application form EXN3, (MSF 4275/REV 1004) ... that workshop service
testimonials give exact dates ... and not photocopies, plus the MCA examination
COURSE INFORMATION Senior Marine - Certificate of Competency
School of Construction & Engineering Department of Marine Engineering
2012 – 20131
CONTENTS Training and Certificate Guidance........................................... 4 Second Engineer - Unlimited (STCW REG 111/2)................... 8 • Course Details.................................................................. 11 • MCA Examination Candidates......................................... 11 Chief Engineer - Unlimited (STCW REG 111/2)..................... 12 • Course Details.................................................................. 14 • MCA Examination Candidates......................................... 14 Combined Certificate Chief Engineer or Second Engineer...................................... 14 Revalidation Under STCW 95................................................ 15 Distance Learning - Courses for MCA Certificate of Competency............................................ 16 Marine Tuition Fees for Session 2012-13.............................. 19 Scottish Qualifications Authority - Marine Engineer Officers Written Exam Fees Session 2012-13....................... 20 Maritime & Coastguard Agency Engineer Officer Notice of Eligibility...................................... 22 Oral Examinations.................................................................. 23 Fire Fighting & First Aid Certificates...................................... 25 Medical Certificates............................................................... 25 Engineering Certificate of Competency Course Delivery Plans 2012/2013.......................................... 26 Application 2012 - 2013......................................................... 28
School of Engineering, Energy & Science Courses for Maritime & Coastguard (MCA) / SQA Certificate of Competency TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION GUIDANCE Every candidate for an STCW 95 certificate of
between which, the applicant was employed,
A candidate who is attempting an examination,
and not photocopies, plus the MCA examination fee
competency as deck or engineer officer must
and state the kind of work on which he/she has
which leads to his/her initial Certificate of
should be sent (Recorded Delivery) to:
complete approved education and training and
engaged and the period of time spent in each
Competency under the STCW 95 Regulations, must
Examiner of Engineers
meet standards of competence laid down in the
branch, e.g. fitting, turning, machine work, drawing
send original STCW 95 certificates to the Maritime
Maritime & Coastguard Agency
STCW Code.
office, etc. and testify to his/her conduct and ability.
& Coastguard Agency as follows: -
Bay 2 / 11, Spring Place
To apply for a Certificate of Competency Notice
Sea service testimonials must state actual rank
• Personal Survival Techniques
105 Commercial Road
of Eligibility, application should be made by the
on watch and the nature of duties performed
• Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting
candidate direct to the Maritime & Coastguard
by the applicant. They should be singed by the
Agency in Southampton using the examination
Chief Engineer and counter signed by the Master,
• Advanced Fire Fighting
application form EXN3, (MSF 4275/REV 1004)
Engineer Superintendent, Managing Owner or
copies of which are available from MCGA website.
Secretary of the Company.
The College strongly advises all candidates to apply
School Contact Details
for ‘Notice of Eligibility’ at the earliest opportunity,
City of Glasgow College
preferably prior to commencing the course of study
Riverside Campus
• Personal Safety & Social Responsibility
at the College, but at least 8 weeks prior to the
21 Thistle Street
Every candidate must also hold a valid Medical
Monday of the examination week.
Fitness Certificate.
When making application, it is important to ensure
G5 9XB
Applications together with the appropriate
that workshop service testimonials give exact dates
Telephone: 0141 565 2713 / 2650
supporting documentation, which must be originals
• Elementary First Aid • Medical First Aid
SO1 OZD Telephone Number: 02380 329 100
• Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats (CPSC)
Fax: 0141 565 2584
[email protected]
When a candidate’s application has been approved, a ‘Notice of Eligibility’ will be issued and forwarded to the candidate by post. The ‘Notice of Eligibility’ will specify which examination subjects have been exempted or previously passed, and will authorise admission of a candidate to the remaining written and oral parts of the examination as appropriate. This ‘Notice of Eligibility’ will be required by the College where Engineering Knowledge written examinations are to be taken and by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency Examiner conducting the oral examination. Individual subjects, SQA Certificates will be issued to candidates who are successful in the written examinations at Chief Engineer and Second Engineer level and by the International Association of Maritime Institutions (IAMI) at OOW level. The results of the oral examinations will be entered on the ‘Notice of Eligibility’ by the MCA Examiner. When all sections of the examination have been passed and when the SQA / IAMI Certificates for the written papers have been received, they should be forwarded together with the complete Notice of Eligibility to the Maritime and Coastguard Agency in Southampton. Intending students are advised to make sure that they are qualified to sit the examinations before attending College. This is especially true for overseas students. The qualifications necessary to enter the MCA examinations are given on page 8 but must be taken as a guide only. Decisions regarding entry to the examinations can only be made by the Maritime & Coastguard Agency in Southampton. The Maritime and Coastguard Agency no longer give exemptions from any of the written examinations on the basis of qualifications gained abroad nor on individual subject passes obtained overseas via Certificates of Competency examinations set by other national administrations.
