Critical ignition conditions in exothermically reacting systems for ...

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May 29, 2016 - A472: 20160529. Received: 29 June 2016. Accepted: 27 July 2016. Subject Areas: chemical physics.
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Research Cite this article: Filimonov VY, Koshelev KB. 2016 Critical ignition conditions in exothermically reacting systems for arbitrary reaction kinetics. Proc. R. Soc. A 472: 20160529. Received: 29 June 2016 Accepted: 27 July 2016

Subject Areas: chemical physics Keywords: thermal explosion, reactant consumption, critical conditions, bifurcation, bistability, degeneration conditions Author for correspondence: Valeriy Yu. Filimonov e-mail: [email protected]

Critical ignition conditions in exothermically reacting systems for arbitrary reaction kinetics Valeriy Yu. Filimonov1 and Konstantin B. Koshelev2 1 Altai State Technical University, Lenina strausse 46,

Barnaul 656038, Russia 2 Institute for Water and Environmental Problems SB RAS, Molodyoznaya strausse 1, Barnaul 656038, Russia VYF, 0000-0003-0229-7058 In this work, a universal method for determination of the critical ignition conditions taking into account the reactant consumption is proposed. Based on the analysis of the phase trajectories equation, the equation for maximal temperatures of exothermic reactions was obtained. In this case, the asymptotic criterion of ignition is determined by the impossibility of slow reaction mode realization with low value of maximum temperature. The method allows demarcating the regions of low- and high-temperature modes of exothermic reactions and to establish the criteria of transition to the region of high-temperature modes. The corresponding parametric diagrams can be characterized as the bifurcation ones (bistability). It was found that the region of thermal explosion (TE) existence is bounded by the classical TE conditions from below and by the degeneration conditions from above. The comparison of analytical calculation results with the results of numerical calculation gives a satisfactory agreement.

1. Introduction The mathematical theory of thermal explosion (TE) in homogeneous systems was developed in the second half of the twentieth century [1–3]. The most successful approximation of the theory is the neglect of reactant consumption during preheating that allows analysing the stationary modes of reactions. However, the stationary modes are impossible in the case when the system is not a flow reactor with a continuous supply of reactants [3].

2016 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.

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The generalized set of self-heating dynamics and the product formation kinetics equations can be written in the dimensionless form as follows [1–3]:   ⎫ θ dθ ⎪ = w + ϕ(y) exp − δθ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ dτ 1 + βθ ⎬ (2.1)   ⎪ ⎪ dy θ ⎪ ⎪ ⎭ and = γ ϕ(y) exp . dτ 1 + βθ The initial conditions are τ = 0, θ = 0, y = y0 . Here, θ = (E/RT02 )(T − T0 ) is the dimensionless temperature, 0 ≤ y ≤ 1 is the conversion depth (fraction reacted), ϕ(y) is the kinetic function, γ is the Todes parameter (the ratio of the characteristic time of heat release to the characteristic time of chemical reaction), δ is the Semenov parameter (the ratio of the characteristic time of heat release to the characteristic time of heat removal), T0 is the initial temperature, E is the activation energy. w = W/W0 is the ratio of the external heating power to the heating power of chemical reaction at T = T0 , β = RT0 /E is the Arrhenius parameter. The form of γ , δ parameters depends on the specificity of the exothermic reaction. It should be noted that the analysis of the set (2.1) is primarily important in terms of the critical ignition conditions determination. Consequently, the set of equation (2.1) must be supplemented by the corresponding criterion of ignition. Shouman & El-Sayed [8] and Filimonov [10] suggested that the simultaneous appearance of two inflection points on the thermogram (time–temperature profile) can be considered as a criterion of TE. However, this does not allow solving this problem mathematically and this criterion can be used in numerical simulation of the set (2.1). Even in this case, the serious problems connected with TE identification appear at relatively high values of γ parameter [11]. With an increase of this parameter, the transition to


