Crestwood Supply list.pdf - Google Drive

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Unified School District of ANTIGO CRESTWOOD Elementary School Supply List The following is a general list of supplies. Other specific items may also be requested by individual teachers.

Kindergarten ●

1 large backpack (no wheels)

2 boxes of 24 color Crayola crayons, do not label

1 pack of ten, thin tip and 1 pack of ten, wide tip classic Crayola markers that include pink and gray

12 glue sticks regular size

spiral notebook

1 set of headphones (no earbuds)

Boys - bring 1 box of gallon Ziploc bags

1st Grade Items in bold should be labeled with name. ●


24 count Crayola crayons

24 count #2 sharpened pencils (no designs)

1 pack of Classic Crayola Washable broad line markers

2 pink Pearl erasers

4 large Elmer’s Glue Sticks (Disappearing Purple)

5” x 8” pencil box


Girls - bring 1 box of quart or sandwich Ziploc bags

2 large boxes of Kleenex

Boys - bring 1 package of baby wipes

2 composition notebooks (wide ruled)

2 folders (1 yellow, 1 green)

Girls - bring 1 container of Clorox wipes

1 box of Kleenex

Headphones (no earbuds)

An extra pair of clothes (shirt, pants, underwear and socks with child's name on each item)

One extra set of clothing (including underwear and socks)

Gallon size Ziploc bags – 1 box

Optional – box of colored pencils, scissors Items do NOT need to be labeled – Only clothes/backpack & head phones

2nd Grade ●

1 Backpack (no wheels)

24 box of crayons

12 pencils #2 yellow (Ticonderoga and USA gold are best)

Crayola markers

Colored pencils

Pencil Top Erasers

1 – Composition Notebook – wide lined

12 Glue sticks

1 5” x 8” hard pencil box

2 - Notebooks - Wide Lined

2 - Folders

2 boxes of Kleenex


Antibacterial wipes (like Clorox)

1 box plastic storage bags (either gallon, quart, or sandwich)

Optional – soft pencil case

Unified School District of ANTIGO CRESTWOOD Elementary School Supply List The following is a general list of supplies. Other specific items may also be requested by individual teachers. 3rd Grade

4th Grade

5th Grade


1 pack of #2 pencils

12 (or more) #2 pencils

24 count crayons

Soft pencil case

Colored pencils

24 sharpened #2 pencils

2 glue sticks

2 pink erasers

10 pack washable markers


4 folders – red, yellow, blue,

24 count colored pencils

1 pink erasers

2 glue sticks

1 highlighter

1 bottle school glue

4 wide-lined spiral notebooks

1 large eraser

(1 each of red, blue, green,

1 three-subject notebook




Wide-ruled loose leaf paper

6 folders (1 each of red, blue,

2 boxes of Kleenex

1 music folder

green, yellow, purple, black)

4 pack Expo dry erase markers

4 notebooks (1 red, 1 blue,

1 folder for music

2 red pens

1 yellow and 1 green)


2 highlighter- 1 yellow, 1 green

4 pocket folders (1 red, 1 blue,

Ziploc bags

Soft pencil case

1 yellow and 1 green)

1 box of Kleenex

2 - Ziploc bags, gallon or quart

green ●

4 notebooks – red, yellow, blue, green

Composition notebook

2 - 1” binders

1-inch 3-ring binder

2 gluesticks

Soft pencil case


2 fine tip dry erase markers

1 boxes of tissue

1 container Clorox wipes

1 box Ziploc bags-any size