International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) Volume 8, Issue 2, February 2017, pp. 252–263 Article ID: IJCIET_08_02_027 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316 © IAEME Publication
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CRITICAL REVIEW ON STRUCTURAL LIGHT WEIGHT CONCRETE V. Swamy Nadh Research scholar, VIT University, Chennai, India K. Muthumani Professor, VIT University, Chennai, India ABSTRACT Concrete is widely used material across the world for construction of large structures. Due to increase in industrialization and development of urban areas, high volume of resources is required which are available naturally. This means high volume of resources is used worldwide for production of concrete. To reduce the use of such resources and to decrease the negative impact on environment, the uses of industrial waste and artificial aggregates as a replacement of natural aggregates are increasingly used. Another focus required in material research is to reduce the concrete weight density so that the effective dead load and seismic loads can be lowered. The paper attempts to review the literature and present a state of art in making lightweight concrete as reported till now for structural application. Key words: Lightweight Concrete, Oil Palm Shell, Expanded Clay Aggregates, Scoria Aggregates, Conventional Concrete, Pumice Aggregate Cite this Article: V. Swamy Nadh and K. Muthumani, Critical Review On Structural Light Weight Concrete. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 8(2), 2017, pp. 252–263.
1. INTRODUCTION Lightweight Concrete (LWC) has been used since many years. Many monuments are constructed with lightweight concrete and these are long lasting up to now. Lightweight concrete are mainly from natural volcanic eruption and are common totals of volcanic root, for example, pumice, scoria, and so forth. Sumerians utilized this as a part of building Babylon in the third thousand years B.C. (Fig. 1). The Greeks and the Romans were first used pumice as a part of building development. These buildings are still in existing with minor failures like St. Sofia Cathedral or Hagia Sofia, in Istanbul, Turkey, worked by two specialists, Isidore of Miletus and Anthemius of Tralles, charged by the Emperor Justinian in the fourth century A.D,the Roman sanctuary, Pantheon, which was raised in the years A.D. 118 to 128 (Fig 2); the auspicious conduit, Pont du Gard, assembled in A.D. 14; and the considerable Roman amphitheatre, Coliseum, worked in A.D. 70 and 82. Notwithstanding building developments, the Romans utilized normal lightweight concrete and empty dirt vases to make "Creation Caementitium"
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V. Swamy Nadh and K. Muthumani with a special goal to reduce the weight. This was additionally utilized for the development of Pyramids and the Mayan time frame in Mexico.
Figure 1 Pantheon, the roman temple
Figure 2 Sumerians, Babylon building
Light weight cement can be created from numerous points of view (i) gassing operators, for example, aluminum powder or frothing specialists, (ii) lightweight mineral total, for example, perlite, vermiculite, pumice, extended shale, slate, and mud, or (iii) plastic granules as total, e.g., extended polystyrene froth (EPS), polyurethane or other polymer materials (1) . Different purposes behind picking LWC as a development material are turning out to be progressively essential and more consideration is taken to vitality preservation and to utilization of industrial waste materials to supplant modest normal sources (2). Thermal resistance LWC materials increase with the decreasing density and this helps in energy savings. LWC has been generally utilized as a part of structures as stone work squares, divider boards, rooftop decks and precast solid units. Due to decrease in dead weight of the material there is a possibility of reduction in size of the members in structure this helps in construction of lightweight structures in low seismic zones. LWC made with regular or from simulated total is characterized by the ACI Committee 213 into three classifications as per its quality and thickness (3). The fundamental goal of utilizing LWC as a part of the structures situated in seismic zones is to decrease seismic conduct of those constructed structures. Be that as it may, because of the short coming and weakness of lightweight total there are a few imperfections in mechanical properties of solidified lightweight total cement. Weak nature of lightweight total prompts to untimely disappointment of the LWAC example after pinnacle loads [9]. The shortcoming of LWAC contributes on the lessening tractable and flexural quality of LWAC. Fragility of LWAC is opposite with the principle goal of LWAC requires bendable conduct in seismic burdens. This can be overcome by using suitable measure of strands or different added substances (4). For the most part, considering the importance of total network communications in routine solid, the ordinary weight total zone is more grounded than the grid and the interfacial move zone (ITZ). In any case, if lightweight totals are brought into a solid blend, they are the weakest parts, which surprisingly influence the flexible and mechanical properties of LWC. Due to decrease in sizes of the members stresses developed were enhanced and can withstand the forces coming on the structure. In any case, if the totals are weaker contrasted and the solid mortar stage, the anxiety
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Critical Review On Structural Light Weight Concrete
exchange happens through the grid and splits spread through the lightweight total (fig 3) particles. Consequently, the lightweight totals are likewise weaker than the ITZ (5). The utilization of lightweight total in cement has many favourable circumstances and are listed below: •
Reduction of dead weight can decrease the footings sizes and lighter the upper structure. This may bring about decrease in bond amount and conceivable lessening in fortification.