2. Kinetics of exothermic reactions: heuristic considerations

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Indeed, the continuous decrease of reaction rate occurs during the reactant consumption. Consequently, the reacting system tends to the stationary state which is determined by the completion of reaction. This brings up the questions: What is the criterion of ignition in the case when we cannot neglect the reactants consumption? What is the TE in this situation? Indeed, the TE becomes less pronounced with an increase of reactants consumption influence. Thus, the demarcation of explosive and non-explosive modes of exothermic reactions is an important and non-trivial problem. One of the best known methods which allow the influence of reactants consumption on the critical conditions is the method of integral manifolds [4–7]. This method gives an opportunity to define the critical autoignition conditions close to the classical conditions of TE at small reactant consumption during preheating. However, as it was shown by Shouman & El-Sayed [8], this model becomes not applicable with distance from the classical TE conditions. Thus, this method gives an opportunity to determine only the small corrections to the classical conditions. At the same time, the necessity of critical conditions determination arises for explosives which are diluted by an inert component or reaction product (smouldering modes of combustion or mild combustion [9]) or for the systems with low heat effect. In this situation, the regime of exothermic reaction is an ‘intermediate’ one which is located between the classical (asymptotical) conditions and degeneration conditions. The currently existing asymptotic methods are not applicable for such systems. Therefore, the problem of critical TE conditions determination (up to TE degeneration) for any kind of exothermic reaction remains unsolved. It is worth noting that the main sign of TE is the high sensitivity of temperature to the change of parameters. Consequently, the TE phenomenon can be considered as a fast increase of maximal temperature at small change of parameters. This point should be given more attention. The purpose of this work is the determination of ignition criteria in terms of maximum temperatures of heating and definition of the connection between the kinetic parameters at the limit of ignition.

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From equation (2.1), the phase trajectory equation for any exothermic reaction has the form γ

(w − δθ ) exp [ − θ/(1 + βθ)] dθ =1+ , dy ϕ(y)

with initial conditions θ = 0, y = y0 . From equation (3.1), the maximum temperature condition can be presented as   −θm , ϕ(ym ) = (δθm − w) exp 1 + βθm



where θm is the maximal temperature of reaction, ym is the corresponding conversion depth:    −θm , (3.3) ym (θm , δ) = ϕ −1 (δθm − w) exp 1 + βθm where ϕ −1 is the inverse function. Let us integrate equation (3.1) with respect to y between the limits y = y0 and y = ym :     ym  ym  θm dy −θ . dθ = dy + (w − δθ ) exp γ 1 + βθ ϕ(y) 0 y0 y0


Let us introduce the function F(y) =

dy . ϕ(y)

Then, equation (3.4) can be written as follows:    F(ym ) −θ dF. γ θm = ym − y0 + (w − δθ ) exp 1 + βθ F(y0 ) After integrating equation (3.6) by the parts, we obtain   −θm γ θm = ym − y0 + F(ym )(w − δθm ) exp − F(y0 )w 1 + βθm     θm −θ . − F(y) d (w − δθ ) exp 1 + βθ 0




It is reasonable to assume that there are two characteristic modes of reaction: (i) low-temperature mode ym ≈ y0  1; θm ≈ 1 and (ii) high-temperature mode ym ≈ 1; θm  1. The transition between these modes must be realized by small change of parameters. In terms of


3. The basic equations and transformations: equation of maximal temperatures

3 Proc. R. Soc. A 472: 20160529

high-temperature modes is becoming increasingly blurred and the problem of fixing the critical parameters becomes complicated. The well-known method of integral manifolds [5,6] does not determine any novel criterion of ignition. This model allows analysing the problem by the method of small perturbation using the small parameter γ  1. Thus, the small correction for reactants consumption during preheating can be obtained in this case. However, it is unclear how small should be the value of parameter γ in order to apply this method. Indeed, it should be understood that the range of variation of kinetic parameters γ , δ, β is quite large for various exothermic reactions. Thus, the problem of ignition criterion determination for the entire spectrum of exothermic reactions has not been solved to date. Within the framework of the classical theory [2], this criterion is formulated in an asymptotic approximation γ = 0 (excluding the reactants consumption influence on the critical conditions). In this case, the TE critical conditions can be determined as an impossibility of thermal equilibrium between the reacting system and its environment. At the same time, the exact solution of the set (2.1) (analytical or numerical) does not give an opportunity to obtain clear and unambiguous criterion of low- and high-temperature modes demarcation. It is, therefore, necessary to find a reasonable approximation which would allow finding this criterion at any value of γ parameter.

