Germany, Austria and Switzerland; GDR Krimis; crime novels in Italy and.
Scandinavia; medieval German crime novels; Mankell, Camilleri, Noll and.
CriMeNet: Criminal Minds in German Studies Network Directory of members and interests CriMeNet is a network for Germanists and other academics with a research interest in crime narratives, criminology, and/or themes relating to crime. We seek to promote this fastexpanding field of study, and to provide opportunities for academics working on crime fiction, TV, film, media and other narrative forms to network with one another more effectively across institutional and national boundaries. Members are listed alphabetically.
CriMeNet Directory BASKER, David, UK Swansea University Interests: Twentieth century and contemporary German, American and British crime fiction; regional crime fiction; crime fiction as history and social comment; police procedurals and thrillers.
[email protected]
BERWALD, Olaf University of North Dakota, USA Interests: Twentieth century and contemporary German, American, French, and Italian poetry and fiction; comparative contemporary crime fiction studies; ethics and aesthetics in the context of the Shoah; global North and South cultural dialogues and transatlantic studies; Renaissance poetics.
[email protected]
BLACKMORE, Sabine Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany Interests: Anglo-American crime fiction; Scandinavian crime fiction; police procedurals; gender aspects in crime fiction; self-referentiality in crime fiction, places and setting.
[email protected]
BLAIVE, Muriel Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for European History and the Public Sphere, Vienna, Austria Interests: representation of everyday life in crime stories, especially under dictatorships.
[email protected]
BLANKENSHIP, Robert University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA Interests: GDR literature, suicide and literature, narrative theory, detective fiction in divided Germany
[email protected]
BOYER, Sophie Bishop's University, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada Interests: representations of crime and sexuality in Weimar literature; psychoanalytic approach; aesthetic of horror; contemporary crime fiction; true crime genre.
[email protected]
BROWDER, George C. State University of New York at Fredonia, USA, emeritus Interests: detective police, both political and regular criminalists; organization, training procedures, applied criminology, forensics, crime statistics, public relations and public images; transition from Imperial through Weimar and Nazi to post-war.
[email protected]
CASADESÚS BORDOY, Alejandro Universitat de les Illes Balears, Mallorca, Spain Interests: History of the German crime novel; contemporary crime novels in Germany, Austria and Switzerland; GDR Krimis; crime novels in Italy and Scandinavia; medieval German crime novels; Mankell, Camilleri, Noll and Arjouni.
[email protected]
CHEESMAN, Tom Swansea University, UK Interests: German writing, inc translation; crime in popular songs / ballads; postmodern anti-genre crime writing.
[email protected]
DELABAR, Walter Freie Universität Berlin, Germany Interests: German literature and culture esp. modernity and modernism, in the field of crime: crime as a pattern of modernity
[email protected]
ENGSTROM, Eric J. Department of History, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany Interests: forensic psychiatry in Wilhelmine Germany; history of professions (law, medicine) and the human sciences (criminology, penology); criminal psychology; Gustav Aschaffenburg
[email protected] EYRE, Pauline Manchester University, UK Interests: Tropes of disability in crime fiction e.g. wheelchair-bound characters, blindness etc.
[email protected]
FRACKMAN, Kyle University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA Interests: Gender studies and queer theory; gender in crime fiction and film; nationality and immigration; Scandinavian (primarily Swedish) mysteries and crime fiction.
[email protected]
FREI, Christina University of Pennsylvania, USA Interests: German crime fiction (Jakob Arjouni, Felix Huby, Ulrich Ritzel and Andrea Maria Schenkel); contemporary ‘German’ authors with diverse roots, who live in between countries, cultures, heritages, traditions and languages and who question issues of nationhood and nationality.
[email protected]
GALTER, Sunhild Universitatea “Lucian Blaga” Sibiu, Catedra de germanistica, Romania Interests: Crime fiction series as a special way to present the cultural, social, historical background of a certain geographical space: the city of Venice in Donna Leon’s works; the region of Sicily in Andrea Camilleri’s fiction; the German
Allgäu presented by Klüpfel/Kobr or even countries and regions like Japan or Scandinavia.
[email protected]
GERHARDS, Sascha Andreas University of California, Davis, USA Interests: Tatort, German television detective series, 1970-present; regional aspects in crime literature, TV and film; German crime fiction; classical vs. modern role of the detective figure, media criticism (Frankfurt School) and controversial socioeconomic and political topics in crime films.
[email protected]
GLATZ, Lawrence F. Metropolitan State College of Denver, USA Interests: Heinrich Böll as moralist; history, crime, violence and the victim in both Böll's nonfictional and fictional works; treatments of National Socialism and crime in literature.
