Application of engineering principles to crop/livestock/ fish production ......
Michael M. Cox: The Absolute, Ultimate Guide to Lehninger Principles of
Course Outlines- Bachelor of Science in Biosystems Engineering Year 1- Semester I BS101 Introduction to Biosystems Engineering 2(2-0)
Semester 1
Rationale: Biosystems engineering is a relatively novel educational area in Asia. This course introduces students to coverage of Biosystems engineering and the interface of basic engineering and biology concepts. Students will become familiar with interaction between engineering sub-fields and biology disciplines, and career opportunities, ethical responsibilities of bioengineers, and creativity and design. Catalogue Description: Agricultural, food and bioprocess engineering; bioengineering; Biosystems engineering; role of Biosystems engineers; bioengineering resources and careers. Pre-Requisites: None Course outline: I.
Agricultural, food, and bioprocess engineering 1. Agricultural engineering and biomechanics 2. Food engineering and post-harvest technologies 3. Bio-processing and bio-refining engineering and technology
Bioengineering 1. Engineering concepts and disciplines 2. Engineers as scientists and technologists 3. Role of mathematics, chemistry, and physics in traditional engineering disciplines 4. Application of engineering principles in biology
Biosystems engineering 1. Biosystems design principles 2. Science and Technology in food commodity production 3. Crop/ livestock/ fish production systems 4. Post-harvest technologies and value added agricultural products 5. Application of engineering principles to crop/livestock/ fish production
Role of biosystems engineers 1. Agricultural sustainability 2. Sustainable food production systems design and development 3. Genomic studies 4. Genetic modifications 1
5. Ethical responsibilities of bioengineers V.
Bioengineering resources and careers 1. Internet resources 2. Bioengineering/ Biosystems engineering/ Bi mechanics societies 3. Biosystems design competitions 4. Careers for Biosystems Engineers
Laboratory Sessions: None
Textbook & Materials: Ahindra Nag (2010): Biosystems Engineering. McGraw-Hill References: 1. Education and research in Biosystems engineering in Europe. LLP Erasmus Thematic Network Eds. D. Briassoulis, P. Panagakis, E. Nikopoulos. 2008. Available at 2. E. A. Stephan, D. R. Bowman , W. J. Park, B. L. Sill, M. W. Ohland (2012) Thinking Like An Engineer: An Active Learning Approach. Prentice Hall; 2nd edition
Grading: Mid semester exam 20%; Assignments 30%; and Final Examination 50% Instructor: Dr. Amararatne Yakupitiyage/ Imran Ahmed
BS102 Calculus 4 (4-0)
Semester 1
Rationale: This course is designed to provide a firm foundation in the concepts and techniques of the calculus, including standard functions, limits, continuity, differentiation, partial differentiation, integration and differential equations. Catalogue Description: Functions and their representations; limits and their properties; differentiation; application of differentiation; integration and application of integration; integration techniques; differential equations; partial differentiation; and second order differential equations. Pre-Requisites: None Course outline: I.
Functions and their representations 1. Representation of functions 2. Essential functions 3. New functions from old functions 4. Exponential functions 5. Inverse functions and logarithms
II. Limits and their properties 1. Limits of functions 2. Theorems on limits 3. Infinity 4. Special limits 5. Continuity, right- and left-hand continuity, continuity in an interval, theorems on continuity, piecewise continuity, uniform continuity III. Differentiation 1. Interpretation of the derivative 2. Differentiation rules 3. Derivatives of special functions 4. Hyperbolic functions 5. Higher order derivatives 6. Linear approximations and differentials IV. Applications of differentiation 1. Maximum and minimum values 2. Mean value theorem 3. indeterminate forms and L’Hospital’s rule 4. Curve sketching 3
5. Optimization problems 6. Ant derivatives V. Integration and applications of integration 1. Areas and distances 2. Definite integral 3. Fundamental theorem of calculus 4. Indefinite integrals and net change theorem 5. Connecting integral and differential calculus 6. Areas between curves, volumes, moment of inertia VI. Integration techniques 1. Integration by parts 2. Trigonometric integrals 3. Trigonometric substitution 4. Integration of rational functions by partial fractions 5. Strategy for integration 6. Approximate integration 7. Improper integrals VII. Differential equations 1. Modeling with differential equations 2. Direction fields and Euler’s method 3. Separable equations 4. Exponential growth and decay 5. The logistic equation 6. Linear equations VIII. Partial Differentiation 1. Functions of several variables, 2. Limits and continuity 3. Partial derivatives. IX. Second-Order Differential Equations 1. second-order linear equations 2. Non homogeneous linear equations 3. Applications of second-order differential equations 4. Series solutions. Textbook & Materials: Stewart: Calculus, 6th Edition Grading: Mid Term 30% and Final Exam 70% Instructor: Riaz Khan
BS103 Biology I (3(3-0)
Semester 1
Rationale: This introductory biology course familiarizes students with basic concepts of biology at organism, species and population levels. The course introduces evolution and diversity of life on earth as well as growth and development of plants and animals. The course also familiarizes students with biological terminology. Catalogue Description: Biodiversity of earth; phylogeny and the tree of life; plant diversity and evolution; plant growth and development; animal diversity and evolution; animal growth and development Pre-Requisites: None Course outline: I.
Biodiversity on earth 1. The history of life on earth, 2. Darwinian view of life 3. The origin of species 4. The evolution of populations
II. Phylogeny and the tree of life, 1. Prokaryotes: Bacteria, Archaea 2. Eukaryotes: Protists, Fungi, plants and animals III. Plant diversity and evolution 1. The evolution of plants – from algae to angiosperms 2. Plant classification 3. Structures and function of plants IV. Plant growth and development 1. Resource acquisition and transport in vascular plants 2. Plant responses to internal and external signals. 3. Soil and plant nutrition 4. Angiosperm reproduction 5. Plant biotechnology V. Animal diversity and evolution 1. Animal classification 2. Structures and functions of invertebrates 3. Structures and functions vertebrates VI. Animal growth and development 1. Animal nutrition 2. Circulation 3. Gas exchange 5
4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Osmoregulation Excretion Homeostasis Nervous systems Hormones and the endocrine system The Immune system Reproduction systems
Laboratory sessions: None Textbook & Materials: Neil A. Campbell, Jane B. Reece, Lisa A. Urry, Michael L. Cain, Steven A. Wasserman, Peter V. Minorsky, and Robert B. Jackson. Campbell Biology (9th Edition, 2010) References: General biology online sources such as: Grading: Mid semester exam 20%; Assignments 30%; and Final Examination 50% Instructor: Dr. Amararatne Yakupitiyage
Year 1- Semester II BS104 Biology II 3(3-0)
Semester 2
Rationale: This course familiarizes students with basic concepts of biology at atom, molecular, organelle, and cellular levels. The course introduces the chemical context of life and describes cellular structures and functions of organisms. Catalogue Description: The chemical context of life; cellular structure and function; basic principles of biology; the cell ctcle; inheritance; gene expression; cellular metabolism; and cell communication. Pre-Requisites: BS103 Biology I Course outline: I.
The chemical context of life 1. Elementary composition and chemical bonds 2. Importance of weak chemical bonds in life 3. Importance of chemical reactions in life 4. Water and life 5. Carbon and the molecular diversity of life 6. The structure and function of large biological molecules 7. Prions – a protein that changed food industry standards
II. Cellular structure and function 1. Membrane (cell wall; plasma membrane) 2. Cytoplasm (centrioles, chloroplasts, cytoskeleton, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparatus, lysosome, mitochondria, ribosomes, and vacuoles) 3. Nucleus (chromosomes, nuclear membrane, nucleolus) III. Basic principles of biology – an overview 1. Cell theory 2. Gene theory 3. Metabolism (anabolism and catabolism) 4. Reproduction 5. Homeostasis 6. Thermodynamics IV. The cell cycle 1. Meiosis 2. Mitosis V. Inheritance 1. Mendel theory 2. The chromosomal basis of inheritance 7
3. The molecular basis of inheritance VI. Gene expression 1. Gene to protein 2. Regulation of gene expression 3. Genomes and their evolution VII. Cellular metabolism 1. Cellular respiration 2. Fermentation 3. Photosynthesis VIII. Cell communication 1. Cell signaling, receptors and signaling pathways 2. Autocrine, paracrine, juxtacrine, neurocrine, lumencrine (exocrine) and intracrine communications Laboratory sessions: None Textbook & Materials: Neil A. Campbell Jane B. Reece, Lisa A. Urry, Michael L. Cain, Steven A. Wasserman, Peter V. Minorsky, and Robert B. Jackson. Campbell Biology (9th Edition, 2010) References: 1. Essential Cell Biology by Bruce Alberts, Dennis Bray, Karen Hopkin and Alexander Johnson (2009) 2. Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis and Martin Raff (2007) Grading: Mid semester exam 20%; Assignments 30%; and Final Examination 50% Instructor: Dr. Amararatne Yakupitiyage
UG112 Thermodynamics 3(2-3)
Semester 2
Rationale: Thermodynamics is a basic science that deals with energy and its transfers through work, and the link between heat and mechanical exertion. Knowledge of thermodynamics is imperative for understanding of why certain mechanisms (such as engines and boilers) work in certain ways, determining how much work they can put out, and for optimizing these power systems, etc. A thorough understanding of thermodynamics is crucial to any career that focuses on chemical, processing, industrial, HVAC, energy technology, or any other engineering. Catalog Description: Basic concepts of Thermodynamics; The First law of thermodynamics; Properties of pure substances; Energy transfer by heat, work and mass; The Second law of thermodynamics; Power and Refrigeration cycles. Pre-requisites: None Course Outline: I.
Basic concepts of thermodynamics 1. Thermodynamics and Energy 2. Closed and open systems 3. Properties of a system 4. State and equilibrium 5. Processes and cycles 6. Forms of Energy 7. Energy and Environment 8. Temperature and Pressure
The first law of thermodynamics 1. The first law of thermodynamics 2. Energy balance for closed systems 3. Energy balance for steady-flow systems 4. Some steady-flow engineering devices
Properties of pure substances 1. Pure substance 2. Phase change processes of pure substances 3. Property diagrams for phase change processes 4. The ideal gas equation of state 5. Internal energy, enthalpy and specific heats
Energy transfer by heat, work and mass 1. Heat transfer 2. Energy transfer by work 3. Mechanical forms of work 4. Conservation of mass principle 9
The second law of thermodynamics 1. Introduction to the second law 2. Thermal energy reservoirs 3. Heat engines 4. Energy conversion efficiencies 5. Reversible and irreversible process 6. Carnot cycle 7. Entropy
Power and refrigeration cycles 1. Basic considerations in the analysis of power cycles 2. Otto, Diesel and Brayton cycles 3. Refrigerators and heat pumps 4. The reversed Carnot cycle 5. Vapor compression refrigeration cycle 6. Absorption refrigeration systems
Laboratory Sessions: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Calibration of pressure gauges Bomb calorimeter Diesel Engine Generator System Refrigeration/Air conditioning unit
Textbook: Yunus A. Cengel and Michael A. Boles. Thermodynamics and Engineering approach. McGraw Hill. 2002. References: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
G.V. Wylen, R. Sonntag and C. Borgnakke. Fundamentals of Classical Thermodynamics. John Wiley and Sons. 1994. A. Bejan, G. Tsatsaronis and M. Moran: Thermal Design and optimization, John Wiley & Sons, 1996. M. J. Moran, and H. N. Shapiro: Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, 1988. W. F. Stocker: Design of Thermal Systems, McGraw Hill, 1989. Y. Jaluria: Design and Optimization of Thermal Systems, Mc Graw Hill, 1998.