SECOND ENGINEER – UNLIMITED (STCW REG III/2) Candidates will be required to complete the following qualifying sea service in ships of not less than
Candidates will be required to:
750 kW registered power whilst holding a certificate as watchkeeping officer issued in accordance with
Follow an approved programme of education and training, which covers knowledge,
Regulation III/1 of STCW 95, or a Class 3 or Class 4 Engineer Officer certificate issued under the 1986
understanding and proficiencies listed in the STCW Code.
Pass external written examinations administered by the Scottish Qualification Authority (SQA)
in the following academic subjects at Second Engineer or Chief Engineer levels or be granted
exemption on the basis of past achievements in national examinations.
• Applied Mechanics
• Applied Heat
• Mathematics
18 months, of which at least 9 months must have been spending in
• Engineering Drawing
watchkeeping in the boilers and main propelling machinery of steam
• Marine Electrotechnology
• Naval Architecture
Pass external written examinations administered by Scottish Qualification Authority (SQA) in the
watchkeeping on main propelling machinery of motor ships duties
following profession subjects:
associated with the Unmanned Machinery Space (UMS) and at least
• General Engineering Knowledge
9 months must have been spent in watchkeeping on the boilers and
• Motor and / or
• Steam Engineering Knowledge
Merchant Shipping Regulations.
Motor Certificate
18 months, of which at least 9 months must have been spent in watchkeeping on main propelling machinery of motor ships or duties associated with the Unmanned Machinery Space (UMS).
Steam Certificate
ships or duties associated with the Unmanned Machinery Space (UMS).
Combined Certificate
18 months, of which at least 9 months must have been spent in
main propelling machinery of steam ships or duties associated with the Unmanned Machinery Space (UMS).
In addition, candidates will be required to undertake the MCA oral examination. Sea service must be recorded / endorsed in the seafarer’s Discharge Book and be supported by testimonials signed by the Chief Engineer.
As a direct consequence of the decision made by the MCA to allow progression direct to Chief Engineer Level Academic Subjects, it has been decided by this College to offer only Engineering Drawing and
Candidates will be required to:
Mathematics at Second Engineer Level. Engineering Knowledge also runs as Second Engineer Course. All other academic subjects will be delivered at Chief Engineer Level only. Candidates who wish to sit examination papers at Second Engineer Level will be free to do so and attend the Chief Engineer classes for the necessary approved course of study.
Second Engineer Part A
Course Length
Applied Mechanics
Mathematics and Drawing Only offered as Distant Learning Applied Mechanics & Heat Engines (Chief Engineer Level) 12 Weeks
Heat Engines Mathematics Engineering Drawing
Second Engineer Part B
Students applying for Engineering Knowledge subjects must hold a valid Notice of Eligibility
Engineering Knowledge (General)
Second Engineer Part B
Motor Engineering Knowledge
Engineering Knowledge Only
General Engineering Knowledge
Naval Architecture
The full Part B Course is delivered over 13 weeks. (Academic subjects delivered at Chief Engineer level)
Engineering Knowledge (Steam or Motor) Viva voce examination
10 weeks
Steam Engineering Knowledge
MCA EXAMINATION CANDIDATES Entrance to examinations for any of the above subjects requires Candidates to have completed an approved course of study in order to comply with STCW 95 Regulations.
CHIEF ENGINEER - UNLIMITED (STCW REG III/2) Candidates will be required to complete 36 months sea service in the engine department as an Engineer Officer, inclusive of the time detailed in the following paragraphs. Sea service must be recorded/endorsed in the seafarer’s Discharge Book and be backed up by testimonials signed by the Chief Engineer. Candidates who possess a Second Engineer certificate, issued in accordance with Regulation III/2 of STCW 95 obtained by following the route described above. • Second Engineer certificate, issued in accordance with Regulation III/2 of STCW 95 by revalidation of a Second Engineer Officer certificate issued under the 1986 Merchant Shipping regulations, or • Second Engineer Officer certificate, issued under the 1986 Merchant Shipping regulations will be required to:
Complete the following sea service whilst holding one of the above certificates:
Motor Certificate
Steam Certificate
Combined Certificate
18 months in ships of 1500 kW or more, including 12 months as officer in charge of the watch or other position of responsibility in motor ships of 3000 kW or more.
18 months in ships of 1500 kW or more, including 12 months as officer in charge of the watch or other position of responsibility in steam ships of 3000 kW or more.
