The Proceedings Book of The 8th Annual Basic Science International Conference 2018
BaSIC 2018 Committee Steering Committee Prof. Dr. Ir. Mohammad Bisri, M.S. Rector, Universitas Brawijaya
Drs. Adi Susilo, M.Si., Ph.D Dean, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Dr. Serafinah Indriyani, M.Si Vice Dean I, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Sukir Maryanto, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D Vice Dean II, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Darjito, S.Si., M.Si. Vice Dean III, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Advisor Dr. Ir. Moch. Sasmito Djati, M.S. Vice Rector IV, Universitas Brawijaya
Luchman Hakim, S.Si., M.Agr.Sc., Ph.D Head of Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Drs. Hari Arief Dharmawan, M.Eng., Ph.D Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Organizing Committee Yoga Dwi Jatmiko, S.Si., M.App.Sc., Ph.D Chairperson Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Ellya Indahyanti, S.Si., M.Eng. Vice Chairperson Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Dr. Sri Widyarti, M.Si Secretary Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Zulfaidah Penata Gama, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D Treasurer Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Eka Ernawati Treasurer Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Wuri Fitriani Utami, S.E., M.M. Treasurer Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
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The Proceedings Book of The 8th Annual Basic Science International Conference 2018
Irfan Mustafa, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. Secretariat Coordinator Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Muhammad Yusuf, S.Si., M.Si. Secretariat Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Hamdani D. Prasetyo, S.Si., M.Si. Secretariat Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Dr. Eng. Agus Naba, M.T. Web Administrator Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Husnin Kholidah, S.Kom Web Administrator Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Tri Ardyati, M.Agr., Ph.D. Program Division Coordinator Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Dra. Sri Wardhani, M.Si. Program Division Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Dra. Gustini Ekowato, M.Ling Banquet Division Coordinator Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Dra. Nanik Dwi Rahayu Banquet Division Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Setiyawati, S.Si. Banquet Division Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Drs. Sofy Permana, M.Sc., D.Sc. Transportation and Equipment Division Coordinator Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Purnomo, S.Si., M.Si. Transportation and Equipment Division Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Ismail Marjuki Transportation and Equipment Division Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
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The Proceedings Book of The 8th Annual Basic Science International Conference 2018
Kusnu Transportation and Equipment Division Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Sukarman, S.H. Transportation and Equipment Division Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Muh. Hasan Muhajir, S.T. Transportation and Equipment Division Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Suliono Transportation and Equipment Division Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Agung Kurniawan Transportation and Equipment Division Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Saiful Bakhri Transportation and Equipment Division Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Djoema’ali, S.E. Documentation Division Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Tri Wahyu Basuki, S.E. Documentation Division Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Nia Kurniawan, S.Si., M.P., D.Sc. Funding Division Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Drs. Johan Andoyo Effendi Noor, M.Sc., Ph.D. Funding Division Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Chomsin Sulistya Widodo, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. Funding Division Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Prof. Dr. Marjono, M.Phil. Funding Division Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Rodliyati Azrianingsih, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. Scientific Administration Division (Proceeding) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Mauludi Ariesto Pamungkas, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. Scientific Administration Division Coordinator (Proceeding)
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The Proceedings Book of The 8th Annual Basic Science International Conference 2018 Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Anna Safitri, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. Scientific Administration Division (Proceeding) Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Nurjannah, S.Si., M.Phil., Ph.D. Scientific Administration Division (Proceeding) Department of Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Corina Karim, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. Scientific Administration Division (Proceeding) Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Local Scientific Committee Dr. Dra. Catur Retnaningdyah, M.Si. Scientific Division Coordinator Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Prof. Sutiman B. Sumitro, SU., D.Sc. Scientific Division Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Prof. Dra. Fatchiyah, M.Kes., Ph.D. Scientific Division Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Amin Setyo Leksono, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. Scientific Division Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Ir. Retno Mastuti, M.Agr.Sc., D.Agr.Sc. Scientific Division Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Masruri, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. Scientific Division Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Akhmad Sabarudin, M.Sc., Dr.Sc. Scientific Division Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Lukman Hakim, S.Si., M.Sc., Dr.Sc Scientific Division Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Dr. rer. nat Rachmat Triandi Tjahjanto, S.Si., M.Si Scientific Division Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Drs. Adi Susilo, M.Si., Ph.D. Scientific Division Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