Grading System: The Final grade will be computed according to the following weight distribution: Mid-semester exam (30%), laboratory/assignments (20%), and final exam (50%). Closed book is used for both Mid-semester and final exams. Instructor:
Dr. P. Abdul Salam
CS103 Computer Programming for non-Specialists 3(2-1)
Semester 2
Rationale: This course is a hands-on introduction to computers and programming. Its goal is to develop basic computer programming skills for non-specialists in science and engineering fields. It focuses on practical scientific problem solving in areas such as bioinformatics. Students learn Python, a modern high-level programming language widely used in the sciences, and solve substantial programming assignments. Catalogue Description: Data Types; The Python Type System; Program Structures; Functions; Modules; Classes; Applications. Pre-Requisite(s): None Course outline: 1. Introduction 1. Computers and programs 2. The Python programming language 2. Data types 1. Object types 2. Numeric types 3. Strings 4. Lists 5. Tuples 6. Files 3. The python type system 1. Type categories 2. Object flexibility 3. References 4. Comparisons, equality, and truth 5. Type hierarchies 4. Program structures 1. Decisions 2. Assignments 3. Expressions 4. Input/output operations 5. Iteration 11
5. Functions 1. Syntax 2. Scope 3. Arguments 6. Modules 1. Syntax 2. Usage 3. Packages 7. Classes 1. Syntax 2. Usage 3. Operator overloading 4. Object oriented design with classes 8. Applications 1. Bioinformatics 2. Other areas of scientific computing Laboratory Sessions Students attend a weekly lab in which concepts introduced in lecture are reinforced through practical application in the lab. Students must complete a series of specific exercises in the lab. Before the following lab, students must complete additional homework exercises and programming assignments then submit a formal lab report describing their experiments and results. Textbook & Materials Mark Lutz: Learning Python, 4th Edition, O'Reilly Media, 2009. References Mark Lutz: Programming Python, 4th Edition, O'Reilly Media, 2010. Mitchell L Model: Bioinformatics Programming Using Python, O'Reilly Media, 2009. Grading: Homework and lab work (35%), Quizzes and attendance (15%), Mid-semester (25%), Final Exam (25%) Instructor(s): Dr. Matthew Dailey
Year 2- Semester I BS201 Organic Chemistry
Semester 3
Rationale: Organic chemistry is a prerequisite for understanding biochemistry as it deals with organic compounds, their structure and chemical reactions. This course introduces students to the principles of organic chemistry with a special emphasis on its important role in the food industry. Catalogue Description: Molecular structure and bonding; isomerism and stereochemistry; organic acid and bases; structure, reactions and synthesis of hydrocarbons; functional groups and organic reactions of selected organic compounds; biomolecules; and structure determination Prerequisite: UG109 Course outline: I.
Molecular structures and bonding of organic compounds 1. Atomic structure: nucleus, orbits and electron configuration 2. Chemical bonds and valance 3. Hybrids orbits 4. Charge distribution 5. Octet rule and exceptions 6. Resonance theory 7. Drawing chemical structure and resonance forms
II. Isomerism and stereochemistry 1. Structural isomers 2. Geometric (cis-trans) isomers 3. Optical isomers (enantiomers) 4. Stereochemistry of reactions of chiral and achiral compounds III. Organic acids and bases 1. Lowry and Bronsted definition 2. Lewis definition 3. Acid-base strength 4. Predicting cid-base strength using pKa values IV. Structure, reaction and synthesis of hydrocarbons 1. Alkanes 2. Alkenes 3. Alkynes 4. Aromatic compounds V. Functional groups and organic reactions of selected organic compounds 13
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Alcohols and ethers Aromatic compounds Aldehydes and ketones Carboxylic acid and derivatives Carbonyl compounds Amines Phenols
VI. Structure Determination 1. Mass Spectrometry (MS) 2. Infrared Spectrometry 3. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
Laboratory Sessions: None Textbook: John E. McMurry (2008) Organic Chemistry, 7th Edition, Thomson Learning Inc. References T. W. Graham Solomons and Craig Fryhle (Author) Organic Chemistry, 10th edition Grading method: 10% Quizzes, 40% mid semester exam, 40% final exam and 10% class participation. Relative grading system will be used. Instructor: Dr. Amararatne Yakupitiyage/ Imran Ahmed
BS202 Microbiology - 3 (3-0)
Semester 3
Rationale: Microorganisms form the basis for all life on earth. Their role in food and agriculture, medicines and recycling environmental chemicals is crucial for the existence of life. Understanding microorganisms, their mode of reproduction, growth and isolation is necessary for their beneficial usage. This course will enable students to understand basic concepts of microbiology and applications. Catalogue Description: Introduction to the science of microbiology; types of microorganisms; bacteriophage and viruses; structure of microorganisms, nutrient and growth requirements; introduction to mycology; and introduction to applied microbiology Pre-Requisites: None Course outline: I.
Introduction to the science of microbiology 1. Microbes and our world 2. Ancient observations and controversies 3. Evolution of modern microbiology 4. Methods of observations and microscopes
II. Types of microorganisms 1. Taxonomy of microorganisms 2. Prokaryotic 3. Eukaryotic 4. Morphology III. Bacteriophage and viruses 1. Morphology 2. Phage life cycles 3. Major types 4. Common uses IV. Structure of microorganisms 1. Size and shape; 2. Rigidity and flexibility 3. Storage materials and motility
V. Nutrient and growth requirements 1. Types of media 2. Culture and conditions of growth 3. Growth kinetics 4. Isolation and characterization of bacteria 15
VI. Classification of bacteria 1. Gram staining 2. Gram positive bacteria 3. Gram negative bacteria 4. Sporulation VII. Introduction to mycology 1. Morphology 2. Nomenclature 3. Habitat 4. Usage of fungi 5. Fungal diseases VIII. Introduction to applied microbiology 1. Infections 2. Bacteriology of milk, water and air 3. Useful bacteria Laboratory Sessions:
Textbook & Materials: Thomas D. Brock, Michael T. Madigan: Biology of microorganisms, 6th Edition. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., PrenticeHall, 1991. References : Larry McKane, Judy Kandel: Microbiology - essentials and applications, New York, McGraw-Hill. 1996 Grading method: 10% Quizzes, 40% mid-semester exam, 40% final exam and 10% class participation. Relative grading system will be used. Instructor: Dr. Anil K Anal/ Imran Ahmed
Year 2- Semester II BS202 Genetics 3(3-0)
Semester 4
Rationale: To understand variation of genes among individuals in a population, and the expression and regulation of genes, genetics and genomics study is as crucial as it is central to life sciences. Genetic and environmental factors contribute to exciting discoveries in fields such as agriculture, medicine, cancer research, biodiversity, and sustainability. Catalog Description: Principles of genetics; Genetics workshop; Quantitative genetics; Bioinformatics; Applications. Pre-requisite: None Course Outline: I.
Principles of genetics a. Chemical structure of genetic material b. Mendelism c. Gene recombination and chromosome mapping d. Mutation e. Gene expression f. Recombinant DNA
Genetics workshop a. Important organisms used for research in genetics (E coli, yeast and plants) b. Fundamental genetic concepts in the laboratory c. Transmission and molecular genetics techniques d. Analysis and interpretation of data
Quantitative genetics a. Theory and application of quantitative genetics b. Concepts of mutation, selection, random drift, inbreeding c. Genes and environment
Bioinformatics a. introduction to bioinformatics b. Introduction to genomics - methods, applications, and implications c. Ethical and legal implications d. Computer applications used in genome analysis.
Applications a. The genetic basis of human traits and diseases b. The human genome project c. Gene therapy d. Agricultural applications 17
Laboratory Sessions: None Textbooks: Fundamental Genetics, John Ringo (2004) ISBN 9780521006330 Reference Books: Maloy, S., Cronan, J. and D. Freifelder: Microbial Genetics, Jones and Bartlett. Boston, MA. 1994 Grading System: The final grade will be computed from the following constituent parts: assignment (10%), Midsemester exams (15%), interim exams (15% each), final exam (30%). Instructor: Dr. Anil K Anal
BS203 Plant Physiology
Semester 4
Rationale: Plants are the only life forms that can produce their own food by converting light energy into chemical energy and ultimately providing the basic energy source for virtually all organisms. Plants produce nearly all of the oxygen currently found in the atmosphere that humans and other animals breathe. Plants also produce various economically important products such as fibers, medicines, and wood necessary for survival of mankind. Knowledge of all the internal life activities of plants (both chemical and physical processes associated with plant life) is important to properly understand the functions and the dynamic processes of growth, metabolism, and reproduction occurring in plants. Catalogue Description: Cell Physiology; Transpiration; Plant Pigments; Photosynthesis; Translocation of Solutes; Respiration; Crop Growth and Development. Pre-Requisites: Previous courses which provide a basic understanding of biology, soil, crop, and atmospheric systems. Course outline: I.
