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CQ CQ CQ ALL WYANDOTTE COUNTY KANSAS AMATEUR RADIO OPERATORS. Amateur Radio and Emergency Communications in Wyandotte County.
CQ CQ CQ ALL WYANDOTTE COUNTY KANSAS AMATEUR RADIO OPERATORS Amateur Radio and Emergency Communications in Wyandotte County ARES - Amateur Radio Emergency Service SATERN - Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network RACES - Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service CERT - Community Emergency Response Team Red Cross Disaster Services Greetings Fellow 'Dotte Hams! Are you currently involved in Emergency Communications, or looking for a way to get involved? We will be holding an organizational meeting for Wyandotte County ARES Group, Saturday January 30 at 10 AM, hosted by our new Wyandotte County Emergency Co-ordinator, Curt Robinson KC0NVK and Joe Krout W0PWJ, Wyandotte County SATERN Co-ordinator. We would like to invite all Wyandotte County Amateur Radio Operators to attend this meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to formally reintroduce ARES and SATERN to Wyandotte County, and to brief everyone on the various uses of Amateur Radio in Emergency Services within our county. Our intention is to utilize the ARES organization to improve our overall emergency prepardeness by providing training and group interaction. Our tentative agenda is: 1. General greetings 2. What we are trying to do, ie. coordinate EmComm in WY county 3. Presentations by each Agency 4. Q & A session 5. Time for guests to talk with Agencies Please join us Saturday January 30 10:00 AM at: Wyandotte County Salvation Army Corps Harbor Light Village 6723 State Avenue Kansas City, KS 66102 or

Talk in will be on the Wyandotte County CERT Repeater Freq: 147.165 MHz, Positive Offset, No PL 73 Curt Robinson, KC0NVK - Wyandotte County ARES Emergency Co-ordinator Joe Krout, W0PWJ - Wyandotte County SATERN Co-ordinator