credo savings & agrarian reform cooperative

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reflecting the real aspirations and needs of ARBs as well as use business or enterprise related ..... 3.200 GNU Cash Accounting System Software. ICTS.
CREDO SAVINGS & AGRARIAN REFORM COOPERATIVE The Social Enterprise Arm of Cagayan Valley Center for Rural Development Empowerment (CREDO), Inc.

CDA Reg.No.9520-02012612 email: [email protected]  (+63.78) 844.3193 #3 Magga st. Brgy. Tanza, Tuguegarao City 3500 Cagayan

INDICATIVE WORK AND FINANCIAL PLAN FOR PROVIDING BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT SERVICES FOR THE ARCCESS SUB-PROJECTS IN THE PROVINCE OF QUEZON Norberto G. Rillera, DVM, MABE Background Information The Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) and the Provincial Government of Quezon (PGQ) are implementing the Agrarian Reform Community Connectivity and Economic Support Services (ARCCESS). The goal of ARCCESS Project is to diversify and increase incomes of participating small farmers (ARBs/ non-ARBs) from crop production and the processing thereof. To attain this, the DAR obtained budget allocations for the procurement and deployment of Business Development Service (BDS) Providers and Common Service Facilities as grant to qualified Agrarian Reform Beneficiary Organizations (ARBOs). Further, in support to these interventions, the DAR also established with the Department of Agriculture (DA) and Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) the Agrarian Production Credit Program and with the DA and Philippine Crop Insurance Corporation (PCIC) the Crop Insurance Subsidy Fund for ARBs. Among the services needed by the Agrarian Reform Community Connectivity and Economic Support Services (ARCCESS) Project is the training of Community-Based Enterprise Officers (CBEOs) who will be embedded in the Agrarian Reform Beneficiary Organizations (ARBOs). The CBEOs trainees need to develop and refine their existing capabilities with what may be learned from others so as to confidently perform two important functions or roles that they may not have done before: 1. Community Organizer (CO) – that is, able to mobilize Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries (ARBs) using community organizing processes of action-reflection-action to obtain ownership, commitment and dedication to the activity or project at hand; and 2. Enterprise Mentor (EM) – that is, able to validate the ARCCESS-supported ARBO enterprise reflecting the real aspirations and needs of ARBs as well as use business or enterprise related knowledge, skills and competencies to ensure the business development and sustainability of rural enterprises. 1 In view of the counterpart funds provided by the Province Government of Quezon, the production of corn, honey and vegetable as well as fish processing, broom making and coco-charcoal making were added to the to the rice, coconut and coffee sub-projects identified by the DAR for 2012. The intention is diversify and fill the in-between harvest gaps in the household income of 6193 farmer-members of 35 Lead and Assisted ARBOs. Based on these approved sub-projects, the DAR and the PGQ shall procure the services of Business Development Service (BDS) Provider(s) to be financed out of the ARCCESS funds downloaded by DAR to the Provincial Government of Quezon for an amount not exceeding the Twenty-Five Million Pesos (Php 25,000,000.00) approved budget ceiling (ABC) for the following tasks: 1. Provide capacity development to CBEOs and ARBOs; 2. Installation of Financial Management System (record keeping/ bookkeeping and others) in the computer(s) provided by every enterprise; 1

From the description of the two roles, the CBEOs need to learn how to dialogue with the ARBs so that they can perceive [learning], critically analyze [evaluating], define alternative course of actions [planning] (as subjects) upon such elements of social, economic and political contradictions (as objects) that limit or prevents the realization of their real aspirations and needs (as predicates). and contentControl/documentControl/13257_Take%20Part%20Learning%20Framework%20May%202011.pdf

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3. Provide Area Supervisors who shall monitor and assist CBEOs, where necessary, in helping in the planning and management of ARBO business enterprises; 4. Enhance the delivery of customized support services to ARBs and their organizations as well as facilitate delivery of other support services (e.g. agri-extension, credit, marketing); 5. Coordinate with the Provincial Government of Quezon as to the timing of the procurement of farming and/or processing machineries and equipment based on the need and readiness of the ARBO business units; 6. Prepare and submit monthly reports on the results of the work of its Area Supervisors with CBEOs and ARBOs including completed activities, achievements (outputs) and outcomes; and 7. Conducted CBEO work plan and ARBO business plan performance monitoring and evaluation; and 8. Completed ARCCESS sub-project assessment and reports City/ Municipality Burdeos Jomalig Panukulan Polillo General Nakar Real Pagbilao Candelaria Dolores Sariaya Tiaong General Luna Macalelon Pitogo Agdangan Padre Burgos Catanauan Buenavista Mulanay San Andres San Francisco San Narciso Alabat Calauag Guinayangan Gumaca Lopez

ZIP Code


4340 4342 4337 4339 4338 4335 4302 4323 4326 4322 4325 4310 4309 4308 4304 4303 4311 4320 4312 4314 4315 4313 4333 4318 4319 4307 4316

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4

No. of Barangays 14 5 12 20 19 17 27 25 16 43 31 27 30 39 12 22 46 37 28 7 16 24 19 90 55 59 95

Area (km²) 199.80 56.70 226.60 253.00 1344.80 563.90 171.00 129.10 62.60 212.20 168.40 101.00 120.45 73.40 31.50 69.10 253.10 161.40 420.00 61.00 304.00 263.60 57.60 324.70 214.10 189.70 355.40

Population (2007) 23,568 6,111 11,968 27,912 24,895 33,073 62,561 105,997 26,312 128,248 87,707 23,379 25,986 21,095 11,164 19,877 65,705 24,798 48,538 29,216 53,286 39,828 14,789 69,475 39,074 63,778 86,660

Pop. Density 118 108 53 110 19 59 366 821 420 604 521 231 216 287 354 288 260 154 116 479 175 151 257 214 183 336 244

SubAPMs Projects 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 11 1 2 2 1 2 1 5 2 6 6 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 1

The implementation by the BDS Provider of the project shall be in accordance with pertinent provisions of the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Government Procurement Reform Act (R.A. No. 9184) with due attention to economy and efficiency. The mode of payment shall consider the COA Circular No. 96-003 dated 27 February 1996 unless specified in the contract in the case of procurement of services from NGOs. Specifically, the first release shall cover two (2) months operation but not to exceed 30% of the total project cost per the approved full work plan and budget. The release of the remaining balance shall be within 30 days from submission of monthly progress billing with copy of payrolls, invoices and other supporting documents to the Provincial Government of Quezon together with accomplishment reports per specific milestones in the full work plan and budget as evidenced by pictures of the accomplishments and certification by the Provincial Government, DAR Provincial Office and ARBOs concerned. ARCCESS Quezon BDS Indicative Work and Financial Plan

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Approach The initial role of the BDS provider is to build the capacity of select members of ARBOs in terms of their knowledge, skill(s) and attitude on community and agribusiness enterprise development. These select members shall be deployed as Community-Based Enterprise Organizers (CBEOs). Overall, it is important for the BDS Provider and CBEOs to guide the members of assisted ARBOs to have a clear vision of their communities, organization and enterprise project in relation to the bigger picture of social change so that they will have a clear development agenda consistent with their personal and collective competencies (i.e., sociopsychological profile) as basis for planning, implementing and monitoring of agri-enterprise activities. To attain the vision of the ARBOs, the officers and core management staff of the ARBOs also need to attain functional competencies to perform the following: 1. Preparing simple business plans 2. Formulating effective marketing strategies 3. Income-expenditure analysis 4. Financial analysis and management 5. Fund sourcing The BDS Provider shall mentor CBEOs and the Lead ARBOs in preparing their respective Business Plans for the Agri-enterprise arrangements with neighbouring ARBOs in relation to the utilization of and/or supply to CSF that shall be submitted within thirty (30) calendar days from receipt thereof. Provided, however, if the CSF has already been delivered prior to the training of the CBEO and/or of the ARBO personnel tasked to manage and operate such, the BDS Provider and CBEOs concerned shall review the outcome of the implementation of the Business Plan earlier submitted and to recommend, as necessary, and oversee implementation of approved amendments thereto. The business plan shall cover five years operation from date of installation or commissioning. The monitoring of the ARBO business operations by DAR and the PLGU shall continue even after the contract period. After the classroom-based training and field immersion, the BDS Provider shall coach the CBEOs and management staff of the ARBOs in keeping and maintaining operations and financial management records, supply details and all other records pertinent to the governance of the ARBOs and utilization of resources obtained under or via the ARCCESS grant for a period of three (3) years from the date of execution of this Agreement. These records shall be made readily available to the DAR and the PLGU. The Lead ARBO-Beneficiary, with the assistance of the BDS Provider, shall submit an Annual Report to the DAR and the PLGU on the use of the GRANT and resources generated there from. The Annual Report shall contain the following: 1. Number of Marketing and Service Agreements;

2. Volume of Production and Income of the ARBO member-benficiaries; 3. Financial capital, credit or grants accessed by the Lead ARBO-Beneficiary; 4. Financial Statement of the Agri-Enterprise and the CSF; and 5. Collaboration with Local Government Units and other stakeholders. In addition, the BDS Provider shall validate and certify the monthly Financial Statement that shall be submitted by the Lead ARBO-Beneficiary to the DAR and PLGU for monitoring purposes.