Lighter and littler pre-thrown components requiring littler and less costly taking care of and transporting hardware.
Reductions in sizes of members and bar measurements that outcome in bigger vacancy accessibility. (6)
High thermal protection.
helps in imperviousness to fire of the structure (Kayali, 2007; ACI 213, 2003) (7).
Figure 3 Lightweight aggregates
2. TYPES OF LIGHTWEIGHT AGGREGATES 2.2. Expanded clay aggregates Permeable mud blocks were delivered much sooner than the Christian time, amid Indus Valley human progress ca. 2500 B.C. These are utilized as a part of the development of two urban areas, MohenjoDaro and Harappa (Fig. 1.7). It is recommended that these permeable blocks were broken and used as lightweight sums as a part of the block work. Despite the way that the reason for the LWC is difficult to assess, it would not be a twisting to express the establishments from the old fashioned casing. With the increase in demand of the LWC and the less availability of the aggregates, advancement for conveying lightweight sums has been created. In nineteenth century, penetrable mud pieces were conveyed by smart vanishing of water. Kukenthal from Braunschweig take patent in 1880. The mechanical usage of consistent lightweight aggregates in Germany was started in 1845 who conveyed workmanship hinders from pumice, with blasted lime as the binder.[3] Pumice has been used as a piece of close-by building. Light weight Expanded earth totals (LECA) (fig 4)was created around 1917 in Kansas City, Missouri known as Haydite which was utilized as a part of the development of USS Selma, a maritime ship propelled in 1919. Following in the USA was the improvement of a progression of totals known as Gravelite, Perlite, Rocklite, and so on. In Europe, LECA started in Denmark, Germany, Holland (Netherlands), UK and Middle East. (8)
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V. Swamy Nadh and K. Muthumani
Figure 4 Expanded clay aggregates
LECA has a moisture content of 12-30% which are very high compared to NWC. ECA has a dry density of 1500-1700 kg/m3 and a fresh concrete has 1700-2000 kg/m3. High-strength LWC can achieve strength from 34 to 69 MPa by immersion of different pozzolans materials like fly ash, silica fume, metakaolin, sintered clays and shales combined with different percentages of water reducers as admixtures. The w/c ratio is less than 0.45 and air entering agents are included to the less to withstand the stresses. This concrete maitains air-dry density of 2,000 kg/m3 and less as determined by ASTM C 567 (9). Modulus of elasticity of cement is additionally considered alongside the thickness of cement to keep up the firmness of the material. Typical weight concrete has a flexible modulus or modulus of flexibility as 2.5*105 N/mm2, where as in lightweight solid modulus of versatility changes as indicated by the kind of totals utilized. Alireza ardakani and mahmoud yazdani had given the connection between molecule thickness and static versatile modulus of flexibility of lightweight extended mud totals as the scopes of the normal versatile modulus for regular and auxiliary LECA are 0.57–2.31 and 2.66–6.27 GPa, individually (10). Murat Emre Dilli et all had figured the recipe for modulus of flexible of LWC with various methodologies made my ACI and CEB-FIB. They have presumed that relying upon water to bond proportion the compressive strength changed between 24Mpa to 31Mpa for lightweight total cement of thickness 1750-1800 kg/m3, and 52Mpa to 68Mpa for lightweight total cement of thickness 1900-2200 kg/m3, 61Mpa to 75Mpa for ordinary concrete or customary cement of thickness 2300 kg/m3 or more. (5) As there is an expansion of compressive strength when LWC are supplanted with reused dirt totals and auxiliary proficiency is expanded when LWC is dynamically supplanted with RCA. Compressive strength is kept up in the middle of 30-45 MPa when auxiliary LWC with Leca is supplanted with reused totals and assimilation of water by the example is 12-25%, carbonation resistance of 70% is