Jon Sparkes. Chief Executive ... Jon Sparkes Chief Executive, Crisis. Monday, 11 June ... This session will be led by th
Crisis conference 2018 Everybody In: How to end homelessness in Great Britain Monday, 11 June 2018, 10.00–16.20 QEII Centre, Westminster, London Drinks reception, 16.20-18.00 Agenda 10.00
Welcome from Chair
Dame Louise Casey
Our approach and what we mean by ending homelessness
Jon Sparkes Chief Executive, Crisis
Everybody In: How to end homelessness in Great Britain
Tony McKenzie Member Ambassador, Crisis Matt Downie Director of Policy & External Affairs, Crisis Everybody In case studies Interactive Q&A
Coffee break
Keynote speech
Government Minister TBC
Lunchtime Optional lunchtime learning session: How lived experience has informed the plan
Martin Burrows Director of Campaigns & Research, Groundswell
Breakout sessions (see below for details)
Afternoon break
Keynote speech
Jeremy Corbyn, Leader of the Labour Party
Panel discussion - What next: How to make ending homelessness a reality in Great Britain
Dame Louise Casey (Chair) Ian Brady CEO, DePaul International Juha Kaakinen CEO, Y-Foundation David Orr Chief Executive, National Housing Federation Terrie Alafat Chief Executive, Chartered Institute of Housing
Closing remarks
Jon Sparkes Chief Executive, Crisis
Crisis UK (trading as Crisis) Registered Charity Numbers:E&W1082947, SC040094 Company Number: 4024938
Breakout sessions Theme
What does the ideal legal framework to end homelessness look like?
This workshop will share the ‘ideal’ statutory homelessness systems for England, Scotland and Wales as outlined in the plan to end homelessness legal framework chapter. Drawing on learning and evidence from across Great Britain, as well as internationally, it presents the rationale for a strong and complete safety net of legal protections and entitlements for homeless people. This session will be led by the authors of the chapter, Liz Davis and Professor Suzanne Fitzpatrick. Chaired by John Gallagher, attendees will then be invited to join an interactive panel discussion.
John Gallagher Solicitor, Shelter (Chair) Liz Davies Housing Law Barrister, Garden Chambers Professor Suzanne Fitzpatrick, Director of Institute (iSPHERE), Heriot Watt University
How can we increase housing supply to end homelessness?
The decline in availability of homes affordable to low income households across the social and private sectors is a driver of homelessness. Everybody In: How to end homelessness in Great Britain calls for measures to increase the supply of homes that are affordable and accessible to homeless people and others on the lowest incomes – and interventions to enable homeless people to gain access to and sustain tenancies. The session will explore the steps councils and housing providers can/are taking to increase the availability of homes at low rents and improve access and tenancy sustainment for homeless people. It will also explore panel members views on how to achieve buy-in from politicians, housing providers and local communities.
Terri Alafat Chief Executive, Chartered Institute of Housing (Chair) Tony Stacey CEO, South Yorkshire Housing Association David Montague Chief Executive L & Q Adam Challis Head of UK Residential Research, JLL
How to embed housing led approaches in government strategies?
We can’t prevent all cases of homelessness, so when people do lose their homes how can we put in place a rapid response to help people who have less intensive or time limited support needs into safe and secure housing? This workshop looks at how we can achieve rapid rehousing, drawing on evidence from Everybody In: How to end homelessness in Great Britain and examples of good practice from home and abroad.
Francesca Albanese Head of Research & Evaluation (Chair) Lars Benjaminsen Senior Researcher, The Danish Centre for Social Science Research Alex Bax Chief Executive, Pathways
How to get Housing First established as a government priority?
Housing First can reduce homelessness across Great Britain for people in the greatest need. It is the cornerstone of several successful national homelessness strategies worldwide. This chapter outlines how Housing First can be developed and rolled out across England, Scotland and Wales. Building on existing, strong political commitments will be crucial to its success. Drawing from international examples (France and Finland) this workshop will discuss how we can get housing first established as a government priority in Great Britain.
Matt Downie Director of Policy & External Affairs, Crisis (Chair) Juha Kaakinen CEO, Y-Foundation Manuel Hennin Project Manager, Interministerial Delegation for Accommocation and Access to Housing (DIHAL) / French Minsitry of Housing Threshold Service (TBC)
Crisis UK (trading as Crisis) Registered Charity Numbers:E&W1082947, SC040094 Company Number: 4024938