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Design Parameters and Specifications Selection of CBEO Trainees. Given the above tasks expected of CBEOs in empowering ARBs and ARB household members, a model was sought and found in the Self‐Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) Steps in Organizing and Institution Building ( SEWA.pdf). The CBEOs sought to be trained by DAR may be, more or less, the equivalent of SEWA’s grass‐root leader, called “aagewaan”, who are selected based on the following criteria: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Ready to travel to the District Office (et cetera) 2 Fair and just Ready to sacrifice (for) her/his work, give time, spend money 3 Bold, understanding Good if she is slightly educated 4 Able to speak up in front of any guest or official.

On the basis of these criteria, the ARBOs of the Provinces of Quezon shall select at one (1) person having all or some of these qualities to be their CBEO. However, it is felt that such person alone will not be able to do all the tasks, three to five (3 – 5) members, depending on the size of the ARBO, shall also be trained to handle and manage the operations of the ARCCESS common service facilities and ARB crop production clusters, marketing, finance and administration. As with the “aagewaan”, the CBEO has a major responsibility for the institutional building process facilitating members’ participation, addressing interests and concerns, and leaving choices open. Change implies uncertainty, which is a strong factor for resistance. By providing clear information about the direction followed, the CBEO as grass‐root leader or community organizer reduces uncertainty within the groups. The CBEO therefore acts as a change agent by: 1. creating a common vision in (and among) the Lead and Cluster ARBOs 2. mobilizing members of ARBOs to support each other 3. allowing time to adapt (and respond) to the change The CBEOs are also expected by the ARBOs concerned to train their grass‐roots members in technical, managerial and leadership skills through periodic cooperative ownership and membership education seminar-workshops. Thus, similar to that of the Standard Training Curriculum for Cooperative Officers issued by the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA), the training and guidance of the “aagewaan” by SEWA are predicated on the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

group formation; group governance; decision making procedures, leadership structure and leadership; record keeping; accountability and transparent management; and


The training and post-training deployment of CBEOs will require travel to ARBO offices and facilities as well as crop production areas may mean separation from their respective families for periods of time. It is anticipated that the CBEOs trained in this activity, together with the DAR personnel who shall participate in the training as observers, shall re-echo said classroom-based training and field immersion initially in the ARBOs of their respective provinces or regions then replicate themselves by participating in the training of CBEOs in other provinces or regions.


This is related to the readiness or willing of the CBEOs to travel wherein they have to spend money for travel to and from venues, food and accommodation. Without allocation and disbursement by the ARBOs concerned of stipends for the CBEOs to include subsistence for their respective families, their readiness to give time and sacrifice for their work away from their families shall be constrained.


This is criterion is expected to be a major issue in the selection of CBEO candidates. It has been noticed that college degrees may provide formal recognition of the knowledge and skills but not the work experience nor attitude in the application thereof whereas relevant and useful competencies based on the knowledge, skills and attitude obtained by many ARBs through non-formal learning experiences have no educational equivalency certification by which to qualify them as CBEO Candidates other than DepEd Equivalency Examination and TESDA Competency Assessment.

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7. negotiation and conflict management. In view of these, the nominees of the ARBOs for CBEO Training shall take a sociopsychometric test prior to the face-to-face training to serve as one basis in matching job tasks and team assignment per their inherent personal competencies. Focus of Training. At three (3) participants per ARBO, the training of 105 CBEOs and ARBO core management staff shall give emphasis on enterprise management while technical skills on production and operations management shall be provided to common service facility tractor and plant operators. The enterprise management skills specified In the sub-project documents, were categorized per the CDA Standard Training Curriculum and which was matched with the competencies indicated in TESDA Training Regulations: Strategic Planning Market Analysis and Marketing Strategies Enterprise & Business Management (Microfinance NC-IV) Specialized Communication Skills (500311115) Information Gathering & Analysis (500311118) Plan and Organize Work (500311119) Develop Teams and Individuals (500311116) Financial Management (Microfinance NC-II) Financing and Loan Collection

Marketing and Sales Market Matching and Linkaging Product Design and Labelling Inventory System and Internal Control (Customer Services NC-II) Handling and Management of Buying Station Basic Computer System Perform computer operations (HCS311201) Enhancing Marketing Skills in the Digital World

Basic Accounting for Non-Accountants (Bookkeeping NC-III) Bookkeeping

Parliamentary Procedure and Conflict Management Lead workplace communication (500311109) Lead small teams (500311110) Develop and practice negotiation skills (500311111) Solve problems related to work activities (500311112)

Audit Management

Records Management

As for the technical training of common service facility operators and farmer-members, these are not covered by the CDA Standard Training Curriculum but are the subject of applicable TESDA Training Regulations. In addition to the 177 CBEO and ARBO core management staff, 487 additional participants from the different ARBOs shall be trained on the following: Production and Operations Management Diversified Integrated Farming System (Agricultural Crop Production NC-I and NC-III) Integrated Pest Management (Vegetable Pest Management NC-II) Farm and Postharvest Machinery Operations (Rice Machinery Operations II) After their training the 177 CBEO and ARBO management staff shall be responsible for the conduct of Cooperative Ownership and Membership Education Seminar-Workshops for the 6193 ARBO members while those 477 trained on production and operation shall divided into two groups which shall handle each the agricultural extension and operation of common service facilities. Methodology The enterprise management training of CBEOs and ARBO core management staff will be carried out through two modalities – classroom-based training and field immersion (internship) – with the design of course content and delivery oriented towards situational humanistic learning as shall be characterized by the following:

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1. Process. Learner interacts or observes in a social context while moving from the periphery to the center of a community of practice so he or she can act to help overcome constraints or create opportunities to fulfil potentials in satisfying needs to realize aspirations. 2. Locus. Affective and cognitive learning is in relationship with the needs and abilities of people in adapting and responding to their environment. 3. Purpose. Self-actualization through full participation in autonomous communities of practice in the equitable distribution and productive utilization of resources. 4. Role. Trainors and mentors facilitate development of the trainee as whole person enabling him or her to work, through reflective conversation and practical participation, for the establishment or improvement of communities of practices. 5. Manifestation. Preponderance of trainee to engage in associative conversation followed by self-directed learning for productive social participation. The classroom-based competency training design prepared by CREDO Co-op to be delivered with the CDA-accredited Pool of Trainors seconded by DAR as counterpart personnel shall use methods such as, but not limited, to: • •

Lecturettes and Discussions Break-Out Group Work Sessions o Brainstorming and Mind Mapping o Case Study and Workshops o Group Dynamics and Simulations Written and Practical Examinations