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It is worth noting that the heating is small (for the low-temperature mode): θ ≤ θm ≈ 1 and the condition γ  1 is the necessary condition for TE realization [2]. Consequently, we can suggest that the following approximate condition takes place: F(y) ≈ F(y0 ).


It is necessary to note that the classical theory of TE uses the simpler condition ϕ(y) ≈ ϕ(y0 ).


The condition (3.10) can be considered as a zero approximation in the classical theory at γ = 0. In this case, it is necessary to analyse only the first equation of the set (2.1) in order to obtain the critical TE conditions. However, the condition (3.9) should be regarded as the first approximation which takes into account the reactants consumption and dependence ϕ(y) at γ = 0. From the point of view of the first approximation, the ignition condition means the impossibility of condition (3.9) realization (the impossibility of low-temperature mode realization). Thus, we obtain the solution of equation (3.7) in a first approximation (low-temperature mode)   −θm . (3.11) y0 + γ θm = ym (θm ) + [F(ym ) − F(y0 )](w − δθm ) exp 1 + βθm Equations (3.2) and (3.11) can be represented in the form y0 + γ θm = ym (θm ) − [F(ym ) − F(y0 )]ϕ(ym ).


4. Analysis of maximal temperature equation It is extremely important that equation (3.11) is valid for any form of kinetic function ϕ(y). As an example, we can consider the following kinetic laws: ϕ(y) = (1 − y)n


ϕ(y) = ( 23 )[(1 − y)−1/3 − 1]−1 .



Equation (4.1) determines the n-order homogeneous reactions; equation (4.2) defines the heterogeneous reactions during diffusion of components through the reaction product layer (Ginstling–Brounstein equation). The dependences (3.11) for kinetic laws (4.1), (4.2) are presented in figure 1a. From figure 1a, the decrease of γ parameter leads to the slow increase of maximal temperature up to the minimum point. Then, one can observe the abrupt increase of maximal temperature. It is necessary to note that there is no any jump of maximal temperature in the real situation (figure 1b). With a decrease of γ parameter, the maximal temperature increases monotonically. However, there is the region of high parametric sensitivity when a small change of γ parameter leads to dramatic change of maximal temperature (dγ /dθm  1). The real dependence γ (θm ) does not have any characteristic points and this fact does not allow defining the strict boundaries of high parametric sensitivity area. At the same time, the approximate solution (3.11) gives an opportunity to reveal the boundaries of this region and to divide the areas of stable low- and high-temperature modes due to bistability.



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the first approximation, we can assume that the function F[y(θ)] weekly depends on temperature in the range 0 − θm in the low-temperature mode. Indeed, we can consider the series expansion of the function F[y(θ )] about the point θ = 0, y = y0 . Taking into account equation (3.1), we obtain

dF 1 d2 F 1 γ θ + O(γ 2 θ 2 ) + · · · . (3.8) θ+ θ 2 + · · · = F(y0 ) + F(θ ) ≈ F(y0 ) + dθ y0 2 dθ 2 w + ϕ(y0 )

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(a) 0.40


stable low temperature modes

1- Eq. (3.12), n = 2, d = 1, 5 2- Eq. (3.12), n = 1, d = 1, 5


stable high temperature modes


0.25 g

critical point

0.20 0.15 0.10

2 1





dg /dqm = 0

presented model



5 qm





real dependence

dg /dqm1






Figure 1. The dependences γ (θm ) in accordance with equation (3.11) at w = 0, β = 0, y0 = 0: (a) the kinetic functions (4.1) and (4.2); (b) the schematic of dependences: 1—the real dependence, 2—the asymptotic dependence (3.11).

(a) 0.30

1–d = 2, 5; 2–d = 2.0; 3–d = 1, 5; 4–d = 1.0.

b = 0, y0 = 0

0.25 0.20 g

b = 0, y0 = 0

1–g = 0, 1; 2–g = 0, 13; 3–g = 0, 16; 4–g = 0, 19.


3.0 2.5 d








(b) 4.0

2.0 1.5



















6 qm




Figure 2. The families of parametric dependences (4.5) for the first-order reactions at w = 0, β = 0, y0 = 0.