accomplished. Flexible properties are arranged and employments of versatile modulus qualities are recorded by LWA. Utilizing ECA of review 2, which has a dry thickness of 1900-2100 kg/m3 gives compressive strength of 60-80 MPa, properties of such review are recorded in table (11). In the event that customary cement and LWAC is contrasted with strain values, there is a high estimation of strain saw in LWAC (12). With the utilization of fly powder in LWAC there is an expansion of 8% in compressive strength and abatement in porosity by 24%, split rigidity expanded by 9% and thickness of cement expanded by 3% (7).
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Critical Review On Structural Light Weight Concrete Table 1 Composition of cement and fly ash Fly ash Chemical composition SiO2 48.53 Al2O3 24.61 Fe2O3 7.59 CaO 9.48 MgO 2.28 SO3 2.48 Na2O 1.18 K 2O 2.51 S+A+F 80.73 -
Cement Chemical composition SiO2 20.32 Al2O3 5.59 Fe2O3 3.09 CaO 62.50 MgO 1.74 SO3 3.29 Na2O 0.34 K 2O 0.91 Loss on ignition Unknown 0.31 CaO 0.93
Table 2 Summary of Expanded Clay Aggregates (ECA) Author Aggregat Fly ash Cement name e type (%) (kg) Serkan ECA subasi (7) Augusto ECA Gomes, et al. (13) Payam ECA Shafig, et al. (12) Murat ECA emare dilli et al. (5) j.alexandre ECA Bogas (14)
Fly ash (kg)
Water Specific Moisture Water Admixtur absorption gravity content (%) (liter) e (liter) (%) (gm/cm3) 157.5 4.2 22.4 0.09 1.22 180 4.8 22.4 0.09 1.22 202.5 5.4 22.4 0.09 1.22 158 158 158 141.4 2.75 23.5 0.08 1.23
10 20 30 100 180 100
315 320 315 350 270 350 550
35 80 135 100 180 100
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V. Swamy Nadh and K. Muthumani Table 3 Properties of Expanded Clay Aggregates (ECA) Selection Particle density (kg/m3) Aggregate type Serkan subasi (7) ECA 1100 1700 1950 Payam Shafig ,et ECA 1809 al. (12)
Compressive strength (MPa) 15.60 22.05 41.27 30.8
Augusto Gomes, et al. (13)
Slump flow (600-750 mm)
Author name
j.alexandre Bogas ECA (14)
1.74 2.27 2.34 2.77
v-funnel 9-15 L-box U-box 0.8 >300 30Mpa 1.35 55Mpa 3.70 43Mpa 1.7 Carbonation resistance Chloride diffusion – -2.46 mm/day 12.66 10-2 m2/s
1290 Murat emare dilli ECA et al. (5)
Tensile strength (MPa)
720 1750 1735
2.2. Oil Palm Shell (OPS) The use of OPS as a lightweight aggregate for delivering LWC was investigated in 1984 by Abdullah in Malaysia and by Okafor in Nigeria. By and large, is demonstrated that the compressive strength of OPS LWC, with and without cementitious materials, is inside the run of the mill compressive strength for basic LWC is about 20–35 MP with a density of around 20–25% lower than ordinary weight concrete (NWC). In any case, late studies have demonstrated the likelihood of creating high quality OPS lightweight solid (Fig 5) of up to around 53 and 56 MPa for 28 and 56 days compressive strength. The 28days dry density of OPS cement was inside the range for auxiliary LWC and was around 20% not as much as customary cement. The compressive strength of OPS cement was within the range for auxiliary LWC and was around half not as much as conventional cement. Fly fiery debris as bond swap for OPS concrete negatively affected its compressive strength with a diminishment of up to 29%. Operations concrete achieved the most noteworthy quality under 56days water curing contrasted and 6days water curing and with plastic film curing (15). The 28days mechanical compressive strength of OPS cements are around 20 and 24 N/mm2 and fulfil the prerequisite for auxiliary LWC. The 28-day flexural strength of OPS is existing in between 2.75 and 4.00N/mm2 and it is around 14.7-17.2% of its compressive strength. For ordinary weight concrete, the flexural quality is generally around 15% of compressive strength. The 28-day part elastic properties for OPS cement is around 1.79 and 2.48 N/mm2.It is almost 12% of the 28-day compressive strength. The 28-day modulus of elasticity of OPS cement is 0.70-0.76 *104 N/mm2, around 0.28-0.29 of the E estimations of control cement in this study. More often than not modulus of flexibility of LWC is inside estimation of conventional concrete by around 0.34-0.66 of E. At 90 days, OPS solid shows 16% more drying shrinkage than conventional concrete. (16).
