(301)687-3162 (Sociology Department Secretary 301-687-4368). Fax: ...
Required Text: Essentials of Sociology, 10th Edition, by James M. Henslin (ISBN
Course Syllabus Course Title: Course Number: Course Section: Prerequisites: Semester:
Introduction to Sociology SOCI 100
Instructor: Office: Phone: Fax: Email: Office Hours:
Dr. John McMullen 024 Guild Center (301)687-3162 (Sociology Department Secretary 301-687-4368) (301)687-7964
[email protected] via email anytime
Required Text:
Essentials of Sociology, 10th Edition, by James M. Henslin (ISBN 0-205-89548-4)
None Summer 2013 (SOFI)
Course Description:
Systematic introduction to the study of society. Basic concepts, methods of study, and theories about societal structures and processes.
Course Objectives:
By the end of the semester, students should: (1) know the three major sociological perspectives (2) know major theorists associated with each perspective (3) know the methods used in the field of sociology (4) understand concepts and terms such as socialization, culture, role, norm, social deviance, race, ethnicity, gender, and stratification
Grades will be based on quizzes, discussion boards, and exams. Quizzes will pertain to assigned material on mysoclab and will be done online. Students will be notified of materials which will be included on the quiz in advance along with a date and time for the quiz to be completed. There will also be several discussion boards on specific topics related to the assigned readings. A grading rubric (below) will be used for grading discussion boards. The exams will cover the assigned reading from the textbook. Rubric for discussion boards: 5 14 16 20
Grading Scale:
90-100 80-89 70-79 60-69 59 & ↓
Did not post at all Posted some, but not frequently enough. Postings were often either lacking in content or clarity Posted frequently (every day or nearly every day), but most or all didn’t provide enough content to show knowledge of the topic and/or interest in the discussion Posted frequently (every day at least once), provided enough content per posting to show knowledge and interest in the topic and discussion, and replied to other’s postings A B C D F
Grading breakdown:
Quizzes Discussion Boards Exams
30% 20% 50%
July 1 to July 12 Reading assignment Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 Exam 1 July 12 July 15 to 26 Reading Assignment Chapters 6, 7, 8, and 9 Exam 2 July 26 July 29 to Aug 8 Reading Assignment Chapters 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14
Academic Dishonesty and Classroom Behavior:
All students will be held to the University policies described in the Catalog and Pathfinder student handbook.