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978-1-107-63845-7 – Cambridge International AS and A Level Chemistry. Lawrie Ryan and Roger Norris. Frontmatter. More information · © in this web service ...
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-63845-7 – Cambridge International AS and A Level Chemistry Lawrie Ryan and Roger Norris Frontmatter More information

Lawrie Ryan and Roger Norris

Cambridge International AS and A Level

Chemistry Coursebook Second Edition

© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-63845-7 – Cambridge International AS and A Level Chemistry Lawrie Ryan and Roger Norris Frontmatter More information

University Printing House, Cambridge cb2 8bs, United Kingdom Cambridge University Press is part of the University of Cambridge. It furthers the University’s mission by disseminating knowledge in the pursuit of education, learning and research at the highest international levels of excellence. Information on this title: © Cambridge University Press 2011, 2014 This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published 2011 Second edition 2014 Printed in the United Kingdom by Latimer Trend A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library



isbn 978-1-107-63845-7 Paperback with CD-ROM for Windows and Mac

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Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-63845-7 – Cambridge International AS and A Level Chemistry Lawrie Ryan and Roger Norris Frontmatter More information

Contents How to use this book


Chapter 1: Moles and equations


Masses of atoms and molecules Accurate relative atomic masses Amount of substance Mole calculations Chemical formulae and chemical equations Solutions and concentration Calculations involving gas volumes

Chapter 2: Atomic structure Elements and atoms Inside the atom Numbers of nucleons Isotopes How many protons, neutrons and electrons?

Chapter 3: Electrons in atoms Simple electronic structure Evidence for electronic structure Subshells and atomic orbitals Electronic configurations Orbitals and the Periodic Table Patterns in ionisation energies in the Periodic Table

Chapter 4: Chemical bonding Types of chemical bonding Ionic bonding Covalent bonding Shapes of molecules More molecular shapes Metallic bonding Intermolecular forces Hydrogen bonding Bonding and physical properties

Chapter 5: States of matter States of matter The gaseous state The liquid state The solid state Simple molecular lattices Carbon nanoparticles Conserving materials

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2 3 5 6 10 14 18

24 25 25 28 28 29

32 33 34 37 38 40 41

48 49 49 51 55 56 58 60 64 66

72 73 73 77 78 80 82 83

Chapter 6: Enthalpy changes


What are enthalpy changes? 90 Standard enthalpy changes 92 Measuring enthalpy changes 94 Hess’s law 97 Enthalpy change of reaction from enthalpy changes of formation 97 Enthalpy change of formation from enthalpy changes of combustion 98 Calculating the enthalpy change of hydration of an anhydrous salt 99 Bond energies and enthalpy changes 99 Calculating enthalpy changes using bond energies 101

Chapter 7: Redox reactions


What is a redox reaction? Redox and electron transfer Oxidation numbers Redox and oxidation number Naming compounds From name to formula Balancing chemical equations using oxidation numbers

Chapter 8: Equilibrium

Chapter 9: Rates of reaction


117 119 123 127 129 130


Reaction kinetics The effect of concentration on rate of reaction The effect of temperature on rate of reaction Catalysis Enzymes

Structure of the Periodic Table Periodicity of physical properties Periodicity of chemical properties



Reversible reactions and equilibrium Changing the position of equilibrium Equilibrium expressions and the equilibrium constant, Kc Equilibria in gas reactions: the equilibrium constant, Kp Equilibria and the chemical industry Acid-base equilibria

Chapter 10: Periodicity

107 108 109 110 111 112

141 143 143 144 145

148 149 149 154

Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-63845-7 – Cambridge International AS and A Level Chemistry Lawrie Ryan and Roger Norris Frontmatter More information

Oxides of Period 3 elements Chlorides of Period 3 elements

Chapter 11: Group 2 Physical properties of Group 2 elements Reactions of Group 2 elements Thermal decomposition of Group 2 carbonates and nitrates Some uses of Group 2 compounds

Chapter 12: Group 17 Physical properties of Group 17 elements Reactions of Group 17 elements Reactions of the halide ions Disproportionation Uses of the halogens and their compounds

Chapter 13: Nitrogen and sulfur Nitrogen gas Ammonia and ammonium compounds Uses of ammonia and ammonium compounds Sulfur and its oxides Sulfuric acid iv

156 158

163 164 165 168 169

171 172 173 175 177 178

180 181 182 183 185 185


Representing organic molecules Functional groups Naming organic compounds Bonding in organic molecules Structural isomerism Stereoisomerism Organic reactions – mechanisms Types of organic reaction

189 192 192 193 194 195 196 198

The homologous group of alkanes Sources of the alkanes Reactions of alkanes The alkenes Addition reactions of the alkenes Oxidation of the alkenes Addition polymerisation Tackling questions on addition polymers

Chapter 16: Halogenoalkanes Nucleophilic substitution reactions Mechanism of nucleophilic substitution in halogenoalkanes Elimination reactions Uses of halogenoalkanes

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The homologous series of alcohols Reactions of the alcohols Carboxylic acids