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Critical Review On Structural Light Weight Concrete
Figure 5 Oil palm shell
The lightweight concrete with high workability and matrix material can be obtained normally by oil palm shell concrete. It is conceivable to manufacture OPS of high quality LWC with 28days compressive strength of around 45 and 49 MPa and partial dry density of around 1850 and 2000 kg/m3. Compressive strength of OPS at 1, 3 and 7 day were 45–67%, 75–80% and 83–92% of the 28 days in OPS highquality cement, individually. High quality OPS cements are mostly tend to adequate curing. Base time of 7 days of normal curing is suggested for this kind of LWC. Water ingestion of OPS high-quality cement differs from 3.8% to 6.8%, which is in the objective of good concrete (17). The utilization of OPS total from smashing the bigger unique OPS total can be another technique to altogether improve the compressive strength of OPS LWC. High workability with 28-day compressive strength of around 53 MPa can be gotten if there should be an occurrence of OPS LWC. By and large, the 28-day air-dry thickness and stove dry thickness of pulverized OPS concrete with 28days compressive strength in the scope of 35–54 MPa, is 17.5% and 20.9% lower than ordinary cement concrete. By utilizing squashed OPS total it is conceivable to deliver review 30 OPS concrete with fundamentally bring down bond content. For examination, the roof compressive strength for OPS cement was seen at an early age (7 days) for unique OPS total. In any case, this conduct was not watched for smashed OPS total at 28 or 56 days(18). Despite of the fact that OPS lightweight concrete has a higher dry denstiy than the extended mud LWC (around 6%), its 28-day compressive strength behaviour, flexural and part rigid qualities are more prominent than the extended earth LWC by around 45%, 31% and 17%. The effectiveness variable of OPS LWC is higher than for the extended dirt and ordinary concrete (12). The expansion of silica smoke incredibly lessens pours and enhances total bond glue interface of the solid and thus minimizes the acceptance of small scale splits. It is conceivable to deliver OPS with a 28days compressive strength of 55MPa by taking squashed dura (sort of OPS) OPS totals taken from oil palm trees matured somewhere around 10 and 15 years of age. There is a direct association with high relationship coefficient between the early age and 28-day compressive strength for OPS produced using totals of various species and age classification. The water ingestion esteem fluctuates from 4.04 to 6.37% for all OPS blends, which falls inside the good concrete mix (19). It is observed that the concrete made with OPS has reduction in weight of around 60% when compared to normal weight concrete when it is tested in laboratory of around the temperature of 280 C to 500 C. There is a reduction of weight of the LWC when it is tested for dry partial density at around the temperature of 260 C which is adequate to use the concrete for construction purpose (20). When the OPS are used in making of concrete without any replacement the 28days compressive strength of concrete can be achieved of around 14-38 MPa which is having a dry partial density of 17001990 kg/m3. The self-compacting concrete can be effectively delivered utilizing OPBC totals and
