Course Contents for Subjects with Code: ZOOL

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De Robertis and De Robertis. (Latest ... Lodisch, H., Darnell, Jr., J. and Balimore D. Molecular Cell Biology. ... ZOOL-302 Cell and Molecular Biology II Lab. 1 ... Bioenergetics: Concept of Free Energy; Standard Free Energy change: Energy rich.
BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges     

Course Contents for Subjects with Code: ZOOL  This document only contains details of courses having code ZOOL.  

Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 





BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges     

Code  ZOOL‐101  Year  1 

Subject Title  Zoology‐I (Invertebrate Diversity)  Discipline  Botany, Zoology, Chemistry‐I 

Cr. Hrs  3 

Semester  I 

  INVERTEBRATE DIVERSITY: Classification of organisms; definition, concept, evolutionary relationships and tree diagrams; patterns of organization. Biodiversity. Animal-Like Protists: The Protozoa: Evolutionary perspective; life within a single plasma membrane; symbiotic life-styles. Protozoan taxonomy: (up to phyla, subphyla and super classes, wherever applicable). Pseudopodia and amoeboid locomotion; cilia and other pellicular structures; symbiotic ciliates; further phylogenetic considerations. Multicellular and Tissue Levels of Organization: Evolutionary perspective: origins of multicellularity; animal origins. Phylum porifera: cell types, and skeletons; body forms; maintenance functions. Phylum cnidaria (coelenterata) the body wall and nematocysts; alternation of generations; maintenance functions; reproduction and classification up to class. Phylum ctenophora; further phylogenetic considerations. The Triploblastic, Acoelomate Body Plan: Evolutionary perspective; phylum platyhelminthes: classification up to class; the free-living flatworms and the tapeworms; phylum nemertea; phylum gastrotricha; further phylogenetic considerations. The Pseudocoelomate Body Plan: Aschelminths: Evolutionary perspective; general characteristics; classification up to phyla; Some important nematode parasites of humans; further phylogenetic considerations. Molluscan Success: Evolutionary perspective: relationships to other animals; origin of the coelom; molluscan characteristics; classification up to class. Diversity in gastropods, bivalves and cephalopods; further phylogenetic considerations. Annelida: The Metameric Body Form: Evolutionary perspective: metamerism and tagmatization; classification up to class. External structure and locomotion, feeding. The Arthropods: Evolutionary perspective: classification and relationships to other animals; classification up to class. The Hexapods and Myriapods: Insect and humans; further phylogenetic considerations. GENETICS: Mendelion inheritance & Basic concepts, Sex-determination, Probability and X2 test, Multiple alleles and blood groups, Linkage and crossing over, Chromosome changes, Mutations, Inbreeding and Heterosis, Extrachromosomal Inheritance, Quantitative Inheritance, Population Genetics Books Recommended: 1. Miller, S.A. and Harley, J.B., 1999 & 2002. Zoology, 4th & 5th Edition (International). Singapore: McGraw Hill. Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 





BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges    2. 3. 4. 5. 8. 9. 10.  

Hickman, C.P., Roberts, L.S. and Larson, A., 2004. Integrated Principles of Zoology, 11th Edition (International). Singapore: McGraw Hill. Pechenik, J.A., 2000. Biology of Intervebrates, 4th Edition (International). Singapore: McGraw Hill. Kent, G.C. and Miller, S., 2001. Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates. New York: McGraw Hill. Campbell, N.A., 2002. Biology 6th Ed. Menlo Park, California: Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc. Snustad, D.P. and Simmons, M.J. 2003. Principles of Genetics. 3rd Ed. John Wiley and Sons Ins. New York, USA. Strickberger, M.W. 1985. Genetics. McMillan, N.Y. USA. James F. Crow., Genetics Notes

Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 





BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges      Code  ZOOL‐102  Year  1 

Subject Title  Zoology Lab‐I (Invertebrate Diversity)  Discipline  Botany, Zoology, Chemistry‐I 

Cr. Hrs  1 

Semester  I 

  Invertebrate Diversity: 1) Study of Euglena, Amoeba, Entamoeba, Plasmodium, Trypanosoma, Paramecium as representative of animal like protists. (Prepared slides). 2) Study of sponges and their various body forms. 3) Study of principal representative classes of phylum Coelentrata. 4) Study of principal representative classes of phylum Platyhelminthes. 5) Study of representative of phylum Rotifera, phylum Nematoda. 6) Study of principal representative classes of phylum Mollusca. 7) Study of principal representative classes of phylum Annelida. 8) Study of principal representative classes of groups of phylum Arthropoda. 9) Brief notes on medical/economic importance of the following: Silkworm, Citrus butterfly. Genetics: Mitosis and Meiosis slide preparation. Analysis of Blood groups and Barr bodies. Drosophila morphology and study of giant chromosomes. Human pedigree analysis. Human pedigree analysis problems. Tossing of coins and probability analysis. Study of same Human Traits. Numerical problems related with different topics. Books Recommended: 1. Miller, S.A., 2002. GENERAL ZOOLOGY LABORATORY MANUAL. 5th Edition (International) Singapore: McGraw Hill. 2. Hickman, C.P. and Kats, H.L., 2000. LABORATORY STUDIES IN INTEGRATED PRINCIPLES OF ZOOLOGY. Singapore: McGraw Hill.

Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 





BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges   

Code  ZOOL‐103  Year  1 

Subject Title  Zoology‐II (Chordate Diversity)  Discipline  Botany, Zoology, Chemistry‐I 

Cr. Hrs  3 

Semester  II 

CHORDATES DIVERSITY: Echinoderms: Evolutionary perspective: relationships to other animals; echinoderm characteristics; classification up to class. Asteroidea, ophiuroidea, echinoidea, holothuroidea and crinoidea; some lesser-known invertebrates: the lophophorates, entoprocts, cycliophores, and chaetognaths. Invertebrates, Hemichordates & Chordates: Evolutionary Perspective: Phylogenetic Relationships; Classification up to subphylum or class where applicable; Further Phylogenetic Considerations. Fishes: Vertebrate Success in Water: Evolutionary perspective: phylogenetic relationships; survey of super class agnatha and gnathostomata; further phylogenetic considerations. Amphibians: The First Terrestrial Vertebrates: Evolutionary perspective: phylogenetic relationships; survey of order caudata, gymnophiona, and anura. Evolutionary pressures: further phylogenetic considerations. Reptiles: The First Amniotes: Evolutionary perspective: cladistic interpretation of the amniotic lineage; survey of order testudines or chelonia, rhynchocephalia, squamata, and crocodilia; evolutionary pressures: adaptations in external structure and locomotion, further phylogenetic considerations. Birds: Feathers, Flight and Endothermy: Evolutionary perspective: phylogenetic relationships; ancient birds and the evolution of flight; diversity of modern birds; evolutionary pressures: adaptation in external structure and locomotion, nutrition and the migration and navigation. Mammals: Specialized Teeth, Endothermy, Hair and Viviparity: Evolutionary perspective: diversity of mammals; evolutionary pressures: adaptations in external structure. Recommended Books: 1. Miller, S.A. and Harley, J.B., 1999 & 2002. Zoology, 4th & 5th Edition (International). Singapore: McGraw Hill. 2. Hickman, C.P., Roberts, L.S. and Larson, A., 2004. Integrated Principles of Zoology, 11th Edition (International). Singapore: McGraw Hill. 3. Pechenik, J.A., 2000. Biology of Invertebrates, 4th Edition (International). Singapore: McGraw Hill. 4. Kent, G.C. and Miller, S., 2001. Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates. New York: McGraw Hill. 5. Campbell, N.A., 2002. Biology Sixth Edition. Menlo Park, California: Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc

Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 





BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges      Code  ZOOL‐104  Year  1 

Subject Title  Zoology Lab‐II (Chordate Diversity)  Discipline  Botany, Zoology, Chemistry‐I 

Cr. Hrs  1 

Semester  II 

Chordates Diversity: 1.

Study of a representative of hemichordate and invertebrate chordate.


Study of representative groups of class fishes.


Study of representative groups of class Amphibia.


Study of representative groups of class Reptilia.


Study of representative groups of class Aves.


Study of representative groups of class Mammalia.


Field trips to study animal diversity in an ecosystem.

Developmental Biology-I 1.

Study of male reproductive system in an invertebrate and a vertebrate representative (Dissection).


Study of female reproductive system in an invertebrate and a vertebrate representative (Dissection).


Study of preserved advanced stages of avian and mammalian development for amniotic membranes and placenta (Model).

Recommended Books: 1.

Miller, S.A., 2002. GENERAL ZOOLOGY LABORATORY MANUAL. 5th Edition (International) Singapore: McGraw Hill.




Miller, S.A., 2000. GENERAL ZOOLOGY LABORATORY MANUAL. 5th Edition (International) Singapore: McGraw Hill.



Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 





BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges   

Code  ZOOL‐201  Year  2 

Subject Title  Zoology‐III (Biochemistry)  Discipline  Botany, Zoology, Chemistry‐I 

Cr. Hrs  3 

Semester  III 

Monomers and Polymers of life, Amino acids, Peptides and Proteins: Standard Amino acids, their structure and Classification; Acid/Base properties of amino acids and their Titration curves; Non-standard amino acids, their structure and role; Peptides, Biologically active peptides and polypeptides; Covalent structure of proteins and amino acid sequence; Protein; Three dimensional structure of proteins, Secondary structures of proteins; Tertiary and Quaternary structure of proteins, Globular proteins, Structural and functional diversity in globular proteins; Immunoglobulins their types, structure and functions; Enzymes: Introduction; Important characteristics of enzymes; How enzymes work, Enzyme rate of reaction and substrate concentration, How pH and temperature effect enzyme activity; Kinetics of Bisubstrate and Multisubstrate reactions; Enzyme Inhibition, Irreversible and Reversible inhibition; Isozymes; Enzyme precursors and Associates. Carbohydrates: Classification, types, important characteristics and structure of Carbohydrates; Disaccharides their types structure and function; Polysaccharides, Storage and Structural types; Structure and major functions of polysaccharides; Glycogen, Starch, Cellulose, Chitin; Homo- and Hetero-polysaccharides; Peptidoglycans of bacterial cell wall. Lipids: Fatty acids, their types and major characteristics; Storage Lipids, Acylglycerols; Waxes; Structural Lipids in membranes, Glycerophospholipids, Sphingolipids, their role and degradation; Glycolipids; Isoprenoids, Terpenoids and Sterols; Major functions of Lipids. ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY & EVOLUTION I: Environmental Biology: An overview of concepts of ecosystem with emphasis on interaction and homeostasis. Basic global ecosystems (atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, ecosphere). Biogeochemical cycle: nitrogen, phosphorus, sulpher, water, carbon. Limiting factors: basic concepts, temperature, soil, water and humidity, light, fire. Energy: laws of thermodynamics, primary and secondary productions, trophic levels and energy variation with increasing trophic levels, energy flow, food chains and food webs. Population ecology: basic population characters, growth and growth curves, population dynamics and regulations. Evolution: The nature and origin to life. Evidences of evolution. (molecular, embryological & paleontological). Factors initiating elementary evolutionary changes (micro-evolution) by changing gene frequencies, mutation pressure, selection pressure, immigration and crossbreeding, genetic drift. Books Recommended: 1. David L. Nelson, and Michael M. Cox, 2005. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, 4th Edition, Macmillan Worth Publishers, New York. 2. Lubert Stryer, 1995. Biochemistry, 4th Edition, W.H. Freeman & Company, New York. Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 





BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges    3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

Murray, R. K., Granner, D. K., Mayer, P. A. and Rodwells, V. W., 2000. Harper’s Biochemistry, McGraw Hill Bok Company, New York. Elliott, W. H. and Elliot, D. C., 2002. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Oxford Medical Publications, Oxford University Press. Voet, D., Voet, J. G. and Pratt, C. W., 1999. Biochemistry, John Wiley & Sons. Odum, E. P. 1994. Fundamentals of Ecology. W.B. Saunders. Molles, M.C. Ecology: Concepts and applications McGraw Hill, Boston Dondson, S.I., Allen, T.F.N., Carpenter, S.R., Ives, A., Jeanne, R.L., Kitchell, J.F., Langston, N.E. and Turner, M.G., 1998. Ecology. Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford. Singby, D. and Cork, D., 1986. Practical Ecology. McMillan Education Ltd. London. Chapman, J.L. and Reiss, M.J.1997. Ecology. Principles and Application. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge. Smith, R.L. 1980. Ecology and Field Biology, Harper and Row. Ridley, M., 1993. Evolution. Blackwell Scientific Publications. Dobzhansky, T., Ayala, F.J., Stebbins, G.L. and Valentine, J.W., 1973. Evolution. W.H. Freeman and Company. Dobzhansky, T. Genetics and the Origin of Species, Columbia University Press, New York. Mayr, E. Populations, Species and Evolution, Harvard University Press. Moody, P.A., 1989. Introduction to Evolution, Harper and Row Publishers, New York. Strickberger. (2000). Evolution. Jones & Barrett Publishers

Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 





BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges   

Code  ZOOL‐202  Year  2 

Subject Title  Zoology Lab‐III (Biochemistry)  Discipline  Botany, Zoology, Chemistry‐I 

Cr. Hrs  1 

Semester  III 

Biochemistry 1. Tests for detection of carbohydrates in alkaline medium. 2. Tests for detection of carbohydrates in acidic medium. 3. Test to demonstrate relative instability of glycosidic linkage in carbohydrates. 4. Tests for detection of disaccharides. 5. Detection of Non-reducing sugars in the presence of reducing sugars. 6. Demonstration of acid Hydrolysis of Polysaccharide. 7. Biochemical tests for detection of different amino acids. 8. Separation of various protein fractions by precipitation method. 9. Demonstration of different solubility of lipids in various solvents. 10. Various qualitative Tests for detection of lipids. 11. Demonstration of tests for detection of Nucleic Acids (DNA and RNA) Environmental Biology-I & Evolution I: 1. Community analysis through different sampling techniques (quadrat, Transect). 2. Population dynamics of grasshoppers. 3. Adaptive features of animals in relation to food and environment. 4. Food chain studies through analysis of gut contents of locally available animals. Books Recommended: 1. Plummer, David T., 1990. An Introduction to Practical Biochemistry, 4th Edition 2. McGraw-Hill Book Company, London. 3. Wilson, K & Walker, J., 1994. Practical Biochemistry: Principles and Techniques, 4th Edition, Cambridge University Press. 4. Alexander, R.R. and Griffiths, J.M. 1993. Basic biochemical methods. Wiley – Liss, New York. 5. Sawhney, S. K. and Singh, R., 2006. Introductory Practical Biochemistry, 2nd Edition, Narosa Publishing House. 6. Oser, B. L., (Latest Edition). Hawk’s Physiological Chemistry, McGraw Hill Book Company.

Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 





BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges   

Code  ZOOL‐203  Year  2 

Subject Title  Zoology‐IV (Physiology)  Discipline  Botany, Zoology, Chemistry‐I 

Cr. Hrs  3 

Semester  IV 

The animals sustain themselves in their individual as well as in group through the functions of acquiring energy and simplifying it through nutrition, distributing it through circulation and generating energy with oxygen through respiration, eliminating unwanted wastes through excretion; the general concepts of the structural adaptation in different groups of animals to a particular function will be taught. Communication I Nerves: Neurons: The Basic Functional Units of the Nervous System. Neuron Structure. Neuron Communication Introductory Aspects: Resting Membrane Potential, Action potential (Nerve Impulse), Transmission of the Action Potential between Cells. Invertebrate and Vertebrate Nervous Systems: The Spinal Cord, Spinal Nerves, The Brain, Cranial Nerves, The Autonomic Nervous System. Communication II: Senses: Sensory Reception. Invertebrate Sensory Receptors: Baroreceptors, Chemoreceptors, Georeceptors, Hygroreceptors, Phonoreceptors, Photoreceptors, Proprioceptors, Tactile Receptors, Thermoreceptors, Vertebrate Sensory Receptors:, Lateral-Line System and Electrical Sensing, Lateral-Line System and Mechanoreception, Hearing and Equilibrium in Air, Hearing and Equilibrium in Water, Skin Sensors of Damaging Stimuli, Skin Sensors of Heat and Cold, Skin Sensors of Mechanical Stimuli, Sonar, Smell, Taste, Vision. Communication III: The Endocrine System and Chemical Messengers: Chemical Messengers. Introductory aspects of hormones and Their Feedback Systems: Biochemistry of Hormones, Feedback Control System of Hormone Secretion, Mechanisms of Hormone Action, Fixed-Membrane-Receptor Mechanism, Mobile-Receptor Mechanism. Some Hormones of Invertebrates: Porifera, Cnidarians, Platyhelminths, Nemerteans, Nematodes, Molluscs, Annelids, Arthropods, Echinoderms, An Overview of the Vertebrate Endocrine System, Endocrine Systems of Vertebrates Other Than Birds or Mammals, Endocrine Systems of Birds and Mammals. Circulation and Gas Exchange: Internal Transport and Circulatory Systems: Transport Systems in Invertebrates and Vertebrates. The Hearts and Circulatory Systems of Bony Fishes, Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds and Mammals, Gas Exchange, Respiratory Surfaces, Invertebrate Respiratory Systems, Vertebrate Respiratory Systems, Cutaneous Exchange, Gills, Lungs, Lung Ventilation, Human Respiratory System, Gas Transport. Nutrition and Digestion: Evolution of Nutrition. The Metabolic Fates of Nutrients in Heterotrophs. Animal Strategies for Getting and Using Food Continuous Versus Discontinuous Feeders. Diversity in Digestive Structures: Invertebrates and Vertebrates. The Mammalian Digestive System: The various segments and their roles. Cell Biology: Introduction to Cell Biology; Difference between prokaryotic and eukaryote cells. Cytoplasmic organelles: Membrane system, Ultrastructure of cell, Endoplasmic reticulum; their role in protein synthesis and drug metabolism. Golgi apparatus: Role in synthesis of glycoprotein. Mitochondria: Cell respiration, significance as semi-autonomous organelle. Lysozomes: Diverse role due to hydrolytic activity of enzymes. Peroxisomes: Metabolism of Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 






BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges    hydrogen peroxide. Glyxoxysomes: Plasma membrane and its function: Chemical composition and structure of plasma membrane, cell permeability, active transport, Endocytosis, Phagocytosis, Cytoskeleton: Microfilaments, Microtubules, Intermediate filaments. Introduction to Replication, Transcription and Translation. Books Recommended 1. Guyton, A.C. and Hall, J.E., 2000. Textbook of Medical Physiology, 10th Edition. W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia. 2. Zoology 2002 & 2006. Miller, S.A. and Harley, J.B. WCB/McGraw Hill, New York. 3. Comparative anatomy of vertebrates, 2001. Kent, G.C. and Miller, L. WCB WmC Brown Publishers/McGraw Hill Companies Inc., New York. 4. Bullock, J., Boyle, J. and Wang, M.B., 2001. Physiology, 4th edition. Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia. 5. Berne, R.M. and Levy, M.N., 2000. Principles of Physiology, 3rd edition. St. Lious, Mosby. 6. Vertebrate anatomy, function, evolution, 2002. Kardong, K.V. WCB WmC Brown Publishers/McGraw Hill Companies Inc., New York. 7. De Robertis and De Robertis. (Latest Edition)Cell and Molecular Biology. Lea and Fibiger, New York. 8. Gerald Karep. Cell and Molecular Biology. John Wiley & Sons. Inc. USA. 9. Lodisch, H., Darnell, Jr., J. and Balimore D. Molecular Cell Biology. Scientific American Inc. New York. 10. Albert, B., Bray, D., Lewis, J., Raff, M. et al.(Latest Edition) Molecular Biology of the cell. Garland publishing Inc. New York.

Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 






BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges   

Code  ZOOL‐204  Year  2 

Subject Title  Zoology Lab‐IV (Physiology)  Discipline  Botany, Zoology, Chemistry‐I 

Cr. Hrs  1 

Semester  IV 

Physiology Comparative adaptations to the particular function in different systems such as nervous system, receptors, endocrine and reproductive system, circulatory system, respiratory system, excretory and nutritive systems in various animal groups will be demonstrated with preserved tissues, organs and organ systems. Cell Biology: Laboratory safety: Physical, Chemical and biological hazards. Total Erythrocyte counting using haemocytometer. TLC (total Leukocyte count) using haemocytometer. Identification of blood cells in normal blood smear and DLC (differential leukocyte count.) Culture and staining of bacteria and yeast. Detection and quantitative determination of chromosomal DNA and RNA. Nucleic acid staining using Methyl greed and pyronin. Study of histological sections of tissues to study various types of cells. Books Recommended 1. EXPERIMENTS IN PHYSIOLOGY, 2002. Tharp, G.D. McMillan Publishing Company, New York. 2. ZOOLOGY, 1999 & 2006. Miller, S.A. and Harley, J.B. WCB/McGraw Hill, New York

Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 






BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges   

Code  ZOOL‐301  Year  3 

Subject Title  Cell and Molecular Biology II  Discipline  Zoology 

Cr. Hrs  3 

Semester  V 

Nucleus: Chromatin, heterochromatin, euchromatin, chromosome structure with reference to coiling and nucleosome during different phases of cell cycle, DNA physical and chemical structure, characteristics of DNA, DNA replication (mechanism, DNA replication in prokaryotes specially with reference to variety of DNA polymerases and other proteins involved, DNA replication in Eukaryotes with special reference to DNA polymerases, concept of Replicons etc.), DNA repair, Transcription (variety of RNA and their characteristics, synthesis of mRNA, rRNA and tRNA with special reference to enzymes, involved, RNA splicing, split genes, concept of Ribozymes and posttranscriptional processing), RNA transduction, Genetic code, point mutations, Translation (with reference to the specific role of Ribosomes, various factors, and posttranslational processing), Regulation of Gene Expression (enzyme induction, enzyme repression, role of promoter and operator to be elucidated taking examples of Lac operon and Trip Operon, Gene Regulation in Eukaryotes with reference to elaborate promoter and diverse transcription factors involved, concept of examples of Transcriptional Regulation and Translational Regulation). Nuclear Envelope, Nucleolus Recombinant DNA technology General Principles, molecular tools involved (vectors, enzymes, expression system) DNA sequencing, chromosome walking, PCR techniques. Role of Genetic Engineering in Economic Development in the areas of Medicine and Human Health (Therapeutic Drug, Vaccines, Monoclonal antibodies, Gene therapy, Animal Cloning, Human Genome Project, Stem Cells, Transgenics Ethical issues), Agriculture (Livestock Health, increase in agricultural produce), Industry (organic solvents, petroleum industry, ore leaching etc.). Textbook 1. De Robertis and De Robertis. (Latest Edition)Cell and Molecular Biology. Lea and Fibiger, New York. Additional Readings 1. Karp, G. 2007. Cell and Molecular Biology. John Wiley & Sons. Inc. USA. 2. Lodisch, H., Darnell, Jr., J. and Balimore D. 2000. Molecular Cell Biology. Scientific American Inc. New York. 3. Weaver. F.F. 2005. Molecular Biology 3rd Ed. The McGraw Hill companies Inc. International Edition.

Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 






BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges    Code  Subject Title  Cr. Hrs  Semester  ZOOL‐302  Cell and Molecular Biology II Lab  1  V  Year  Discipline  3  Zoology  1. Histochemistry of tissues, preparation and study of tissue structure. 2. Extraction of DNA (bacterial). 3. Minipreparation of plasmid DNA. 4. Restriction digestion of plasmid DNA. 5. Isolation and characterization of proteins on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. 6. Western blotting. 7. Cloning and transformation. 8. PCR amplification of DNA. Textbook 1. De Robertis and De Robertis. (Latest Edition)Cell and Molecular Biology. Lea and Fibiger, New York. Additional Readings 1. Karp, G. 2007. Cell and Molecular Biology. John Wiley & Sons. Inc. USA. 2. Lodisch, H., Darnell, Jr., J. and Balimore D. 2000. Molecular Cell Biology. Scientific American Inc. New York. 3. Weaver. F.F. 2005. Molecular Biology 3rd Ed. The McGraw Hill companies Inc. International Edition.

Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 






BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges   

Code  ZOOL‐303  Year  3 

Subject Title  Biochemistry II  Discipline  Zoology 

Cr. Hrs  3 

Semester  V 

Bioenergetics: Concept of Free Energy; Standard Free Energy change: Energy rich compounds and their role in metabolism. Metabolism: description of Glycolysis Regulation and Bioenergetics of Glycolysis. Anabolic role of Glycolysis; Fate of Pyruvate; Gluconeogenesis, its Regulation and significance in tissues; Utilization of other carbohydrates Glycogen synthesis and degradation; Regulation of Glycogen metabolism;; Pentose phosphate pathway and its major role in the animal tissues. Citric acid (TCA) cycle: Conversion of Pyruvate to Acetyl CoA, Pyruvate dehydrogenase, a multi-enzyme complex; description of citric acid cycle; Bioenergetics of the cycle. Anabolic or Biosynthetic role of citric acid cycle intermediates; Replenishing or Anaplerotic reactions and their role; Regulation of Citric acid cycle; Electron transport chain. Lipid metabolism: Fate of dietary fat; Activation of Fatty acids and their transportation to mitochondria; Beta-Oxidation; Alpha oxidation; Bioenergetics of Beta-oxidation; Oxidation of unsaturated and Odd chain fatty acids; Omega oxidation pathway; Biosynthesis of Saturated Fatty acid; Biosynthesis of unsaturated Fatty acids. Ketone bodies their biosynthesis, utilization and role in the tissues; Cholesterol metabolism: Cholesterol biosynthesis and its Regulation. Nitrogen Metabolism: Metabolic fate of amino acids; Catabolism of Amino acids; Deamination and Transamination; Nitrogen Excretion and Urea cycle; Regulation of Urea cycle; Decarboxylation of Amino acids to Biological Amines.; Purine and Pyrimidine synthesis showing the sources of various atoms in both molecules. Recommended text book 1. David L. Nelson, and Michael M. Cox, 2000. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, 3rd Ed., Macmillan Worth Publishers, New York. Additional reading material 1. Stryer, L., 1995. Biochemistry, 6th Ed., W.H. Freeman and Company, New York. 2. Murray, R.K., Granner, D.K., Mayer, P.A. and Rodwells, V.W., 2000. Voet. D., Voet, J.G., and Pratt, C.W., 1999. Fundamentals of Biochemistry, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York. 3. Zubay, G., 1995. Biochemistry, 4th Ed., Wm. C. Brown Publishers, Inc., Oxford, England.

Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 






BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges   

Code  ZOOL‐304  Year  3  1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Subject Title  Biochemistry II Lab  Discipline  Zoology 

Cr. Hrs  1 

Semester  V 

Preparation of standard curve for glucose by o-Toluidine method. Preparation of standard curve for proteins by Buiret method. Separation and identification of various amino acids by paper chromatography. Preparation of standard curve and estimation of DNA by colorimetric analysis using Diphenylamine method. Preparation of standard curve and estimation of total RNA by colorimetric analysis using Orcinol method. Preparation of standard curve and estimation of lipid by vanilline reagent. Demonstration of the effect temperature on the enzymatic rate of reaction. Demonstration of the effect of pH on the enzymatic rate of reaction.

Books Recommended 1. Plummer, David T., 1990. An Introduction to Practical Biochemistry, 4th Edition 2. McGraw-Hill Book Company, London. 3. Wilson, K and Walker, J., 1994. Practical Biochemistry: Principles and Techniques, 4th Edition, Cambridge University Press. 4. Alexander, R.R. and Griffiths, J.M. 1993. Basic biochemical methods. Wiley – Liss, 5. New York. 6. Sawhney, S. K. and Singh, R., 2006. Introductory Practical Biochemistry, 2nd Edition, 7. Narosa Publishing House. 8. Oser, B. L., (Latest Edition). Hawk’s Physiological Chemistry, McGraw Hill Book Company

Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 






BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges   

Code  ZOOL‐305  Year  3 

Subject Title  Animal Physiology II  Discipline  Zoology 

Cr. Hrs  3 

Semester  V 

Physiological Mechanisms at Cell: Cellular membrane and transmembrane transport; resting membrane potentials; Generation and conduction of action potentials; synaptic transmission; Membrane receptors. Nervous System: Organization of nervous system; General sensory system; Visual, Auditory, Vestibular and Chemical sensory system. Muscle and Movements: Molecular basis of contraction; Muscles activity on skeleton; Adaptation of muscles for various activities; Muscles in the walls of hollow organs. Endocrine System: General principles of endocrine physiology; Hormones in homeostasis of metabolism; Endocrine regulation of metabolism of calcium and phosphate; Parathyroid gland, Calcitonin and Cholecalciferol; Hypothalamus and Pituitary: Hypothalamic regulation of pituitary, pituitary gland hormone in physiological coordination; Thyroid gland: Functional anatomy, biosynthesis, regulation and roles in physiological functions, mechanism of thyroid hormones action; Adrenal cortex: Hormones biosynthesis, physiological roles and control; Adrenal medulla: Hormones biosynthesis, physiological roles, and hypothalamicpituitary-adrenocortical axis, adrenal medulla and sympathetic nervous system together integrate responses to stress; General reproductive mechanisms: Synthesis and physiological roles of gonadal steroids, Second messenger and signal-transduction pathways. Textbooks 1. Guyton, A.C. and Hall, J.E., 2006. Textbook of Medical Physiology, 11th Edition. W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia. 2. Withers, P.C., 1992. Comparative Animal Physiology. Saunders College Publishing, Philadelphia. 3. Tharp, G. and Woodman, D., 2011. Experiments in Physiology, 10th Edition. Prentice Hall, London. Additional Readings 1. Randall, D., Burggren, W., French, K. and Fernald, R., 2002. Eckert Animal Physiology: Mechanisms and Adaptations, 5th ed. W.H. Freeman and Company, New York

Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 






BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges   

Code  ZOOL‐306  Year  3  1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Subject Title  Animal Physiology II Lab  Discipline  Zoology 

Cr. Hrs  1 

Semester  V 

Recording of action potentials on oscilloscope and effects of various factors on its characters. Study of synaptic activity with neuromuscular preparations. Sciatic nerve compound action potential. Demonstration of nervous system organization while studying brain, cranial nerve, spinal cord and spinal nerves. Experiments on sensory organs study. Experiments on characteristics of skeletal muscle contractions; Responses of intestinal muscles and effect of drugs. Demonstration of endocrine glands in a mammal (mouse). Effect of hormones on glycemia and calcemia. Effect of thyroxine on oxygen consumption. Effect of androgen on accessory sex organs and of estrogens on target tissues. Study of estrous cycle and effects of the hormones.

Textbooks 1. Guyton, A.C. and Hall, J.E., 2006. Textbook of Medical Physiology, 11th Edition. W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia. 2. Withers, P.C., 1992. Comparative Animal Physiology. Saunders College Publishing, Philadelphia. 3. Tharp, G. and Woodman, D., 2011. Experiments in Physiology, 10th Edition. Prentice Hall, London. Additional Readings 1. Randall, D., Burggren, W., French, K. and Fernald, R., 2002. Eckert Animal Physiology: Mechanisms and Adaptations, 5th ed. W.H. Freeman and Company, New York

Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 






BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges   

Code  ZOOL‐307  Year  3 

Subject Title  Biostatistics  Discipline  Zoology 

Cr. Hrs  2 

Semester  V 

Introduction and scope, use of statistics in biology. Population and sample. Stages of research, types of data and methods of data collection. Data arrangement and presentation, formation of tables and charts. Measures of central tendency computation of mean, media and mode from grouped and ungrouped data. Measures of dispersion, computation of variance, standard deviation, standard error and their coefficients. Probability rules. Binomial, poison and normal distributions. Hypothesis testing, student’s ‘t’ test, Chi square test, Analysis of variance and LSD. Correlation and regression. Experimental designing, planning of an experiment, replication and randomization. Textbook 1. Bluman, A. G. Elementry Statistics A Step By Step Approach, (Latest Addition) Additional Readings 1. Geoffery, R. Norman, David L. Streiner 2000. Biostatistics: The Bare Essentials. B.C. Decke Inc. 2. Gerry, P. Quinn, Michael J. Keough, 2002. Experimental design and data analysis for biologists. Cambridge University Press. 3. Richard Colin Campbell, 1989. Statistics for Biologists. Cambridge University Press.

Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 






BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges   

Code  ZOOL‐308  Year  3 

Subject Title  Evolution  Discipline  Zoology 

Cr. Hrs  2 

Semester  V 

Origin of life: Panspermia and Chemical theory; The causes of micro-evolution; HardyWeinberg equilibrium, Mutation, Gene flow, Genetic drift, Nonrandom breeding, and natural selection. Types of natural selection, its measurement. Causes of polymorphism in populations. The general selection model: (one locus and two locus), Genetic load, Cost of selection, Hitch-hiking, Linkage disequilibrium and shifting balance theory. Fitness and its measurement, Dependence of fitness on frequency of individual. Concept of phenotypic variation: Polygenic traits and Heritability. Explanation for adaptation, genetics of adaptation, reasons of imperfect adaptation. The Units of selection (allele, cell line, organisms, kin group and group). Sexual selection, Theories of sexual selection; Darwin, Fisher and Zahavi. Macroevolution: Evolutionary developmental biology: allometery, heterochrony, species selection, Evolutionary innovation and origin of higher taxa. Rates of evolution; Evolutionary trends and laws, Gradualism and punctuated equilibrium. Coevolution and co adaptations. Textbook Ridley, M. 2004. Evolution, 3rd edition. Blackwell Science. Additional Readings 1. Bell, G. 1997. Selection: the mechanism of evolution. Chapman & Hall, NY. 2. Dawkins, R. 1986. The blind watchmaker. Longman Scientific and Technical. Essex, England. 3. Dawkins, R. 1978. The selfish gene. Oxford University Press, NY. 4. Freeman, S. and Herron, J. C. 2004. Evolutionary analysis, 3rd ed. Pearson Prentice Hall. 5. Futuyma, D. J. 1997. Evolutionary Biology, 3rd ed. Sinauer Associates, Inc. Sunderland, Massachusetts. 6. Gould, S. J. 1977. Ever since Darwin. W. W. Norton and Company, NY. 7. Ridley, M. 2000. Genome. New York: Perennial. Great reading. 8. Stearns, S. C. and Hoekstra, R. F. 2000. Evolution, an introduction. Oxford University Press. 9. Strickberger, (3rd or latest edition) Evolution. Jones and Barrett Publishers. 10. Freeman Dyson, 1999. Origin of life, Cambridge University Press.

Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 






BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges   

Code  ZOOL‐309  Year  3 

Subject Title  Evolution Lab  Discipline  Zoology 

Cr. Hrs  1 

Semester  V 

Calculation of gene and genotype frequency for generations. To calculate deviation of genotype from Hardy Weinberg equilibrium. Simulate to check the effects of natural selection and genetic drift in changing environments. Simulation of assess the role population size in evolution. Discussion on the evidences of evolution, role of biodiversity in evolution. Simulation experiment to show the process of coevolution.

Textbook 1. Ridley, M. 2004. Evolution, 3rd edition. Blackwell Science.  Additional Readings 1. Bell, G. 1997. Selection: the mechanism of evolution. Chapman & Hall, NY. 2. Dawkins, R. 1986. The blind watchmaker. Longman Scientific and Technical. Essex, England. 3. Dawkins, R. 1978. The selfish gene. Oxford University Press, NY. 4. Freeman, S. and Herron, J. C. 2004. Evolutionary analysis, 3rd ed. Pearson Prentice Hall. 5. Futuyma, D. J. 1997. Evolutionary Biology, 3rd ed. Sinauer Associates, Inc. Sunderland, Massachusetts. 6. Gould, S. J. 1977. Ever since Darwin. W. W. Norton and Company, NY. 7. Ridley, M. 2000. Genome. New York: Perennial. Great reading. 8. Stearns, S. C. and Hoekstra, R. F. 2000. Evolution, an introduction. Oxford University Press. 9. Strickberger, (3rd or latest edition) Evolution. Jones and Barrett Publishers. 10. Freeman Dyson, 1999. Origin of life, Cambridge University Press.

Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 






BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges   

Code  ZOOL‐310  Year  3 

Subject Title  Molecular Genetics II  Discipline  Zoology 

Cr. Hrs  3 

Semester  VI 

Introduction to molecular genetics. DNA and Topology of DNA; Eukaryotic genome organization, Techniques of molecular genetics. Replication, Rolling circle model. Transcription; Structure of promoter, Leader and trailer sequence, Splicing. Translation; Bacterial genetics. Complementation mapping. Gene regulation; Arabinose operon, Role of operator, promoter and repressor in gene regulation. Transposable elements; Their characteristics and mechanism. Gene therapy. Books recommended 1. Snustad, D.P and Simmons, M.J., 2010. Principles of Genetics, 5th edition, John Wiley and Sons (Asia) Pte Ltd. 2. Weaver, R., 2011. Molecular Biology 5th Ed. McGraw-Hill. Additional Reading Material 1. Kornberg, A., 2005. DNA Replication, 2 Ed. University Science Books; 2. Waston, J.D., Baker, T.A., Bell, S.P., Gann, A., Levine, M., Losick, R., 2007.Molecular Biology of the Gene (6th Ed.) Benjamin Cummings sLewin, B., 2007 . Genes IX. 9 Ed. Jones and Barlett Publication.

Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 






BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges   

Code  ZOOL‐311  Year  3  1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

Subject Title  Molecular Genetics II Lab  Discipline  Zoology 

Cr. Hrs  1 

Semester  VI 

Preparation of overnight bacterial culture Isolation of genomic DNA Isolation of Plasmid DNA Preparation of insert Preparation of vector Ligation of insert in vector Transformation of recombinant DNA into E. coli.

Books recommended 1. Snustad, D.P and Simmons, M.J., 2010. Principles of Genetics, 5th edition, John Wiley and Sons (Asia) Pte Ltd. 2. Weaver, R., 2011. Molecular Biology 5th Ed. McGraw-Hill. Additional Reading Material 1. Kornberg, A., 2005. DNA Replication, 2 Ed. University Science Books; 2. Waston, J.D., Baker, T.A., Bell, S.P., Gann, A., Levine, M., Losick, R., 2007.Molecular Biology of the Gene (6th Ed.) Benjamin Cummings sLewin, B., 2007 . Genes IX. 9 Ed. Jones and Barlett Publication.

Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 






BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges   

Code  ZOOL‐312  Year  3 

Subject Title  Analysis of Development  Discipline  Zoology 

Cr. Hrs  2 

Semester  VI 

Cellular Basis of Morphogenesis: Differential cell affinity, cell adhesion molecules; Mechanism of Cellular Differentiation: RNA processing, translational regulation of developmental process, cell-fate by progressive determinants, autonomous cell specification by cytoplasmic determinants, establishment of body axes and mechanism of teratogenesis; Secondary Induction; Organogenesis: A brief account; Origin and Migration of Germ Cells in Vertebrates; Factors controlling Growth and Oncogenesis. Hormones as Mediators of Development; Regeneration in Vertebrates. Textbook 1. Gilbert, S. F., 2008. Developmental Biology, Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA. 2. Balinsky, B. I., 1985. An Introduction to Embryology, Saunders. Additional Readings 1. Saunders, J. W., 1982. Development Biology, McMillan. 2. Oppenheimer, S.S., 1984. Introduction to Embryonic Development, Allen and Bacon. 3. Bodemer, C. W., 1968. Modern Embryology. Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 4. Ham, R. G. and Veomett, M. J., 1980. Mechanism of Development. C.V. Mosby Co. 5. Berril, N. J. and Karp, G., 1978. Development. McGraw Hill.

Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 






BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges   

Code  ZOOL‐313  Year  3 

1. 2. 3.

Subject Title  Analysis of Development Lab  Discipline  Zoology 

Cr. Hrs  1 

Semester  VI 

Preparation and study of serial sections of frog or chick embryos. Application of microsurgical techniques on chick embryos in vitro. Preparation and staining of histological slides.

Textbook 1. Gilbert, S. F., 2008. Developmental Biology, Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA. 2. Balinsky, B. I., 1985. An Introduction to Embryology, Saunders. Additional Readings 3. Saunders, J. W., 1982. Development Biology, McMillan. 4. Oppenheimer, S.S., 1984. Introduction to Embryonic Development, Allen and Bacon. 5. Bodemer, C. W., 1968. Modern Embryology. Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 6. Ham, R. G. and Veomett, M. J., 1980. Mechanism of Development. C.V. Mosby Co. 7. Berril, N. J. and Karp, G., 1978. Development. McGraw Hill.

Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 






BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges     

Code  ZOOL‐314  Year  3 

Subject Title  Wildlife  Discipline  Zoology 

Cr. Hrs  2 

Semester  VI 


Introduction to wildlife, Philosophy and significance of wildlife. Animal distribution in Pakistan and their affinities. Important wild animals, distribution, status, conservation and management (population estimates and diversity indices). IUCN categories of wildlife status. In-situ, ex-situ conservation, Wildlife Benefits, Zoonotic diseases, Provincial wildlife rules in Pakistan, Zoo rules, National and International organizations involved in conservation and management of wildlife, National Park, Wildlife Sanctuary, and Game Reserves in Pakistan, IUCN protected areas, Eco-regions, Ramsar Convention, Ramsar sites of Pakistan, Major threats to wetlands. Threatened species of Pakistan. Books Recommended 1. Bailey, J.A., 1986. Principles of Wildlife Management, John Wiley. 2. Gaston, G. and J. Spicer. 2007. Biodiversity. Blackwell Publishing & Co. London, UK. 3. Grimmett, R. Inskipp, C. and Inskipp, T., 2001, Birds of the Indian Sub-Continent. Helm. 4. Grimmett, R. Roberts, T. J and Inskipp, T. 2008.Birds of Pakistan. Helm Field Guide. 5. Hickman, Roberts, and Larsen, 2003. Animal Diversity (3rd Edition).McGraw Hill, New York. 6. Hickman, Roberts, and Larsen, 2004. Integrated principles of Zoology (12th Edition).McGraw Hill, New York. 7. Jordan, E. L. and Verma, P. S. 2011.Invertebrate Zoology, S. Chand and Company. 8. M . S. Khan. 2006. Amphibians and Reptiles of Pakistan. Krieger Publishing Company, Florida USA. 9. M. M. Shafique, 2005. Wildlife Acts and Rules of Pakistan. PFI, Peshawar. 10. Miller and Harly, 2007. Zoology (7th Edition). McGraw Hill, New York. 11. Mirza . Z. B. 1998. Illustrated handbook of Animal Biodiversity of Pakistan. Printopak. 12. Mitsch, W. J. and Gosselink, J. G. 2007. Wetlands 4th ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 13. Odum, E.P., 1994. Fundamentals of Ecology, W.B. Saunders. 14. Pough, F. H., Janis, C. M. and Heiser, J. B. 2006. Vertebrate Life, 6th Ed. Pearson Prentice Hall. 15. Prasad, S. N. and Kashyap, V. 2011.A textbook of Vertebrate Zoology, New Age International Publishers. 16. Punjab Wildlife Act 1974. Government of the Punjab. 17. Roberts, T. J. 1991. Birds of Pakistan. Vol. I Oxford 18. Roberts, T. J. 1992. Birds of Pakistan. Vol. II. Oxford 19. Roberts, T. J. 1997. Mammals of Pakistan. Vol. II. Oxford 20. Roberts, T. J. 2005. Field Guide to the large and Medium-sized Mammals of Pakistan. Oxford 21. Roberts, T. J. 2005. Field Guide to the small Mammals of Pakistan. Oxford 22. Robinson, W.L. and Bolen, E.G., 1984. Wildlife Ecology and Management. McMillan, Cambridge. Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 






BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges    23. 24. 25.

S. S. Ali, 1999. Zoogeography, Paleontology and Wildlife Management, Naseem Book Depot, Hyderabad. Singh, S. K., 2005. Text Book of Wildlife Management. IBDC Smith, R. L., 1980. Ecology and field biology, Harper and Row.


Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 






BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges     

Code  ZOOL‐315  Year  3 

Subject Title  Wildlife Lab  Discipline  Zoology 

Cr. Hrs  1 

Semester  VI 

Study of museum specimens with their notes on adaptive characteristics, ecology and habitats. Field work and study of species richness, species evenness, relative abundance, Simpson Index, Shannon Weiner Index. Demonstration of distribution of animal species of Pakistan, (Blank map will be provided). Individual presentation of threatened wild animal of Pakistan assigned to students. Books Recommended 1. Bailey, J.A., 1986. Principles of Wildlife Management, John Wiley. 2. Gaston, G. and J. Spicer. 2007. Biodiversity. Blackwell Publishing & Co. London, UK. 3. Grimmett, R. Inskipp, C. and Inskipp, T., 2001, Birds of the Indian Sub-Continent. Helm. 4. Grimmett, R. Roberts, T. J and Inskipp, T. 2008.Birds of Pakistan. Helm Field Guide. 5. Hickman, Roberts, and Larsen, 2003. Animal Diversity (3rd Edition).McGraw Hill, New York. 6. Hickman, Roberts, and Larsen, 2004. Integrated principles of Zoology (12th Edition).McGraw Hill, New York. 7. Jordan, E. L. and Verma, P. S. 2011.Invertebrate Zoology, S. Chand and Company. 8. M . S. Khan. 2006. Amphibians and Reptiles of Pakistan. Krieger Publishing Company, Florida USA. 9. M. M. Shafique, 2005. Wildlife Acts and Rules of Pakistan. PFI, Peshawar. 10. Miller and Harly, 2007. Zoology (7th Edition). McGraw Hill, New York. 11. Mirza . Z. B. 1998. Illustrated handbook of Animal Biodiversity of Pakistan. Printopak. 12. Mitsch, W. J. and Gosselink, J. G. 2007. Wetlands 4th ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 13. Odum, E.P., 1994. Fundamentals of Ecology, W.B. Saunders. 14. Pough, F. H., Janis, C. M. and Heiser, J. B. 2006. Vertebrate Life, 6th Ed. Pearson Prentice Hall. 15. Prasad, S. N. and Kashyap, V. 2011.A textbook of Vertebrate Zoology, New Age International Publishers. 16. Punjab Wildlife Act 1974. Government of the Punjab. 17. Roberts, T. J. 1991. Birds of Pakistan. Vol. I Oxford 18. Roberts, T. J. 1992. Birds of Pakistan. Vol. II. Oxford 19. Roberts, T. J. 1997. Mammals of Pakistan. Vol. II. Oxford 20. Roberts, T. J. 2005. Field Guide to the large and Medium-sized Mammals of Pakistan. Oxford 21. Roberts, T. J. 2005. Field Guide to the small Mammals of Pakistan. Oxford 22. Robinson, W.L. and Bolen, E.G., 1984. Wildlife Ecology and Management. McMillan, Cambridge. 23. S. S. Ali, 1999. Zoogeography, Paleontology and Wildlife Management, Naseem Book Depot, Hyderabad. 24. Singh, S. K., 2005. Text Book of Wildlife Management. IBDC Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 






BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges    25. Smith, R. L., 1980. Ecology and field biology, Harper and Row.  

Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 






BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges     

Code  ZOOL‐316  Year  3 

Subject Title  Environmental Biology  Discipline  Zoology 

Cr. Hrs  3 

Semester  VI 

Succession and Stability: Community change during succession, Ecosystem change during succession, Mechanism of succession, Community and ecosystem stability Environmental Pollution: Primary and secondary pollutants, point and non point pollutants, Air Pollution sources: Origin, dispersion and impact on human, crops and forest of Particulates, Sulphur oxides, Nitrogen oxides & volatile organic compounds, Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, Smog & PAN, MTBE (methyl tertiary butyl ether) & CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons), Noise pollution; Measuring noise, Health damage from noise, Control of noise, Water pollution; Sources of water pollution, Fate of water pollution, Composition and properties of water pollutants, Domestic and industrial effluents, Heavy metals and their impact on aquatic life, Water purification in nature, Waste water treatment, Wetland sewage treatment; cleaner water, cheaper, and prettier, Land Pollution; Pesticides (pollutants made to kill), Inorganic pesticides, Synthetic organic pesticides, Biochemical (bacterial toxins and synthetic hormones), Chemical pesticides (non-target toxicity), Chlorine, dioxin and PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), Reducing pesticide use, Thermal pollution, Warm water drainage from nuclear reactor, Radioactive pollution, Radioactivity leakage from nuclear reactor. Population Ecology: Population dynamics, Pattern of survival and dispersion, Age of distribution, sex ratio, Dispersal, Population growth, Geometric & exponential population growth, Logistic population growth, Limits of population growth. Population Ecology of man: Chemical & biological warfare, Ecocrises, Environmental management, Environmental ethics & politics, Economics of ecology, Community studies, Concepts of animal behaviour communication. Contemporary environmental themes: Ozone depletion, Green house effect, Global warming , Acid rain, Desertification, Deforestation, Environmental laws. Textbooks 1. M.L. McKinney, 1999. Environmental Science: System and Solution Jones & Bartlett Publication, Boston 2. R. Lloyd, 1992. Pollution and Freshwater Fishing News Books. 3. Manuel C. Moller Jr. 2002. Ecology (Concepts and solutions). McGraw-Hill publishers. Additional Readings 1. C.E. Mason, 1996. Biology of Freshwater Pollution, Longman Publication. 2. Smith, 1988. Ecology and Field Biology, National Book Foundation. 3. Krebs, 2000. Ecology: The experimental analysis of distribution and application. 4. E.P. Odum, 1996. Ecology: A Bridge between science & society. 5. R.K. Singh, 1998. Human Ecology. 6. Miller, Jr., 2002. Living in the environment. Ed. 7. Peter Stillig, 2002. Ecology (Theories and Applications). Prentice Hall publications.

Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 






BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges   

Code  ZOOL‐317  Year  3 



3. 4. 5.

Subject Title  Environmental Biology Lab  Discipline  Zoology 

Cr. Hrs  1 

Semester  VI 

Methods and analysis of population dynamics, Quadrate method: a. Determining frequency of different species (population analysis). b. Determining density of species in habitat. Measurement of pollutants levels: a. In atmosphere (NO2, SO2, O3 and comparison with rural air). b. In soil (toxic chemical, fertilizer, insecticides, pesticides, herbicides); and in plants and animals. Analysis of polluted and freshwater for, Various pollutants; heavy metals, CO3, -HCO3, NO3, BOD, COD, pH, EC, total, soluble solids. Impact of radiation on microbes and plants. Effects of noise on animal behaviour.

Textbooks 1. M.L. McKinney, 1999. Environmental Science: System and Solution Jones & Bartlett Publication, Boston 2. R. Lloyd, 1992. Pollution and Freshwater Fishing News Books. 3. Manuel C. Moller Jr. 2002. Ecology (Concepts and solutions). McGraw-Hill publishers. Additional Readings 1. C.E. Mason, 1996. Biology of Freshwater Pollution, Longman Publication. 2. Smith, 1988. Ecology and Field Biology, National Book Foundation. 3. Krebs, 2000. Ecology: The experimental analysis of distribution and application. 4. E.P. Odum, 1996. Ecology: A Bridge between science & society. 5. R.K. Singh, 1998. Human Ecology. 6. Miller, Jr., 2002. Living in the environment. Ed. 7. Peter Stillig, 2002. Ecology (Theories and Applications). Prentice Hall publications.

Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 






BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges   

Code  ZOOL‐318  Year  3 

Subject Title  Animal Behaviour  Discipline  Zoology 

Cr. Hrs  2 

Semester  VI 

The Study of Animal Behaviour: Introduction. History of Animal Behaviour. Approaches and Methods. Behaviour Genetics and Evolution: Genes and Evolution. Behavioural Genetics. Evolution of Behaviour Patterns. Mechanisms of Behaviour: The Nervous System and Behaviour. Hormones and Behaviour and Immunology and Behaviour. Biological Rhythms. Development of Behaviour. Learning Behaviour. Communication. Finding Food and Shelter: Migration, Orientation and Navigation. Habitat Selection. Foraging Behaviour. Social Organization and Mating Systems: Conflict. Sexual Reproduction and Parental Care. Mating Systems and Parental Care. Social Systems. Textbook 1. Scott, Graham, 2004. Essential Animal Behaviour. Willey-Blalckwell. Additional Readings 1. Drickamer, L.C., Vessey, S.H. and Jacob, E., 2002. Animal Behaviour: Mechanism, Ecology, Evolution. 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill Publishers. 2. Alcock, John, 2009. Animal Behaviour: An evolutionary approach (9th Ed.) Sinasser Associates, Inc.

Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 






BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges   

Code  ZOOL‐319  Year  3 

Subject Title  Animal Behaviour Lab  Discipline  Zoology 

Cr. Hrs  1 

Semester  VI 

Experiments on reflexes, latency, after-discharge, summation, warm up, fatigue, inhibition and feedback. Experiments on habituation, conditioned reflex type I and trial and error learning. Experiments showing hormonal involvement in behavioural responses. Study of social integration in social insects. Study of hibernation and biological rhythms. Textbook 1. Scott, Graham, 2004. Essential Animal Behaviour. Willey-Blalckwell. Additional Readings 1. Drickamer, L.C., Vessey, S.H. and Jacob, E., 2002. Animal Behaviour: Mechanism, Ecology, Evolution. 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill Publishers. 2. Alcock, John, 2009. Animal Behaviour: An evolutionary approach (9th Ed.) Sinasser Associates, Inc.

Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 






BS (4 Ye ears) for A Affiliated Co olleges


Subjecct Title

C Hrs Cr.

Sem mester

ZOOL-4001 Year 4

Principle off Systematicss



Disciplin ne Zoology y

Course Contents C Contribuution of sysstematics to Biology: Concepts C off taxon, phenon and category, c sppecies concepts and its pro oblems (Typpological; Nominalistic N , Biologicall, Evolutionnary). Subsppecies concept, Clines and d hybrid zoones, Polytyypic speciess, super speecies. Modees of speciaation. Intrapopuulation variation. Diffeerent kinds of taxonom mic characterrs. Weightagge of taxonnomic characterrs. Classificcation and its i types; Phenetic, P Clladistic and evolutionarry classificaation. Differencce between n types of classificatiion. Taxonoomic collecctions and the processs of identificaation. Typess of taxonom mic publicatiions, major features f of taxonomic t a articles. The rules of zoologgical nomen nclature (interpretation and a applicattion of the code c (stabiliity, priority,, first reviser principle) p ran nge of authoority of codee; concept of o availabilitty, type methhod formatioon of specific names, n syno onym, homonnym.

mended Book ks Recomm • Mayrr, E. and Ashlock, P.D., P (Lateest edition). Principless of Systeematic Zooology, McG Graw-Hill Incc. New Yorkk. • Simppson, G.G., (Latest edittion). Principles of Annimal Taxonnomy, Coluumbia Univeersity Presss, N.Y. • Soka, R., and Snaeth S P.H.A A. (Latest edition). e Priinciples of numerical taxonomy. t W W.H. Freem man and com mpany, Londdon. • Kapooor, V.C. Priinciples and practices off animal Taxxonomy. Scieence Publishhers, 2nd Edd.

BS (4 Years) forr Affiliated Colleges

Code ZOOL- 402 4 Year 4

Subjectt Title Lab b. Principles of Systematiics

Cr. Hrs 1

Sem mester V VII

Disciplline Zoolog gy

Course Contents C The studdy of a grou up of organissms while utilizing u keyy. Collectionn, preservatioon, labellingg and identificaation of a gro oup of speciimen accordiing to experrtise availablle in the institute. Preparration of brackeet and inden nt key. Biom metry Rationnale, collectiion of data, statistical analysis a (F test, t t test, Z test, t analysis of variannce, regressiion and corrrelation) annd interpretaation. Phyloogeny Reconstrruction. Application of phonetic p (Sim milarity and dissimilarityy matrix andd unweightedd pair group meethod) and cladistic (com mpatibility method) m analysis to a grooup of mock “organisms””.

Recomm mended Book ks • • • •

Mayrr, E. and Ashlock, P.D., (Lateest edition). Principless of Systeematic Zooology, McG Graw-Hill Incc. New Yorkk. Simppson, G.G., (Latest edition). Principles of Annimal Taxonnomy, Coluumbia Univeersity Presss, N.Y. Soka, R., and Snaeth S P.H.A A. (Latest edition). e Priinciples of numerical taxonomy. t W W.H. Freem man and com mpany, Londdon. Kapooor, V.C. Principles and practices of animal Taxoonomy. Scieence Publishhers, 2nd Ed.

BS (4 Ye ears) for A Affiliated Co olleges





  Code ZOOL-4003 Year Disciplin ne 4 Zoology y

Subject Title Palaeonttology

Cr. Hrs 2

Sem mester V VII

Course Contents C Introducttion; Earth, Shells S of earrth (Atmosphhere, hydrossphere, biospphere and litthosphere); Rock, R types of rocks r (lgneo ous rocks, seedimentary rocks r and meetamorphic rocks); r Fossil, types andd uses of fossilss, Nature off fossils, Prrocesses of fossilizationn (Study of process of dying and what processess occur to animals a afterr their deathh, concepts of o Fossilizattion); Geoloogical time scale; s Pre-Cam mbrian life, Post-Cambri P ian life (Palleozoic life, Mesozoic life, l Cenozooic life); A brief history of o the Siwaliks; Geochhronometry (Uranium/Le ( ead dating, radiocarbonn dating, Fiission track datiing and palaaeomagnetism m); Evolutioonary histories of camelss, horses, eleephants and man. m

Recomm mended Books • • • • • • • •

Brouw wer, A., 197 77. General Palaeontolog P gy, Oliver annd Boyed, London. Michhael Foote an nd Arnold I. I Miller, 20007. Principlles of Palaeeontology (3rd Ed.) Freeeman and Company. C Michhael, J.B. and d David, A.T. Harper, 2009. 2 Palaeoobiology andd the fossil record (3rd Ed.). Wileyy Blackwell. J.Z. Young Y (7th edition). e Lifee of vertebraates Dunbbar C.O., 196 69. Historicaal Geology, John J Willeyy and Sons Innc. New Yorrk. Glberrt, Colbert, E.H., E 1980. Evolution E off vertebrates, John Willeey and Sons Inc. I New Yoork. Moorre, R.C. Laliicker, G.C., Fisher, F A.G.., Invertebratte Fossils. S.S. Ali, A 1999. Paalaeontologyy, Zoogeograaphy and Wildlife Manaagement.

BS (4 Ye ears) for A Affiliated Co olleges  




Code ZOOL-4004 Year Disciplin ne 2 Zoology y

Subject Title Lab. Palaeoontology

Cr. Hrs 1

Sem mester V VII

Course Contents C Study of rocks (Igneo ous, sedimenntary and meetamorphic rocks). r o vertebratees and inverttebrate fossills. Identificaation and claassification of Study of molds, castss, pseudomoorphs, petrified fossils, im mprints, foott prints and coprolites. c Study off vertebrate fossils of evolutionary e y importancee e.g. Horses, Elephannts, Primatess and Camels etc. e

mended Books Recomm • • • • • • • • •

Brouw wer, A., 197 77. General Palaeontolog P gy, Oliver annd Boyed, London. Michhael Foote an nd Arnold I. I Miller, 20007. Principlles of Palaeeontology (3rd Ed.) Freeeman and Company. C Michhael, J.B. and d David, A.T. Harper, 2009. 2 Palaeoobiology andd the fossil record (3rd Ed.). Wileyy Blackwell. J.Z. Young Y (7th edition). e Lifee of vertebraates Dunbbar C.O., 196 69. Historicaal Geology, John J Willeyy and Sons Innc. New Yorrk. Glberrt, Colbert, E.H., E 1980. Evolution E off vertebrates, John Willeey and Sons Inc. I New Yoork. Moorre, R.C. Laliicker, G.C., Fisher, F A.G.., Invertebratte Fossils. S.S. Ali, A 1999. Paalaeontologyy, Zoogeograaphy and Wildlife Manaagement.

BS (4 Ye ears) for A Affiliated Co olleges    Codee ZOOL- 405 Yearr 4

Subjecct Title Economic Zoology

Cr. Hrs 2

Sem mester V VII

Disciipline Zoolo ogy

Course Contents C Parasitic protozoa an nd human diiseases. Ecoonomic impoortance of prrotozoa. Parrasitic nematodes d animals and theeir control. Mites M and theirr control. Heelminth parassites of mann and other domestic and tickss and their control. Hoousehold inssects. Insects affecting fruits and fruit f trees. Insect I control. Pests P of pulsse crops. Pessts of oil seeed crops. Stoored grain peests. Pests of o cotton. Pessts of vegetablees. Pests of fruits. Pestss of tea. Honney bee. Laac culture. Apiculture. A S Sericulture. Pearl culture. Fish F industry y. Preservatiion of fishess. Edible freeshwater fishhes. Econom mic importannce of fishes. Birds (Poultry y). Piggery. Animals use for researrch purpose (archaeopteeryx, frog, raabbit, rat). Econnomic imporrtance of maammals. Rats: their contrrol

mended Book ks Recomm • • • •

Manjju Yadav, 20 003. Econom mic Zoology.. New Delhi,, Discovery, pp. 348. Ravinndranathan K.R., K 2003. Economic E Z Zoology. Dom minan publisshers, New Delhi. D Vishw wapremi, K.K.C., 1995. Economic Zoology Z Dellhi, ISSBN 81-7158-194 8 4. Philipppa, S. Esdaaila, 1999. Ecconomic Zooology. Oscarr publicationns.

BS (4 Ye ears) for A Affiliated Co olleges    Codee ZOOL-4406 Year 4

Subjecct Title Lab. Econom mic Zoology

Cr. Hrs 1

Sem mester V VII

Discip pline Zoology

Course Contents C 1.

A Apiculture

Preparingg to handle honeybee colonies; Innspection off bees, orgaanization wiithin the coolony; Examinaation of colo onies for disease and othher problem ms: Equipmennt making and a using top-bar hives, fraame hives, frames, f smokers, and otther equipmeent; Nailing//wiring of frames fr and fixing f combs; Queen Q raring g; preparatioon of queenn cells, graffting larvae, Managemeent: supplem mental feeding, making can ndy, unitingg colonies; collecting pollen p propolis; Honeyy harvestingg and preparingg for marketing; Harvestting and possessing beess wax; and seeasonal mannagement. 2. Sericulture Rearing techniques t for f breeding of the silkworm Bombyyx mori. Field visiit to demonsstration site in i a house-bold in a nearr by locality across Channga Manga. 3. A Aquaculture e Identificaation of important speciees of Fish annd their naturral enemies. Study vissit to fish Haatchery, Nurrsery ponds, Stocking poonds and com mmercial fishh breeding farms fa Recomm mended Book ks

• • • • • • •

Ahmad, R. and Muzaffar, N., N 1987. Rearing R of Silkworm. S M Misc. Pub. Pak. P Agric. Res. Counncil, pp. 53. Akhtar, M. and Muzaffar, N., N 2008. Inntroduction to Apicultuure, Departm ment of Zooology, Punjaab University y Press, 36 pp. p Anonn, 1986. The Hive and thhe Honeybeee. Dadant & Sons. Illinoiis, USA, pp. 740. Anonn, 1999. FAO O Bulletins on o Sericulturre Nos. 1 & 2. FAO Offiice, Rome, Italy. Blackkiston, H., 2001. 2 Beekeeeping for Dummies. D W Wiley Publishhing, Inc. Inndiana, USA A, pp. 303. Shukkla, G.S. and d Upadhayayy, V.B., 19977. Economicc Zoology, 3rd 3 Ed. Rasttogi Publicattions, Mearrut, India, pp p. 369.

BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Codee ZOOL--411 Yearr 4

Subject Titlee Entom mology (Morrphology, Ph hysiology of Insects) I Disscipline Zo oology

Cr. Hrs 2

Semester VII

Course Contents C General characteristi c cs of insectss. Relationshhip with otheer Arthropodda, Hard Parrts: General segmentatioon, Cuticle: Detailed D struucture. Epidermal layer;; its structuree and function. Basement membrane.. Colours of o insects. Cuticular outgrowths o a and appenddages, sclerotizaation. Metam morphosis. Head: Ceephalization,, Sclerites, Modification M ns. Antennaee: Different modes m of inggestion and types of mouthh parts. Thorax; legs, l their diifferent moddifications annd functions.. Wings: Different D reegions. Deveelopment. Basal B attachhments. Maiin veins andd their brannches (generaliized insects). Wing couppling apparattus. Abdomenn: Secondarry appendagges and exxternal genittalia. Endosskeleton: Head, H thoraxx and abdomenn. Comparaative structurre of all the systems, e.g., digestivee, excretory, respiratory,, circulatoryy, and nervous system s and their t physiology. Sense organs: souund and lightt producing organs. Exoocrine and Endoocrine glands including pheromones p and their fuunctions. Reproducction: Repro oductive orggans and diifferent typees of reprodduction in innsects. Types of larvae annd pupae. Recomm mended Book ks • • • • • • • • • • •

Geneeral Text Boo ok of Entom mology. Imm m. Richards and Davies, Vol.1. V Addittional Readiings The Insects: I Structure and Fuunction, 20000. Chapmann. Insecct Physiology y. Wiggles Worth. W Insecct Physiology y. Pattons. Insecct Ecology. Price. P Ecoloogy: The Exp perimental Analysist A Abbundance. Krebs. K Modeern Entomollogy, 1997. Tembhare. T Ecoloogical Metho ods, 1978. T.R.E. T Southhhood. Elem ments of Insecct Ecology, 1997. S.S. Yasbani Y and M.L. Agarw wal.

BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Code ZOOL-4412 Year 4

Subjeect Title Lab. L Entomollogy (Morph hology, Physiology of Inseects) Disciplline Zoolog gy

Cr. Hrs 1

Semester VII

Course Contents C Preparatiion of permanent slidess. All the haard parts (terrminal segm ments, wingss, antennae, legs, mouth parts). Differrent systems, especiallyy digestive, reproductivve of the foollowing inssects. h, grasshoppper, houseffly, mosquuito, any coommon beetle. Sympatthetic Americann cockroach nervous system s of co ockroach. Recomm mended Book ks • • • • • • • • • •

Geneeral Text Boo ok of Entom mology. Imm m. Richards and Davies, Vol.1. V Addittional Readiings The Insects: I Structure and Fuunction, 20000. Chapmann. Insecct Physiology y. Wiggles Worth. W Insecct Physiology y. Pattons. Insecct Ecology. Price. P Ecoloogy: The Exp perimental Analysist A Abbundance. Krebs. K Modeern Entomollogy, 1997. Tembhare. T Ecoloogical Metho ods, 1978. T.R.E. T Southhhood. Elem ments of Insecct Ecology, 1997. S.S. Yasbani Y and M.L. Agarw wal

BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Codee ZOOL--413 Yearr 4

Subjeect Title Medical Entomology E

Cr. Hrs C 2

Semester VII

Disciipline Zoolo ogy

C Course Contents Introducttion to Med dical Entomoology. Arhtrropods as a cause and cause c and carrier of dissease. Developm ment and Cllassification of insets and arachnids. Mouth partts and their importance i i the in transmisssion of diseease. Insecticcidal and accaricidal praactices. Morrphology, liffe cycle, meedical importannce and contrrol of the folllowing insects and arachhnids. Cockrachhes and beettles; Bed buugs, conenosse and other bugs, Sucking and bitinng Lice; Sim mulid Gnats, Phlebotomus P flies and Mosquitoes; M Horse fliess, Deer fliess, Snipe fliees, Syrphid flies, Musoeoid flies, Lou use fly, Housse fly and itts relatives. Tsetse flies, Stomoxys flies, Horn flies, Myiasis causing fliees, Fleas annd Ticks. Mites M and Pentasomids P s, Venomouus and Urticcarial Arthropoods.

Recomm mended Book ks • • • • • •

Wall,, R. and Sheearer, D. 2001. “Veterinnary Ectoparrasites: Biollogy Patholoogy and Conntrol” 2nd Ed. E Blackweell Science Publication, UK. U Geoggri, J.R., Geo orgi M.C. annd Theodoriides, V.J. 19999. “Parasittology for Veterinarian. V ” 7th Ed. W.B. W Sunderrs Co., Londoon. Wall,, R. and Shearer, D. 1997. “Veterinaary Entomoloogy” Chapm man and Halll, London. Herm ms, W.B. and d James, M.T. 1996. Meedical Entom mology. Thee Mc Milliann Co. New York, Y USA. Kettle, D.S. 1995 5. “Medical and Veterinnary Entomology” CAB B Internationnal, Wallinggford, Oxann. U.K. Serviice M.W. 1980. A guide to Medical Entomologyy. The McMiillan Press Ltd. L London.

BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Codee ZOOL-4414 Year 4

Subject Title Lab Medicaal Entomologgy

Cr. Hrs C 1

Semester VII

Discip pline Zoology

C Course Contents Collectioon, preservattion and pinnning of adultt insects andd arachnids of o medical im mportance. Mouth paarts of insetss and arachnnids. Wing veenation of innsects, Mountingg of stigmal plates and thheir identificcation. Demonsttration of lifee cycle stagees of typical insect and arachnids. a Methods of preparatiion and exam mination of skin s scrapinggs for mites. Methods for dissectin ng arthropodd vectors to determine d innfection ratess. Identificaation of various species of cockroachhes, bettles, bugs, lice, flies, f fleas ticcks and mitees. Recomm mended Book ks • • • • • •

Wall,, R. and Sheearer, D. 2001. “Veterinnary Ectoparrasites: Biollogy Patholoogy and Conntrol” 2nd Ed. E Blackweell Science Publication, UK. U Geoggri, J.R., Geo orgi M.C. annd Theodoriides, V.J. 19999. “Parasittology for Veterinarian. V ” 7th Ed. W.B. W Sunderrs Co., Londoon. Wall,, R. and Shearer, D. 1997. “Veterinaary Entomoloogy” Chapm man and Halll, London. Herm ms, W.B. and d James, M.T. 1996. Meedical Entom mology. Thee Mc Milliann Co. New York, Y USA. Kettle, D.S. 1995 5. “Medical and Veterinnary Entomology” CAB B Internationnal, Wallinggford, Oxann. U.K. Serviice M.W. 1980. A guide to Medical Entomologyy. The McMiillan Press Ltd. L London.

BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Code ZOOL--415 Yeaar 4

Subject Title General Microbiology M y

Cr. Hrs C 2

Semester VII

Disccipline Zoo ology

Course Contents C   Introducttion: historry of micrrobiology, development d t of laboratory technniques to study s microorgganisms, theiir importancce and appliccations. The scope of microbiology; classificatioons of microorggansis, prok karyotic annd eucaryootic microoorgansis, archaeobacte a eria, eubaccteria. Distinctivve characterristics of maajor groups of microorgganisms; prootozoa, algaee, fungi, baccteria and virusses. Characteerization off microorgaanisms; purre culture techniques, microscoopes. Nutrittional requirem ments and miicrobiologicaal media. Cuultivation annd growth off microorgannisms. Contrrol of microorgganisms; priinciples, chhemical andd physical agents. Maajor groupss of prokarryotic microorgganisms: baacteria; Euubacteri; Gram-negativ G ve bacteriaa, Gram-poositive baccteria, Mycoplaasmas, Arch haeobacteriaa; methanogens, red extreme halophiles, h sulfur-depenndent archaeobbactera, therm moplasmas. Microbioology of natural waters, drinking water w and waaste water. Microorgani M sms and dissease, nosocom mial infection ns, airborne diseases, fooodborne andd air borne diseases. Biiotechnologyy, the industrial applicatio ons of micrrobiology; products p off microbial dissimilation, productts of microbiaal synthesis. Recomm mended Book ks • • • •

Pelczzar, M.J. Jr., Chan, E.C.S S. and Kriegg, N.R. 19866. Microbioloogy– McGraaw Hill Inc., New Yorkk. Benson, H.J., 199 94. Microbioological appllications. Wm mC Brown Publishers, P D Dubuque, US SA. Alcam mo, E. 1994 4. Fundamenntals of Micrrobiology. The T Benjamiin/Cumminggs Publishingg Co. Inc. Redwood R citty, CA 940655. Pelczzar, M.J. Jrr., Chan, E.C.S. E and Krieg, N.R R. 1993. Microbiolog M y concepts and applications – MccGraw Hill Inc., I New York.

BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Codee ZOOL--416 Yearr 4

Subjeect Title L Lab. Generaal Microbioloogy

Cr. Hrs C 1

Semester VII

Disciipline Zoolo ogy

Course Contents C   Microscoopic study of algae, funggi, protozoa and bacteria. Staining of o bacteria; negative, sim mple, capsular,, Gram, Spore, acid-faast and flaggellar. Motility determiination of bacteria. b Cuulture Methods: Culture media m prepaaration, puree culture teechniques, bacterial b poopulation coounts. Isolation of phage from f sewagee. Environm mental influeences and control c of microbial m groowth; lethal efffects of temp perature andd UV light, osmotic o presssure and baacterial grow wth, evaluation of antisepticcs, antimicro obial sensitivvity test.

Recomm mended Book ks • • • •

Pelczzar, M.J. Jr., Chan, E.C.S S. and Kriegg, N.R. 19866. Microbioloogy– McGraaw Hill Inc., New Yorkk. Benson, H.J., 199 94. Microbioological appllications. Wm mC Brown Publishers, P D Dubuque, US SA. Alcam mo, E. 1994 4. Fundamenntals of Micrrobiology. The T Benjamiin/Cumminggs Publishingg Co. Inc. Redwood R citty, CA 940655. Pelczzar, M.J. Jrr., Chan, E.C.S. E and Krieg, N.R R. 1993. Microbiolog M y concepts and applications – MccGraw Hill Inc., I New York.

BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Codee ZOOL--417 Yearr 4

Subjeect Title Applied Microbiology M

Cr. Hrs C 2

Semester VII

Disciipline Zoolo ogy

Course Contents C   Control of o microorgaanisms: Funndamentals of o control, control c by phhysical and chemical aggents, antibioticcs and otheer chemotheerapentic aggents. Microoorganisms and diseasse: Host-miccrobe interactioons. Resistan nce and im mmunity. Airr, food and water-bornee human innfections. Huuman contact disease. d Infecctious diseasses of animals. Environm mental Microobiology: Fundamenntals of microbbial ecology y. Microbiology of Air. Soil microbbiology. Miccrobiology of o domestic water w and sewaage. Microbiology of foood, milk annd milk prodducts. Industrial microbbiology: Scoppe of industrial microbiolo ogy in food production, p c control of innsects, humann therapy, petroleum, mining m and bioreemediation. Biotechnolo B ogy and its roole in moderrn human com mforts.

Recomm mended Book ks • • • •

Pelczzar, M.J. Jr., Chan, E.C.S S. and Kriegg, N.R. 19866. Microbioloogy– McGraaw Hill Inc., New Yorkk. Benson, H.J., 199 94. Microbioological appllications. Wm mC Brown Publishers, P D Dubuque, US SA. Alcam mo, E. 1994 4. Fundamenntals of Micrrobiology. The T Bengamiin/Cumminggs Publishingg Co. Inc. Redwood R citty, CA 940655. Pelczzar, M.J. Jrr., Chan, E.C.S. E and Krieg, N.R R. 1993. Microbiolog M y concepts and applications – MccGraw Hill Inc., I New York.

BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Code ZOOL--418 Yeaar 4

Subject Title Lab. Applied Microbioloogy

Cr. Hrs C 1

Semester VII

Disccipline Zoo ology

Course Contents C   Bacteriollogical exam mination of water; w isolation and identtification of coliform bacteria and ennteric pathogenns. Isolation of pathogeenic Staphyllococci. Norrmal throat flora and reeaction on blood b agar. Enuumeration an nd identificaation of micrroorganismss in urinary tract t infectioons. Isolationn and identificaation of microorganism m ms from the t diseasedd ear. Inhibition andd destruction of microorgganism by ph hysical agennts. Action of o disinfectaants on bactteria. Bacteriostatic actioon of certain dyes d and dru ugs. Bacterial sensitivity tests (som me contempoorary antibiootics). Baccterial examinattion of food,, raw milk. Surveys S of microorganism m ms’ activitiees based induustries.

Recomm mended Book ks • • • •

Pelczzar, M.J. Jr., Chan, E.C.S S. and Kriegg, N.R. 19866. Microbioloogy– McGraaw Hill Inc., New Yorkk. Benson, H.J., 199 94. Microbioological appllications. Wm mC Brown Publishers, P D Dubuque, US SA. Alcam mo, E. 1994 4. Fundamenntals of Micrrobiology. The T Bengamiin/Cumminggs Publishingg Co. Inc. Redwood R citty, CA 940655. Pelczzar, M.J. Jrr., Chan, E.C.S. E and Krieg, N.R R. 1993. Microbiolog M y concepts and applications – MccGraw Hill Inc., I New York.

BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Codee ZOOL--421 Yearr 4

Subjeect Title Tecchniques in Fisheries F Ressearch

Cr. Hrs C 1

Semester VII

Disciipline Zoolo ogy

Course Contents C   The literrature of fissh and fisheeries, a metthod of com mpiling bibliography, liiterature souurces, general bibliography b y on fish, forms fo for recording data in fisheryy surveys, reecording, leength, weight, sex s and age determinatioon, preparatiion of impreessions, phottographs andd slides of sccales, scale reaading, types of tags and informationn sought, techhniques of tagging t and recovery, fisshery statistics..

Recomm mended Book ks • • •

Sinhaa, V.R.P. and d Srivastavaa, H.C. 1991. Aquaulturee Productivitty. Oxford & IBH Publisshing o. N. Delhi. Sherii, A.N. 1974 4. Selected Bibliography B y of Fishes and Fisheriies of Pakistan (1864-1966). University of Agrriculture, Faaisalabad. Rickeer, W.E. 195 58. Hand Boook of Compputation for Biological Statistics off Fish Populaation. Fish Res. R Bd. off Canada. Buull. No. 119.

BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Codee ZOOL--422 Yearr 4

Subjeect Title Lab. Techniques T in n Fisheries Research R

Cr. Hrs C 2

Semester VII

Disciipline Zoolo ogy

Course Contents C   Survey of o literaturee, recording data, preparing and reading r scalles, taggingg and popullation estimatioon.

Recomm mended Book ks • • •

Sinhaa, V.R.P. and d Srivastavaa, H.C. 1991. Aquaulturee Productivitty. Oxford & IBH Publisshing o. N. Delhi. Sherii, A.N. 1974 4. Selected Bibliography B y of Fishes and Fisheriies of Pakistan (1864-1966). University of Agrriculture, Faaisalabad. Rickeer, W.E. 195 58. Hand Boook of Compputation for Biological Statistics off Fish Populaation. Fish Res. R Bd. off Canada. Buull. No. 119.

BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Codee ZOOL--423 Yearr 4

Subjeect Title Envvironmental Biology of Fishes F

Cr. Hrs C 2

Semester VII

Disciipline Zoolo ogy

Course Contents C   Fish andd their Envirronments. Feeding and Nutrition. Environment E tal Biology of Fish Groowth. Osmoreggulation and d Ion Balancce. Environm mental Bioloogy of Reprroduction. Behaviour. B W Water Pollutionn. Waste Man nagement. Sustainability S y and Enviroonmental Issues.

mended Book ks Recomm • • • • • • •

Weattherley, A.H., 1972. Groowth and Ecoology of Fishh Populationns. Woottton, R.J., 19 990. Ecologyy of Teleost Fishes. Chappman and Hall, H London. Woottton, R.J., 19 998. Ecologyy of Teleost Fishes. 2nd Edition, Kluuwer. Joblinng, M., 1995 5. Environm mental Biologgy of Fishes. Chapman & Hall, U.K. Weattherley, A.H. and Gill, H.S., H 1987. The T Biology of Fish Grow wth. Chapman & Hall, U.K. U Evanns, D.H., 199 98. The Physsiology of Fiishes, 2nd Edd. CRC Presss, Boca Ratoon, New Yorrk. Boydd, C.E. and Tucker, T C.S., 1998. Ponnd Aquacultuure Water Quality Q manaagement, Booston, Kluw wer.

BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Codee ZOOL--424 Yearr 4

Subjeect Title Lab. Environmen E tal Biology of o Fishes

Cr. Hrs C 1

Semester VII

Disciipline Zoolo ogy

Course Contents C   Weight length l and condition factor f in relation to diifferent envvironments. Gut contennts of different fish speciess. Effect of temperaturee on fish grrowth. Effecct of salinityy on fish groowth. Induce sppawning. Eff ffect of differrent pollutannts on survivval of fish. Assignment. A

mended Book ks Recomm • • • • • • •

Weattherley, A.H., 1972. Groowth and Ecoology of Fishh Populationns. Woottton, R.J., 19 990. Ecologyy of Teleost Fishes. Chappman and Hall, H London. Woottton, R.J., 19 998. Ecologyy of Teleost Fishes. 2nd Edition, Kluuwer. Joblinng, M., 1995 5. Environm mental Biologgy of Fishes. Chapman & Hall, U.K. Weattherley, A.H. and Gill, H.S., H 1987. The T Biology of Fish Grow wth. Chapman & Hall, U.K. U Evanns, D.H., 199 98. The Physsiology of Fiishes, 2nd Edd. CRC Presss, Boca Ratoon, New Yorrk. Boydd, C.E. and Tucker, T C.S., 1998. Ponnd Aquacultuure Water Quality Q manaagement, Booston, Kluw wer.

BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Code ZOOL--407 Yeaar 4

Subject Title Biological Techniquess

Cr. Hrs C 2

Semester V VIII

Disccipline Zoo ology

C   Course Contents Size meaasurement: Animals, A Tiissues, Cell nuclei, otheer organelles, surface area a and vollume; Scale veernier calipeer, stage miicrometer ocular microometer, Miccroscopy: Sttaining: Purrpose, procedurre, examples, Gram’s staining, Animal A / Pllant tissue, Haematoxyylin and Eooisin, Methylenne Blue; Miccrotomy: Seections, C.S. (T.S.), L.S.., S.S., Fixattion, Embeddding, Sectiooning, Slide moounting; Ph hotometer: Visible V specctrum, U.V. spectrum; How the principle work? w Ultra cent Operationnal instructtions; Centtrifugation: trifuge, Celll fractionation, Separration techniquees; Filtratio on: Chromattography: Paper, P Thin layer, Coluumn, Gas Chromatogra C aphy, HPLC; Oven: O Distillery: Distillation; Incubbator: Gel ellectrophoressis: DNA seeparation, prrotein separatioon; Collectio on and presservation off animals and a plants: Precautionss at the tim me of collectionn; Preservattion; Principples; Some procedures p o preservatiions; Data collection of c annd its analysis: Statistical tests; Write up: u How youu should preesent (Write and compilee) your projeect or research work; How a research paper p is writtten.

Recomm mended Book ks • •

Gallaagher, S.R. and Wiley E.A. 2008. Current prootocols essential laborattory Techniiques. John Wiley & So ons Inc, USA A. Joness, A. Reed, R and Weyyers, J. 19994. Practical skills in Biology. B Lonngman Singaapore Publiishers (Pte) Ltd. L

BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Code ZOOL--408 Yeaar 4

Subject Title Lab. Biologiical Techniqu ues

Cr. Hrs C 1

Semester V VIII

Disccipline Zoo ology

C   Course Contents Study off microscopy y, Microscoppic measurem ments, isolation and deteermining of protein p and DNA D mal tissues by spectrophhotometry; Histochemis H stry of parafffin embeddeed tissues foor the from anim visualizeed and fat contents. c Sepparation of proteins off different molecular m w weights usingg gel electrophhometric metthod, culturiing of protozzoans. Studyy of haematoological technniques.

mended Book ks Recomm • •

Gallaagher, S.R. and Wiley E.A. 2008. Current prootocols essential laborattory Techniiques. John Wiley & So ons Inc, USA A. Joness, A. Reed, R and Weyyers, J. 19994. Practical skills in Biology. B Lonngman Singaapore Publiishers (Pte) Ltd. L

BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Codee ZOOL-4409 Year 4

Subject Title Zoogeoography

Cr. Hrs C 2

Semester V VIII

Discip pline Zoology

C   Course Contents Branchess of zoogeography; (D Descriptive, Chorologyy, Faunisticss, Systemattic, Biocoennotic, Causal, Ecological, E Historical, Experimenta E al and Appliied Zoogeoggraphy). Annimal distribbution (Cosmoppolitan distrribution, Diiscontinuouss distributioon, Isolationn distributioon, Bipolar and Endemic distribution). Occurreence and siignificance of Discontiinuous distrribution. Faactors M of diispersal. Typpes of barrieers (Topograaphic affectingg animal disttribution. Baarriers and Means and clim matic barrierss). Barriers and Means of dispersaal in Marinee, Freshwateer and Terreestrial environm ments. Zoogeographical regions, Division of the t world innto various zoogeograpphical regions. (Palaearcticc, Nearctic,, Oriental, Ethiopian, Australian and Neotrropical regiions). Geographhic ranges, physical features, f cliimates, faunnas of Neaarctic, Palaeearctic, Orieental, Ethiopiann, Australian n, and Neotrropical regions. Insolar fauna; f (Continental, Oceeanic and Anncient Islands). Palaeogeog graphy (Theoories of Perrmanence off Continentss, Land Briddges, Continnental Drift andd Plate Tecto onics. Recomm mended Book ks • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Frankk Evers Bed ddard, 2008. A textbookk of Zoogeoggraphy. Published by BiblioBazar, LLC, L pp. 192. S.K. Tiwari, 2006. Fundamenntals of Worrld Zoogeoggraphy. Weddams eBookss (P) Ltd. (Inndia), pp. 384. Sarup & Sons, Ansaari Rd. Daryaaganj, Delhi. Shivkkumar Tiwaari, 1985. Reeadings in Indian I Zooggeography (V Vol. 1) Todday & Tomoorrow Printeers & Publissher, pp. 3955. De Beaufort, B 195 51. Zoogeogrraphy of the Land Inlandd Waters, Sidgwick and Jackson. Darliington, 1963. Zoogeograaphy, John Wiley. W Mulleer, 1974. Aspects of Zooogeography, Hague. Barryy, C. and Moore, M P.D., 2010. Biogeeography annd Ecologicaal and evoluutionary apprroach (8th Ed.). E John Wiley. W Hessee, 1963. Eco ological Anim mal Geograpphy, John Wiley. W Ekmaan, 1953. Zo oogeographyy of the sea. Sedgwick S annd Jackson. Lilliees, 1974. Intrroduction to Zoogeograpphy, Londonn. Terryy, A. Vaughaan, J. M. Ryyan and N.J.. Czaplewbkki, 2009. Maammalogy. 5th 5 Ed. Jones and Barjlett publisherrs. S.S. Ali, A 1999. Paalaeontologyy, Zoogeograaphy and Wildlife Manaagement. Hickm man, Roberrts and Larrson, 2001. Integrated Principles of Zoologyy (11th Edittion). McG Graw Hill, Neew York.

BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Codee ZOOL--410 Yearr 4

Subjeect Title Lab. Zooogeography

Cr. Hrs C 1

Semester V VIII

Disciipline Zoolo ogy

C   Course Contents Identificaation, classiification uptto species and a Zoogeoographical distribution d o the folloowing of animal grroups of Zoo ogeographical regions: Fishes (N Neoceratodus, Lepidosiren and Protoopterus). Amphibiian (Caeciliaans, Newts annd Salamandders, Toads and a Frogs). Reptiles (Sphenodon, Lizards andd Snakes, Tuurtles and Toortoises and Crocodiles)). Aves (Kiiwis, Cassow waries, Emuss, Ostriches and Rheas). Mammalls: Egg-layinng mammalss (Echidna and a Platypus). Marsupiaal mammalls (Opossum m, Australiian cat, Numbat N Kanngaroos, Marsupial M m moles, Bandicooots, Koala an nd Wombatss). Placentall Mammalss (Elepahntts, Giraffes,, Rhinocerooses, Tapirs, Blackbucck, Four-hoorned antelope,, Bos, Bison,, Bubalus, Capra, C Ovis, Boselaphus B and Camelss). mended Book ks Recomm • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Frankk Evers Bed ddard, 2008. A textbookk of Zoogeoggraphy. Published by BiblioBazar, LLC, L pp. 192. S.K. Tiwari, 2006. Fundamenntals of Worrld Zoogeoggraphy. Weddams eBookss (P) Ltd. (Inndia), pp. 384. Sarup & Sons, Ansaari Rd. Daryaaganj, Delhi. Shivkkumar Tiwaari, 1985. Reeadings in Indian I Zooggeography (V Vol. 1) Todday & Tomoorrow Printeers & Publissher, pp. 3955. De Beaufort, B 195 51. Zoogeogrraphy of the Land Inlandd Waters, Sidgwick and Jackson. Darliington, 1963. Zoogeograaphy, John Wiley. W Mulleer, 1974. Aspects of Zooogeography, Hague. Barryy, C. and Moore, M P.D., 2010. Biogeeography annd Ecologicaal and evoluutionary apprroach (8th Ed.). E John Wiley. W Hessee, 1963. Eco ological Anim mal Geograpphy, John Wiley. W Ekmaan, 1953. Zo oogeographyy of the sea. Sedgwick S annd Jackson. Lilliees, 1974. Intrroduction to Zoogeograpphy, Londonn. Terryy, A. Vaughaan, J. M. Ryyan and N.J.. Czaplewbkki, 2009. Maammalogy. 5th 5 Ed. Jones and Barjlett publisherrs. S.S. Ali, A 1999. Paalaeontologyy, Zoogeograaphy and Wildlife Manaagement. Hickm man, Roberrts and Larrson, 2001. Integrated Principles of Zoologyy (11th Edittion). McG Graw Hill, Neew York.

BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Codee ZOOL-4425 Year 4

Subject Title In ntegrated Pesst Management

Cr. Hrs C 2

Semester V VIII

Discip pline Zoology

Course Contents C Brief acccount of in ntegrated pest managem ment: comm mon samplinng techniquees in insect pest managem ment, concep pt of econom mic levels, ecconomic dam mage and ecconomic bouundary, econnomic injury level and eco onomic thresshold. Pest management m t Theory; Biological B coontrol, ecoloogical managem ment of crop environmennt, Insecticidde and its appplication, managing m insect with resiistant plant andd sterile tech hnique: Manaaging ecologgical black laash. Recomm mended Book ks • • •

Pediggo, L.P., 199 91. Entomoloogy and Pestt Managemeent. Maxwelll MacMillann. Richaards, O.W. and a Davies, R.J., R 1977. Imm's Generral Textbookk of Entomollogy. Vol-2 Metccalf, C.L. and d Flint, W.P.., 1962. Desttructive and Useful Insects, McGraw w-Hill.

BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Codee ZOOL-4426 Year 4

Subject Title Lab b Integrated Pest P Manageement

Cr. Hrs C 1

Semester V VIII

Discip pline Zoology

Course Contents C Collectioon, preservaation and identification i n of insectt pests uptoo families (except forr the identificaation upto species s of a few pests of great ecconomic im mportance), with w the help of keys/literrature. Pollu ution estimaation of inssect using different saampling methods. Effect of insecticiddes on predaators and inseect pest (Moortality and behaviour). b  

Recomm mended Book ks • • •

Pediggo, L.P., 199 91. Entomoloogy and Pestt Managemeent. Maxwelll MacMillann. Richaards, O.W. and a Davies, R.J., R 1977. Imm's Generral Textbookk of Entomollogy. Vol-2 Metccalf, C.L. and d Flint, W.P.., 1962. Desttructive and Useful Insects, McGraw w-Hill.

BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Codee ZOOL--427 Yearr 4

Subjeect Title Classificatiion of Insectss

Cr. Hrs C 2

Semester V VIII

Disciipline Zoolo ogy

C   Course Contents A generaal account in ncluding classsification off insect ordeers: Collembbola, Orthopttera, Dictyopptera, Isoptera, Hemiptera, Lepidopteraa, Diptera, Hymenoptera H a, Coleopteraa. Only diaggnostic charaacters of the remaining insect ordeers: Thysannura, Diplurra, Protura,, Ephemerooptera, Odoonata, blattoidea, Phasmida, P Dermapteraa, Embiopteera, Zorapteera, Psocopptera, Plecopterra, Gryllob Mallophaaga, Siphun nculata, Thysanoptera, Neuroptera, N Meco- pterra, Tricopterra, Siphonapptera, Strepsipttera.

Recomm mended Book ks • • •

Pediggo, L.P., 199 91. Entomoloogy and Pestt Managemeent. Maxwelll MacMillann. Richaards, O.W. and a Davies, R.J., R 1977. Imm's Generral Textbookk of Entomollogy. Vol-2 Metccalf, C.L. and d Flint, W.P.., 1962. Desttructive andd Useful Insects, McGraw w-Hill.

BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Code ZOOL--428 Yeaar 4

Subject Title L Lab. Classificcation of Inssects

Cr. Hrs C 1

Semester V VIII

Disccipline Zoo ology

C   Course Contents Collectioon, preservattion and idenntification of o insects uppto families (except for the t identificcation upto speccies of a few w pests of greeat economicc importancee), with the help h of keys/literature.

Recomm mended Book ks • • •

Pediggo, L.P., 199 91. Entomoloogy and Pestt Managemeent. Maxwelll MacMillann. Richaards, O.W. and a Davies, R.J., R 1977. Imm's Generral Textbookk of Entomollogy. Vol-2 Metccalf, C.L. and d Flint, W.P.., 1962. Desttructive andd Useful Insects, McGraw w-Hill.

BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Codee ZOOL--429 Yearr 4

Subjeect Title Bacteeriology

Cr. Hrs C 2

Semester V VIII

Disciipline Zoolo ogy

Course Contents C   Laboratory equipm ment and proceduress: Pure cuulture, pure culture technique, cuulture preservattion, Aseptiic techniquee, Sterilizattion, Chemiical Sterilizzation, Stainning techniques, Microscoopy, visible light l microsccopy, Ultravviolet and eleectron microoscopes. Metabollic pathways: Life needs, n grow wth factorss, the enviironment, Classificatio C on: a Physiological metho od, Energy productionn, Aerobic cellular reespiration, Fat F and prrotein metabolism, biosynth hesis and meetabolism, coontrolling metabolism. m Growth and reprod duction: Inccreasing masss and populations, the population p grrowth curve, The growth curve; c homee, industry and hospitaal, countingg methods, viable cell count, Bioomass determinnation, biolog gical assay. Collectioon, cultivatiion and iden ntification of o microbes:: Laboratoory work, Symptoms, S Collecting and handlling specim mens, Media selection and preparatiion, balancin ng the enviroonment, Oxyygen requirem ments for cuulturing. The Con ntrol of Microbes: M Diifferent appproaches to control, facctors that innfluence succcess, surface active a agentss, the methods and mateerial of contrrol, the ideaal antibiotic, the developpment of drug resistance, ov vercoming reesistant pathhogens.

mended Book ks Recomm • • • •

Pelczzar, M.J. Jr., Chan, E.C.S S. and Kriegg, N.R. 19866. Microbioloogy– McGraaw Hill Inc., New Yorkk. Benson, H.J., 199 94. Microbioological appllications. Wm mC Brown Publishers, P D Dubuque, US SA. Alcam mo, E. 1994 4. Fundamenntals of Micrrobiology. The T Bengamiin/Cumminggs Publishingg Co. Inc. Redwood R citty, CA 940655. Pelczzar, M.J. Jrr., Chan, E.C.S. E and Krieg, N.R R. 1993. Microbiolog M y concepts and applications – MccGraw Hill Inc., I New York.

BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Codee ZOOL--430 Yearr 4

Subjeect Title Lab. Baacteriology

Cr. Hrs C 1

Semester V VIII

Disciipline Zoolo ogy

Course Contents C   Microscoopic examin nations of microorgani m isms’ wet mount, m hangging drop method; Grram’s staining, Negative sttaining capsuular ling staaining Preparration and stterilization of o growth media. m Viable counting c of bacteria, coorrelating nuumber/cell mass m with optical o denssity, makingg and preservattion of puree cultures off bacteria evvaluating baacrteriostaticc and bacterricidal effeccts of antimicroobial agents,, antibiotic susseptility s o some bactterial isolates, some phyysiochemicall tests of of bacterria.

Recomm mended Book ks • • • •

Pelczzar, M.J. Jr., Chan, E.C.S S. and Kriegg, N.R. 19866. Microbioloogy– McGraaw Hill Inc., New Yorkk. Benson, H.J., 199 94. Microbioological appllications. Wm mC Brown Publishers, P D Dubuque, US SA. Alcam mo, E. 1994 4. Fundamenntals of Micrrobiology. The T Bengamiin/Cumminggs Publishingg Co. Inc. Redwood R citty, CA 940655. Pelczzar, M.J. Jrr., Chan, E.C.S. E and Krieg, N.R R. 1993. Microbiolog M y concepts and applications – MccGraw Hill Inc., I New York.

BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Codee ZOOL--431 Yearr 4

Subjeect Title E Environment al Microbiollogy

Cr. Hrs C 2

Semester V VIII

Disciipline Zoolo ogy

Course Contents C   Fundameentals of miccrobial ecoloogy: The naature of micrrobial comm munities. Liffe at low nuutrient concentraations. Physsicochemical factors aff ffecting the environmenntal fate of Microorgannisms. Competittive strategiees of microoorganisms. Innteractions involving i miicroorganism ms. Microbioology of air. Aquatic A micro obiology. Sooil microbioology. Microobiology of domestic water w and sew wage. Microbioology of food d, milk and milk m productts.

Recomm mended Book ks • • • • •

Microobiology: A Human Peerspective , 2001. Euggene W. Neester, Denisee, G., Andeerson, Marthha, T., Nesteer, C., Evanss Roberts, Nancy, N. MccGraw Hill Higher H Education. Microobiology Priinciples and Explorationns, 2001. Jacquelyn, G.G G. Wiley Johnn & Sons Inc. Microobiology, 1986. Pelczaar Jr., Chann, E.C.S. annd Krieg, M.R., M 1986. Mc-Graw Hill, Londdon. Envirronmental Microbiology M y, 2000. Alan H. Varrnam and Malcolm M G. Evans, Maanson publiishing Londo on, NW11 7D DL, UK. Microobial Appliccations: Labb Manual inn General Microbiology M y, 1994. Bennson, H.J. WMC W Brow wn Publishers, England.

BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Codee ZOOL--432 Yearr 4

Subjeect Title Lab b. Environmeental Microb biology

Cr. Hrs C 1

Semester V VIII

Disciipline Zoolo ogy

Course Contents C   Isolation and identiffication of coliform froom water, milk m and veegetables saamples. Baccterial examinattion of food d and raw milk. Surveeys of microoorganisms’’ activities based b indusstries. Isolation and study of o antibioticss producing bacteria. Isoolation and study s of celllulolytic baccteria. Isolation and identifiication of nittrogen fixingg bacteria.

Recomm mended Book ks • • • • •

Microobiology: A Human Peerspective , 2001. Euggene W. Neester, Denisee, G., Andeerson, Marthha, T., Nesteer, C., Evanss Roberts, Nancy, N. MccGraw Hill Higher H Education. Microobiology Priinciples and Explorationns, 2001. Jacquelyn, G.G G. Wiley Johnn & Sons Inc. Microobiology, 1986. Pelczaar Jr., Chann, E.C.S. annd Krieg, M.R., M 1986. Mc-Graw Hill, Londdon. Envirronmental Microbiology M y, 2000. Alan H. Varrnam and Malcolm M G. Evans, Maanson publiishing Londo on, NW11 7D DL, UK. Microobial Appliccations: Labb Manual inn General Microbiology M y, 1994. Bennson, H.J. WMC W Brow wn Publishers, England.

BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Codee ZOOL-4433 Year 4

Subject Title A Advances in Aquaculture A e-I

Cr. Hrs C 2

Semester V VIII

Discip pline Zoology

Course Contents C   Physical problems in n fish farm construction, c , hydrometroology in ponnd fish culture, application of m, new trendds in fish faarm managem ment, warm m water fish seed lime andd fertilizers in fish farm productioon, enhancin ng production of carp finngerlings by the use of growth g prom moting substaances, intensivee and semi-intensive cullture of major carps, tilllet flavour problem p in fish culture, fish diseases and their con ntrol in aquaaculture.

Recomm mended Book ks • • • • • •

Pillayy, T. V. R., 1999. 1 Aquacculture: Princciples and Prractices. Fishhing News Books. B Agraw wal, V. P. 19 999. Recent Trends in Aquaculture. A Society of Biosciences. B India. Redddy, M. S. an nd K.R.S. SambasivaRa S ao. 1999. A Text Bookk of Aquacuulture. Discoovery Publiishing Housee, N. Delhi. Meadde, J. W. 199 98. Aquacultture Manageement. Chapm man & Hall Inc. N. Yorkk. Parkeer, R. 1994. Aquaculture A e Science. Delmar publisshers, N. York. Deboorah, A. T. 1989. Aquacuulture, Manssell, N. Yorkk.

BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Codde ZOOL L-434 Yeaar 4

Subjject Title Laab. Advancess in Aquaculture -I

Cr. Hrs C 1

Semester V VIII

Disscipline Zoology

Course Contents C   1. Collection C an nd preservation of water sample. 2. Eradication E of o weed plantts/algal bloooms. 3. Eradication E of o predators and a predatorry insects. 4. Stocking density and ratioo of fish. 5. Control C of paarasites and diseases. d 6. Iddentification n of Indian major m carps. 7. Fishing gearss. 8. Determination D n of forage ratio r of a givven fish.

mended Book ks Recomm • • • • • •

Pillayy, T. V. R., 1999. 1 Aquacculture: Princciples and Prractices. Fishhing News Books. B Agraw wal, V. P. 19 999. Recent Trends in Aquaculture. A Society of Biosciences. B India. Redddy, M. S. an nd K.R.S. SambasivaRa S ao. 1999. A Text Bookk of Aquacuulture. Discoovery Publiishing Housee, N. Delhi. Meadde, J. W. 199 98. Aquacultture Manageement. Chapm man & Hall Inc. N. Yorkk. Parkeer, R. 1994. Aquaculture A e Science. Delmar publisshers, N. York. Deboorah, A. T. 1989. Aquacuulture, Manssell, N. Yorkk

BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Code ZOOL--435 Yeaar 4

Subject Title A Advances in Aquaculturee -II

Cr. Hrs C 2

Semester V VIII

Disccipline Zoo ology

Course Contents C   Introducttion to advaanced aquacculture. Cultture of fresshwater praw wns shrimpss and freshw water shrimps, Oyster cultu ure, Aquacuulture in raceeways, Cagees, enclosurees and pondss with particculars referencees to the sitee and designn of cages, use u of agricuultural and urban u wastees in aquacuulture, paddy cuulture.

mended Book ks Recomm • • • • • •

Pillayy, T. V. R., 1999. 1 Aquacculture: Princciples and Prractices. Fishhing News Books, B Londdon. Agraw wal, V. P. 19 999. Recent Trends in Aquaculture. A Society of Biosciences. B India. Karunnasagar, I, I. Karunasaggar and A. Reilly. R 1999. Aquaculturee and Biotecchnology. Oxxford & IBH Publishing Co., N. Deelhi. Stickkney, R.R. 19 992. Principlles of Warm mwater Aquacculture. Johnn Wiley & Sons, S N. Yorrk. Meadde, J. W. 199 98. Aquacultture Manageement. Chapm man & Hall Inc. N. Yorkk. Deboorah, A. T. 1989. Aquacuulture, Manssell, N. Yorkk.

BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees

Codee ZOOL--436 Yearr 4

Subjeect Title Lab b. Advances in i Aquacultu ure -II

Cr. Hrs C 1

Semester V VIII

Disciipline Zoolo ogy

Course Contents C   1.

Determ minant of water temperaature.


Determ mination of water flow/vvelocity.


Determ mination of pH of the water. w


Determ mination of total dissolvved solid (DT TS).


Determ mination of water salinitty.


Determ mination of dissolved caarbondyoxidde.


Determ mination of water alkalinnity.


Determ mination of various toxiicant in wateer that may affect a fish/shhrimp growthh.

Recomm mended Book ks • • • • • •

Pillayy, T. V. R., 1999. 1 Aquacculture: Princciples and Prractices. Fishhing News Books, B Londdon. Agraw wal, V. P. 19 999. Recent Trends in Aquaculture. A Society of Biosciences. B India. Karunnasagar, I, I. Karunasaggar and A. Reilly. R 1999. Aquaculturee and Biotecchnology. Oxxford & IBH Publishing Co., N. Deelhi. Stickkney, R.R. 19 992. Principlles of Warm mwater Aquacculture. Johnn Wiley & Sons, S N. Yorrk. Meadde, J. W. 199 98. Aquacultture Manageement. Chapm man & Hall Inc. N. Yorkk. Deboorah, A. T. 1989. Aquacuulture, Manssell, N. Yorkk