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The Proceedings Book of The 8th Annual Basic Science International Conference 2018
Ir. D.J. Djoko H. Santjojo, M.Phil., Ph.D. Scientific Division Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Dr. -Ing. Setyawan Purnomo Sakti, M.Eng. Scientific Division Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Drs. Unggul Pundjung Juswono, M.Sc. Scientific Division Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Prof. Dr. Agus Suryanto, M.Sc. Scientific Division Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Drs. Abdul Rouf Alghofari, M.Sc., Ph.D. Scientific Division Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Indah Yanti, S.Si., M.Si Scientific Division Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Nur Shofianah, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. Scientific Division Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Achmad Efendi, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. Scientific Division Department of Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Rahma Fitriani, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. Scientific Division Department of Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Dr. Adji Achmad Rinaldo Fernandes, S.Si., M.Sc. Scientific Division Department of Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Dr. Dra. Ani Budi Astuti, M.Si. Scientific Division Department of Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
International Scientific Committee Prof. Mikio Nishizawa, M.D., Ph.D. Ristumeikan University, JAPAN
Prof. James R. Ketudat-Cairns, Ph.D. Suranaree University of Technology, THAILAND
Prof. Dr. Kostas Konstantinou National Central University, TAIWAN
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The Proceedings Book of The 8th Annual Basic Science International Conference 2018
Prof. Senthil Natesan, Ph.D. Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, INDIA
Setia Pramana, Ph.D. Institute of Statistics, INDONESIA
Student Committee Wirdatun Nafisah Ayu Zahrotul Fuadati Hazna Noor Meidinna Dea Jolie Chrestella Feri Eko Hermanto Radityo Ari Nugroho Bayu Ardi Putranto Meylinda Kurniawati Mas Adam Lukman Chaubah Aby Latifa Rochma Muhammad Farisan Auzan Kurnia Rahmawati Fitriya Ramadhani Farida Rachmawati Nurul Aulia Gabriella Chandrakirana (Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya)
Conference Secretariat Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Universitas Brawijaya
Jl. Veteran, Malang, East Java, Indonesia 65145 Phone: +62 0341 575833
Fax: +62 0341 575834
[email protected] Website:
Photo Documentation
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The Proceedings Book of The 8th Annual Basic Science International Conference 2018
Table of Contents Plenary Lectures Energy iNOS Sense Oligonucleotides to Treat Septic Shock ................................................... 1 Mikio Nishizawa, Tetsuya Okuyama, Rich Nakatake, Tadayoshi Okumura The Structural Basis for Inborn Errors of Metabolism and Development ........................ 2 James R. Ketudat, Lukana Ngisara, Salila Pengthaisong, Phannee Sawangareetrakul, Voraratt Champattanachai, Piranit Kantaputra, Jisnuson Svasti Cereal Domestication and its Impact on Crop Adaptation and Grain Nutrition ............. 3 Senthil Natesan Forecasting Volcanic Eruptions by Using Permutation Entropy Variations in Ambient Seismic Noise .......................................................................................................................................... 4 K.I. Konstantinou Machine Learning Development to Generate New Biomedical Understanding .............. 5 Setia Pramana
Invited Papers Developing Motorcycle Particulate Filtering System Based on Different Method ......... 6 Arinto Y. P. Wardoyo The Power of Mutation: Support Sustainability by Producing New Varieties ................ 7 Estri Laras Arumingtyas Sustainable Chemical Sources from Pine Forest (Pinus merkusii Jungh Et De Vriese). 8 Masruri Reconstruction the Flexible Structural Modeling ...................................................................... 9 Solimun Global in Time Solution to a System of Reverse Flow Reactor ............................................ 10 Ratno Bagus Edy Wibowo, Takashi Suzuki, Ryo Takahashi
Energy Energy Sustainability Analysis on Palm Oil Industry Using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) ....................................................................................................................................................... 12 Nyoman Ade Satwika, Ridho Hantoro Development of Fresnel Lens-Based Solar Cooker ................................................................. 18 Ahmad Marzuki, Pupus Qira, Mohtar Yunianto, Nurul Azizah