On Internship, the boot camp approach in coaching by CREDO trainer-facilitators and mentoring by DAR and PLQ Office of the Provincial Agriculturist (OPA) counterpart personnel shall be employed not only to assess but also to strengthen the knowledge and skills acquired from the classroom-based trainings. Teams of CBEO interns with DAR and PLQ-OPA observers (as resource persons) shall be formed and deployed according to the complementation of their competency skills set, strengths and needs for the continued development of their functional expertise and interpersonal skills. Moreover, rotation of the immersion deployment sites and/or balancing of team composition may be carried out based on the assessment and recommendation of the Project Monitor assigned to supervise the Training Facilitators whom shall, in turn, mentor and assess the CBEO Interns as a team and individually. This is intended to expose them to different situations and client needs in the field thus enabling them to obtain practical experience and lessons learned that they shall constructively use to address problems, issues and concerns in their respective regions or provinces after their training and deployment as Community-Based Enterprise Organizers. Given the effort and resources to be utilized in the classroom-based training and field immersion mentoring of the CBEOs in a period of 12 months to prepare them for their twin roles as community organizers and enterprise mentors, it is inevitable that engagement mentoring, better referred to as coaching, shall be utilized. In informal or “natural” mentoring, the mentor is like a sounding board who gives advice without any specific performance objective that the learner is free to pick and choose what they actually do. In formal “engagement” mentoring, the coach is tasked to give advice on how to get some end result effectively and efficiently and to strategically monitor and assess and his or her progress against some target whether or not the learner choose to follow the advice or not. Given that the major theme of the face-to-face training and mentoring is to develop skill sets for the tasks, challenges and performance expectations of CBEOs back at their place of work, it is likely that some return on investment shall be demanded by the DAR and PLQ for the budgetary outlay for the conduct of the training and by the ARBOs for the personal and family stipends they may disburse for their respective trainees. In which case, the CBEO trainees concerned are morally if not contractually

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obliged not to just attend the training but to exert initiatives and efforts to maximize their learning there from with dropping out or disciplinary removal from the training subject to refund of stipends and training expenses. In fairness to the enterprise management trainees (EMTs) who actively participated in the training and immersion but did not measure up to the individual competency rating as shall be asked to be set by the DAR and PLQ, culling out shall be based on the outcome of their respective post-evaluation assessment conducted at the end of each stage of the training. Moreover, although Certificates of Completion to the EMTs who satisfactorily completed classroom-based training and field immersion, Certificates of Recognition of Competency shall also be awarded to 35 community-based and ARBO-based EMTs per assessment by ARBO-based management staff, production technology and market linkage counterparts. The criteria and scoring as shall be agreed upon with the DAR and PLQ. Budgetary Allocation and Outlay The approved budget ceiling for the Provision of Business Development Services for the ARCCESS SubProjects in the Province of Quezon is Twenty-three Million Pesos, Philippine Currency (Php 23,000,000). The proposed allocation of this amount is presented in Annex A: ARCCESS Quezon Budget hereof. Initial Budgetary Outlay As per COA Circular No. 96-003 dated 27 February 1996, the first release shall cover two (2) months operation but not to exceed 30% of the Php 23,000,000 total project cost. At least Php 1,916,667 shall be allocated for start-up personnel and operation expenses, which is exclusive of the outlay for the rental and furnishing of a multi-purpose project management office, for a total not exceeding Php 3,450,000 (i.e., 15% of the approved budget). Specifically, disbursements of the initial outlay shall be for pre-mobilization activities under Key Task 1.0 such as but not limited to sub-project launching during the General Assembly of the ARBOs to include gathering of member baseline data using the Cooperative Views Questionnaire (CVQ) as well as trainee and staff selection using the SocioPsychological Questionnaire (SPQ). The information gathered from the responses to the CVQ and SPQ will be used in the planning, programming, and budgeting (PPB) with the Technical Working Group of the activities under Key Tasks 2.0 through 6.0. The PPB shall serve as reference in the succeeding monthly fund releases. As for the project management office, the initial deposit and advance for the rental and furnishing of a two-story residential unit in Lucena City near the national highway for easy accessibility by ARBO personnel and members. The ground floor will be utilized for office work and the conduct of the training of at most 30 participants per session with the second floor utilized as staff and guest quarters. It shall also be used for the installation of PLDT landline and internet connection as well as electric and water utilities. Honoraria of Counterpart Government Personnel Per Section 2.2 of COA Circular No. 2012-001 date 14 June 2012, no portion of the funds granted to the NGO/PO shall be used for payment of salaries, honoraria or any form of allowances of the personnel of the GO or the NGO/PO who are not connected to the project and subject to Section 5.7.5 of the same circular. Specifically, the honoraria of government officials and employees received from all special projects as project counterpart personnel shall not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the annual basic salary and subject to submission of documentary requirement prior to allocation and disbursement of funds.

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Table of Organization and Key Result Areas Project Director ARCCESS TWG Records Manager Bookkeeper ARBO Bookkeepers

IT Officer

Head Executive Assistant Admin Manager

Operations Manager Comm. Officer

ARBO Computer Operators

Area Supervisor (Quezon 1)

Area Supervisor (Quezon 2)

Cluster Monitor Reina

Cluster Monitor BonPen North

Cluster Monitor Islands

Cluster Monitor Railway

Cluster Monitor Sariaya Rice

Cluster Monitor BonPen Coco

Cluster Monitor Sariaya HVC

Cluster Monitor BonPen Corn

Admin Support Supervisor HR Officer

Finance and Insurance Supervisor

Training & Events Supervisor

Logistics Officer

Finance Officer

Training Officer


Rist Mgt Officer

Event Officer


Given the 6173+ members of the 35 ARBOs, the approach starts with the Trainors' Training of three (3) core management staff per ARBO of which one (1) shall be designated as CBEO with the other two (2) as ARBO Project Management Team members. The CBEOs shall be organized as a pool of trainorfacilitators on per district basis, on the principle of cooperation among cooperatives, for the re-echo of classroom-based training and immersion. The other two (2) shall be their respective in-ARBO counterparts of the CBEO. They shall also be the counterparts of the DARPO Pool of Trainors in the conduct of market-oriented business planning and organizational capacity building through Continuing Ownership and Member Education and Training on Operations and Planning (OPLAN COMET). COMET is intended to be a step forward the current practice of Pre-Membership Education Seminar and nothing follows thereafter. Of the three (3) production staff per ARBO, one (1) shall be designated as Extension Coordinator for the pool of trainor-facilitators organized on per district basis for the conduct of Farmer Farm Schools in cooperation with PLQ-OPA counterpart personnel. The rest shall serve as ARBO Extension Technicians who shall serve members in coordination with LGU-MAO counterpart personnel. The latter is based on the lesson learned by CREDO in working directly and closely with DA Regional Office and in effect "bypassing" the MAOs. Of the CSF field and plant operators in a given district, one shall be designated as CSF Field Machineries Coordinator and another as CSF Plant Machineries Coordinator. Digitally signed by Norberto G Rillera DN: cn=Norberto G Rillera, o=CREDO Savings and Agrarian Reform Cooperative, ou=Market Intelligence and Corporate Affairs, [email protected], c=PH Date: 2013.02.22 10:05:22 +08'00'

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CODE 1.000 1.100 1.110 1.120 1.121 1.122 1.123 2.000 2.100 2.110 2.120 2.121 2.122 2.123 2.124 2.200 2.210 2.220 2.230 2.240 2.250 2.260 2.270 2.271 2.272 2.273 3.000 3.100 3.200 4.000 4.100 4.200 4.210 4.220 4.230 4.300 4.310 4.320 4.330

KEY TASKS Coordinate with the Scheduling of Key Tasks with the Provincial Government of Quezon and DARPOs Timing of turn-over of CSF machineries and equipment Need and readiness of the ARBO farmer-members Need and readiness of the ARBO business units Management support staff Agri-extension workers CSF operators Provide capacity development to CBEOs and ARBOs Creating a common vision in (and among) the Lead and Cluster ARBOs Group formation Group governance Decision making procedures Leadership structure and leadership Accountability and transparent management Negotiation and conflict management Preparing and implementing simple ARBO business plans Formulating effective marketing strategies Production technology and operations management Financial analysis and management Fund sourcing Record keeping Income-expenditure (audit) and analysis Allowing time to adapt (and respond) to the change Training of and FFS re-echo by agri-extension BFTs Training and deployment of CSF tractor operators Training and deployment of CSF plant operators Installation of Management Information System Member Activity Reporting System Software GNU Cash Accounting System Software Provide Area Supervisors to monitor and mentor in: Planning and management of ARBO enterprises; Enhancing delivery of customized ARB support services Agri-extension Marketing Credit and Insurance CBEO work plan and ARBO business plan performance; Number of Marketing and Service Agreements Volume of Production and Income of the ARBO members Financial capital, credit or grants accessed by the Lead ARBO

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CODE 4.340 4.350 5.000 5.100 5.200 5.300 5.400 5.500 5.286 6.000 6.100 6.110 6.120