[email protected]
GRIEB, Margit University of South Florida, USA Interests: Film Noir, Neo and Pseudo Noir (e.g. Happy Birthday Türke), representations of criminal elements in videogames.
[email protected]
HAINZ, Martin A. Frei Universität Berlin, Germany Interests: Rose Ausländer, Paul Celan, Friedrich Klopstock, Lyrik nach Auschwitz, critical and literary theories, deconstruction
[email protected]
HALL, Katharina Swansea University, UK Interests: Representations of National Socialism and the legacy of the Nazi era in German and Anglo-American crime fiction, TV and film; conceptualisations of history, memory, guilt and justice in post-1945 texts; the figure of the perpetrator as detective; Scandinavian and Japanese crime fiction; hybrid crime narratives.
[email protected]
JAUCH, Martina Purdue University, USA Interests: Victorian detectives in British, American, and German fiction; urban crime and spatial theories; intersections with other genres (e.g. Gothic); configurations of trauma and monstrosities.
[email protected]
JONES, S. Marina Department of History, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA Interests: 19th and 20th century crime fiction (books/TV/film); crime fiction written by and/or featuring women; crime fiction by American, British, German, Swedish and Norwegian writers.
[email protected]
KELLER-LALLY, Ann University of Northern Colorado, USA Interests: Representations of criminality, gender, ethnicity and insanity in European crime fiction and film; 19th century developments in science and the fields of physical and criminal anthropology and their influence on representations in fiction and film and in German popular culture.
[email protected]
KOLB, Martina Pennsylvania State University, USA Interests: International modernism; Mediterranean studies; comparative poetics; theatre East-West; psychoanalysis; detective literatures.
[email protected]
KORD, Susanne University College London, UK Interests: women and crime in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Germany; constructions of female criminality and ‘normality’; early psychological profiling; debates on torture and the death penalty; early ‘Täterliteratur’; early crime fiction; criminals, crimes and those who solve them in Hollywood films (particularly serial killers and detectives).
[email protected]
KOŠENINA, Alexander Leibniz University Hannover, Germany Interests: early crime literature (17th & 18th Century); its rise from sources like legal and medical case studies, letters, illustrated leaflets, 'wanted' circulars, engravings (Hogarth etc.); European tradition of 'histoires tragiques', Pitaval, 'Bloody Register'; psychology of crime, forensic medicine, penal responsibility, law reforms; crime literature before Schiller & E.T.A. Hoffmann such as Meißner, Müchler, Spieß.
[email protected]
LEIN, Janet Dickey Central Michigan University, USA Interests: Modern German mystery writers, particularly those who have a series with the same protagonist, such as Horst Eckert, Felix Huby or Gisa Klönne. Also a comparison of the "culinary" mysteries of Diane Mott Davidson (and others) with Andrea C. Busch (and others).
[email protected]
LEVENTE PALATINUS, David Catholic University, Budapest-Piliscsaba, Hungary Interests: conceptions of corporeality in forensic crime fiction and film; conceptualizations of the body as image and as text in popular visual culture; the phenomenology of (fictionalized) violence; the aestheticization of violence in film noir and forensic crime film; the phenomenology of perception; Derrida and blindness, screen theories.
[email protected]
LIARD, Véronique Université de Bourgogne, France Interests: Crime stories and society; film adaptation (words and images); psychology of criminals and detectives
[email protected]
LINDER, Joachim University of Munich, Germany Reviewer for IASLonline - ‘Kriminalität und Medien’ Blogger for NuT: Verbrechen, Justiz, Medien Interests: Crime, justice and (all forms of) media; law and literature (mostly from the point of view of German literature and film). IASLonline (scroll down to Kriminalität und Medien link): Cont. =asc
MADLAND, Helga Professor Emeritus, University of Oklahoma, USA Crime writer (The Child Murderess, 2006) Interests: The representation of the child murderess in Sturm und Drang fiction, Ehrmann, Goethe, Wagner, Schiller.
[email protected] 1593304390/
MagShamhráin, Rachel University College Cork, Ireland Interests: Detecting crime as a metaphor for uncovering the past in German crime novels; the motif of the unconscious criminal; the city as criminal in urban detective novels; the cultural construction of nations and national characters, including the construction of history, memory and identity in visual and literary texts.
[email protected]
MEYER, Anne-Rose Hamburg University, Germany Interests: International relationships and conflicts in crime fiction.
[email protected]
MCLARY, Laura University of Portland, Oregon, USA Interests: Lilian Faschinger's Krimi Stadt der Verlierer; Austrian crime writer Wolf Haas.