Introduction to cell physiology 1. Cell membrane 2. Entry and exit: water 3. Imbibition 4. Diffusion 5. Osmosis 6. Energy in the Cell 7. Control of cellular metabolism
Transpiration 1. Definition of transpiration 2. Transpiration and evaporation 3. Types and Sites of Transpiration 4. Mechanism of stomatal transpiration 5. Factors affecting transpiration 6. Significance of transpiration 7. Antitranspirants 8. Other Methods of water loss
Plant pigments 19
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Introduction Chlorophyll Factors affecting chlorophyll synthesis Carotenoids Anthocyanins AND RELATED COMPOUNDS
Photosynthesis 1. Definition and historical background 2. Locale of photosynthesis 3. Light harvesting mechanisms and radiation-based characterization of the plant environment 4. Anatomical differences among different types of leaves 5. Energy capture, light and dark reactions of photosynthesis 6. Photosynthetic carbon reduction in plants - C3, C4 and CAM mechanisms 7. Assimilate partitioning and factors influencing assimilate partitioning
Translocation of Solutes 1. Definition and translocation of organic materials 2. Eevidences of phloem transport 3. Patterns of phloem transport 4. Mechanism of phloem transport 5. Translocation of inorganic materials
Respiration 1. Definition and types of respiration 2. Sgnificance of respiration 3. Respiratory system and biochemical aspects 4. Environmental effects on respiration 5. Role of respiration, plant carbon balance, survival and productivity 6. Plant respiration and crop yield 7. Application of physiological concepts towards crop production
Crop Growth and Development 1. Definition of growth and development 2. Phenology, critical growth period and environmental influence 3. Yield parameters, yield determinants and management needs 4. Use of physiology as a basis of crop management
Laboratory Sessions: None. Textbook & Materials: Salisbury, F.B. and C.W. Ross: Plant Physiology, Fourth Edition. Wadsworth Publ. Co., Belmont, California, USA, 1992. 20
Reference Books: 1. Lambers, H., Chapin, F.S. and T.L. Pons: Plant Physiological Ecology. Springer-Verlag, New York, Inc., 1998. 2. Larcher, W: Physiological Plant Ecology (Fourth Edition). Springer, 2001. Journals and Magazines: 1. Plant Physiology 2. General and Applied Plant Physiology 3. Journal of Plant Physiology References: 1. Evans, L.T.: Crop Evolution, Adaptation and Yield, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1993. 2. Salisbury, F.B. and C.W. Ross: Plant Physiology, Fourth Edition. Wadsworth Publ. Co., Belmont, California, USA, 1992. 3. Lambers, H., Chapin, F.S. and T.L. Pons: Plant Physiological Ecology. Springer-Verlag, New York, Inc., 1998. Grading: The final grade will be computed from the following constituent parts: Mid-semester exam (30%), final exam (40%) and assignments (30%). Both Mid-semester and final exams are closed book. Instructor: Dr. Avishek Datta
BS 204 Animal Physiology 3(3-0)
Semester 4
Rationale: Animal physiology is the study of how networks of cells cooperatively act to function as an organ and how different body organs interactively act to allocate resources for different bodily functions such as metabolism (anabolism for growth and catabolism for energy production), locomotion, removing metabolic end-products, providing stable internal environment, and counteracting pathogenic agents. It concerns with topics such as gas exchange, digestion, blood circulation, osmoregulation, thermoregulation, renal excretion, nervous and muscle systems and endocrinology. This course provides students with an understanding of the extent and limits of how animals physiologically adapt to environmental challenges, and addresses the basic physical and chemical principles underlying the physiological processes of living systems. Catalogue description: General Anatomy (Ruminants, Non-ruminants and Aquatic animals) and intracellular organization; circulatory and Lymphatic Systems: respiratory system; Digestive system: excretory System; nervous system: spinal cord and brain functions, autonomic nervous system; concept of Homeostasis in endocrine physiology; physiology of lactation and Reproduction in farm animals. Pre-Requisites: None Course outline: I.
General anatomy and intracellular organization 1. Ruminants 2. Non-ruminants 3. Aquatic animals
II. Circulatory and lymphatic systems 1. Body fluids; Blood, lymph, cerebrospinal fluid, synovial fluid 2. Physiological properties and cellular and chemical constituents of blood, Blood coagulation, Blood groups and their importance in livestock 3. The conduction system of the Heart, Regulation of cardiac output, Regulation of the Heart and Blood vessels, Regional circulation and pulmonary circulation III. Respiratory system 1. Mechanism of Respiration 2. Types of breathing, Air volumes and capacities, Exchange of Gases, Control of Respiration 3. Artificial Respiration. IV. Digestive system 1. Ingestion, Mastication, Salivation and Deglutition, Functions of saliva 2. Simple stomach digestion; Gastro-intestinal motility, secretions and functions, liver and pancreatic secretion and functions 3. Digestion in Ruminants; Rumination, Fermentation, Functions of Omasum and Abomasums, Absorption from stomach and intestines 4. Digestion and Absorption in Marine and Freshwater Fish 22
V. Excretory system 1. Water balance and Excretion; Electrolytes 2. Physiology of kidney 3. Physiology of the skin VI. Nervous system - spinal cord and brain functions, autonomic nervous system. 1. Excitable cells: nerve and muscle cells: Neuron, structure and classification, Action potentials, Electro-chemical events 2. Receptors: Chemoreceptors, Mechanoreceptors, Electroreceptors, Thermoreceptors, Propioceptors VII. Concept of homeostasis in endocrine physiology 1. Endocrine glands and their secretions and functions 2. Classification of hormones 3. General mechanism of hormone action 4. Chemical messenger and regulator, Concept of first and second messenger 5. Regulation of hormone secretion and secretory mechanisms 6. Hypothalamus and pituitary, adenohypophsis (anterior pituitary) and neurohypophsis (Posterior pituitary) and their hormones 7. Metabolic hormones, Hormonal regulation of water and electrolytes 8. Prostaglandin’s and Steroid Hormones. IX. Physiology of lactation and reproduction in farm animals 1. Sexual Development, Oestrous Cycle and Fertilization 2. Fetal Placental Unit. 3. Physiology of Lactation. Text Books: Dukes, H.H. 2009. Dukes’ Physiology of Domestic Animals. M. J. Swenson and W.O. Reece (Editors). Comstock Publishing Associates. A Division of Cornell, University Press, Ithaca.USA. References 1. Frandson, R.D. 1992. Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Animals. Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia. 2. Withers, P.C. 1992. Comparative Animal Physiology. Saunders College Publishing, New York, USA. 3. Dukes, H.H. 2009. Dukes’ Physiology of Domestic Animals. M. J. Swenson and W.O. Reece (Editors). Comstock Publishing Associates. A Division of Cornell, University Press, Ithaca.USA. 4. Breazile, J.E. (Recent edition). Textbook of Veterinary Physiology. Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia, USA. 5. Hadley, M.E. 1992. Endocrinology. 3rd Edition. Prentice Hall Inc. Englewood cliffs, New Jersey, USA. 6. Withers, P.C. 1992. Comparative Animal Physiology. Saunders College Publishing, New York, USA. 7. Arthur C., M.D.Guyton, J.E. Hall. 2000. Textbook of Medical Physiology. W.B. Saunders Company,Philadelphia. Grading: Assignment and Reports (10%); Mid-semester examination (25%); Final Exam (50%); Presentations (10%) and Quizzes 2 (5%) 23
Instructor: Dr. Anil Kumar Anal BS206 Analytical Chemistry 3(2-1)
Semester 3
Rationale: This course provides an understanding of principles and methods of practical analytical chemistry to solve a particular problem, and to be able to interpret the results of quantitative analysis through self-disciplined laboratory skills. Catalogue Description: Analytical chemistry: an introduction to qualitative chemical analysis; Equilibria in analytical chemistry; Homogenous solutions; Heterogeneous solutions. Pre-Requisites: None Course outline: IX. Analytical chemistry: an introduction to qualitative chemical analysis i. Chemical analysis ii. Sampling iii. Standardization iv. Calibration X. Equilibria in analytical chemistry i. Types of equilibria ii. Activity and activity coefficients iii. Mass balance equations iv. Concentration and conditional equilibrium constants XI. Homogenous solutions i. Acid-Base interaction and equilibria ii. pH of strong and weak acids and bases, ampholites and buffers iii. Principles of titration, indicators and reagents iv. Oxidation-reduction equilibria XII. Heterogeneous solutions i. Solid-Liquid Equilibria ii. Solubility and solubility product iii. Precipitate formation iv. Precipitate properties
Laboratory Sessions:
Standardization of acids/bases 24
Determination of inorganic and organic substances Oxidation-reduction methods using potassium permanganate and iodine Determination of chlorine as chloride Determination of sulfur as barium sulfate Calculations in analytical chemistry
Textbook & Materials: Douglas A. Skoog, Donald M. West, F. James Holler, and Stanley R. Crouch: Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, Eighth edition (2003) References: Shriver & Atkins, W.H. F: Inorganic Chemistry, 5th Edition, (2010), Freeman and Company, New York Grading method: 10% Quizzes, 40% Mid-semester exam, 40% final exam and 10% class participation. Relative grading system will be used. Instructor: Imran Ahmed/ Dr. Amararatne Yakupitiyage
BS207 Biostatistics 3(2-1)
Semester 4
Rationale: This course familiarize students with basic theoretical concepts of statistics and practical experience in designing sampling programs, experimental design and hypothesis testing which will be useful at the stage of Capstone Project. Catalog Description: Population and variates; sampling from populations; sampling design; probability; data distributions; hypothesis testing; experimental design; correlation and regression; and application of selected multivariate techniques. Pre-requisite: None Course Outline: I.
Population and variates 1. Population definition 2. Variates (quantitative; qualitative; continuous; discrete) 3. Observation 4. Frequency distribution of observations
II. Sampling from populations to measure central value and deviation 1. Target population and sampling population 2. Sampling frame and sampling unit 3. Statistical sample and random sampling (+ random numbers) 4. Sampling with and without replacement 5. Sample mean (arithmetic), median, mode, variance and standard deviation 6. Geometric mean, weighted averages and index numbers 7. Quantiles (deciles and percentiles) III. Probability 1. Terminology – a trial; an outcome; an event; and the probability of a simple event 2. Probability of compound events IV. Data distributions 1. Binomial distribution 2. Bivariate distribution 3. Normal Distribution V. Sampling design 1. Replication 2. Randomization 3. Sampling methods (random; stratified) 4. Tests for normality 5. Need for data transformation VI. Hypothesis testing 1. Null and alternative hypothesis formulation 26
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Parametric and non-parametric tests Goodness of fit and analysis of proportions Comparing two sample – t-test Comparing multiple means - Analysis of Variance Type I and II error Statistical power/vigor
VII. Experimental design 1. Setting up experimental treatments to test hypotheses (application of replication and randomization in practice) 2. Completely Randomized Designs 3. Completely Randomized Block Designs 4. Latin Square Designs 5. Factorial Experiments 6. Split-Plot Designs 7. Controlling experimental errors - covariance Analyses 8. Interpretation and presentation of results VIII. Correlation and regression 1. Correlations and correlation coefficient 2. Simple and multiple regression techniques IX. Application of selected multivariate techniques in Biosystems Engineering 1. Cluster analysis 2. Repeated measure designs Laboratory Sessions: 1. Construction tally counts, frequency table, histogram and cumulative frequency diagrams 2. Sampling from a selected population and measuring mean, mode, variance, standard deviation, deciles and percentiles 3. Calculation of probability of selected simple and compound events 4. Use of computer software (Minitab or SPSS or SAS) for following analysis a. Chi-square; regression/ correlation analyses b. Completely randomized designs c. Block designs d. Latin square and split-plot designs e. Factorial designs f. Regression Analysis (simple and multiple) g. Principle Component analysis h. Cluster analysis i. Repeated measurement designs Textbooks and materials: Geoffrey M. Clarke and Dennis Cooke - A Basic Course in Statistics 5th edition Reference Books:
1. 2. 3.
