Credit hours - Government College University

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3. Gene Technology. CHEM 7211. 4. Nano Chemistry ... R.S, “NMR Spectroscopy Basic Principles and Applications”, Books for Professionals, Inc (1988).

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

Credit Hour 3

CHEM 7106

Separation Techniques

Credit Hour 3

CHEM 7107

Solid State Chemistry

Credit Hour 3

CHEM 7108

Radiation Chemistry

Credit Hour 3




Organic Polymer Chemistry

Credit Hour 3

CHEM 7210

Instrumental Analysis (A Practical Course)

Credit Hour 3

CHEM 7102

Principles of Biochemical Processes

Credit Hour 3

CHEM 7212

Advanced Chemical Kinetics

Credit Hour 3




Research and Seminars

Credit Hour 12





Environmental Chemistry Biosynthesis of Natural Products Gene Technology Nano Chemistry

CHEM 7204 CHEM 7207 CHEM 7211 CHEM 7209


Course Code: Course Title: Credit hours:

CHEM-7105 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 03

COURSE CONTENTS: Basic principles of 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopy, interpretation of 1H- and 13C-NMR spectra, factors affecting the chemical shifts and coupling constants. Recent advances in 1D and 2D-NMR spectroscopy including J-resolved, shift correlated multiple quantum spectra and inverse measurements. Identification of carbon-multiplicity with Distortionless Enhancement by Polarization Transfer (DEPT) technique. Applications of Heterocuclear Multiple-Quantum Coherence (HMQC), Heteronuclear Multiple-Bond Connectivity (HMBC) and Homonuclear Shift-Correlation Spectroscopy (COSY) in structure elucidation of organic molecules. Nuclear Overhauser Enhancment (NOE) and its applications in stereochemical dispositions. Introduction, principle and therapeutic applications of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). RECOMMENDED BOOKS: 1. Berger S., Sicker D., Classics in NMR: Understanding Spectra of Natural Products, Wiley-VCH (2009). 2. Abraham R., Mobli M., Modelling 1H NMR Spectra of Organic Compounds: Theory Applications and NMR Prediction Software. Wiley, 2008). 3. Bible R.H., A Guide for Selecting NMR Techniques VCH, (2008). 4. De Graaf R., In Vivo NMR Spectroscopy: Principles and Techniques WileyInterscience, (2008). 5. Simpson J.H, Organic Structure Determination Using 2-D NMR Spectroscopy: A Problem-Based Approach, Academic Press (2008). 6. Jag Mohan., Organic Analytical Chemistry; Theory and Practice; Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi. (2003). 7. Whittaker.D, “Interpreting Organic Spectra”, The Royal Society of Chemistry (2000). 8. Atta-ur-Rahman & M. Iqbal Choudhary., Solving Problems with NMR Spectroscopy.; Academic Press Inc. USA. (1996). 9. Donald L. Pavia, Gary M. Lampman, George S. Kriz., “Inroduction to Spectroscopy; A Guide for students of Organic Chemistry., 2nd edition, Harcourt Brace College publishers, Florida. (1996). 10. Kemp.W, “Organic Spectroscopy”, Macmillan Education Ltd; Third Edition (1991). 11. Bender.G.T, “Principles of Chemical Instrumentation”, W.B.Saunders Company (1987). 12. Macomber.R.S, “NMR Spectroscopy Basic Principles and Applications”, Books for Professionals, Inc (1988).


13. Atta-ur-Rahman., Nuclear Magnetic Resonance; Basic Principles., SpringerVerlag New York Inc. (1986).

Course Code: Course Title: Credit hours:

CHEM-7106 Separation Techniques 03

COURSE CONTENTS: Chromatography: Classification, Classic and Kinetic Theory, Solvent Extraction and Solid Phase Extraction, Gas Chromatography: separation process, sample injection, detectors, sample preparation, method development. High Performance Liquid Chromatography: Chromatographic process, columns and stationary phase, injection and detectors, method development for reversed phase separation, gradient separations. Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography (FPLC): Principle and work flow, Cation/ Anion exchange chromatography, hydrophobic interaction Chromatography. Optimization of conditions and calibration of Instrumentation. Ion Exchange Chromatography, gel filtration chromatography. CAPILLARY ELECTROPHORESIS: Basic principle, Zeta potential and the phenomenon of Electro-osmosis, General instrumentation and applications. CENTRIFUGATION: Principle of Centrifugation, Working with Normal and Ultracentrifuges. Use of Density Gradient Differential Centrifugation for Separation of Cellular Components. RECOMMENDED BOOKS: iiiiii-