The zone of unstable modes is located between these boundaries (figure 1b). In this case, the condition of high parametric sensitivity dγ /dθm  1 can be changed by asymptotic condition dγ = 0. dθm


The condition (4.3) means the impossibility of condition (3.9) realization and it can be considered as the condition of transition to high-temperature mode. Let us analyse the dependence (3.11) for the first-order reactions in details (at β = 0). Taking into consideration equations (3.2) and (3.5), we obtain ϕ(ym ) = 1 − ym = δθm exp ( − θm ),

F(ym ) = −ln(1 − ym ).


The substitution of equation (4.4) in equation (3.11) gives γ (θm , δ) =

1 − δ[1 + θm − ln δθm ] exp( − θm ). θm


Figure 2 shows the families of parametric dependences for the first-order reactions at the various values of parameters. From the figure, the decrease of δ parameter leads to increase of the critical values of maximum temperature and γ parameter (figure 2a) and the increase of γ parameter leads to decrease of critical value of δ parameter. With the change of parameters, the regions I and II approach each other (figure 1b) and the area of unstable modes III disappears.




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3- Eq. (4.1), d = 30

region of high parametric sensitivity (unstable modes)

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The application of condition (4.3) to equation (3.11) gives (after transformation) the generalized criterion for the critical ignition condition w ym − y0 θm = + . ϕ(ym )[F(ym ) − F(y0 )] w − δθm (1 + βθm )2


Equations (5.1) and (3.11) and equation of connection (3.3) represent the complete system of equations for critical conditions analysis. This algebraic system determines the relationship between the two variables θm , ym and five parameters γ , δ, w, β, y0 . It is extremely difficult to analyse this relationship with the use of numerical simulation methods because of the large dimension of the parametric space. The most important dependences are θc (γ , δ, w, β, y0 ), yc (γ , δ, w, β, y0 ) and parametric dependence γc (δ, w, β, y0 ) at the limit of ignition (hereinafter, the index ‘c’ means the critical value). In this work, we consider the partial case of condition (5.1) for the second-order reactions (the most common type of reaction) at w = 0 (self-ignition).

6. Second-order reactions: analysis of the critical conditions (a) The basic equations For the second-order reactions, the dimensionless parameters have the form [2] γ=

cRT02 , QE[A01 ]


αSRT02 E exp , QVEk0 [A01 ][A02 ] RT0


where [A01 ], [A02 ] are the molar concentrations of initial reactants under normal conditions, c is the heat capacity of the system per unit volume, k0 is the pre-exponential factor, Q is the heat effect of reaction, α is the heat transfer coefficient, V is the volume of reaction which is bounded by surface area S. Therefore, these parameters are not independent. Excluding the initial temperature T0 from consideration, we obtain (in accordance with [10])

b , (6.2) δ = γ z exp √ γ where b2 =

cE QRA01

and z =

αS . cVk0 A02

Taking into account equation (3.5), the functions ϕ(y) and ϕ(y) = (1 − y)2


F(y) can be written as

and F(y) = (1 − y)−1 .


Then, equations (5.1), (3.11) and (3.3) have the form (after transformations) (1 + βθc )2 1 − yc = , 1 − y0 θc (yc − y0 )2 1 − y0   −θc . (1 − yc )2 = δθc exp 1 + βθc γ θc =


(6.5) (6.6) (6.7)


5. Generalized criteria of ignition

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Thus, the TE is bounded by the classic conditions from below and by degeneration conditions from above. In this connection, the problem of determination of the parametric boundaries of TE existence reduces to the problem of the existence of extremum points.

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δ˜c θc3 = (1 + βθc )4 exp where γ˜ =

γc 1 − y0

 θc , 1 + βθc

and δ˜c =

δc (1 − y0 )2




It is known that the condition βθc  1 is valid for the systems with high activation energy [2]. With the use of this condition, it is important to obtain the relation between the parameters δ˜c , γ˜c in an explicit form. One can introduce the deviation from the classical conditions θ  = θc − 1. We can assume that this deviation is small. The product βθ  we can consider as a of the second order of smallness. The substitution of equation (6.11) in equation (6.9) the expression for critical temperatures (with an accuracy up to the terms of the first of smallness) 

3 e 1+ β . θc ≈ 2 δ˜c The substitution of equation (6.12) in equation (6.8) gives  ⎤2  ⎡

δ˜ δ˜ ⎦ 3 1 1 − β ⎣1 − 1 + β . γ˜c ≈ e 2 2 e

(6.11) value gives order (6.12)


