2017

This course is intended for students who have experience building vertically scaled applications. Students should also have experience with the Microsoft Azure platform and a basic understanding of the services offered in Azure. This course offers students the opportunity to take an existing web application and expand its functionality as part of moving it to Azure. The course does not require any existing experience with the ASP.NET platform.

09/07/2017 – 09/08/2017 09/18/2017 – 09/19/2017 10/25/2017 – 10/26/2017 10/30/2017 – 10/31/2017

This course provides the underlying knowledge required by all individuals who will be evaluating Microsoft Azure, regardless of whether they are an administrator, developer, or database administrator. This course also provides the pre-requisite knowledge for students wishing to attend course 20532 Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions, or course 20533 Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions.

This course focuses on the architectural considerations and decisions necessary when building a highly available solution in the cloud. This course also prepares the students for the 70-532: Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions certification exam.

During this course, aspirants will be introduced to the principles of cloud computing and will become familiar how these principles have been implemented in Microsoft Azure. In addition, this course will take aspirants through the process of implementing the core Azure infrastructure,


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Over 1,000 Courses

20533: Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions (Microsoft Specialist)

40 Hours | $2,945

Schedules 08/14/2017 – 08/18/2017 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 10/02/2017 – 10/06/2017 10/30/2017 – 11/03/2017 11/13/2017 – 11/17/2017

This course is intended for IT professionals who are familiar with managing on-premises IT deployments that include AD DS, virtualization technologies, and applications. The students typically work for organizations that are planning to locate some or all of their infrastructure services on Azure. This course also is intended for IT professionals who want to take the Microsoft Certification exam, 70-533, Implementing Azure Infrastructure Solutions.

50592: Advanced SQL Azure

32 Hours | $2,356

Schedules 09/12/2017 – 09/15/2017

This course is an in-depth look at SQL Azure, the database cloud offering in Windows Azure. Learn the basics around server and database provisioning, valid Azure TSQL, and how security is implemented and managed. Advanced topics include partitioning with sharding, database design optimization, backup and synchronization via Synchronization Framework and Azure Data Sync and migrating various database scenarios to SQL Azure.

55187: Linux System Administration

32 Hours | $2,356

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/24/2017 10/09/2017 – 10/12/2017 11/27/2017 – 11/30/2017

40442: MOC Workshop: Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions

24 Hours | $1,767

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/23/2017

This workshop is a chance for developers and IT Pros to come together and learn the architecture skills necessary to design solutions for Microsoft Azure. The classroom experience for this workshop is high-level review of the pre-requisite materials aspirants are expected to have completed in advance. Aspirants will assemble into groups to work on several real-world design case studies to design solutions for the Microsoft Azure platform.

This course is designed to provide aspirants with the necessary skills and abilities to work as a professional Linux system administrator. The course covers how to administer, configure and upgrade Linux systems running one of the three major Linux distribution families: Red Hat, SUSE, Debian/Ubuntu, how to master the tools and concepts you’ll need to efficiently build and manage an enterprise Linux infrastructure. It also covers how to use state-of-the-art system administration techniques in real-life scenarios via practical labs. This course prepares the user for the Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator (LFCS) exam, which is also a required component of the MCSA: Linux on Azure Certification.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

DevOps Using VSTS and Azure

24 Hours | $2,095

Schedules 09/11/2017 – 09/13/2017

This three-day course aims to help you achieve some of the key goals of DevOps, namely: reducing friction, increasing velocity, and increasing value to your customers. The course starts by introducing DevOps and the Visual Studio 2017 product family. We will look at how you can reduce lead time using the Agile planning tools in Visual Studio, while still aligning with Enterprise goals. Next we will look at a number of features in Visual Studio 2017 designed to help you reduce technical debt and thereby help increase team productivity. The course then deep-dives into the build and release management features in VSTS with a focus on deploying to Azure. You will learn how to seamlessly manage Azure environments and set up your release with built-in tasks for Azure to allow you to deploy to websites, containers, virtual machines, and more. Towards the end of the course we’ll look at Application Insights and how you can monitor your application to reduce MTTD and MTTR metrics. This course includes hands-on labs to reinforce practical skills and ensure you are ready to use the tools upon your return to the workplace.

OD10979C: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals MOD

16 Hours | $1,675

Schedules 08/30/2017 – 08/31/2017 09/28/2017 – 09/29/2017


This 10979: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals e-learning course provides the underlying knowledge required by all individuals who will be evaluating Microsoft Azure, regardless of whether they are an administrator, developer, or database administrator. This course also provides the pre-requisite knowledge for students wishing to attend course 20532C Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions, or course 20533C Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions. During this course, students will be introduced to the principles of cloud computing and will become familiar how these principles have been implemented in Microsoft Azure. In addition, this course will take students through the process of implementing the core Azure infrastructure, consisting of virtual networks and storage. With this foundation, students will learn how to create the most common Azure services, including Azure virtual machines (VMs), Web Apps, and SQL Databases. The course will conclude by describing features of Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) and methods of integrating it with on-premises Active Directory. Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required.

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Over 1,000 Courses

Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

OD10992A: Integrating On-Premises Core Infrastructure with Microsoft Azure MOD

16 Hours | $1,675

Schedules 08/30/2017 – 08/31/2017 09/28/2017 – 09/29/2017

video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access.

This course covers a range of components, including Azure Compute, Azure Storage, and network services that customers can benefit from when deploying hybrid solutions. In this context, the term hybrid means integrating infrastructure technologies that customers host in on-premises datacenters with Azure IaaS and PaaS services. This course offers an overview of these services, providing the knowledge necessary to design hybrid solutions properly. It also includes a number of demonstrations and labs that enable students to develop hands-on skills that are necessary when implementing such solutions.

2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 10992: Integrating On-Premises Core Infrastructure with Microsoft Azure.

16 Hours | $1,675

Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes

SATV can also be used to buy the MOD.

OD10993A: Integrating On-Premises Identity Infrastructure with Microsoft Azure MOD Schedules 08/30/2017 – 08/31/2017 09/28/2017 – 09/29/2017

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ This 10993AC: Integrating On-Premises Identity Infrastructure with Microsoft Azure e-learning course teaches IT professionals how to integrate their on-premises AD DS environment with Azure AD and how to use Azure AD as a directory service. It also teaches candidates how to use Azure RMS to protect sensitive documents. Additionally, it focusses on how to enhance authentication with multi-factor authentication and how to monitor directory synchronization health. This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 10993: Integrating On-Premises Identity Infrastructure with Microsoft Azure. Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access.


SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

OD20532C: Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions (Microsoft Specialist) MOD

32 Hours | $1,675

Schedules 08/28/2017 – 08/31/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/28/2017

This course is intended for students who have experience building vertically scaled applications. Students should also have experience with the Microsoft Azure platform and a basic understanding of the services offered in Azure. This course offers students the opportunity to take an existing web application and expand its functionality as part of moving it to Azure. The course does not require any existing experience with the ASP.NET platform. This course focuses on the architectural considerations and decisions necessary when building a highly available solution in the cloud. This course also prepares the students for the 70-532: Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions certification exam. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD.

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Course Catalog

Over 1,000 Courses

2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

OD20533C: Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions (Microsoft Specialist) MOD

40 Hours | $1,675

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

This course is intended for IT professionals who are familiar with managing on-premises IT deployments that include AD DS, virtualization technologies, and applications. The students typically work for organizations that are planning to locate some or all of their infrastructure services on Azure. This course also is intended for IT professionals who want to take the Microsoft Certification exam, 70-533, Implementing Azure Infrastructure Solutions. This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 10969: Active Directory Services with Windows Server. Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft.

Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

OD40390B: Microsoft Azure for AWS Experts MOD

24 Hours | $1,675

Schedules 08/29/2017 – 08/31/2017 09/27/2017 – 09/29/2017

This e-learning course provides an in-depth discussion and practical hands-on training of Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Services (IaaS) including Azure Virtual Machines, Storage, Virtual Networking, and deployment options. In addition to practical, hands-on training, the student will participate in several architecture design sessions to help them prepare for real world scenarios. This training is specifically designed to relate technologies and scenarios used in AWS to those used in Microsoft Azure.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

OD99995A: First Look Clinic: Microsoft Azure MOD

1 Hours | $0

Schedules 08/31/2017 – 08/31/2017 09/29/2017 – 09/29/2017


OD99995: First Look Clinic: Microsoft Azure e-learning course will help you to become familiar with the fundamentals of Microsoft Azure including the web-based portals for deploying resources and managing Azure subscriptions. You’ll learn about Azure Resource Manager and how to use templates to manage resources. This course also introduces PowerShell as a key tool to manage and automate Azure resources. Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

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Course Catalog

Over 1,000 Courses

Microsoft BizTalk Server

BizTalk 2016 Developer Deep Dive

40 Hours | $3,995

BizTalk 2013 Administrator Deep Dive

40 Hours | $3,995

Schedules 11/27/2017 – 12/01/2017

Attendees of this course learn how to create and implement plans for performance tuning, scaling out, and automated monitoring. If you want to understand how to keep your BizTalk Server environments healthy, happy, and issue-free, this is the course for you. In this 5-day course, you will learn how to design and run a variety of tests in a BizTalk Server environment, including: performance testing, load testing, and integration testing. You will learn how to measure your tests and analyze your testing data so you can apply the lessons learned from your tests to configure your hardware, network, SQL Server, and BizTalk Server for ideal performance and sustained health. Furthermore, you will learn about the inner workings of BizTalk Server host instances and the databases that support BizTalk Server. At the end of this course you will be able to apply all the lessons learned to configure BizTalk Server throttling to ensure sustainable throughput. This is an advanced-level course. Attendees are expected to have a working understanding of BizTalk Server administration concepts, including: application deployment, application management, and basic troubleshooting.

Schedules 08/28/2017 – 09/01/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/08/2017

As a BizTalk Server developer, you know that learning BizTalk Server can be difficult. You’ve seen the power of BizTalk Server and know that there’s more waiting for you to tap into. QuickLearn Training can take you from novice to expert in just five days of training! This course is designed specifically for experienced BizTalk Server developers and focuses on best practices & pattern-based design while pulling back the curtain on some of BizTalk Server’s eccentricities. This course gives the deepest coverage of the BizTalk Server development topics that you need to know. We guarantee to challenge the way you think about BizTalk Server application design and development. In this course, you will learn how to apply best practices and design patterns to build smarter BizTalk Server applications. Furthermore, this course provides extensive coverage of BizTalk Server’s extensibility, including such topics as: custom functoids, custom pipeline components, and invoking external .NET methods. This course is intended for previous attendees of our BizTalk Server Developer Immersion course who have at least one year of hands-on experience developing BizTalk Server application solutions and wish to deepen their existing skill and knowledge. In this course, attendees will receive live instruction from one of our expert trainers, in-classroom demonstrations, challenging hands-on labs, and an electronic copy of the presentation materials and lab guide with hands-on activities. This is an advanced-level course. Attendees are expected to have working experience as BizTalk Server application developers. The lectures and labs

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ in this course assume that attendees have been through the typical lifecycle of a BizTalk Server application at least once.

BizTalk 2016 Developer Immersion

40 Hours | $3,495

This course includes three of QuickLearn Training’s After Hours modules. These prerecorded videos offer students optional content that would not otherwise fit into the 2016 version of the course. Our After Hours videos feature the same top-quality training provided in the live portion of the course. Students have access to these modules for three months following their course attendance.

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017 10/16/2017 – 10/20/2017

BizTalk Server 2013 Administrator Immersion

11/13/2017 – 11/17/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017

40 Hours | $3,495

Integration takes many forms, from simply moving files between an FTP site and a local file share, to complex trading partner connections using Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), and everything in between. BizTalk Server is Microsoft’s flagship integration technology and is used by companies all over the world to solve integration problems big and small. This course is designed to educate .NET developers on how to create enterprise-class integration solutions using Microsoft BizTalk Server. This intensive, yet entertaining and engaging, guided tour of BizTalk Server teaches developers the core skills needed to build integration applications. Join QuickLearn Training’s expert trainers and learn what it truly means to be a BizTalk Server developer. Whether you choose to receive the instruction face-to-face with one of our trainers, or attend the course remotely, rest assured that you will receive the very best training available to launch you into your BizTalk developer experience. In this course, attendees will receive live instruction from one of our expert trainers, in-classroom demonstrations, challenging hands-on labs, and an electronic copy of the presentation materials and lab guide with hands-on activities.


Schedules 08/07/2017 – 08/11/2017 10/02/2017 – 10/06/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017

There’s much more to BizTalk Server administration than checking that the computer is powered on. Learning to install, configure, deploy, and manage a BizTalk Server environment can be difficult and time consuming. Become a more effective and confident BizTalk Server Administrator in just 5 days! This course teaches everything a new BizTalk Server Administrator needs to know to “hit the ground running“: installation and configuration, disaster recovery, tracking, troubleshooting, deployment, scripting, a variety of community tools, and, of course, best practices. If it concerns a BizTalk Server administrator, we cover it. All students work with their own multi-server BizTalk Server group. If you’re a Systems Administrator who deploys and manages BizTalk Server environments, or a Systems Engineer who designs and manages enterprise infrastructure, or even a BizTalk Developer who wants to see (and support) how the other half lives, this course will equip you with the skills and knowledge you need.

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Attendees are expected to have hands-on experience managing a Windows-based network environment, but no prior BizTalk Server experience is required. In this course, attendees will receive live instruction from one of our expert trainers, classroom demonstrations, challenging hands-on labs, and an electronic copy of the presentation materials and lab guide with hands-on activities.

Microsoft Cloud 20246: Monitoring and Operating a Private Cloud (System Center 2012)

40 Hours | $2,945

Schedules 10/23/2017 – 10/27/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017

This course describes how to monitor and operate a cloud with Microsoft System Center 2012 R2. This course focuses on how to manage and administer a cloud environment, and it describes how you can monitor key infrastructure elements and applications that run within a cloud. It does not discuss planning and implementation, which is covered in 20247: Configuring and Deploying a Cloud with System Center 2012 R2.

20247: Configuring and Deploying a Private Cloud (System Center 2012)

40 Hours | $2,945

Schedules 08/28/2017 – 09/01/2017 10/30/2017 – 11/03/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017

This course equips students with the skills they require to configure and deploy a cloud using Microsoft System Center 2012 R2. Using hands-on labs, students learn the following: • Produce a high-level design that accounts for requirements for cloud environments. • Configure and deploy the cloud fabric. • Configure a PXE server, an update server, and a software update baseline.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ • Configure Microsoft Server Application Virtualization (App-V) so that it can be used to sequence and deploy an application virtually. • Build the core components delivering services on the fabric.



• Allocate resources to a cloud and grant access to a cloud. • Understand how to Operations Manager.




• Understand the tools necessary to extend and customize Operations

Microsoft Azure platform and a basic understanding of the services offered in Azure. This course offers students the opportunity to take an existing web application and expand its functionality as part of moving it to Azure. The course does not require any existing experience with the ASP.NET platform. This course focuses on the architectural considerations and decisions necessary when building a highly available solution in the cloud. This course also prepares the students for the 70-532: Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions certification exam.

• Manager for cloud environments. • Set up, configure, and integrate the core components of Service Manager into a cloud fabric. • Configure a service catalog, and then publish it to the Self-Service Portal. • Gain the knowledge necessary to deploy and configure Data Protection Manager in a cloud. • Deploy and configure Orchestrator in a cloud, and then integrate it with other System Center components.

20532: Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions (Microsoft Specialist)

32 Hours | $2,356

Schedules 09/25/2017 – 09/28/2017 11/06/2017 – 11/09/2017

20533: Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions (Microsoft Specialist)

40 Hours | $2,945

Schedules 08/14/2017 – 08/18/2017 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 10/02/2017 – 10/06/2017 10/30/2017 – 11/03/2017 11/13/2017 – 11/17/2017

This course is intended for IT professionals who are familiar with managing on-premises IT deployments that include AD DS, virtualization technologies, and applications. The students typically work for organizations that are planning to locate some or all of their infrastructure services on Azure. This course also is intended for IT professionals who want to take the Microsoft Certification exam, 70-533, Implementing Azure Infrastructure Solutions.

This course is intended for students who have experience building vertically scaled applications. Students should also have experience with the


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DevOps Using VSTS and Azure

24 Hours | $2,095

Specialist), 20533: Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions (Microsoft Specialist),

Schedules 09/11/2017 – 09/13/2017

This three-day course aims to help you achieve some of the key goals of DevOps, namely: reducing friction, increasing velocity, and increasing value to your customers. The course starts by introducing DevOps and the Visual Studio 2017 product family. We will look at how you can reduce lead time using the Agile planning tools in Visual Studio, while still aligning with Enterprise goals. Next we will look at a number of features in Visual Studio 2017 designed to help you reduce technical debt and thereby help increase team productivity. The course then deep-dives into the build and release management features in VSTS with a focus on deploying to Azure. You will learn how to seamlessly manage Azure environments and set up your release with built-in tasks for Azure to allow you to deploy to websites, containers, virtual machines, and more. Towards the end of the course we will look at Application Insights and how you can monitor your application to reduce MTTD and MTTR metrics. This course includes hands-on labs to reinforce practical skills and ensure you are ready to use the tools upon your return to the workplace.

MCSA: Cloud Platform Combo

72 Hours | $5,301


MCSE: Private Cloud 2012 Combo

80 Hours | $5,890

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 09/01/2017 10/23/2017 – 11/03/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/22/2017

Companies are looking for IT professionals who can help them build private cloud solutions to optimize IT service delivery. With Windows Server 2008 and System Center 2012, you can build your Microsoft private cloud solution and gain the automation and flexibility you need for your IT infrastructure, now and in the future. Do you have experience with these technologies? Are you ready to begin the journey to cloud computing with a Microsoft private cloud implementation? Become Private Cloud certified and prove your knowledge and skills in managing and implementing Microsoft private cloud computing technologies. * The Private Cloud certification requires candidates to show continued ability to perform in this technology area by completing a recertification exam every three years. To earn your MCSE Private Cloud certification start with either a MCSA: Windows Server 2008 or MCSA: Windows Server 2012 certification, then pass Exams 70-246 and 70-247. If you choose to earn the MCSE: Private Cloud certification with the MCSA: Windows Server 2012 certification, it will not be reflected on your transcript until November, 2012. If taking this class remotely / via Live Online, students must have dual SVGA monitors 17” or larger, supporting 1440x900 minimum resolution.

09/25/2017 – 10/06/2017 11/06/2017 – 11/17/2017

This package is a combo of two courses: 20532: Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions (Microsoft Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

OD99994A: Cloud Computing Fundamentals MOD

SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 4 Hours | $0

Schedules 08/31/2017 – 08/31/2017 09/29/2017 – 09/29/2017

2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

This course is a first step towards learning about the fundamental principles and concepts of cloud computing. This Cloud Computing Fundamentals MOD course provides a primer to help you understand the business benefits of cloud computing solutions, become familiar with “cloud terminology,” and explore the basic concepts behind the cloud. Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access.


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Microsoft Dynamics 365 80219+80220+80302: Financials I, II and Fixed Assets in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Accelerated

50 Hours | $2,699

Schedules 10/02/2017 – 10/06/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017

NetCom’s Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Financials and Fixed Assets course explores some of the basic financial functionality available in Microsoft Dynamics AX. Students will be introduced to set up processes in General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and the Bank module, as well as how to enter transactions in each. The second part of this course explores topics such as the setup and usage of budgeting, cash flow management, multicurrency, intercompany, and consolidated accounting. Additionally, students learn about the multiple advanced payment options, how to produce customer account statements, collection letters, complete year-end close functionality, and produce financial statements. The third part, Fixed Assets in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 examines and teaches students how to use the Fixed asset functionality in the application. The course focuses on the various setup requirements for Fixed Assets, transactions, and reports and inquiries. The following courses are covered: • 80219: Financials I in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 • 80220: Financials II in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 • 80302: Fixed Assets in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

80303+80304: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Development I and II Accelerated

30 Hours | $2,759

Schedules 09/25/2017 – 09/27/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/06/2017

NetCom’s Microsoft Dynamics Development I and II AX 2012 course provides students with an overview of the basic technical features of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, and the tools available in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 development environment. This course does not contain coding.

80305+80306+80339: Supply Chain Management, Distribution & Trade and Bill of Materials in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Accelerated

50 Hours | $2,699

Schedules 10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017

The first part of this course provides students with the necessary tools and resources to perform basic tasks in the trade and inventory flow in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. The second part introduces advanced Trade & Logistics functionality. This part builds on information provided in the Supply Chain Foundation in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 course. Furthermore, the course introduces the features of Bill of Materials functionality in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. The following courses are covered: • 80305A: Supply Chain Foundation in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 • 80339A: Bill of Materials in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 • 80306A: Distribution and Trade in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

80312: Development III in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Accelerated

20 Hours | $1,849

Schedules 09/28/2017 – 09/29/2017 12/07/2017 – 12/08/2017

This two-day instructor-led course puts the techniques learnt in Development I in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 and Development II in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 courses into practice directly in the application. It also introduces more advanced features of X++ and MorphX, and encourages the use of the Testing Framework to build for more reliable coding.

NetCom Learning is designed to provide understanding of the Development Environment of MS Dynamics NAV 2016. This course is intended for learners who want to explore the potential of the Development Environment for their organization. The Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 Developer training covers MS Dynamics NAV 2016 capabilities and features of the Development Environment. Participants will learn to recognize and work with a variety of functions and will gain a thorough knowledge of C/AL. Upon completion of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV training course, the candidates will be well equipped in basic programming knowledge and skills for MS Dynamics NAV 2016. The training is provided via a hands-on approach and includes comprehensive learning materials and assessments.

80313: Development IV in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Accelerated

20 Hours | $1,849

80729: Customization and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016

Schedules 09/30/2017 – 10/01/2017 12/09/2017 – 12/10/2017

24 Hours | $1,750

This two-day accelerated instructor-led course dives deeper into the programming architecture of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. It provides students with a case study/hands-on approach to customizing the system. This course contains coding.

80725: Development Environment Introduction In Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016

40 Hours | $2,945

Schedules 10/23/2017 – 10/25/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/20/2017

This Learning course provides students with the tools to customize and configure a Dynamic CRM implementation. The focus is on the using and understanding how the platform tools that are provided can be leveraged to create custom objects, modify the user interface, automate tasks, and other specific customizations. This course helps prepare you for exam MB2-712.

Schedules 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017

The 80725: Development Environment Introduction in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 training from


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80736: Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 Online Deployment

16 Hours | $1,180


Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 – Financials and Trade and Logistics – Accelerated Combo

100 Hours | $5,398


09/18/2017 – 09/19/2017

10/02/2017 – 10/13/2017

Explain how to plan deployment and import data, and then move on to account and subscription configuration, storage management, and customization.

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 – Development (I, II, III & IV) – Accelerated Combo

70 Hours | $6,457

Schedules 09/25/2017 – 10/01/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/10/2017

This 7-day class helps provide students with an overview of the basic technical features of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, and the tools available in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 development environment. Furthermore, the class builds on putting the techniques learned in Development I in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 and Development II in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 courses into practice directly in the application. It also introduces more advanced features of X++ and MorphX, and encourages the use of the Testing Framework to build for more reliable coding. This course also dives deeper into the programming architecture of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

12/11/2017 – 12/22/2017

NetCom’s Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Financials and Trade & Logistics course explores some of the basic financial functionality available in Microsoft Dynamics AX. Students will be introduced to set up processes in General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and the Bank module, as well as how to enter transactions in each. The course goes on to explore topics such as the setup and usage of budgeting, cash flow management, multicurrency, intercompany, and consolidated accounting. Additionally, students learn about the multiple advanced payment options, how to produce customer account statements, collection letters, complete year-end close functionality, and produce financial statements. Fixed Assets in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 examines and teaches students how to use the Fixed asset functionality in the application. The course focuses on the various setup requirements for Fixed Assets, transactions, and reports and inquiries. The course also provides students with the necessary tools and resources to perform basic tasks in the trade and inventory flow in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, and introduces advanced Trade & Logistics functionality. This part builds on information provided in the Supply Chain Foundation in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 course. Furthermore, the course introduces the features of Bill of Materials functionality in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

Microsoft Dynamics AX 80219+80220+80302: Financials I, II and Fixed Assets in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Accelerated

50 Hours | $2,699

80303+80304: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Development I and II Accelerated

30 Hours | $2,759

Schedules 09/25/2017 – 09/27/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/06/2017

Schedules 10/02/2017 – 10/06/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017

NetCom’s Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Financials and Fixed Assets course explores some of the basic financial functionality available in Microsoft Dynamics AX. Students will be introduced to set up processes in General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and the Bank module, as well as how to enter transactions in each. The second part of this course explores topics such as the setup and usage of budgeting, cash flow management, multicurrency, intercompany, and consolidated accounting. Additionally, students learn about the multiple advanced payment options, how to produce customer account statements, collection letters, complete year-end close functionality, and produce financial statements. The third part, Fixed Assets in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 examines and teaches students how to use the Fixed asset functionality in the application. The course focuses on the various setup requirements for Fixed Assets, transactions, and reports and inquiries. The following courses are covered: • 80219: Financials I in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 • 80220: Financials II in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 • 80302: Fixed Assets in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

NetCom’s Microsoft Dynamics Development I and II AX 2012 course provides students with an overview of the basic technical features of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, and the tools available in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 development environment. This course does not contain coding.

80305+80306+80339: Supply Chain Management, Distribution & Trade and Bill of Materials in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Accelerated

50 Hours | $2,699

Schedules 10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017

The first part of this course provides students with the necessary tools and resources to perform basic tasks in the trade and inventory flow in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. The second part introduces advanced Trade & Logistics functionality. This part builds on information provided in the Supply Chain Foundation in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 course. Furthermore, the course introduces the features of Bill of Materials functionality in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. The following courses are covered: • 80305A: Supply Chain Foundation in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 • 80339A: Bill of Materials in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 • 80306A: Distribution and Trade in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012


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Over 1,000 Courses

80312: Development III in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Accelerated

20 Hours | $1,849

Schedules 09/28/2017 – 09/29/2017 12/07/2017 – 12/08/2017

This two-day instructor-led course puts the techniques learnt in Development I in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 and Development II in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 courses into practice directly in the application. It also introduces more advanced features of X++ and MorphX, and encourages the use of the Testing Framework to build for more reliable coding.

80313: Development IV in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Accelerated

20 Hours | $1,849


This 7-day class helps provide students with an overview of the basic technical features of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, and the tools available in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 development environment. Furthermore, the class builds on putting the techniques learned in Development I in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 and Development II in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 courses into practice directly in the application. It also introduces more advanced features of X++ and MorphX, and encourages the use of the Testing Framework to build for more reliable coding. This course also dives deeper into the programming architecture of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 – Financials and Trade and Logistics – Accelerated Combo

100 Hours | $5,398

Schedules 10/02/2017 – 10/13/2017

09/30/2017 – 10/01/2017

12/11/2017 – 12/22/2017

12/09/2017 – 12/10/2017

This two-day accelerated instructor-led course dives deeper into the programming architecture of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. It provides students with a case study/hands-on approach to customizing the system. This course contains coding.

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 – Development (I, II, III & IV) – Accelerated Combo

70 Hours | $6,457

Schedules 09/25/2017 – 10/01/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/10/2017

NetCom’s Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Financials and Trade & Logistics course explores some of the basic financial functionality available in Microsoft Dynamics AX. Students will be introduced to set up processes in General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and the Bank module, as well as how to enter transactions in each. The course goes on to explore topics such as the setup and usage of budgeting, cash flow management, multicurrency, intercompany, and consolidated accounting. Additionally, students learn about the multiple advanced payment options, how to produce customer account statements, collection letters, complete year-end close functionality, and produce financial statements. Fixed Assets in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 examines and teaches students how to use the Fixed asset functionality in the application. The course

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ focuses on the various setup requirements for Fixed Assets, transactions, and reports and inquiries. The course also provides students with the necessary tools and resources to perform basic tasks in the trade and inventory flow in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, and introduces advanced Trade & Logistics functionality. This part builds on information provided in the Supply Chain Foundation in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 course. Furthermore, the course introduces the features of Bill of Materials functionality in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 80539: Installation and Deployment in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013

16 Hours | $1,295

Schedules 10/21/2017 – 10/22/2017

This two-day training course provides individuals with the skills to install and deploy Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013. The training material focuses on the components used within a Microsoft Dynamics CRM deployment, the hardware and software requirements needed to successfully deploy Microsoft Dynamics CRM, and the installation instructions for the primary Microsoft Dynamics CRM components: the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server, the E-Mail Router, and Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Office Outlook. The course also covers upgrading from earlier versions, configuring an Internet-facing Deployment and administration tasks.

80542: Customization and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013

24 Hours | $1,795

Schedules 08/16/2017 – 08/18/2017

This course describes the techniques required to customize Microsoft Dynamics CRM to meet the specialized needs of businesses. The topics covered include security; creation and configuration of entities; design of forms views and charts; auditing and solutions. The course describes each topic and how each topic relates to the other topics to produce a full configured, effective solution.


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80545: Customer Service in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013

8 Hours | $695

your sales force can focus on what is important – creating a differentiated experience for your customers.

Schedules 10/16/2017 – 10/16/2017

This course focuses on how an organization can nurture customer satisfaction through automation of business processes within Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013. This course provides an insight into all of the powerful Customer Service and Service Scheduling functionality capabilities within Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013. Additionally, this course guides you through the process of working with your customers in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013, including: resolution of customer complaints and services issues cost effectively, and provides insight on managing all related correspondence, documents, contacts and conversations. This course demonstrates the rich and relevant view of your customer that provides your team with actionable insights, including the use of knowledge management in a centralized knowledge base.

80546: Sales Management in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013

8 Hours | $695

80729: Customization and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016

24 Hours | $1,750

Schedules 10/23/2017 – 10/25/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/20/2017

This Learning course provides students with the tools to customize and configure a Dynamic CRM implementation. The focus is on the using and understanding how the platform tools that are provided can be leveraged to create custom objects, modify the user interface, automate tasks, and other specific customizations. This course helps prepare you for exam MB2-712.

80736: Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 Online Deployment

16 Hours | $1,180

Schedules 09/18/2017 – 09/19/2017

Schedules 10/17/2017 – 10/17/2017

This course introduces the capabilities of Sales Management in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 that allow you to track and manage the sales process from potential to close. This course provides insight on sales process information, and introduces the tools available to analyze and report on sales information.

Explain how to plan deployment and import data, and then move on to account and subscription configuration, storage management, and customization.

This course guides you through the tools that help make the internal processes simpler and easier so Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013: Applications Combo

16 Hours | $1,390

Schedules 10/16/2017 – 10/17/2017

Microsoft Dynamics GP 80540: Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Accelerated

20 Hours | $1,795

This 2-day package consists of the following Dynamics CRM 2013 courses, that maps to the following Dynamics CRM 2013 certification:


• Microsoft Dynamics Certified Technology Specialist: Dynamics CRM 2013 Applications

Microsoft Dynamics GP (Great Plains) is a high-end Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution, which helps small and mid-sized businesses to manage their financials, operations, and inventory in a streamlined manner.

The first course, 80545, focuses on how an organization can nurture customer satisfaction through automation of business processes within Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013. This course provides an insight into all of the powerful Customer Service and Service Scheduling functionality capabilities within Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013. Course 80546 introduces the capabilities of Sales Management in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 that allow you to track and manage the sales process from potential to close. This course provides insight on sales process information, and introduces the tools available to analyze and report on sales information.


09/23/2017 – 09/24/2017 12/02/2017 – 12/03/2017

The 80540: Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Accelerated training at NetCom Learning is intended for users who want a complete understanding of installing Microsoft Dynamics GP in their organization. This interactive Microsoft Great Plains course training affords users the opportunity to explore the technologies and techniques they will need to successfully deploy Microsoft Dynamics GP. The Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Accelerated training is conducted by industry experts utilizing the Microsoft official curriculum. The course includes hands-on lab exercises, along with assessments to help the learners enhance their overall knowledge and skill in Microsoft Dynamics GP.

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Over 1,000 Courses

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 80725: Development Environment Introduction In Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016

40 Hours | $2,945

Microsoft Excel Excel (2016/2013/2010) Combo

24 Hours | $1,080

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/23/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/27/2017 10/30/2017 – 11/01/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/06/2017

Schedules 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017

The 80725: Development Environment Introduction in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 training from NetCom Learning is designed to provide understanding of the Development Environment of MS Dynamics NAV 2016. This course is intended for learners who want to explore the potential of the Development Environment for their organization. The Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 Developer training covers MS Dynamics NAV 2016 capabilities and features of the Development Environment. Participants will learn to recognize and work with a variety of functions and will gain a thorough knowledge of C/AL. Upon completion of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV training course, the candidates will be well equipped in basic programming knowledge and skills for MS Dynamics NAV 2016. The training is provided via a hands-on approach and includes comprehensive learning materials and assessments.

This course is suited for those using Microsoft Excel (2016/2013/2010). This course will be taught using Microsoft Excel. Organizations the world over rely on information to make sound decisions regarding all manner of affairs. But with the amount of available data growing on a daily basis, the ability to make sense of all of that data is becoming more and more challenging. Fortunately, this is where the power of Microsoft Excel (2016/2013/2010) can help. Excel can help you organize, calculate, analyze, revise, update, and present your data in ways that will help the decision makers in your organization steer you in the right direction. It will also make these tasks much easier for you to accomplish, and in much less time, than if you used traditional pen-and-paper methods or non-specialized software. This course aims to provide you with a foundation for Excel knowledge and skills, which you can build upon to eventually become an expert in data manipulation.

Excel 2010 Combo

24 Hours | $1,080

Schedules 09/11/2017 – 09/13/2017

Microsoft Office Excel 2010 contains powerful tools to help you analyze, manage, and share critical business data. You can also work with industry-standard eXtensible Markup Language (XML) data to make it easier to connect to business processes.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

Excel 2010: Level 1

8 Hours | $360


8 Hours | $360


09/11/2017 – 09/11/2017

09/12/2017 – 09/12/2017

The breadth of business, educational, and organizational information in existence today is absolutely staggering. Organizations the world over rely on this information to make sound decisions regarding all manner of affairs. But, with the amount of available data growing on a daily basis, the ability to make sense of all of that data is becoming more and more challenging. Fortunately, the days of performing calculations and analyzing data on paper are pretty much gone. Imagine having to calculate what percentage of your organization’s sales occurred in one small town in Brazil. If your organization operates in multiple countries and generates billions of dollars in revenue annually, it could take a lifetime to isolate the exact figures you need and then compare those to the rest of your revenues. But, who has that kind of time? This is exactly where the power of Excel can help. By applying the robust functionality that’s built into Excel to your organization’s raw data, you will be able to gain of level of insight into that data that would have been nearly impossible just a couple of decades ago. Excel can help you organize, calculate, analyze, revise, update, and present your data in ways that will help the decision makers in your organization steer you in the right direction. Of course, knowing exactly how to ask Excel the questions that you need answered, which questions you can even ask, and how to interpret the answers Excel gives is necessary before you can even begin to embark on the journey ahead. This course aims to provide you with the foundational Excel knowledge and skills necessary to begin that journey. This course covers Microsoft Office Specialist exam objectives to help students prepare for the Excel 2010 Exam and the Excel 2010 Expert Exam.


