Credit Checklist

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a language/grammar textbook, or at least 45 daily logged entries of work in language/grammar. 4. Three to five minute speech/demonstration given to.
General , Business & Vocational Technical Checklist Science

General, Business & Vocational Technical Checklist English 9 9







The following items must be completed to receive credit.

Any one alternative will be accepted for credit. Check those which apply Complete over 3/4 of a textbook.

1. Read or listen to age/grade appropriate books. 120 logged entries. 2. Write at least 5 pages of composition work. Combination of textbook pages & logged entries equal to 120 hours.

3. Keep rough drafts to show punctuation, usage &/or grammatical error corrections or complete over 1/4 of a language/grammar textbook, or at least 45 daily logged entries of work in language/grammar.

10-page research paper, using at least 3 sources. 30-minute speech/demonstration given to those outside immediate family.

4. Three to five minute speech/demonstration given to those outside the immediate family.

College course.

Or one of the following alternatives will be accepted for credit.

Passed Advance Placement Exam.

Complete an American Sign Language Course of study Complete a college English course. Passed Advance Placement Exam.

General, Business & Vocational Technical Checklist Social Studies 9




Any one alternative will be accepted for credit. Check those which apply. Complete over 3/4 of a textbook.

General, Business, & Vocational Technical Checklist M athematics 9




Any one alternative will be accepted for credit. Check those which apply. Complete over 3/4 of a textbook.

120 logged entries. Combination of textbook pages & logged entries equal to 120 hours. 10-page research paper, using at least 3 sources.

120 logged entries.

30-minute speech/demonstration given to those outside immediate family.

Combination of textbook pages & logged entries equal to 120 hours.

College course.

College course. Passed Advance Placement Exam.

Passed Advance Placement Exam.

General, Business, & Vocational Technical Checklist Arts & Humanities 9




Any one alternative will be accepted for credit. Check those which apply.

Academic Diploma Checklist English 9




The following 5 items must be com pleted to receive a credit.

Complete over 3/4 of a textbook.

1. Read 15 books or 1 literature textbook or anthology

120 logged entries

2. Read at least one classic.

Combination of textbook pages & logged entries equal to 120 hours.

3. W rite at least 3 compositions, one of which has a minimum of 5 pages, using 3 non-encyclopedic resources.

10-page research paper, using at least 3 sources. 30-minute speech/demonstration given to those outside immediate family. College course. Passed Advance Placement Exam.

Academic Diploma Checklist M athematics 9




Any one alternative will be accepted for credit. Check those which apply.

4. Keep rough drafts to show punctuation, usage &/or grammatical error corrections or complete over 1/4 of a language/grammar textbook, or at least 45 daily logged entries of work in language/grammar. 5. Three to five minute speech/demonstration given to those outside the immediate family. Or one of the following alternatives will be accepted for credit. 30-minute speech/demonstration given to those outside immediate family. Complete an American Sign Language Course of study

Complete over 3/4 of a textbook.

Complete a college English course.

120 logged entries

Passed Advance Placement Exam.

Combination of textbook pages & logged entries equal to 120 hours. College course. Passed Advance Placement Exam.

Academic Diploma Checklist Science 9




Any one alternative will be accepted for credit. Check those which apply.

Academic Diploma Checklist Arts & Humanities 9




Complete over 3/4 of a textbook.

Complete over 3/4 of a textbook.

120 logged entries

120 logged entries

Combination of textbook pages & logged entries equal to 120 hours.

Combination of textbook pages & logged entries equal to 120 hours.

10-page research paper, using at least 3 sources.

10-page research paper, using at least 3 sources.

30-minute speech/demonstration given to those outside immediate family.

30-minute speech/demonstration given to those outside immediate family.

College course.

College course.

Passed Advance Placement Exam.

Passed Advance Placement Exam.

Academic Diploma Checklist Social Studies 9




Any one alternative will be accepted for credit. Check those which apply.

Any one alternative will be accepted for credit. Check those which apply.

Academic Diploma Checklist Other Courses 9




Any one alternatives will be accepted for credit.. Check those which apply.

Complete over 3/4 of a textbook.

Complete over 3/4 of a textbook.

120 logged entries

120 logged entries

Combination of textbook pages & logged entries equal to 120 hours.

Combination of textbook pages & logged entries equal to 120 hours.

10-page research paper, using at least 3 sources.

10-page research paper, using at least 3 sources.

30-minute speech/demonstration given to those outside immediate family.

30-minute speech/demonstration given to those outside immediate family.

College course.

College course.

Passed Advance Placement Exam.

Passed Advance Placement Exam.