When considering the set of equations (6.8) and (6.9), one can analyse two problems: 1. Direct problem. It is necessary to define the conditions of ignition in the case when the initial temperature T0 is known. This problem can be solved easily. For example, we know the characteristic values of parameters: γ˜ = 0.03 and β = 0.01. The solution of equation (6.8) gives: θc ≈ 1.27. Taking into account equation (6.5), we obtain yc ≈ 0.19. The substitution of the values calculated in equation (6.9) gives δ˜c ≈ 1.8. Using equations (6.2) and (6.3), we obtain the critical value z = αS/cVk0 A02 ≈ 2.7 × 10−3 . 2. Inverse problem. It is necessary to determine the critical temperature Tig and corresponding preheating θc in the case when the heat removal conditions (z parameter) and kinetics parameters of reacting system (b parameter) are known. First of all, it is very important to consider the characteristic limiting case β = 0 which determines the systems with high activation energy [2].

(b) Critical conditions: Frank-Kamenetsky problem The set of equations (6.8) and (6.9) is significantly simplified in the case of the classical asymptotic approximation [2] β = 0 (Frank-Kamenetsky problem): ⎫

1 2⎪ ⎪ γ˜ θc = 1 − ⎬ θc (6.14) ⎪ ⎪ ⎭ 3 ˜ c = exp θc . and δθ The dependences (6.14) are presented in figure 3.



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The algebraic set (6.5)–(6.7) gives an opportunity to consider the analytic dependences of the critical temperature on parameters δ, γ :  2 (1 + βθc )2 (6.8) γ˜c θc = 1 − θc

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(a) 6



qc 3




2 1




3 d˜c











Figure 3. The dependences (6.14) for the critical values. (a) The dependence of critical temperature on parameter δ˜c ; (b) the dependence of critical temperature on parameter γ˜c . The point ‘a’ corresponds to degeneration condition.

Taking into account equations (6.1) and (6.10), the increase of parameter γ˜c (figure 3b) can be connected with a decrease of heat effect or with an increase of dilution y0 . In both cases, this leads to the necessity of additional heating of the system which can be achieved by reducing the rate of heat removal δ˜c (figure 3a). However, there is the limiting value of γ˜ parameter when TE becomes impossible (point a). The analysis of the set (6.14) allows determining the degeneration conditions: θd = 3; γd =

4 27

and δd =

e3 . 27


With the use of equation (6.5), one can estimate the limiting conversion depth: yd =

γd θd =

2 ≈ 0.67. 3


Further, it is necessary to compare the results obtained with the results of numerical calculation of the set (2.1). The parametric diagrams of critical conditions are presented in figure 4. These diagrams were obtained with the use of numerical calculation of the set (6.14) and with the use of analytic dependence (6.13) at β = 0. Figure 5 shows the thermograms which correspond to transitions 1–4 (figure 4). From figure 5, the critical transitions are the transitions 2 → 3. Obviously, the TE is strictly pronounced in the cases γ = 0.02 and γ = 0.04. With the increase of γ parameter, the gap between the low- and high-temperature modes narrows (figures 1 and 2). The gap disappears at γ ≈ 0.1 and dependence Todes parameter—maximal temperature becomes close to linear. With a decrease of δ˜ parameter, the maximal temperature changes smoothly until the adiabatic heating regime. The dependence (6.13) corresponds to the results of numerical calculation more accurately. From the figure, the results obtained by Kassoy & Linan [6] (the method of integral manifolds) give the overly underestimated values of critical parameters (the plot c). In this case, the degeneration phenomenon is determined by the small value of heat effect, whereas the value of activation energy is significant.

(c) Critical conditions: the general analysis In order to calculate the critical conditions for a given system, the parameters γ and β cannot be considered as independent values. Taking into account the form of parameter β = RT0 /E and


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0.16 a


2 - the critical points



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0.14 B 0.12 0.10 4 3 2 1 d

g~c 0.08 0.06

4 3 21




4 3 2 1b


4 3

2 1a 2




1.5 ~ dc




Figure 4. Results of critical conditions calculation at β = 0. A—the numerical calculation of algebraic set of equations (6.14), B—the dependence (6.13) at β = 0, C—the dependence obtained by Kassoy & Linan [6], 1–4 the trajectories of imaging points which are defined by decrease of δ˜c parameter in the parametric space. The point a corresponds to degeneration conditions (6.14). equations (6.1) and (6.3), we obtain γ˜ = b2 β 2 .