Excel 2010: Level 2

Whether you need to crunch numbers for sales, inventory, information technology, human resources, or other organizational purposes and departments, the ability to get the right information to the right people at the right time can create a powerful competitive advantage. After all, the world runs on data more than ever before and that’s a trend not likely to change, or even slow down, any time soon. But with so much data available and being created on a nearly constant basis, the ability to make sense of that data becomes more critical and challenging with every passing day. You already know how to get Excel to perform simple calculations and how to modify your workbooks and worksheets to make them easier to read, interpret, and present to others. But Excel is capable of doing so much more. In order to gain a truly competitive edge, you need to be able to extract actionable organizational intelligence from your raw data. In other words, when you have questions about your data, you need to know how to get Excel to provide the answers for you. And that’s exactly what this course aims to help you do. This course builds upon the foundational knowledge presented in the Microsoftツョ Office Excelツョ 2010: Part 1 (Second Edition) course and will help start you down the road to creating advanced workbooks and worksheets that can help deepen your organizational intelligence. The ability to analyze massive amounts of data, extract actionable intelligence from it, and present that information to decision makers is the cornerstone of driving a successful organization that is able to compete at a high level. This course covers Microsoft Office Specialist exam objectives to help students prepare for the Excel 2010 Exam and the Excel 2010 Expert Exam.

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Excel 2010: Level 3

Over 1,000 Courses

8 Hours | $360


Excel 2013 Combo

24 Hours | $1,080


09/13/2017 – 09/13/2017

08/07/2017 – 08/09/2017

Microsoft Excel 2010: Part 3 course builds off of the foundational and intermediate knowledge presented in the Microsoftツョ Office Excelツョ 2010: Part 1 (Second Edition) and Part 2 (Second Edition) courses to help you get the most of your Excel experience. The ability to collaborate with colleagues, automate complex or repetitive tasks, and use conditional logic to construct and apply elaborate formulas and functions will put the full power of Excel right at your fingertips. The more you learn about how to get Excel to do the hard work for you, the more you’ll be able to focus on getting the answers you need from the vast amounts of data your organization generates. Clearly, you use Excel a lot in your role. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be taking this course. By now, you’re already familiar with Excel 2010, its functions and formulas, a lot of its features and functionality, and its powerful data analysis tools. You are likely called upon to analyze and report on data frequently, work in collaboration with others to deliver actionable organizational intelligence, and keep and maintain workbooks for all manner of purposes. At this level of use and collaboration, you have also likely encountered your fair share of issues and challenges. You’re too busy, though, to waste time scouring over workbooks to resolve issues or to perform repetitive, monotonous tasks. You need to know how to get Excel to do more for you so you can focus on what’s really important: staying ahead of the competition. That’s exactly what this course aims to help you do. This course covers Microsoft Office Specialist exam objectives to help students prepare for the Excel 2010 Exam and the Excel 2010 Expert Exam.

09/11/2017 – 09/13/2017 10/16/2017 – 10/18/2017 11/20/2017 – 11/22/2017

Get trained in Microsoft Office Excel 2013 and gain the skills needed to express your ideas, solve problems, and connect with people. This course will go over foundational topics and build upon those to learn more intermediate and advanced skills needed to become a true professional in Excel 2013. This Excel 2013 Combo prepares you for MOS: Microsoft Office Excel 2013 Expert Certification by taking 77-427 and 77-428 exams.

Excel 2013: Level 1

8 Hours | $360

Schedules 08/07/2017 – 08/07/2017 09/11/2017 – 09/11/2017 10/16/2017 – 10/16/2017 11/20/2017 – 11/20/2017

Excel is an advanced and heavily utilized tool for analyzing and managing large amounts of data, as well as performing calculations. This Excel 2013 Introduction course at NetCom Learning explores the features and functionalities of Excel 2013. The Microsoft Excel 2013 online training and ILT classes explain how to open workbooks and navigate between worksheets while extracting and managing the required information sets. Learn the basics of Excel 2013 Level 1 and build your foundational knowledge and skills in Excel 2013. The Excel 2013 Level 1 course includes spreadsheet terminology and fundamental concepts, such as

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ identifying Excel window components, downloading templates, and navigating worksheets. Learners also explore using simple functions and applying formatting techniques to worksheet data. Receive comprehensive preparation for your certification exam with this interactive Excel 2013 certification course.

Excel 2013: Level 2

8 Hours | $360

Schedules 08/08/2017 – 08/08/2017 09/12/2017 – 09/12/2017 10/17/2017 – 10/17/2017 11/21/2017 – 11/21/2017

After learning the fundamentals of Excel 2013 in the Level 1 course, the Excel 2013 Level 2 course prepares candidates to work with large worksheets, and manage multiple workbooks effectively. This program builds on the foundational knowledge developed through the Excel 2013 introduction course. Learn the basics of Excel 2013 Level 2 at NetCom Learning and develop the proficiency to create advanced worksheets to analyze vast amounts of data and extract viable information. Microsoft Excel 2013 online training and ILT classes cover a wide range of spreadsheet topics, including tables, pictures, templates, outlines, and more. Aspirants are introduced to advanced formatting techniques, such as styles and themes, mimicking watermarks, special number formats, adding backgrounds, and more. Learners will be able to sort and filter data, protect worksheets, and merge workbooks. The Excel 2013 certification course provide comprehensive skill development to prepare for the certification exam.


Excel 2013: Level 3

8 Hours | $360

Schedules 08/09/2017 – 08/09/2017 09/13/2017 – 09/13/2017 10/18/2017 – 10/18/2017 11/22/2017 – 11/22/2017

The Excel 2013 Level 3 course builds on the foundational and intermediate-level knowledge gained in the Excel 2013 Introduction courses Level 1 and Level 2. This course teaches participants how to do more with Excel 2013 by using advanced functionalities and features. Learn Excel 2013 Level 3 at NetCom Learning and enhance your ability to collaborate with colleagues on workbooks, use conditional logic, and automate repetitive and complex tasks. Develop the proficiency to manage hard jobs seamlessly in Excel 2013. The Microsoft Excel 2013 online training and ILT classes cover advanced functions, including INDEX, VLOOKUP, and MATCH. The Excel 2013 certification courses enhance knowledge of data validation, advanced data filtering, importing and exporting data, querying external databases, and analytical features of Excel 2013.

Excel 2016 Combo

24 Hours | $1,080

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/23/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/27/2017 10/30/2017 – 11/01/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/06/2017

Organizations the world over rely on information to make sound decisions regarding all manner of affairs. But with the amount of available data growing on a daily basis, the ability to make sense of

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all of that data is becoming more and more challenging. Fortunately, this is where the power of Microsoft Office Excel 2016 can help. Excel can help you organize, calculate, analyze, revise, update, and present your data in ways that will help the decision makers in your organization steer you in the right direction. It will also make these tasks much easier for you to accomplish, and in much less time, than if you used traditional pen-and-paper methods or non-specialized software. This course aims to provide you with a foundation for Excel knowledge and skills, which you can build upon to eventually become an expert in data manipulation.

Office Excel 2016 training familiarizes students with the different features for creating spreadsheets, providing the fundamentals upon which they can build their knowledge and skills to become experts in data manipulation.

Excel 2016: Level 2

8 Hours | $360

Schedules 08/22/2017 – 08/22/2017 09/26/2017 – 09/26/2017 10/31/2017 – 10/31/2017 12/05/2017 – 12/05/2017

Excel 2016: Level 1

8 Hours | $360

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/21/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/25/2017 10/30/2017 – 10/30/2017

The Level 1 course explained how to create and manage simple workbooks and worksheets and to perform simple calculations and apply basic formulas The Microsoft Office Excel 2016: Level 2 course introduces learners to the more advanced features of Excel 2016.

12/04/2017 – 12/04/2017

Microsoft Excel is the most widely used spreadsheet program available, embraced by home, school, and business users alike to manage data. This Microsoft Office Excel 2016: Level 1 course is a beginner program that introduces learners to the basic concepts and fundamentals of this powerful Office application. Conducted by certified instructors at NetCom Learning, the Microsoft Office Excel training classes explain elementary details like how to open, save, and close files, how to format a spreadsheet, how to build basic charts, and how to enter formulae into a cell. Through comprehensive Excel 2016 online training and Instructor-Led Training (ILT), participants will learn to use the most important features of Excel with full proficiency.

NetCom Learning provides in-depth coverage of the more advanced Excel 2016 features with comprehensive Microsoft Office Excel 2016 training. The Excel 2016 online training and Instructor-Led Training (ILT) focuses on developing the skills to extract actionable intelligence from massive amounts of raw data. Learn Office Excel 2016 to deepen your understanding of organizational intelligence by creating advanced worksheets and workbooks. The Microsoft Office Excel training classes are conducted via a hands-on approach to build learner’s proficiency in advanced aspects of Excel 2016.

Learn Office Excel 2016 to analyze, organize, calculate, revise, update, and present your data in the desired format easily and clearly. The Microsoft Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

Excel 2016: Level 3

8 Hours | $360

Schedules 08/23/2017 – 08/23/2017 09/27/2017 – 09/27/2017 11/01/2017 – 11/01/2017 12/06/2017 – 12/06/2017

The Excel 2016 Level 1 and Level 2 courses cover diverse features of Excel 2016, its formulas and functions, analysis and reporting of data, and tools for creating advanced workbooks and worksheets. The Microsoft Office Excel 2016: Level 3 course lets learners build upon their foundational and intermediate knowledge of working with spreadsheets. Microsoft Office Excel 2016 training for Level 3 introduces participants to high-end features, like collaborating with others, and automating complex or repetitive tasks. The Microsoft Office Excel training classes also focus on developing the skill to use conditional logic to construct and apply elaborate functions and formulas. Learn Office Excel 2016 to become more productive and efficient in working with large amounts of data. The Excel 2016 online training and Instructor-Led Training (ILT) program prepares the individual to become competent in handling complex spreadsheets easily.

using Microsoft Excel. Microsoft Excel is the most widely used spreadsheet program available, embraced by home, school, and business users alike to manage data. This Microsoft Office Excel Level 1 (2016/2013/2010) course is a beginner program that introduces learners to the basic concepts and fundamentals of this powerful Office application. Conducted by certified instructors at NetCom Learning, the Microsoft Office Excel training classes explain elementary details like how to open, save, and close files, how to format a spreadsheet, how to build basic charts, and how to enter formulae into a cell. Through comprehensive Excel online training and Instructor-Led Training (ILT), participants will learn to use the most important features of Excel with full proficiency. Learn Office Excel to analyze, organize, calculate, revise, update, and present your data in the desired format easily and clearly. The Microsoft Office Excel Level 1 (2016/2013/2010) training familiarizes students with the different features for creating spreadsheets, providing the fundamentals upon which they can build their knowledge and skills to become experts in data manipulation.

Excel Level 2 (2016/2013/2010)

8 Hours | $360

Schedules 08/22/2017 – 08/22/2017 09/26/2017 – 09/26/2017

Excel Level 1 (2016/2013/2010)

8 Hours | $360

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/21/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/25/2017 10/30/2017 – 10/30/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/04/2017

This course is suited for those using Microsoft Excel Level 1 (2016/2013/2010). This course will be taught


10/31/2017 – 10/31/2017 12/05/2017 – 12/05/2017

This course is suited for those using Microsoft Excel Level 2 (2016/2013/2010). This course will be taught using Microsoft Excel. The Level 1 course explained how to create and manage simple workbooks and worksheets and to perform simple calculations and apply basic formulas The Microsoft Office Excel Level 2 (2016/2013/2010) course introduces learners to the more advanced features of Excel.

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NetCom Learning provides in-depth coverage of the more advanced Excel features with comprehensive Microsoft Office Excel Level 2 (2016/2013/2010) training. The Excel online training and Instructor-Led Training (ILT) focuses on developing the skills to extract actionable intelligence from massive amounts of raw data.

Learn Office Excel Level 3 (2016/2013/2010) to become more productive and efficient in working with large amounts of data. The Excel online training and Instructor-Led Training (ILT) program prepares the individual to become competent in handling complex spreadsheets easily.

Learn Office Excel Level 2 (2016/2013/2010) to deepen your understanding of organizational intelligence by creating advanced worksheets and workbooks. The Microsoft Office Excel training classes are conducted via a hands-on approach to build learner’s proficiency in advanced aspects of Excel.

Excel Level 3 (2016/2013/2010)

8 Hours | $360

Schedules 08/23/2017 – 08/23/2017 09/27/2017 – 09/27/2017 11/01/2017 – 11/01/2017 12/06/2017 – 12/06/2017

This course is suited for those using Microsoft Excel Level 3 (2016/2013/2010). This course will be taught using Microsoft Excel. The Excel (2016/2013/2010) Level 1 and Level 2 courses cover diverse features of Excel, its formulas and functions, analysis and reporting of data, and tools for creating advanced workbooks and worksheets. The Microsoft Office Excel Level 3 (2016/2013/2010) course lets learners build upon their foundation and intermediate knowledge of working with spreadsheets. Microsoft Office Excel Level 3 (2016/2013/2010) introduces participants to high-end features, like collaborating with others, and automating complex or repetitive tasks. The Microsoft Office Excel training classes also focus on developing the skill to use conditional logic to construct and apply elaborate functions and formulas.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

Microsoft Exchange Server 20341: Core Solutions of Microsoft Exchange Server 2013

40 Hours | $2,945

Schedules 08/14/2017 – 08/18/2017 10/23/2017 – 10/27/2017

In this course, students will learn to configure and manage a Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 messaging environment. This course will teach students guidelines, best practices, and considerations that will help them optimize their Exchange server deployment. Course 20341 is an instructor-led course and will provide you with the knowledge and skills to plan, install, and manage the mailbox role, client access, transport, and Exchange infrastructure. The MCSE: Messaging certification requires candidates to show continued ability to perform in this technology area by completing a recertification exam every three years. Exam 70-341: Core Solutions of Microsoft Exchange Server 2013: counts as credit toward the following certification(s): Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE): Messaging

20342: Advanced Solutions of Microsoft Exchange Server 2013

40 Hours | $2,945

Schedules 10/30/2017 – 11/03/2017

This course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to configure and manage a Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 messaging environment. This course will teach you how to configure Exchange Server 2013,


and it will provide guidelines, best practices, and considerations that will help you optimize your Exchange Server deployment. The MCSE: Messaging certification requires candidates to show continued ability to perform in this technology area by completing a recertification exam every three years. Exam 70-342: Advanced Solutions of Microsoft Exchange Server 2013: counts as credit toward the following certification(s): Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE): Messaging

20345-1 Administering Microsoft Exchange Server 2016

40 Hours | $2,945

Schedules 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017 10/02/2017 – 10/06/2017 10/30/2017 – 11/03/2017 11/27/2017 – 12/01/2017

20345-1 Administering Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 is a 5-day instructor-led course teaches IT professionals how to administer and support Exchange Server 2016. Students will learn how to install Exchange Server 2016, and how to configure and manage an Exchange Server environment. The course covers how to manage mail recipients and public folders, including how to perform bulk operations using Exchange Management Shell. Students also will learn how to manage client connectivity, message transport and hygiene, how to implement and manage highly available Exchange Server deployments, and how to implement back up and disaster recovery solutions. The course also teaches students how to maintain and monitor an Exchange Server 2016 deployment. In addition, students will learn how to administer Exchange Online in an Office 365 deployment.

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20345-2: Designing and Deploying Microsoft Exchange Server 2016

40 Hours | $2,945

To earn your MCSE: Messaging certification, start with the MCSA: Windows Server 2012 certification, then pass Exams 70-341 and 70-342.

Schedules 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017 10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017

MCSE: Messaging (Exchange Server 2016) Combo

11/13/2017 – 11/17/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/08/2017

80 Hours | $5,890

20345-2: Designing and Deploying Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 course provides experienced Exchange Server administrators with the knowledge to design and implement an Exchange Server 2016 messaging environment. Students will learn how to design and configure advanced components in an Exchange Server 2016 deployment such as site resiliency, advanced security, compliance, archiving, and discovery solutions. In addition, students will learn about coexistence with other Exchange organizations or Exchange Online, and migration from previous versions of Exchange Server. The course will provide guidelines, best practices, and considerations that will help students optimize their Exchange Server deployment.

MCSE: Messaging (Exchange Server 2013) Combo

80 Hours | $5,890

Schedules 10/02/2017 – 10/13/2017 11/27/2017 – 12/08/2017

These courses teaches IT professionals how to administer and support Exchange Server 2016. Students will learn how to install Exchange Server 2016, and how to configure and manage an Exchange Server environment. The course covers how to manage mail recipients and public folders, including how to perform bulk operations using Exchange Management Shell. Students also will learn how to manage client connectivity, message transport and hygiene, how to implement and manage highly available Exchange Server deployments, and how to implement back up and disaster recovery solutions. The course also teaches students how to maintain and monitor an Exchange Server 2016 deployment. In addition, students will learn how to administer Exchange Online in an Office 365 deployment.

Schedules 08/14/2017 – 08/25/2017 10/23/2017 – 11/03/2017

Exchange 2013 is part of the new version of Office, making it easy for people to stay connected, access files anytime, and maintain messaging security. Get certified as an MCSE in Messaging and validate your ability to move your company to the cloud, increase user productivity and flexibility, reduce data loss, and improve data security for your organization.

OD20341B: Core Solutions of Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 MOD

40 Hours | $1,675

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

This e-learning course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to plan, deploy, manage, secure, and support Microsoftツョ Exchange Server

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ 2013. This course will teach you how to configure Exchange Server 2013 and supply you with the information you will need to monitor, maintain, and troubleshoot Exchange Server 2013. This course will also provide guidelines, best practices, and considerations that will help you optimize performance and minimize errors and security threats in Exchange Server 2013.

2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 20341: Core Solutions of Microsoft Exchange Server 2013

40 Hours | $1,675

Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD.


OD20342B: Advanced Solutions of Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 MOD Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

In this e-learning course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to configure and manage a Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 messaging environment. This course will teach you how to configure Exchange Server 2013, and it will provide guidelines, best practices, and considerations that will help you optimize your Exchange Server deployment. This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 20342: Advanced Solutions of Microsoft Exchange Server 2013. Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training.

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HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

OD20345-1A: Administering Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 MOD

40 Hours | $1,675


students will learn how to administer Exchange Online in an Office 365 deployment. This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 20345-1 Administering Microsoft Exchange Server 2016. Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required.

08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

In OD20345-1 Administering Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 MOD e-learning course teaches IT professionals how to administer and support Exchange Server 2016. Students will learn how to install Exchange Server 2016, and how to configure and manage an Exchange Server environment. The course covers how to manage mail recipients and public folders, including how to perform bulk operations using Exchange Management Shell. Students also will learn how to manage client connectivity, message transport and hygiene, how to implement and manage highly available Exchange Server deployments, and how to implement back up and disaster recovery solutions. The course also teaches students how to maintain and monitor an Exchange Server 2016 deployment. In addition,

Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

OD20345-2A: Designing and Deploying Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 MOD

HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required.


Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings.

40 Hours | $1,675

08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

OD20345-2: Designing and Deploying Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 e-learning course provides experienced Exchange Server administrators with the knowledge to design and implement an Exchange Server 2016 messaging environment. Students will learn how to design and configure advanced components in an Exchange Server 2016 deployment such as site resiliency, advanced security, compliance, archiving, and discovery solutions. In addition, students will learn about coexistence with other Exchange organizations or Exchange Online, and migration from previous versions of Exchange Server. The course will provide guidelines, best practices, and considerations that will help students optimize their Exchange Server deployment.

MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 20345-2: Designing and Deploying Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training.


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Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 10972: Administering the Web Server (IIS) Role of Windows Server 2012 (R2 Update)

40 Hours | $2,945

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017 11/06/2017 – 11/10/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017

This course provides students with the fundamental knowledge and skills to configure and manage Internet Information Services. This course is intended to help provide pre-requisite skills supporting a broad range of Internet web applications, security, and knowledge to help support other products that use IIS such as Exchange and SharePoint. In keeping with that goal, this course will not focus on any particular web application or development practice.

Microsoft Lync Server 20336: Core Solutions of Microsoft Lync Server 2013

40 Hours | $2,945

Schedules 09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017 11/27/2017 – 12/01/2017

This instructor-led course teaches IT professionals how to plan, design, deploy, configure, and administer a Microsoft Lync Server 2013 solution. The course emphasizes Lync Server 2013 Enterprise Unified Communications features with particular emphasis on coexisting with and migrating from legacy communication services. The labs in this course create a solution that includes IM and Presence, Conferencing, and Persistent Chat.

20337: Enterprise Voice and Online Services with Microsoft Lync Server 2013

40 Hours | $2,945

Schedules 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/08/2017

This five-day instructor-led course teaches how to design and configure enterprise voice in Microsoft Lync Server 2013 and Lync Online services. This course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to configure and manage a Lync Server 2013 on premises, Lync Online in the cloud or in a mixed deployment. In addition, it will provide the skills needed by IT or telephony consultants to deliver a Lync based enterprise voice solution. This course will teach you how to configure Lync Server 2013, as well as provide guidelines, best practices, and considerations that will help you optimize your enterprise voice deployment.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

Microsoft Office 365 20347: Enabling & Managing Office 365 (MCSA: Office 365)

40 Hours | $2,945


OD20347A: Enabling & Managing Office 365 (MCSA: Office 365) MOD

40 Hours | $1,675

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 08/28/2017 – 09/01/2017 09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017

Office 365 has gained significance as a widely used Office suite in the current cloud-based business environment. To obtain maximum benefit, business users and IT professionals who are migrating to Office 365 need to understand completely the deployment and operation of its service channels.

10/02/2017 – 10/06/2017 10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017 10/23/2017 – 10/27/2017 11/13/2017 – 11/17/2017 11/27/2017 – 12/01/2017 11/27/2017 – 12/01/2017

Office 365 has gained significance as a widely used Office suite in the current cloud-based business environment. To obtain maximum benefit, business users and IT professionals who are migrating to Office 365 need to understand completely the deployment and operation of its service channels. NetCom Learning provides an interactive and comprehensive 20347: Enabling & Managing Office 365 course training to aspirants who want to learn to evaluate, plan, deploy, and operate Office 365 services. The 20347: Enabling & Managing Office 365 course covers Office 365 identities, requirements, dependencies, and supporting technologies. The 20347: Enabling & Managing Office 365 training class develops the necessary skills to set up an Office 365 tenant, including federation with existing user identities. The hands-on 20347 course training provides the knowledge to sustain an Office 365 tenant and its users.

NetCom Learning provides an interactive and comprehensive 20347: Enabling & Managing Office 365 course training to aspirants who want to learn to evaluate, plan, deploy, and operate Office 365 services. The 20347: Enabling & Managing Office 365 course covers Office 365 identities, requirements, dependencies, and supporting technologies. The 20347: Enabling & Managing Office 365 training class develops the necessary skills to set up an Office 365 tenant, including federation with existing user identities. The hands-on 20347 course training provides the knowledge to sustain an Office 365 tenant and its users. This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 20347: Enabling & Managing Office 365 Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft.


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Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

Microsoft Outlook Outlook (2016/2013/2010) Combo

16 Hours | $720

Schedules 09/28/2017 – 09/29/2017 11/02/2017 – 11/03/2017 12/07/2017 – 12/08/2017

Email has become one of the most widely used methods of communication, whether for personal or business communications. In most organizations, large or small, email is the preferred form of communicating information amongst employees. As email grows in popularity and use, most organizations have found the need to implement a corporate mail management system such as Microsoft Office Outlook to handle the messages and meeting invitations sent among employees. In this course, you will use Outlook to send, receive, and manage email messages, manage your contact information, schedule appointments and meetings, create tasks and notes for yourself, and customize the Outlook interface to suit your working style. This course is the first in a series of two Microsoft Office Outlook (2016/2013/2010) courses. It will provide you with the basic skills you need to start using Outlook to manage your email communications, contact information, calendar events, tasks, and notes. You can also use this course to prepare for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Certification exams for Microsoft Outlook (2016/2013/2010).

Outlook 2010 Combo

24 Hours | $1,080

Schedules 09/25/2017 – 09/27/2017

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ Microsoft Office Outlook 2010 provides an integrated solution for managing e-mail, schedules, tasks, notes, and more. Key enhancements include the new cached mode, automatic grouping of messages, junk e-mail handling, and improved reading views.

Outlook 2010: Level 1

8 Hours | $360

Schedules 09/25/2017 – 09/25/2017

Email has become one of the most widely used methods of communication, whether for personal or business communications. In most organizations, large or small, email is the preferred form of communicating information amongst employees. As email grows in popularity and use, most organizations have found the need to implement a corporate mail management system such as Microsoftツョ Office Outlookツョ to handle the emails and meeting invitations sent among employees. In this course, you will explore the Outlook interface and when you are familiar with it; you will use Outlook to manage all aspects of email communications; use the Outlook calendar to manage appointments and meetings; use Outlook’s Contacts to manage your contact information; create Tasks and Notes for yourself in Outlook; and customize the Outlook interface to serve your own personal needs. This course is the first in a series of three Microsoftツ ョ Office Outlookツョ 2010 courses. It will provide you with the basic skills you need to start using Outlook 2010 to manage your email communications, calendar events, contact information, tasks, and notes. You can also use this course to prepare for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Certification exams for Microsoft Outlook 2010.


Outlook 2010: Level 2

8 Hours | $360

Schedules 09/26/2017 – 09/26/2017

Email has become one of the most widely used methods of communication, whether for personal or business communications. In most organizations, large or small, email is the preferred form of communicating information among employees. As email grew in popularity and use, most organizations found the need to implement a corporate mail management system such as Microsoftツョ Office Outlook ツ ョ to handle the emails, meeting invitations, and other communications sent among employees. In this course, you will explore the advanced features provided with the Outlook interface, such as advanced message, calendar, and contacts management. You will use the Tasks and Journal workspaces provided in the application to manage task assignments to you and others, and to record interactions you have with your colleagues. You will also share your workspaces with other users, and use Outlook data files to save and back up your important information. This course is the second in a series of two Microsoft ツョ Office Outlookツョ 2010 courses. It will provide you with the advanced skills you may need to fully and efficiently use Outlook 2010 to manage your communications and interactions with other people. You can also use this course to prepare for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification exams for Microsoft Outlook 2010.

Outlook 2010: Level 3 Schedules 09/27/2017 – 09/27/2017

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8 Hours | $360

Course Catalog

Over 1,000 Courses

In Microsoftツョ Word 2010: Part 2, you gained the skills to work with more complex business documents and automate tasks. If you work with lengthy documents, collaborate with others, or create forms, this course will show you how to use Word to efficiently accomplish these tasks. Microsoft Word 2010 enables you to do more than simple word processing. It can be used to collaborate on complicated documents and manage how the documents are accessed and distributed. Advanced features of Word 2010 enable you to revise, manage, and secure your business documents.

manage your email communications, contact information, calendar events, tasks, and notes. You can also use this course to prepare for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Certification exams for Microsoft Outlook 2016.

Outlook 2016: Level 1

8 Hours | $360

Schedules 08/24/2017 – 08/24/2017 09/28/2017 – 09/28/2017 11/02/2017 – 11/02/2017

Outlook 2016 Combo

12/07/2017 – 12/07/2017

16 Hours | $720

Schedules 08/24/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/28/2017 – 09/29/2017 11/02/2017 – 11/03/2017 12/07/2017 – 12/08/2017

Email has become one of the most widely used methods of communication, whether for personal or business communications. In most organizations, large or small, email is the preferred form of communicating information amongst employees. As email grows in popularity and use, most organizations have found the need to implement a corporate mail management system such as Microsoft Office Outlook to handle the messages and meeting invitations sent among employees. In this course, you will use Outlook to send, receive, and manage email messages, manage your contact information, schedule appointments and meetings, create tasks and notes for yourself, and customize the Outlook interface to suit your working style. This course is the first in a series of two Microsoft Office Outlook 2016 courses. It will provide you with the basic skills you need to start using Outlook to

Email has become one of the most widely used methods of communication, whether for personal or business communications. In most organizations, large or small, email is the preferred form of communicating information amongst employees. As email grows in popularity and use, most organizations have found the need to implement a corporate mail management system such as Microsoft Office Outlook to handle the messages and meeting invitations sent among employees. In this course, you will use Outlook to send, receive, and manage email messages, manage your contact information, schedule appointments and meetings, create tasks and notes for yourself, and customize the Outlook interface to suit your working style. This course is the first in a series of two Microsoft Office Outlook 2016 courses. It will provide you with the basic skills you need to start using Outlook 2016 to manage your email communications, contact information, calendar events, tasks, and notes. You can also use this course to prepare for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Certification exams for Microsoft Outlook 2016.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

Outlook 2016: Level 2

8 Hours | $360


Outlook Level 1 (2016/2013/2010)

8 Hours | $360


08/25/2017 – 08/25/2017

09/28/2017 – 09/28/2017

09/29/2017 – 09/29/2017 11/03/2017 – 11/03/2017

11/02/2017 – 11/02/2017 12/07/2017 – 12/07/2017

12/08/2017 – 12/08/2017

Every day, millions of emails are exchanged among people within and between organizations. Email has a ubiquitous presence in the lives of many, and it’s likely that email technologies will continue to evolve with the changing needs of workplaces. After all, email communication has not been replaced, or its growth slowed, as many predicted with the rise of social media and the widespread adoption of mobile technologies. Many organizations have implemented mail management systems that combine the back-end power of Microsoft Exchange Server and the front-end intuitive user interface of Microsoft Office Outlook 2016. In this course, you will customize command sets, configure mail accounts, set global options, perform advanced searches, apply filters to intercept mail and control spam, create rules to automate many management tasks, work with calendars and contacts, manage tasks, protect data with archiving and data files, as well as share and delegate access to your workspaces. In short, you’ll work with a wide range of features and options, and in so doing, understand why Outlook is a leading personal management system. This course builds upon the foundational knowledge presented in the Microsoft Office Outlook, Part 1 course and will help you customize a communication system well-suited to your work styles. In addition, this course will help you prepare for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Certification exams for Microsoft Outlook 2016.


This course is suited for those using Microsoft Outlook Level 1 (2016/2013/2010). This course will be taught using Microsoft Outlook. Email has become one of the most widely used methods of communication, whether for personal or business communications. In most organizations, large or small, email is the preferred form of communicating information amongst employees. As email grows in popularity and use, most organizations have found the need to implement a corporate mail management system such as Microsoft Office Outlook to handle the messages and meeting invitations sent among employees. In this course, you will use Outlook to send, receive, and manage email messages, manage your contact information, schedule appointments and meetings, create tasks and notes for yourself, and customize the Outlook interface to suit your working style. This course is the first in a series of two Microsoft Office Outlook (2016/2013/2010) courses. It will provide you with the basic skills you need to start using Outlook to manage your email communications, contact information, calendar events, tasks, and notes. You can also use this course to prepare for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Certification exams for Microsoft Outlook.

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Course Catalog

Over 1,000 Courses

Outlook Level 2 (2016/2013/2010)

8 Hours | $360


Microsoft Power BI 10989: Analyzing Data with Power BI

16 Hours | $1,178

09/29/2017 – 09/29/2017


11/03/2017 – 11/03/2017 12/08/2017 – 12/08/2017

10/25/2017 – 10/26/2017

This course is suited for those using Microsoft Outlook Level 2 (2016/2013/2010). This course will be taught using Microsoft Outlook. Every day, millions of emails are exchanged among people within and between organizations. Email has a ubiquitous presence in the lives of many, and it’s likely that email technologies will continue to evolve with the changing needs of workplaces. After all, email communication has not been replaced, or its growth slowed, as many predicted with the rise of social media and the widespread adoption of mobile technologies. Many organizations have implemented mail management systems that combine the back-end power of Microsoft Exchange Server and the front-end intuitive user interface of Microsoft Office Outlook. In this course, you will customize command sets, configure mail accounts, set global options, perform advanced searches, apply filters to intercept mail and control spam, create rules to automate many management tasks, work with calendars and contacts, manage tasks, protect data with archiving and data files, as well as share and delegate access to your workspaces. In short, you’ll work with a wide range of features and options, and in so doing, understand why Outlook is a leading personal management system. This course builds upon the foundational knowledge presented in the Microsoft Office Outlook, Part 1 course and will help you customize a communication system well-suited to your work styles. In addition, this course will help you prepare for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Certification exams for Microsoft Outlook.

Data Science and BI have emerged as in-trend professional fields in today窶冱 times. Power BI, a cloud-based service from Microsoft, is a highly utilized data analysis tool used across enterprises. There is a dire need of skillful professionals in this domain, who are well-adapt at visualizing and sharing data insights with Power BI. 10989: Analyzing Data with Power BI training course from NetCom Learning is designed and delivered in accordance to the current market developments. The customized Power BI training courses impart essential skills and knowledge to visualize, analyze and share insightful data from large influx of structured and unstructured information. Imparted by industry-expert trainers, the Power BI certification exam training includes hands-on lab exercises, real-life project works and assessments. Delivered in Power BI training online as well as ILT medium, the learners get accustomed with cloud-based platform to import data, create dashboards, and generate reports for web and mobile devices.

OD10989A: Analyzing Data with Power BI MOD

16 Hours | $1,675

Schedules 08/30/2017 – 08/31/2017 09/28/2017 – 09/29/2017

Data Science and BI have emerged as in-trend professional fields in today’s times. Power BI, a cloud-based service from Microsoft, is a highly

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ utilized data analysis tool used across enterprises. There is a dire need of skillful professionals in this domain, who are well-adapt at visualizing and sharing data insights with Power BI.

MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access.

10989: Analyzing Data with Power BI training course from NetCom Learning is designed and delivered in accordance to the current market developments. The customized Power BI training courses impart essential skills and knowledge to visualize, analyze and share insightful data from large influx of structured and unstructured information.

SATV can also be used to buy the MOD.

Imparted by industry-expert trainers, the Power BI certification exam training includes hands-on lab exercises, real-life project works and assessments. Delivered in Power BI training online as well as ILT medium, the learners get accustomed with cloud-based platform to import data, create dashboards, and generate reports for web and mobile devices. Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings.


2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

Power BI – Introduction & Applications

32 Hours | $2,750

Schedules 09/25/2017 – 09/28/2017 10/30/2017 – 11/02/2017 11/27/2017 – 11/30/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/21/2017

Power BI is a suite of business analytics tools to analyze data and share insights. Power BI dashboards provide a 360-degree view for business users with their most important metrics in one place, updated in real time, and available on all of their devices Our course in Power BI provides a jump start for Data Analysts / Information Technology staff interested in using Power BI for Business Intelligence or Operational Reporting. The class covers all necessary topics needed to read data from multiple sources, generate a useful data model and publish a functional dashboards to the cloud. The class will also provide an overview of how to solve common business problem using Power BI techniques, including common reporting metrics like weighted averages, moving averages, Year to Date and Year over Year calculations. The course duration can be customized to meet your needs; contact us for more details

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Course Catalog

Over 1,000 Courses

Microsoft PowerPoint PowerPoint (2016/2013/2010) Combo

16 Hours | $720

PowerPoint 2010 Combo

16 Hours | $720

Schedules 09/21/2017 – 09/22/2017

Schedules 08/17/2017 – 08/18/2017 09/21/2017 – 09/22/2017 10/26/2017 – 10/27/2017 11/30/2017 – 12/01/2017

It’s hard to imagine a day going by without people passing along large amounts of information. Messages are everywhere, and the number of messages we receive seems to be increasing each day. Whether via phone, email, mass media, or personal interaction, we are subjected to a constant stream of information. With so much communication to contend with, it can be difficult to grab people’s attention. But, we are often called upon to do just that. So, how do you grab and maintain an audience’s focus when you’re asked to present important information? By being clear,organized, and engaging. And, that is exactly what Microsoft Office PowerPoint (2016/2013/2010) can help you do. Gone are the days of flip charts or drawing on a white board to illustrate your point. Today audiences are tech savvy, accustomed to high-impact multimedia content, and stretched for time. By learning how to use the vast array of features and functionality contained within PowerPoint, you will gain the ability to organize your content, enhance it with high-impact visuals, and deliver it with a punch. In this course, you will use PowerPoint to begin creating engaging, dynamic multimedia presentations. You can also use the course to prepare for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Certification exam for Microsoft PowerPoint.

Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010 lets you create, present, and collaborate on presentations. Improved features and increased support for multimedia, ink markup make it easier to create powerful, persuasive presentations.

PowerPoint 2010: Level 1

8 Hours | $360

Schedules 09/21/2017 – 09/21/2017

It’s hard to imagine a day going by without people passing along large amounts of information. Messages are everywhere, and the number of messages we receive seems to be increasing each day. Whether via phone, email, mass media, or personal interaction, we are subjected to a constant stream of information. With so much communication to contend with, it can be difficult to grab people’s attention. But, we are often called upon to do just that. So, how do you grab and maintain an audience’s focus when you’re asked to present important information? By being clear, organized, and engaging. And, that is exactly what Microsoftツョ Office PowerPointツョ 2010 can help you do. Gone are the days of flip charts or drawing on a white board to illustrate your point. Today’s audiences are tech savvy, accustomed to high-impact multimedia content, and stretched for time. By learning how to use the vast array of features and functionality contained within Microsoftツョ Office PowerPointツョ 2010, you will gain the ability to organize your content, enhance it with high-impact visuals, and deliver it with a punch. In this course, you will use PowerPoint 2010 to begin

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ creating engaging, presentations.



You can also use this course to prepare for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Certification exams for Microsoft PowerPoint 2010.

PowerPoint 2010: Level 2

8 Hours | $360

Schedules 09/22/2017 – 09/22/2017

Meetings, instruction, training, pitches; these are all a part of our daily lives. We are often called upon to deliver presentations with little notice, at multiple venues, and with varying requirements, and that includes sensitive information that needs to be guarded. Given all the variables, it may seem an overwhelming task to deliver your content, on time, to all audiences, and to only those who need to see it. Oh, and by the way, you need to make it interesting, informative, and memorable. So, how do you do it? Without the help of a robust set of tools, it would be nearly impossible. But, PowerPoint 2010 provides you with a variety of such tools, that can help you deliver content in nearly any situation, while saving time and effort. By taking advantage of these tools, you will be creating presentations that not only stand out from the crowd, but also don’t consume all of your available time.

PowerPoint 2016 Combo Schedules 08/17/2017 – 08/18/2017 09/21/2017 – 09/22/2017


10/26/2017 – 10/27/2017 11/30/2017 – 12/01/2017

It’s hard to imagine a day going by without people passing along large amounts of information. Messages are everywhere, and the number of messages we receive seems to be increasing each day. Whether via phone, email, mass media, or personal interaction, we are subjected to a constant stream of information. With so much communication to contend with, it can be difficult to grab people’s attention. But, we are often called upon to do just that. So, how do you grab and maintain an audience’s focus when you’re asked to present important information? By being clear,organized, and engaging. And, that is exactly what Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2016 can help you do. Gone are the days of flip charts or drawing on a white board to illustrate your point. Today audiences are tech savvy, accustomed to high-impact multimedia content, and stretched for time. By learning how to use the vast array of features and functionality contained within PowerPoint, you will gain the ability to organize your content, enhance it with high-impact visuals, and deliver it with a punch. In this course, you will use PowerPoint to begin creating engaging, dynamic multimedia presentations. You can also use the course to prepare for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Certification exam for Microsoft PowerPoint.

PowerPoint 2016: Level 1 16 Hours | $720 Schedules 08/17/2017 – 08/17/2017 09/21/2017 – 09/21/2017 10/26/2017 – 10/26/2017 11/30/2017 – 11/30/2017

For more schedules visit

8 Hours | $360

Course Catalog

Over 1,000 Courses

It’s hard to imagine a day going by without people passing along large amounts of information. Messages are everywhere, and the number of messages we receive seems to be increasing each day. Whether via phone, email, mass media, or personal interaction, we are subjected to a constant stream of information. With so much communication to contend with, it can be difficult to grab people’s attention. But, we are often called upon to do just that. So, how do you grab and maintain an audience’s focus when you’re asked to present important information? By being clear,organized, and engaging. And, that is exactly what Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2016 can help you do. Gone are the days of flip charts or drawing on a white board to illustrate your point. Today audiences are tech savvy, accustomed to high-impact multimedia content, and stretched for time. By learning how to use the vast array of features and functionality contained within PowerPoint 2016, you will gain the ability to organize your content, enhance it with high-impact visuals, and deliver it with a punch. In this course, you will use PowerPoint 2016 to begin creating engaging, dynamic multimedia presentations. You can also use the course to prepare for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Certification exam for Microsoft PowerPoint 2016.

PowerPoint 2016: Level 2

8 Hours | $360

Schedules 08/18/2017 – 08/18/2017 09/22/2017 – 09/22/2017 10/27/2017 – 10/27/2017 12/01/2017 – 12/01/2017

Meetings, instruction, training, pitches; these are all a part of our daily lives. We are often called upon to

deliver presentations with little notice, at multiple venues, and with varying requirements. And, some of these presentations include sensitive information that needs to be guarded. Given all the variables, it may seem an overwhelming task to deliver your content, on time, to all audiences, and to only those who need to see it. Oh, and by the way, you need to make it interesting, informative, and memorable. So, how do you do it? Without the help of a robust set of tools, it would be nearly impossible. But Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2016 provides you with a variety of such tools that can help you deliver content in nearly any situation, while saving time and effort. By taking advantage of these tools, you will be creating presentations that not only stand out from the crowd, but also don’t consume all of your available time. You can also use the course to prepare for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Certification exam for Microsoft PowerPoint 2016.

PowerPoint Level 1 (2016/2013/2010)

8 Hours | $360

Schedules 08/17/2017 – 08/17/2017 09/21/2017 – 09/21/2017 10/26/2017 – 10/26/2017 11/30/2017 – 11/30/2017

This course is suited for those using Microsoft PowerPoint Level 1 (2016/2013/2010). This course will be taught using Microsoft PowerPoint. It’s hard to imagine a day going by without people passing along large amounts of information. Messages are everywhere, and the number of messages we receive seems to be increasing each day. Whether via phone, email, mass media, or personal interaction, we are subjected to a constant stream of information. With so much communication to contend with, it can be difficult to grab people’s attention. But, we are

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ often called upon to do just that. So, how do you grab and maintain an audience’s focus when you’re asked to present important information? By being clear,organized, and engaging. And, that is exactly what Microsoft Office PowerPoint (2016/2013/2010) can help you do. Gone are the days of flip charts or drawing on a white board to illustrate your point. Today audiences are tech savvy, accustomed to high-impact multimedia content, and stretched for time. By learning how to use the vast array of features and functionality contained within PowerPoint, you will gain the ability to organize your content, enhance it with high-impact visuals, and deliver it with a punch. In this course, you will use PowerPoint to begin creating engaging, dynamic multimedia presentations.

(2016/2013/2010) provides you with a variety of such tools that can help you deliver content in nearly any situation, while saving time and effort. By taking advantage of these tools, you will be creating presentations that not only stand out from the crowd, but also don’t consume all of your available time. You can also use the course to prepare for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Certification exam for Microsoft PowerPoint.

You can also use the course to prepare for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Certification exam for Microsoft PowerPoint.

PowerPoint Level 2 (2016/2013/2010)

8 Hours | $360

Schedules 08/18/2017 – 08/18/2017 09/22/2017 – 09/22/2017 10/27/2017 – 10/27/2017 12/01/2017 – 12/01/2017

This course is suited for those using Microsoft PowerPoint Level 2 (2016/2013/2010). This course will be taught using Microsoft PowerPoint. Meetings, instruction, training, pitches; these are all a part of our daily lives. We are often called upon to deliver presentations with little notice, at multiple venues, and with varying requirements. And, some of these presentations include sensitive information that needs to be guarded. Given all the variables, it may seem an overwhelming task to deliver your content, on time, to all audiences, and to only those who need to see it. Microsoft Office PowerPoint 164

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Course Catalog

Over 1,000 Courses

Microsoft PowerShell 10961: Automating Administration with Windows PowerShell

40 Hours | $2,945

Schedules 08/14/2017 – 08/18/2017 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017

through improved cmdlet discovery and simplified, consistent syntax across all cmdlets. Write Windows PowerShell scripts quicker and more intuitively through the new Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE) that enables script sharing, which connects IT pros to a larger Windows PowerShell user community. Learn all this and more in this five-day Microsoft Official Course in Windows PowerShell 4.0.

09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017 10/02/2017 – 10/06/2017

10962: Advanced Automated Administration with Windows PowerShell

11/06/2017 – 11/10/2017 11/27/2017 – 12/01/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017

Learn how with Windows PowerShell 4.0, you can remotely manage multiple Windows based servers and automate day to day management and administration tasks. The course is built on Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows 8.1 and while it is specifically focused on Windows PowerShell v4.0, is also relevant in v2.0 and v3.0 Windows PowerShell environments This course provides students with the fundamental knowledge and skills to use Windows PowerShell 4.0 for administering and automating administration of Windows based servers. It focuses on primary Windows PowerShell command-line features and techniques, and will provide pre-requisite skills supporting a broad range of Microsoft products, including Windows Server, Windows Client, Exchange Server, SharePoint Server, SQL Server, System Center, and more. In keeping with that goal, this course will not focus on any one of those products, although Windows Server (which is the common platform for all of those) will serve as the example for the techniques being taught. In this course you will learn to execute and monitor scripts more efficiently through more robust session connectivity, workflow capabilities, enhanced job scheduling, and Windows PowerShell Web Access. Learn Windows PowerShell with greater ease

24 Hours | $1,767

Schedules 09/06/2017 – 09/08/2017 09/18/2017 – 09/20/2017 10/25/2017 – 10/27/2017 12/20/2017 – 12/22/2017

Learn how to automate and streamline day to day management and administration tasks and functions in your Windows Server Infrastructure. This three-day course is a follow on course from the 10961B: Automating Administration with Windows PowerShell course. It is built on Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows 8.1 and while it is specifically focused on Windows PowerShell v4.0, is also relevant in v2.0 and v3.0 Windows PowerShell environments. Expand and build upon the knowledge already acquired in course 10961B and focus on building more scalable and usable Windows PowerShell scripts for use in your organization by building your own Windows PowerShell tools. Learn about areas such as the creation of advanced functions, script modules, advanced parameters attributes and controller scripts. Also learn how to make your scripts more robust by learning about handling script errors and the analysis and debugging Windows PowerShell scripts. The course will also cover the use of Windows PowerShell cmdlets with .NET

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ Framework as well as teaching how to configure your Windows Servers using Desired State Configuration and providing an understanding of Windows PowerShell workflow. The detailed hands on labs and in depth content and learning will help remove manual tasks that you may currently have to perform as an Administrator, allowing you to make your own Windows PowerShell tools for automated, repeated, accurate management and provisioning of your Windows Server infrastructure.

55039: Windows PowerShell Scripting and Toolmaking

40 Hours | $2,945

Schedules 09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017 11/13/2017 – 11/17/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017

This five-day instructor-led course is intended for IT Professionals who have a working knowledge of Windows PowerShell 3.0 techniques and technologies, and who want to build reusable tools by using Windows PowerShell 3.0. Students of this course may administer a wide variety of server and client products and technologies that offer Windows PowerShell integration, including Microsoft Exchange Server, Microsoft Windows Active Directory Domain Services, Microsoft SharePoint Server, and more. This course focuses on the Windows PowerShell scripting language, and on the concepts and techniques needed to produce reusable, professional tools.


OD10961B: Automating Administration with Windows PowerShell MOD

40 Hours | $1,675

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

Learn how with Windows PowerShell 4.0, you can remotely manage multiple Windows based servers and automate day to day management and administration tasks. The course is built on Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows 8.1 and while it is specifically focused on Windows PowerShell v4.0, is also relevant in v2.0 and v3.0 Windows PowerShell environments This course provides students with the fundamental knowledge and skills to use Windows PowerShell 4.0 for administering and automating administration of Windows based servers. It focuses on primary Windows PowerShell command-line features and techniques, and will provide pre-requisite skills supporting a broad range of Microsoft products, including Windows Server, Windows Client, Exchange Server, SharePoint Server, SQL Server, System Center, and more. In keeping with that goal, this course will not focus on any one of those products, although Windows Server (which is the common platform for all of those) will serve as the example for the techniques being taught. In this course you will learn to execute and monitor scripts more efficiently through more robust session connectivity, workflow capabilities, enhanced job scheduling, and Windows PowerShell Web Access. Learn Windows PowerShell with greater ease through improved cmdlet discovery and simplified, consistent syntax across all cmdlets. Write Windows PowerShell scripts quicker and more intuitively through the new Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE) that enables script sharing, which connects IT pros to a larger Windows PowerShell user community. Learn all this and more in this On

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Course Catalog

Over 1,000 Courses

Demand Microsoft Official Course in Windows PowerShell 4.0. This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 10961: Automating Administration with Windows PowerShell Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

OD10962B: Advanced Automated Administration with Windows PowerShell MOD

24 Hours | $1,675

Schedules 08/29/2017 – 08/31/2017 09/27/2017 – 09/29/2017

Learn how to automate and streamline day to day management and administration tasks and functions in your Windows Server Infrastructure. This course is a follow on course from the 10961B: Automating Administration with Windows PowerShell course. It is built on Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows 8.1 and while it is specifically focused on Windows PowerShell v4.0, is also relevant in v2.0 and v3.0 Windows PowerShell environments. Expand and build upon the knowledge already acquired in course 10961B and focus on building more scalable and usable Windows PowerShell scripts for use in your organization by building your own Windows PowerShell tools. Learn about areas such as the creation of advanced functions, script modules, advanced parameters attributes and controller scripts. Also learn how to make your scripts more robust by learning about handling script errors and the analysis and debugging Windows PowerShell scripts. The course will also cover the use of Windows PowerShell cmdlets with .NET Framework as well as teaching how to configure your Windows Servers using Desired State Configuration and providing an understanding of Windows PowerShell workflow. The detailed hands on labs and in depth content and learning will help remove manual tasks that you may currently have to perform as an Administrator, allowing you to make your own Windows PowerShell tools for automated, repeated, accurate management and provisioning of your Windows Server infrastructure.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 10962: Advanced Automated Administration with Windows PowerShell Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player.

Microsoft Project 55205: Mastering Microsoft Project 2016

24 Hours | $1,767

Schedules 09/20/2017 – 09/22/2017 11/08/2017 – 11/10/2017

High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft.

Mastering Microsoft Project 2016 course is intended for individuals who are interested in expanding their knowledge base and technical skills about Microsoft Project. The course begins with the basic concepts and leads aspirants through all the functions they窶 冤l need to plan and manage a small to medium-size project, including how to level resources and capture both cost and schedule progress.

Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training.

This course will also help aspirants prepare for Microsoft Project Exam 74-343 Managing Projects with Microsoft Project

HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.


Microsoft Project 2016: Level 1

8 Hours | $499

Schedules 09/18/2017 – 09/18/2017 11/06/2017 – 11/06/2017

Welcome to Microsoft Project 2016: Level 1. This course is designed to familiarize you with the basic features and functions of Microsoft Project Professional 2016 so you can use it effectively and efficiently in a real-world environment. This course covers the critical knowledge and skills a project manager needs to create a project plan with Project 2016 during the planning phase of a project. In other words, if your supervisor assigns you to lead a project, this course will enable you to draft a project plan with Project 2016 and share it with your supervisor (and others) for review and approval.

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Over 1,000 Courses

Microsoft Project 2016: Level 2

8 Hours | $499

project plan with Project 2016 and share it with your supervisor (and others) for review and approval.

Schedules 08/01/2017 – 08/01/2017 09/19/2017 – 09/19/2017 11/07/2017 – 11/07/2017

Welcome to Microsoft Project 2016: Level 2. This course is designed to familiarize you with the advanced features and functions of Microsoft Project Professional 2016 so that you can use it effectively and efficiently in a real-world environment. In Microsoft Project 2016: Level 1, you learned the basic features of Microsoft Project 2016 during the planning phase of a project. Microsoft Project 2016: Level 2 covers the advanced knowledge and skills a project manager needs to update a project plan in Project 2016 during the execution, monitoring, and controlling phases of a project. In other words, once your project plan is approved by the project sponsor, this course will enable you to manage the project so that it is completed on time, within budget, and according to scope.

Project 2016 Combo

16 Hours | $998

Schedules 09/18/2017 – 09/19/2017 11/06/2017 – 11/07/2017

Welcome to Microsoft Project 2016 : Level 1 & 2. This course is designed to familiarize you with the basic features and functions of Microsoft Project Professional 2016 so you can use it effectively and efficiently in a real-world environment. This course covers the critical knowledge and skills a project manager needs to create a project plan with Project 2016 during the planning phase of a project. In other words, if your supervisor assigns you to lead a project, this course will enable you to draft a Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

Microsoft SharePoint 20331: Core Solutions of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013

40 Hours | $2,945

Exam 70-332: Advanced Solutions of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013: counts as credit toward the following certification(s): Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE): SharePoint

Schedules 10/02/2017 – 10/06/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017

This course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to configure and manage a Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 environment. This course will teach you how to configure SharePoint Server 2013, as well as provide guidelines, best practices, and considerations that will help you optimize your SharePoint server deployment. This is the first in a sequence of two courses for IT Professionals and will align with the first exam in the SharePoint Server 2013 IT Pro certification. Exam 70-331: Core Solutions of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013: counts as credit toward the following certification(s): Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE): SharePoint

20332: Advanced Solutions of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013

40 Hours | $2,945


20339-1 Planning and Administering SharePoint 2016

40 Hours | $2,945

Schedules 08/14/2017 – 08/18/2017 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017 09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017 10/23/2017 – 10/27/2017 10/30/2017 – 11/03/2017 11/06/2017 – 11/10/2017

This course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to plan and administer a Microsoft SharePoint 2016 environment. The course teaches you how to deploy, administer, and troubleshoot your SharePoint environment. This course also provides guidelines, best practices, and considerations that help you optimize your SharePoint deployment. This is the first in a sequence of two courses for IT professionals and is aligned with the SharePoint 2016 IT Pro certification.

10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017

This five-day course examines how to plan, configure, and manage a Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 environment. Special areas of focus include implementing high availability, disaster recovery, service application architecture, Business Connectivity Services, social computing features, productivity and collaboration platforms and features, business intelligence solutions, enterprise content management, web content management infrastructure, solutions, and apps. The course also


examines how to optimize the Search experience, how to develop and implement a governance plan. and how to perform an upgrade or migration to SharePoint Server 2013.

20339-2 Advanced Technologies of SharePoint 2016

40 Hours | $2,945

Schedules 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017 11/13/2017 – 11/17/2017

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This course will teach you how to plan, configure, and manage the advanced features in a SharePoint 2016 environment. The special areas of focus for this course include implementing high availability, disaster recovery, service application architecture, and Microsoft Business Connectivity Services. This course also focuses on social computing features, productivity, and collaboration platforms and features. Students also will learn about business intelligence solutions, Enterprise Content Management, web content management infrastructure, solutions, and apps. This course also covers how to develop and implement a governance plan, and how to perform an upgrade or a migration to SharePoint 2016. This is the second in a sequence of two courses for IT Professionals and is aligned with the SharePoint 2016 IT Pro certification.

• 70-480: Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 • 70-486: Developing Applications





• 70-488: Developing Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Core Solutions • 70-489: Developing Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Advanced Solutions

20489: Developing Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Advanced Solutions

40 Hours | $2,945

Schedules 10/16/2017 – 10/20/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017

20488: Developing Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Core Solutions

40 Hours | $2,945

Schedules 10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017

In this course, students learn core skills that are common to almost all SharePoint development activities. These include working with the server-side and client-side object models, developing and deploying features, solutions, and apps, managing identity and permissions, querying and updating list data, managing taxonomy, using workflow to manage business processes, and customizing the user interface. In order to achieve your MCSD: SharePoint Applications certification, you need to pass four exams:

This course provides SharePoint developers the information needed to implement SharePoint solutions using Enterprise Search, Managed Metadata Service (MMS), Business Connectivity Services (BCS), Enterprise Content Management (ECM), Web Content Management (WCM), Social Computing features and SharePoint Apps. In order to achieve your MCSD: SharePoint Applications certification, you need to pass four exams: • 70-480: Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 • 70-486: Developing Applications





• 70-488: Developing Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Core Solutions • 70-489: Developing Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Advanced Solutions

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

50470: Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 for the Site Owner/Power User

55033: SharePoint 2013 Site Collection and Site Administration



16 Hours | $1,178

10/11/2017 – 10/12/2017 11/15/2017 – 11/16/2017

40 Hours | $2,945

09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017 10/30/2017 – 11/03/2017

This two-day instructor-led course is designed for the site owner/“power user” of a SharePoint site who needs to know how to create sites and lists, manage user access and customize lists and pages. This class uses the SharePoint Server 2010 version of SharePoint. While it is of equal value for users of SharePoint Foundation, it does include a few features not found in Foundation.

50547: Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Site Collection and Site Administration

40 Hours | $2,945


This five-day instructor-led course is intended for power users, who are tasked with working within the SharePoint 2013 environment. This course will provide a deeper, narrowly-focused training on the important and popular skills needed to be an administrator for SharePoint site collections and sites. SharePoint deployment or farm administration skills and tasks, which are required for IT professionals to manage SharePoint 2013, are available in separate Microsoft Official Courseware.

55035: Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 for the Site Owner/Power User

16 Hours | $1,178

10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017 11/27/2017 – 12/01/2017

Schedules 08/14/2017 – 08/15/2017

This five-day instructor-led Site Collection and Site Administrator course gives students who have SharePoint 2010 Owner permissions for a site the ability to manage, administer and modify a SharePoint 2010 site based on business needs and objectives. This course also provides the IT Business Analyst the necessary information to advise business units on which features are a best fit for their business processes. The course will provide students necessary information on SharePoint 2010 features and capabilities including how to implement and Best Practices for implementing the feature. The course will also focus on different aspects of Governance, Office 2010 integration, workflows, web parts and much more, helping students to understand the depth and breadth of SharePoint 2010.


11/13/2017 – 11/14/2017

This course designed for information workers or power users who serve as SharePoint Site Owners or Site Collection Administrators. Aspirants should take this course if they need to know how to manage the team collaboration, document management and social features of Microsoft SharePoint 2013. This class is an excellent prerequisite for IT Professionals who work as SharePoint Server Administrators attending 20331: Core Solutions of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013. This class can be delivered using Site Collections on an in-house server, virtual machines or Office 365.

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55048: No-Code SharePoint 2013-2016 Workflows With SharePoint Designer 2013

24 Hours | $1,800


55200: SharePoint 2016 Power User Training

16 Hours | $1,178

Schedules 10/19/2017 – 10/20/2017 12/14/2017 – 12/15/2017

11/08/2017 – 11/10/2017 12/06/2017 – 12/08/2017

This course is designed for the Power User, Collection Administrator and Developers that want to learn the new SharePoint 2013 workflow development process using SharePoint Designer 2013, the Visual Designer and Visio 2013. SharePoint 2016 maintains the same functionality as SharePoint 2013 for workflows and continues to use SharePoint Designer 2013.

This SharePoint 2016 Power User training class is designed for individuals who need to learn the fundamentals of managing SharePoint sites.

55234: SharePoint 2016 Site Collections and Site Owner Administration

40 Hours | $2,945


55197: Microsoft SharePoint Server 2016 for the Site Owner/Power User

16 Hours | $1,200

Schedules 10/17/2017 – 10/18/2017

This class is designed for information workers or power users who serve as SharePoint Site Owners or Site Collection Administrators. Students should take this course if they need to know how to manage the team collaboration, document management and social features of Microsoft SharePoint 2016 sites. This class compliments the 20339-1 course by providing IT Pros with the foundation of permissions and site collection management.

08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 10/02/2017 – 10/06/2017 11/13/2017 – 11/17/2017

55234: SharePoint 2016 Site Collections and Site Owner Administration course is intended for power users, who are tasked with working within the SharePoint 2016 environment. This course will provide a deeper, narrowly-focused training on the important and popular skills needed to be an administrator for SharePoint site collections and sites. SharePoint deployment or farm administration skills and tasks, which are required for IT professionals to manage SharePoint 2016. This course is designed to complement skills learned in other Microsoft courses, which focus on overall SharePoint 2016 server administration and deployment as well as overall Office 365 management: 20339-1, Planning and Administering SharePoint 2016 20339-2, Advanced Technologies of SharePoint 2016

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ 20347, Enabling and Managing Office 365

MCSE: SharePoint 2013 Combo

80 Hours | $5,890


MCSD: SharePoint 2013 Applications Combo

80 Hours | $5,890

Schedules 10/09/2017 – 10/20/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/22/2017

This course provides SharePoint developers the information needed to implement SharePoint solutions using Enterprise Search, Managed Metadata Service (MMS), Business Connectivity Services (BCS), Enterprise Content Management (ECM), Web Content Management (WCM), Social Computing features and SharePoint Apps. In order to achieve your MCSD: SharePoint Applications certification, you need to pass four exams:

10/02/2017 – 10/13/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/22/2017

SharePoint 2013 is part of the new version of Office, making it easy for people to stay connected, access files anytime, and maintain messaging security. Get certified as an MCSE in SharePoint and earn recognition for your expertise in helping a company organize, sync, collaborate, and share information across the organization. To earn your MCSE SharePoint certification, start with the MCSA: Windows Server 2012 certification, then pass Exams 70-331 and 70-332.

MCSE: SharePoint 2016 Combo

80 Hours | $5,890

Schedules 11/06/2017 – 11/17/2017

• 70-480: Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 • 70-486: Developing Applications





This package is a combo of two courses (1) 20339- 1 Planning and Administering SharePoint 2016, (2) 20339- 2 Advanced Technologies of SharePoint 2016.

• 70-488: Developing Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Core Solutions • 70-489: Developing Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Advanced Solutions

Microsoft SharePoint 2010 End User, Site Owner and Designer Combo

40 Hours | $2,945

Schedules 10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017 11/13/2017 – 11/17/2017

In almost every office around the world, people communicate and share ideas to create products and


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services. This information sharing often requires multiple software and web applications that do not necessarily work together perfectly. In contrast, Windows SharePoint 2010 combines familiar office tools, adds the latest technology, and extends the functionality of applications and the web into a single environment to share information and collaborate with colleagues, no matter where you are or how you access the information. In this course, you will create, and edit content in a team website. You will also create and perform basic management of a team site using SharePoint Foundation 2010. In addition, you will also learn how to manage site collections and site components as a site collection administrator and as a site administrator. This course further transitions into allowing students to get hands-on knowledge on how to create and design SharePoint sites, along with lessons on modification features.

Microsoft Windows SharePoint Foundation 2010: Level 1

16 Hours | $1,178

Schedules 10/09/2017 – 10/10/2017 11/13/2017 – 11/14/2017

In this course, students will learn how to use, create, and edit content in a team website. You will also create and perform basic management of a team site using SharePoint Foundation 2010.

OD20331B: Core Solutions of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 MOD

40 Hours | $1,675

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

Microsoft Windows SharePoint Designer 2010: Level 1

8 Hours | $589

Schedules 10/13/2017 – 10/13/2017 11/17/2017 – 11/17/2017

Students will use Microsoft Windows SharePoint Designer 2010 to create and modify a SharePoint site. Get hands-on experience in creating SharePoint sites, and lessons in the general usage and modifications.

This e-learning course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to configure and manage a Microsoftツョ SharePoint Server 2013 environment. This course will teach you how to configure SharePoint Server 2013, as well as provide guidelines, best practices, and considerations that will help you optimize your SharePoint server deployment. This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 20331: Core Solutions of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

infrastructure, solutions, and apps. The course also examines how to optimize the Search experience, how to develop and implement a governance plan. and how to perform an upgrade or migration to SharePoint Server 2013. This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 20332: Advanced Solutions of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training.

OD20332B: Advanced Solutions of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 MOD

HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required.


Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings.

40 Hours | $1,675

08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

In this e-learning course, examines how to plan, configure, and manage a Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 environment. Special areas of focus include implementing high availability, disaster recovery, service application architecture, Business Connectivity Services, social computing features, productivity and collaboration platforms and features, business intelligence solutions, enterprise content management, web content management


MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

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Over 1,000 Courses

OD20339-1A: Planning and Administering SharePoint 2016 MOD

HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required.


Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings.

40 Hours | $1,675

08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

20339- 1 Planning and Administering SharePoint 2016 e-learning course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to plan and administer a Microsoft SharePoint 2016 environment. The course teaches you how to deploy, administer, and troubleshoot your SharePoint environment. This course also provides guidelines, best practices, and considerations that help you optimize your SharePoint deployment. This is the first in a sequence of two courses for IT professionals and is aligned with the SharePoint 2016 IT Pro certification. This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 20339- 1 Planning and Administering SharePoint 2016. Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training.

MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

OD20339-2A: Advanced Technologies of SharePoint 2016 MOD

40 Hours | $1,675

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

This 20339- 2 Advanced Technologies of SharePoint 2016 e-learning course will teach you how to plan, configure, and manage the advanced features in a SharePoint 2016 environment. The special areas of focus for this course include implementing high availability, disaster recovery, service application architecture, and Microsoft Business Connectivity Services. This course also focuses on social computing features, productivity, and collaboration platforms and features. Students also will learn about business intelligence solutions, Enterprise Content Management, web content management infrastructure, solutions, and apps. This course also covers how to develop and implement a governance plan, and how to perform an upgrade or a migration to SharePoint 2016.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 20339- 2 Advanced Technologies of SharePoint 2016. This is the second in a sequence of two courses for IT Professionals and is aligned with the SharePoint 2016 IT Pro certification. Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.


OD20488B: Developing Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Core Solutions MOD

40 Hours | $1,675

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

In this e-learning course, students learn core skills that are common to almost all SharePoint development activities. These include working with the server-side and client-side object models, developing and deploying features, solutions, and apps, managing identity and permissions, querying and updating list data, managing taxonomy, using workflow to manage business processes, and customizing the user interface. This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 20488: Developing Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Core Solutions. Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required.

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Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access.

Microsoft SharePoint EndUser 55199: SharePoint 2016 End User Training

24 Hours | $1,767


SATV can also be used to buy the MOD.

10/16/2017 – 10/18/2017

2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

12/11/2017 – 12/13/2017

This SharePoint 2016 End User class is for end users working in a SharePoint 2016 environment. The course teaches SharePoint basics such as working with lists and libraries as well as basic page customizations.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

Microsoft Skype For Business

Microsoft Skype for Business

20334: Core Solutions of Microsoft Skype for Business 2015

20334: Core Solutions of Microsoft Skype for Business 2015



40 Hours | $2,945

40 Hours | $2,945

09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017

09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017

10/16/2017 – 10/20/2017 10/30/2017 – 11/03/2017

10/16/2017 – 10/20/2017 10/30/2017 – 11/03/2017

Skype for Business is a high-end collaboration tool for users that supports multiple features, including instant messaging (IM), chat, conferencing, archiving, and monitoring. Business as well as individual users need a thorough functional understanding of this communication tool to leverage it effectively.

Skype for Business is a high-end collaboration tool for users that supports multiple features, including instant messaging (IM), chat, conferencing, archiving, and monitoring. Business as well as individual users need a thorough functional understanding of this communication tool to leverage it effectively.

The 20334: Core Solutions of Microsoft Skype for Business 2015 training from NetCom Learning trains learners in the on-premises deployment of Skype for Business. Skype for Business training courses focus on developing the proficiency necessary to plan, deploy, configure, and administer Microsoft Skype for Business 2015 solutions.

The 20334: Core Solutions of Microsoft Skype for Business 2015 training from NetCom Learning trains learners in the on-premises deployment of Skype for Business. Skype for Business training courses focus on developing the proficiency necessary to plan, deploy, configure, and administer Microsoft Skype for Business 2015 solutions.

The Microsoft Skype for Business training also provides information on how to migrate from previous versions of Lync Server, as well as how to effect the on-premises deployment of Skype for Business Online. Trainees will learn how to manage and maintain the infrastructure and how to troubleshoot arising problems through this hands-on Core Solutions of Microsoft Skype for Business 2015 online training.

The Microsoft Skype for Business training also provides information on how to migrate from previous versions of Lync Server, as well as how to effect the on-premises deployment of Skype for Business Online. Trainees will learn how to manage and maintain the infrastructure and how to troubleshoot arising problems through this hands-on Core Solutions of Microsoft Skype for Business 2015 online training.


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40409: Deploying Voice Workloads for Skype for Business Online and Server 2015

40 Hours | $2,945


OD20334B: Core Solutions of Skype for Business 2015 MOD

40 Hours | $1,675

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017

This course teaches how to design, plan, and deploy the various voice solutions available with Skype for Business Online and Skype for Business Server 2015. This course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to configure and manage Cloud PBX with PSTN Calling, Cloud PBX with On-Premises PSTN Connectivity, Cloud Connector Edition, and on-premises Enterprise Voice. This course will also provide procedures, guidelines, best practices, and other important considerations that will help you implement, optimize, and troubleshoot Skype for Business Online and Skype for Business Server 2015 voice solutions. This course helps aspirants prepare for Microsoft Exam 70-333 ‘Deploying Enterprise Voice with Skype for Business 2015.’

MCSE: Communication 2015 Combo

80 Hours | $5,890

Schedules 10/09/2017 – 10/20/2017

This MCSE: Communication 2015 is a combo of two courses (1) 40409: Deploying Voice Workloads for Skype for Business Online and Server 2015, (2) 20334: Core Solutions of Microsoft Skype for Business 2015

This e-learning course provides students with the knowledge and skills that are required to plan, deploy, configure, and administer a Skype for Business 2015 solution. Students will learn how to deploy a multi-site and highly available Skype for Business infrastructure that supports instant messaging, conferencing, Persistent Chat, archiving, and monitoring. Students will also learn how to manage and maintain the infrastructure and how to troubleshoot issues that might arise. This course focuses primarily on an on-premises Skype for Business deployment, but it does include information on how to integrate an on-premises deployment with Skype for Business Online and how to migrate from previous versions of Lync Server. This course helps students prepare for Exam 70-334. This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 20334: Core Solutions of Microsoft Skype for Business 2015. Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required.

Microsoft SQL Database

Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings.

20764: Administering a SQL Database Infrastructure

MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

40 Hours | $2,945

Schedules 10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/08/2017

This course provides students who administer and maintain SQL Server databases with the knowledge and skills to administer a SQL server database infrastructure. Additionally, it will be of use to individuals who develop applications that deliver content from SQL Server databases. This course prepares to take Exam 70-764 that qualifies you to be a Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA).

20765: Provisioning SQL Databases SQL Server 2016

40 Hours | $2,950

Schedules 10/16/2017 – 10/20/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017

NetCom Learning provides an interactive 20765: Provisioning SQL Databases SQL Server 2016 training course for Database professionals who are looking to enhance their skills to provision a Microsoft SQL Server 2016 database. The 20765 窶・Provisioning SQL Databases training covers conducting new installations as well as migrating from an existing older version. The program provides comprehensive knowledge about provisioning and managing a Microsoft SQL Server 2016 database, both on-premises and in Azure across enterprises.


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Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Database training focuses on instilling the capability to efficiently manage, maintain, and administer SQL Server 2016 databases. The program also familiarizes learners with application development where the content is obtained from SQL Server databases. The hands-on training helps candidates to prepare for the Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Database certification exam.

(SSAS), and at creating tabular semantic data models for analysis with SSAS. This course prepares to take Exam 70-768 that qualifies you to be a Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA).