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V. Swamy Nadh and K. Muthumani molecule pressing technique. The outcomes showed that the blend configuration could be utilized for OPC as well as for an assortment of mixes of totals. It rations the characteristic assets as well as advances manageability in saving the earth. (21). The utilization of GGBS as incomplete bond substitution in the OPS delivered expanded compressive strength pick up contrasted with OPS with no GGBS over the curing time of 365 days. All the blends experienced quality decrease of around 55-65% when subjected to warmth presentation of 200˚C. Be that as it may, the expansion in GGBS substitution at 60% was observed to be best in minimizing the quality misfortune. The water retention of the OPS at 28 and 90days was observed to be in the scope of 7.5-7.8% and 6.3-7.3%. The OPS with 40% GGBS performed best in lessening the water ingestion of OPS because of diminishing in porous pores. (22) The GGBS substitution level and curing condition slightly affected the post-crest flexural sturdiness, while the expansion of low-volume steel fiber altogether improved the flexural durability of the OPS. The expansion of 0.6% steel filaments gave more reliable change to the flexural execution of the OPS contrasted with the expansion of a 0.3% volume division of steel strands. The impact of GGBS substitution level and curing administration on the anxiety strain relationship of OPS was peripheral, though the expansion of strands fundamentally expanded the pinnacle strain and most extreme compressive strain of the solid, showing enhanced toughness.(23) Table 4 Mechanical characteristic values of oil palm shell. Water Specimen details /cement ratio H.B. BASRI (15) 0.41 Delsye c.l.teo et al. (24) Payam shafigh et 0.41 al (25) Payam shafig et 0.35 al. (18) Payam shafig er 190 at (26) Payam shafig et 158 at (12) Kim hung mo et 180 al. (22) Muhammad 0.3-0.56 aslam et al. (21) Kim humg mo et 168 al. (23)
Cement (kg)
Slump value (mm)
Dry Density (kg/m3) 1472
Compressive Water Tensile Strength absorption strength (%) (MPa) (MPa) 18-20 23.32
Young’s modulus (GPa)
1890-1905 22-29
1801-1890 38-44
1850-1965 37-45
19.3-1970 29-37
350-450 560
1800-1900 18-24
5-7 2.4-2.64
2.3. Pumice aggregate (PA) Pumice is a characteristic material got from volcanic starting point delivered by the arrival of gasses amid the hardening of magma. The smaller scale PA is made by the arrangement of air pockets or air voids when gasses included in the liquid magma spilling out of volcanoes get to be changed on cooling. The cells of pumice which is actually happened from volcanic root are extended and parallel to each other and is some of the time interconnected. Volcanic pumice (VP) can be utilized as total as a part of the creation of LWC in numerous nations on the planet. In this way, the utilization of pumice was reliant on the accessibility and constrained to the nations where it is locally accessible or effectively transported
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Critical Review On Structural Light Weight Concrete
in. Agreeable solid which is half to 33% lighter than typical cement having great protecting qualities with high assimilation and shrinkage can be made utilizing VP (27). Pumice (fig 6) is utilized as a part of auxiliary LWC due to its mechanical properties is closer to typical weight concrete. Penetrability of cement as observed by Anwar Hossain initial surface absorption of volcanic pumice concrete is 34% higher that of the NWC, it is also mentioned that VPC can used as structural lightweight concrete (27). Modulus of elasticity (ME) of VPC is important to consider as the stiffness of the structure is based on ME value. There is an highly decrease of ME value in the VPC concrete, as the density plays a major role in the making the structure stiff in which VPC is quite back. The density of VPC is 1700-1800 kg/m3. There is significant effect of VPC while using of admixtures. It improves the workability and strength of the VPC as there is an increase of density while adding admixtures (3). Grade 2 which has a particle size of 4-8mm of PA shows better results when compared to Grade 1(smaller than 4mm) and Grade 3 (8-16mm). Grading curves are used to locate which kind of aggregates sizes can give the optimum strength and other mechanical properties. Pumice aggregates are used as thermal efficient material and thermal conductivity of PAC is 2.5-4 times lower than that of NWC (2) . The permeable structure of pumice concrete is beneficial and acts as a thermal insulating material.