KEY TASKS Financial Statement of the Agri-Enterprise and the CSF Collaboration with LGUs and other stakeholders. Mobilizing members of ARBOs to support each other Preparation and submission farm plan and budget Consolidation of FPBs to ABU work and financial plan Receipt and distribution of farm inputs per contract Monitoring and troubleshooting of farm production Collection and postharvest processing of farm produce Delivery of produce and settlement of production loans Submit periodic ARCCESS sub-project reports Evaluate and submit accomplish monthly reports Achievements (outputs) and outcomes per CBEO targets Achievements (outputs) and outcomes per ARBO targets

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Annex A:

BUDGET ALLOCATION: BDS for ARCCESS Quezon Sub-Projects Community-Based Enterprise Management Training Community-Based Enterprise Management Trainors' Training Enterprise Management Training Re-echo and Immersion Production Technology Trainors' Training Agronomic Crop Production Horticultural Crop Production Honey Beekeeping and Processing Fish Processing and Packaging Farm Machineries Operation Production Technology Demo and FFS Agronomic Crop Production Horticultural Crop Production Honey Beekeeping and Processing Fish Processing and Packaging Farm Machineries Operation Personnel Salaries and MOOE Market Research and Linkaging Expense TOTAL BUDGET FOR BDS FOR ARCCESS QUEZON SUBPROJECTS

8,496,960 5,449,500 3,047,460 2,275,200 869,400 572,400 264,600 28,800 540,000 4,949,840 1,891,434 1,245,292 575,654 62,656 1,174,804 5,750,000 1,150,000 22,622,000

Community-Based Enterprise Management Trainors' Training Cooperative Governance and Management Parliamentary Procedure and Conflict Management Strategic Planning Enterpreneurship & Business Management (Microfinance NC-IV) Lead workplace communication (500311109) Lead small teams (500311110) Develop and practice negotiation skills (500311111) Solve problems related to work activities (500311112) Perform computer operations (HCS311201) Market Analysis and Marketing Strategies (Customer Services NC-II) Enhancing Marketing Skills in the Digital World Market Matching and Linkaging Product Design and Labelling Handling and Management of Buying Station Financial Management Financing and Loan Collection (Microfinance NC-II)) Basic Accounting for Non-Accountants (Bookkeeping NC-III) Records Management and Basic Computer System Intenal Control and Inventory System Audit Management Sub-Total: Enterprise Management Trainors' Training Re-echo and On-Site Hands-on Training of ARBO Staff Total Community-Based Enterprise Management Training

Hours 26 32 20 32 2 2 2 2 6 4 2 2 2 48 24 48 32 12 24 24

Agronomic Crop Production Certified Palay Seed Production Bayanihan sa Bagong Pag asa Dev't. Coop. Buklod ng Buhay AR MPC CASANDRO MPC VIVABIPAGASA Farmers Credit Coop Mechanized Farming for Rice Production ARB Small Owner Cultivators and Lesses of Panukulan Binahaan Farmers Credit Cooperative Polillo Banadero-Libjo ARC MPC Del Valle Multi-Purpose Cooperative Kinatihan 1 MPC Samahan ng mga Magsasaka sa Sitio Loob Tumbaga 1-Bucal Irrigators Association Umiray Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries MPC

Hours Days ARBOs Pax


[email protected]

Days ARBOs Pax Cost 3.25 35 3 1,200 4.00 35 3 1,200 2.50 35 3 1,200 4.00 35 3 1,200 0.25 35 3 1,200 0.25 35 3 1,200 0.25 35 3 1,200 0.25 35 3 1,200 0.75 35 3 1,200 0.50 35 3 1,200 0.25 35 3 1,200 0.25 35 3 1,200 0.25 35 3 1,200 6.00 35 3 1,200 3.00 35 3 1,200 6.00 35 3 1,200 4.00 35 3 1,200 1.50 35 3 1,200 3.00 35 3 1,200 3.00 35 3 1,200 105


Total 409,500 504,000 315,000 504,000 31,500 31,500 31,500 31,500 94,500 63,000 31,500 31,500 31,500 756,000 378,000 756,000 504,000 189,000 378,000 378,000 5,449,500 3,047,460 8,496,960 Total

92 92 92 92

11.5 11.5 11.5 11.5

1 1 1 1

3 3 3 3

1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200

41,400 41,400 41,400 41,400

92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92

11.5 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.5

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200

41,400 41,400 41,400 41,400 41,400 41,400 41,400 41,400

1 of 3

Annex A:

BUDGET ALLOCATION: BDS for ARCCESS Quezon Sub-Projects Agronomic Crop Production Bondoc Pen Corn Production and Trading BAGVILSAN Farmers & ARBs Organization Ilayang Yuni MPC Mabunga Farmers Association Nagkakaisang Nayon ASG Samahang Magsasaka ng Villa Reyes at Vigo Central Sto. Niño Farmers Association Talisay Farmers MPC Samahan ng Magsasakang Benepisyaryon ng Bangkuruhan Walis Tambo Production and Processing Bagong Silang ARB Organization Sub-Total: Agronomic Crop Production Trainors' Training Production Technology Demo and FFS Total Agronomic Crop Technology Training

Hours Days ARBOs Pax

Horticultural Crop Production Banana Production and Trading Samahan ng Magsasaka sa Karlagan Coffee Production and Development Project Kapatirang MSK MPC Kinatihan 1 MPC Pinagdanlayan MPC All Year-Round Vegetable Production thru Natural Farming Technology Agdangan AR Cooperative CASANDRO MPC Ilayang Yuni MPC Samahan ng Magsasaka ng Brgy. Anusan Samahan ng Magsasaka ng Sumilang Samahan ng Negosyanteng Magsasaka ng Buenavista Greenhouse and Drip Irrigation for Vegetable & Flower Production Golden Harvest Farmers Association Kapatirang MSK MPC Pinagbakuran MPC Sampaloc 2 Farmers & Waterworks Association Sub-Total: Horticultural Crop Production Trainors' Training Production Technology Demo and FFS Total Horticultural Crop Technology Training

Hours Days ARBOs Pax

Honey Beekeeping and Processing Concepcion 1 Maunlad na Niyugan MPC Kapatirang MSK MPC Pinagbakuran MPC Sampaloc 2 Farmers & Waterworks Association Danlagan ARBA Nagkakaisang Magsasaka ng Villa Pambuego Samahan ng Magsasakang Benepisyaryo ng San Isidro Ibaba Sub-Total: Honey Beekeeping and Processing Trainors' Training Production Technology Demo and FFS Total Honey Beekeeping and Processing Training

Hours 84 84 84 84 84 84 84

Fish Processing and Packaging Jomalig ARB Organization Sub-Total: Fish Processing and Packaging Trainors' Training Production Technology Demo and FFS Total Fish Processing and Packaging Training


[email protected]



92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92

11.5 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.5

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200

41,400 41,400 41,400 41,400 41,400 41,400 41,400 41,400




3 63


41,400 869,400 1,891,434 2,760,834









80 80 80

10 10 10

1 1 1

3 3 3

1,200 1,200 1,200

36,000 36,000 36,000

96 96 96 96 96 96

12 12 12 12 12 12

3 3 3 3 3 3

1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200

43,200 43,200 43,200 43,200 43,200 43,200

96 96 96 96

12 12 12 12

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

3 3 3 3 42

1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200

43,200 43,200 43,200 43,200 572,400 1,245,292 1,817,692

Days ARBOs Pax Cost 10.5 1 3 1,200 10.5 1 3 1,200 10.5 1 3 1,200 10.5 1 3 1,200 10.5 1 3 1,200 10.5 1 3 1,200 10.5 1 3 1,200 21

Total 37,800 37,800 37,800 37,800 37,800 37,800 37,800 264,600 575,654 840,254

Hours Days ARBOs Pax Cost 64 8 1 3 1,200

Total 28,800 28,800 62,656 91,456

2 of 3

Annex A:

BUDGET ALLOCATION: BDS for ARCCESS Quezon Sub-Projects Farm Machineries Operation Certified Palay Seed Production Bayanihan sa Bagong Pag asa Dev't. Coop. Buklod ng Buhay AR MPC CASANDRO MPC VIVABIPAGASA Farmers Credit Coop Mechanized Farming for Rice Production ARB Small Owner Cultivators and Lesses of Panukulan Binahaan Farmers Credit Cooperative Polillo Banadero-Libjo ARC MPC Del Valle Multi-Purpose Cooperative Kinatihan 1 MPC Samahan ng mga Magsasaka sa Sitio Loob Tumbaga 1-Bucal Irrigators Association Umiray Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries MPC Charcoal Production using Brick Kiln Technology Bayanihan sa Bagong Pag-asa Dev't. Coop Gintong Samahan ng Magsasaka Samahang Magbubukid ng Brgy. Anusan Samahang Magsasaka para sa Kaunlaran Samahang may Kinabukasan at Pag-asa ng Brgy. Milagrosa San Isidro ARBA Coco Coir Industry Development Project Samahang Magsasaka ng Nagkakaisa Para sa Kaunlaran Samahang Magsasakang Kaisa sa Paitan Tagbacan Ibaba Farmers Association Agdangan AR Cooperative Samahang Mag-iimpok ng Vergana VIVABIPAGASA Farmers Credit Coop Sub-Total: Farm Machineries Operation Trainor's Training Production Technology Demo and FFS Total Farm Machineries Operation Training


[email protected]

Hours Days ARBOs Pax



50 50 50 50

6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25

1 1 1 1

3 3 3 3

1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200

22,500 22,500 22,500 22,500

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200

22,500 22,500 22,500 22,500 22,500 22,500 22,500 22,500

50 50 50 50 50 50

6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25

1 1 1 1 1 1

3 3 3 3 3 3

1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200

22,500 22,500 22,500 22,500 22,500 22,500

50 50 50 50 50 50

6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25

1 1 1 1 1 1

3 3 3 3 3 3 72

1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200

22,500 22,500 22,500 22,500 22,500 22,500 540,000 1,174,804 1,714,804

3 of 3

Annex B: Projects per District per ARBO Crop Rice Tiger Grass Rice Fish Rice

Name of Project Mechanized Farming for Rice Production Walis Tambo Production and Processing Mechanized Farming for Rice Production Fish Processing and Packaging Mechanized Farming for Rice Production



ARBO ARB Small Owner Cultivators and Lesses of Panukulan Credit Cooperative






Bagong Silang ARB Organization




Binahaan Farmers Credit Cooperative







Jomalig ARB Organization Polillo Banadero-Libjo ARC MPC Samahan ng Magsasaka sa Karlagan Umiray Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries MPC Concepcion 1 Maunlad na Niyugan MPC




Banana Production and Trading




Mechanized Farming for Rice Production

General Nakar



Honeybee Keeping and Processing



San Antonio


Del Valle Multi-Purpose Cooperative




Golden Harvest Farmers Association






Kapatirang MSK MPC






Kinatihan 1 MPC






Pinagbakuran MPC






Pinagdanlayan MPC




Samahan ng mga Magsasaka sa Sitio Loob







Sampaloc 2 Farmers & Waterworks Association



Tumbaga 1-Bucal Irrigators Association




Agdangan AR Cooperative








BAGVILSAN Farmers & ARBs Organization


Bayanihan sa Bagong Pag-asa Dev't. Coop.


Buklod ng Buhay AR MPC


Rice HVC Coffee Honey HVC Rice Coffee Honey HVC Coffee Rice Honey HVC Rice HVC Coconut Coconut Corn

Mechanized Farming for Rice Production Greenhouse and Drip Irrigation for HVC Production Coffee Production and development Project Honeybee Keeping and Processing Greenhouse and Drip Irrigation for HVC Production Mechanized Farming for Rice Production Coffee Production and development Project Honeybee Keeping and Processing Greenhouse and Drip Irrigation for HVC Production Coffee Production and development Project Mechanized Farming for Rice Production Honeybee Keeping and Processing Greenhouse and Drip Irrigation for HVC Production Mechanized Farming for Rice Production All Year-Round Vegetable Production through NFT Coco Coir Industry Development Project Copra Trading Bondoc Pen Corn Production and Trading


Certified Palay Seed Production




Charcoal Production using Brick Kiln Technology




Certified Palay Seed Production



Projects per District per ARBO

92 370 51

Page 1 of 2

Annex B: Projects per District per ARBO Crop HVC Rice Coconut Corn HVC Corn Corn HVC Coconut HVC HVC Coconut Corn Coconut Coconut Coconut Coconut Coconut Corn Coconut Corn

Name of Project All Year-Round Vegetable Production through NFT Certified Palay Seed Production Charcoal Production using Brick Kiln Technology Bondoc Pen Corn Production and Trading All Year-Round Vegetable Production through NFT Bondoc Pen Corn Production and Trading Bondoc Pen Corn Production and Trading All Year-Round Vegetable Production through NFT Charcoal Production using Brick Kiln Technology All Year-Round Vegetable Production through NFT All Year-Round Vegetable Production through NFT Coco Coir Industry Development Project Bondoc Pen Corn Production and Trading Charcoal Production using Brick Kiln Technology Coco Coir Industry Development Project Charcoal Production using Brick Kiln Technology Copra Trading Charcoal Production using Brick Kiln Technology Bondoc Pen Corn Production and Trading Coco Coir Industry Development Project Bondoc Pen Corn Production and Trading













San Francisco


Gintong Samahan ng Magsasaka


Ilayang Yuni MPC



Mabunga Farmers Association


San Francisco


Nagkakaisang Nayon ASG







Samahan ng Magsasaka ng Brgy. Anusan

General Luna






San Narciso












San Isidro ARBA


San Francisco


Sto. Niño Farmers Association




Tagbacan Ibaba Farmers Association


San Andres


Talisay Farmers MPC


Danlagan ARBA


Honeybee Keeping and Processing

Padre Burgos



Honeybee Keeping and Processing




Honeybee Keeping and Processing

General Luna














Coconut Coconut

Bondoc Pen Corn Production and Trading Coco Coir Industry Development Project Copra Trading


Coco Coir Industry Development Project Copra Trading


Certified Palay Seed Production


Projects per District per ARBO






Samahan ng Magsasaka ng Sumilang Samahan ng Negosyanteng Magsasaka ng Buenavista Samahang Magsasaka ng Nagkakaisa Para sa Kaunlaran Samahang Magsasaka ng Villa Reyes at Vigo Central Samahang Magsasaka para sa Kaunlaran Samahang Magsasakang Kaisa sa Paitan Samahang may Kinabukasan at Pag-asa ng Brgy. Milagrosa Samahang Nagkakaisang Magsasaka ng Brgy. Bilucao

Nagkakaisang Magsasaka ng Villa Pambuego Samahan ng Magsasakang Benepisyaryo ng San Isidro Ibaba Samahan ng Magsasakang Benepisyaryon ng Bangkuruhan Samahang Mag-iimpok ng Vergana

57 53 60 60 30 30 79 28

47 57 28 13

Village Savings & Credit Association


VIVABIPAGASA Farmers Credit Coop


Page 2 of 2

ARBO: ___________________________________________ CVQ Reference No. _______________ Date: _______________ INSTRUCTIONS (TAGUBILIN) Write the number of choice on the space provided. Example: 2 if you disagree or 4 is you slightly agree. Isulat ang numero katapat ng napiling sagot sa puwang na ibinigay. Halimbawa: 2 kung hindi sang-ayon o 4 kung medyo sumang-ayon. Strongly Disagree 1 Lubos na ‘di Sang-ayon

