7. CrankStar discover the CrankStar ve in 3d augmented reality (ar) with your android or ipad tablet! point your device'
TechnologieHigh Microfinish pour tous types d‘arbres precision crankshafts
CrankStar compact – ergonomic – intelligent
eXtreMe preCiSion CrankSHaFtS tHrougH MiCroFiniSH/SuperFiniSH Just to overcome internal friction, the average car burns 340 liters (90 gallons) of fuel per year. With increasing demand for high performance, fuel economy and sustainability, crankshafts must perform better than ever before. Compact design, high-precision journals (mains & pins) and sealing seats are key to their performance and lifespan. the CrankStar ve high-precision surface finishing machine provides manufacturers with the ability to meet our modern-day challenges. through the highly efficient and cost-effective MiCroFiniSH/Superfinish process surface friction can be significantly reduced and excellent sealing capacity provided.
MaCHining taSk Surface finish
dimensional accuracy
pin bearing
thrust faces Flange
(Front journal)
Main bearing
(deburring of flange bores)
optional: deburring of flange, machining of front journal
CrankStar Advantages Narrow finishing units for machining of shafts with minimal journal distances (33 mm) Cutting-edge tape management system with tape-feed, -end and –tear detection Long intervals between tape change due to extra-large tape rolls (200 m for vertical layout) Hard or soft tape contact shoes (or combination) depending on requirements Short and easy change-over due to excellent front access FEM optimized rigidity Simple integration into production lines via shuttle, palette or other automated systems
Component Specifications Center distance: 300 – 600 mm Rotating diameter: max. 210 mm Stroke: max. 110 mm Cast iron and steel
Configuration Options FEM-optimized design
Single-part or series production
Integration in production lines
Single or multi-step machining
Shuttle, gantry and other loading options
Accessories Fully automatic pitch-distance adjustment
Fully automatic adjustment of main bearing units
Service monitoring via profinet
Shuttle or gantry loading system
Peripheral systems such as filter system, oil-mist suction etc.
Energy-efficient components / layout*
*Upon request various peripheral systems can be equipped with frequency-controlled drives which require up to 45% less energy and help reduce CO2 emissions.
Technical Data Crankstar Number of work stations
Max. number of finishing units
Number of NC Axes
Power input Machine weight
15 kW approx. 9.5 t
Control System
840 Dsl
Service Production Support / Training Process development and analysis
24 hour hotline and online direct service
Inspections, repairs, refurbishments
Crankstar app Discover the CrankStar VE in 3D augmented reality (AR) with your Android or iPad tablet! Point your device‘s scanner at the QR code below or go to: www.thielenhaus.com/en/news-media/mobile-apps/
Download the CrankStar App and point the device’s camera at the marker (above)
Further High Precision Machining Solutions for
Finishing grinding Honing ●
antifriction bearings
Flat and spherical surfaces
double disc grinding
extreme precision for a Sustainable World – Manufactured around the World
thielenhaus technologies gmbH
thielenhaus Microfinish Corporation
Schwesterstraße 50 42285 Wuppertal, germany phone: +49 (0)2 02 - 4 81-0 Fax: +49 (0)2 02 - 45 04 45
[email protected] www.thielenhaus.com
42925 W. nine Mile road novi, Mi 48375, u.S.a. phone: +1 (2 48) 3 49-94 50 Fax: +1 (2 48) 3 49-94 57
[email protected] www.thielenhaus.com
thielenhaus Machinery (Shanghai) Co., Ltd Jiangtian dong Lu 212, building 7 Songjiang industrial Zone 201613 Shanghai, p.r. China phone: +86 (21) 67 75 31 57 Fax: +86 (21) 33 52 87 66
[email protected] www.thielenhaus.cn
Superfinish innovation ag St. gallerstraße 52 CH-9548 Matzingen phone: +41 (0) 5 23 76 26 20 Fax: +41 (0) 5 23 76 26 19
[email protected] www.superfinish.ch