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Tip Speed Ratio Selection of Three Bladed Small Scale Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine ................................................................................................................................................................... 22 Sigit Iswahyudi, Sutrisno, Prajitno Comparison of Electrical Energy Consumption in Drip Irrigation Systems using Overhead Water Tank and Pressure Controlled Water Pump ............................................ 28 Suwito, M Ashari, Muhammad Rivai, Muh. Anis Mustaghfirin The Influence of Coloring against Absorption Power of Thermal Radiation on FlatPlate Copper as Solar Collector ...................................................................................................... 35 Gancang Saroja, Lailatin Nuriyah, Mikhael F. Novanata
Environmental Science and Technology The Effect of Perforated Aluminum Skin in Building to Reduce Classroom’s Temperature Case Study : New Media Tower, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara ..... 42 Anggraeni Dyah, Sri Kurniasih Analysis the Performance Of Biofilter for Removing Total Ammonia Nitrogen in Recirculating Aquaculture System Using Various Loads ...................................................... 47 Asoka Bagaswari, Setyo Sarwanto Moersidik Kraft Paper Production from Combination of Borassus flabellifer L. Leaf Midrib Pulp and Cardboard Waste with Kraft Methods ................................................................................. 52 Azmi Alvian Gabriel, Syafrina Farahdillah Characteristics and Biodegradation Ability on Low-Density Polyethylene Plastic (LDPE) by Isolated Raincoat Molds ............................................................................................... 59 Dwiki Prasetiya, Sonia Latifah, Muhson Isroni, Anna Rakhmawati Dieng Plateu as An Educational-Based Tour Places................................................................ 69 Eka Suci Anja. K., Mukminan Identification of Atmosphere Conditions During Cempaka and Dahlia Cyclone Cycle Based on Weather Parameters Analysis and Satellite Imaging .......................................... 73 Hanifa Nur Rahmadini, Audia Azizah Azani, Ahmad Fadlan Electrodegradation Of Nonylphenol Ethoxylate (NPE-10) With Silver Ion Catalyzed Cerium (IV) In Sulfuric Acid Medium ........................................................................................... 85 Mhd. Muslim Syaifullah, Henry Setiyanto, Muhammad Ali Zulfikar The effect of Explant Age and BAP on In Vitro Callus Development of Mangrove Plant (Rhizophora apiculata BI) ................................................................................................................ 93 Nuraini Fadhilasari, Erma Prihastanti, Yulita Nurchayati , Rini Budi Hastuti Analysis of Green Industry Standard Implementation in Indonesia: Case Study of Flat Glass Industry PT. X ............................................................................................................................ 99 Reviana Revitasari, Bambang Heru Susanto Potential Ecotourism and Development Strategy of Kelimutu National Park, Ende, East Nusa Tenggara ......................................................................................................................... 107
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Selfiyah Karimah, Hastuti The El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Impact on the Amount of Madura Rainfall ................................................................................................................................................................ 111 Yoshua A. Nugroho, Prasetyo U. Firdianto, Dany Pangestu, Ratih S. Ramadhanti, Dedi Sucahyono Agronomical Response of Soybeans Lines to Different Doses of Phosphate under Bemisia tabaci Infestation ............................................................................................................ 121 Nur Lina Safitri, Siti Zubaidah, Heru Kuswantoro Identification of Groundwater Potential Zone Using VES Geoelectrical Method: A Case Study in Driyorejo Sub-District, Gresik Regency .................................................................. 130 Anik Hilyah, M Singgih Purwanto, Dihein Reksa Ikmaluhakim, Welayaturromadhona
Instrumentation and Measurements Design and Manufacture of Electronic Control System for Final Caulking Horn Machine Based on Omron CJ2M CPU13 PLC13 in XYZ Inc.................................................. 136 Ahmad Jati Widodo, Lin Prasetyani Speed Control of Single Phase AC Motor on Cocoa Beans Fermentation Process using PID Controller.................................................................................................................................... 146 Alex Taufiqurrohman Zain, Ali Musyafa, Brian Raafiu Phenol Concentration Measuring Instrument Using Fiber Optic Biochemical Sensors Based on Absorption of Evanescent field and Atmega32u4 as Acquisition Media ... 154 Ahmad Marzuki, Bangun Wahyu Sasongko, Venty Suryanti Smart Monitoring of Solar Panel System in Saving of the Electrical Power with Internet of Things ........................................................................................................................... 158 Brian Raafiu, Purwadi Agus Darwito Key Determinants of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Development in Indonesia at 2012-2015 ................................................................................ 166 Neli Agustina, Setia Pramana Development of Measuring Method for Accuracy of NC Machine Tools on CNC Machine ............................................................................................................................................... 176 Yudi Oktriadi, Muslim Mahardika
Material Science and Technology Synthesis Citric Cellulose as an Adsorbent Cadmium Ions (Cd2+)................................... 183 Adil Ginting, Mimpin Ginting, Sevty R. Agustina, Lina Tarigan Characterization of Oil and Gas Reservoir in “X” Field’s Sandstone Using Extended Elastic Impedance (Eei) ................................................................................................................. 189 Arga Wahyudi Muslim, M. Syamsu Rosid