20767: Implementing a SQL Data Warehouse (SQL Server 2016)

40 Hours | $2,945

Schedules 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017 10/23/2017 – 10/27/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017

This course provides students with the knowledge and skills to provision a Microsoft SQL Server 2016 database. The course covers SQL Server 2016 provision both on-premise and in Azure, and covers installing from new and migrating from an existing install.

20768: Developing SQL Data Models SQL Server

24 Hours | $1,767

Schedules 08/14/2017 – 08/16/2017 09/06/2017 – 09/08/2017 10/30/2017 – 11/01/2017 12/27/2017 – 12/29/2017

This course is aimed at database professionals who fulfil a Business Intelligence (BI) developer role. This course looks at implementing multidimensional databases by using SQL Server Analysis Services

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

Microsoft SQL Server 10985: Introduction to SQL Databases SQL Server 2016

24 Hours | $2,195


The 10986 course training will help aspirants move efficiently to SQL Server 2016, and enhance the overall efficiency and performance of the database management. This program is suitable for SQL Server 2014 MCSAs preparing for the upgrade exam for SQL Server 2016 certification.

08/14/2017 – 08/16/2017 09/11/2017 – 09/13/2017 10/10/2017 – 10/12/2017

10987: Performance Tuning and Optimizing SQL Databases

10/23/2017 – 10/25/2017 10/25/2017 – 10/27/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/06/2017

32 Hours | $2,356

This course is aimed at people looking to move into a database professional role or whose job role is expanding to encompass database elements. The course describes fundamental database concepts including database types, database languages, and database designs.

10986: Updating Your Skills to SQL Server 2016

24 Hours | $1,767


08/15/2017 – 08/18/2017 11/06/2017 – 11/09/2017

In this course students get knowledge about who to manage and maintain SQL Server databases with the knowledge and skills to performance tune and optimize their databases.

10988: Managing SQL Business Intelligence Operations

24 Hours | $1,767

08/07/2017 – 08/09/2017


10/25/2017 – 10/27/2017

Microsoft SQL Server 2016 training is intended for those Database professionals who are moving from earlier versions of SQL Server to the SQL Server 2016 environment. NetCom Learning offers extensive SQL Server 2016 online training and in-person classes that focus on providing a complete introduction to its new features. Learners will be able to explore performance, availability and scalability, reporting, security, data access, Power BI, SQL Server OLAP, and the new SQL Server cloud functionality. The 10986: Updating Your Skills to SQL Server 2016 training classes are conducted by certified instructors using the Microsoft Official Curriculum.



10/11/2017 – 10/13/2017 11/29/2017 – 12/01/2017

10988: Managing SQL Business Intelligence Operations course is aimed at database professionals who manage Business Intelligence (BI) operations. This course looks at various options that provide the ability of business users to analyze data and share their findings, starting with managed BI data sources and expanding to personal and external/public data sources.

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Over 1,000 Courses

10990: Analyzing Data with SQL Server Reporting Services SQL server 2016

24 Hours | $1,767

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/23/2017 10/09/2017 – 10/11/2017

This course is designed to introduce students to Transact-SQL. It is designed in such a way that the first three days can be taught as a course to students requiring the knowledge for other courses in the SQL Server curriculum. Days 4 & 5 teach the remaining skills required to take exam 70-761.

10/16/2017 – 10/18/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/13/2017

The 10990: Analyzing Data with SQL Server Reporting Services SQL Server 2016 training at NetCom Learning helps to build the proficiency to implement an SQL Server 2016 Reporting Services solution for data analysis. In today窶冱 digital age, businesses require deeper insights into their operational data using advanced competences for Business Intelligence (BI). This course, 10990 Analyzing Data with SQL Server Reporting Services, develops the skills and knowledge to implement self-service BI solutions. The training focuses on deployment and use of the Reporting Service development tools for creating and managing reports. Analyzing Data with SQL Server Reporting Services SQL server training explores a variety of features, including how to implement graphs, filters, sorting, parameters, and grouping while creating reports using Report Wizard. The training prepares participants to conduct advanced analytics directly in a database and generate rich reporting visualization for valuable business insights.

20761: Querying Data with Transact-SQL (SQL Server 2016)

40 Hours | $3,000

Schedules 10/02/2017 – 10/06/2017 11/27/2017 – 12/01/2017

20762: Developing SQL Databases SQL Server 2016

40 Hours | $3,000

Schedules 10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/08/2017

This course provides students with the knowledge and skills to develop a Microsoft SQL Server 2016 database. The course focuses on teaching individuals how to use SQL Server 2016 product features and tools related to developing a database.

20764: Administering a SQL Database Infrastructure

40 Hours | $2,945

Schedules 10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/08/2017

This course provides students who administer and maintain SQL Server databases with the knowledge and skills to administer a SQL server database infrastructure. Additionally, it will be of use to individuals who develop applications that deliver content from SQL Server databases. This course prepares to take Exam 70-764 that qualifies you to be a Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA).

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

20765: Provisioning SQL Databases SQL Server 2016

40 Hours | $2,950

provision both on-premise and in Azure, and covers installing from new and migrating from an existing install.

Schedules 10/16/2017 – 10/20/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017

NetCom Learning provides an interactive 20765: Provisioning SQL Databases SQL Server 2016 training course for Database professionals who are looking to enhance their skills to provision a Microsoft SQL Server 2016 database. The 20765 窶・Provisioning SQL Databases training covers conducting new installations as well as migrating from an existing older version. The program provides comprehensive knowledge about provisioning and managing a Microsoft SQL Server 2016 database, both on-premises and in Azure across enterprises. Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Database training focuses on instilling the capability to efficiently manage, maintain, and administer SQL Server 2016 databases. The program also familiarizes learners with application development where the content is obtained from SQL Server databases. The hands-on training helps candidates to prepare for the Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Database certification exam.

20768: Developing SQL Data Models SQL Server

24 Hours | $1,767

Schedules 08/14/2017 – 08/16/2017 09/06/2017 – 09/08/2017 10/30/2017 – 11/01/2017 12/27/2017 – 12/29/2017

This course is aimed at database professionals who fulfil a Business Intelligence (BI) developer role. This course looks at implementing multidimensional databases by using SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS), and at creating tabular semantic data models for analysis with SSAS. This course prepares to take Exam 70-768 that qualifies you to be a Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA).

20778: Analyzing Data with Power BI

24 Hours | $1,767


20767: Implementing a SQL Data Warehouse (SQL Server 2016)

40 Hours | $2,945

Schedules 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017 10/23/2017 – 10/27/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017

08/21/2017 – 08/23/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/27/2017

The main purpose of the course is to give students a good understanding of data analysis with Power BI. The course includes creating visualizations, the Power BI Service, and the Power BI Mobile App.

This course provides students with the knowledge and skills to provision a Microsoft SQL Server 2016 database. The course covers SQL Server 2016 186

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Over 1,000 Courses

55123: Writing Reports with Report Builder and SSRS 2014 Level 1

16 Hours | $1,295


Advanced T-SQL Querying, Programming and Tuning for SQL Server 2012, 2014 and 2016

39 Hours | $3,950


08/21/2017 – 08/22/2017

09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017

In this course, aspirants will continue their learning on the foundations of report writing with Microsoft SQL Server Report Builder and SSRS. The focus will be on report writing by connecting to a database and manipulating the data for presentation including: creating table and matrix reports, formatting reports, grouping report data, creating simple and complex expressions, displaying aggregated data, sorting and filtering data, charting data, and preparing reports for printing and exporting. Report Builder 3.0 is available for Microsoft SQL Server versions 2014, 2012, and 2008 R2.

55128: Writing Reports with Report Builder and SSRS 2014 Level 2

16 Hours | $1,295

Schedules 08/23/2017 – 08/24/2017

In this course, aspirants will continue their learning on the foundations of report writing with Microsoft SQL Server Report Builder and SSRS. The focus will be on report creation by connecting to a database and manipulating the data for presentation including: creating parameter reports, creating list reports, adding complex expressions to reports, adding images and subreports to reports, adding drilldown and drillthrough functionality, and adding sparklines, data bars, and indicators to reports. Report Builder 3.0 is available for Microsoft SQL Server versions 2014, 2012, and 2008 R2.

Advanced T-SQL Querying, Programming and Tuning for SQL Server 2012, 2014 and 2016 course focuses on writing and tuning queries and programming with T-SQL in SQL Server 2012, 2014 and 2016. In this course you will learn the details and capabilities of T-SQL in the following areas: Logical Query Processing; Query Tuning (Internals and Index Tuning, including Columnstore Indexes, Query Store, New Cardinality Estimator, Temporary Tables, Sets vs. Cursors, Query Tuning with Query Revisions); Subqueries and Table Expressions (Derived Tables, CTEs, Views, Inline Table-Valued Functions), Recursive Queries, APPLY Operator, Joins and Set Operators; Aggregating, Pivoting and Windowing (including Ranking, Aggregate and Offset Window Functions); TOP and OFFSET-FETCH; Data Modification; Working with Date and Time (including temporal tables); Programmable Objects (Dynamic SQL, User Defined Functions, Stored Procedures, Triggers, Transactions and Concurrency, Exception Handling); In-Memory OLTP. Along the course you will learn how to use T-SQL to solve practical problems such as: Relational Division, Missing and Existing Ranges (Gaps and Islands), Separating Elements, Pivoting and Unpivoting, Ranking and Offset, Running Totals, Moving Averages, YTD, Custom Aggregations, TOP and OFFSET-FETCH Problems, Paging, Top N Per Group, Median, Data De-Duplication, Handling Sequences, Merging Data, Treatment of Temporal Intervals (Intersection, Max Concurrent, Packing), Dynamic Filtering, Migrating On-Disk to Memory Optimized Data, and more. You will learn how to tune your queries, how to develop efficient routines including user defined functions, stored procedures and triggers, work in

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ multi-user environments with transactions and isolation levels, and use dynamic SQL securely and efficiently. The course provides a dedicated module focusing on query tuning. The module covers internals and index tuning, including coverage of Columnstore data, index access methods, cardinality estimations, query store, temporary tables, set vs. cursors, and query tuning using query revisions. Moreover, query tuning is in the heart of this course and is incorporated in the different modules throughout the course. With each querying/programming problem the discussions will revolve around logical aspects, set-based vs. procedural programming and optimization of the solutions. The course workbook also contains a bonus self-study appendix on Graphs and Recursive queries. This appendix covers graphs, trees and hierarchies. It explains how to model and query such structures. It also covers the HIERARCHYID datatype.

Building and Managing High Availability Solutions with SQL Server 2016 and 2014

24 Hours | $2,750

Schedules 11/14/2017 – 11/16/2017

This is a High-Availability course for the real-world. You 窶 冤 l learn the essentials for building and managing a reliable high availability solution. Also learn about failover clustering, SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS), and SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS).

MCSA: SQL 2016 Business Intelligence Development Combo

64 Hours | $4,712

Schedules 08/28/2017 – 09/08/2017 10/23/2017 – 11/01/2017

About the Instructor : Itzik Ben-Gan is a Mentor and Co-Founder of SolidQ. A Data Platform Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) since 1999, Itzik has delivered numerous training events around the world focused on T-SQL Querying, Query Tuning and Programming. Itzik is the author of several books including T-SQL Fundamentals Third Edition and T-SQL Querying. He has written articles for SQL Server Pro, SolidQ Journal and MSDN. Itzik 窶 冱 speaking activities include SQLPASS, SQLBits, SQL Nexus, SQLU, SQLTeach and various user groups around the world. Itzik is the author of SolidQ窶冱 Advanced T-SQL Querying, Programming and Tuning and T-SQL Fundamentals courses along with being a primary resource within the company for their T-SQL related activities.

12/18/2017 – 12/29/2017

This MCSA: SQL 2016 Business Intelligence Development package is a combo of two courses: 20767: Implementing a SQL Data Warehouse & 20768: Developing SQL Data Models SOL Server. To become an MCSA: SQL 2016 Business Intelligence Development Certified you have to clear all the exams followed by the courses mentioned above.

MCSA: SQL 2016 Database Administration Combo

80 Hours | $5,895

Schedules 10/09/2017 – 10/20/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/15/2017


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Over 1,000 Courses

This MCSA: SQL 2016 Database Administration Combo package is a combo of two courses: 20764: Administering a SQL Database Infrastructure & 20765: Provisioning SQL Databases SQL Server 2016. To become an MCSA: SQL 2016 Database Administration Certified you have to clear all the exams followed by the courses above.

MCSA: SQL 2016 Database Development Combo

80 Hours | $6,000

Schedules 10/02/2017 – 10/13/2017 11/27/2017 – 12/08/2017

This MCSA: SQL 2016 Database Development Combo package is a combo of two courses: 20761: Querying Data with Transact-SQL & 20762: Developing SQL Databases SQL Server 2016. To become an MCSA: SQL 2016 Database Development Certified you have two clear all the exams followed by the courses mentioned above.

This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 10985: Introduction to SQL Databases SQL Server 2016 Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings.

OD10985B: Introduction to SQL Databases SQL Server 2016 MOD

24 Hours | $1,675

Schedules 08/29/2017 – 08/31/2017

MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD.

09/27/2017 – 09/29/2017

This e-learning course is aimed at people looking to move into a database professional role or whose job role is expanding to encompass database elements. The course describes fundamental database concepts including database types, database languages, and database designs.

2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

OD10986B: Updating Your Skills to SQL Server 2016 MOD

gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training.


HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required.

16 Hours | $1,675

08/29/2017 – 08/31/2017 09/27/2017 – 09/29/2017

This e-learning course will provide MIcrosoft SQL server 2016 training intended for Database professionals who are moving from earlier versions of SQL Server to the SQL Server 2016 environment. NetCom Learning offers extensive SQL Server 2016 online training classes that focus on providing a complete introduction to its new features. Learners will be able to explore performance, availability and scalability, reporting, security, data access, Power BI, SQL Server OLAP, and the new SQL Server cloud functionality. The 10986: Updating Your Skills to SQL Server 2016 training classes are conducted by certified instructors using the Microsoft Official Curriculum. The 10986 course training will help aspirants move efficiently to SQL Server 2016, and enhance the overall efficiency and performance of the database management. This program is suitable for SQL Server 2014 MCSAs preparing for the upgrade exam for SQL Server 2016 certification. Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft.

Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

OD10987B: Performance Tuning and Optimizing SQL Databases MOD

32 Hours | $1,675

Schedules 08/28/2017 – 08/31/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/28/2017

This course provides aspirants who manage and maintain SQL Server databases with the knowledge and skills to performance tune and optimize their databases. This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 10987: Performance Tuning and Optimizing SQL Databases Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player.

Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand


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Over 1,000 Courses

High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

data sources and expanding to personal and external/public data sources. This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 10988: Managing SQL Business Intelligence Operations. Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings.

OD10988B: Managing SQL Business Intelligence Operations MOD

24 Hours | $1,675


MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD.

08/29/2017 – 08/31/2017 09/27/2017 – 09/29/2017

This e- learning course is aimed at database professionals who manage Business Intelligence (BI) operations. This course looks at various options that provide the ability of business users to analyze data and share their findings, starting with managed BI

2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

OD10990B: Analyzing Data with SQL Server Reporting Services SQL server 2016 MOD

Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access.


2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

24 Hours | $1,675

08/29/2017 – 08/31/2017 09/27/2017 – 09/29/2017

This e-learning 10990: Analyzing Data with SQL Server Reporting Services SQL Server 2016 course teaches students how to implement a SQL Server 2016 Reporting Services solution for data analysis in an organization. The course discusses how to use the Reporting Services development tools to create and manage reports and implement self-service BI solutions. Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase.


SATV can also be used to buy the MOD.

OD10994A: Data Analysis Fundamentals using Excel MOD

16 Hours | $1,675

Schedules 08/30/2017 – 08/31/2017 09/28/2017 – 09/29/2017

The main purpose of the course is to give students the ability to add analysis capabilities to Excel spreadsheets. This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 10994: Data Analysis Fundamentals using Excel Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training.

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Over 1,000 Courses

HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

OD20461D: Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2014 MOD

40 Hours | $1,675

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

This e-learning course provides students with the technical skills required to write basic Transact-SQL queries for Microsoft SQL Server 2014. This course is the foundation for all SQL Server-related disciplines; namely, Database Administration, Database Development and Business Intelligence. The main purpose of the course is to prepare people for the exam “70-461: Writing Queries Using Microsoftツョ SQL Server 2014 Transact-SQL.” This exam will be the underlying exam for all SQL Server-related disciplines; namely, Database Administration, Database Development and Business Intelligence. This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 20461: Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2014

Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

OD20462D: Administering Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Databases MOD

40 Hours | $1,675

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ In this e-learning course you will learn the knowledge and skills to maintain a Microsoft SQL Server 2014 database. The course focuses on teaching individuals how to use SQL Server 2014 product features and tools related to maintaining a database This course is designed for customers who are interested in learning SQL Server 2012 or SQL Server 2014. It covers the new features in SQL Server 2014, but also the important capabilities across the SQL Server data platform.

SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

OD20463D: Implementing a Data Warehouse with Microsoft SQL Server 2014 MOD

40 Hours | $1,675

This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 20462: Administering Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Databases


Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player.

This e-learning course describes how to implement a data warehouse platform to support a BI solution. Students will learn how to create a data warehouse with Microsoftツョ SQL Serverツョ 2014, implement ETL with SQL Server Integration Services, and validate and cleanse data with SQL Server Data Quality Services and SQL Server Master Data Services.

High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access.


08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

Note: This course is designed for customers who are interested in learning SQL Server 2012 or SQL Server 2014. It covers the new features in SQL Server 2014, but also the important capabilities across the SQL Server data platform. This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 20463: Implementing a Data Warehouse with Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the

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Over 1,000 Courses

same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft.

This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 20761: Querying Data with Transact-SQL

Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training.

Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player.

HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings.

OD20761A: Querying Data with Transact-SQL (SQL Server 2016) MOD

40 Hours | $1,675


MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD.

08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

This e-learning course is designed to introduce students to Transact-SQL. It is designed in such a way that the first three days can be taught as a course to students requiring the knowledge for other courses in the SQL Server curriculum. Days 4 & 5 teach the remaining skills required to take exam 70-761.

2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

OD20762B: Developing SQL Databases SQL Server 2016 MOD

32 Hours | $1,675

Schedules 08/28/2017 – 08/31/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/28/2017

This e-learning course provides students with the knowledge and skills to develop a Microsoft SQL Server 2016 database. The course focuses on teaching individuals how to use SQL Server 2016 product features and tools related to developing a database. This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 20762: Developing SQL Databases SQL Server 2016 Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings.

Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

OD20764B: Administering a SQL Database Infrastructure MOD

40 Hours | $1,675

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

Administering a SQL Database Infrastructure e-learning course provides students who administer and maintain SQL Server databases with the knowledge and skills to administer a SQL server database infrastructure. Additionally, it will be of use to individuals who develop applications that deliver content from SQL Server databases. This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 20764: Administering a SQL Database Infrastructure Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft.

MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase.


For more schedules visit

Course Catalog

Over 1,000 Courses

Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

OD20765B: Provisioning SQL Databases MOD

40 Hours | $1,675

Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

Provisioning SQL Databases MOD course is designed to teach students how to provision SQL Server databases both on premise and in SQL Azure. This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 20765: Provisioning SQL Databases SQL Server 2016

OD20767B: Implementing a SQL Data Warehouse MOD

24 Hours | $1,675

Schedules 08/28/2017 – 08/30/2017

Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks.

09/27/2017 – 09/29/2017

20767: Implementing a SQL Data Warehouse e-learning course provides students with the

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ knowledge and skills to provision a Microsoft SQL Server 2016 database. The course covers SQL Server 2016 provision both on-premise and in Azure, and covers installing from new and migrating from an existing install. This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 20767: Implementing a SQL Data Warehouse. Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required.

OD20779A: Analyzing Data with Excel MOD

24 Hours | $1,675

Schedules 08/28/2017 – 08/30/2017 09/27/2017 – 09/29/2017

The main purpose of the course is to give students the ability to add BI techniques to Excel data analysis. The course goes beyond the capabilities of tables and charts and uses Pivot Charts, the Excel Data Model, and Power BI. This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 20779: Analyzing Data with Excel Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft.

Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings.

Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training.

MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access.

HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required.

SATV can also be used to buy the MOD.

Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings.

2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase.


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Over 1,000 Courses

Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

Microsoft System Center Manager 10748: Planning and Deploying System Center 2012 Configuration Manager

24 Hours | $1,767

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/23/2017 10/23/2017 – 10/25/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/13/2017

Get detailed instruction and hands-on practice planning and deploying Microsoft System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager and its associated site systems. This three-day Microsoft Official course is designed for IT Professionals who are responsible for designing and deploying one or more System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager sites and all supporting systems, as well as configuring and managing endpoints in those systems. You will learn how to plan for the deployment of the central administration site, one or more primary sites and secondary sites, and all associated site systems. You will also learn how to migrate from System Center 2012 Configuration Manager to System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager. This course also helps candidates prepare for Exam 70-243, MCTS: Administering and Deploying System Center 2012 Configuration Manager. Both Configuration Manager courses, 10747D and 10748C, or the equivalent knowledge and skills will be necessary to prepare for the exam.

10981: Infrastructure Provisioning with System Center Virtual Machine Manager

40 Hours | $2,945

Schedules 09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ Learn how to install and configure Microsoft System Center 2012 R2 Virtual Machine Manager and manage enterprise datacenter resources with this five-day course. This course is part two in a series of two courses that provides the skills and knowledge necessary to implement an enterprise virtualization solution. This course will cover implementing, managing, maintaining and provisioning services and infrastructure in a Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2 environment using System Center 2012 R2 Virtual Machine Manager. This course primarily covers the advanced and enterprise-level technologies and solutions available through Microsoft virtualization, networking and storage.

20247: Configuring and Deploying a Private Cloud (System Center 2012)

40 Hours | $2,945

Schedules 08/28/2017 – 09/01/2017 10/30/2017 – 11/03/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017

This course equips students with the skills they require to configure and deploy a cloud using Microsoft System Center 2012 R2. Using hands-on labs, students learn the following: • Produce a high-level design that accounts for requirements for cloud environments. • Configure and deploy the cloud fabric.

20246: Monitoring and Operating a Private Cloud (System Center 2012)

40 Hours | $2,945

• Configure a PXE server, an update server, and a software update baseline. • Configure Microsoft Server Application Virtualization (App-V) so that it can be used to sequence and deploy an application virtually.

Schedules 10/23/2017 – 10/27/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017

This course describes how to monitor and operate a cloud with Microsoft System Center 2012 R2. This course focuses on how to manage and administer a cloud environment, and it describes how you can monitor key infrastructure elements and applications that run within a cloud. It does not discuss planning and implementation, which is covered in 20247: Configuring and Deploying a Cloud with System Center 2012 R2.

• Build the core components delivering services on the fabric.



• Allocate resources to a cloud and grant access to a cloud. • Understand how to Operations Manager.




• Understand the tools necessary to extend and customize Operations • Manager for cloud environments. • Set up, configure, and integrate the core components of Service Manager into a cloud fabric. • Configure a service catalog, and then publish it to the Self-Service Portal.


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• Gain the knowledge necessary to deploy and configure Data Protection Manager in a cloud. • Deploy and configure Orchestrator in a cloud, and then integrate it with other System Center components.

20409: Server Virtualization with Windows Server Hyper-V and System Center 2012

40 Hours | $2,945

NOTE: This course is based on Windows Server 2012 R2 Preview and System Center 2012 R2 Preview. This course is designed for experienced IT professionals who support medium to large enterprises and have experience administering Windows Server 2012.

20695: Deploying Windows Desktops and Enterprise Applications

40 Hours | $2,945

Schedules 10/23/2017 – 10/27/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017 10/23/2017 – 10/27/2017

Get hands-on instruction and practice implementing Microsoft Server Virtualization with Windows Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V and System Center 2012 R2 Virtual Machine Manager in this 5-day Microsoft Official Course. This course provides the hands-on training that can help you prepare for the Microsoft Specialist exam 74-409: Server Virtualization with Windows Server Hyper-V and System Center. You will learn the skills you need to deploy and manage a Microsoft Server Virtualization infrastructure in an enterprise environment. You will learn how to configure, manage, and maintain Windows Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V and System Center 2012 R2 Virtual Machine Manager including networking and storage services. You will learn how to configure key Microsoft Server Virtualization features such as Generation 2 Virtual Machines, Replication Extension, Online Export, Cross-Version Live Migration, Online VHDX Resizing, Live Migration Performance tuning as well as Dynamic Virtual Switch Load Balancing and virtual Receive Side Scaling (vRSS). As part of the learning experience, you will perform hands-on exercises in a virtual lab environment.

This course describes how to assess operating system and application deployment options, determine the most appropriate deployment strategy, and then implement a deployment solution for Windows devices and apps that meets your environment窶冱 needs. Solutions that this course details include operating system deployment scenarios ranging from high-touch solutions to zero-touch solutions. It also discusses the technologies that you use to implement these solutions, including the MDT and Configuration Manager.

20696: Administering System Center Configuration Manager and Intune (System Center 2012)

40 Hours | $2,945

Schedules 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017 10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017 10/30/2017 – 11/03/2017 10/30/2017 – 11/03/2017 01/08/2018 – 01/12/2018

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ Get expert instruction and hands-on practice configuring and managing clients and devices by using Microsoft System Center v1511 Configuration Manager, Microsoft Intune, and their associated site systems. In this five-day course, you will learn day-to-day management tasks, including how to manage software, client health, hardware and software inventory, applications, and integration with Intune. You also will learn how to optimize System Center Endpoint Protection, manage compliance, and create management queries and reports. Additionally, this course, in conjunction with Microsoft Official Course 20695C, also helps certification candidates prepare for Exam 70-696: Managing Enterprise Devices and Apps. Note: This is the replacement course of Microsoft 10747: Administering System Center 2012 Configuration Manager

MCSE: Private Cloud 2012 Combo

80 Hours | $5,890


To earn your MCSE Private Cloud certification start with either a MCSA: Windows Server 2008 or MCSA: Windows Server 2012 certification, then pass Exams 70-246 and 70-247. If you choose to earn the MCSE: Private Cloud certification with the MCSA: Windows Server 2012 certification, it will not be reflected on your transcript until November, 2012. If taking this class remotely / via Live Online, students must have dual SVGA monitors 17” or larger, supporting 1440x900 minimum resolution.

OD10748C: Planning and Deploying System Center 2012 Configuration Manager MOD

24 Hours | $1,675

Schedules 08/29/2017 – 08/31/2017 09/27/2017 – 09/29/2017

08/21/2017 – 09/01/2017 10/23/2017 – 11/03/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/22/2017

Companies are looking for IT professionals who can help them build private cloud solutions to optimize IT service delivery. With Windows Server 2008 and System Center 2012, you can build your Microsoft private cloud solution and gain the automation and flexibility you need for your IT infrastructure, now and in the future. Do you have experience with these technologies? Are you ready to begin the journey to cloud computing with a Microsoft private cloud implementation? Become Private Cloud certified and prove your knowledge and skills in managing and implementing Microsoft private cloud computing technologies.


* The Private Cloud certification requires candidates to show continued ability to perform in this technology area by completing a recertification exam every three years.

Get detailed instruction and hands-on practice planning and deploying Microsoft System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager and its associated site systems. This course is designed for IT Professionals who are responsible for designing and deploying one or more System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager sites and all supporting systems, as well as configuring and managing endpoints in those systems. You will learn how to plan for the deployment of the central administration site, one or more primary sites and secondary sites, and all associated site systems. You will also learn how to migrate from System Center 2012 Configuration Manager to System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager.

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This course also helps candidates prepare for Exam 70-243, MCTS: Administering and Deploying System Center 2012 Configuration Manager. Both Configuration Manager courses, 10747D and 10748C, or the equivalent knowledge and skills will be necessary to prepare for the exam. This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 10748: Planning and Deploying System Center 2012 Configuration Manager Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD.

2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

OD10964C: Cloud & Datacenter Monitoring with System Center Operations Manager (System Center 2012) MOD

40 Hours | $1,675

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

This e-learning course equips students with the skills they require to deploy and configure System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager. Using hands-on labs, students learn the following: - How to architect and implement a System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager Management Group. - How to upgrade and migrate from an existing Operations Manager 2007 R2 Management Group to System Center 2012 Operations Manager, System Center 2012 SP1 Operations Manager and System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager. - Understand the key elements of Management Packs including Object Discoveries, Rules, Monitors, Targeting and Run As Accounts and Run As Profiles. This includes authoring Management Packs. - How to configure fabric and application monitoring in System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager including both datacenter and cloud resources such as networking, storage and compute. - How to configure monitoring of .NET and Java based applications using Application Performance Monitoring.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ - How to configure end-to-end service monitoring including synthetic transactions and Distributed Application Diagrams. - How to configure Dashboards, Service Level Tracking Reporting and the SharePoint Web Part to enable visualization of key performance and availability metrics. - How to customize the Operations Manager Console to meet the needs of different application support teams. - How to integrate Operations Manager with other System Center 2012 R2 components and extend monitoring to include key business processes and procedures. - How to troubleshoot an Operations Manager Management Group and perform disaster recovery procedures such as database and management server recovery. - How to use new features in System Center 2012 R2 including: Integration with System Center Advisor, Integration with Team Foundation Server, IntelliTrace, and Managing Windows Azure. This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 10964: Cloud & Datacenter Monitoring with System Center Operations Manager. Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft.


Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

OD10965C: IT Service Management with System Center Service Manager 2012 MOD

40 Hours | $1,675

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

10965: IT Service Management with System Center Service Manager 2012 e-learning course will provide students with the key knowledge required to deploy and configure System Center 2016 Service Manager. Using hands-on labs, students will learn the following: - Where Service Manager sits within the System Center 2016 product

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- What business and technical needs Service Manager is designed to meet - How Service Manager aligns itself to ITIL and MOF - How to architect and implement a System Center 2016 Service Manager deployment - How to upgrade an existing Service Manager 2012 R2 environment to System Center 2016 - How to customize System Center 2016 Service Manager to be in line with corporate standards - How to configure Management




- How to configure Activity, Change and Release Management - How to configure Service Requests - How to configure Service Level Management - How to customize the Self-Service Portal

same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

- How to configure Reporting and Analysis - How to troubleshoot Service Manager and perform disaster recovery - How to create customized Service Manager forms This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 10965: IT Service Management with System Center Service Manager Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the

OD20695C: Deploying Windows Desktops and Enterprise Applications (System Center 2012) MOD

40 Hours | $1,675

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

This e-learning course describes how to assess operating system and application deployment options, determine the most appropriate deployment strategy, and then implement a deployment solution for Windows devices and apps that meets your environment窶冱 needs. Solutions that this course details include operating system

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ deployment scenarios ranging from high-touch solutions to zero-touch solutions. It also discusses the technologies that you use to implement these solutions, including the MDT and Configuration Manager. This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 20695: Deploying Windows Desktops and Enterprise Applications Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.


OD20696C: Administering System Center Configuration Manager and Intune (System Center 2012) MOD

40 Hours | $1,675

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

Get expert instruction and hands-on practice configuring and managing clients and devices by using Microsoft System Center v1511 Configuration Manager, Microsoft Intune, and their associated site systems. In this five-day course, you will learn day-to-day management tasks, including how to manage software, client health, hardware and software inventory, applications, and integration with Intune. You also will learn how to optimize System Center Endpoint Protection, manage compliance, and create management queries and reports. Additionally, this course, in conjunction with Microsoft Official Course 20695C, also helps certification candidates prepare for Exam 70-696: Managing Enterprise Devices and Apps. Note: This is the replacement course of Microsoft 10747: Administering System Center 2012 Configuration Manager This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 10969: Active Directory Services with Windows Server. Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft.

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Over 1,000 Courses

Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

Microsoft Virtualization 20413: Designing and Implementing a Server Infrastructure (Windows Server 2012)

40 Hours | $2,945

Schedules 10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017

20413: Designing and Implementing a Server Infrastructure (Windows Server 2012) course provides you with the skills and knowledge needed to plan, design, and deploy a physical and logical Windows Server 2012 Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) infrastructure. The course also provides the skills to perform name resolution, application integration, optimization of automate remediation and maintenance of network services.

20414: Implementing an Advanced Server Infrastructure (Windows Server 2012)

40 Hours | $2,945

Schedules 10/16/2017 – 10/20/2017

20414: Implementing an Advanced Server Infrastructure (Windows Server 2012) course, students will learn how to plan and implement some of the more advanced features available in Windows Server 2012. Course 20413 is a prerequisite course for Course 20414.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

MCSE: Server Infrastructure (Windows Server 2012) Combo

80 Hours | $5,890


Microsoft Visio Microsoft Visio (2016/2013/2010) Combo

16 Hours | $720

10/09/2017 – 10/20/2017

Schedules The Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE): Server Infrastructure certification validates your ability to build comprehensive server infrastructure solutions. Show that you have the skills needed to run a highly efficient and modern data center, with expertise in identity management, systems management, virtualization, storage, and networking. This MCSE certification requires candidates to show continued ability to perform in their chosen solution area by completing a recertification exam every three years.

09/25/2017 – 09/26/2017

Microsoft Visio stands out among similar applications because of its unique ability to draw a wide variety of diagrams, flowcharts, workflows, and organization structures-anything that can be represented by shapes connected by lines. Most importantly, these shapes can be rearranged and with corresponding lines remaining intact. Visio has improved over the years as features common among Microsoftツョ Office applications have been added. Today, Visio is well integrated with other members of the Office family as well as Microsoft’s cloud-based services. This greatly enriches the sharing and publishing of Visio drawings. In Microsoft Visio 2016: Level 1, you learned the basic skills needed to create and modify various Visio drawings. In Microsoft Visio 2016: Level 2, you will learn about more advanced features-making you a more efficient and effective Visio user.

Microsoft Visio 2016 Combo

16 Hours | $720

Schedules 09/25/2017 – 09/26/2017

This package is a combo of two courses Microsoft Visio 2016: Level 1 & Microsoft Visio 2016: Level 2


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Microsoft Visio 2016: Level 1

cloud-based services. This greatly enriches the sharing and publishing of Visio drawings.


In Microsoft Visio 2016: Level 1, you learned the basic skills needed to create and modify various Visio drawings. In Microsoft Visio 2016: Level 2, you will learn about more advanced features-making you a more efficient and effective Visio user.

8 Hours | $360

08/01/2017 – 08/01/2017 08/10/2017 – 08/10/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/25/2017

From the earliest eras of human existence, visual images have been used to represent knowledge, data, and information. Beginning with the Paleolithic cave paintings and continuing to today most complex computer networks, these images leverage the ability of the human brain to rapidly perceive patterns and trends from visual representations. In today workplace, visual diagrams are an essential part of communication, from road maps to sales flows to process charts. Microsoft ツ ョ Visio ツ ョ provides you with an intuitive, customizable tool to easily create a professional-looking visual product by using its extensive gallery of shapes. By following the exercises in this course, you will create visually engaging diagrams, maps, and drawings, using graphical elements to make information easier to comprehend.

Learning Modalities - Instructor-led Classroom Training - Online Training - Corporate Training - Onsite Training - One-on-One Training What’s Included - Facilitated Training - Books - Lab

Microsoft Visio 2016: Level 2

8 Hours | $360

Microsoft Visio Level 1 (2016/2013/2010)

Schedules 09/26/2017 – 09/26/2017

Microsoft Visio stands out among similar applications because of its unique ability to draw a wide variety of diagrams, flowcharts, workflows, and organization structures-anything that can be represented by shapes connected by lines. Most importantly, these shapes can be rearranged and with corresponding lines remaining intact. Visio has improved over the years as features common among Microsoftツョ Office applications have been added. Today, Visio is well integrated with other members of the Office family as well as Microsoft’s

8 Hours | $360

Schedules 09/25/2017 – 09/25/2017

This course is suited for those using Microsoft Visio Level 1 (2016/2013/2010). This course will be taught using Microsoft Visio. From the earliest eras of human existence, visual images have been used to represent knowledge, data, and information. Beginning with the Paleolithic cave paintings and continuing to today most complex computer

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ networks, these images leverage the ability of the human brain to rapidly perceive patterns and trends from visual representations.

advanced features-making you a more efficient and effective Visio user.