Disagree 2 Hindi Sang-ayon

Slightly Disagree 3 Medyo Hindi Sang-ayon

Slightly Agree 4 Medyo Sang-ayon

Agree 5 Sang-ayon

Strongly Agree 6 Lubos na Sang-ayon

_____ 01. Hire only members or their close kin even if still lacking in skills. Ang tatanggapin lang sa trabaho ay mga miyembro o kanilang mga malapit na kamag-anak lamang kahit kulang pa sila sa kasanayan. _____ 02. It is for leaders to plan without asking the members who should do it without question. Nasa pamunuan ang pagbalangkas ng gawain kahit walang partisipasyon ang mga miyembro na siyang magpapatupad nito nang walang tanong. _____ 03. Interest per month that members pay for cash and/or farm inputs should be ____%. Ang buwanang interes na babayaran ng mga miyembro sa pautang na pera o farm input ay dapat _____% _____ 04. Members should sell all of their harvest to the group if it matches the buying price of traders. Dapat ibenta ng mga miyembro ang lahat ng kanila ani sa kooperatiba kung tinumbasan nito ang presyo ng mga mangangalakal. _____ 05. If there is no fare and food, attending meetings is a waste of time. Kung walang ibibigay na pamasahe at pagkain, ang pagdalo sa mga pulong ay aksaya lang ng oras. _____ 06. Cooperatives are mere sources of credit that members pay only when able. Ang mga kooperatiba ay utangan lamang ng mga miyembro na ang pagbayad ay kung kailan lang nila magagawa. _____ 07. Members agree to pay later for training on skills they need. Sang-ayon ang mga miyembro na magbayad pagkatapos ng pagsasanay para sa mga kakayanang kanilang kailangan. _____ 08. Members vote for relatives or friends even if they may not be competent. Bumoboto ang mga miyembro para sa mga kamag-anak at kaibigan kahit maaring wala silang kakayanan. _____ 09. Members who do not pay debt on time should be suspended and sued in court. Dapat masuspinde at mademanda ang mga miyembro na hindi nagbayad ng utang sa takdang oras. _____ 10. The farm inputs supplied by the group should be as per member choice or they get these from traders. Ang mga input pansakahan na ipapamahagi ng kooperatiba ay dapat ayon sa pinagpipilian ng mga miyembro kung hindi ay sa mga mangangalakal sila kukuha. _____ 11. Allow dual membership in groups doing the same business in the area. Payagan ang pagsapi ng mga miyembro sa mga pangkat sa iisang lugar na kapareho ang negosyo. _____ 13. Even those members who did not keep their promises should get new loans. Kahit ang mga kasaping hindi tumupad sa kanilang mga pangako ay dapat makakuha pa rin ng panibagong pautang. _____ 14. Members feel they are treated based more on years in school than level of skills. Ang pakiramdam ng mga miyembro sa pagturing sa kanila ay mas batay sa haba ng kanilang pagpasok sa paaralan kaysa sa antas ng kanilang kasanayan. _____ 15. Candidates should be voted as agreed upon by most of the members. Ang mga kandidato na dapat iboto ng mga miyembro ay dapat ayon sa napagkasunduan ng karamihan.

SOCIOPSYCHOMETRIC COMPETENCY PROFILE The purpose of the 108-item questionnaire is to determine your business or career options and income per your inherent competency traits and social outlook in relation to your current situation. The premise of this profile that “one’s beliefs and outlooks determine 80% of his or her reality and 20% of his efforts can change such reality either for better or worse.” The personal information, which indicates your current situation, is private and confidential. Non-voluntary disclosure can only be ordered by the court. You, however, have the right to know the outcome of your answers to the questionnaire. You will receive such via the email address you provide for your reference. It is up to you if you disclose the outcome to third parties that you trust for their opinion and advice. If you wish to determine changes in your socio-psychological competencies, you may ask to answer questionnaire after at least six (6) months by sending email request to [email protected]. By filling up the Personal Information and Answer Sheet, you accept that while statistical information may be published, you will not be identified nor your personal data divulged. You also agree that the intention of the publication is to help educators and employers align policies and practices so as build on individual competency sets to attain mutually beneficial outcomes. On basis of these, your consent is deemed given. I.


Name ___________________________________________ Date of Birth __________________

Age _______

Current Religion __________________ Nationality __________

Gender ______

Civil Status ______

Place of Birth ________________________

Active? _____

Previous Religion _________________

Languages/Dialects __________________________________________

Current Residence ___________________________________________________

Years ______

Previous Residence __________________________________________________

Years ______

Email 1 ________________________________ CP# 1 ____________________

Email 2 _________________________________

CP# 2 ____________________ Landline # __________________

Educational Attainment _____________________________________________________________ Current/Last School Attended ________________________________________________________ School Location ____________________________________________ Present Occupation _____________________________________

Years Attended _______

Months in Occupation ______

Location __________________________________________ Ave. Monthly Income ____________ Other Occupation ______________________________________

Months in Occupation ______

Location __________________________________________ Ave. Monthly Income ____________ Monthly Personal Expense _________________

Monthly Work Expense ___________________

Previous Occupation ____________________________________

Months in Occupation ______

Location __________________________________________ Ave. Monthly Income ____________ Signature __________________________ Date ___________ Test Location ________________

II. INSTRUCTIONS The following statements are indicative of the competencies and views that may be required or can boost or limit your efforts in attaining your objectives working alone or with others. Please read each statement and write in the space provided the number of your choice that represents your degree of agreement or disagreement with each statement. As there are people who share and do not share some or most of your opinion, whether they say so or not, there are no right or wrong answers. SocioPsychoMetric Competency Profile Questionnaire ß.01

Page 1 of 8


QUESTIONNAIRE Strongly Disagree 1 Lubos na ‘di Sang-ayon

Disagree 2 Hindi Sang-ayon

Slightly Disagree 3 Medyo ‘di Sang-ayon

A1 _____

You take much notice of what people think. Sobra mong pinapansin ang iniisip ng mga tao.

A2 _____

To discuss an issue thoroughly is more satisfying than to immediately arrive at agreement. Ang talakayin ang isang isyu ng maigi ay mas nagbibigay kasiyahan kaysa sa agarang dumating sa kasunduan

A3 _____

I would always support my country, whether it was right or wrong. Lagi akong susuporta sa aking bansa, ito man ay nasa tama o mali.

A4 _____

If you say you will do something, you always keep your promise no matter how inconvenient it might be. Kung sinasabi mong gagawin ang isang bagay, palagi mong tinutupad ang iyong pangako gaano man ito makakaabala.

A5 _____

A6 _____

A7 _____

A8 _____

You are more inclined to be somewhat reserved than easy to approach. Ikaw ay mas kiling na maging medyo walang kibo kaysa madaling lapitan The ability to organize and be methodical is more admirable than the ability to adapt and make do. Ang kakayahan mag-organiza at maging sistematiko ay mas kahangahanga kaysa sa kakayahang umakma sa sitwasyon at gawin na lang ang magagawa. You are attracted to people that are more sensible than imaginative. Mas naaakit ka sa mga tao na mas makabuluhan kaysa mapanlikha.

Slightly Agree 4 Medyo Sang-ayon

Agree 5 Sang-ayon

Strongly Agree 6 Lubos na Sangayon

A9 _____

Free markets should primarily serve humanity rather than multinational corporations. Ang dapat pangunahing pagsilbihan ng mga bukas na merkado ay ang sangkatauhan kaysa ang mga multinational na korporasyon.

A10 ____

Being in debt worry you. Nag-aalala ka sa iyong pagkakautang.

A11 ____

You are more taken by arguments based on principles than emotions. Ikaw ay mas nadadala ng mga argumentong batay sa mga prinsipyo kaysa emosyon.

A12 ____

No one chooses his or her country of birth, so it is foolish to be proud of it. Walang nakakapili kung saang bansa ipanganak, kaya kalokohan na ito ay ipagmamalaki.

A13 ____

It is alright to get more than your share of anything even if nobody complains. Ayos lang na kumuha ka ng bahagi ng anumang bagay na higit sa narapapat sa iyo kung walang magrereklamo.

A14 ____

You do not like plenty of bustle and excitement around you. Hindi mo gusto ang maraming nagmamadali at magulo sa paligid mo.

A15 ____

You are a person that is more changeable than routinized. Ikaw ay isang tao na bukas sa maaring mabago kaysa nananatili sa kinasanayan.

A16 ____

You more likely to take note of how others see than how others are useful. Mas malamang na tatandaan mo ang pananaw ang iba sa gawain kaysa sa kung paano sila makakatulong.

You are not easily upset when things did not go as expected. Ikaw ay hindi madaling mainis kung ang mga naganap ay hindi ayon sa iyong inaasahan

SocioPsychoMetric Competency Profile Questionnaire ß.01

Page 2 of 8

Strongly Disagree 1 Lubos na ‘di Sang-ayon

Disagree 2 Hindi Sang-ayon

Slightly Disagree 3 Medyo ‘di Sang-ayon

A17 ____

Your mood often go up and down when you are bored or busy. Nagiging sumpungin ka kapag ikaw ay nababato o abala

A18 ____

People are divided more by class than nationality. Higit na nahahati ang mga tao batay sa kanilang uri kaysa nasyonalidad.

