Creativity in Language Learning_Programme - euficcs

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Nov 15, 2012 ... Espace Apprendre - Radio Project Presentation of Michel Boiron (CAVILAM. Centre d'Approches vivantes des Langues et des Médias, FR).
European Commission - Lifelong Learning Programme Key Activity 2 Languages Accompanying measures – Ref. 518909-LLP-1-2011-1-UK-KA2-KA2AM

Programme of the International Conference Thursday – 15/11/2012 Venue: Daarkom, Maison des Cultures Maroco-Flamande 18 Rue du Fossé aux Loups, 1000 Brussels Time 10-12,00

Events Discovering Brussels creativity: guided visit to the Comic Strip Museum*

13,30 – 14,00

Registration of the participants

14,00 – 14,15

Welcoming words and account on the programme by Mr. Giampiero de Cristofaro

15,45 – 16,15

Welcome address from Ms. Renilde Reynders, Coordinator Grundtvig, Comenius, Languages of the Flemish (BE) National Agency and Ms. Federiga Bindi director of the Italian Cultural Institute in Brussels Keynote speech 1: “EU multilingualism policy in the new education and training framework” by Mr. Luca Tomasi, Policy Officer - Multilingualism policy and Language aspects of the LLP - European Commission Directorate General for Education and Culture - Unit Multilingualism policy Keynote speech 2: “The experience of the Lifelong Learning Programme in support of creative learning" by Ms. Barbara Hermans, Programme Manager for KA2 Languages, EACEA Coffee break


Presenting four examples of creative language projects Moderator: Mr.Andrea Picone

14,15 – 14,45

14,45 – 15,15

15,15 – 15,45

16,15 – 16,45

Theatre Express, presentation of Adelle Spindlove (Lewis School of English, UK)

16,45 – 17,15

18,15 – 18,45

Babelweb, presentation of Giorgio Simonetto (Società Dante Alighieri, AT) Languages and Integration through Singing, presentation of Giampiero de Cristofaro (FENICE Federazione Nazionale Insegnanti, IT) Digital video streaming and Multilingualism, presentation of Armin Hottmann (Kulturring in Berlin e.V., DE) Snack & drink

18,45 – 20,00

World music Concert: Duo Malick/Bao

20,30 – 22,00

Dinner at Paon Royal, Rue du Vieux Marché aux Grains 6, Brussels*

17,15 – 17,45 17,45 – 18,15


Night guided visit in the centre of Brussels*

*On request at the moment of registration

Friday – 16/11/2012 Venue: Conference Centre of Hotel Marivaux 98 Boulevard Adolphe Max, 1000 Brussels Time 09,00 – 9,30 9,30 – 10,00

10,00 – 11,30

11,30 – 12,00 12,00 – 13,30

13,30 – 14,30 14,30 – 16,45

Events Official opening of the Project Fair & registration of the participants ""Key Data on Teaching Languages at School in Europe 2012" (Eurydice report) by Ms. Olga Borodankova & Daniela Kocanova, Educational Systems and Policies Analyst, EACEA Parallel thematic sessions : Hall A Language learning with Radio & TV Moderator: Andrea Picone (Lewis School of English, UK) Projects to be presented: Espace Apprendre - Radio Project Presentation of Michel Boiron (CAVILAM Centre d’Approches vivantes des Langues et des Médias, FR) English live Web TV Presentation of Daniele Canepa (GGallery s.r.l., IT) Coffee break Drama for language learning Moderator: Pierangela Diadori (University for foreigners of Siena, IT) Projects to be presented: GlottoDrama Presentation of Carlo Nofri (Novacultur Srl, IT) Drama improves Lisbon Key Competences in Education Presentation of Adam Cziboly (Kava Cultural Group Association, HU) Lunch break Music for language learning Moderator: Giampiero de Cristofaro (FENICE Federazione Nazionale Insegnanti, IT) Projects to be presented: A lacuna in your classroom: Traditional Folk Music Speech of David A. Hill (Helbling Languages, A) European Music Portfolio Presentation of Markus Cslovjecsek (University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, CH)

16,45 – 17,15

Digital Children’s Folksongs for Language and Cultural Learning, Presentation of Joel Josephson (Kindersite, UK) Close up session & end of the conference

17,15 – 17,45

Coffee break

17,45 – 18,30

Visit of the Project Fair

19,30 - 21,00

Dinner at La Rose Blanche, Grand Place 11 - Brussels*

21,30 - 23,00

Night guided visit to the Mont des Arts (Bozar)*

*On request at the moment of registration

Friday – 16/11/2012 Venue: Conference Centre of Hotel Marivaux 98 Boulevard Adolphe Max, 1000 Brussels Time 09,00 – 9,30 9,30 – 10,00

09,30 – 11,00

11,00 – 11,30 11,30 – 13,00

13,00 – 14,30

Events Official opening of the Project Fair & registration of the participants ""Key Data on Teaching Languages at School in Europe 2012" (Eurydice report) by Ms. Olga Borodankova & Daniela Kocanova, Educational Systems and Policies Analyst, EACEA Parallel thematic sessions : Hall B Graphics for language learning Moderator: Reni Dimova (ICCF Intercultural Co-operation Foundation, BG) Projects to be presented: Broad Sweeps of Imagination Presentation of Pelin Gerceker (Goztepe Ihsan Kursunoglu Anatolian High School, TR) Using web comics in education Presentation of Symeon Retalis (University of Piraeus Research Center, GR) Coffee break Creative professionals & cards for Language Learning Moderator: Silvia Minardi (REAL 2 - Réseau européen des associations d’enseignants de langues, IT) Projects to be presented: Creative Partnerships Presentation of Diane Fisher-Naylor (Creativity Culture and Education CCE,UK) KLOO Language Games Presentation of Andrew Finan (KLOO®, UK) Lunch break

16,45 – 17,15

Social media and task-based learning for language learning Moderator: Armin Hottmann (Kulturring in Berlin e.V., DE) Projects to be presented: Autonomous “Personal Learning Networks” for Language Teachers Presentation of Joel Josephson (Kindersite, UK) Language learning and social media: 6 key dialogues Presentation of Katerina Zourou (University of Luxembourg, LU) European Task-based Activities for Language Learning Presentation of Ioannis Karras (University of Patras, GR) Close up session & end of the conference

17,15 – 17,45

Coffee break

14,30 – 16,45

17,45 – 18,30

Visit of the Project Fair

19,30 - 21,00

Dinner at La Rose Blanche, Grand Place 11 - Brussels*

21,30 - 23,00

Night guided visit to the Mont des Arts (Bozar)*

*On request at the moment of registration

Project Fair Friday – 16/11/2012 Venue: Conference Centre of Hotel Marivaux Project’s Title


Presented by

BABELWEB – Approche actionnelle et apprentissage Società Dante Alighieri en ligne de l’espagnol, du français et de l’italien Salzburg, A

Giorgio Simonetto

ClipFlair Foreign Language Learning through Interactive Revoicing and Captioning of Clips

Laura Incalcaterra McLoughlin, National University of Ireland

European Use of Full Immersion, Culture, Content, Service approach for language learning Languages meet sport for regional & minority languages Let's become a bilingual family! Online Networking Platform for Language learning

Universitat Pompeu Fabra, ES Associazione Culturale Ulisse, IT LEADER Comunicare Interculture, IT Università di Roma "Sapienza", IT Language Networks for Excellence, University of Wolverhampton, UK

Lavinia Bracci Ariella Cuk Ylenia Passiatore Helen Sargeant





For any request related to the conference please send an email to: Andrea Picone and FENICE