[email protected]
NEUHAUS, Stefan Institut für Germanistik, Deutsche Sprache, Literatur und Literaturkritik, University of Innsbruck, Austria Interests: German, Austrian and Anglo-American Crime Fiction as 'high' literature (from Friedrich Schiller to Wolf Haas)
[email protected]
PLATINI, Vincent La Sorbonne Paris-4, France Interests: Representation of the mobster in literature and film during the Weimar Republic and the Nazi era; ideology, social control and resistance in mass culture; representation of the death penalty; production and censorship of crime novels and movies during the interwar period (Germany, France, America).
[email protected]
POVIDISA, Ingrida Ludwig-Maximilian-University Munich, Germany Interests: Forensic crime fiction; forensics in popular culture (literature, TV series and shows etc.); history of legal medicine; Sherlock Holmes/Doyle & the beginnings of criminalistics.
[email protected]
PRICKETT, David James Zentrum für transdisziplinäre Geschlechterstudien, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany Interests: The interplay of criminology, photography, and masculinity in (Weimar) Germany and the body's function as a symbol and text in German literature.
[email protected]
RING, Annie University of Cambridge, UK Interests: ‘Surveillance, security, desire: post-Wende representations of the Stasi' (thesis). Literary memorialisation of traumatic experiences; encounters between perpetrator and victim / criminal and law; the attachments that bind the subject to the (surveillant) law in post-GDR texts. Work also on the perverse relation between subject and law in 'Der Prozeß'.
[email protected]
ROBERTSON, Ritchie St John’s College, Oxford, UK Interests: Adaptations of crime fiction for political and social purposes in early twentieth-century fiction (e.g. by Wassermann, Arnold Zweig, Bergengruen, Doderer).
[email protected]
ROSENBLUM, Warren Webster University, St. Louis, MO, USA Interests: Criminal policy reform in modern Germany; anti-Semitism and criminal justice; Jewish crime
[email protected];
SIEBENPFEIFFER, Hania Institut für Deutsche Philologie, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald, Germany Interests: Crime as/and narration; constructing realities/normalities in law and literature; representations of gendered violence/crime in film and fiction; crime in Early Modern literature; Greek/Roman mythology and crime, violence, gender (i.e. Medea); becoming Sherlock Holmes - the reader as detective.
[email protected]
SIMPSON, Tobias Department of History, Cambridge University, UK Interests: History of criminology, forensic psychiatry and criminalistics in 20th century Germany, particularly in the GDR; development of biological and eugenic understanding of the causes of crime in German intellectual culture; comparative study of attitudes to crime in East/West Germany.
[email protected]
STURM-TRIGONAKIS, Elke Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Interests: the detective as outsider (in the work of Steinfels or Arjouni); urban settings (especially megacities in Asia, Africa and Latin America); the historical evolution of crime fiction; regional spaces in German crime fiction; the Spanish "novela negra" (Montalbán) and Greek crime fiction (Markaris) as mirrors of social, historical and ideological processes; James Bond.
[email protected]
TERAOKA, Arlene A. University of Minnesota, USA Interests: Questions of genre, gender, race, national identity; Arjouni; current project on the work of Dürrenmatt
[email protected]
THOMPSON, Peter University of Sheffield, Centre for Ernst Bloch Studies, UK Interests: Crime as Philosophy and Ernst Bloch's concept of the detective novel. It is only in industrial society that crime itself becomes subject to rational codes and investigation. New forms of social law bring new sorts of crime and the reading of the detective novel can be used to unmask society.
[email protected]
UHL, Karsten Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany Interests: History of German criminology; representations of female offenders in literature and criminology, 19th and 20th century; historical figures of legal responsibility and social dangerousness; literary and criminological representations of infanticide, arson, and shop lifting (20th century).
[email protected]
VANDER LUGT, Kristin T. Iowa State University, USA Interests: Representations of the dead body in post-1945 German-language literature and visual culture; German crime fiction by women; discursive constructions of realism and authenticity; German and American horror film; representations of National Socialism in pulp fiction and film.
[email protected]
VESTLI, Elin Nesje Oestfold University College, Norway Interests: Gender issues in crime fiction; the academic sleuth; Austrian, German and Scandinavian crime fiction; regionalism in crime fiction.
[email protected]
VOGT, Jochen Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany (retired); Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA Interests: crime literature and literary theory, esp. narratology and poetics; crime literature and globalization; TV-crime series; recent German, British & American, and Scandinavian crime writing.
[email protected] krimivogt (under construction)
WACHSMANN, Nikolaus Birkbeck, University of London, UK Interests: Aspects of deviance and discipline in 20th century Germany, including crime, resistance, law, criminology and policing; the history of incarceration, focusing on prisons and camps in the Nazi period.
[email protected]
WALLACE, Ailsa Jesus College, Oxford (alum), UK Interests: Crime literature in the Weimar Republic; Anglo-American influences on the crime genre; women's crime writing; Hermynia zur Mühlen; ideology and popular fiction in the early 20th Century.
[email protected]