In today workplace, visual diagrams are an essential part of communication, from road maps to sales flows to process charts. Microsoft ツ ョ Visio ツ ョ provides you with an intuitive, customizable tool to easily create a professional-looking visual product by using its extensive gallery of shapes. By following the exercises in this course, you will create visually engaging diagrams, maps, and drawings, using graphical elements to make information easier to comprehend.

Microsoft Visio Level 2 (2016/2013/2010)

8 Hours | $360

Schedules 09/26/2017 – 09/26/2017

This course is suited for those using Microsoft Visio Level 2 (2016/2013/2010). This course will be taught using Microsoft Visio. Microsoft Visio stands out among similar applications because of its unique ability to draw a wide variety of diagrams, flowcharts, workflows, and organization structures-anything that can be represented by shapes connected by lines. Most importantly, these shapes can be rearranged and with corresponding lines remaining intact. Visio has improved over the years as features common among Microsoft ツ ョ Office applications have been added. Today, Visio is well integrated with other members of the Office family as well as Microsoft’s cloud-based services. This greatly enriches the sharing and publishing of Visio drawings. In Microsoft Visio (2016/2013/2010) Level 1, you learned the basic skills needed to create and modify various Visio drawings. In Microsoft Visio (2016/2013/2010) Level 2, you will learn about more


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Over 1,000 Courses

Microsoft Windows 10982: Supporting and Troubleshooting Windows 10

20695: Deploying Windows Desktops and Enterprise Applications

40 Hours | $2,945

40 Hours | $2,945


Schedules 10/23/2017 – 10/27/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017

08/14/2017 – 08/18/2017 09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017 10/02/2017 – 10/06/2017 10/16/2017 – 10/20/2017 11/13/2017 – 11/17/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/08/2017

This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills required to install and configure Windows 10 desktops and devices in a Windows Server domain corporate environment.

20398: Planning for and Managing Devices in the Enterprise: Enterprise Mobility Suite (EMS) & On-Premises Tools

40 Hours | $2,945

This course describes how to assess operating system and application deployment options, determine the most appropriate deployment strategy, and then implement a deployment solution for Windows devices and apps that meets your environment窶冱 needs. Solutions that this course details include operating system deployment scenarios ranging from high-touch solutions to zero-touch solutions. It also discusses the technologies that you use to implement these solutions, including the MDT and Configuration Manager.

20696: Administering System Center Configuration Manager and Intune (System Center 2012)

40 Hours | $2,945

Schedules 09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017


11/06/2017 – 11/10/2017 01/15/2018 – 01/19/2018

09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017

This course teaches IT professionals how to use the Enterprise Mobility Suite to manage devices, users, and data. In addition, this course teaches students how to use other technologies, such as Group Policy and other Windows Server窶澱ased technologies, to manage devices and secure data. Aspirants will learn how to design and implement cloud-based and on-premises solutions for managing Windows-based, iOS, and Android devices, and they will learn how to provide secure and efficient access to data and applications.

09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017 10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017 10/30/2017 – 11/03/2017 10/30/2017 – 11/03/2017 01/08/2018 – 01/12/2018

Get expert instruction and hands-on practice configuring and managing clients and devices by using Microsoft System Center v1511 Configuration Manager, Microsoft Intune, and their associated site systems. In this five-day course, you will learn day-to-day management tasks, including how to manage software, client health, hardware and software inventory, applications, and integration with Intune. You also will learn how to optimize System Center Endpoint Protection, manage

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ compliance, and create management queries and reports. Additionally, this course, in conjunction with Microsoft Official Course 20695C, also helps certification candidates prepare for Exam 70-696: Managing Enterprise Devices and Apps. Note: This is the replacement course of Microsoft 10747: Administering System Center 2012 Configuration Manager

20697-1: Implementing and Managing Windows 10

40 Hours | $2,945

Schedules 08/14/2017 – 08/18/2017

manage Windows 10 desktops, devices, and applications in an enterprise environment. Students learn how to plan and implement Windows 10 deployments in large organizations. Students also learn how to manage the Windows 10 installations after deployment to provide secure identity and data access using technologies related to Group Policy, Remote Access, and Workplace Join. To support a variety of device and data management solutions, Microsoft Azure Active Directory, Microsoft Intune, and Microsoft Azure Rights Management are introduced. These services are part of the Enterprise Mobility Suite, which provides identity and access management, and cloud-based device, application, and update management. In addition, Enterprise Mobility Suite offers more secure data access to information stored both in the cloud and on location within corporate networks.

10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/08/2017

This course provides aspirants with the knowledge and skills required to install and configure Windows 10 desktops and devices in a corporate Windows Server domain environment. The skills that this course details include learning how to install and customize Windows 10 operating systems and apps, and configure local and remote network connectivity and storage. Aspirants also will learn how to configure security for data, devices, and networks, and maintain, update, and recover Windows 10.

20697-2: Deploying and Managing Windows 10 Using Enterprise Services

40 Hours | $2,945


20698: Installing and Configuring Windows 10

40 Hours | $2,945

Schedules 10/02/2017 – 10/06/2017 11/27/2017 – 12/01/2017

This course provides IT professionals with the knowledge and skills required to install and configure Windows 10 desktops in a Windows Server small to medium-sized AD DS domain environment. These skills include learning how to install and customize Windows 10 operating systems and apps, configure local and remote network connectivity, and configure local and online storage. Students also will learn how to configure security in addition to how to maintain, update, and recover Windows 10.

08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 10/16/2017 – 10/20/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017

This course provides administrators with the knowledge and skills necessary to deploy and


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MCSA: Windows 10 Combo

120 Hours | $8,835

Schedules 08/07/2017 – 08/25/2017 10/02/2017 – 10/20/2017 11/27/2017 – 12/15/2017

This package is designed to provide aspirants with the knowledge and skills required to install and configure Windows 10 desktops and devices in a Windows Server domain corporate environment. These skills include learning how to install and customize Windows 10 operating systems and apps, and configure local and remote network connectivity and storage. Aspirants will also learn how to configure data security, device security, and network security, and maintain, update, and recover Windows 10. This package follows the exam objectives for exam: 70-697: Configuring Windows Devices and 70-698: Installing and Configuring Windows 10, both of which are required exams for MCSA: Windows 10.

OD10982B: Supporting and Troubleshooting Windows 10 MOD

40 Hours | $1,675


Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills required to support and troubleshoot Windows 10 PCs and devices in a Windows Server domain environment. These skills include understanding of Windows 10 features, how they can be used in an Active Directory environment and how to troubleshoot them. This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 10982: Supporting and Troubleshooting Windows 10 Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

OD20398B: Planning for and Managing Devices in the Enterprise: Enterprise Mobility Suite (EMS) & On-Premises Tools MOD

40 Hours | $1,675

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

This course teaches IT professionals how to use the Enterprise Mobility Suite to manage devices, users, and data. In addition, this course teaches students how to use other technologies, such as Group Policy and other Windows Server based technologies, to manage devices and secure data. Students will learn how to design and implement cloud-based and on-premises solutions for managing Windows-based, iOS, and Android devices, and they will learn how to provide secure and efficient access to data and applications. This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 20398: Planning for and Managing Devices in the Enterprise: Enterprise Mobility Suite (EMS) & On-Premises Tools Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training.


HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

OD20697-1C: Implementing and Managing Windows 10 MOD

40 Hours | $1,675

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

This e-learning course is designed to provides aspirants with the knowledge and skills required to install and configure Windows 10 desktops and devices in a corporate Windows Server domain environment. The skills that this course details include learning how to install and customize Windows 10 operating systems and apps, and configure local and remote network connectivity and storage. Aspirants also will learn how to configure security for data, devices, and networks, and maintain, update, and recover Windows 10. This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 20697-1: Implementing and Managing Windows 10.

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Course Catalog

Over 1,000 Courses

Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

OD20698A: Installing and Configuring Windows 10 MOD

40 Hours | $1,675

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

Installing and Configuring Windows 10 e-learning course provides IT professionals with the knowledge and skills required to install and configure Windows 10 desktops in a Windows Server small to medium-sized AD DS domain environment. These skills include learning how to install and customize Windows 10 operating systems and apps, configure local and remote network connectivity, and configure local and online storage. Students also will learn how to configure security in addition to how to maintain, update, and recover Windows 10. This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 20698: Installing and Configuring Windows 10 Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required.

OD99996A: Demo Course: Supporting and TroubleShooting Windows 10 – Module 8 MOD

Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings.


MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access.

4 Hours | $1,675

08/31/2017 – 08/31/2017 09/29/2017 – 09/29/2017

In this demo course, you will learn how to use the Microsoft Official Course On-Demand (MOC On-Demand) player and experience one module of the course Troubleshooting and Supporting Windows 10. You can access real content from module 8 of the course Troubleshooting and Supporting Windows 10. This means you can watch videos, take assessments and try out Module 8 labs to get a real sense of how you will experience a Microsoft Official Course On-Demand. Please note that your lab access is limited to a total of 30 minutes, so make the most of your lab session. We hope this demo course provides you with everything you want to know before you make a decision to buy Microsoft Official Course On-Demand.

SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft.


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Over 1,000 Courses

Microsoft Windows Server

10972: Administering the Web Server (IIS) Role of Windows Server 2012 (R2 Update)

10969: Active Directory Services with Windows Server 2012


40 Hours | $2,945

40 Hours | $2,945

08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017 11/06/2017 – 11/10/2017

Schedules 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017

12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017

10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017 10/30/2017 – 11/03/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017

Get hands-on instruction and practice administering Active Directory technologies in Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2 in this 5-day Microsoft Official Course. You will learn the skills you need to better manage and protect data access and information, simplify deployment and management of your identity infrastructure, and provide more secure access to data from virtually anywhere. You will learn how to configure some of the key features in Active Directory such as Active Directory Domain Services, Group Policy, Dynamic Access Control, Work Folders, Workplace Join, Certificate Services, Rights Management Services and Federation Services, as well as integrating your on premise environment with cloud based technologies such as Windows Azure Active Directory. As part of the learning experience, you will perform hands-on exercises in a virtual lab environment. This course is based on Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2. This course is designed for experienced IT professionals who support medium to large enterprises and have fundamental knowledge and experience administering Active Directory.

This course provides students with the fundamental knowledge and skills to configure and manage Internet Information Services. This course is intended to help provide pre-requisite skills supporting a broad range of Internet web applications, security, and knowledge to help support other products that use IIS such as Exchange and SharePoint. In keeping with that goal, this course will not focus on any particular web application or development practice.

20409: Server Virtualization with Windows Server Hyper-V and System Center 2012

40 Hours | $2,945

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017 10/23/2017 – 10/27/2017

Get hands-on instruction and practice implementing Microsoft Server Virtualization with Windows Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V and System Center 2012 R2 Virtual Machine Manager in this 5-day Microsoft Official Course. This course provides the hands-on training that can help you prepare for the Microsoft Specialist exam 74-409: Server Virtualization with Windows Server Hyper-V and System Center. You will learn the skills you need to deploy and manage a Microsoft Server Virtualization infrastructure in an enterprise environment. You will

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ learn how to configure, manage, and maintain Windows Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V and System Center 2012 R2 Virtual Machine Manager including networking and storage services. You will learn how to configure key Microsoft Server Virtualization features such as Generation 2 Virtual Machines, Replication Extension, Online Export, Cross-Version Live Migration, Online VHDX Resizing, Live Migration Performance tuning as well as Dynamic Virtual Switch Load Balancing and virtual Receive Side Scaling (vRSS). As part of the learning experience, you will perform hands-on exercises in a virtual lab environment. NOTE: This course is based on Windows Server 2012 R2 Preview and System Center 2012 R2 Preview. This course is designed for experienced IT professionals who support medium to large enterprises and have experience administering Windows Server 2012.

configuration of those core services, such as Networking, Storage, Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS), Group Policy, File and Print Services, and Hyper-V. This course maps directly to and is the preferred choice for hands-on preparation for Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA) Exam 70410:Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012, which is the first of three exams required for MCSA: Windows Server 2012 credential. Note: Labs in this course are based on the General Availability release of Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows 8.1.

20411: Administering Windows Server 2012 (R2 Update)

40 Hours | $2,945

20410: Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 (R2 Update)

40 Hours | $2,945

08/07/2017 – 08/11/2017 09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017 10/02/2017 – 10/06/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017

Schedules 08/14/2017 – 08/18/2017 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017

02/05/2018 – 02/09/2018 04/02/2018 – 04/06/2018

09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017 10/30/2017 – 11/03/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/08/2017 01/29/2018 – 02/02/2018 03/26/2018 – 03/30/2018

The course is part one, of a series of three courses, which provide hands-on instruction and practice on installing and configuring Windows Server 2012, including Windows Server 2012 R2. The three courses in total collectively cover implementing, managing, maintaining, and provisioning services and infrastructure in a Windows Server 2012 environment. While there is some cross-over in skillset and tasks across the courses, this course primarily covers the initial implementation and



This course is part two of a series of three courses, which provides hands-on instruction and practice administering Windows Server 2012, including Windows Server 2012 R2. The three courses in total will collectively cover implementing, managing, maintaining and provisioning services and infrastructure in a Windows Server 2012 environment. While there is some cross-over in skillset and tasks across the courses, this course will primarily cover the administration tasks necessary to maintain a Windows Server 2012 infrastructure, such as configuring and troubleshooting name resolution, user and group management with Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) and Group Policy, implementing Remote Access solutions such as

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DirectAccess, VPNs and Web Application Proxy, implementing Network Policies and Network Access Protection, Data Security, deployment and maintenance of server images, as well as update management and monitoring of Windows Server 2012 environments. This course maps directly to and is the preferred choice for hands-on preparation for Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA): Exam 70411: Administering Windows Server 2012, which is the second of three exams required for MCSA: Windows Server 2012 credential. Note: Labs in this course are based on the General Availability release of Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows 8.1.

20412: Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services (R2 Update)

Active Directory Rights Management Services (AD RMS), Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS), Network Load Balancing, Failover Clustering, business continuity and disaster recovery services as well as access and information provisioning and protection technologies such as Dynamic Access Control (DAC), and Web Application Proxy integration with AD FS and Workplace Join. This course maps directly to and is the preferred choice for hands-on preparation for Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA): Exam 70412: Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services, which is the third of three exams required for MCSA: Windows Server 2012 credential. Note: Labs in this course are based on the General Availability release of Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows 8.1.

09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017

20413: Designing and Implementing a Server Infrastructure (Windows Server 2012)

10/02/2017 – 10/06/2017 10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017


40 Hours | $2,945


40 Hours | $2,945

12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017 02/12/2018 – 02/16/2018

10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017

04/09/2018 – 04/13/2018

The course is part three, of a series of three courses, which provides hands-on instruction and practice configuring advanced Windows Server 2012, including Windows Server 2012 R2 services. The three courses in total will collectively cover implementing, managing, maintaining and provisioning services and infrastructure in a Windows Server 2012 environment. While there is some cross-over in skillset and tasks across the three courses this course will primarily cover advanced configuration and services tasks necessary to deploy, manage and maintain a Windows Server 2012 infrastructure, such as advanced networking services, Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS),

20413: Designing and Implementing a Server Infrastructure (Windows Server 2012) course provides you with the skills and knowledge needed to plan, design, and deploy a physical and logical Windows Server 2012 Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) infrastructure. The course also provides the skills to perform name resolution, application integration, optimization of automate remediation and maintenance of network services.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

20414: Implementing an Advanced Server Infrastructure (Windows Server 2012)

20740: Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016 Boot Camp



40 Hours | $2,945

10/16/2017 – 10/20/2017

30 Hours | $2,500

09/30/2017 – 10/02/2017 12/16/2017 – 12/18/2017

20414: Implementing an Advanced Server Infrastructure (Windows Server 2012) course, students will learn how to plan and implement some of the more advanced features available in Windows Server 2012. Course 20413 is a prerequisite course for Course 20414.

20740: Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016

40 Hours | $2,945

This course is a part of a 9-day MCSA Windows Server 2016 Boot Camp.ツInstallation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016 ツcourse is designed primarily for IT professionals who have some experience with Windows Server. It is beneficial for the professionals who will be responsible for managing storage and compute by using Windows Server 2016, and who need to understand the scenarios, requirements, and storage and compute options that are available and applicable to Windows Server 2016.

Schedules 08/14/2017 – 09/06/2017 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017

20741: Networking with Windows Server 2016

10/30/2017 – 11/03/2017 11/04/2017 – 11/18/2017

40 Hours | $2,945

11/06/2017 – 11/29/2017

This course is designed primarily for IT professionals who have some experience with Windows Server. It is designed for professionals who will be responsible for managing storage and compute by using Windows Server 2016, and who need to understand the scenarios, requirements, and storage and compute options that are available and applicable to Windows Server 2016.


Schedules 09/07/2017 – 09/28/2017 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017 11/06/2017 – 11/10/2017 11/19/2017 – 12/03/2017 11/30/2017 – 12/21/2017

This course provides the fundamental networking skills required to deploy and support Windows Server 2016 in most organizations. It covers IP fundamentals, remote access technologies, and more advanced content including Software Defined Networking.

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20741: Networking with Windows Server 2016 Boot Camp

20742: Identity with Windows Server 2016 Boot Camp



30 Hours | $2,500

10/03/2017 – 10/05/2017 12/19/2017 – 12/21/2017

30 Hours | $2,500

10/06/2017 – 10/08/2017 12/22/2017 – 12/24/2017

This course is a part of a 9-day MCSA Windows Server 2016 Boot Camp, provides the fundamental networking skills required to deploy and support Windows Server 2016 in most organizations. It covers IP fundamentals, remote access technologies, and more advanced content including Software Defined Networking.

This course teaches IT Pros how to deploy and configure Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) in a distributed environment, how to implement Group Policy, how to perform backup and restore, and how to monitor and troubleshoot Active Directory窶途elated issues with Windows Server 2016. Additionally, this course teaches how to deploy other Active Directory server roles such as Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) and Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS).

20742: Identity with Windows Server 2016

40 Hours | $2,945

09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017

20743: Upgrading Your Skills to MCSA: Windows Server 2016

10/02/2017 – 10/23/2017 11/13/2017 – 11/17/2017



40 Hours | $2,945

12/09/2017 – 12/23/2017 12/27/2017 – 01/18/2018

08/28/2017 – 09/01/2017 09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

This course teaches IT Pros how to deploy and configure Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) in a distributed environment, how to implement Group Policy, how to perform backup and restore, and how to monitor and troubleshoot Active Directory窶途elated issues with Windows Server 2016. Additionally, this course teaches how to deploy other Active Directory server roles such as Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) and Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS).

11/06/2017 – 11/10/2017

This course explains how to implement and configure new Windows Server 2016 features and functionality. This course is for information technology (IT) professionals who want to upgrade their technical skills from Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2012 to Windows Server 2016. This course presumes a high level of knowledge about previous Windows Server technologies and skills equivalent to the Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA): Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2012 credential. This course is not a product-upgrade course, detailing considerations for migrating and upgrading aspirants’ specific environment to Windows Server

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ 2016. Rather, this course provides updates to aspirants’ existing Windows Server knowledge and skills, as they pertain to Windows Server 2016.

MCSA: Windows Server 2016 Combo

120 Hours | $8,835

Schedules 08/14/2017 – 10/23/2017

MCSA: Windows Server 2012 (R2 Update) Combo

08/28/2017 – 09/22/2017 10/30/2017 – 11/17/2017 11/04/2017 – 12/23/2017 11/06/2017 – 01/18/2018

120 Hours | $8,835

Schedules 09/18/2017 – 10/06/2017 09/25/2017 – 10/13/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/22/2017 01/29/2018 – 02/16/2018 03/26/2018 – 04/13/2018

The Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA): Windows Server 2012 certification shows that you have the primary set of Windows Server skills that are relevant across multiple solution areas in a business environment. The MCSA: Windows Server 2012 certification is a prerequisite for earning the MCSE: Server Infrastructure certification or the MCSE: Desktop Infrastructure certification. This package is comprised of a series of three courses that follows the exam objectives for MCSA: Windows Server 2012 certification. MCSA: Windows Server 2012 Exams: • MCSA: Windows Server 2012 Exam 1: 70-410: Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 • MCSA: Windows Server 2012 Exam 2: 70-411: Administering Windows Server 2012 • MCSA: Windows Server 2012 Exam 3: 70-412: Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services. Labs in the courses in this package are based on the General Availability release of Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows 8.1.


The Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA): Windows Server 2016 certification shows that you have the primary set of Windows Server skills that are relevant across multiple solution areas in a business environment. Earning an MCSA: Windows Server 2016 certification qualifies you for a position as a network or computer systems administrator or as a computer network specialist, and it is the first step on your path to becoming a Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE). This package is comprised of a series of three courses that follows the exam objectives for MCSA: Windows Server 2016 certification. MCSA: Windows Server 2016 Exams: • MCSA: Windows Server 2016 Exam 1: 740: Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016 • MCSA: Windows Server 2016 Exam 2: 741: Networking with Windows Server 2016 • MCSA: Windows Server 2016 Exam 3: 742: Identity with Windows Server 2016

MCSA: Windows Server 2016 Prep Boot Camp

90 Hours | $7,500

Schedules 09/30/2017 – 10/08/2017 12/16/2017 – 12/24/2017

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Over 1,000 Courses

NetCom’s 9-day MCSA: Windows Server 2016 Boot Camp package includes all the Microsoft recommended courses to prepare you for the 3 exams required to achieve your MCSA in Windows Server 2016 certification. This package is comprised of a series of three courses that follows the exam objectives for MCSA: Windows Server 2016 certification. MCSA: Windows Server 2016 Exams MCSA: Windows Server 2016 Exam 1: 740: Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016 MCSA: Windows Server 2016 Exam 2: 741: Networking with Windows Server 2016 MCSA: Windows Server 2016 Exam 3: 742: Identity with Windows Server 2016

MCSE: Server Infrastructure (Windows Server 2012) Combo

80 Hours | $5,890

Schedules 10/09/2017 – 10/20/2017

The Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE): Server Infrastructure certification validates your ability to build comprehensive server infrastructure solutions. Show that you have the skills needed to run a highly efficient and modern data center, with expertise in identity management, systems management, virtualization, storage, and networking. This MCSE certification requires candidates to show continued ability to perform in their chosen solution area by completing a recertification exam every three years.

OD10967A: Fundamentals of a Windows Server Infrastructure Windows Server 2012 MOD

40 Hours | $1,675

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

Learn the fundamental knowledge and skills that you need to build a Windows Server infrastructure with Windows Server 2012. This e-learning course provides the networking, security, and system administration information that you need to implement a Windows Server infrastructure. It covers the basics of installation and configuration, storage, network infrastructure, network components, network protocols, server roles, Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS), Group Policy, IT security, server security, network security, security software, monitoring server performance, and maintaining a Windows Server. This e-learning course includes the foundational level knowledge to prepare students to start a career or cross train in Microsoft Windows Server technologies. This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 10967: Fundamentals of a Windows Server Infrastructure. Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 10969: Active Directory Services with Windows Server. Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required.

OD10969B: Active Directory Services with Windows Server 2012 MOD

40 Hours | $1,675

MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access.

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

In this e-learning course, you will learn how to better manage and protect data access and information, simplify deployment and management of your identity infrastructure, and provide more secure access to data. You will learn how to configure some of the key features in Active Directory such as Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS), Group Policy, Dynamic Access Control (DAC), Work Folders, Work Place Join, Certificate Services, and Rights Management Services (RMS).


Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings.

SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

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Course Catalog

Over 1,000 Courses

OD10972B: Administering the Web Server (IIS) Role of Windows Server 2012 (R2 Update) MOD

40 Hours | $1,675

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

This e-learning course provides students with the fundamental knowledge and skills to configure and manage Internet Information Services. This course is intended to help provide pre-requisite skills supporting a broad range of Internet web applications, security, and knowledge to help support other products that use IIS such as Exchange and SharePoint. In keeping with that goal, this course will not focus on any particular web application or development practice. This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 10972: Administering the Web Server (IIS) Role of Windows Server (R2 Update). Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required.

Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

OD20410D: Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 MOD

40 Hours | $1,675

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

This e-learning course is part one in a series of three courses that provides the skills and knowledge necessary to implement a core Windows Server 2012 infrastructure in an existing enterprise environment. The three courses collectively cover implementing, managing, maintaining and provisioning services and infrastructure in a Windows Server 2012 environment. Although there is some cross-over of skills and tasks across these courses, this course focuses on the initial implementation and configuration of core services, such as Networking, Storage, Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS), Group Policy, File and Print Services, and Hyper-V. This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 20410: Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 (R2 Update) Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

In this e-learning course you will practice administering Windows Server 2012, including Windows Server 2012 R2, in this Microsoft On-Demand course. This course is part two in a series of three courses that provides the skills and knowledge necessary to implement a core Windows Server 2012 infrastructure in an existing enterprise environment. The three courses collectively cover implementing, managing, maintaining and provisioning services and infrastructure in a Windows Server 2012 environment. Although there is some cross-over of skills and tasks across these courses, this course focuses on the administration tasks necessary to maintain a Windows Server 2012 infrastructure such as configuring and troubleshooting name resolution, user and group management with Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) and Group Policy, implementing Remote Access solutions such as DirectAccess, VPNs and Web Application Proxy, implementing Network Policies and Network Access Protection, Data Security, deployment and maintenance of server images, as well as update management and monitoring of Windows Server 2012 environments. This course maps directly to and is the preferred choice for hands-on preparation for Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA): Exam 411: Administering Windows Server 2012, which is the second of three exams required for MCSA: Windows Server 2012 credential. Labs in this course are based on Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows 8.1.

OD20411D: Administering Windows Server 2012 R2 MOD

40 Hours | $1,675

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017


This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 20411: Administering Windows Server 2012 (R2 Update) Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player.

For more schedules visit

Course Catalog

Over 1,000 Courses

High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

OD20412D: Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services (R2 Update) MOD

40 Hours | $1,675

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

In this e-learning cours you’ll learn and practice configuring advanced Windows Server 2012, including Windows Server 2012 R2, services in this MOC On-Demand course. This course is part three in

a series of three courses that provides the skills and knowledge necessary to implement a core Windows Server 2012 infrastructure in an existing enterprise environment. The three courses collectively cover implementing, managing, maintaining and provisioning services and infrastructure in a Windows Server 2012 environment. Although there is some cross-over of skills and tasks across these courses, this course focuses on advanced configuration of services necessary to deploy, manage and maintain a Windows Server 2012 infrastructure, such as advanced networking services, Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS), Active Directory Rights Management Services (AD RMS), Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS), Network Load Balancing, Failover Clustering, business continuity and disaster recovery services as well as access and information provisioning and protection technologies such as Dynamic Access Control (DAC), and Web Application Proxy integration with AD FS and Workplace Join. This course maps directly to and is the preferred choice for hands-on preparation for Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA): Exam 412: Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services, which is the third of three exams required for MCSA: Windows Server 2012 credential. This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 20412: Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services (R2 Update) Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD.

The course covers the new features and functionality in Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2, including management, network infrastructure, storage, access control, virtualization, high availability, and identity federation. Specific technologies covered include Windows PowerShell, Storage Spaces and Internet Small Computer System interface (iSCSI), Active Directory, Hyper-V, implementation of Remote Access solutions such as DirectAccess, VPNs, and Web Application Proxy (WAP). The course also covers Failover Clustering, Federation Services as well as access and information provisioning and protection technologies such as Dynamic Access Control, and Web Application Proxy integration with Federation Services and Workplace Join. This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 20417: Upgrading Your Skills to MCSA Windows Server 2012

2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player.

OD20417D: Upgrading Your Skills to MCSA Windows Server 2012 MOD

High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft.

40 Hours | $1,675

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

This e-learning course is designed for IT professionals who want to upgrade their existing Windows Server technical skills to Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2. It presumes a high level of knowledge about previous Windows Server technologies and skills equivalent to MCSA: Windows Server 2008 credential.


Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings.

For more schedules visit

Course Catalog

Over 1,000 Courses

MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

OD20740B: Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016 MOD

40 Hours | $1,675

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017

training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD.

09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

This course is designed primarily for IT professionals who have some experience with Windows Server. It is designed for professionals who will be responsible for managing storage and compute by using Windows Server 2016, and who need to understand the scenarios, requirements, and storage and compute options that are available and applicable to Windows Server 2016. This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 20740: Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016 Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led

2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

OD20741B: Networking with Windows Server 2016 MOD

40 Hours | $1,675

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

This course provides the fundamental networking skills required to deploy and support Windows Server 2016 in most organizations. It covers IP fundamentals, remote access technologies, and more advanced content including Software Defined Networking. Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

This course teaches IT Pros how to deploy and configure Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) in a distributed environment, how to implement Group Policy, how to perform backup and restore, and how to monitor and troubleshoot Active Directory窶途elated issues with Windows Server 2016. Additionally, this course teaches how to deploy other Active Directory server roles such as Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) and Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS). This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 20742: Identity with Windows Server 2016 Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required.

OD20742B: Identity with Windows Server 2016 MOD

40 Hours | $1,675

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD.


For more schedules visit

Course Catalog

Over 1,000 Courses

2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required.

OD20743B: Upgrading Your Skills to MCSA: Windows Server 2016 MOD

40 Hours | $1,675

Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access.

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

This course explains how to implement and configure new Windows Server 2016 features and functionality. This course is for information technology (IT) professionals who want to upgrade their technical skills from Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2012 to Windows Server 2016. This course presumes a high level of knowledge about previous Windows Server technologies and skills equivalent to the Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA): Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2012 credential. This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 20743: Upgrading Your Skills to MCSA: Windows Server 2016

SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

OD20744A: Securing Windows Server 2016 MOD

40 Hours | $1,675

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand

Securing Windows Server 2016 e-learning course teaches IT professionals how they can enhance the security of the IT infrastructure that they administer. This course begins by emphasizing the importance of assuming that network breaches have occurred already, and then teaches you how to protect administrative credentials and rights to ensure that administrators can perform only the tasks that they need to, when they need to. This course also details how you can mitigate malware threats, identify security issues by using auditing and the Advanced Threat Analysis feature in Windows Server 2016, secure your virtualization

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ platform, and use new deployment options, such as Nano server and containers to enhance security. The course also explains how you can help protect access to files by using encryption and dynamic access control, and how you can enhance your network窶 冱 security. This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 20744: Securing Windows Server 2016 Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access.

OD40389A: Windows Server 2016 First Look Clinic MOD

4 Hours | $1,675

Schedules 08/31/2017 – 08/31/2017 09/29/2017 – 09/29/2017

Microsoft First Look Clinic introduces IT Professionals to the new features and capabilities of Windows Server 2016. It’s designed to provide a broad range of knowledge across a broad array of technologies focusing on the pillars Identity, Compute & Networking. No topic is covered fully, but students will finish the clinic with an understanding of the new and improved features and capabilities of Windows Server 2016. This e-learning course is based on Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview 4, and the technologies are subject to change in the final release. This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 40389: Windows Server 2016 First Look Clinic Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft.

SATV can also be used to buy the MOD.

Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training.

2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required.


For more schedules visit

Course Catalog

Over 1,000 Courses

Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access.

Microsoft Windows Server 2012 20410: Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 (R2 Update)

40 Hours | $2,945


SATV can also be used to buy the MOD.

08/14/2017 – 08/18/2017

2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017 09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017 10/30/2017 – 11/03/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/08/2017 01/29/2018 – 02/02/2018 03/26/2018 – 03/30/2018

The course is part one, of a series of three courses, which provide hands-on instruction and practice on installing and configuring Windows Server 2012, including Windows Server 2012 R2. The three courses in total collectively cover implementing, managing, maintaining, and provisioning services and infrastructure in a Windows Server 2012 environment. While there is some cross-over in skillset and tasks across the courses, this course primarily covers the initial implementation and configuration of those core services, such as Networking, Storage, Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS), Group Policy, File and Print Services, and Hyper-V. This course maps directly to and is the preferred choice for hands-on preparation for Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA) Exam 70410:Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012, which is the first of three exams required for MCSA: Windows Server 2012 credential. Note: Labs in this course are based on the General Availability release of Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows 8.1.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

20411: Administering Windows Server 2012 (R2 Update)

20412: Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services (R2 Update)



40 Hours | $2,945

40 Hours | $2,945

08/07/2017 – 08/11/2017 09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017

09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017 10/02/2017 – 10/06/2017

09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017 10/02/2017 – 10/06/2017

10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017

12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017 02/05/2018 – 02/09/2018

02/12/2018 – 02/16/2018 04/09/2018 – 04/13/2018

04/02/2018 – 04/06/2018

This course is part two of a series of three courses, which provides hands-on instruction and practice administering Windows Server 2012, including Windows Server 2012 R2. The three courses in total will collectively cover implementing, managing, maintaining and provisioning services and infrastructure in a Windows Server 2012 environment. While there is some cross-over in skillset and tasks across the courses, this course will primarily cover the administration tasks necessary to maintain a Windows Server 2012 infrastructure, such as configuring and troubleshooting name resolution, user and group management with Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) and Group Policy, implementing Remote Access solutions such as DirectAccess, VPNs and Web Application Proxy, implementing Network Policies and Network Access Protection, Data Security, deployment and maintenance of server images, as well as update management and monitoring of Windows Server 2012 environments.

The course is part three, of a series of three courses, which provides hands-on instruction and practice configuring advanced Windows Server 2012, including Windows Server 2012 R2 services. The three courses in total will collectively cover implementing, managing, maintaining and provisioning services and infrastructure in a Windows Server 2012 environment. While there is some cross-over in skillset and tasks across the three courses this course will primarily cover advanced configuration and services tasks necessary to deploy, manage and maintain a Windows Server 2012 infrastructure, such as advanced networking services, Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS), Active Directory Rights Management Services (AD RMS), Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS), Network Load Balancing, Failover Clustering, business continuity and disaster recovery services as well as access and information provisioning and protection technologies such as Dynamic Access Control (DAC), and Web Application Proxy integration with AD FS and Workplace Join.

This course maps directly to and is the preferred choice for hands-on preparation for Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA): Exam 70411: Administering Windows Server 2012, which is the second of three exams required for MCSA: Windows Server 2012 credential.

This course maps directly to and is the preferred choice for hands-on preparation for Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA): Exam 70412: Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services, which is the third of three exams required for MCSA: Windows Server 2012 credential.

Note: Labs in this course are based on the General Availability release of Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows 8.1.

Note: Labs in this course are based on the General Availability release of Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows 8.1.


For more schedules visit

Course Catalog

Over 1,000 Courses

MCSA: Windows Server 2012 (R2 Update) Combo

120 Hours | $8,835


OD10972B: Administering the Web Server (IIS) Role of Windows Server 2012 (R2 Update) MOD

40 Hours | $1,675


09/18/2017 – 10/06/2017 09/25/2017 – 10/13/2017

08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017

12/04/2017 – 12/22/2017 01/29/2018 – 02/16/2018

09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

03/26/2018 – 04/13/2018

The Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA): Windows Server 2012 certification shows that you have the primary set of Windows Server skills that are relevant across multiple solution areas in a business environment. The MCSA: Windows Server 2012 certification is a prerequisite for earning the MCSE: Server Infrastructure certification or the MCSE: Desktop Infrastructure certification. This package is comprised of a series of three courses that follows the exam objectives for MCSA: Windows Server 2012 certification. MCSA: Windows Server 2012 Exams: • MCSA: Windows Server 2012 Exam 1: 70-410: Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 • MCSA: Windows Server 2012 Exam 2: 70-411: Administering Windows Server 2012 • MCSA: Windows Server 2012 Exam 3: 70-412: Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services. Labs in the courses in this package are based on the General Availability release of Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows 8.1.