R. Mead, R. N. Carnew and A. M. Hasted; Statistical Methods in Agriculture and Experiment and Biology, 3rd Edition, Chapman and Hall, London, 2003. Handbook of Biological Statistics; Available at Andy Field Discovering Statistics using SPSS (3rd Edition; 2009)
Grading System: The final grade will be computed from the following constituent parts: midsem exam (30%), final exam (40%) and assignments (30%). Open book examinations are given both in the mid-semester and final exams. Instructor: Dr. Amararatne Yakupitiyage
BS 205 Electrical Engineering and Electronics for Bio-Engineers 4(3-1)
Semester 4
Rationale: This module is designed to provide students with a broad range of skills relating to important aspects of design of electronic systems and devices. It combines coursework in different aspects of electrical and electronic engineering, as well as individual and group project work, where students design and build innovative electronic systems. Catalogue Description: Basic Concepts and Circuit Elements; Electrical Measuring Instruments; AC Fundamentals; Inductance in a DC Circuit; Capacitance and Capacitors; Electromagnetism & Magnetic Circuits; Semiconductor Theory; Diodes and Diode Application; Special Purpose Diodes; Bipolar Junction Transistors; Field Effect Transistors; BJT Biasing Circuits and Small Signal Analysis; FET Biasing Circuit & FET Small Signal Analysis. Pre-Requisites: None Course Outline: I. Basic concepts and circuit elements 1. System of units, energy, electric charge, current, electromotive force and potential difference 2. Ohm’s law, resistors, conductors and insulators 3. Active and passive circuit elements 4. Dependent and independent current and voltage sources II. Electrical measuring instruments 1. Introduction; type of measuring instruments 2. Deflecting controlling & damping torque 3. D.C. PMMC instruments, shunts and multipliers 4. Moving iron ammeters and voltmeter 5. Dynamometers, wattmeter 6. Induction type energy meter III. AC fundamentals 1. Generation of single phase and three phase alternating emf 2. Relationship between frequency, speed and number of poles 3. RMS, average, instantaneous and peak values of sinusoidal waveform 4. Voltages and currents in star and delta circuits 5. Inductive reactance and impedance of RL load 6. Phasor representation of alternating quantity 7. Active, reactive and apparent powers, power factor and power triangle 8. Working principle of a transformer IV. Inductance in a DC circuit 1. Inductive and non-inductive circuit 29
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Inductance of air-cored & iron-cored coil Growth and decay of current in LR circuit Energy storage Mutual inductance and coupling co-efficient Series circuits, parallel networks Kirchhoff’s laws Power and energy Resistivity, temperature co-efficient of resistance
V. Capacitance and capacitors 1. Hydraulics analogy, capacitance 2. Charging and discharging 3. Relative permittivity dielectric strength VI. Electromagnetism & magnetic circuits 1. Magnetic field and flux due to and electric current, solenoid 2. Force on current carrying conductor 3. Magnitude and direction of induced electromotive force (EMF) Magneto motive force, field strength and reluctance 4. Comparison of electric and magnetic circuits 5. Determination of B/H characteristic VII. Semiconductor theory 1. Forces, fields and energy, conduction in metals 2. Intrinsic semiconductor, extrinsic semiconductor 3. Variations in the properties of silicon 4. Energy levels, diffusion VIII. Diodes and diode application 1. The open circuited PN junction, the biased PN junction, V-I characteristics of a diode 2. Static and dynamic resistance 3. Diode models, drifts and diffusion currents 4. Transition and diffusion capacitance 5. Reverse recovery time, temperature effects 6. Half-wave and full wave rectification 7. RC filters, clippers, clampers 8. AND/OR gates IX. Special purpose diodes 1. Zener diode characteristics and application 2. Schottky diode, Tunnel diode 3. Photodiode, Light emitting diodes X. Bipolar junction transistors 1. Transistor construction, operation and characteristics 2. Transistor amplifying action, common emitter 3. Collector and base configurations 4. Power ratings and data sheets 5. Energy view point, variation in current gain 30
XI. Field Effect transistors 1. General description of FET 2. Construction and characteristics of JFET 3. JFET transfer characteristics, JFET parameters 4. MOSFET construction and characteristics XII. BJT Biasing circuits and small signal analysis 1. DC Load line and operating point 2. Fixed bias, emitter feedback bias 3. Collector feedback bias, collector emitter feedback bias 4. Voltage divider bias, two supply emitter bias 5. Design of DC bias circuits 6. Bias stabilization, transistor as a switch 7. Common emitter amplifier (fixed-bias, voltage divider bias and emitter feedback bias configuration) 8. Emitter follower, common base amplifiers 9. Collector DC feedback and differential amplifier 10. Collector feedback configuration 11. Loading effects, hybrid and re models, amplifier design XIII.
FET biasing circuit & FET small signal analysis a. Fixed bias, self bias, voltage divider bias b. Enhancement, MOSFET bias circuits c. Bias circuits, design of bias circuits d. JFET analog switch e. JFET/Depletion MOSFET small signal model f. Common source, common drain and common gate amplifiers g. Loading effects, design of FET amplifier circuits h. High frequency effects-Miller capacitance
Laboratory Sessions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Verification of Kirchhoff’s laws and Measurement of current voltage, frequency and power Determination of impedance and its components Measurement of frequency response and bandwidth of a CF amplifier Characteristics of OP-Amps, inverting & non inverting amplifiers Characteristics of OP-Amp integrators and differentiator Characteristics of digital logic gates Studies Flip-Flops, shift registers and counters Three phase power measurements Electromagnetic relays and solenoids Calibration of energy meter with watt meter, no loads and open circuit Test of a transformer, efficiency of transformer Phasor diagrams of single phase circuits Pulse and frequency response of R-C and C-R circuits Half wave and full wave rectifiers Rectification with capacitor filters and Zener diodes 31
Textbook & Materials:
Different chapters from the following reference list will be used as the texts
References: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Therja, B. L., “Electrical Technology”, S. Chand publication Soni and Gupta., “ Introduction to Electrical Network Theory”, Dhanpat Rai Publisher Gupta, J. B. (2002), “Fundamentals of Electrical & Electronics”, S.K. Kataria and Sons. Dehli. Tiwari, H. P. (2002), “Electrical & Electronics Engineering”, College Book Centre, Jaipur. Millman and Halkias., “Integrated electronics”, Mc Graw Hill. Cooper, W. D., “Electronics Instrumentation and Measurement”, PHI Gupta, M. L., “Electrical Engineering Materials”. Malvino., “Principles of Electronics”. Ryder, J. D., “Electronics Fundamentals”.
Grading Method: The final grade will be computed from the following constituent parts: Mid-semester exam (20%), final exam (40%) and Field lab/assignments (30%). Open book/ Closed book examinations are usually given both in the Midsemester and final exams. Instructor: Dr. Mongkol Ekpanyapong
Year 3-Semester I BS301 Food, Nutrition and Wellness 3 (3-0)
Semester 5
Rationale: With unequal distribution of food, diseases due to hunger and unhealthy life style have reached near epidemic levels. Childhood malnutrition is directly related to diseases. Globally, massive efforts are being carried out to fight diseases due to improper nutrition. This requires scientists and engineers to have an understanding of nutritional science, major nutrients, human physiology and processing effects on nutrients. Catalogue Description: The food pyramid, major classes of nutrients, anti-nutrients, healthy diets, diseases and malnutrition, functional foods, artificial additives, achievements against malnutrition. Pre-Requisites: None Course outline: I.
History of nutrition science 1. The food pyramid 2. Diet and disease 3. Malnutrition, hunger and obesity 4. Metabolism and physiology 5. Metabolic pathways and their response to diet 6. Anti-nutrients 7. Role of intestinal bacteria
II. Nutrients 1. Definition and classes of nutrients 2. Water 3. Carbohydrates 4. Fats 5. Dietary fibers 6. Proteins 7. Vitamins and minerals III. Nutrition and wellness 1. Age and gender specific nutritional needs 2. Healthy diets 3. Nutrition and preventive medicine 4. Nutraceuticals 5. Sports nutrition IV. Malnutrition 1. Childhood malnutrition 2. Illness due to improper nutrition 33
3. Exploring evolution and bioinformatics V. Processed foods 1. Loss of nutrients during processing 2. Strategies to retain nutrients 3. Artificial food additives 4. Labeling issues VI. Applications and case studies 1. Achievements in the field of human nutrition 2. Magnesium, iron and iodine deficiencies and counter strategies Laboratory Sessions:
Textbook & Materials: J. S. Garrow, Ann Ralph, William Philip Trehearne James: Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 2000, Elsevier Health Sciences References: Michael J. Gibney , Hester H. Vorster and Frans J. Kok (Eds.) Introduction to Human Nutrition, 2002, The Nutrition Society Textbook Grading method: 10% for quizzes, 40% mid-semester exam, 40% final exam and 10% class participation. Relative grading system will be used. Instructor: Dr. Anil K. Anal
BS302 Food Science and Technology 3 (3-0)
Semester 5
Rationale: The food industry is one of the largest industries in the world, and it heavily relies on continuous research and development of new food products, technologies and operations. Food science and its technological aspects are drawn from various fields such as biology, chemical engineering, bio-chemistry and material sciences. In order to better understand food properties and underlying processes, this course aims at systemic learning of this highly extensive discipline. Catalogue Description: Introduction to food science; food deterioration; fundamentals of food processing and preservation; conversion/changes food properties during processing; quality control and assessment; food packaging Pre-Requisites: None Course outline: I.
Introduction to food science discipline 1. Technological aspects 2. Food resources and demand 3. Role of food science, technology and engineering 4. Industrial applications 5. Unit operations in food processing
II. Food deterioration 1. Causes and modes of food deterioration 2. Effects of deterioration on food composition 3. Strategies of preservation III. Fundamentals of food processing and preservations 1. Chemical preservation 2. Fermentation 3. Thermal and non-thermal processing 4. Sterilization, pasteurization and blanching 5. Chilling and freezing 6. Dehydration 7. Irradiation 8. Microwave and dielectric heating IV. Conversion/changes in food properties during processing 1. Processing effects on major nutrients 2. Processing effects on minerals and vitamins 3. Processing effect s on functional components of food 4. Techniques for retaining nutritional quality V. Quality control and assessment 35
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Subjective vs. objective quality assessment Sensory evaluation Instrumental measurement of food apparent quality Chemical characterization of quality Microbial quality assessment
VI. Food packaging 1. Functions and types of food packaging 2. Packaging materials and barrier properties 3. Advances in packaging technology 4. Biodegradable packaging Laboratory Sessions:
Textbook & Materials: Dennis R. Heldman, Richard W. Hartel: Principles of Food Processing, 1999. Aspen Publishers References : R Paul Singh, R. Paul Singh, Dennis R. Heldman: Introduction to Food Engineering, 4th edition, 2009, Academic press Grading method: 10% Quizzes, 40% mid-semester exam, 40% final exam and 10% class participation. Relative grading system will be used. Instructor: Dr. Anil K Anal
BS303 Crop, Livestock and Fish Production Systems 4(3-1)
Semester 5
Rationale: The course provides an overview of the components and levels of crop, livestock and fish production systems. It emphasizes greater knowledge about the interaction between different agricultural subsystems and other land use systems, as well as their natural and social systems to understand overall agricultural farming operation well. It underscores a holistic systems approach as a prerequisite for consideration of the contribution of agriculture to sustainable development. It reviews the wide range of crop, livestock and fish production systems in Asia with an assessment of the constraints to, and the potential for, their expansion. It looks at key issues of sustainability and the impact of resource limitations on farmer decision making and productivity. Catalogue Description: Role of food production systems; sustainable agriculture; systems approach and its application in Agricultural Development; general concepts of livestock management; range livestock management; dairy farming; and principles of meat production; fish production systems; aquaculture production concepts; aquaculture seed and feed production; Water quality and aquatic animal health management; food production business planning; and ccurrent Issues and potential of agriculture in Asian countries. Pre-Requisites: None. Course outline: I.
