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4 Jan 2018 - Political System (X) keeps the state intervention to the minimum level and encourages widely private initia
MODEL(1) Faculty of Physical Therapy - Cairo University Course: Introduction to Political ScienceSemester: Fall 2017-2018 Date: 4/1/2018 Duration:1hour No. of Pages: (3) Marks: (40) MODEL(1) Please Choose the correct answer: (10 Questions) (5 Marks) 1. The African Union (AU) and the Arab League (AL) are typical examples of : (A)State Actor (B)Non-Governmental Organizations (C)International Organizations (D) None of the above 2. Political System (X) keeps the state intervention to the minimum level and encourages widely private initiative. Accordingly; it is considered a: (A)Minimal State (B)Totalitarian State (C) Collectivist State (D) None of the above 3. Organization (Y) is interested in defending the environment; it meets with the members of the parliament to adopt strict measures to limit air pollution, it is called: (A)Labour Union (B)Promotional interest group (C) Professional syndicate (D) All of the above 4. When the state seeks to influence other actors by persuading them to follow or agree to norms and ideas. This is called: (A) Hard power. (B) Military power. (C) Soft Power. (D) None of the above 5. Political Party (X) seeks to reach the voters through selecting limited number and highly qualified members; it is called: (A)Cadre Party. (B)Mass party (C )Democratic Party D)None of the above 6. The president is popularly elected; and has considerable constitutional authority and powers; this is a typical feature of which system (A)Presidential System. (B)Mixed System. (C) Egyptian System. (D)All of above 7. All the following are features of Democratic system except for ONE: (A) Free and fair elections. (B) Active and broad civil society. (C)Limited Freedom of mass media. (D) Constraints on government imposed by a constitution 8. Foreign Policy goals include: (A) Promoting external trade (B) Opening external markets for exports (C) Defending state's territory against external threats. (D) All of the above 9. The Executive Branch includes all the following except for: (A)Head of government (B)Ministers (C)Civil Servants (D)Members of Parliament 10. Political System (X) directs much attention to providing citizens with pensions and social security system, yet it encourages private initiative. Political system (X) is (A)Minimal State. (B) Welfare state. (C)Collectivist State. (D) None of above Page 1 of 3

MODEL(1) Please Choose (A:True) or (B:False): (70 Questions) (35 Marks) 11. According to the Egyptian constitution; both Prime Minister and his cabinet are accountable to the parliament 12. The Scientific study of politics includes the analysis of official governmental institutions 13. Red Cross and African Union (AU) are both Governmental International Organizations 14. One-party system allows for limited competition between the political parties 15. Political parties act as a peaceful channel for political participation 16. Two party systems are not democratic systems 17. Lobbying is a main technique employed by political parties as well as Interest groups 18. The dominant party system is a feature of the Authoritarian system 19. Interest groups play an important role in nominating candidates in elections 20. International relations is the field of study concerned with studying the State's domestic politics 21. One of the features of the Failed/ Collapsed States is that they enjoy full sovereignty 22. The dominance of only one official ideology is a typical feature of the Authoritarian system 23. The Parliament can vote no-confidence against the Prime Minister in Presidential system 24. When studying the interaction between Egypt and the United Nations, You are studying the field of international relations. 25. Sovereignty has only one face related to the State's authority over its citizens 26. Interest groups have various instruments to influence the policy maker including lobbying 27. Federal System secures real powers to local levels including defense and foreign affairs 28. Interest groups differ from political parties because the first are more organized 29. The United States is a typical model of Semi-Presidential System 30. Representative Democracy encourages freedom of speech and expression 31. The Egyptian system is Presidential System where the President can dissolve the Parliament. 32. In System (X); No party was able to secure the majority in the elections, accordingly a coalition government is formed. System (X) can be a Parliamentary System 33. The Collectivist State prefers private property and individual initiative over State ownership. 34. States are among the major actors in the international system 35. Labour unions are usually closer to left-oriented parties 36. Labour unions and Professional syndicates are typical examples of Promotional Interest groups 37. Cadre Parties and Mass parties agree that they prefer limited membership 38. In System (Y); the President is elected for fixed terms and works in conjunction with the Prime Minister; System (Y) is a Presidential System. 39. Bio-politics studies the effects of genes and health conditions on political behavior. 40. Terrorist Groups can be effective actors in the international system. 41. Interest groups try to achieve their goals by lobbying the legislature only 42. Both Business and labour groups prefer to support right-wing parties. 43. The central concern of international relations is interaction between actors on international stage. 44. Direct democracy is the system in which citizens choose their representatives in free elections. 45. Thinkers such as Thomas Hobbes is a prominent thinker of Divine Right theory 46. Both Influence and Authority indicate official sources of power 47. Unitary system can have many advantages as it is simpler and more cost wise 48. The Federal System may be appropriate to ethnic divided societies such as Canada and U.S.A 49. "Rulers are directly accountable to the ruled " is a defining characteristic of democracy Page 2 of 3

MODEL(1) 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80.

A codified constitution is a major element in defining the State Legislature is a key institution in the government as it is checks on the power of the executive. "Catch-All" parties are political parties that seek to establish one-party system. Soft tools of foreign policy include offering cultural exchange programs A form of democracy in which citizens elect representatives to make governing decisions on their behalf is called Representative Democracy All constitutions must be codified "Catch-All" parties are political parties which try to maximize support of the voters by offering policies which avoid ideological controversy Foreign policy falls under the subfield of International Relations Political System (X) has a bicameral legislature, meaning that it is composed of two chambers. The size of the territory is a major element in identifying the State Organization (X) is an interest group, accordingly it seeks to influence Members of Parliament and cabinet ministers to defend the interests of its group A crucial difference between interest groups and political parties is that interest groups do not seek to present themselves as candidates for government. Organizations that pursue the common interests of groups of people by attempting to influence the making and implementation of government policy are known as Interest groups A political system in which authority is divided between the central government and local governments is commonly referred to as a Parliamentary system Egypt has a non-codified constitution The Nation is a political community that occupies a definite territory and has a government Political System is broader than the State as it includes both formal and informal institutions. Authoritarianism and totalitarianism are usually confused but they are different political systems. A loose coalition of groups and individuals that seek major social and political change but are not organized is commonly referred to as Social movement Some features of democracy may exist in Authoritarian systems Gaining the support of public opinion is a major tactic of interest groups Social Movements and Political parties have common features including high degree of organization. National interests of the state include only military and security interests but do not include ideational or value-related interests There is a higher possibility of cooperation between legislature and executive in Parliamentary system The Egyptian parliament has the right to withdraw confidence from the Prime Minister. Key provisions that define the duties, powers and functions of the various institutions of government is called Constitution Interest aggregation is a common function for both interest groups and political parties. Interest groups seek to influence political parties through providing support during elections. Political system (X) is based on Separation of power between the executive and legislative branches; accordingly it is Presidential System. Ancient Athens is the most popular example of Direct Democracy In parliamentary system, the posts of head of state and head of the government are separate