226 226 231

Chapter 18: Carbonyl compounds


The homologous series of aldehydes and ketones Preparation of aldehydes and ketones Reduction of aldehydes and ketones Nucleophilic addition with HCN Testing for aldehydes and ketones Reactions to form tri-iodomethane Infra-red spectroscopy

Chapter P1: Practical skills 1 Review of practical knowledge and understanding Manipulation, measurement and observation Presentation of data and observations Analysis, conclusions and evaluation

Chapter 19: Lattice energy

Chapter 14: Introduction to organic chemistry

Chapter 15: Hydrocarbons

Chapter 17: Alcohols, esters and carboxylic acids 225

201 202 202 204 207 208 210 211 213

217 218 220 222 222

Defining lattice energy Enthalpy change of atomisation and electron affinity Born–Haber cycles Factors affecting the value of lattice energy Ion polarisation Enthalpy changes in solution

Chapter 20: Electrochemistry Redox reactions revisited Electrolysis Quantitative electrolysis Electrode potentials Measuring standard electrode potentials O values Using E — Cells and batteries More about electrolysis

235 236 237 237 238 240 241

246 247 249 250 251

257 258 258 259 262 263 265

273 274 275 276 278 282 284 293 295

Chapter 21: Further aspects of equilibria


The ionic product of water, Kw pH calculations Weak acids – using the acid dissociation constant, Ka Indicators and acid–base titrations Buffer solutions

304 305 307 309 313

Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-63845-7 – Cambridge International AS and A Level Chemistry Lawrie Ryan and Roger Norris Frontmatter More information

Equilibrium and solubility Partition coefficients

316 319

Chapter 22: Reaction kinetics


Factors affecting reaction rate Rate of reaction Rate equations Which order of reaction? Calculations involving the rate constant, k Deducing order of reaction from raw data Kinetics and reaction mechanisms Catalysis

325 325 330 332 334 335 338 340

Chapter 23: Entropy and Gibbs free energy 349 Introducing entropy Chance and spontaneous change Calculating entropy changes Entropy and temperature Entropy, enthalpy changes and free energy Gibbs free energy Gibbs free energy calculations

Chapter 24: Transition elements What is a transition element? Physical properties of the transition elements Redox reactions Ligands and complex formation

Chapter 25: Benzene and its compounds The benzene ring Reactions of arenes Phenol Reactions of phenol

Chapter 26: Carboxylic acids and their derivatives The acidity of carboxylic acids Oxidation of two carboxylic acids Acyl chlorides

Chapter 27: Organic nitrogen compounds Amines Formation of amines Amino acids Peptides Reactions of the amides Electrophoresis

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350 350 354 357 357 358 360

366 367 369 369 371

381 382 384 387 388

393 394 395 396

Chapter 28: Polymerisation


Condensation polymerisation Synthetic polyamides Biochemical polymers The importance of hydrogen bonding in DNA Polyesters Designing useful polymers Degradable polymers Polymer deductions

Chapter 29: Analytical chemistry

412 413 414 418 421 422 425 426


Chromatography Proton (1H) nuclear magnetic resonance Carbon-13 NMR spectroscopy Mass spectrometry

434 439 444 446

Chapter 30: Organic synthesis


Designing new medicinal drugs


Chapter P2: Practical skills 2


Written examination of practical skills Planning Analysis, conclusions and evaluation

465 465 468 v

Appendix 1: The Periodic Table of the Elements


Appendix 2: Selected standard electrode potentials


Appendix 3: Qualitative analysis notes








Terms and conditions of use for the CD-ROM 494

400 401 402 404 405 406 407

Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-63845-7 – Cambridge International AS and A Level Chemistry Lawrie Ryan and Roger Norris Frontmatter More information

How to use this book Each chapter begins with a short list of the facts and concepts that are explained in it.

There is a short context at the beginning of each chapter, containing an example of how the material covered in the chapter relates to the ‘real world’.

This book does not contain detailed instructions for doing particular experiments, but you will find background information about the practical work you need to do in these boxes. There are also two chapters, P1 and P2, which provide detailed information about the practical skills you need to develop during the course.


Important equations and other facts are shown in highlight boxes.

Questions throughout the text give you a chance to check that you have understood the topic you have just read about. You can find the answers to these questions on the CD-ROM.

The text and illustrations describe and explain all of the facts and concepts that you need to know. The chapters, and often the content within them as well, are arranged in the same sequence as in your syllabus.

© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-63845-7 – Cambridge International AS and A Level Chemistry Lawrie Ryan and Roger Norris Frontmatter More information

How to use this book

Wherever you need to know how to use a formula to carry out a calculation, there are worked example boses to show you how to do this.

Definitions that are required by the syllabus are shown in highlight boxes.

Key words are highlighted in the text when they are first introduced.

You will also find definitions of these words in the Glossary.


There is a summary of key points at the end of each chapter. You might find this helpful when you are revising.

Questions at the end of each chapter are more demanding exam-style questions, some of which may require use of knowledge from previous chapters. Answers to these questions can be found on the CD-ROM.

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