Role of food production systems 1. Population, food and nutrition 2. Poverty alleviation and economic development
Sustainable agriculture (include crops, livestock and fish sub-systems) 1. Introduction and definition of sustainable agriculture 2. Goals of sustainable agriculture 3. Elements of sustainability 4. The factors influencing sustainability 5. Types of sustainability and approaches 6. Causes of success and failures and remedies
Systems approach and its application in agricultural development 1. Definition, concept and determinants of farming systems 2. Limited resources farming systems 3. Crop systems 4. Livestock and fish systems 5. Integrated systems 6. Integration among the physical, biological, economic and social determinants of farming systems
IV. General concepts of livestock management 1. Domestication of livestock and poultry production 2. Types and breeds of farm animals and poultry birds 37
3. General management practices Feeding management Care of young and stud stock 4. Housing, farm sanitation and waste disposal 5. Environmental issues and animal production 6. Transportation and welfare of farm animals 7. Effects of climate on animal and poultry health V. Range livestock management 1. Introduction to ranges 2. Vegetation manipulation for improved livestock production 3. Range and cultivated grasses/pasture, trees and shrubs as animal feed; grazing management stems and supplementary feeding 4. Crop-livestock interactions in mixed farming systems 5. Management of livestock during drought 6. Effects of climate on animals, poultry and vegetation. VI. Dairy farming 1. Dairy animals and principles of profitable dairy farming 2. General management practices; care and management of calves, young stock, pregnant and lactating animals 3. Feeding dairy animals 4. Housing and farm sanitation and farm records 5. Waste disposal 6. Rules for proper milking of dairy animals 7. Marketing of milk and milk products 8. Common ailments of dairy animals VII. Principles of meat production 1. Scope and importance of meat production - meat terminology 2. Important meat and dual purpose breeds 3. Breeding, feeding and reproductive management in meat production systems (veal, sheep, goat and dairy beef, and poultry meat) 4. Feed additives for enhanced growth and fattening; growth rate and fattening potential of cow, buffalo, pig, and male sheep and goats and poultry birds 5. Modern slaughterhouses 6. Waste disposal VIII.
Fish production systems 1. World fish supply and role of aquaculture in fish supply 2. History and current status of aquaculture 3. Various species cultured under aquaculture in Asia Aquaculture production concepts 1. Biological and environmental requirements of aquatic animals and plants 2. Aquaculture environment management principles 3. Type of production systems – hatchery and grow-out systems; pond; cages; pens; recirculation systems, raceways etc. 4. Site preparation and species selection concepts/ facility construction – ponds, cages etc. 38
Water quality and aquatic animal health management in aquaculture 1. Water quality requirement of aquatic animals 2. Aquaculture water quality monitoring and management – DO, pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphorous 3. Water budgets and aquaculture effluent management 4. Aquatic pathogens – Bacteria, fungi and virus and diseases 5. Disease prevention and management
Aquaculture seed and feed production 1. Reproductive biology of aquatic animals 2. Aquatic animal seed production principles 3. Basic nutritional concepts and nutrient requirement of aquatic animals 4. Feed production and feed economics
Food production and business planning 1. Production planning 2. Traceability and record keeping 3. Selected case studies (crop, livestock and fish)
Current issues and potential of agriculture in asian countries 1. Agricultural land and inputs 2. Food and other crops 3. Livestock and fisheries
Laboratory Sessions: 1. Preparation of cropping pattern/scheme to suit irrigated production systems 2. Preparation of cropping pattern/scheme to suit rainfed production systems 3. Identification of the potential of the environment, problems and constraints in specific cropping location 4. Use of available data for development of cropping systems 5. Preparation of project proposal for land development 6. Management practices to prevent environmental deterioration for sustainable agriculture 7. Methods of evaluation of cropping systems and patterns 8. Gross anatomy of fish and dissections/ gut analysis 9. Proximate body composition of fish 10. Hatchery practices of selected species 11. Feed analysis 12. Water quality analysis 13. Field trips – crop-livestock-fish production systems
Textbook & Materials: selected chapters from the following reference books References: 1. C.R.W. Spedding: An Introduction to Agricultural Systems, Elsevier Applied Science, 1988. 2. W.C. Beets: Raising and Sustaining Productivity of Small-holder Farming Systems in the Tropics, AGBE Publishing, 1990. 3. K. Wilson and G.E.B. Morren: Systems Approach for Improvement of Agriculture and Resource Management, Macmillan Publishing, 1990. 4. C.A. Edward et al.: Sustainable Agricultural Systems, Soil and Water Conservation Society, USA, 1990. 39
5. James R. Gillepse, 2004 Modern Livestock and Poultry Production. Delmar Learning; 5 Cliffton Drive, New York, USA 6. Banerjee, G.C. 1998. A Textbook of Animal Husbandry. Oxford and IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi, India. 7. Steele, M. 1996. Goats. McMillan Education Ltd., London. 8. Ensminger, M.E. and R.O. Parker. 1986. Sheep and Goat Science. Interestate Printers and Publishers Inc. Danville, Illinois, USA. 9. Thomas, C.K. and N.S.R. Sastry. 1991. Dairy Bovine Production. Kalyani Pub. New Dehli, India. 10. Schmidt, G.H., L.D. Van Vlek and M.F. Hutjens. 1988. Principles of Dairy Science. Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA. 11. Holechek, J. L., R.D. Piper and C.H. Herbel. 1989. Range Management; Principles and Prentice Hall, Inc. Englewood, Cliffs NJ. 12. Stickney, R.R (2005) Aquaculture: An Introductory Text, Cabi Publishing 13. Pillay, T.V.R and M.N Kutty (2005) Aquaculture Principles and Practices, Fishing New Books 14. The Diversity of Fishes: Biology, Evolution, and Ecology by Gene Helfman, Bruce B. Collette, Douglas E. Facey and Brian W. Bowen (2009) Grading: The final grade will be computed from the following constituent parts: Mid-semester exam (30%), final exam (40%) and short assignments/lab exercise (30%). Both Mid-semester and final exams are closed book. Instructors: Dr. Avishek Datta/ Dr. Anil K Anal/ Dr. Amararatne Yakupitiyage
BS304 Biochemistry 3(3-0)
Semester 5
Rationale: This introductory course of Biochemistry covers the four major classes of biological molecules: proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids. Students examine the chemical structures and functions of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and nucleic acids and their metabolic pathways from thermodynamic and regulatory perspectives. This course provides the linkage between the inanimate world of chemistry and the living world of biology. Catalogue description: Molecular basis of life; water; protein structure; protein function; lipids; carbohydrates; nucleotides and nucleic acids. Pre-Requisites: UG109; BS203 Course outline: I.
Introduction to molecular basis of life 1. The molecular basis of life 2. Bio-molecules: composition of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids 3. Principles of organization of micro and macro bio-molecules 4. Energy and principles of bioenergetics
Water 1. Properties of water 2. Non-covalent interactions 3. Acid/base properties; pH buffering capacity
III. Protein structure 1. Amino acids – structures, nomenclature, chemistry 2. Primary structure – the peptide bond, sequence homology and evolution, sequencing and synthesis 3. Secondary structure – α-helices, β-sheets, turns, Ramachandran plot, structure prediction 4. Three-dimensional structure of proteins. 5. Methods for protein structure determination: X-ray, NMR, homology modeling 6. Tertiary structure, protein motifs & structure classification 7. Quaternary structure 8. Protein denaturation and folding 9. Methods for purifying and studying proteins IV. Protein function 1. Protein metabolism 2. Oxygen binding proteins 3. Quantitative analysis of protein 4. Ligand interactions/ cooperativity 5. Enzyme mechanisms – the way enzyme work 6. Enzyme kinetics – Michaelis-Menten equation 41
7. Lineweaver-Burk plots 8. Enzyme inhibition mechanisms 9. Examples of enzymatic reactions V. Lipids 1. Structure and nomenclature 2. Functions of lipid 3. Polarity (hydrophobic and hydrophilic nature) 4. Biological membranes and transport 5. Lipid metabolism VI. Carbohydrates 1. Structure and nomenclature 2. Carbohydrate metabolism 3. Glyclolysis and anaerobic metabolism 4. Tricarboxilic acid cycle (TCA) and aerobic metabolism/ Electron Transport Chain 5. Protein and lipid metabolism through TCA 6. Gluconeogenesis VII. Nucleotides and nucleic acids 1. Necleotide structure 2. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA) 3. Neocleotide synthesis 4. Genes and Genomes 5. Bioinformatics Laboratory Sessions: None Textbook: Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, 3rd edition, by David M. Nelson and Michael M. Cox. References 1. David M. Nelson and Michael M. Cox: The Absolute, Ultimate Guide to Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, W. H. Freeman; 5th edition (2008) 2. Jeremy M. Berg, John L. Tymoczko, Lubert Stryer : Biochemistry (Stryer’s Biochemistry) Seventh Edition (2012) 3. Fundamentals of General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry by John McMurry, Mary E. Castellion, David Stephen Ballantine. Pearson Prentice Hall,\ (2007) Grading method: 10% Quizzes, 40% mid semester exam, 40% final exam and 10% class participation. Relative grading system will be used. Instructor: Dr. Amararatne Yakupitiyage/ Imran Ahmed
BS306 Bio-system Engineering Applications 3(3 -0)
Semester 5
Rationale: Biological system performance measurement and improvement requires understanding of engineering and physical sciences for the optimum use of land, environment, agriculture, bio-production process and food chain. Catalogue Description: Unit-operation analysis of biological systems; Biomass production; Tissue culture systems; Principles of biochemical analysis; Soil, land and water conservation; Alternative energy sources (bio-energy); Biological process instrumentation. Pre-Requisites: None Course outline: I.
Unit-operation analysis of biological systems 1. Mass and energy balance, momentum balance and transfer 2. Biological response to environmental variables 3. Biological kinetics 4. System Representation, analysis and identification
Biomass production 1. Microbes of industrial interest 2. Fermentation process, upstream, downstream processing 3. Bio-reactor design, quantification and modeling data
Tissue culture systems 1. Plant 2. Animal 3. Mammalian and Insect Culture Systems 4. Secondary Metabolites
Principles of biochemical analysis 1. Applied Chemical Analysis 2. Detection of Enzymatic Conversion 3. DNA Analysis of Biodiversity 4. Residue Analysis
Soil, land and water conservation 1. Resource optimization 43
2. Linear and non-linear optimization 3. Feed back control 4. Sensor and ICT application in biological systems VI.
Alternative energy sources (bio-energy) 1. Biofeuls 2. Refining and performance 3. Gasification of biomass
Biological process instrumentation 1. Analog and digital devices 2. Sampling and data acquisition 3. Sensing systems on temperature, pressure and flow 4. Image processing 5. Spectroscopy
Laboratory Sessions: None Textbook & Materials: 1. Ahindra Nag: Biosystems Engineering, McGraw-Hill. 1st edition (2009) 2. Richard S. Figliola and Donald E. Beasley: Theory and Design for Mechanical Measurements, 5th edition (2010) References : 1. Biosystems Engineering (Journal) - Elsevier 2. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering (Journal) – Springer 3. LabVIEW (National Instruments Virtual Instrumentation Manual) by Peter A. Blume. Prentice Hall, Grading method: 10% Quizzes, 40% Mid-semester exam, 40% final exam and 10% class participation. Relative grading system will be used
Instructor: Imran Ahmed/Prof. Athapol Noomhorm
B 312 Industrial Microbiology 3(3-1)
Semester 5
Rationale: The course presents the theoretical background required to identify a microorganism, to understand its biochemical functions, to apply it in controlled fermentation and to assay for microorganisms in food and in soil quality control. Catalog Description: Overview of Microbiology; Characteristics of microorganisms of industrial importance; Structural Anatomy of Bacteria; Microbial Growth; Energy Conversion in Biology; Microbial Diagnosis; Industrial Fermentation and Analysis. Pre-requisite: None Course Outline: I.
