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Physics 11 Course Syllabus

Teacher: P. Warren (Room 211) Email: [email protected] Website: Materials: Textbook Binder and loose-leaf Pens, Pencils, Erasers, Ruler, Correctional Fluid, and Highlighters Scientific Calculator Tests/Quizzes/Assignments/Homework: Test dates will be given well in advance of the day they are administered. You will likely be given at least one week notice before a test is scheduled. Please make every effort possible to be present on the day of a test. If the student has a legitimate excuse for being absence on an assessment date the teacher will either assign the student a new test date or require a project to be completed. The ultimate purpose of quizzes, assignments, and homework are to allow students to evaluate how well they understand the concepts discussed in class. Students will be given sufficient notice prior to a quiz and before an assignment is to be submitted. It is each student’s responsibility to complete any homework that is assigned by the teacher. Laboratories: Laboratories are an important part of Physics 11. Many of the concepts learned in class will be enhanced by your understanding of the processes that occur during laboratory experiments. Before completing a laboratory, students will be required to prepare for the experiment by completing a pre-lab assignment. You will be given approximately one week to complete a postlab report. Lab reports will be due at the beginning of class and any lab reports passed in after the deadline will be considered ‘completed’ but receive no mark. Please make every effort to submit your lab reports on time.


Exam: The final exam will cover concepts learned throughout the entire course. This exam will have a value of 20% of your final course mark. Missed Time: If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to come and see me for any handouts, assignments, labs, or homework you may have missed. Should you miss a test or quiz, be prepared to write the missed assessment the day you return to school at lunch time, pending a reasonable excuse for being absence and teacher availability. If you miss a laboratory session, you may have to make up the lost time during a lunch or afterschool session. Please notify me in advance if you are aware that you will be missing time. From my previous experiences, students who frequently miss classes struggle to get a passing grade in the course. Classroom Rules and Expectations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Please be on time and prepared for class. Participate in learning discussions Be respectful when it is not your turn to speak. Keep good notes. Stay on task. Follow lab safety rules. Electronic equipment and music devices should be stored in your book bag during class. 8. Please keep cell phones turned off and kept out of sight while in class. Topics: Kinematics Study of linear motion as described by the variables, time, displacement, velocity and acceleration. Use of instruments and proper methods of obtaining reliable data to calculate the above. Sources of error and calculation of % error. Discussion and design of experiments that control variables. Displaying data graphically using position/time and velocity/time graphs and interpretation of these graphs. Best-fit lines for scatter data along with interpolation and extrapolation of data based on graph shape. Interpreting trends from graphs. Discussion of frames of reference for motion. Problem solving, analyzing word problems and solving algebraically using motion equations.


Dynamics Use of vectors to represent forces – algebraic and trigonometric solutions to problems. Discussion and use of Newton’s Laws as they apply to inertia, force mass, acceleration and interaction among forces. Examine friction and understand the difference between static and kinetic or moving friction. Understand coefficient of friction, normal force, distinguish between mass and weight. Momentum and Energy Discussion of momentum as it applies to impulse change, changes in momentum and one-dimensional collisions. Discussion of conservation of energy and momentum with respect to one-dimensional collisions and explosions. Relationship between force, distance, and work and how work is related to power and time. Machines, ideal and actual mechanical advantage, efficiency of machines. Potential, kinetic, and elastic potential energy. Relationship between force and extension; Hooke’s Law. Waves Major components and properties of waves such as longitudinal and transverse, reflection, refraction, diffraction, pulse and period, interference. Use of wave equation for problem solving. Electromagnetic spectrum and the difference between electromagnetic waves and mechanic waves. Sound and its characteristics as applied to waves. Examination of the Doppler Effect. Relate properties of waves to light refraction and Snell’s Law. Use laws of reflection and refraction to explain the behavior and uses of lenses and mirrors. Evaluation: Tests Quizzes Labs: Projects: Exam:

30% 20% 25% 5% 20%


Physics 11 Communication Plan Hello, My name is Paul Warren and I will be teaching your child this semester. Parents/guardians can contact me through email or by calling the school and leaving a message. My email address is [email protected] and the school telephone number is 902 582 2040. I encourage all parents/guardians to drop me an email early in the semester so I am able to place it in my address book and make contact with you, as necessary, to keep you updated on your child’s progress. Please feel free to email for updates at any time of the semester and I will make sure to get back to you in a timely fashion. The topics that will be covered daily, test and quiz dates, course notes, and much more are available on the course website: Student extra help sessions are available on Tuesday and Thursday during lunchtime throughout the semester. Please encourage your child to come in and receive extra help should they need it. I am looking forward to a wonderful semester! Regards,

Paul F. Warren (BSc., BEd., Dipl. Tech. Ed., MEd. CC, MEd. LDSHP) Northeast Kings Education Centre [email protected] 1618 Bains Road Canning, NS B0P 1H0 P: 902-582-2040 F: 902-582-2044