From equation (6.3), b parameter characterizes only the reacting system. The dependences (6.8) and (6.9) (equation (6.16)) are presented in figure 6. For a given system (with the fixed value of b parameter), the increase of γ˜ parameter is connected with an increase of initial temperature T0 . The increase of this value leads to the increase of reactant consumption influence during preheating. In its turn, this leads to the necessity of heating of the system θc . At the points of degeneration, the influence of reactants consumption dominates and TE becomes impossible. However, with an increase of b2 (transition to another reacting system), the activation energy increases. This broadens the regions of TE existence. The condition b2 → ∞ is equivalent to the Frank-Kamenetsky problem (β = 0). Therefore, the dependences which are presented in figure 6 tend asymptotically to the limiting dependences which are presented in figure 3. Let us analyse the degeneration conditions which are determined by the conditions dγ˜c /dθc = dδ˜c /dθc = 0. These conditions lead to equation β 2 θc2 + (1 − 2β)θc − 3 = 0.


From the analysis of equation (6.17), TE cannot be realized under condition β > 0.25. The joint consideration of equations (6.8), (6.9), (6.17) leads to the dependences γd (b2 ) and γd (δ) which are presented in figure 7. It is necessary to note that the dependences presented characterize unambiguously the all exothermic reactions of second order. In the limiting case b2 → ∞, the degeneration conditions tend asymptotically to conditions (6.15) for the Frank-Kamenetsky problem. Thus, we can estimate the degeneration conditions for any given system which is characterized by the given value of b parameter with the use of figure 7 and equations (6.2) and (6.3).

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(b) 40 40


25 3




15 10

























(d) 4




6 5


q 7.5




3 2






1 2











Figure 5. The time-temperature profiles corresponding to trajectories 1–4 (figure 4). The transitions from low- to hightemperature modes are determined by the transitions from the mode 2 to the mode 3. (a)



1–b2 = 10 2–b2 = 10





3–b2 = 70 4–b2 = •


3.8 3.4 b2 = 10


b2 = 40



b2 = 70 b2 = •



1.8 Frank-Kamenetsky problem

1 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 ~ dc

Frank-Kamenetsky problem

1.4 1.0


0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 g~c

Figure 6. The dependences of critical temperature on parameters: (a) the dependence (6.9) at various values of parameter b; (b) the dependence (6.8) at various values of parameter b. The points indicate the degeneration conditions. The arrows indicate the directions of the initial temperature T0 increase. Figure 8 shows the dependences of critical parameters at the limit of ignition which were obtained with the use of equations (6.13) and (6.16). From the figure, the results of analytical calculation show the good agreement with the results of numerical calculation. The deviations (about 10%) are observed only for relatively large values of γ˜ parameter. In order to obtain the critical temperatures, it is necessary to take into account the dependence (6.2) at the given value of b parameter.


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30 q



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(a) 0.12








0 0.6












30 b2





Figure 7. The dependences of the Todes criterion on parameters at the limit of degeneration.

1 – b2 = 10


2 – b2 = 70


3 – b2 = •


- numerical calculation eq. (2.1)

0.10 g˜c



0.06 0.04 1 0.02 0

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 d˜c

Figure 8. The dependences of critical parameters at the limit of ignition which were calculated with the use of equations (6.13) and (6.16) at various values of parameter b2 .

(d) An example of critical parameters calculation For the analysis of critical conditions, it is practically important to consider the relationship between the parameters of reacting mixture at the limit of ignition. In this case, the dependence of critical temperature on the pressure of gas mixture is most often considered [2]. In order to obtain this dependence, equation (6.13) (at β = 0) should be represented in the form ⎞ ⎛  2 ˜ 4 eγ ⎠. (6.18) δ˜ = e ⎝1 − δ˜ From equation (6.1), the parameter γ˜ 2 /δ˜ does not depend on reactants concentration or gas pressure. Then, the dependence of critical pressure on temperature (using equation (6.1)) can be represented as follows: hT02 exp(E/2RT0 ) , (6.19) pc = √ [1 − H T0 exp( − E/4RT0 )] where h(Pa K−2 ) =

αSR3 /VQk0 Ee

and H =


c2 eVk0 R/QEαS.