Overview of microbiology a. Introduction b. Fermentation Technology c. Applications in Agriculture, medicine and food industries
Characteristics of microorganisms of industrial importance a. Bacteria, Yeasts, Fungi, Algae, Phages b. Molecules of Life: Sugars, Lipids, Protein and Nucleic Acid.
Structural anatomy of bacteria a. Light Microscopic and Ultra-Structure Components b. Structure Outside Cell Wall c. Cell Wall and Cell Membrane d. Cytoplasmic Structures
Microbial growth a. Essential Conditions and Components for Growth b. Role of Oxygen c. Defined and Complex Media d. Microbial Growth
Energy conversion in biology a. Energy through Controlled Oxidation b. Glucose Metabolism c. Oxidative Phosphorylation d. Photosynthesis e. Modes of Bacterial Growth f. Nitrogen Fixation g. Phosphate Leaching
Microbial diagnosis a. Identification of Microorganisms b. Quantification Techniques Based on Enzyme and Nucleic Acid Analysis
Industrial fermentation and analysis a. Production of Glutamate, Lysine, Citrate, Vinegar, Soy Sauce, Proteases, Penicillin b. Economical Aspects
Laboratory Sessions: 1. Bacterial microscopy 2. Bacterial Staining 3. Bacterial Growth 4. Bacterial Function 5. Fermentation Textbooks: 1. G. J. Tortora, B. R. Funke and C. L. Case: Microbiology, the Benjamin Cummings, 1994. 2. Laboratory Manual (FEBT) Reference Books: 1. D. G. Jones: Exploitation of Microorganisms, Chapman and Hall, London, 1993. 2. J. G. Cappuccino and N. Sherman: Microbiology, A Laboratory Manual, the Benjamin Cumming Publishing CO. Menlo Park, California, U.S.A., 1996. Grading System: The final grade will be computed from the following constituent parts: assignment (10%), Mid-semester exam (15%), interim exams (15% each), final exam (30%). Instructor: Dr. Anil K Anal
Year 3 - Semester II BS305 Instrumentation & Measurement 3(2-3)
Semester 6
Rationale: This course is designed to provide understating of how to conduct laboratory experimentation as well as the analysis techniques for interpreting experimental data in areas of basic research and applied product development. The course provides an overall understanding of the elements and processes, including sources of errors, involved in obtaining analog measurements and digitally acquiring these measurements. Catalogue Description: Introduction to instrumentation; Introduction to Control System; Signal Conditioning Circuits; Measurement Techniques of Physical Parameters; Performance of Instrumentation Systems; Data Acquisition and Processing. Pre-Requisites: None Course Outline: I.
Introduction to Instrumentation 1. Instrumentation system analysis 2. Introduction to general electronic instruments and devices 3. Static and dynamic performance of instruments 4. Measurement system and error analysis
Introduction to control system 1. Feedback and feed forward control strategies 2. Transfer function, steady state analysis 3. Laplace and inverse Laplace transforms: mathematical models of physical systems 4. Dynamics of first and second order systems
Signal conditioning circuits 1. Diodes application and power supply 2. Potentiometer circuit and Whetstone bridge 3. Transistors and amplifiers 4. Application of OP AMP 5. Digital techniques in Instrumentation
Measurement techniques of physical parameters 1. Measurement of displacement, velocity and acceleration 2. Measurement of temperature, moisture, humidity and radiation 3. Measurement of force and torque 4. Measurement of flow and pressure 5. Measurement of vibration and noise 6. Measurement of systems and error analysis
Performance of instrumentation systems 1. Analogue instrumentation system 2. Digital instrumentation system 3. Interface techniques of instrumentation system 4. Telemetry, noise and its restriction
Data acquisition and processing 1. Error estimation and evaluation 2. Analysis of experimental data 3. Data acquisition and processing 4. Pneumatic and hydraulic control systems and their application in farm machinery and food processing industries
Laboratory Sessions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
Calibration of Bourdon pressure gauge Dynamic calibration of different types of thermometers Determination of time constants of thermometers and thermocouples Calibration of differential pressure transducers Calibration of voltmeter and hot wire anemometer Speed measurement using non-contact type sensors Use and calibration of rotameter, pH meter, conductivity meter and viscometer Static calibration of flapper nozzle assembly Calibration of pneumatic P, PI and PID controllers Study and calibration of control valves Cascade control of level and flow/temperature and flow
Textbook & Materials:
Selected chapters from the following references will be used as the text
References: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Rangan, C. S., Sharma, G. R. and V. S. V. Mani., “Instrumentation Devices and Systems”, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 1992. Helfrick, A. D. and W. D. Cooper., “Modern Electroni Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques”, Prentice-Hall, New Jersey, 1990. Satyanarayana Rao, H. V., “ Electrical Measurements and Measuring Instruments”, Khanna Publisher, Delhi, 1997. Histand, M. B. and D. G. Alciatore., “Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems”, McGraw-Hill, 1998.
Grading Method: The final grade will be computed from the following constituent parts: Mid-semester exam (20%), final exam 40%) and Field lab/assignments (30%). Open book/ Closed book examinations are usually given both in the Midsemester and final exams. Instructor: Dr. Peeyush Soni 48
BS 307 Workshop Techniques and Practices 3(1-2)
Semester 6
Rationale: The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with old and new techniques in the field of bench fitting and fabrication processes and also in the field of manufacturing and production. Catalogue Description: Carpentry and Sawing; Metals and metal working; Forging; Drilling and grinding machines; Welding; Electrical shop. Pre-Requisites: None Course Outline: I.
Carpentry and sawing 1. Lecture on safety precautions 2. Introduction, demonstration, corrects method of usage, maintenance and re-sharpening of carpentry and bench fitting tools kinematic diagrams 3. Introduction to type of woods and their defects.
Metals and metal working 1. Introduction of metals used in industry and their properties 2. Tool used for metal work and their demonstration 3. Cutting, punching, drilling and bending sheet metal.
Forging 1. Introduction and demonstration of forging methods and tools 2. Field Visits for practical aspects.
Drilling and grinding machines 1. Introduction to drilling and grinding machines, their cutting tools, and their upkeep 2. Safety during drilling and grinding.
Welding 1. Introduction and demonstration of electric arc and gas welding tools, equipment and their correct method of usage 2. Safety during welding.
Electrical shop 1. Electrical shock and treatment 2. Use and care of electrical tools 3. Types and uses of cables and electrical accessories for house wiring 4. Practice in simple house wiring and testing methods.
Laboratory Sessions: 49
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
To make a step turning job (involving turning, facing, step turning and drilling) To make a lathe adapter (involving turning, facing, step turning, knurling, external threading, drilling, reaming and tapping) To make a candle holder (involving turning, facing, taper turning and drilling) Forging operation: welding joint preparation. To make a square block (involving facing and flat surfacing operation). To make a hexagonal bolt (involving milling operation) To make a spur gear (involving gear cutting operation)
Textbook & Materials: Selected chapters of following references will be used as the text References: 1. Thomas, G. H. (1998)., “ Workshop Techniques” edited by William Bennett, TEE Publishing 2. Smith, R. H.(1996)., “ Elements of Machine Work” Industrial Education Book Co. Reprinted by Lindsay Publications 3. Hall, H., “Metalworker's Data Book” (Workshop Practice). 4. Martine Model and Pattern, “ Machine Tools and Casting”
Grading Method: The final grade will be computed from the following constituent parts: Mid-semester exam (20%), final exam (40%) and Field lab/assignments (40%). Open book/ Closed book examinations are usually given both in the Midsemester and final exams. Instructor: Dr. Peeyush Soni
BS308 Engineering Properties of Bio-materials 3(2 -1)
Semester 6
Rationale: Bio-materials possess complex heterogeneous composition and unique physico-chemical structure which requires careful application of engineering principles. Designing of handling and processing equipment entails hands-on knowledge of chemical and physical properties of biomaterials which lead to higher efficiency in production, handling, storage and conversion of biomaterials. Catalogue Description: Physico-chemical properties; Mechanical properties; Thermal and electrical and optical properties; Modern techniques of measuring properties of bio-materials. Pre-Requisites: None Course outline: I. Physico-chemical properties 1. Structure, composition and morphology of bio-materials 2. Physical characteristics of bio-materials 3. Measurement of shape, size, volume, density, porosity and surface area 4. Bio-chemical characteristics of food and non-food bio-materials 5. Practical applications of physico-chemical properties II.
Mechanical properties 1. Force-deformation relationships 2. Visco-elastic characteristics of solid, semi-solid and liquid bio-materials 3. Flow behavior of powdered materials; frictional properties, coefficients of friction, and angle of repose 4. Textural profile analysis 5. Aero- and hydro- dynamics of bio-materials
Thermal and electrical and optical properties 1. Specific heat, thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, 2. Electrical resistance and conductance, dielectric constant 3. Reflectance, transmission and absorbance of incident rays 4. Measurement of color
Modern techniques of measuring properties of bio-materials 1. Differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) 2. Magnetic inspection 3. Ultrasonic pulsed velocity 4. Electronic nose applications 51
Laboratory Sessions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Physical characteristics of food and bio-materials Chemical composition of food and bio-materials Compression testing of bio-materials (F-D plots) Viscosity measurement of liquids and semi-liquids Aero-and hydro-dynamic characterizations Calorimeter usage (heat balance, specific heat and conductivity measurement) Ohmic and microwave heating Use of spectrophotometer, color and whiteness meters Use of non-destructive quality testing apparatus
Textbook & Materials: 1. Engineering properties of foods / edited by M.A. Rao, Syed S.H. Rizvi, Ashim K. Datta.--3rd ed. (2005) CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group 2. Laboratory manual of measurement of properties, FEBT, AIT References : 1. Food Properties Handbook, Second Edition, Edited by M . Shafiur Rahman CRC Press 2009 Print ISBN: 978-0-8493-5005-4, eBook ISBN: 978-1-4200-0309-3 2. Journal of Materials Science and Engineering: Properties, Microstructure and Processing. Elsevier Inc. ISBN 0921-5093 3. International Journal of Food Properties, Taylor and Francis. ISBN: 1094-2912 (Print), 1532-2386 (Online) Grading method: Short tests and Quizzes: 20%, Mid-semester : 40%, Final: 40%
Instructor: Imran Ahmad/ Prof. Athapol Noomhorn
BS309 Bioprocess Technology 3(2 -1)
Semester 6
Rationale: The course focuses on multidisciplinary approaches for integrative bioprocess design including modifications in biosystems through metabolic engineering techniques. Catalogue Description: Overview of microbiology; Characteristics, structure and anatomy of microorganisms and life molecules; Industrial microbiology; Applications of Modified Enzymes and organisms by Genetic Engineering. Pre-Requisites: None Course outline: I. Overview of mcrobiology 1. Structure of the Course 2. Contribution of Microbiology to Modern Medicine 3. Concept of Hygiene 4. Fermentation Technology II.