Figure 6 Pumice aggregate
There is an increase of ductility of pumice aggregate and there is an effect of strength characteristics of PAV when there is an addition of steel fibers in the concrete mix (4). The use of polypropylene fibers (PP) and steel fibers reduces the risk of segregation of the concrete and improves the uniformity of the mixture. Inner structure of PAC is examined when PAC is mixed with polymers. Polymers make the PA filled with the polymers and specific gravity of normal PAC and PAC coated with polymers varies between 0.68-1.64 g/cm2 , polymers play role in reduction of water absorption by LWCA (28). Thus for the present study, pumice totals with high water assimilation rate (30.1-40.5%) were covered with polymer coatings to diminish and deliver lightweight pumice totals with low water ingestion rate (2–10%). It was finished up as an after effect of the present study that LWC to be fabricated from such totals in non-forced fluid media and has bring down corrosion dude to their not very high pressure resistance. 2.3.Scoria lightweight aggregates High-strength light weight aggregates made with scoria and containing mineral admixtures can be used as a structural application in constructions (fig 7). Concrete made with these aggregates shows compressive strength up to 40 MPa by the use of silica fumes as replacement. Alaettin kilic et al., (29) shows the use of scoria aggregates gives appropriate results when admixtures are used as replacement of cement content. They considered fly ash and silica fumes replacement of cement content; different mix proportions are made to find the adequate results. Replacement of cement content with 100 kg of fly ash and 50 kg of silica fumes shown compressive strength up to 40 MPa for 28days.
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V. Swamy Nadh and K. Muthumani Payam shafigh et al., (30) shows the mechanical and micro structural properties of lightweight aggregate concrete containing limestone and high volume of fly ash reduces the cost of construction and disposal of waste. Replacement of cement content with fly ash decrease the strength properties and replacement of fine aggregate with limestone powder affects the strength of the concrete and shows adequate results. Oil palm shell and crushed granite is used as an coarse aggregate, oven dry density is about 1650-1900 kg/m3, compressive strength of lightweight aggregates concrete shows 45 MPa when no replacement is done (30) (31). Table 5 Mechanical properties of pumice aggregate
water/cement Cement ratio (kg)
Author K.M. anwar hossain et al. (27) D.Sari et al. (3) L.Gunduz et al. (32) L.gunduz (2) Nicolas Ali Libre et al. (4) Ozlem salli bideci et al . (28)
Slump value (mm)
Partial dry Compressive Water Young’s Density Strength absorption modulus (kg/m3 ) (N/mm2) (%) (GPa)
Figure 7 Scoria aggregates
As the lightweight aggregates had low density than normal weight concrete, choosing of such lightweight aggregates in structural point of view is a good initiative.
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Critical Review On Structural Light Weight Concrete
As per the review there are so many lightweight aggregates that can achieve the structural properties but moisture content place a major role.
The compressive strength of oil palm shell gives more strength when compared to all other aggregates.
Silica fumes are added to decrease the pores in the concrete and to make concrete to better.
Micro structural analysis has to be made to make the grain boundaries to bond between the C-S-H gel and the aggregates.
Moisture related problems are same in all the lightweight aggregates, reduction can be made by adding silica as replacement of cement.
Selection of lightweight aggregates depends on the selection of construction.
Light weight aggregate can be used as structural, Non Structural and infill also.
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