This e-learning course provides students with the fundamental knowledge and skills to configure and manage Internet Information Services. This course is intended to help provide pre-requisite skills supporting a broad range of Internet web applications, security, and knowledge to help support other products that use IIS such as Exchange and SharePoint. In keeping with that goal, this course will not focus on any particular web application or development practice. This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 10972: Administering the Web Server (IIS) Role of Windows Server (R2 Update). Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training.

OD20410D: Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 MOD

HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required.


Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings.

40 Hours | $1,675

08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

This e-learning course is part one in a series of three courses that provides the skills and knowledge necessary to implement a core Windows Server 2012 infrastructure in an existing enterprise environment. The three courses collectively cover implementing, managing, maintaining and provisioning services and infrastructure in a Windows Server 2012 environment. Although there is some cross-over of skills and tasks across these courses, this course focuses on the initial implementation and configuration of core services, such as Networking, Storage, Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS), Group Policy, File and Print Services, and Hyper-V. This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 20410: Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 (R2 Update)

MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

OD20411D: Administering Windows Server 2012 R2 MOD

40 Hours | $1,675

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes


For more schedules visit

Course Catalog

Over 1,000 Courses

In this e-learning course you will practice administering Windows Server 2012, including Windows Server 2012 R2, in this Microsoft On-Demand course. This course is part two in a series of three courses that provides the skills and knowledge necessary to implement a core Windows Server 2012 infrastructure in an existing enterprise environment. The three courses collectively cover implementing, managing, maintaining and provisioning services and infrastructure in a Windows Server 2012 environment. Although there is some cross-over of skills and tasks across these courses, this course focuses on the administration tasks necessary to maintain a Windows Server 2012 infrastructure such as configuring and troubleshooting name resolution, user and group management with Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) and Group Policy, implementing Remote Access solutions such as DirectAccess, VPNs and Web Application Proxy, implementing Network Policies and Network Access Protection, Data Security, deployment and maintenance of server images, as well as update management and monitoring of Windows Server 2012 environments. This course maps directly to and is the preferred choice for hands-on preparation for Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA): Exam 411: Administering Windows Server 2012, which is the second of three exams required for MCSA: Windows Server 2012 credential. Labs in this course are based on Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows 8.1.

High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

OD20412D: Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services (R2 Update) MOD

40 Hours | $1,675

This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 20411: Administering Windows Server 2012 (R2 Update)


Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player.

In this e-learning cours you’ll learn and practice configuring advanced Windows Server 2012, including Windows Server 2012 R2, services in this MOC On-Demand course. This course is part three in

08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ a series of three courses that provides the skills and knowledge necessary to implement a core Windows Server 2012 infrastructure in an existing enterprise environment. The three courses collectively cover implementing, managing, maintaining and provisioning services and infrastructure in a Windows Server 2012 environment. Although there is some cross-over of skills and tasks across these courses, this course focuses on advanced configuration of services necessary to deploy, manage and maintain a Windows Server 2012 infrastructure, such as advanced networking services, Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS), Active Directory Rights Management Services (AD RMS), Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS), Network Load Balancing, Failover Clustering, business continuity and disaster recovery services as well as access and information provisioning and protection technologies such as Dynamic Access Control (DAC), and Web Application Proxy integration with AD FS and Workplace Join. This course maps directly to and is the preferred choice for hands-on preparation for Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA): Exam 412: Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services, which is the third of three exams required for MCSA: Windows Server 2012 credential. This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 20412: Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services (R2 Update) Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led


training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings. MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

OD20417D: Upgrading Your Skills to MCSA Windows Server 2012 MOD

40 Hours | $1,675

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

This e-learning course is designed for IT professionals who want to upgrade their existing Windows Server technical skills to Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2. It presumes a high level of knowledge about previous Windows Server technologies and skills equivalent to MCSA: Windows Server 2008 credential.

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The course covers the new features and functionality in Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2, including management, network infrastructure, storage, access control, virtualization, high availability, and identity federation. Specific technologies covered include Windows PowerShell, Storage Spaces and Internet Small Computer System interface (iSCSI), Active Directory, Hyper-V, implementation of Remote Access solutions such as DirectAccess, VPNs, and Web Application Proxy (WAP). The course also covers Failover Clustering, Federation Services as well as access and information provisioning and protection technologies such as Dynamic Access Control, and Web Application Proxy integration with Federation Services and Workplace Join.

MOC On-Demand access code will be valid for activation for 6 months from the date of purchase. Once activated, it will allow for 90 days of course access. SATV can also be used to buy the MOD. 2 SATV days are needed for a MOD course. 5 SATV days are needed for a MOD course with Digital MOC option.

This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 20417: Upgrading Your Skills to MCSA Windows Server 2012 Taking a Microsoft on-demand (MOD) course is an integrated on-line training experience that includes video, labs, exercises, text and knowledge checks. Attendees experience all of this through an on-demand course player. High-quality content, direct from the source. MOC On-Demand is brought to you by the people who write the software. The content is based on the same official courseware we use in our instructor-led training, and videos feature engaging experts hand-selected by Microsoft. Live hands-on labs. Unlike other on-demand offerings that offer simulated labs, MOC On-Demand gives you a live, real-time environment for hands-on training. HD Videos High quality HD videos are designed by subject matter experts in order to give you all knowledge that is required. Knowledge Check Available throughout the course in order to assess your learnings.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

Microsoft Word Word (2016/2013/2010) Combo

24 Hours | $1,080

Word 2010: Level 1

8 Hours | $360

Schedules 09/18/2017 – 09/18/2017

Schedules 09/18/2017 – 09/20/2017 10/23/2017 – 10/25/2017 11/27/2017 – 11/29/2017

These days, most people take electronic word processing for granted. While we may still write out our grocery lists with pen and paper, we expect to use a computer to create the majority of our documents. Its impossible to avoid word-processing software in many areas of the business world. Managers, lawyers, clerks, reporters, and editors rely on this software to do their jobs. Whether you are an executive secretary or a website designer, you’ll need to know the ins and outs of electronic word processing. Microsoft Word (2016/2013/2010) is designed to help you move smoothly through the task of creating professional-looking documents. Its rich features and powerful tools can make your work easy, and even fun. In this course, you’ll learn how to use Word to create and edit simple documents; format documents; add tables and lists; add design elements and layout options; and proof documents.

Word 2010 Combo

24 Hours | $1,080


These days, most people take electronic word-processing for granted. While we may still write out our grocery lists with pen and paper, we expect to use a computer to create the majority of our documents. It’s impossible to avoid word-processing software in many areas of the business world. Managers, lawyers, clerks, reporters, and editors rely on this software to do their jobs. Whether you are an executive secretary or a website designer, you’ll need to know the ins and outs of electronic word-processing. You can also use this course to prepare for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Certification exams for Microsoft Word 2010.

Word 2010: Level 2

8 Hours | $360


09/18/2017 – 09/20/2017

09/19/2017 – 09/19/2017

Microsoft Office Word 2010 delivers innovations that can help you easily create professional-quality documents, control distribution of sensitive information, and collaborate with others. This course also allows individuals to prepare for certification as a Microsoft Office Specialist in Word 2010.


Microsoft Word 2010 is designed to help you move smoothly through the task of creating professional-looking documents. Its rich features and powerful tools can make your work easy, and even fun. In this course, you’ll learn how to use Word 2010 to create and edit simple documents; format documents; add tables and lists; add design elements and layout options; and proof documents.

After completing the first course in this series, Microsoft Office Word 2010: Part 1, you are now able to perform the basic tasks to create a variety of documents. You probably noticed as you continued working in Word that there are some tasks that you repeat quite often. This course will show you how you can work more efficiently by automating some

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tasks and providing methods to maintain consistency between documents. You will create more complex documents that include lists, tables, charts, graphics, and newsletter layouts. You will also merge data into documents to personalize correspondence and address envelopes and labels with the data as well. Word can be used to create complex documents that are nearly as complicated as those created using a desktop publishing application. Using Word, you can control how the text flows between paragraphs and pages, you can link a story on page one to the rest of the story later in the document, and you can add graphics and specify how the text and graphic appear together on the page. You can also use this course to prepare for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Certification exams for Microsoft Word 2010.

Word 2010: Level 3

8 Hours | $360

Schedules 09/20/2017 – 09/20/2017

In Microsoft Word 2010: Part 2, you gained the skills to work with more complex business documents and automate tasks. If you work with lengthy documents, collaborate with others, or create forms, this course will show you how to use Word to efficiently accomplish these tasks. Microsoft Word 2010 enables you to do more than simple word processing. It can be used to collaborate on complicated documents and manage how the documents are accessed and distributed. Advanced features of Word 2010 enable you to revise, manage, and secure your business documents.

Word 2016 Combo

24 Hours | $1,080

Schedules 09/18/2017 – 09/20/2017 10/23/2017 – 10/25/2017 11/27/2017 – 11/29/2017

These days, most people take electronic word processing for granted. While we may still write out our grocery lists with pen and paper, we expect to use a computer to create the majority of our documents. Its impossible to avoid word-processing software in many areas of the business world. Managers, lawyers, clerks, reporters, and editors rely on this software to do their jobs. Whether you are an executive secretary or a website designer, you’ll need to know the ins and outs of electronic word processing. Microsoft Word 2016 is designed to help you move smoothly through the task of creating professional-looking documents. Its rich features and powerful tools can make your work easy, and even fun. In this course, you’ll learn how to use Word 2016 to create and edit simple documents; format documents; add tables and lists; add design elements and layout options; and proof documents.

Word 2016: Level 1

8 Hours | $360

Schedules 09/18/2017 – 09/18/2017 10/23/2017 – 10/23/2017 11/27/2017 – 11/27/2017

Today’s fast-paced world could not function without word processing software, and the dominant software in today’s market is Microsoft Word. Microsoft Word contains rich features and powerful tools for creating documents tailored to every need.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ NetCom Learning provides a comprehensive Word 2016: Level 1 training class with a hands-on approach that will have you navigating Word in no time. The Microsoft Office Word 2016 training is conducted by certified instructors through online and in-class media. Word 2016: Level 1 training covers the creation and editing of documents, formatting, adding tables and lists, adding design elements, and layout options. Learn Microsoft Word 2016 Level 1 by exploring all the built-in options that make work easy and fun. This Microsoft Office Word 2016 essential training is the first step toward becoming an expert in working with Word 2016.

Word 2016: Level 2

8 Hours | $360


options and tools available in the application. The program is designed to build the user’s expertise for all their word processing objectives.

Word 2016: Level 3

8 Hours | $360

Schedules 09/20/2017 – 09/20/2017 10/25/2017 – 10/25/2017 11/29/2017 – 11/29/2017

After you have learned to draft documents by getting familiar with the full features and customization tools of Microsoft Word 2016, it is time to know more than simple word processing. The Microsoft Word 2016: Level 3 course from NetCom Learning provides an insight into collaboration features, creating forms, and working with lengthy Word documents.

09/19/2017 – 09/19/2017 10/24/2017 – 10/24/2017 11/28/2017 – 11/28/2017

The Word 2016: Level 2 course is the next step after covering the fundamentals of creating, editing, and saving a Microsoft Word document in the Level 1 course. The Word 2016: Level 2 training class focuses on more advanced features of Word, enabling the user to create professional, complex documents with proficiency. NetCom Learning provides an interactive Microsoft Office Word 2016 training for students and working professionals, enhancing their overall ability to automate intricate tasks like creating a business letter. This Word 2016: Part 2 essential training is especially for those who are involved in drafting high-level documents.

The Word 2016: Level 3 training class covers tools other than word processing, like manipulation tools, cross-referencing and linking tools, security features, entry forms and data collection, and document production automation tools. Candidates explore how to create lengthy documents in an easy manner, and how to collaborate with others through this Word 2016: Level 3 training. Imparted by certified instructors, the proactive Microsoft Office Word 2016 training prepares aspirants to accomplish tasks by using Word efficiently. The training includes a hands-on approach to ensure learners are able to handle complex tasks easily upon course completion.

The Microsoft Office Word 2016 essential training is conducted by certified trainers via a hands-on approach and guides learners through the multiple


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Word Level 1 (2016/2013/2010)

8 Hours | $360

Schedules 09/18/2017 – 09/18/2017 10/23/2017 – 10/23/2017 11/27/2017 – 11/27/2017

(2016/2013/2010) course is the next step after covering the fundamentals of creating, editing, and saving a Microsoft Word document in the Level 1 course. The Word Level 2 (2016/2013/2010) training class focuses on more advanced features of Word, enabling the user to create professional, complex documents with proficiency.

This course is suited for those using Microsoft Word (2016/2013/2010). This course will be taught using Microsoft Word. Today’s fast-paced world could not function without word processing software, and the dominant software in today’s market is Microsoft Word. Microsoft Word contains rich features and powerful tools for creating documents tailored to every need.

NetCom Learning provides an interactive Microsoft Office Word training for students and working professionals, enhancing their overall ability to automate intricate tasks like creating a business letter. This Word Level 2 (2016/2013/2010) essential training is especially for those who are involved in drafting high-level documents.

NetCom Learning provides a comprehensive Word Level 1 (2016/2013/2010) training class with a hands-on approach that will have you navigating Word in no time. The Microsoft Office Word training is conducted by certified instructors through online and in-class media.

The Microsoft Office Word Level 2 (2016/2013/2010) essential training is conducted by certified trainers via a hands-on approach and guides learners through the multiple options and tools available in the application. The program is designed to build the user窶冱 expertise for all their word processing objectives.

Word Level 1 (2016/2013/2010) training covers the creation and editing of documents, formatting, adding tables and lists, adding design elements, and layout options. Learn Microsoft Word Level 1 (2016/2013/2010) by exploring all the built-in options that make work easy and fun. This Microsoft Office Word 2016 essential training is the first step toward becoming an expert in working with Word.

Word Level 3 (2016/2013/2010)

8 Hours | $360

Schedules 09/20/2017 – 09/20/2017 10/25/2017 – 10/25/2017 11/29/2017 – 11/29/2017

Word Level 2 (2016/2013/2010)

8 Hours | $360

Schedules 09/19/2017 – 09/19/2017 10/24/2017 – 10/24/2017 11/28/2017 – 11/28/2017

This course is suited for those using Microsoft Word Level 2 (2016/2013/2010). This course will be taught using Microsoft Word. The Word Level 2

This course is suited for those using Microsoft Word Level 3 (2016/2013/2010). This course will be taught using Microsoft Word. After you have learned to draft documents by getting familiar with the full features and customization tools of Microsoft Word, it is time to know more than simple word processing. The Microsoft Level 3 (2016/2013/2010) course from NetCom Learning provides an insight into collaboration features, creating forms, and working with lengthy Word documents.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ The Word Level 3 (2016/2013/2010) training class covers tools other than word processing, like manipulation tools, cross-referencing and linking tools, security features, entry forms and data collection, and document production automation tools. Candidates explore how to create lengthy documents in an easy manner, and how to collaborate with others through this Word Level 3 (2016/2013/2010) training. Imparted by certified instructors, the proactive Microsoft Office Word training prepares aspirants to accomplish tasks by using Word efficiently. The training includes a hands-on approach to ensure learners are able to handle complex tasks easily upon course completion.

Microsoft Workshops Power BI – Introduction & Applications

32 Hours | $2,750

Schedules 09/25/2017 – 09/28/2017 10/30/2017 – 11/02/2017 11/27/2017 – 11/30/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/21/2017

Power BI is a suite of business analytics tools to analyze data and share insights. Power BI dashboards provide a 360-degree view for business users with their most important metrics in one place, updated in real time, and available on all of their devices Our course in Power BI provides a jump start for Data Analysts / Information Technology staff interested in using Power BI for Business Intelligence or Operational Reporting. The class covers all necessary topics needed to read data from multiple sources, generate a useful data model and publish a functional dashboards to the cloud. The class will also provide an overview of how to solve common business problem using Power BI techniques, including common reporting metrics like weighted averages, moving averages, Year to Date and Year over Year calculations. The course duration can be customized to meet your needs; contact us for more details


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Midrange Servers (System i)

IBM i Security Concepts and Implementation

Control Language Programming Workshop for IBM i


16 Hours | $1,240

32 Hours | $3,500

10/26/2017 – 10/27/2017

Learn how to plan for, implement, and manage security on the IBM i. Also, get an introduction to the features and functions of Management Central.

Schedules 10/23/2017 – 10/26/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/14/2017

Learn to write easy to use and efficient control language (CL) programs which may be used to perform a variety of system and application control functions. You are taught to write basic and intermediate level, interactive, and batch CL programs, user commands, and CL programs that function as user tools (programs that use the output of display commands as input). You will learn to write Control Language (CL) programs which may be used to perform a variety of system and application control functions. You will be taught to write basic and intermediate level interactive and batch CL programs as well as programs that function as user tools (programs that use the output of display commands as input).

IBM i Recovery and Availability Management

16 Hours | $1,240

Schedules 11/02/2017 – 11/03/2017

Learn how to plan for, implement, and manage the ongoing operations of Power Systems with IBM i. Emphasis is on system availability and backup and recovery. Also, get an introduction to the architecture and terminology of Power Systems with IBM i.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

Oracle Database Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I Release 2

40 Hours | $3,750

Oracle Database 11g: Introduction to SQL

24 Hours | $1,249

Schedules 10/30/2017 – 11/01/2017

Schedules 11/06/2017 – 11/10/2017

This course is designed to give aspirants a firm foundation in basic administration of Oracle Database 11g. In this class, aspirants learn how to install and maintain Oracle Database 11g. Aspirants gain a conceptual understanding of the Oracle database architecture and how its components work and interact with one another. Aspirants learn how to create an operational database and properly manage the various structures in an effective and efficient manner including performance monitoring, database security, user management, and backup/recovery techniques. The lesson topics are reinforced with structured hands-on practices.

Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop II Release 2

40 Hours | $3,750


In this course students learn the concepts of relational databases. This course provides the essential SQL skills that allow developers to write queries against single and multiple tables, manipulate data in tables, and create database objects. Students learn to control privileges at the object and system level. This course covers creating indexes and constraints, and altering existing schema objects. Students also learn how to create and query external tables. Students learn to use the advanced features of SQL in order to query and manipulate data within the database, use the dictionary views to retrieve metadata and create reports about their schema objects. Students also learn some of the date-time functions available in the Oracle Database. This course discusses how to use the regular expression support in SQL. In this course, students use Oracle SQL Developer as the main development tool. SQL*Plus is introduced as an optional development tool.

11/13/2017 – 11/17/2017

In this course, the concepts and architecture that support backup and recovery, along with the steps of how to carry it out in various ways and situations, are covered in detail. This includes how to define and test your own backup and recovery scenarios. Also, the students learn to manage memory effectively and to perform some performance evaluation and tuning tasks, including using some of the advisors. All types of flashback technologies, scheduling jobs inside and outside of the database, and controlling system resource usage are covered. Topics are reinforced with hands-on practices.


Oracle Database 12C: Fundamentals for Developers and System Administrators

16 Hours | $1,550

Schedules 10/09/2017 – 10/10/2017 11/20/2017 – 11/21/2017

Oracle Database 12C: Fundamentals for Developers and System Administrators course is ideal for Database Administrators of small to medium sized businesses. This Oracle Database 12c: Fundamentals

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for Developers and System Administrators course helps you perform basic Oracle Database 12c administration tasks needed to keep the database operational.In this course, you will be introduced to Oracle Database Cloud Service.

Oracle E-Business Suite R12.2 Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals

40 Hours | $4,500

Schedules 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017

Oracle DBA Track (11g) Release 2 Combo

104 Hours | $8,749

Schedules 10/30/2017 – 11/17/2017

The process of becoming Oracle Database certified broadens your knowledge and skills by exposing you to a wide array of important database features, functions and tasks. Oracle Database certification teaches you how to perform complex, hands-on activities through labs, study and practice. According to Oracle’s 2012 Salary and Satisfaction Survey, more than 38% of DBAs reported receiving a promotion, compensation increase or other improvements to their careers as a result of becoming certified.

10/23/2017 – 10/27/2017 11/27/2017 – 12/01/2017

This R12.2 Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals will help you maximize accounting process efficiency across the enterprise, while still achieving a high level of information and setup security. It will teach you how Oracle General Ledger integrates with the eBusiness Suite of applications. Learn To: • Understand the steps for completing the full accounting cycle, as well as the ledger concept. • Describe the considerations.



• Use the capabilities of securing data within Oracle General Ledger. • Perform simultaneous accounting for multiple reporting requirements. • Access and process data for multiple ledgers and legal entities at the same time using the power of ledger sets. • Understand how Oracle General Ledger integrates with the eBusiness Suite of applications • Understand the steps for completing the full accounting cycle

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

R12.2 Oracle Order Management Fundamentals

32 Hours | $3,600

• Set up shipping execution, including freight carriers, freight cost types, document sets, and container load details

Schedules 10/02/2017 – 10/05/2017 11/13/2017 – 11/16/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/21/2017

This R12.2 Oracle Order Management Fundamentals training teaches you how to perform the basic order capture and order fulfillment flows that Oracle Order Management facilitates. Participate in hands-on activities to solidify new skills; use the functionality described in the class and apply it to your daily job. Learn To: • Set up Oracle Order Management • Manage exceptions and holds • Use key order flows • Set up inventory, receivables, shipping execution, and basic pricing functionality • Define credit checking.

R12.2 Oracle Payables Management Fundamentals

32 Hours | $3,600

Schedules 09/25/2017 – 09/28/2017 11/06/2017 – 11/09/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/14/2017

This R12.x Oracle Payables Management Fundamentals training teaches you how to set up and use Oracle Payables to manage the accounts payable process. You’ll learn how to create and manage suppliers and supplier bank accounts, process individual and recurring invoices, match invoices to purchase orders or receipts and more. Learn To: • Manage suppliers. • Process invoices and payments.

• Create price lists

• Generate key payables reports.

• Define processing constraints, transaction types, defaulting rules, order holds, and user defined attributes at the order header and line level that enable you to record additional information on the sales order • Create subinventories, units of measure, and items

• Import and approve invoices and expense reports for payment. • Process, stop, and void payments. • Set up bank accounts.

• Create customers, payment terms, and defining credit checking • Create price lists, as well as discount and freight and special charge list modifiers


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R12.2 Oracle Receivables Management Fundamentals

Expert Oracle University instructors will begin with with an overview of Subledger Accounting key concepts and terminology. Learn To:


• Create and modify the setup for subledger journal entries and application accounting definitions for Oracle subledger applications.

32 Hours | $3,600

09/18/2017 – 09/21/2017 10/30/2017 – 11/02/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/07/2017

This R12.2 Oracle Receivables Management Fundamentals Ed 1 training is ideal for customers who have implemented Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12, 12.1 or R12.2. Expert Oracle University instructors will teach you how to set up and use Oracle Receivables to manage receivables processing. Learn To: • Understand the Order to Cash Lifecycle. • Understand the Oracle Receivables process. • Manage parties and customer accounts. • Process invoices using Auto-Invoice. • Utilize the processes.



• Create journal entries and transfer them to General Ledger. • Inquire and report on subledger journal entries. • Understand how Oracle Subledger Accounting integrates with the Oracle eBusiness Suite applications. • Understand the major Subledger Accounting.




• Use Accounting Methods Builder (AMB) to create and modify subledger journal line setups and application accounting definitions.


• Set up credit management, the receipt process, tax processing and period closing.

R12.2 Oracle Subledger Accounting Fundamentals

16 Hours | $1,800

Schedules 09/16/2017 – 09/17/2017 10/28/2017 – 10/29/2017 12/02/2017 – 12/03/2017

This R12.2 Oracle Subledger Accounting Fundamentals Ed 1 training teaches you about the rule-based accounting engine, toolset and repository that supports Oracle E-Business Suite modules.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

Oracle Operating Systems Oracle Solaris 11 System Administration – Accelerated

Palo Alto Palo Alto Firewall 8.0: Essentials-Configuration and Management (EDU-210)

40 Hours | $5,000

70 Hours | $5,500 Schedules


10/23/2017 – 10/27/2017

10/30/2017 – 11/05/2017

This Oracle Solaris 11 System Administration training teaches you the full range of introductory system administration tasks. Learn how to monitor basic troubleshooting and install the operating system on a single system. Learn complex and integrated administration concepts through a combination of lessons and hands-on exercises that will reinforce your learning. This is an advanced course which dives into the details of configuring and administering an Oracle Solaris 11 system.


Successful completion of this five-day, instructor-led course will enhance the student’s understanding of how to configure and manage Palo Alto Networks ツョ next-generation firewalls. The student will learn and get hands-on experience configuring, managing, and monitoring a firewall in a lab environment.

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PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)

Project Management Professional (PMP)

PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)

Project Management Professional (PMP)



24 Hours | $1,795

35 Hours | $1,999

09/25/2017 – 09/27/2017

09/18/2017 – 09/21/2017

11/20/2017 – 11/22/2017

10/23/2017 – 11/20/2017 11/06/2017 – 11/09/2017

If you’re experienced using agile approaches, have good collaboration skills, eagerly embrace complexity and thrive on rapid response times, then your talents are in demand. The Project Management Institute Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)ツョ formally recognizes your knowledge of agile principles and your skill with agile techniques. It will make you shine even brighter to your employers, stakeholders and peers. The PMI-ACP spans many approaches to agile such as Scrum, Kanban, Lean, extreme programming (XP) and test-driven development (TDD.) So it will increase your versatility, wherever your projects may take you. Organizations that are highly agile and responsive to market dynamics complete more of their projects successfully than their slower-moving counterparts 75 percent versus 56 percent as shown in our 2015 Pulse of the Profession report. What you will receive: - Expert led lectures - Real-life examples

The Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification program is led by the industry’s top PMP instructors, who prepares you to pass the PMP exam, earning one of the most valued credentials around. The PMP exam content is majorly focused on A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge – Fifth Edition, (PMBOK Guide) and other sources, this program features a wide variety of proven learning tools and study aids. What you will receive: - Expert led lectures - Real-life examples - 35 PMI PDUs (Based on course delivery & assignment hours) - Tips and tricks to conquer the exam Assistance with the PMI application process Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM). Click Here for the full list of NetCom courses pre-approved for Professional Development Units (PDUs). Recent Changes in PMP Exam (2016) A recently completed Role Delineation Study (RDS) provided an updated description of the project management professional role. It serves as the foundation for the PMP exam and ensures its validity and relevance. The RDS captures perspectives of project management practitioners from all industries, work settings, and regions. Research included a large-scale survey of global Project Management Professional (PMP) certification holders to validate updates to domains, tasks, knowledge, and skills.

- 24 PMI PDUs (Based on course delivery & assignment hours) - Tips and tricks to conquer the exam - Assistance with the PMI application process

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

QlikView QlikView Designer

prepare you to take your QlikView applications to the next level. 16 Hours | $1,400

Schedules 10/23/2017 – 10/24/2017

Additionally, the course will take an in-depth look at the different charts and graphs available to developers and business users inside of QlikView documents.

QlikView Designer course provides the fundamental knowledge and skills required to get started building QlikView documents. It covers the critical concepts and design components essential to build effective and powerful QlikView documents. The course is a mixture of demonstrations and hands-on exercises which include user interface layout, design fundamentals, how to create a QlikView document with sheets as well as best practices in design. Additionally, the course will take an in-depth look at the different charts and graphs available to developers and business users inside of QlikView documents.

QlikView Developer

24 Hours | $2,100

Schedules 10/25/2017 – 10/27/2017

QlikView Developer course is a must if you are building QlikView applications. Knowledge of the data model, creation of the proper data connections and scripting fundamentals are critical to create QlikView applications that provide you to develop powerful business discovery tools. QlikView Developer training program is a mixture of demonstrations and hands-on exercises which include user interface layout, design fundamentals, how to create a QlikView document with sheets as well as best practices in design. Beginning with the QlikView environment and covering topics such as data modeling, synthetic keys and how to use the script editor, the QlikView Developer course will


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Rational Configuring Projects in IBM Rational Team Concert V4.0

24 Hours | $2,100

challenges. Additionally, some basics about Java code relevant to creating scripts for testing are covered.This course focuses on getting started with Rational Functional Tester.

Schedules 10/09/2017 – 10/11/2017

Configuring Projects with IBM Rational Team Concert V4.0 targets project administrators and team leads. You learn how to configure Rational Team Concert project areas and processes so that the core IBM practices for agile development and change and release management can be effectively adopted by the project team. Topics include planning projects, teams, and iterations to support both traditional and agile projects; defining source control streams and component structure; customizing process controls and work items; and customizing Rational Team Concert queries and reports to provide project status and measure progress.

Essentials of IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting, V8.0

16 Hours | $1,400

Schedules 12/14/2017 – 12/15/2017

This introductory course is designed to familiarize testing professionals with the basics of the IBM Rational test automation tools for use in testing Java and Web applications. Testers can build, enhance, and maintain scripts in a full-function Java IDE that integrates with the IBM Rational Software Delivery Platform products. Hands-on instruction is provided for those who want to explore the power of using IBM Rational Functional Tester. The Rational Functional Tester application builds effective and resilient test scripts using Java code and IBM ScriptAssure technology. The focus is on the practical application of Rational Functional Tester to resolve common Java and Web automated testing

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

Salesforce Authorized Courses

Programmatic Development Using Apex and Visualforce (DEV-450)

Certification Preparation for Advanced Administrator (CRT-211)


8 Hours | $900


40 Hours | $4,500

08/07/2017 – 08/11/2017 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017

Please note: This course is intended to replace the DEV501, Apex and Visualforce Controllers course as of October 31, 2015

08/04/2017 – 08/04/2017 08/11/2017 – 08/11/2017 08/25/2017 – 08/25/2017

Are you ready to be recognized for your mastery of Salesforce administration by becoming a Salesforce Certified Advanced Administrator? By covering the details around the exam objectives, this course will help hone your knowledge of of next-level techniques to administer and manage Salesforce’s CRM capabilities through guided scenarios, lecture, and discussion.

Declarative Development for Platform App Builders (DEV-402)

40 Hours | $4,500

Schedules 08/07/2017 – 08/11/2017 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017

Are you ready to move beyond Salesforce administration to unlock even greater capabilities through declarative programming? Master Salesforce’s suite of click-not-code options for developing valuable apps and functionality over five days of guided scenarios, lectures, and discussion. Build your knowledge of app deployment, automation tools, security, UI customization, and more!

Are you a programmer who wants to understand how to customize applications programmatically on the platform? In this course, you will learn the core of the Apex programming language and Visualforce markup in order to customize your applications. You will get hands-on experience building data objects (sObjects) and programmatically retrieving, manipulating, and storing the data associated with those objects. You will write custom logic using Apex triggers and classes, and test that logic using the built-in testing framework. You will explore how Apex code interacts with declarative customizations on the platform, and the nuances of working on a multi-tenant platform. You will then examine common techniques for designing solutions in Apex. These activities will culminate in an exercise building a complex trigger that takes advantage of the declarative aspects of the platform. You will get hands-on experience writing Visualforce pages to customize your user interface and Visualforce controllers (in Apex) to modify the controller behavior behind the interface. You will also explore design techniques and the built-in testing framework around Visualforce.

Sales Cloud Training for Sales Managers (SLS-201)

8 Hours | $600

Schedules 08/04/2017 – 08/04/2017


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Sales Cloud Training for Sales Managers helps sales managers analyze and improve sales processes from lead assignment to deal cloure. In this interactive course, discuss best practices and gain hands-on experience running sales reports, forecasting with realtime data, tracking quota attainment, and using productivity tools to successfully manage sales teams.

Sales Cloud Training for Sales Reps (SLS-101)

6 Hours | $600


Once you have created a dashboard, you will learn about the JSON file that defines a dashboard and how it can be modified for advanced functionality, such as creating mobile layouts and modifying lens queries. You will also learn how to organize your lenses and dashboards using apps and ensure that only the right users have access to them.

Salesforce Service Cloud Essentials For Agents (SVC-101)

16 Hours | $1,200

Schedules 08/08/2017 – 08/09/2017

08/03/2017 – 08/03/2017

Sales Cloud Training for Sales Reps is a must for Sales Representatives who are new to Salesforce Sales Cloud and need to quickly get up to speed on its productivity tools. Sales Reps will learn how to use the Sales Cloud to prospect for clients, manage accounts and opportunities, manage their workflow, communicate with clients, and run reports. This course is structured in a modular format and adds up to one full day of content.

Salesforce Building Lenses, Dashboards, and Apps in the Analytics Cloud (ANC – 201)

8 Hours | $595


Salesforce Service Cloud assists support agents with their daily activities, from collaborating with other agents to logging and resolving cases. In this interactive course, support agents will gain hands-on experience on how to use Service Cloud to share knowledge with each other and with customers, divert cases by creating self-service resources for customers (including knowledgebase articles), receive cases through a variety of channels (including CTI and social media), and use a web-based console specifically built for support agents to manage and resolve cases efficiently.

Salesforce: Administration Essentials for Experienced Admins (ADM-211)

32 Hours | $3,600


08/23/2017 – 08/23/2017

08/07/2017 – 08/10/2017

In this course, you will find out how to design and create an effective dashboard layout to help explorers quickly find their way around. You will learn how to build lenses and ‘clip’ them into your dashboards to create selectors, filters, and widgets, and how to create a faceted dashboard which automatically updates as explorers interact with it.

08/21/2017 – 08/24/2017 09/05/2017 – 09/08/2017 09/18/2017 – 09/21/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/28/2017

Comprehensive and hands-on, this course is for administrators who are ready to significantly ramp

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ up their skills and knowledge about how Salesforce can solve their most pressing business needs. Using real-world scenarios, Administration Essentials for Experienced Admins covers topics such as extending Salesforce with custom objects and apps, generating complex reports and dashboards, and automating complex business processes to help you work more efficiently and get more out of Salesforce.

Professional Edition. This is the core training that ensures your success with Salesforce. The class will focus on the features and tools needed to manage Salesforce Professional Edition implementation. For maximum benefit, we recommend administrators take this course before starting a Salesforce deployment.

Salesforce: Administration Essentials for New Admins (ADM-201)

Salesforce: Mobile and Desktop Exploration in Wave Analytics – (ANC-101)



40 Hours | $4,500

08/14/2017 – 08/18/2017

8 Hours | $600

08/22/2017 – 08/22/2017

08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

Comprehensive and hands-on, Administration Essentials for New Admins is the core training that ensures your success with Salesforce. It’s a must for new administrators. We recommend administrators take this course before starting a Salesforce deployment or when taking over an existing deployment.

Salesforce: Administration Essentials for New Admins – Professional Edition (ADM-202)

16 Hours | $999


Ready to see where your data takes you in Salesforce Analytics? This course teaches you how to explore your data through lenses and interactive dashboards from your desktop or mobile device, and how to share your insights in Chatter or email. Learn how to quickly change measures, groups, and filters; select the best visualizations for your data; and drill down to see details. You will also learn how to easily load additional data from a CSV file, which you can start exploring right away using the power of Analytics

Salesforce: Preparing for Your Administrator Certification (CRT-101)

8 Hours | $900

Schedules 08/10/2017 – 08/10/2017

08/01/2017 – 08/02/2017 09/06/2017 – 09/07/2017 09/27/2017 – 09/28/2017

Administration Essentials for New Admins: Professional Edition is a must for all administrators wanting to maximize implementation of Salesforce


Are you ready to take the next step in your career by becoming a Certified Administrator? Instructors will present real-world business scenarios that will help hone your problem-solving skills and reinforce your knowledge of key topics covered on the Certified Administrator exam. You will complete

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practice questions related to these scenarios to help prepare you for your exam.