Analytical Chemistry R. Kellner, J-M. Mermet, M. Otto, H.M. Widmer Quantitative Chemical Analysis Daniel.C.Harris Practical Biochemistry Principles and Techniques Editors: Keith Wilson and John Walker 4th edition 1997 Cambridge University Press Fundamental Laboratory Approaches for Biochemistry and Biotechnology Alaxander J Ninfa & David P Ballou Fitzgerald Science Press Inc. 1998 Bthesda, Maryland 3



Methods in Molecular Biology Book series Vol. 59 Protein Purification Protocols David Sheelan Humana Press 2004 Separation Methods in Biochemistry CJOR Morris & P Morris 2nd edition 1976 Pitman Publishing

Course Code:


Course Title:

Solid State Chemistry

Credit hours:


COURSE CONTENTS: Brief description to symmetry and the concept of lattice, Data collection techniques, Determination of unit cell constants by single crystal techniques. Symmetry determination, indexing, reflection intensity determination and its relationship with structure factor, data reduction and calculations of structure factors, Electron density, Patterson factor and solving structure examples and refinement of structure by least square method. Direct methods. RECOMMENDED BOOKS: i-

Solid State Chemistry (An Introduction) 2nd Edition Lasley Smart & Elaine Moore


Reaction And Characterization Of Solids Sandra E. Dann


Solid State Chemistry 1982 R. M.etselaar, H.J.M. Heijligers, J. Schoonman


Course Code:


Course Title:

Radiation Chemistry

Credit Hours:


COURSE CONTENTS: Constitution of nucleus: Nuclear Characteristics, Types of radiations, Physical properties of radiations, Nuclear stability, Nuclides chart, Decay schemes, Kinetics of radioactive decay. Measurement of radioactivity: Detectors used for the measurement of Activity, Geiger Muller Counter, Scintillation counter. Development of Radiation Chemistry. Introduction, radiation sources. Interaction of radiation with matter: Energy loss by gamma rays, energy loss by electrons, energy loss of other charged particles, Effect of LET, Dosimetry. Ions and electrons: Excited states. Radiolysis of gas, liquid and gas. Production and decay of excited state. Application of Radiation Chemistry: Application of radiation chemistry in sterilization, polymerization, nitrogen fixation, food preservation, analytical methods, medicines etc. RECOMMENDED BOOKS: iiiiiiivvvi-

Hughes G. “Radiation Chemistry” Oxford Series, UK (1973). Spinks J.W.T. and Woods R.J. “An introduction to Radiation Chemistry” Wiley Inter Sci. Pub, USA (1976). Aziz F. and Rodgers M.A.J., “Radiation Chemistry Principles and Application” Ed., VCH Publishers, Inc. (1987) Friedlander G. and Kennedy J.W. “Nuclear and Radiochemistry” 3rd ed., Wiley, New York (1981). Naqvi, I. I., “Radiochemistry”, University Grants Commission,1990. Harvey, B.G. “Nuclear Physics and Chemistry”, Prentice-Hall Inc., 1990.


SEMESTER II Course Code: Course Title:

CHEM-7206 Organic Polymer Chemistry

Credit hours:


COURSE CONTENTS: Introduction to Polymer Chemistry, Polymerization. Step growth and Addition polymerisation,





Molecular forces and Chemical bonding in polymers. Stereochemistry of polymers. Characterization of polymers. Polymer degradation and stability, types of degradation. Theories of polymer solutions. Polymer structure and mechanical properties. RECOMMENDED BOOKS: iiiiiiivv-

Introduction to Polymer Chemistry Charles E. Carraher Jr. Text Book Of Polymer Sciences Fred W. Billmeyer. Jr. Introductory Polymer Chemistry G. S. Mishra Text Book of Polymer S. Chand, M. S. Bhat Nagar Principles of Polymer Chemistry Paul J. Flory

Course Code: Course Title:

CHEM-7102 Principles Of Biochemical Processes

Credit hours:



Up Stream Processing a) Microorganisms of Industrial importance


b) Asceptic Techniques c) Isolation and Purification Maintenance of Microorganisms d) Fermentation and Fermentors e) Fermentation MediaFormulation and optimization f) Fermentation Kinetics g) Biotechnological productions



Solvents e.g. Ethanol, Acetone and Butanol etc.


Industrial Enzymes


Pharmaceutics e.g. Antibiotics and Harmones etc.


Organic acids and Amino acids





Down Stream Processing a) General Introduction to Protein Biochemistry Protein structure, charge, size, specific binding, solubility, membrane-bound proteins, cytoplasmic (soluble) proteins b) Purification Strategies Introduction to protein purification, General Guidelines for down stream processing, three-phase purification strategies c) Techniques in Bimolecular purification: Column Chromatographies & electrophoresis d) Protocol for cellular proteins Membrane






chromatographic separations, purity check, characterization techniques e) Advanced techniques FPLC-systems, Biosensors, Protein chip, Introduction of proteomics Microfiltration, ultrafiltration, diafiltration. RECOMMENDED BOOKS: 1.