A19 ____

A20 ____

A21 ____

A22 ____

A23 ____

A24 ____

You would take liquor or drugs to forget and relax. Iinom ka ng alak o bawal na gamot para makalimut at mapalubay. In making decisions you feel more comfortable with feelings than standards. Sa paggawa ng desisyon ay mas kumportable ka na sangayon ito sa damdamin kaysa pamantayan. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Ang kalaban ng aking kaaway ay aking kaibigan. To save face, you blame others before you knew it was really your fault. Upang hindi mapahiya, agad kang maninisi ng iba bago mo naalam na ikaw ang talagang nagkamali. New and non-routine interaction with others stimulate and energize you. Ang bago at hindi pangkaraniwan na pakikipag-ugnayan sa iba ay nakakasiya at nagpapasigla sa iyo The decisively final statement is preferable to tentative and preliminary. Ang tiyak at panghuling pahayag ay higit na mabuti sa pansamantala at paunang bigkas

Slightly Agree 4 Medyo Sang-ayon

Agree 5 Sang-ayon

Strongly Agree 6 Lubos na Sangayon

A25 ____

Evidence “speak for themselves” more than illustrate principles. Katibayan ang "nagsasalita para sa sarili" higit pa sa paglalarawan ng prinsipyo

A26 ____

You sometimes feel 'just miserable' for no reason. Minsan pakiramdam mo ikaw ay 'basta nalumlumbay' na walang kadahilanan

A27 ____

Controlling unemployment is more important than controlling inflation. Ang pagkontrol ng kawalan ng hanap-buhay ay mas mahalaga kaysa sa pagkontrol sa pag-imprenta ng labis na salapi

A28 ____

You prefer to go your own way rather than act by the rules. Mas gusto mong gawin iyong sariling paraan kaysa kumilos ayon sa mga patakaran.

A29 ____

You inclined more to be fair-minded than sympathetic. Higit kang kiling sa makatarungang pag-iisip kaysa pagkahabag

A30 ____

Military action that defies international law is sometimes justified. Ang armadong pagkilos na salungat sa internasyonal na batas kung minsan ay makatwiran.

A31 ____

All your habits are good and desirable ones. Lahat ng iyong mga gawi ay mabuti at kanais-nais.


In your social groups, you keep abreast of each other’s happenings. Palagii kang nakikibalita sa mga pangyayari ng iyong mga kagrupo.

SocioPsychoMetric Competency Profile Questionnaire ß.01

Page 3 of 8

Strongly Disagree 1 Lubos na ‘di Sang-ayon

Disagree 2 Hindi Sang-ayon

Slightly Disagree 3 Medyo ‘di Sang-ayon

A33 ____

You more comfortable before a decision than after. Mas kumportable ka bago magkaroon ng desisyon kaysa matapos magawa ito.

A34 ____

Given the information at hand, you look for what is behind the evidence. Batay sa impormasyong hinawakan, tumitingin ka kung ano ang sa likod ng katibayan.

A35 ____

A36 ____

You suffer from 'nerves' before and during travel to a far-away place. Nakakaranas ka ng 'nerbiyos' bago at sa panahon ng paglalakbay sa malayo-layo na lugar Corporations require regulation because they do not voluntarily protect the environment. Kinakailangan ng regulasyon sa mga korporasyon dahil hindi nila kusangloob na protektahan ang kapaligiran.

A37 ____

Good manners and cleanliness matter much to you. Ang mga mabuting asal at kalinisan ay mahalaga sa iyo.

A38 ____

It is worse to appear merciless than unjust. Mas masahol pang lumitaw na malupit kaysa sa hindi makatarungan

A39 ____

If the woman's life is not in danger, abortion should always be illegal. Kung ang buhay ng babae ay hindi nanganganib, dapat manatiling illegal ang pagpapalaglag.

A40 ____

A41 ____

It is alright to take anything that someone left behind. Ayos lang na kunin ang anumang bagay na naiwan ng iba

Slightly Agree 4 Medyo Sang-ayon

Agree 5 Sang-ayon

Strongly Agree 6 Lubos na Sangayon

A42 ____

You prefer to work to deadlines than just “whenever” is finished. Higit mong magtrabaho ayon sa takdang panahon kaysa sa "tuwing" may matapos

A43 ____

You prize yourself has having more of a strong sense of reality than vivid imagination. Pinapahalagan mo ang iyong sarili sa pagkakaroon ng higit na malakas na pakiramdam ng kaganapan kaysa sa matingkad na imahinasyon

A44 ____

Your are calm in handling unexpected and difficult situations. Ikaw ay mahinahon sa paghawak ng mga hindi inaasahan at mahirap na sitwasyon

A45 ____

"From each according to his ability and need, to each according to his deed and outcome" is a good idea. "Mula sa bawat isa ayon sa kanyang kakayanan at pangangailangan, sa bawat isa ayon sa kanyang ginawa at resulta" ay isang magandang ideya.

A46 ____

You think marriage is old fashioned and should be done away with. Sa tingin mo ay makaluma ang kasal na dapat nang isantabi.

A47 ____

You see yourself more as hardheaded than softhearted. Mas nakikita mo ang iyong sarili na matigas ang ulo kaysa pusong mammon

A48 ____

All exercise of authority should be evaluated. Lahat ng paggamit ng kapangyarihan ay dapat suriin.

A49 ____

You always replace something you have broken or lost belonging to someone else. Lagi mong pinapalitan ang bagay na pagaari ng iba na nasira o nawala mo.

You like mixing with people and making new friends. Gusto mo nakikihalobilo sa mga tao at gugawa ng mga bagong kaibigan

SocioPsychoMetric Competency Profile Questionnaire ß.01

Page 4 of 8

Strongly Disagree 1 Lubos na ‘di Sang-ayon

Disagree 2 Hindi Sang-ayon


Disagree 3 Medyo ‘di Sang-ayon


Agree 4 Medyo Sang-ayon

Agree 5 Sang-ayon

Strongly Agree 6 Lubos na Sang-ayon

A50 ____

You speak easily and at length with strangers. Madali kang makipagtalakayan sa mga hindi kakilala

A59 ____

You usually let yourself go and enjoy yourself at get-togethers. Karaniwan kang nanghahalina at nagsasaya sa mga pagtitipon

A51 ____

You are more leisurely than punctual. Ikaw ay mas banayad kaysa maagap

A60 ____

A52 ____

You are drawn more to implications than fundamentals. Ikaw ay higit na nadadala ng mga implikasyon kaysa batayan

You tend to look for the orderly rather than whatever turns up. Mas naghahanap ka sa masinop kaysa sa kung saan may maaring lumitaw.

A61 ____

You prefer work that is routine. Mas gusto mo ang pangkaraniwang gawain

A62 ____

You are not easily annoyed by noise. Ikaw ay hindi madaling mainis ng maingay

A63 ____

The only social responsibility of a company is to deliver a profit to its shareholders. Ang tanging panlipunang responsibilidad ng isang kumpanya ay ang mamahagi ng kita sa mga kasosyo

A64 ____

It does not worry you if you know there are mistakes in your work. Hindi ka nag-alala kahit alam mo may mga pagkakamali sa iyong trabaho.

A65 ____

Being censorious is a greater fault compared to being gullible. Ang pagiging palapuna ay mas malaking pagkakamali kumpara sa pagiging mapaniwalain

A66 ____

All people have their rights, but it is better that different sorts of people should keep to their own kind. Lahat ng tao ay may mga karapatan, ngunit mas makakabuti na ang iba'tibang klase ng mga tao ay manatili sa kanilang sariling uri.

A53 ____

You worry long after an embarrassing experience. Nag-aalala ka pa rin kahit matagal nang lumipas ang nakakahiyang karanasan

A54 ____

Land should not be a commodity to buy and sell. Ang lupa ay hindi dapat isang kalakal na binibili ati ibinibenta

A55 ____

You enjoy co-operating with others. Nasisiyahan kang nakikipagtulungan sa iba.

A56 ____

A57 ____

A58 ____

In approaching others, your inclination is to be somewhat more on the objective than personal. Sa paglapit sa iba, ang medyo higit kang kiling sa layunin kaysa sa personal An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Isang mata para sa bata mata at isang ngipin sa bawat ngipin. Sometimes you have said something bad or nasty about others. Kung minsan ay nakapagsabi ka ng hindi maganda o nakakasakit tungkol sa iba.