Characteristics, structure and anatomy of microorganisms and life molecules 1. Bacteria, Yeasts, Fungi, Algae 2. Sugars, Lipids, Protein and Nucleic Acid 3. Microbial Growth 4. Energy conversion in a biological system 5. Bio-chemical pathways
Industrial microbiology 1. Production of Glutamate, Lysine, Citrate, Vinegar and other commercial products 2. Reactor dynamics, types of reactors and design considerations 3. Choice of process options 4. Process optimization
Applications of modified Enzymes and organisms by genetic engineering 1. Enzyme Engineering 2. Proteonomics 3. Role of RNA and DNA, interesting strains 4. Detection Genetically modified organisms in food materials
Laboratory Sessions: 1. Culturing and isolation of microorganisms 2. Identification of fungi, bacteria and yeast 53
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Quantitative plating method Bacterial growth on differential media Use of bioreactors Analytical chemistry (lipids, proteins, starch, glucose analysis) Instrumentation in bio-analysis Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) familiarization
Textbook & Materials: 1. P. Doran: Bioprocess Engineering Principles, 1st Edition 1995,. Academic Press. ISBN: 9780122208560 References : 1. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering. Springer. ISSN: 1615-7591 (Print) 1615-7605 (Online) Grading method: 10% Quizzes, 40% Mid-semester exam, 40% final exam and 10% class participation. Relative grading system will be used Instructor: Dr. Anil K. Anal
BS310 Food Process Engineering 3(3-0)
Semester 6
Rationale: The objective of this course is to discuss the theory behind the main methods of conversion and preservation of food and biomaterials used in today’s industry in terms of the principles involved, and the equipment used. Catalogue Description: Basic principle; Fluid flow theory and applications; Heat transfer; Drying and Evaporation; Separation, mixing and size reduction. Pre-Requisites: None Course outline: I.
Basic principle 1. Material balance 2. Energy balance 3. Unit conversion
Fluid flow theory and applications 1. Fluid statics 2. Fluid dynamics 3. Viscosity 4. Streamline and turbulent flow 5. Energy losses 6. Measurement of pressure and flow 7. Pumps and fans
Heat transfer 1. Heat conduction 2. Surface heat transfer 3. Unsteady state heat transfer 4. Overall heat transfer coefficient 5. Radiant and convective heat transfer 6. Natural and forced convection 7. Heat Exchangers 8. Applications: Thermal and freezing processes
Drying and evaporation 1. Mass transfer 2. Psychrometery 3. Equilibrium moisture content (EMC) 4. Conductive and convective drying 5. Drying equipment 6. Heat transfer in evaporation 7. Evaporation equipment 55
Separation, mixing and size reduction 1. Terminal velocity of a particle in air and liquid 2. Extraction, centrifugation, sedimentation, filtration and sieving 3. Grinding, cutting and emulsification 4. Mixtures, mixing equipment 5. Applications of juice processing, dough kneading, vitamin blending
Laboratory Sessions: None Textbook & Materials: 1. Singh, R.P. and D.R. Heldman. 2009. Introduction to Food Engineering, Fourth Edition, Elsevier Publishing, London References : 1. Food Processing Handbook. Edited by James G. Brennan, Wiley-VCH 2006. ISBN 978-3-527-30719-7 2. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, Wiley. ISSN: 0145-8892 Online ISSN: 1745-4549 Grading method: 10% Quizzes, 40% Mid-semester exam, 40% final exam and 10% class participation. Relative grading system will be used Instructor: Prof. Athapol Noomhorm
BS 311 Food Analyses and Quality Assurance 3(3-0)
Semester 6
Rationale: The application of proper methods, suitable for analysis of different matrixes with the required method of detection, is crucial for food quality and safety control during production and marketing. While traditional methods are still used, most analysis now involves the use of increasingly sophisticated instruments. Catalogue Description: Labeling requirement, rules and regulations; Precision and accuracy of assessment; Moisture Content Determination; Determination of Fat content and characterization; Determination of Carbohydrates; Determination of proteins; Determinations micronutrients and trace elements; Instrumentation. Pre-Requisites: Course outline: I. Labeling requirement, rules and regulations 1. Displaying nutritional information on package 2. Safety information 3. Shelf life determination of whole foods 4. Shelf life determination of a product of mixed ingredients II.
Precision and accuracy of assessment 1. Calibration, Precision, accuracy of a measuring instrument 2. Reproducibility and allowable quality limit 3. Criterion of determining quality level
Moisture content determination 1. Conventional methods (Oven method, chemical methods etc.) 2. Modern techniques (IR, NIR, Microwave etc.) 3. Water activity (aw) 4. Applications of aw in foods
Determination of fat content and characterization 1. Methods of determination(Soxhelt, Goldfish, Babcock) 2. Chemical indices of fat (Sponificaton, Iodine value, FFA, peroxide values)
Determination of carbohydrates 1. Total carbohydrates (Phenol-sulfuric acid method) 2. Starch analysis 3. Determination of glucose content
Determination of proteins 57
1. Direct and indirect methods of determination 2. Extraction, quantification and electrophoresis 3. Immunoassay VII.
Determinations micronutrients and trace elements 1. Vitamin C 2. Calcium 3. Sodium and potassium
Instrumentation 1. Thin layer chromatography 2. Gas chromatography 3. High performance liquid chromatography 4. Atomic absorption spectrophotometry
Laboratory Sessions:
Textbook & Materials: 1. Nielsen, S. Suzanne: Food Analysis , 4th ed. 2010, ISBN 978-1-4419-1477-4. Springer Inc. References : 1. Nielsen, S. Suzanne: Food Analysis Laboratory Manual, 2nd ed. 2010, ISBN 978-1-4419-1462-0. Springer Inc. 2. Handbook of Food Analysis Instruments, (Ed. Semih Otles), CRC Press 2008. ISBN: 978-1-4200-4566-6 Grading method: 10% Quizzes, 40% midterm exam, 40% final exam and 10% class participation. Relative grading system will be used. Instructor: Dr. Anil K. Anal/ Imran Ahmed
Year 4 – Semester I BS 401 Bio-energy Systems 3(3-0)
Semester 7
Rationale: Bio-energy is one of the most important sources of energy in the developing countries, and provides about 11% of the world's energy. This course introduces students to a range of bio-energy sources as well as bio-energy conversion technologies. Catalog Description: Introduction and characterization of biomass fuels; Pyrolysis; Gasification; Combustion; Biogas Production; Biofuel; Densification; Bio-refinery. Pre-requisites: None Course Outline: I.
Introduction and characterization of biomass fuels 1. Introduction of biomass and bio- energy 2. Bio energy resources and classification 3. Availability and estimation of bio-energy resources 4. Biomass characterization: composition, ultimate and proximate analyses and heating value
Pyrolysis 1. Slow pyrolysis 2. Fast pyrolysis 3. Charcoal production 4. Torrefaction
Gasification 1. Fixed bed gasification 2. Fluidized bed gasification 3. Tar production and destruction
Combustion 1. Combustion 2. Co-firing 3. Cogeneration 4. Combustion devices – cook stoves, boilers etc.
Biogas Production 1. Types of substrates 2. Digester design 3. Operational problems 4. Kinetic considerations and applications
Biofuel 1. Biodisesel: raw materials , characteristics, production and applications 59
2. Bioethanol: raw materials, characteristics, production and applications VII.
Densification 1. Types of densification devices 2. Properties of densified fuels 3. Application of densified fuels
Bio-refinery 1. Introduction 2. Potential applications 3. Advantages and disadvantages
Laboratory Sessions: 1.
2. 3.
Laboratory experiments: 1.1 Proximate analysis 1.2 Carbonization 1.3 Densification 1.4 Stove testing Analysis of selected bio-energy systems Field visits
Textbook: Selected chapters from the following references will be used as the text Reference Books: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Ralph E H Sims. The Brilliance of Bioenergy in Business and in Practice. James and James Ltd. London. 2002. Prabir Basu. Biomass Gasification and Pyrolysis: Practical Design and Theory. Elsevier Inc. Oxford, UK. 2010. The German Solar Energy Society. Planning and installing Bioenergy Systems: a guide for installers, architects and engineers. James and James Ltd. London. 2005. Ayhan Demirbas and Fatih Demirbas. Algae Energy. Algae as a new source of biodiesel. Springer, London. 2010. Solid biofuels for energy: a lower greenhouse gas alternative. Edited by Panagiotis Grammelis. Springer, London. 2011. C. Y. WereKo - Brobby and E. B. Hagan: Biomass Conversion and Technology, John Wiley and Sons, 1996. S.C. Bhattacharya and P. Abdul Salam, Biomass energy in developing countries, RERIC, AIT, 2006. T. B. Yohansson, H. Kelly, A. K. N. Reddy, and R.H. Williams (eds.): Renewable Energy Sources for Electricity and Fuels, Island press, Washington, D.C., 1993. T. B. Reed: Biomass Gasification, Noyes Data Corporation, 1981.
Journals and Magazines: 1. 2. 3.
Energy Sources Biomass and Bioenergy Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Grading System: The Final grade will be computed according to the following weight distribution: Mid-semester exam (30%), laboratory/assignments (20%), and final exam (50%). Closed book is used for both Mid-semester and final exams. 60
Instructor: Dr. P. Abdul Salam BS402 Bio-separation Processes 3(3-0)
Semester 7
Rationale: The separation and purification of biomolecules from bio-chemical mixtures is frequently conducted for analytical or preparative purposes. Being an expensive process, separation costs often determine the final costs of most biotechnological products and hence its understanding is of great importance in determining the feasibility of a process. This course provides the basic knowledge on analysis and design of process-scale recovery, isolation and purification of desired bio-products. Catalog Description: Extraction; Adsorption; Ion-exchange; Membrane Processes; Precipitation; Crystallization; Analytical Methodologies. Pre-requisite: BS309 Bioprocess Technology Course Outline: I.
