Prerequisites: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (or equivalent) and EE 320: ...
Introductory Quantum Mechanics, Richard L. Liboff, 4th ED., (Addison Wesley, ...
Boise State University Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Fall 2002 Prof. Bill Knowlton
ENGR 549: Quantum Effects in MOS Devices COURSE SYLLABUS (DRAFT VERSION) Instructor: Bill Knowlton, 202M MEC, 426-5705 (emergency only),
[email protected] Class Schedule: Tues. & Thurs. 1:55-3:30 pm, room MEC 113 Course Website: Office Hours: Monday, Friday 2-3pm (or by appointment) – send email. Prerequisites: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (or equivalent) and EE 320: Semiconductor Devices (or equivaltent) or with permission of instructor. Text Book: Required: Quantum Mechanics, David K. Ferry, 2nd ED. (IoP, 2001); Recommended: Grading Policy: In-class Oral Reports (20%), Problem Sets (20%), Projects (60%). Course Description: Problem solving with Mathematica will be used to examine quantum mechanical effects in MOS devices. Effects such as tunneling, triangular quantum well effects during inversion and accumulation and poly-Si depletion. Problems will be treated as group projects. Initial problems will focus on elementary quantum mechanics and barrier tunneling and will progressively work toward more realistic problems. Course Content: 1. Review of Elementary Quantum Mechanics a. Operators b. Schrödinger’s Equation c. Expectation values d. One dimensional Energy Barriers 2. Conceptual Semiconductor Device Physics a. Chemical potential and Fermi Energy b. Homojunctions (p-n junctions, bipolar transistors) c. Heterojunctions (MOSCAPs, MOSFETs, III-V & II-VI) 3. Triangular Barrier 4. Other: a. Poly-Si depletion b. F-N tunneling c. Direct tunneling Suggested Bibiliography 1. Quantum Mechanics with Mathematica, James M. Feagin, (Springer-Verlag, 1994) 482. 2. Introductory Quantum Mechanics, Richard L. Liboff, 4th ED., (Addison Wesley, 2003) 874. 3. Semiconductor Device Fundamentals, Robert F. Pierret,(Addison Wesley, 1996)792.