Salesforce: Sales Cloud Administration: Products, Quotes, Orders and Collaborative Forecasts

8 Hours | $900

Salesforce: Preparing for Your Sales Cloud Consultant Certification (CRT-251)

8 Hours | $900

Schedules 08/09/2017 – 08/09/2017

Are you ready to take the next step in your career by becoming a Certified Sales Cloud Consultant? Instructors will present scenarios that will help reinforce your knowledge of Sales Cloud functionality by thinking through requirements design considerations. The course provides an overview of the exam objectives to help you focus your efforts to prepare for the Sales Cloud Consultant Certification exam.

Schedules 08/08/2017 – 08/08/2017

Sales Cloud Administration: Products, Quotes, Orders, and Collaborative Forecasts is a must for all administrators who need to configure and maintain these features for their organizations. Using realworld scenarios, this course will teach administrators how to set up products, price books, quotes, and orders to streamline their processes. This course will also teach administrators how to configure Collaborative Forecasts to generate accurate forecasts and track quota attainment.

Salesforce: What’s Possible: Salesforce Fundamentals (STR-101)

24 Hours | $2,700

Salesforce: Reporting Fundamentals (RPT-101)

8 Hours | $850

Schedules 08/02/2017 – 08/02/2017 08/07/2017 – 08/07/2017

Reporting Fundamentals is a must for all users who need to report on the data managed within their Salesforce instance. The course covers Salesforces existing reports as well as the Salesforce reporting tool set, to teach you how to customize existing reports and create your own reports. Information on building dashboards and enhancing your reports via formulas and filters is provided to help you analyze your business.

Schedules 08/07/2017 – 08/09/2017

Are you a business analyst or project manager who is looking to learn more about how Salesforce can solve specific business issues? Whats Possible: Salesforce Fundamentals provides the information to enable you to effectively engage with your business stakeholders. The course walks through a series of typical business challenges to provide you with the background to solve your specific business needs.

Service Cloud Essentials for Managers (SVC-201)

16 Hours | $1,200

Schedules 08/10/2017 – 08/11/2017

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ Salesforce Service Cloud helps support managers establish and maintain solutions for call center CRM and customer self-service. In this interactive course, support managers will gain hands-on experience overseeing the deployment of the Service Cloud to facilitate collaboration among agents and customers, for customer self-service and case deflection, for multi-channel support of incoming cases, for case management and case workflow automation, and for support-related analytics and reporting.

SAP BO Crystal Reports 10: Level 1

16 Hours | $959

Schedules 10/02/2017 – 10/03/2017

Crystal Reports 10: Level 1 is the primary recommended course for anyone whose job responsibilities require them to obtain output from databases. It is also the first course in the Crystal Reports 10 series. In this course, students will build basic list and group reports that work with almost any database.

Crystal Reports 10: Level 2

16 Hours | $959

Schedules 10/04/2017 – 10/05/2017

Students familiar with the basics of building and modifying reports will benefit from this course, where they will learn to create complex reports and data sources using Crystal Reports’ tools. In this course, students will learn not only how to create more sophisticated reports like subreports and cross-tabs, but also how to increase the speed and efficiency of reports by using SQL queries and dictionaries.


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SAP HANA HA100: SAP HANA Introduction

16 Hours | $1,200

SAP Sales & Distribution Order Fulfillment I & II Combo

160 Hours | $19,820

Schedules 10/09/2017 – 10/10/2017


In this course, you will get an overview of SAP HANA. You will learn about in-memory computing, SAP HANA architecture and main implementation scenarios. You will also learn about modeling and data processing, data provisioning, as well as the different types of applications that run on SAP HANA, such as SAP BI tools, SAP Business Warehouse and SAP HANA XS applications. This course is also valuable for everyone who is part of an S/4HANA project, as it helps understand the key innovations in SAP Business Suite that the underlying SAP HANA Platform permits.

11/27/2017 – 12/22/2017

This package is a combo of two courses: (1) TSCM60: Order Fulfillment I, (2) TSCM62: Order Fulfillment II

HA300: SAP HANA Implementation and Modeling

40 Hours | $3,250

Schedules 10/16/2017 – 10/20/2017

Develop advanced SAP HANA modeling skills so that you are able to create sophisticated and high performance information views that can expose data to applications and report consumers.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

SAS Business Intelligence

applications in the platform for SAS Business Analytics.

SAS Business Intelligence Reporting 1: Essentials

16 Hours | $1,439

SAS Programming 1: Essentials

24 Hours | $1,650



10/16/2017 – 10/17/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/12/2017

10/16/2017 – 10/18/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/13/2017

This course teaches how to access reports and analyze data using several of the business user applications in the platform for SAS Business Analytics.

SAS Business Intelligence Reporting 2: Additional Topics

16 Hours | $1,439

Schedules 10/18/2017 – 10/19/2017 12/13/2017 – 12/14/2017

SAS Programming 1: Essentials course is for users who want to learn how to write SAS programs. It is the entry point to learning SAS programming and is a prerequisite to many other SAS courses. If you do not plan to write SAS programs and you prefer a point-and-click interface, you should attend the SAS Enterprise Guide 1: Querying and Reporting course. This course can help prepare you for the following certification exam(s): SAS Base Programming Exam for SAS 9, SAS Certified Clinical Trials Programmer Using SAS 9.

This course expands on the knowledge learned in the SAS Business Intelligence Reporting 1: Essentials course and provides additional information for using several of the business user applications in the platform for SAS Business Analytics.

SAS Business Intelligence Reporting Combo

32 Hours | $2,878

Schedules 10/16/2017 – 10/19/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/14/2017

This class is designed to teach how to access reports and analyze data using several of the business user


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Scaled Agile SAFe 4.0 For Teams

SDN Networking 16 Hours | $1,495


SDN Fundamentals: The Future of Networking

16 Hours | $1,695


10/05/2017 – 10/06/2017

08/07/2017 – 08/08/2017

SAFe 4.0 for Teams course teaches Scrum principles, and goes beyond fundamental learning to include Lean thinking tools, roles and processes. It also teaches the software engineering practices that are needed to achieve the code quality necessary for scaling Scrum, Lean, and XP inspired practices to your enterprise business context. New teams in an enterprise agile adoption program, or existing Scrum teams that need restructuring for scaling, will find value in this course. To begin with, candidates are taught the principles of scaling: Lean thinking tools, Agile development practices at scale, and an overview of the Scaled Agile Framework. Through insightful lectures, experiential activities, and exercises, they learn how to begin building actual team backlogs in preparation for the agile transformation. To wrap up the course, teams learn the best practices for building quality software in a timebox. Successful completion of this Scaled Agile Framework training course satisfies the requirement for the SAFe Practitioner certification and prepares you to pass the exam.

09/25/2017 – 09/26/2017

For the past 20 years, networking has not been able to quickly respond to changing business demands. Software-Defined Networking (SDN) promises to change that. SDN empowers the business to control network behavior by emphasizing the software application instead of the network infrastructure. In this interactive course, you will learn what SDN is and how it is rapidly changing the future of networking.

SDN Planning Workshop: Demystifying Vendor Solutions

24 Hours | $2,395

Schedules 08/09/2017 – 08/11/2017 10/23/2017 – 10/25/2017

Due to the multivendor nature of networking, understanding how to apply Software-Defined Networking (SDN) in your environment can be difficult. Many questions may arise, such as: Do you need to buy anything? Can you implement SDN yourself? Do you need to hire someone? Are you locked into a specific vendor? What options are there when choosing a vendor or implementing a multivendor solution? In this interactive course, you will analyze multiple vendor solutions and gain the confidence to begin planning your SDN strategy.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

Soft skills, Leadership & Management Project Management: Fundamentals

Symantec IT Management Suite 8.0 for Administrators

40 Hours | $4,500

8 Hours | $839 Schedules


09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017

09/25/2017 – 09/25/2017

10/23/2017 – 10/27/2017 11/27/2017 – 12/01/2017

10/30/2017 – 10/30/2017 11/27/2017 – 11/27/2017 12/27/2017 – 12/27/2017

Project Management: Fundamentals overviews the basics of project management. It provides the theory and core methodology you will need to manage projects or participate on project teams. This course does not make use of any project management software application, but instead focuses on the conceptual underpinnings that students must know in order to use any project management software application effectively.


The Symantec IT Management Suite 8.0 for Administrators course is designed for professionals tasked with using Symantec IT Management Suite (ITMS) to manage their software and hardware resources in their organizations. This five-day, instructor-led, hands-on course teaches students the underlying components and concepts of the Symantec Management Platform along with the Symantec Management Console that is used by ITMS to perform its management functions. Students learn how to use ITMS software solutions to collect inventory, manage their software, account for and track assets, apply software updates and to manage license compliance. Students also learn how to use the platform consoles and reports to analyze and monitor their environment.

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TOGAF TOGAF 9.1 Training Course: Level 1 and 2 Combined

32 Hours | $3,895

UNIX Servers (System p) Advanced Tools for AIX Performance Analysis

32 Hours | $3,500

Schedules 09/11/2017 – 09/14/2017


10/09/2017 – 10/12/2017 11/06/2017 – 11/09/2017

11/06/2017 – 11/09/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/21/2017

TOGAF, an Open Group standard, is a proven enterprise architecture methodology and framework used by the world’s leading organizations to improve business efficiency. TOGAF helps practitioners avoid being locked into proprietary methods, utilize resources more efficiently and effectively, and realize a greater return on investment. TOGAF is an industry-standard architecture framework that may be used freely by your organization to develop an information systems architecture. In this course, you will gain the knowledge needed to prepare for and achieve both TOGAF 9.1 Level 1 certification, known as TOGAF 9.1 Foundation, and TOGAF Level 2 certification, known as TOGAF 9.1 Certified. You will learn the technology, structure, and concepts of TOGAF 9.1. In addition to gaining the knowledge and comprehension of TOGAF 9.1, you will learn to analyze and apply this knowledge.

Develop the skills to use kernel traces, trace based utilities, and svmon to measure and analyze CPU, memory, and I/O performance issues on IBM systems running AIX. Reinforce each lecture during extensive hands-on lab exercises and get practical experience applicable to their performance management requirements.

AIX Basics

32 Hours | $2,950

Schedules 09/25/2017 – 09/28/2017

This course enables you to perform everyday tasks using the AIX operating system. Learn to perform everyday tasks using the AIX operating system.

AIX Jumpstart for UNIX Professionals

40 Hours | $3,775

Schedules 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017 10/16/2017 – 10/20/2017 10/23/2017 – 10/27/2017

Learn to install, customize and administer the AIX operating system in a multi-user POWER (System p) partitioned environment.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™ The course is based on AIX 7 running on a Power system managed by Hardware Management Console Version 7 and provides practical discussions that are appropriate to earlier AIX releases.

5.2 Workload Partitions for AIX 7 licensed program product.

AIX Network Installation Management Concepts and Configuration

16 Hours | $1,600

Schedules 12/07/2017 – 12/08/2017

The primary goal of this course is to provide you with a working knowledge of the fundamental capabilities of the Network Installation Management (NIM) facility of the AIX 7.1 operating system. This course uses a combination of instructor lecture and machine exercises to provide you with practical background knowledge of the topics covered.

AIX Workload Partitions: Configuration and Management

32 Hours | $3,550

Schedules 10/02/2017 – 10/05/2017

In this you course will learn how to configure and manage workload partitions (WPARs) in the AIX environment. Hands-on exercises will reinforce the lecture and give students practice creating and managing both application and system WPARs using the command-line interface. Students will explore various configuration options such as implementing private and shared file systems, exporting devices, setting resource controls, and configuring network options. Students will practice operations such as starting and stopping WPARs, performing dynamic configuration changes, and tracking data in log files. The course also covers the installation, configuration and management of versioned WPARs using the AIX


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Vendor Neutral – Technical

CyberSec First Responder: Threat Detection and Response

Advanced Python Programming


40 Hours | $3,295

32 Hours | $2,495


08/07/2017 – 08/11/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017 11/13/2017 – 11/17/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017

08/21/2017 – 08/24/2017 11/06/2017 – 11/09/2017

Python has often been thought of as clean scripting language or a simple language to glue “real” applications together. This view is completely out of sync with the real possibilities of the Python language. This course will show you the true power of the language and the ecosystem. You will see that entire high-performance application stacks can be built in Python.

Big Data and Hadoop Administrator Training

24 Hours | $2,950

Schedules 09/18/2017 – 09/20/2017

NetCom Learning’s training in Big Data and Hadoop Administrator is an ideal course for every aspiring professional who wants to make his/her career in the Big Data sector. Hadoop administrator will be able to build and maintain the infrastructure which is needed to store and process big data. Big Data and Hadoop Administrator course offered by NetCom provides a hands-on experience to install, configure, and manage the Apache Hadoop platform. The course covers topics to deploy, manage, monitor, and secure a Hadoop Cluster. In addition, it also focuses on the whole ecosystem of Big Data and Hadoop.

CyberSec First Responder: Threat Detection and Response course covers the duties of those who are responsible for monitoring and detecting security incidents in information systems and networks, and for executing a proper response to such incidents. Depending on the size of the organization, this individual may act alone or may be a member of a computer security incident response team (CSIRT). The course introduces strategies, frameworks, methodologies, and tools to manage cybersecurity risks, identify various types of common threats, design and operate secure computing and networking environments, assess and audit the organization’s security, collect, and analyze cybersecurity intelligence, and handle incidents as they occur. The course also covers closely related information assurance topics such as auditing and forensics to provide a sound basis for a comprehensive approach to security aimed toward those on the front lines of defense. In addition, this course can help students who are looking to fulfill DoD directive 8570.01 for information assurance (IA) training. This program is designed for personnel performing IA functions, establishing IA policies and implementing security measures and procedures for the Department of Defense and affiliated information systems and networks.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

Essential Python

32 Hours | $2,495


Introduction to JavaScript

24 Hours | $1,575


08/21/2017 – 08/24/2017

08/07/2017 – 08/09/2017

The Python language has been emerging as a very powerful, flexible, and simple programming tool for building all manner of applications. Maybe you’re one of the many developers looking get started with Python. If so, then this hands-on language course is just the thing for you.

Introduction to Hadoop Administration

24 Hours | $2,195


09/25/2017 – 09/27/2017 11/27/2017 – 11/29/2017

This course will teach the core functionality of the JavaScript language. Students learn to use JavaScript effectively to make their web pages more dynamic and functional and to reduce the number of roundtrips to the server.

Introduction to Python Programming

24 Hours | $1,995


09/11/2017 – 09/13/2017

08/21/2017 – 08/23/2017

Apache Hadoop is an open source framework for creating reliable and distributable compute clusters. Credited with the IBM Watson Jeopardy win in 2011, Hadoop can be used (with other related frameworks) to process large unstructured or semi-structured data sets from multiple sources to dissect, classify, learn from, and make suggestions for business analytics, decision support, and other advanced forms of machine intelligence. This introductory-level, hands-on lab-intensive course is geared for the administrator who is new to Hadoop and responsible for maintaining a Hadoop cluster and its related components. Hadoop is a system designed for massive scalability; it’s extremely fault-tolerant compared to other cluster architectures. As administrators, you will need to install, configure, and maintain Hadoop on Linux in various compute environments. This course agenda may be easily customized for addressing areas of specific interest to your team. There are lab variations that support Cloudera and Hortonworks distributions as well.


09/18/2017 – 09/20/2017 10/30/2017 – 11/01/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/06/2017

Python has been around for decades, but it’s still one of the most versatile and popular programming languages out there. Whether you’re relatively new to programming or have been developing software for years, Python is an excellent language to add to your skill set. In this course, you’ll learn the fundamentals of programming in Python, and you’ll develop applications to demonstrate your grasp of the language.

Mastering Python Programming

40 Hours | $2,795

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017 10/30/2017 – 11/03/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/08/2017

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Python has been one of the premier, flexible, and powerful open-source language that is easy to learn, easy to use, and has powerful libraries for data manipulation and analysis. For over a decade, Python has been used in scientific computing and highly quantitative domains such as finance, oil and gas, physics, and signal processing. This course will cover both basic and advance concepts of Python like writing python scripts, sequence and file operations in python, Machine Learning in Python, Web Scraping, Map Reduce in Python, Hadoop Streaming, Python UDF for Pig and Hive. You will also go through important and most widely used packages like pydoop, pandas, scikit, numpy scipy etc.

VMware VMware Horizon 7: Install, Configure, Manage [V7]

40 Hours | $4,125

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017 10/16/2017 – 10/20/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017

This course gives you the skills to deliver virtual desktops and applications through a single virtual desktop infrastructure platform. This course builds your skills in installing, configuring, and managing VMware Horizon 7 through a combination of lecture and hands-on labs. You will learn how to configure and deploy pools of virtual machines, how to manage access and security of the machines, and how to provide a customized desktop environment to end users.

VMware Horizon View: Install, Configure, Manage 6.2

32 Hours | $3,395

Schedules 10/23/2017 – 10/26/2017

This training course gives you the skills to deliver virtual desktops and applications through a single virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) platform. It builds your skills in installing, configuring, and managing the View component of VMware Horizon 6, release 6.2, This course teaches you how to configure and deploy pools of virtual machines, how to manage access and security of the machines, and how to provide end users a customized desktop environment.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

VMware NSX: Install, Configure, Manage 6.2

VMware Virtual SAN: Deploy and Manage v6.2



40 Hours | $4,125

08/07/2017 – 08/11/2017 10/02/2017 – 10/06/2017

24 Hours | $1,500

10/25/2017 – 10/27/2017

11/06/2017 – 11/10/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/08/2017

This comprehensive, fast-paced training course focuses on installing, configuring, and managing VMware NSX. This course presents VMware NSX as a part of the software-defined data center. You will learn how to use logical switching in VMware NSX to virtualize your switching environment. The course also details logical routing to enable you to dynamically route between different virtual environments. And you will learn how to use gateway services, firewall configurations, and security services to help secure and optimize your VMware NSX environment.

This course focuses on deploying and managing a software-defined storage solution with VMware Virtual SAN 6.2. In this course, you will learn how Virtual SAN is used as an important component in the VMware software-defined data center (SDDC). You will also gain practical experience with these concepts through the completion of hands-on labs. The course is based on the VMware ESXi 5.5 Update 1 and the VMware vCenter Server 5.5 Update 1, VMware Virtual SAN: Deploy and Manage v5.5.

VMware vRealize Automation: Install, Configure, Manage (V7.0)

40 Hours | $4,125


VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager: Install, Configure, Manage (6.1)

16 Hours | $1,795

Schedules 08/10/2017 – 08/11/2017 11/09/2017 – 11/10/2017

VMware Site Recovery Manager: Install, Configure, Manage [V6.1] course, you will gain the knowledge needed to install, configure, and manage VMware Site Recovery Manager 6.1. This course also equips you with the knowledge to assist in writing and testing disaster recovery plans that use SRM.


08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017 10/16/2017 – 10/20/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017

VMware vRealize Automation: Install, Configure, Manage (V7.0) course, will focus on installing, configuring, and managing VMware vRealize Automation. You will learn about the configuration and use of the vRealize Automation platform, including self-service provisioning and the creation of catalog services that include predefined virtual machines, software components, and on-demand VMware NS networks. This course also covers interfacing vRealize Automation with other systems, using VMware vRealize Orchestrator to leverage workflows, and creating approval cycles and managing machine lifecycles to conserve resources. In addition, you will better understand and know how to achieve the benefits of automation as a component of the software-defined data center.

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VMware vRealize Operations Manager: Install, Configure, Manage (6.2)

VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage v6.0



40 Hours | $4,490

40 Hours | $3,995

08/28/2017 – 09/01/2017 09/25/2017 – 09/29/2017

08/07/2017 – 08/11/2017 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017

10/23/2017 – 10/27/2017 11/27/2017 – 12/01/2017

09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017 10/16/2017 – 10/20/2017

VMware vRealize Operations Manager: Install, Configure, Manage (6.2) course, designed for experienced VMware vSphere users, teaches you how to use VMware vRealize Operations Manager as a forensic and predictive tool. Based on VMware ESXi 6, VMware vCenter Server 6, and vRealize Operations Manager 6.2, this course includes instruction on advanced capabilities, including customization and management.

VMware vSphere: Fast Track V6.0

40 Hours | $6,200

10/23/2017 – 10/27/2017 10/23/2017 – 10/27/2017 11/27/2017 – 12/01/2017 01/08/2018 – 01/12/2018 04/02/2018 – 04/06/2018

This authorized VMware training course features intensive hands-on training that focuses on installing, configuring, and managing VMware vSphere 6, which includes VMware ESXi 6 and VMware vCenter Server 6. Approximately 45 percent of class time is dedicated to completing hands-on labs. This course will give you a solid understanding of how to administer a vSphere infrastructure for an organization of any size.

Schedules 08/14/2017 – 08/18/2017 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017 10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017

VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage V6.5

11/13/2017 – 11/17/2017 12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017

40 Hours | $4,125

Schedules In this course, you will learn how to install, configure, manage, and troubleshoot VMware vSphere 6, including VMware ESXi 6 and VMware vCenter Server 6. This course combines the content of the VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage course with troubleshooting skills needed for maintaining highly available and scalable vSphere environments.

08/07/2017 – 08/11/2017 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017 10/02/2017 – 10/06/2017 10/16/2017 – 10/20/2017 11/06/2017 – 11/10/2017 11/13/2017 – 11/17/2017 12/04/2017 – 12/08/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017

This course features intensive hands-on training that focuses on installing, configuring, and managing VMware vSphere 6.5, which includes VMware ESXi 6.5 and VMware vCenter Server 6.5. You will learn

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NetCom Learning™ how to administer a vSphere infrastructure for an organization of any size. It is the foundation for most other VMware technologies in the software-defined data center.

This training course is designed to help operators and administrators who create and manage virtual machines. This course provides you with a strong understanding of VMware virtual machine features in vSphere 6.0. This course will help you gain the skills required to work effectively with VMware virtual machines.

VMware vSphere: Optimize and Scale V6.5

40 Hours | $4,300

Schedules 08/14/2017 – 08/18/2017 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017

VMware vSphere: Troubleshooting Workshop V6.0

40 Hours | $4,475

10/09/2017 – 10/13/2017 11/13/2017 – 11/17/2017

Schedules 08/21/2017 – 08/25/2017 09/18/2017 – 09/22/2017

12/11/2017 – 12/15/2017

This five-day course will teach you advanced skills for configuring and maintaining a highly available and scalable virtual infrastructure. Through a mix of lecture and hands-on labs, you will configure and optimize the VMware vSphereツョ 6.5 features that build a foundation for a truly scalable infrastructure, and you will discuss when and where these features have the greatest effect. This course will deepen your understanding of vSphere and how its advanced features and controls can benefit your organization.

10/16/2017 – 10/20/2017 12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017

This hands-on training workshop provides you with the advanced knowledge, skills, and abilities to achieve competence in troubleshooting the VMware vSphere environment. This workshop also increases your skill and competence in using the command line interface to analyze problems. The workshop is based on VMware ESXi 6 and VMware vCenter Server 6. You will spend approximately 75 percent of class in hands-on labs.

Product Alignment 「 ESXi 6.5

VMware vSphere: What New [V5.5 to V6]

「 vCenter Server 6.5

24 Hours | $2,375


VMware vSphere: Skills for Operators [V6]

16 Hours | $1,600

Schedules 10/23/2017 – 10/24/2017


08/07/2017 – 08/09/2017 11/06/2017 – 11/08/2017

VMware vSphere: What’s New In this course, you will explore the new features and enhancements in VMware vCenter Server 6.5 and VMware ESXi 6.5. Real-world use case deployment scenarios, hands-on lab exercises, and lectures will teach you the skills

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that you need to effectively implement and configure VMware vSphere 6.5. This class is recommended for customers who want to deploy vSphere 6.5 into their existing vSphere environment.

VMware Training by VMsources VMsources VMware vSphere 6 – Datacenter Operations (DCO)

32 Hours | $2,995

Schedules 08/15/2017 – 08/18/2017

This special “No Command Line” class will focus on providing Administrators with all the information they need to know for successful vSphere administration. In our VMware vSphere 6 – Datacenter Operations, each student will install and configure their own ESXi 5 server the right way and then build a complete VMware vSphere environment. Every participant will gain a solid understanding of Public, Private, and Hybrid Cloud Computing along with a clear, real-world roadmap for planning and upgrading to vSphere 5 including: • What’s New in VMware vSphere 6 • Installing, configure and manage VMware vSphere 6 • Deploy VMware vCenter Server (Windows) and the VMware vCenter Appliance • Create and manage Virtual Machines • Backup Virtual Machines with the vSphere API for Data Protection Once each aspirants has had the opportunity to configure his/her own vSphere environment, we will cluster the classroom ESXi Servers and explore the more advanced vCenter concepts like Distributed Resource Scheduling, High Availability and Distributed Power Management. All Labs will be

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NetCom Learning™ done using our state-of-the-art VMware Hardware Compatibility List servers. We will focus on vSphere administration using the available GUI tools; the vSphere Client and vCenter Server. Administrators will learn what they need to know without loading up on deprecated or highly-specific command-line tools useful only in specialized situations. This class is ideal for Administrators who work primarily in Windows and have an immediate need for useful knowledge and ability with VMware vSphere. This class is fully compatible with VMware vSphere 5.1 and VMware vSphere 5. Note: This course does not qualify for VMware certification.

VMsources VMware vSphere 6.5 Infrastructure Deployment Prep Boot Camp

50 Hours | $3,495


• HTML5 vCenter Web Client (Experimental) • Flash-based vSphere Web Client (production) What makes our approach so unique is that every participant builds an actual datacenter environment on real servers, from beginning to end. Most importantly, we use the same procedures, in the same order, as they would be implemented in your own datacenter! Our VMware vSphere 6.5 Infrastructure Deployment Boot Camp features over 60 interactive Step-By-Step Labs (SBS LAB), complete with detailed instructions and full-color screenshots of all steps. This is the most comprehensive class we offer. That means that our Step-by-Step Labs (SBS LABS) are sure to become lasting reference materials and a clear, real-world roadmap for the design, implementation and management of VMware vSphere 6 including: • What’s New in VMware vSphere 6.5 • Planning and Design for VMware vSphere 6.5 • Implementation with ESXi 6.5 and vCenter 6.5

08/14/2017 – 08/18/2017 10/16/2017 – 10/20/2017

• VMware vSphere 6.5 Management

12/18/2017 – 12/22/2017

VMware vSphere 6.5 is the first version of vSphere not to support any form of the traditional Windows (C#) client. We have rewritten all of our materials from the ground-up to familiarize users with all of the available consoles and clients for each of the fundamental components of vSphere: • IPMI

• Virtualize Business-Critical VMware vSphere 6.5


• Cloud Control “Own your cloud and manage it too!” • Backup and Remediation VMware vSphere6.5 • VMware vSphere 6.5 Integrations, Tools and 3rd Party add-ons Note: This course does not qualify for VMware certification.

• VMRC • SSH • HTML5 Host Client • Web-based Virtual Appliance Management (VAMI)



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VMware vSphere 6.0 Infrastructure Deployment Prep Boot Camp

64 Hours | $5,990


WebSphere Administration of IBM Business Process Manager Standard V8.5

32 Hours | $2,800

08/15/2017 – 08/18/2017

Schedules VMware vSphere 6.0 Infrastructure Deployment Prep Boot Camp is a combo of VMware vSphere 6 – Datacenter Operations (DCO) & VMware vSphere 6 Advanced Infrastructure Deployment (AID) Note: This course does not qualify for VMware certification.

10/16/2017 – 10/19/2017 10/23/2017 – 10/26/2017

This course is also available as self-paced virtual (e-learning) course Administration of IBM Business Process Manager Standard V8.5 (Self-paced). In this course, you learn the skills that are required to install, configure, and administer IBM Business Process Manager Standard V8.5.

Call to register: 888-563-8266


NetCom Learning™

Index 1 10267: Introduction to Web Development with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 | 103 10748: Planning and Deploying System Center 2012 Configuration Manager | 200 10961: Automating Administration with Windows PowerShell | 165 10962: Advanced Automated Administration with Windows PowerShell | 166 10969: Active Directory Services with Windows Server 2012 | 217 10972: Administering the Web Server (IIS) Role of Windows Server 2012 (R2 Update) | 153, 218 10978: Introduction to Azure for Developers | 120 10979: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals | 120 10981: Infrastructure Provisioning with System Center Virtual Machine Manager | 200 10982: Supporting and Troubleshooting Windows 10 | 211 10985: Introduction to SQL Databases SQL Server 2016 | 184 10986: Updating Your Skills to SQL Server 2016 | 184 10987: Performance Tuning and Optimizing SQL Databases | 185 10988: Managing SQL Business Intelligence Operations | 185 10989: Analyzing Data with Power BI | 159 10990: Analyzing Data with SQL Server Reporting Services SQL server 2016 | 185 2 20246: Monitoring and Operating a Private Cloud (System Center 2012) | 129, 200 20247: Configuring and Deploying a Private Cloud (System Center 2012) | 129, 201 20331: Core Solutions of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 | 170 20332: Advanced Solutions of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 | 170 20334: Core Solutions of Microsoft Skype for Business 2015 | 180, 181 20336: Core Solutions of Microsoft Lync Server 2013 | 153 20337: Enterprise Voice and Online Services with Microsoft Lync Server 2013 | 153


20339-1 Planning and Administering SharePoint 2016 | 171 20339-2 Advanced Technologies of SharePoint 2016 | 171 20341: Core Solutions of Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 | 148 20342: Advanced Solutions of Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 | 148 20345-1 Administering Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 | 148 20345-2: Designing and Deploying Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 | 149 20347: Enabling & Managing Office 365 (MCSA: Office 365) | 154 20398: Planning for and Managing Devices in the Enterprise: Enterprise Mobility Suite (EMS) & On-Premises Tools | 211 20409: Server Virtualization with Windows Server Hyper-V and System Center 2012 | 201, 218 20410: Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 (R2 Update) | 218, 234 20411: Administering Windows Server 2012 (R2 Update) | 219, 234 20412: Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services (R2 Update) | 219, 235 20413: Designing and Implementing a Server Infrastructure (Windows Server 2012) | 208, 220 20414: Implementing an Advanced Server Infrastructure (Windows Server 2012) | 208, 220 20480: Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 (Visual Studio 2013) | 103 20481: Essentials of Developing Windows Store Apps using HTML5 and JavaScript (Visual Studio 2012) | 104 20482: Advanced Windows Store Apps Development using HTML5 and JavaScript (Visual Studio 2012) | 104 20483: Programming in C# (Visual Studio 2012) | 104 20484: Essentials of Developing Windows Store Apps Using C# (Visual Studio 2012) | 105 20485: Advanced Windows Store App Development Using C# (Visual Studio 2012) | 105

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Over 1,000 Courses

20486: Developing ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Applications (Visual Studio 2013) | 105 20488: Developing Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Core Solutions | 171 20489: Developing Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Advanced Solutions | 172 20532: Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions (Microsoft Specialist) | 120, 130 20533: Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions (Microsoft Specialist) | 121, 130 20695: Deploying Windows Desktops and Enterprise Applications | 202, 212 20696: Administering System Center Configuration Manager and Intune (System Center 2012) | 202, 212 20697-1: Implementing and Managing Windows 10 | 212 20697-2: Deploying and Managing Windows 10 Using Enterprise Services | 212 20698: Installing and Configuring Windows 10 | 213 20740: Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016 | 220 20740: Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016 Boot Camp | 221 20741: Networking with Windows Server 2016 | 221 20741: Networking with Windows Server 2016 Boot Camp | 221 20742: Identity with Windows Server 2016 | 221 20742: Identity with Windows Server 2016 Boot Camp | 222 20743: Upgrading Your Skills to MCSA: Windows Server 2016 | 222 20761: Querying Data with Transact-SQL (SQL Server 2016) | 185 20762: Developing SQL Databases SQL Server 2016 | 186 20764: Administering a SQL Database Infrastructure | 183, 186 20765: Provisioning SQL Databases SQL Server 2016 | 183, 186 20767: Implementing a SQL Data Warehouse (SQL Server 2016) | 183, 186 20768: Developing SQL Data Models SQL Server | 183, 187 20778: Analyzing Data with Power BI | 187

4 40409: Deploying Voice Workloads for Skype for Business Online and Server 2015 | 181 40442: MOC Workshop: Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions | 121 5 50470: Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 for the Site Owner/Power User | 172 50547: Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Site Collection and Site Administration | 172 50592: Advanced SQL Azure | 121 55033: SharePoint 2013 Site Collection and Site Administration | 173 55035: Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 for the Site Owner/Power User | 173 55039: Windows PowerShell Scripting and Toolmaking | 166 55048: No-Code SharePoint 2013-2016 Workflows With SharePoint Designer 2013 | 173 55123: Writing Reports with Report Builder and SSRS 2014 Level 1 | 187 55128: Writing Reports with Report Builder and SSRS 2014 Level 2 | 187 55187: Linux System Administration | 121 55197: Microsoft SharePoint Server 2016 for the Site Owner/Power User | 173 55199: SharePoint 2016 End User Training | 180 55200: SharePoint 2016 Power User Training | 174 55205: Mastering Microsoft Project 2016 | 169 55234: SharePoint 2016 Site Collections and Site Owner Administration | 174 8 80219+80220+80302: Financials I, II and Fixed Assets in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Accelerated | 133, 136 80303+80304: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Development I and II Accelerated | 133, 136 80305+80306+80339: Supply Chain Management, Distribution & Trade and Bill of Materials in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Accelerated | 133, 136 80312: Development III in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Accelerated | 134, 137 80313: Development IV in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Accelerated | 134, 137

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NetCom Learning™ 80539: Installation and Deployment in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 | 138 80540: Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Accelerated | 140 80542: Customization and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 | 138 80545: Customer Service in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 | 139 80546: Sales Management in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 | 139 80725: Development Environment Introduction In Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 | 134, 141 80729: Customization and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 | 134, 139 80736: Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 Online Deployment | 135, 139 A Accelerate, Secure and Integrate with IBM DataPower V7.1 | 89 Access (2016/2013/2010) Combo | 115 Access 2010 Combo | 115 Access 2010: Level 1 | 115 Access 2010: Level 2 | 116 Access 2010: Level 3 | 116 Access 2013 Combo | 116 Access 2013: Level 1 | 116 Access 2013: Level 2 | 117 Access 2013: Level 3 | 117 Access 2016 Combo | 117 Access 2016: Level 1 | 117 Access 2016: Level 2 | 118 Access 2016: Level 3 | 118 Access Level 1 (2016/2013/2010) | 118 Access Level 2 (2016/2013/2010) | 119 Access Level 3 (2016/2013/2010) | 119 Active Directory | 41, 42, 120, 122, 125, 166, 207, 208, 213, 217, 219, 220, 221, 222, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 231, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239 Administering Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise, Part 1 v10.0 – AUCCE1 (Collaboration) | 40 Administering Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise, Part 2 v10.0 – AUCCE2 (Collaboration) | 40 Administering IBM Operational Decision Manager V8.5 | 86