0.15 Proc. R. Soc. A 472: 20160529


(b) 0.15

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pressure (atm)

1 1¢

a b c d

1.0 e

0.5 2¢

0 1000


f g h





1150 1200 temperature (K)




Figure 9. The dependence of critical pressure on temperature for reaction (6.21). 1, 1 —αS/V = 103 W m−3 K−1 ; 2, 2 —αS/V = 102 W m−3 K−1 . 1, 2—the calculation with the use of equation (6.19) at H = 0 (considering the reactant consumption), 1 ,2 —the calculation with the use of equation (6.19) at H = 0 (the classical theory). A and B are the points of degeneration. The squares indicate the results of experimental investigation [15].

The numerator of equation (6.19) defines the classical TE condition at γ˜ = 0, δ˜ = e excluding the reactant consumption. Thus, the reactant consumption influence is determined by the denominator of equation (6.19) at H = 0. The conditions E/4RT0  1, H  1 determine the possibility of the classical theory application. Hence, for critical parameters calculation, it is interesting to analyse the case when the difference between the classical condition and condition (6.19) is significant (the upper part of the diagram presented in figure 8) and the denominator of equation (6.19) is of primary importance. This may correspond to low pressures or concentrations of the gas mixture and correspondingly to high values of critical temperatures. Moreover, the heat removal rate (the value αS/V) should be significant. Let us consider the second-order exothermic reaction of nitrous oxide decomposition: 2N2 O → 2N2 + O2 .


The kinetics of this reaction is well studied in the high-temperature region [12–14]. In accordance with the results of the study [14], let us introduce the values of kinetic parameters: Q = 163 kJ mol−1 , E = 240 kJ mol−1 , k0 = 5.1 × 108 m3 mol−1 s−1 and c = 2.18kJ m−3 K−1 in the temperature range 1000–1300 K. The dependence (6.19) (reaction (6.21)) is presented in figure 9 for two values of parameter αS/V. From the figure, the results of critical parameters calculations obtained with the use of classical theory (curves 1 , 2 ) are significantly different from the results obtained with the use of equation (6.19) (curves 1, 2). With the decrease of pressure, the gap between the curves 1, 1 and 2, 2 increases. The discrepancy between the critical pressures is about 25% at T0 = 1050 K and it reaches 100% at T0 = 1200 K. Consequently, the classical theory is inapplicable in terms of the critical pressures calculation. With an increase of the pressure, the gap between the curves narrows asymptotically. With a decrease of heat removal rate (the plots 2, 2 ) the curves are located closer to each other and the dependence of critical pressure on temperature becomes weaker. From calculation, the experimental results [15] correspond to theoretical ones with good accuracy at the value αS/V ≈ 800 W m−3 K−1 . Theoretically, all the signs of TE disappear at the points A, B. Figure 10 shows the results of numerical calculation of the equations set (2.1) for reaction pathways d → a and h → e (figure 9) which correspond to the change of pressure at the given temperatures.


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(a) 30 a

4 e



b 2


10 1 5






c h
















Figure 10. The self-heating thermograms which correspond to reaction pathways presented in figure 9.

From figure 10a, the critical transition is the transition c → b at T0 = 1050 K which is accompanied by the abrupt increase in temperature. The corresponding change of maximum temperature is T = 908 K. At the temperature T0 = 1200 K, the critical transition is the transition f → e which is accompanied by the change of maximum temperature: T = 138 K. In the transition h → g → f → e, the maximum temperature increases smoothly (without any jumps) and the mode of self-ignition is close to a degenerate one. It is useful to estimate the corresponding conversion depth. The joint consideration of equations (6.5) and (6.6) at y0 = 0 gives γ (1 − yc ) y2c = (γ + βy2c )2 .


From the calculation, the value of conversion depth is yc ≈ 0.21 at T0 = 1200 K. Therefore, the conversion depth during preheating is significant (it cannot be ignored). At T0 = 1200 K, the corresponding conversion depth is yc ≈ 0.6 that is close to the estimate (6.15 ).