SocioPsychoMetric Competency Profile Questionnaire ß.01

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Strongly Disagree 1 Lubos na ‘di Sang-ayon

Disagree 2 Hindi Sang-ayon

Slightly Disagree 3 Medyo ‘di Sang-ayon

A67 ____

As a child, you were never disrespectful to your parents. Noong ikaw ay isang bata, hindi ka naging lapastangan sa iyong mga magulang.

A68 ____

You easily get some life into a rather dull conversation. Madali mong nabibigyan buhay ang nakakainip na pag-uusap.

A69 ____

A70 ____

A71 ____

A72 ____

A73 ____

You are more comfortable with work done on a daily basis than is contracted. Ikaw ay mas kumportable sa trabahong arawan kaysa ay kontratahan In doing ordinary things, you are more likely to try find a way to do it better. Sa paggawa ng mga ordinaryong bagay, malamang ay susubukan mong makahanap ng isang paraan upang gawin ito na mas mahusay You easily feel 'fed-up’ by people around you. Madali kang 'mapuno' ng mga tao sa paligid mo Those with the ability to pay should have the right to higher standards of medical care. Ang mga may kakayahang magbayad ay dapat may mas karapatan sa mataas na kalidad ng panggagamot You think people spend too much time safeguarding their future with savings and insurance. Sa tingin mo ay sobra ang panahong ginugugol ng mga tao sa pag-iimpok at paniniguro para sa ng hinaharap.

Slightly Agree 4 Medyo Sang-ayon

Agree 5 Sang-ayon

Strongly Agree 6 Lubos na Sangayon

A74 ____

Being referred to as a very logical person is better than as a very sentimental person. Ang matukoy bilang isang napakalohikal na tao ay mas mabuti kaysa napakamaramdamin

A75 ____

Our civil liberties are being excessively curbed in the name of counter-terrorism. Ang ating mga kalayaan sibil ay labis na nasusugpo sa pangalan ng kontra-terorismo.

A76 ____

You have cheated yourself in at least a couple of games. Nagawa mong gulangan ang iyong sarili na hindi bababa sa ilang pares na mga laro.

A77 ____

You tend to keep in the background on social occasions. Mas malamang na ay pumapalikod ka tuwing may mga okasyon

A78 ____

You feel better about having purchased rather than having an option to buy. Mas mabuti pakiramdam mo pag nakapamili na sa halip na pagkakaroon ng opsyon upang bumili

A79 ____

You are more frequently a matter-offact sort of person than visionary. Mas madalas na ikaw ay ag uri ng tao na kumikilos batay sa realidad kaysa batay sa maaring mapaganap

A80 ____

You never feel lonely. Hindi ka man minsan nakaramdam ng pagkalungkot

A81 ____

Government should penalise businesses that mislead the public. Dapat parusahan ng pamahalaan ang mga kumpanya na nanlilinlang ng publiko.


SocioPsychoMetric Competency Profile Questionnaire ß.01

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Strongly Disagree


Slightly Disagree

Slightly Agree


Strongly Agree







Lubos na ‘di Sang-ayon

Hindi Sang-ayon

Medyo ‘di Sang-ayon

Medyo Sang-ayon


Lubos na Sangayon

A82 ____

You try not to be rude to impolite people. Umiiwas kang maging bastos sa mga taong walang galang

A83 ____

To be passionate seems to be the greater error than coldly objective. Mukhang higit na kamalian ang nagiging mapusok kaysa sa namanhid ng layunin

A84 ____

One significant advantage of a one-party state is that it avoids all arguments that delay progress in a democratic political system. Ang isang malaking kalamangan ng estadong isa lang ang partido ay nakakaiwas ito sa lahat ng mga argument na umaantala sa pag-unlad sa isang demokratikong sistema pulitikal.

A89 ____

You are often troubled about feelings of guilt for what you have done or failed to do. Madalas nababagabag ka ng mga pakiramdam ng pagkakasala sa mga nagawa mo at nabigong gawin

A90 ____

Those who are able to work but refuse the opportunity should not expect society's support. Ang mga taong kayang magtrabaho pero tumanggi sa pagkakataon ay hindi dapat umasa sa suporta ng lipunan.

A91 ____

You like other people to be afraid of you. Gusto mong takot sa iyo ang mga ibang tao

A92 ____

You are more comfortable in making judgements based on logic than values. Ikaw ay mas kumportable sa paggawa ng hatol batay sa lohika kaysa sa pagpapahalaga

A85 ____

You have never taken advantage of anyone. Kahit kalian ay hindi mo nakuhang mansamantala sa sinuman

A86 ____

When the phone rings, you often hasten to get to it first than let someone else will answer. Kapag tumunog ang telepono, madalas kang mag-apura upang makakuha ito ibang tao ay sumagot

A93 ____

In a civilised society, one must always have people above to be obeyed and people below to be commanded. Sa isang sibilisadong lipunan, dapat laging may mga tao sa itaas na sinunod at mga taong sa ibaba na uutusan.

A87 ____

You put more value on doing things open-ended than pre-defined. Higit mong binibigyan halaga sa paggawa ng mga bagay na walang limitasyon kaysa sa una nang itinakda

A94 ____

More often than not, you practice what you preach. Mas madalas kaysa sa hindi ay isinasatupad mo ang ipinangaral mo

A95 ____

In calling, you rehearse first to be sure that you say all your want to say. Sa pagtawag, nagsasanay ka muna upang siguraduhin masabi mo ang lahat ng nais matalakay

A96 ____

Structured situations appeal to you more than unstructured. Ang nabalangkas nang sitwasyon mas nakakawili sa iyo kaysa sa walang malinaw na latag

A88 ____

You go more by principles and concepts than facts. Higit kang kumikilos ayon ng mga prinsipyo at konsepto kaysa sa katotohanan

SocioPsychoMetric Competency Profile Questionnaire ß.01

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Strongly Disagree 1 Lubos na ‘di Sang-ayon


Disagree 2 Hindi Sang-ayon

Slightly Disagree 3 Medyo ‘di Sang-ayon

You are more interested in production and distribution than design and research. Ikaw ay mas interesado sa produksyon at pamamahagi kaysa sa disenyo at pananaliksik.

Slightly Agree 4 Medyo Sang-ayon

Agree 5 Sang-ayon

Strongly Agree 6 Lubos na Sangayon

A103 ___

You sometimes put off until tomorrow what you ought to do today. Minsan ay isinasabukas mo ang marapat na gawin ngayon

A104 ___

You prefer a few friends with more lengthy contact than to many friends with brief contact. Mas gusto mo ng ilang lang na mga kaibigan na may mas matagal na pagsasama kaysa maraming mga kaibigan na may panandaliang lang ang pagkikita

A98 ____

Your feelings are easily hurt by what your hear others say. Madaling masaktan ang damdamin na iyong narinig na sinasabi ng mga iba

A99 ____

Mothers may have careers, but their first duty is to be homemakers. Ang mga ina ay maaaring magkaroon ng pamumuhay, ngunit ang kanilang unang tungkulin ay bilang mga maybahay

A105 ___

It Is better to always follow society's rules than go your own way. Mas mabuting laging sumunod sa mga panuntunan ng lipunan kaysa ang iyong sariling pamamaraan.

Unplanned outings are preferred over planned tours. Ang mga walang balak na pagliliwaliw ay mas gusto kaysa mga naplanong pamamasyal

A106 ___

In judging others, you are swayed more by circumstances than laws. Sa pagpapasya sa mga iba, ikaw ay higit na nauugoy ng mga sirkumstansya kaysa ng mga batas

You are more interested in what are possible than the tried-and-tested. Ikaw ay mas interesado sa kung ano ang mga posible kaysa sinubukan at subok na

A107 ___

You are sophisticated in art, music or literature. Isa kang bihasa sa sining, musika o panunulat

A108 ___

Charity is better than social security as a means of helping the genuinely disadvantaged. Ang kawanggawa ay mas mahusay kaysa sa seguridad panlipunan bilang isang paraan ng pagtulong sa tunay na may kawalan.

A100 ___

A101 ___

A102 ___

Making peace with the establishment is an important aspect of maturity. Ang pakikipagsundo sa nakapwesto ay isang mahalagang aspeto ng kahustuhan ng isip.

SocioPsychoMetric Competency Profile Questionnaire ß.01

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