Principles of Fermentation Technology


by Stanbury 2.

Fermentation Microbiology and Biotechnology by El-Mansi


Biochemistry (Mosby International Edition) by James M Orten and Otto W. Neuhah


Fundamentals of Biochemistry By Donald Voet and Judith G. Voet


Modern Protein Chemistry: Practical Aspect By Gary C Howard and William E.


Biochemistry by Albert L. Lehninger


Advances In Protein Chemistry By Christian Anfinsen, John Edsall, Frederic Richards and David Eisenberg,

Course Code: Course Title:

CHEM-7209 Nano Chemistry

Credit hours:


COURSE CONTENTS: Nanotechnology, nanomaterials, mesoporous, microporous and macroporous materials. Nanoscale, Nanometer, Nanoparticles, Nanotubes, Thin films, Nanocomposites, Nanostructured bulk materials. Synthesis of nanoparticles, mesoporous materials and composites (Bottom Up and Top Down Production). Synthesis by anodization, hydrothermal, convention heating, deposition-precipiation methods. Characterization of nanomaterials by X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), Brunauer, Emmett and Teller (BET) adsorption method, Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA), Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS), Ultraviolet-Visible Spectroscopy (UV-Vis) and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy etc.


Importance of nanotechnology with special reference to environmental pollution, gas sensors, solar cells, catalysis. RECOMMENDED BOOKS: iiiiiiiv-

G.B. Sergeev, “Nanochemistry” Elsevier, The Netherlands (2006) Augus I Kirkland and John L Hutchison “Nanocharacterisation” The Royal Society of Chemistry, UK (2007). R.E. Hester and R.M. Harrison,“Nanotechnology: Consequences for Human Health and the Environment” The Royal Society of Chemistry, UK (2007) Hideo Hosono, Kenneth MacKenzie, Yoshinao Mishima, Hideo Takezoe, “ Nanomaterials” Elsevier Science Ltd, (2006

Course Code: Course Title:

CHEM-7204 Environmental Chemistry

Credit hours:



COMMONALITEIS IN ENVIRONMENT The nature and composition of human environment, Relationship between

environment, development and population. Elements of Environmental Management and Regulatory System in Pakistan (NEQS. Institutional Pollution Charge). Introduction to Agenda-21, ISO 14000 Sustainable Development. Cleaner Production, 5Rs Concept, Environmental Impact Assessment, Climate change, Ozone depletion, Acid rain and Acid precipitation. (B).

WATER POLLUTION Sources of water pollution (industrial, sewage and agriculture), point and non-

point source pollution, , Important parameters of water pollution monitoring, Wastewater treatment practices in Pakistan. (C). ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY: The nature and composition of the atmosphere. The oxides of carbon, sulphur and nitrogen in the atmosphere. Particulate matter and minor inorganic pollutants in the atmosphere, atmospheric monitoring and chemical toxicology. RECOMMENDED BOOKS: 9

1-Environmental Chemistry by Anil Kumar Volume-VI 2-Textbook of environmental chemistry by M., Mehra, O.D Tyagi 3-Principles of environmental chemistry by Geetha, Swanminathan, H Kothandaraman 4-Environmental chemistry by Ian Williams 5-An introduction to environmental chemistry by J.E. Andrews, P Brimblecombe, T.D. Jickells 6-Environmental chemistry by Stanley E. Manahan 7-Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry by Daniel J Jacob 8- Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, From Air Pollution to Climate Change Second Edition


Course Code: Course Title:

CHEM-7210 Instrumental Analysis (A practical Course)

Credit hours:


COURSE CONTENTS: 1. Crystal structure determination of Organic and Inorganic compounds by Single Crystal Diffraction Technique 2.