18 months, of which 9 months must have been spent in charge of the watch or other position of responsibility in motor ships of 3000 kW or more and 9 months must have been spent in charge of the watch or other position of responsibility in steam ships of 3000 kW or more.
Follow an approved programme of education and training, which covers knowledge, understanding
and proficiencies listed in the STCW Code.
Pass external written examinations administered by the Scottish Qualifications Authority in the
academic subjects, from which it may be possible to gain exemption on the basis of past
achievements in national examinations.
• Applied Mechanics
• Applied Heat
• Marine Electrotechnology
• Naval Architecture
Pass external written examinations administered by the Scottish Qualification Authority in the following professional subjects:
• General Engineering Knowledge
• Motor Engineering Knowledge and/or
• Steam Engineering Knowledge
Undertake the MCA Oral Examination
Course Length
Chief Engineer Part A
Applied Mechanics
12 Weeks
Chief Engineer Part B
Students applying for Engineering Knowledge subjects must hold a valid Notice of Eligibility
Engineering Knowledge (General)
Chief Engineer Part B
Motor Engineering Knowledge
Engineering Knowledge Only
Heat Engines
Naval Architecture
The full Part B Course is delivered over 13 weeks
Engineering Knowledge (Steam or Motor) Viva voce examination
10 weeks
Steam Engineering Knowledge and General General Engineering Knowledge
Entrance to examinations for any of the above subjects requires Candidates to have completed an
Existing power and area limitations will be
approved course of study on order to comply with STCW 95 Regulations.
carried forward regardless of the date of issue of the original certificate.
Candidates will be required to hold either a
(Formerly termed Endorsement) Entrance Requirements for Engineering Knowledge Examinations:
or the new Certificate of Proficiency in Survival
Certificate of Proficiency in Survival Craft (CPSC) and Rescue Boats (CPSC & RB).
Course Length
Engineering Knowledge (Steam or Motor);
6 weeks (Infill into 10 week EKs class)
The old Certificates of Efficiency as a lifeboat man will be acceptable as equivalent to the CPSC provided that candidate must also
(a) For a combined certificate, 6 months sea service, of which at least 6 months must have been spent on the boilers and main propelling machinery of a steam ship, a motor ship whilst already in possession of a Class 1 Certificate in either discipline. For a Chief Engineer Combined Certificate the sea service must have been ships with a power of not less than 3000 kW. (b) A Chief Engineer or Second Engineer Certificate either Steam or Motor as appropriate.
Viva voce examination
undertake the Personal Survival Techniques or the Basic Sea Survival Training. OPITO courses will not be treated as equivalent to CPSC. Candidates will be required to hold either a First Aid at Sea or the new Medical First Aid Certificate. Requirements in respect of sea-service or acceptable professionally related employment and medical fitness will continue to apply.
Second Engineer < 3000 kW
Second Engineer MCA
Chief Engineer MCA Certificate
MCA Certificate of Competency
Certificate of Competency
of Competency
Note: It has been agreed that our Distance
problems as they occur and motivate students
The subject packages available
The subjects available within the
The subjects available within the
Learning material satisfies STCW 95
in the correct direction. In consequence of this,
within the above Distance
Class 2 Distance Learning course
Class 1 Distance Learning course
requirements for an approved course of study.
a student taking a distance learning course must
Learning course are as follows:
are as follows: -
are as follows: -
These distance learning courses are devised to
be willing to apply himself/herself to the various tasks given. It is our intention to set up an ‘Intranet
• General Engineering Science I
Part A Subjects
Part A Subjects
satisfy demand from potential students of the college, who for whatever reason are unable to
Forum’, to enable students to contact each other,
Applied Heat
attend full time college based courses.
this will hopefully start when the ‘Blackboard’
Applied Mechanics
Applied Mechanics
The advantages of this arrangement are: • Avoidance of travelling expenses to and from college • Avoidance of accommodation expenses in the college vicinity
courses are made available. The number of subjects studied simultaneously by a student is left to his / her own discretion and
(Maths & Mechanics) • General Engineering Science II (Heat & Electrotechnology) • Engineering Knowledge I
Applied Heat Engineering Drawing
• Engineering Knowledge II Part B Subjects
consequently the distance learning fee is quoted
• Continuation of employment while studying
at least 3 weeks to study one subject.
Engineering Knowledge –
• The students can progress at their own individual
The distance learning courses available are:
General / Motor / Steam
Note: This provision would also be of assistance to candidates contemplating attempting Chief Engineer academic subject examinations at Second Engineer level.
Electrotechnology Naval Architecture
Naval Architecture
on a single subject basis and full course basis. It is estimated that even the more able student will take
Part B Subjects
• Second Engineer