Administering IBM Operational Decision Manager V8.7.1 | 84 Administering IBM Web Content Manager 8.0 | 88, 100 Administration of IBM Business Process Manager Advanced V8.5 | 84 Administration of IBM Business Process Manager Advanced V8.5.5 | 90 Administration of IBM Business Process Manager Standard V8 | 84 Administration of IBM Business Process Manager Standard V8.5 | 274 Adobe Dreamweaver | 3 Adobe Flash | 3 Adobe Illustrator | 4 Adobe Illustrator CC Combo | 4 Adobe Illustrator Fundamentals: An Introduction to Illustrator CC | 4 Adobe InDesign | 5 Adobe InDesign CC Advanced | 5 Adobe InDesign CC Combo | 5 Adobe InDesign Fundamentals: An Introduction to InDesign CC | 5 Adobe Photoshop | 6 Advanced IBM Web Content Manager 8.0 concepts | 88 Advanced Parallel Sysplex Operations and Recovery Workshop | 102 Advanced Programming Topics for IBM WebSphere Commerce V7 Customization | 96 Advanced Python Programming | 265 Advanced Scripting for Cisco Unified Contact Center Express v8.0 – ASCCX | 40 Advanced Security Practitioner | 70, 72 Advanced Tools for AIX Performance Analysis | 264 Advanced T-SQL Querying, Programming and Tuning for SQL Server 2012, 2014 and 2016 | 188 Agile Planning and Tracking with IBM CLM V6 | 85 Agile Project Management | 7 AirWave Wireless Management Suite Installation, Configuration and Use (AICU) 8.2, Rev. 16.41 | 84 AIX Basics | 264 AIX Jumpstart for UNIX Professionals | 264 AIX Network Installation Management Concepts and Configuration | 264

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Over 1,000 Courses

AIX Workload Partitions: Configuration and Management | 264 An Introduction to Flash CC | 3 An Introduction to the z/OS Environment | 102 Android | 3, 7, 8, 211, 214 Android and iPhone | 7 Android Programming with Java Basics | 7 Autodesk 3ds Max | 9 Autodesk 3ds Max 2017 Fundamentals | 9 Autodesk AutoCAD | 9 Autodesk AutoCAD 2017 Combo | 9 Autodesk AutoCAD 2017 Level 1: Essentials | 9 Autodesk AutoCAD 2017 Level 2: Intermediate | 10 Autodesk AutoCAD 2017 Level 3: Advanced | 10 Autodesk Revit | 11 Autodesk Revit Architecture 2017 Fundamentals | 11 Autodesk Revit BIM Management 2017: Template and Family | 11 Autodesk Revit MEP 2017 Fundamentals | 11 Autodesk Revit Structure 2017 Fundamentals | 12 AWS Architecting | 13 AWS Developer Certification Prep | 13 AWS Developing | 13 AWS Essentials | 14 AWS Operations | 14 AWS Solutions Architect Certification Prep | 13 AWS Speciality Technical Courses | 15 AWS SysOps Administrator Certification Prep | 14 AWS Technical Essentials | 14 B Basic z/OS Tuning Using the Workload Manager | 102 Basics of z/OS RACF Administration | 89 Big Data and Hadoop Administrator Training | 265 BIM | 11 BizTalk 2013 Administrator Deep Dive | 127 BizTalk 2016 Developer Deep Dive | 127 BizTalk 2016 Developer Immersion | 128 BizTalk Server 2013 Administrator Immersion | 128 BizTalk Server 2016 Administrator Deep Dive | 105 BizTalk Server 2016 Administrator Immersion | 106 Build and Release Management Using TFS 2015 | 106 Build and Release Management Using TFS 2017 | 107

Building and Managing High Availability Solutions with SQL Server 2016 and 2014 | 189 Building the IBM Lotus Domino 8.5 Infrastructure | 100 C CAP Certification Course | 15 CAP: Certified Authorization Professional | 15 CATIA V6 Mechanical Design Fundamentals (V6F) | 79 CCDA v3.0 Prep Boot Camp | 32, 34 CCNA Routing & Switching (ICND1 and ICND2) v3.0 (Associate) Combo | 34 CCNA Security | 38 CCNA v3, CCENT (ICND1, ICND2) and CCDA (DESGN) – Prep Boot Camp | 35 CCNA Wireless | 55 CCSA: Check Point Cyber Security Administrator (R80.10) | 23 CCSA: Check Point Security Administration (R77.30 GAiA) | 23 CCSA+CCSE: Check Point Cyber Security Administrator and Engineering Bundle (R80.10) | 23 CCSA+CCSE: Check Point Security Administration and Security Engineering Bundle (R77.30 GAiA) | 23 CCSE Check Point Security Engineering (R77.30 GAiA) | 24 CEH & CNDA | 16 Certification Preparation for Advanced Administrator (CRT-211) | 254 Certified Information Privacy Manager (CIPM) | 17 Certified Information Privacy Manager (CIPM) Prep Course | 17 Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP) | 18 Certified Information Privacy Professional Canada (CIPP/C) | 18 Certified Information Privacy Professional U.S. Private Sector (CIPP/US) + Certified Information Privacy Manager (CIPM) | 17, 19 Certified Information Privacy Professional U.S. Private Sector (CIPP/US) + Certified Information Privacy Technologist (CIPT) | 19, 21 Certified Information Privacy Professional US Government (CIPP/G) Prep Course | 20 Certified Information Privacy Professional US Private-Sector (CIPP/US) Prep Course | 20

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NetCom Learning™ Certified Information Privacy Technologist (CIPT) | 21 Certified Information Privacy Technologist (CIPT) Prep Course | 22 Check Point | 23 CICS | 24 CICS V5 CICSPlex System Manager Administration | 91 CICS V5 Fundamentals | 24 CISA | 25 CISA Certification Course | 25 Cisco Certified Design Associate | 32, 34, 35 Cisco Certified Network Associate | 34, 35, 52 Cisco Cloud Track | 25 Cisco Collaboration Track | 26 Cisco Data Center Track | 29 Cisco Design Track | 32 Cisco Internetwork Infrastructure | 35 Cisco Routing & Switching Track | 34 Cisco Security Track | 38 Cisco Specialist | 40 Cisco UCS Director Foundation v5.4 – UCSDF (Data Center) | 40 Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise Administration v11.5 – UCCE-A | 41 Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise Advanced Administration v11.5 – UCCE-AA | 41 Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise Deployment v11.5 – UCCE-D | 42 Cisco Unified Intelligence Center for Advanced Users v1.1 – CUICAU | 42 Cisco Unified Intelligence Center for End Users v1.1 – CUICEU | 42 Cisco Wireless Track | 54 CISM | 57 CISM Prep Course | 57 Citrix NetScaler | 58 Citrix Provisioning Services | 61 Citrix ShareFile | 61 Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop | 62 Citrix XenMobile | 64 CMB-310: Citrix XenApp, XenDesktop, and Provisioning Services 7.1x Administration (Fast Track) | 62 CNS-219 Citrix NetScaler Traffic Management | 58


CNS-220: Citrix NetScaler Essentials and Traffic Management | 58 CNS-221: Citrix NetScaler Unified Gateway | 58 CNS-222: Citrix NetScaler 12.x Essentials and Unified Gateway | 59 CNS-318 Citrix NetScaler Advanced Topics – Secure Web Applications | 59 CNS-319 Citrix NetScaler Advanced Topics – Management and Optimization | 59 CNS-320: Citrix NetScaler Security, Management and Optimization | 60 Cognos | 65 Communications Manager Administration v11.0 -CMA | 43 CompTIA A+ | 66, 67, 68, 69, 73, 74, 75, 76 CompTIA A+ and Network+ Certification Combo | 66, 73 CompTIA A+ and Network+ Certification Prep Boot Camp | 67, 74 CompTIA A+ Certification | 68, 75 CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner (CASP) | 70 CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner (CASP) Certification | 70 CompTIA CTT+ | 71 CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CSA+) | 72 CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CSA+) Certification | 72 CompTIA Linux+ | 72 CompTIA Linux+ Certification Powered by LPI | 72 CompTIA Network+ | 67, 68, 69, 73, 74, 75, 76 CompTIA Network+ Certification | 69, 76 CompTIA Security+ | 72, 77 CompTIA Security+ Certification | 77 CompTIA Security+ Certification Prep Boot Camp | 77 CompTIA Train the Trainer (CTT+) Certification | 71 Configuring BGP on Cisco Routers v4.0 – BGP | 43 Configuring Cisco MDS 9000 Series Switches v2.0 – DCMDS(Associate) | 43 Configuring Cisco Nexus 5000 Series Switches v3.0 – DCNX5K | 44 Configuring Cisco Nexus 5000 Switches v3.1 – DCNX5K (Data Center) | 44 Configuring Cisco Nexus 7000 Switches v3.1 – DCNX7K (Data Center) | 44

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Course Catalog

Over 1,000 Courses

Configuring Data Center Unified Computing v3.0 – DCUCS | 44 Configuring Projects in IBM Rational Team Concert V4.0 | 88, 253 Control Language Programming Workshop for IBM i | 245 Crystal Reports 10: Level 1 | 259 Crystal Reports 10: Level 2 | 259 CSF-201 Citrix ShareFile Enterprise Essentials | 61 CSS | 103, 104, 109, 110, 172, 174 CXD-105 Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop Help Desk Support | 62 CXD-210 Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop 7.1x Administration | 62 CXD-250 Moving to XenApp and XenDesktop Service on Citrix Cloud | 63 CXD-303 Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop 7.1x Optimization and Troubleshooting | 63 CXD-304 Citrix Provisioning Services 7.1x Administration | 61, 63 CXD-310 Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop 7.1x Advanced Administration | 63 CXM-303: Deploying Enterprise Mobility Solutions with Citrix XenMobile | 64 Cyber Security Nexus (CSX) | 78 CyberSec First Responder: Threat Detection and Response | 266 D Dassault CATIA | 79 Dassault SOLIDWORKS | 80 Data Center Application Centric Infrastructure Fundamentals v2.0 – DCACIF | 45 Data Warehousing on AWS | 15 DB2 10 for LUW: Basic Administration for AIX | 93 DB2 10 for LUW: Basic Administration for Linux and Windows | 93 DB2 10 for z/OS Implementation Workshop | 93 DB2 10 for z/OS Utilities for Database Administrators | 93 DB2 10.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Quickstart for Experienced Relational DBAs | 93 DB2 9 for LUW Advanced Database Recovery | 94 DB2 Family Fundamentals | 87, 94 DB2 for LUW Performance Tuning and Monitoring Workshop – DB2 10.1 | 94 DB2 SQL Workshop | 95

DB2 SQL Workshop for Experienced Users | 95 Declarative Development for Platform App Builders (DEV-402) | 254 Dell Network Security | 80 Dell SonicWALL Network Security Basic Administration | 80 Deploying Cisco Unified Contact Center Express v6.0 – UCCXD | 45 Deploying Cisco Wireless Enterprise Networks v1.1 – WIDEPLOY (Professional) | 54 Deploying OpenStack Cloud – Fundamentals v3.0 – OCDCU | 46 Deploying Unified Contact Center Enterprise v10.0 – DUCCE (Collaboration) | 46 Designing and Implementing Cisco Network Programmability v1.0 – NPDESI | 46 Designing Cisco Data Center Infrastructure v6.0 – DCID (Professional) | 29 Designing Cisco Network Service Architectures v3.0 – ARCH (Professional) | 32 Designing Cisco Wireless Enterprise Networks v1.1 – WIDESIGN (Professional) | 55 Designing for Cisco Internetwork Solutions v3.0 – DESGN (Associate) | 32 Developing IBM Lotus Domino 8.5.2 Applications Advanced XPage Design | 100 Developing IBM Lotus Domino 8.5.2 Applications Intermediate XPage Design | 101 Developing Websites Using IBM Web Content Manager 8.5 | 91 Developing with Cisco Network Programmability v4.0 – NPDEV | 47 DevOps | 81 DevOps Engineering on AWS | 13, 14 DevOps Using Visual Studio TFS 2015 | 107 DevOps Using VSTS and Azure | 107, 122, 131 DFSMS Implementation | 92 DFSMShsm Implementation | 92 Dreamweaver Fundamentals: An Introduction to Dreamweaver CC | 3 E EC-Council CEH: Certified Ethical Hacker v9 & CNDA: Certified Network Defense Architect | 16 EC-Council Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) v9 iClass|iWeek | 16

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NetCom Learning™ EC-Council Certified Security Analyst (ECSA) v9 iClass|iWeek | 81 EC-Council Certified Security Analyst / Licensed Penetration Training (ECSA/LPT) | 81 Eclipse Development Environment | 7, 8 EIGRP | 33, 35, 37 Essential Python | 266 Essentials for IBM Cognos BI (V10.2.2) | 65 Essentials of IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting, V8.0 | 253 Essentials of IBM Rational Rhapsody for Systems Engineers V8.1.1 | 88 Excel (2016/2013/2010) Combo | 141 Excel 2010 Combo | 141 Excel 2010: Level 1 | 142 Excel 2010: Level 2 | 142 Excel 2010: Level 3 | 143 Excel 2013 Combo | 143 Excel 2013: Level 1 | 143 Excel 2013: Level 2 | 144 Excel 2013: Level 3 | 144 Excel 2016 Combo | 144 Excel 2016: Level 1 | 145 Excel 2016: Level 2 | 145 Excel 2016: Level 3 | 146 Excel Level 1 (2016/2013/2010) | 146 Excel Level 2 (2016/2013/2010) | 146 Excel Level 3 (2016/2013/2010) | 147 Exploiting the Advanced Features of RACF | 102 F F5 Configuring BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager (LTM) V12x | 82 F5 Networking | 82 Foundation Certificate Program – DevOps | 81 Fundamental System Skills in z/OS | 103 Fundamentals of IBM Lotus Domino 8.5.1 Application Development | 101 G Google AdWords & Google Analytics | 82 Google Analytics & AdWords Combo | 82 Great Plains | 140 H HA100: SAP HANA Introduction | 259 HA300: SAP HANA Implementation and Modeling | 259 HPE Networking | 84


HTML | 3, 66, 103, 104, 109, 110, 172, 174, 272, 273 I IBM BigFix Platform Foundations | 91 IBM Business Process Management | 84 IBM Cloud | 86 IBM Cognos Analytics – Author Reports Fundamentals v11.0 | 65 IBM Cognos Analytics – Author Reports with Multidimensional Data (V11.0) | 87 IBM Cognos Analytics – Enterprise Administration v11.0 | 91 IBM Cognos BI Administration (V10.2) | 65 IBM Cognos BI Administration (V10.2.2) | 65 IBM Cognos Cube Designer – Design Dynamic Cubes (v11.0) | 85 IBM Cognos Framework Manager Design Metadata Models (V10.2.2) | 85 IBM Cognos Query Studio: Build Ad Hoc Reports (V10.1/10.2) | 65 IBM Cognos Report Studio Author Professional Reports Fundamentals (V10.2) | 92 IBM Cognos Report Studio: Author Reports with Multidimensional Data (V10.2) | 66, 86 IBM Cognos Transformer: Design OLAP Models (v10.2.2) | 66 IBM Cognos Workspace Advanced Author Self-Service Reports (V10.2.2) | 87 IBM DataBase | 87 IBM DB2 10 for z/OS Database Administration Part 2 | 95 IBM Domino 9 Administration Fundamentals | 101 IBM i Recovery and Availability Management | 245 IBM i Security Concepts and Implementation | 246 IBM InfoSphere Advanced DataStage – Advanced Data Processing V9.1 | 95 IBM InfoSphere Advanced QualityStage V9.1 | 95 IBM InfoSphere DataStage Essentials 9.1 | 96 IBM InfoSphere Information Analysis 9.1 | 96 IBM iOT | 88 IBM Rational Software | 88 IBM Security Systems | 89 IBM Server | 90 IBM Storage Track | 92 IBM System | 92 Illustrator CC Advanced | 4

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Over 1,000 Courses

Implementing Advanced Cisco ASA Security v2.1 – SASAA | 47 Implementing and Configuring Cisco Identity Services Engine v2.1 – SISE | 47 Implementing Cisco Collaboration Applications v1.0 – CAPPS (Professional) | 26 Implementing Cisco Collaboration Devices v1.0 – CICD (Associate) | 27 Implementing Cisco Data Center Infrastructure v6.0 – DCII (Professional) | 29 Implementing Cisco Data Center Unified Computing v6.0 – DCUCI (Professional) | 29 Implementing Cisco Data Center Virtualization and Automation v6.0 – DCVAI (Professional) | 30 Implementing Cisco IP Routing v2.0 – ROUTE (Professional) | 33, 35 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks v2.0 – SWITCH (Professional) | 33, 35 Implementing Cisco IP Telephony and Video, Part 1 – CIPTV1 (Professional) | 27 Implementing Cisco IP Telephony and Video, Part 2 – CIPTV2 (Professional) | 28 Implementing Cisco MPLS v3.0 – MPLS | 48 Implementing Cisco Network Security v3.0 – IINS (Associate) | 38 Implementing Cisco Quality of Service v2.5 – QOS | 48 Implementing Cisco Secure Access Control System v5.2 (Professional) | 48 Implementing Cisco Threat Control Solutions v1.5 – SITCS (Professional) | 39 Implementing Cisco Wireless Network Fundamentals v1.0 – WIFUND (Associate) | 55 Implementing Core Cisco ASA Security v1.0 – SASAC | 49 Information Management | 93 Information Storage Management (ISM) | 96 Installing Cisco UC on UCS in a Virtualized Environment v4.5 – UC-UCS | 49 Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices, Part 1 v 3.0 – ICND1 (Entry) | 33, 36, 39, 56 Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices, Part 2 v3.0 – ICND2 (Associate) | 36 Introducing Cisco Cloud Administration v1.0 – CLDADM (Associate) | 25

Introducing Cisco Data Center Networking v6.0 – DCICN (Associate) | 30 Introducing Cisco Data Center Technologies v6.0 – DCICT (Associate) | 31 Introducing Cisco Nexus 9000 Switches in NX-OS Mode v1.0 – DCINX9K (Data Center) | 50 Introducing Python and Web Services Programmability for Network Engineers v3.0 – IPWSP-NE | 50 Introduction to 802.1X Operations for Cisco Security Professionals (802.1X) v1.0 | 50 Introduction to Google AdWords | 82 Introduction to Google Analytics | 83 Introduction to Hadoop Administration | 266 Introduction to JavaScript | 267 Introduction to Python Programming | 267 Introduction to the Junos Operating System – IJOS (Associate) | 99 iPad | 8 iPhone | 7, 8 iPhone / iPad Programming | 7 IPv6 Fundamentals, Design and Deployment v3.0 – IP6FD | 51 ISACA | 25, 57 ISACA CSX Practitioner I: Identification and Protection | 78 ISACA CSX Practitioner II: Detection | 78 ISACA CSX Practitioner III: Respond and Recover | 79 ISTQB | 97 ISTQB Software Testing Foundation | 97 IT Management Suite 8.0 for Administrators | 263 ITIL Foundation | 97 ITIL Foundation with Certification Exam | 97 J Java Programming Language | 7, 8 JavaScript | 103, 104, 109, 110, 172, 174, 267 Juniper Routing & Switching Track | 99 Junos Enterprise Switching Skills Camp (JEX, AJEX) | 99 Junos Intermediate Routing – JIR (Specialist) | 99 Junos Routing Essentials – JRE (Associate) | 99 L Lotus | 100 M Mainframe Servers | 102

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NetCom Learning™ Managing Agile Projects Using TFS 2015 or Visual Studio Online | 108 Managing Agile Projects Using TFS 2017 | 108 Managing Enterprise Networks with Prime Infrastructure v3.0 – MENPI | 51 Managing Industrial Networks for Manufacturing with Cisco Technologies v1.0 – IMINS2 | 51 Mastering Python Programming | 267 MCSA: Cloud Platform Combo | 131 MCSA: SQL 2016 Business Intelligence Development Combo | 189 MCSA: SQL 2016 Database Administration Combo | 189 MCSA: SQL 2016 Database Development Combo | 189 MCSA: Web Applications Combo | 109 MCSA: Windows 10 Combo | 213 MCSA: Windows Server 2012 (R2 Update) Combo | 222, 235 MCSA: Windows Server 2016 Combo | 223 MCSA: Windows Server 2016 Prep Boot Camp | 223 MCSD: SharePoint 2013 Applications Combo | 174 MCSD: Windows Store Apps Using C# (Visual Studio 2012) Combo | 109 MCSD: Windows Store Apps Using HTML5 (Visual Studio 2012) Combo | 109 MCSE: Communication 2015 Combo | 181 MCSE: Messaging (Exchange Server 2013) Combo | 149 MCSE: Messaging (Exchange Server 2016) Combo | 149 MCSE: Private Cloud 2012 Combo | 131, 202 MCSE: Server Infrastructure (Windows Server 2012) Combo | 208, 223 MCSE: SharePoint 2013 Combo | 175 MCSE: SharePoint 2016 Combo | 175 Microsoft .NET Framework / Visual Studio | 103 Microsoft Access | 115 Microsoft Azure | 120 Microsoft BizTalk Server | 127 Microsoft Cloud | 129 Microsoft Dynamics 365 | 133 Microsoft Dynamics AX | 136 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 – Development (I, II, III & IV) – Accelerated Combo | 135, 137


Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 – Financials and Trade and Logistics – Accelerated Combo | 135, 137 Microsoft Dynamics CRM | 138 Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013: Applications Combo | 140 Microsoft Dynamics GP | 140 Microsoft Dynamics NAV | 141 Microsoft Excel | 141 Microsoft Exchange Server | 148 Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) | 153 Microsoft Lync Server | 153 Microsoft Office 365 | 154 Microsoft Office Specialist | 115, 116, 117, 142, 143, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 240, 241 Microsoft Outlook | 155 Microsoft Power BI | 159 Microsoft PowerPoint | 161 Microsoft PowerShell | 165 Microsoft Project | 169 Microsoft Project 2016: Level 1 | 169 Microsoft Project 2016: Level 2 | 169 Microsoft SharePoint | 170 Microsoft SharePoint 2010 End User, Site Owner and Designer Combo | 175 Microsoft SharePoint EndUser | 180 Microsoft Skype for Business | 181 Microsoft Skype For Business | 180 Microsoft SQL Database | 183 Microsoft SQL Server | 184 Microsoft System Center Manager | 200 Microsoft Virtualization | 208 Microsoft Visio | 209 Microsoft Visio (2016/2013/2010) Combo | 209 Microsoft Visio 2016 Combo | 209 Microsoft Visio 2016: Level 1 | 209 Microsoft Visio 2016: Level 2 | 209 Microsoft Visio Level 1 (2016/2013/2010) | 210 Microsoft Visio Level 2 (2016/2013/2010) | 210 Microsoft Windows | 211 Microsoft Windows Server | 217 Microsoft Windows Server 2012 | 234 Microsoft Windows SharePoint Designer 2010: Level 1 | 175 Microsoft Windows SharePoint Foundation 2010: Level 1 | 176

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Course Catalog

Over 1,000 Courses

Microsoft Word | 240 Microsoft Workshops | 245 Midrange Servers (System i) | 245 Mobile Development Professional Combo | 8 MorphX | 134, 135, 137 N National Institute of Standards and Technology | 15 NetScaler | 58, 59, 60 Network Programmability for the Data Center v1.0 – NPDC | 52 Network Programmability for the Enterprise v1.0 – NPEN | 52 NIST | 15 O Objective C | 7, 8 OD10748C: Planning and Deploying System Center 2012 Configuration Manager MOD | 203 OD10961B: Automating Administration with Windows PowerShell MOD | 167 OD10962B: Advanced Automated Administration with Windows PowerShell MOD | 168 OD10964C: Cloud & Datacenter Monitoring with System Center Operations Manager (System Center 2012) MOD | 204 OD10965C: IT Service Management with System Center Service Manager 2012 MOD | 205 OD10967A: Fundamentals of a Windows Server Infrastructure Windows Server 2012 MOD | 224 OD10969B: Active Directory Services with Windows Server 2012 MOD | 224 OD10972B: Administering the Web Server (IIS) Role of Windows Server 2012 (R2 Update) MOD | 225, 236 OD10979C: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals MOD | 122 OD10982B: Supporting and Troubleshooting Windows 10 MOD | 213 OD10985B: Introduction to SQL Databases SQL Server 2016 MOD | 189 OD10986B: Updating Your Skills to SQL Server 2016 MOD | 190 OD10987B: Performance Tuning and Optimizing SQL Databases MOD | 191 OD10988B: Managing SQL Business Intelligence Operations MOD | 191 OD10989A: Analyzing Data with Power BI MOD | 159

OD10990B: Analyzing Data with SQL Server Reporting Services SQL server 2016 MOD | 192 OD10992A: Integrating On-Premises Core Infrastructure with Microsoft Azure MOD | 123 OD10993A: Integrating On-Premises Identity Infrastructure with Microsoft Azure MOD | 123 OD10994A: Data Analysis Fundamentals using Excel MOD | 193 OD20331B: Core Solutions of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 MOD | 176 OD20332B: Advanced Solutions of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 MOD | 176 OD20334B: Core Solutions of Skype for Business 2015 MOD | 182 OD20339-1A: Planning and Administering SharePoint 2016 MOD | 177 OD20339-2A: Advanced Technologies of SharePoint 2016 MOD | 178 OD20341B: Core Solutions of Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 MOD | 149 OD20342B: Advanced Solutions of Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 MOD | 150 OD20345-1A: Administering Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 MOD | 151 OD20345-2A: Designing and Deploying Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 MOD | 152 OD20347A: Enabling & Managing Office 365 (MCSA: Office 365) MOD | 154 OD20398B: Planning for and Managing Devices in the Enterprise: Enterprise Mobility Suite (EMS) & On-Premises Tools MOD | 214 OD20410D: Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 MOD | 226, 236 OD20411D: Administering Windows Server 2012 R2 MOD | 227, 237 OD20412D: Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services (R2 Update) MOD | 228, 238 OD20417D: Upgrading Your Skills to MCSA Windows Server 2012 MOD | 229, 239 OD20461D: Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2014 MOD | 193 OD20462D: Administering Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Databases MOD | 194 OD20463D: Implementing a Data Warehouse with Microsoft SQL Server 2014 MOD | 195

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NetCom Learning™ OD20480B: Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 (Visual Studio 2012) MOD | 110 OD20483B: Programming in C# (Visual Studio 2012) MOD | 110 OD20488B: Developing Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Core Solutions MOD | 179 OD20532C: Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions (Microsoft Specialist) MOD | 124 OD20533C: Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions (Microsoft Specialist) MOD | 125 OD20695C: Deploying Windows Desktops and Enterprise Applications (System Center 2012) MOD | 206 OD20696C: Administering System Center Configuration Manager and Intune (System Center 2012) MOD | 207 OD20697-1C: Implementing and Managing Windows 10 MOD | 215 OD20698A: Installing and Configuring Windows 10 MOD | 216 OD20740B: Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016 MOD | 229 OD20741B: Networking with Windows Server 2016 MOD | 230 OD20742B: Identity with Windows Server 2016 MOD | 231 OD20743B: Upgrading Your Skills to MCSA: Windows Server 2016 MOD | 231 OD20744A: Securing Windows Server 2016 MOD | 232 OD20761A: Querying Data with Transact-SQL (SQL Server 2016) MOD | 196 OD20762B: Developing SQL Databases SQL Server 2016 MOD | 196 OD20764B: Administering a SQL Database Infrastructure MOD | 197 OD20765B: Provisioning SQL Databases MOD | 198 OD20767B: Implementing a SQL Data Warehouse MOD | 198 OD20779A: Analyzing Data with Excel MOD | 199 OD40389A: Windows Server 2016 First Look Clinic MOD | 233 OD40390B: Microsoft Azure for AWS Experts MOD | 125


OD99994A: Cloud Computing Fundamentals MOD | 132 OD99995A: First Look Clinic: Microsoft Azure MOD | 126 OD99996A: Demo Course: Supporting and TroubleShooting Windows 10 – Module 8 MOD | 216 OLAP | 66, 184, 190 Oracle Database | 246 Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I Release 2 | 246 Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop II Release 2 | 246 Oracle Database 11g: Introduction to SQL | 247 Oracle Database 12C: Fundamentals for Developers and System Administrators | 247 Oracle DBA Track (11g) Release 2 Combo | 247 Oracle E-Business Suite | 248 Oracle Operating Systems | 250 Oracle Solaris 11 System Administration – Accelerated | 250 Order Fulfillment I & II Combo | 260 Outlook (2016/2013/2010) Combo | 155 Outlook 2010 Combo | 155 Outlook 2010: Level 1 | 156 Outlook 2010: Level 2 | 156 Outlook 2010: Level 3 | 156 Outlook 2016 Combo | 157 Outlook 2016: Level 1 | 157 Outlook 2016: Level 2 | 158 Outlook Level 1 (2016/2013/2010) | 158 Outlook Level 2 (2016/2013/2010) | 159 P Palo Alto | 251 Palo Alto Firewall 8.0: Essentials-Configuration and Management (EDU-210) | 251 Photoshop CC Advanced – Web and Video | 6 Photoshop CC Advanced: Print and Photography | 6 Photoshop Fundamentals: An Introduction to Photoshop CC | 6 PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) | 251 Power BI – Introduction & Applications | 160, 245 PowerPoint (2016/2013/2010) Combo | 161 PowerPoint 2010 Combo | 162 PowerPoint 2010: Level 1 | 162 PowerPoint 2010: Level 2 | 162

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Course Catalog

Over 1,000 Courses

PowerPoint 2016 Combo | 162 PowerPoint 2016: Level 1 | 163 PowerPoint 2016: Level 2 | 163 PowerPoint Level 1 (2016/2013/2010) | 164 PowerPoint Level 2 (2016/2013/2010) | 164 Programmatic Development Using Apex and Visualforce (DEV-450) | 255 Project 2016 Combo | 169 Project Management Body of Knowledge | 252 Project Management Professional (PMP) | 252 Project Management: Fundamentals | 262 Q QlikView | 252 QlikView Designer | 252 QlikView Developer | 252 QoS | 27, 37, 48 R R12.2 Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals | 248 R12.2 Oracle Order Management Fundamentals | 248 R12.2 Oracle Payables Management Fundamentals | 249 R12.2 Oracle Receivables Management Fundamentals | 249 R12.2 Oracle Subledger Accounting Fundamentals | 249 Rational | 253 RMF | 15, 102 Routing & Switching (ICND1 and ICND2) v3.0 Prep Boot Camp – CCNAX (Associate) | 37 S SAFe 4.0 For Teams | 261 Sales Cloud Training for Sales Managers (SLS-201) | 255 Sales Cloud Training for Sales Reps (SLS-101) | 255 Salesforce Authorized Courses | 254 Salesforce Building Lenses, Dashboards, and Apps in the Analytics Cloud (ANC – 201) | 255 Salesforce Service Cloud Essentials For Agents (SVC-101) | 256 Salesforce: Administration Essentials for Experienced Admins (ADM-211) | 256 Salesforce: Administration Essentials for New Admins – Professional Edition (ADM-202) | 256

Salesforce: Administration Essentials for New Admins (ADM-201) | 256 Salesforce: Mobile and Desktop Exploration in Wave Analytics – (ANC-101) | 257 Salesforce: Preparing for Your Administrator Certification (CRT-101) | 257 Salesforce: Preparing for Your Sales Cloud Consultant Certification (CRT-251) | 257 Salesforce: Reporting Fundamentals (RPT-101) | 257 Salesforce: Sales Cloud Administration: Products, Quotes, Orders and Collaborative Forecasts | 258 Salesforce: What’s Possible: Salesforce Fundamentals (STR-101) | 258 SAP BO | 259 SAP HANA | 259 SAP Sales & Distribution | 260 SAS Business Intelligence | 260 SAS Business Intelligence Reporting 1: Essentials | 260 SAS Business Intelligence Reporting 2: Additional Topics | 260 SAS Business Intelligence Reporting Combo | 260 SAS Programming 1: Essentials | 261 Scaled Agile | 261 SDN Fundamentals: The Future of Networking | 262 SDN Networking | 262 SDN Planning Workshop: Demystifying Vendor Solutions | 262 Securing Cisco Wireless Enterprise Networks v1.1 – WISECURE (Professional) | 56 Securing Networks with Cisco Firepower Next-Generation IPS v3.0 – SSFIPS (Security) | 52 Securing Networks with Cisco Firepower Threat Defense NGFW – FIREPOWER200 (Security) | 53 Server Virtualization | 201, 218 Service Cloud Essentials for Managers (SVC-201) | 258 Soft skills, Leadership & Management | 262 Software Testing Using Microsoft Test Manager 2015 | 111 Software Testing Using TFS 2017 or VSTS | 112 SOLIDWORKS Essentials | 80 Symantec | 263 System Center | 129, 130, 131, 165, 167, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 207, 212, 218

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NetCom Learning™ T Test Automation, Web Performance, and Load Testing with Visual Studio 2017 | 112 TFS 2015 Configuration & Administration | 112 TFS 2017 Configuration and Administration | 113 TFS 2017 Developer Fundamentals | 113 TFS 2017 Immersion | 114 TOGAF | 263 TOGAF 9.1 Training Course: Level 1 and 2 Combined | 263 Troubleshooting and Maintaining Cisco IP Networks v2.0 – TSHOOT (Professional) | 37 Troubleshooting Cisco Data Center Infrastructure v6.0 – DCIT (Professional) | 31 Troubleshooting Cisco IP Telephony and Video – CTCOLLAB (Professional) | 28 Troubleshooting Cisco Wireless Enterprise Networks v1.1 – WITSHOOT (Professional) | 57 U Understanding Cisco Cloud Fundamentals v1.0 – CLDFND (Associate) | 25 Unity Connection Administration v11.0 – UCA | 54 UNIX Servers (System p) | 264 Updating Your TFS Administration Skills for TFS 2017 | 114 V vCenter | 49, 50, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273 Vendor Neutral – Technical | 265 VLANs | 33, 35, 36, 99 VMsources VMware vSphere 6 – Datacenter Operations (DCO) | 272 VMsources VMware vSphere 6.5 Infrastructure Deployment Prep Boot Camp | 272 VMware | 268 VMware Horizon 7: Install, Configure, Manage [V7] | 268 VMware Horizon View: Install, Configure, Manage 6.2 | 268 VMware NSX: Install, Configure, Manage 6.2 | 268 VMware Training by VMsources | 272 VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager: Install, Configure, Manage (6.1) | 268


VMware Virtual SAN: Deploy and Manage v6.2 | 269 VMware vRealize Automation: Install, Configure, Manage (V7.0) | 269 VMware vRealize Operations Manager: Install, Configure, Manage (6.2) | 269 VMware vSphere 6.0 Infrastructure Deployment Prep Boot Camp | 273 VMware vSphere: Fast Track V6.0 | 269 VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage v6.0 | 270 VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage V6.5 | 270 VMware vSphere: Optimize and Scale V6.5 | 270 VMware vSphere: Skills for Operators [V6] | 270 VMware vSphere: Troubleshooting Workshop V6.0 | 271 VMware vSphere: What New [V5.5 to V6] | 271 VSTS Configuration and Administration | 114 W WebSphere | 274 WLAN | 55 Word (2016/2013/2010) Combo | 240 Word 2010 Combo | 240 Word 2010: Level 1 | 241 Word 2010: Level 2 | 241 Word 2010: Level 3 | 241 Word 2016 Combo | 242 Word 2016: Level 1 | 242 Word 2016: Level 2 | 242 Word 2016: Level 3 | 243 Word Level 1 (2016/2013/2010) | 243 Word Level 2 (2016/2013/2010) | 243 Word Level 3 (2016/2013/2010) | 244 X X++ | 134, 135, 137 XAML | 109, 113 XCode | 8 XenApp | 59, 61, 62, 63, 64 XenDesktop | 59, 61, 62, 63, 64 XML | 41, 52, 89, 141

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NetCom Learning is an innovative leader in IT, business, and executive training to companies, individuals, and government agencies, dedicated to promoting the values of lifelong learning. NetCom Learning has trained over 80% of the Fortune 100 and helped advance the skills of more than

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