courses required for pstcc - etsu articulation program

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BSN (BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING) PROGRAM. The courses listed below are the pre-requisites for the Carson-Newman Coll
COURSES REQUIRED FOR CARSON-NEWMAN COLLEGE BSN (BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING) PROGRAM The courses listed below are the pre-requisites for the Carson-Newman College of Nursing. See important information in the notes below the table.

Course (PSCC)

Course (C-N)

Semester Hours

*ENGL 1010 - English Composition I

ENG 101


*ENGL 1020 - English Composition II

ENG 201


*BIOL 2130 - Microbiology

BIOL 316


*BIOL 2010 – Human Anatomy and Physiology I

BIOL 207


*BIOL 2020 – Human Anatomy and Physiology II

BIOL 208


*BIOL 2400 – Principles of Nutrition

FN 214


*CHEM 1010 – Principles of Chemistry

CHEM 101


*PSY 2400 – Human Development through the Lifespan or PSY 2100 – Psychology of Human Development MATH 1530 - Elementary Probability and Statistics

CFS 206


MATH 201


SPH 2100 – Public Speaking

COMM 230 or 135


Choose one class: SOC 1020, POL 1010, ECON 2010, HIST 2010 or 2020, PHIL 1300

See C-N Catalog


English Literature (Choose 1 from ENGL 2110, 2120, 2210, 2220, 2310, 2320). HIST 1110 or 1120 (World History)

ENGL 301


HIST 133, 134, or 135 See C-N Catalog


See C-N Catalog




(Prerequisite: BIOL 1110, BIOL 2010, or CHEM 1010)

(Prerequisite: One semester of either A&P or Chemistry)

Fine Arts (Select 1 from: ART 1720, 1730, MUS 1030, or THEA 1030; or 3 hours of any MUSIC activity classes) Electives – Choose from: any PSY, SOC, PHIL, HIST 2010 or 2020, any ART (Note: PSY or SOC preferred)


*These courses must be completed with a C or higher before beginning the nursing program. A student may enter the program with four classes remaining, provided that they are not the starred courses. Additionally, students must pass a computer literacy exam. Completion of these courses does not guarantee admission into Carson-Newman’s Nursing Program. An application for admission into the Carson-Newman School of Nursing must be submitted and the student must be accepted. Acceptance is substantially improved by a high GPA. Students must apply to both the college and to the nursing school. Students should check with the college and the nursing school to determine application deadlines, which may be well in advance of the entrance dates. Note that course requirements may change. It is the student’s responsibility to check with the Carson-Newman Nursing Program to make sure all courses will transfer and are acceptable. This is especially true if the courses were taken at other colleges or universities. See the Carson-Newman Catalog for more information on admission requirements for the college and for the Nursing Program. Completion of these courses does not result in an AS degree from PSCC. Additional courses may be required; see your advisor and the PSCC Catalog & Handbook for associate degree requirements. This checklist is not intended to replace your advisor. See a pre-nursing advisor in the PSCC Pre-nursing Advising Center (AL107) for assistance in planning your coursework! CONTACT PERSON for Traditional Program (Jan. start): CAROLANNE HENLEY, 865-471-4779; [email protected] CONTACT PERSON for Accelerated Program (Aug start): BARBARA HULSMAN, 865-471-3401; [email protected] 8/04/09