Quantitative determination of C,H,N and S in a given sample by using Elemental Analyzer

3. Estimation of metals by using Atomic absorption spectrophotometry 4. Extraction of oil from the pericarp of some citrus fruits/Fennel and their GC-MS analysis 5. Assay of drugs by using

High Performance Liquid

Chromatography 6. Purifications of serum proteins by Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography 7. Purity determination of active pharmaceuticals drugs by spectrophotometry RECOMMENDED BOOKS: 1) Crystal Structure determination By Werner Massa 2) An introduction to X-Ray Crystallography By Michael M Woolfson 3) Analytical Chemistry By Gary D. Christan 4) Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry By Douglas A Skoog

Course Title:

Gene Technology 11

Course Code:

Chem 7211

Crédit Horus :


COURSE CONTENTS: DNA finger printing: DNA profiling process, RFLP Analysis, PCR Analysis, DNA family relationship analysis, Y-chromosome analysis, mitochondrial analysis, DNA database, evidences of genetic relationship. Gene mapping: physical mapping, disease association, genome mapping, quantitative trait locus. DNA sequencing: Maxam– Gilbert sequencing, chain termination methods, dye terminator sequencing, challenges, automotion and sample preparation, Large-scale sequencing strategies, new sequencing methods, in vitro clonal amplification, parallelized sequencing, sequencing by ligation, microfluidic sanger sequencing, major landmarks in DNA sequencing. Molecular cloning: recombinase-based cloning, restriction/ligation cloning, isolation of insert, transformation, transfection, genetic engineering, gene therapy, cloning cells and animals.Gene chip technology: principle, uses and types, fabrication, spotted vs. in situ synthesized arrays, two-channel vs. one-channel detection, microarrays and bioinformatics, experimental design, standardization, statistical analysis, relation between probe and gene mutagenesis. RECOMMENDED BOOKS: Principles Of Fermentation Technology by Stanbury Fermentation Microbiology and Biotechnology by El-Mansi Biochemistry (Mosby International Edition) by James M Orten and Otto W. Neuhah Fundamentals of Biochemistry By Donald Voet and Judith G. Voet Modern Protein Chemistry: Practical Aspect By Gary C Howard and William E. Biochemistry by Albert L. Lehninger Advances In Protein Chemistry By Christian Anfinsen, John Edsall, Frederic Richards and David Eisenberg,

Course Code:

CHEM-7207 12

Course Title: Credit hours:

Biosynthesis of Natural Products 03

COURSE CONTENTS: General Classification of Natural Products. Polyketide, Mevalonate and Shikimate metabolic pathways.

Biosynthesis of fatty acids, prostaglandins, polyacetylenes, polyketide aromatic compounds, biosynthesis of terpenes and steroids, compounds derived from shikimic acid, biosynthesis of alkaloids from amino acids; biosynthesis of other amino-acid derived compounds (e.g. penicillin), biosynthesis of commercially important natural products (antibiotics, perfumery products, alkaloids, etc). RECOMMENDED BOOKS: 1. Sujata V. Bhat, Bhimson A. Nagasampagi, Meenakshi Sivakumar; Chemistry of Natural Products, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, (2005). 2. I. L. Finar; Organic Chemistry, Vol. 2: Stereochemistry and the Chemistry of Natural Products, Fifth Edition, Dorling Kindersley, Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, (2008). 3. Charles R. Craig, Robert E. Stitzel, Modern Pharmacology with Clinical Application, 5th Edition, Morgantown, (2005). 4. J. Mann, Secondary Metabolism, 2nd Edition, Oxford University Press, New Yark, (1987). 5. Andrew Pengelly, The Constituents of Medicinal Plants, An Introdction to the Chemistry and Therapeutics of Herbal Medicine, 2nd Edition, CABI Publishing, USA, (2004). 6. James R Hanson, Chemistry and Medicines, An Introductory Text, RSC Publishing, UK, (2006).

Course Code: Course Title:

CHEM-7212 Advanced Chemical Kinetics

Credit hours:


Course Outlines:


Theories of electron transfer reactions. Enzyme Kinetics, Rate Order, Mechanistic aspects of Kinetics.

Advanced application of Kinetics, Electron transfer processes,

Kinetics of electron transfer reactions. Marcus theory of Electron transfer, Derivation of Marcus theory,

Frontier Molecular Orbital Theory in electron transfer reactions,

Temperature effect, pressure effects and the volume of activation on the rate of reaction. Transition state theory and its applications, solvent effects, salt effects, kinetic isotope effects. Composite rate constants mechanism, Enzymatic processes involving electron transfer and their kinetics Reference Books for Chemical Kinetics i-



Kenneth Sauer, James Z. Wang, Physical Chemistry: Principles and Applications in Biological Sciences. 4th Edition. 2001. Prentice Hall. New York. Ira N. Levine. Physical Chemistry. 5th Edition. McGraw Hill. 2001. New York. Atkins, Peter W. Physical Chemistry. Vol 1 & 2. 9th Edition. 2010. W. H. Freeman. New York Horia Metiu. Physical Chemistry – Kinetics. 2006. Taylor & Francis. UK Paul F. Cook and W.W. Cleland. Enzyme Kinetics and Mechanism. 2007. Garland Science. New York James House Principles of Chemical Kinetics. 2nd Edition. 2007. Elsevir. The Netherlands