7. Discussion Realization of exothermic reactions in controlled mode is the extremely difficult problem in the case when reaction rate strongly depends on temperature and the value of the heat effect is significant. The basic methods which allow controlling the rate of fast exothermic reactions are the methods of pressure reducing and dilution of gas mixture by an inert component. In this situation, it is important to be able to predict the critical TE conditions until its complete degeneration. This may be of practical interest in terms of the problems of so-called mild combustion [9], explosion safety, heat and power engineering, chemical kinetics, etc. The currently existing methods of critical conditions calculation [5–8] are developed for homogeneous reactions and they are based on the technique of perturbation theory. Actually, these methods allow calculating the correction to the classical theory taking into account the reactant consumption. As it was shown in this work (figure 9), these corrections give the significant deviations from the results of numerical calculation at relatively high values of Todes parameter (figure 4) for the second-order reactions. In this study, the calculating formulae (6.13), (6.19) which can be easily verified experimentally were suggested. The formula (6.19) allows to define directly the deviation from the classical TE theory at H = 0. The model presented allows estimating the low limit of TE degeneration (β = 0) which has the form (equations (6.15) and (6.13)) e3 exp(−2.6b). (7.1) zd = 4 This equation establishes a relationship between the heat removal conditions (αS/V) and reactants concentration A0 (or pressure) when the reaction can be realized in a controlled manner.




maximum temperatures Tm (e) = 1439K Tm ( f ) = 1308 K Tm (g) = 1249 K Tm (h) = 1230 K

T0 = 1200 K Proc. R. Soc. A 472: 20160529



(b) 5

maximum temperatures Tm (a) = 2195 K Tm (b) = 2004 K Tm (c) = 1096 K Tm (d) = 1088 K

T0 = 1050 K

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In this study, the method of critical ignition conditions calculation for arbitrary exothermic reactions has been proposed. The method is based on the approximate solution of integral equation which was obtained for the maximal temperatures of exothermic reactions with reactant consumption. In this case, the critical ignition conditions should be regarded as the impossibility of slow reaction mode realization. The method allows revealing the regions of low- and high-temperature modes on the parametric plane (bistability) and to formulate the generalized mathematical criterion of transition of reacting system to high-temperature mode. It was established that the region of critical conditions existence is bounded by the classical conditions from below and by the degeneration conditions from above. The application of the method to the particular case of the second-order reactions allowed establishing that the calculated critical values correlate well with the results of numerical calculations. The method gives an opportunity to analyse the critical conditions in a much broader range of parameters than the method of integral manifolds. Therefore, it becomes possible to analyse the critical conditions for reactions with low heat release or diluted mixtures when the method of integral manifolds is not applicable. The method suggested may be of interest from the point of view of the problems of explosion safety, heat power engineering and chemical kinetics. Data accessibility. This work contains the experimental data presented in the reference list. Authors’ contributions. V.Yu.F. carried out the analytical investigations, developed the mathematical model, participated in the design of the study and drafted the manuscript. K.B.K. carried out the numerical calculation of the basic equations of the mathematical model and helped draft the manuscript. All authors gave the final approval for publication. Competing interests. We declare we have no competing interests. Funding. This work is not supported by any grant or programme presently.

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8. Conclusion

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Indeed, the smouldering reaction modes (or mild combustion) can be realized under condition z > zd and this gives an opportunity to control the rate of reaction by the change of concentration or (and) pressure in the parametric region z ≈ zd (figure 10b). The reaction is uncontrollable at z  zd . For a more accurate calculation(β = 0), one can use the dependences presented in figure 7. Thus, the model suggested gives an opportunity to estimate the values of critical parameters in the upper part of the critical diagram (figure 8) where the classical theory gives the incorrect results. The equation (6.22) gives the possibility to estimate the value of conversion depth during preheating. In conclusion, it should be noted that the conditions (3.12) and (5.1) are applicable not only to the calculation of TE critical conditions for homogeneous mixtures (4.1) which were predominantly analysed with the use of integral manifolds methods. The mathematical theory of critical phenomena for heterogeneous systems (taking into account the reactant consumption) is poorly developed. Unlike the homogeneous reactions (law of mass action (4.1)), there are many different kinds of kinetic laws ϕ(y) which describe the heterogeneous interaction [16]. This allows using the conditions (3.12) and (5.1) in a wide range of applications (including forced ignition). This problem requires additional investigations.

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