Introduction to bio-separation 1. Bio-products of interest 2. Cell harvesting and disruption
Extraction 1. Leaching 2. Liquid-liquid extraction 3. Supercritical extraction 4. Extraction of biopolymer 5. Aqueous two phase systems 6. Reactive processes and liquid membranes
Adsorption 1. The chemistry of adsorption 2. Batch adsorption 3. Adsorption in a continuous stirred tank system 4. Adsorption in fixed bed systems
IV. Ion - Exchange 1. Recovery of antibiotics 2. Recovery of protein V.
Membrane Processes 1. Basic models 2. Ultrafiltration 3. Reverse osmosis
VI. Precipitation 1. Precipitation with a nonsolvent 61
2. Precipitation with salts 3. Precipitation with temperature 4. Large Scale precipitation VII.
Crystallization 1. Basic concepts 2. Crystal Size Distribution 3. Batch Crystallization 4. Recrystallization
Analytical methodologies 1. Analysis of biological activity 2. Capillary electrophoresis 3. Immunoassays 4. GC 5. HPLC
Laboratory Session: None Textbooks: 1. Roger G. Harrison et al., Bioseparation Science and Engineering. Oxford Press 2002. ISBN0-19-512340-9 Reference Books: 1. S. Ahuja (ed.), Handbook of Bioseparations, Vol.I and II, Academic Press, 2000. 2. M. R. Ladisch: Bioseparations Engineering: Principles, Practise and Economics, Wiley Publishers, 2001. Grading System: The Final grade will be based on the following weight distribution: Mid-semester exam (40%), final exam (50%) and assignment (10%). Closed book examinations are used for both Mid-semester and final exams. Instructor: Dr.Anil K Anal/ Imran Ahmed
BS403 Advance Molecular Biology 3(2-1)
Semester 7
Rationale: The aim of this course is to give students an overview of some of advanced concepts in cell and molecular biology. Emphasis will be given to theoretical understanding and their application of that understanding in a laboratory set-up. Catalog Description: Introduction to cell and molecular biology; The chemical basis of life; Metabolism and metabolic energy; Plasma membrane; Techniques in cell and molecular biology.
Pre-requisite: BS202 Genetics, BS304 Bio-chemistry Course Outline: I.
Introduction to cell and molecular biology 1. Properties of cells 2. Types of cells- prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells 3. Origin of cells and the debate of evolution
The chemical basis of life 1. Life based in water; reactions in water 2. Chemical bonds 3. Acids, bases and buffers 4. The basis and types of biological molecules
Metabolism and metabolic energy 1. Overview 2. Chemical and electrical energy 3. Enzyme, catalysts dynamics 4. Oxidation-reduction of electrons 5. Photosynthesis
Plasma membrane 1. Function of membrane proteins 2. Intracellular transport 3. Cytoskeleton and cell movement 4. Cell growth and division 5. Signal transmission
Techniques in cell and molecular biology 1. Microscopy – types and uses 63
2. 3. 4. 5.
Cell culture and preparation Isolation and purification of proteins Purification of nucleic acids DNA transfer
Laboratory Sessions:
Microscopy Cellular Carbohydrates Cellular Nucleic Acids Staining of Chromodomal DNA Spectrophotometry of DNA and RNA Electrophoresis of Hemoglobin/Serum Proteins Chromatography of Photosynthetic Pigments
Textbooks: 1. Cell and Molecular Biology: Concepts and Experiments, 6th Edition Gerald Karp ISBN: 978-0-470-48337-4 2. Laboratory Investigations in Cell and Molecular Biology, 4th Edition Allyn Bregman, ISBN: 978-0-471-20133-5
Reference Books: Selected Papers will be submitted Grading System: The final grade will be computed from the following constituent parts: assignment (10%), Midsemester exams (15%), interim exams (15% each), final exam (30%). Instructor: Dr. Anil. K Anal/ Imran Ahmed
BS405 Postharvest Engineering 3(3 -0)
Semester 7
Rationale: Pre and postharvest engineering practices are crucial for minimizing the postharvest losses and ensuring the safety and quality of processed food. This course provides students with advance the scientific knowledge, application of engineering principles, and problem-solving skills in areas of production, processing, handling, storage and distribution of biological resources. Catalogue Description: Postharvest systems; Postharvest system of cereals; Postharvest system of horticultural produce; System designs of postharvest equipments and storage; Quality evaluation and grading. Pre-Requisites: Year 3 Food Engineering courses Course outline: I.
Introduction to Postharvest Systems 1. Importance of postharvest system 2. Postharvest handling in relation to final product quality 3. Intrinsic and extrinsic factors 4. Food waste vs. losses, types of losses
Postharvest system of cereals 1. Physical and Chemical Structure of Cereals: Rice, Wheat, Corn, Soybean 2. Drying and on-farm storage 3. Secondary storage, insect control, transportation 4. Primary processing 5. Milling and value addition
Postharvest system of horticultural produce 1. Physiology of respiration 2. Maturity Indices 3. Fruit maturation and development, senescence processes 4. Pre-treatments of horticultural produce 5. Packaging, storage and transportation
System Designs of Postharvest Equipments and Storage 1. Design of handling equipment in relation to product characteristics 2. Flow processes diagram, 3. Computer aided design in postharvest processes 4. Design, construction and management of packinghouse and storage structures 5. Handling system and environment 65
Quality evaluation and grading 1. Chemical quality indices and evaluation 2. Physical quality evaluation (color, texture) 3. Shelf-life evaluation of fresh produce 4. Non-destructive quality evaluation
Laboratory Sessions: None
Textbook & Materials: 1. Postharvest Handling, A Systems Approach (2nd Edition), Florkowski et. Al (Eds) 2009. ISBN-13: 9780123741127 Academic Press. References : 1. Post-harvest Pathology, Prusky, Dov; Gullino, Maria Lodovica (Eds.) ISBN 978-1-4020-8929-9. Springer Inc. 2. Postharvest Biology and Technology- An International Journal, ISSN: 0925-5214, Elsevier. Grading method: Short tests and Quizzes: 20%, Mid-semester: 40%, Final: 40%
Instructor: Prof.Athapol Noomhorm
Year 4 - Semesters II BS404 Farm Power, Machinery and Renewable Energy Systems 3(2-1)
Semester 8
Rationale: The student will learn basic design and working principles of farm equipment and accessory systems. Basic principles of machinery management as applied toward proper machinery use and selection, adjustment in the field will be addressed. Catalogue Description: Introduction; Internal combustion engine; Fuel supply and cooling system of I.C. engine; Lubrication system of I.C. engine; Tillage; Farm Machinery/Equipment; Biomass and Bio-fuels; Solar Energy; Solar Thermal Energy Application; Wind Energy. Pre-Requisites: None Course Outline: I.
Introduction 1. Sources of different farm power: Conventional & non-conventional energy sources in farm, forms of energy 2. Energy: Asia & World 3. Tractors classification, types, points to be considered in Selection of tractors 4. Estimating the cost of operation of tractor power 5. Study of power transmission system of tractors 6. Engineering intervention for production and productivity 7. Merits and limitations of different power sources 8. Farm mechanization of different operations (power sources)
Internal combustion engine 1. Different components and their functions 2. Working principle of four stroke and two stroke cycle engines 3. Diesel and petrol engine 4. IHP, BHP, FHP, DBHP, compression ratio, stroke bore ratio, piston displacement, and mechanical efficiency 5. Numerical problems on engine performance
Fuel supply and cooling system of I.C. engine 1. Types, components and their functions 2. Working principle of forced circulation cooling system 3. Ignition and power transmission system of I.C engine – types, Components and their functions 4. Working principle of battery ignition system
Lubrication system of I.C. engine 1. Types, purpose, components and their functions 67
2. Working principle of forced feed system V.
Tillage 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Primary and secondary tillage M.B. plough –functions, constructional features, operational adjustments and maintenance Disc plough – functions, constructional details, operational adjustments and maintenance Numerical problems on M.B. plough and disc plough Harrows – types, functions, operation Cultivators – rigid and spring loaded tynes Puddler, cage wheel, rotavators Intercultural implements – hoes and weeders for dry and wetland cultivation
Farm machinery/equipment 1. Sowing equipment - seed cum fertilizer drills – types, functions, types of metering mechanisms, functional components, calibration 2. Paddy transplanters 3. Harvesting equipment – sickles, self propelled reaper and alignment, combines, functions of combines 4. Plant protection equipment – types of sprayers, constructional features of knapsack sprayer, hand compression sprayer, foot sprayer, rocker sprayer and power sprayer, care and maintenance of sprayers 5. Dusters – hand rotary and power operated dusters, care and maintenance of dusters 6. Tractor mounted equipments for land development and soil conservation – functions of bund former, ridger, and leveling blade
Biomass and bio-fuels 1. Sources of Biomass, classification 2. Energy farming 3. Biogas, aerobic & anaerobic respiration 4. Types of biogas plants (specifications, working, applications), Design of biogas plant, Gasifiers, types and it’s working
Solar energy 1. Introduction, solar constant 2. Determination of solar time, measurement of solar radiation 3. Solar air collector, solar concentrator 4. Evacuated-tube collector
Solar Thermal energy application 1. Solar water heating system, solar cooker 2. Solar pond, solar crop drying, solar house 3. Solar photovoltaic application: photovoltaic effect, material, module, cell temperature and its application
Wind energy 1. Potential, basis concept of lift and drag 2. Measurement of various types of wind mills and their application
Laboratory Sessions: 1. Introduction to various systems of a tractor viz. fuel, lubrication, cooling, electrical, transmission, hydraulic & final drive system 2. Familiarization with tractor controls & learning procedures of tractor starting and stopping 3. Field testing & adjustments of primary & secondary tillage implements 4. Constructional and functional study of different types of seed-drill 5. Calibration of seed drills 6. Study of sprayers & dusters, self-propelled rice transplanter, different types of power operated reapers and threshers 7. Dismantling and assembling of major engine parts 8. Computer aided design of selected agricultural tools and machineries 9. Study of flat plate and concentrating type of collectors 10. Study of solar cooker, solar water heaters, solar dryer 11. Study of photo voltaic cell, solar pump 12. Study of different radiation measuring instruments 13. Study of windmill and wind pump Textbook & Materials: Selected chapters from the following references will be used as the text References: 1. Sahay, J. (2006). “Elements of Agricultural Engineering” Standard Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi 2. Michal, A. M. and Ojha, T. P. (2008). “Principles of Agricultural Engineering” Vol. I. Jain Brothers, New Delhi 3. Jain. S. C., “Farm Tractor maintenance and repair” Standard Publisher Distributors. 4. Srivastava, A. K., Goering, C. E. and R. P. Rohrbach. (1993). “Engineering Principles of Agricultural Machines” American Society Agricultural Engineering, Michigan. 5. Liljedahi, J. B., Carleton, W. M., Turnquist, P. K. and D. W. Smith. (1979). “Tractors and their Power units” 3rd ED. John Wiley & Sons. 6. Witney, B. (1988). “Choosing and Using Farm Machines” Essex, Eng., Longman. 7. Hunt, D. (1995). “ Farm Power and Machinery Management” Ames, Iowa State University Press 9th ED. 8. G. N. Tiwari and M. K. Ghosal. “Fundamentals of Renewable Energy Sources” 9. Rai, G. D. “Solar Energy Utilization” 10. J. W. Twidell and A. Weir. “Renewable Energy Sources” 11. Sukhatme, S. P. “Solar Energy: Principles of thermal collection and Storage” 12. Rai, G. D. “Non conventional energy sources” Grading Method: The final grade will be computed from the following constituent parts: Mid-semester exam (20%), final exam (40%) and Field lab/assignments (40%). Open book/ Closed book examinations are usually given both in the Midsemester and final exams. Instructor: Dr. Peeyush Soni