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Geopolymerization Kinetics of Fly Ash using Isoconversional Kinetics ....................... 196 Arie Satya Adelizar, Himawan Tri Bayu Murti Petrus, Muhammad Olvianas, Achmad Widiyatmoko Adsorption of Congo Red Using Eggshell: Contact Time, Activation, Equilibrium and Kinetics Studies................................................................................................................................. 200 Himmatuts Tsuroyya, Anif Mega Hidayati, Ajeng Febri Nurpalupi, Eko Santoso Effect of Calcination Temperature on Nanocrystalline CeO2 Characteristics Synthesized by Precipitation Process ....................................................................................... 208 Meilani Mandhalena Manurung, Heri Hermansyah, Hanif Yuliani Separation Green Chemical From Wood Vinegar Produced from Pyrolysis of Jabon Wastes .................................................................................................................................................. 214 Mohammad Wijaya , Muhammad Wiharto, Muhammad Danial Leaf Waste Processing Into Transparent Leaves for Interior Wall Decoration ......... 219 Putri Suryandari Identify Activated Fracture Area Using HC-Plot Methode in Sulawesi Region ........... 226 Ramadhan Priadi,Teuku Hafid Hududillah, Novita Sari Determination of Temperature on Cattle Milk Pasteurization Control System Using MADM Technique ............................................................................................................................. 236 Tijaniyah, Honainah, Durrotul Hikmah Coordination Polymers of M(II) Tartrate Hydrate (M = Cu, Mn, Cd) Crystallised from Aqueous Solution ............................................................................................................................. 229 Mohammad Misbah Khunur, Yuniar Ponco Prananto
Mathematics, Statistics, and Modelling Application of Zero Inflated Poisson (ZIP) Regression on Maternal Pregnant Deaths Data in Depok, Bogor, and Sukabumi........................................................................................ 249 Eka Aditya Pramudita, Yekti Widyaningsih Analysis of Human Development Index of Thirteen Districts in West Kalimantan by Panel Regression .............................................................................................................................. 262 Evy Sulistianingsih Mathematical Creative Thinking and Communication Ability: Exploring the Relationship Between Mathematical Creative Thinking and Communication Ability in Problem Posing Scenario .............................................................................................................. 267 Heni Lilia Dewi, Marsigit Web-Based Interface Development for Analysis of Latent Variables and Use on Academic Data at University of Jember .................................................................................... 275 Indriasih Yanuwijaya, I Made Tirta
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The Comparison of Tool Performance in Weka and Rapidminer Data Mining For Classification Algorithms .............................................................................................................. 280 Mochammad Faid, Tijaniyah, Moh Jasri The Rainbow Connection Number of Spectrum Graphs ..................................................... 287 Melina, A.N.M. Salman Time Series Analysis of Claims Reserve in General Insurance Industry ...................... 291 Mujiati Dwi Kartikasari, Nurul Imani The Application of Spatial Regression and Foster-Greer-Thorbecke for Analyzing Poverty in Papua .............................................................................................................................. 296 Yoga Dwi Nugroho, Nurani Wahyuning Aprilia, Raden Rara Nurariza Rahmadhanty Analysis of Algebraic Literacy Ability of Middle School Student ..................................... 305 Rahayu Febrina Sari, Tatang Herman, Dadan Dasari Application of Generalized Space-Time Autoregressive (GSTAR) Model on Distribution of Death Case in 8 District of Central Jakarta................................................ 310 Rahmat Febriyanto, Yekti Widyaningsih, Siti Nurrohmah Numerical Study of Flow Through Square Duct and Elbow 90o with Diamond Inlet Disturbance Body ............................................................................................................................. 319 Rizka Nur Faila, Sutardi, Randi Purnama P Estimation Parameters Geographically Weighted Zero Inflated Poisson Regression (GWZIPR) With Fixed Bisquare Kernel .................................................................................... 323 Adeliana, Sri Harini Rainbow Connection Number on Cypress Graph .................................................................. 328 Vivien Restianim GGE Interaction Biplot in the RCIM Model and the Evaluation for the Outlying Observations ...................................................................................................................................... 336 Upik Susilowati, Alfian Futuhul Hadi, Dian Anggraeni Numerical Study of the Flow Through a Square Duct and 90o Elbow with a Diamond Inlet Disturbance Body at 10o Inlet Elbow .............................................................................. 339 Yogi Eka F, Sutardi, Randi Purnama P Optimization on Transportation Route for PT Coca Cola Semarang Product Distribution Using Clustering Analysis and TSP Method ................................................... 333 Arum Handini Primandari, Triadi Arie Santoso
Molecular and Health Science Genetic Characteristic of Strain Staphylococcus aureus Bacteria from Cross Section of Urinary Catheter ............................................................................................................................... 353 Bq. Mutmainnah, Afaf Baktir, Ni’matuzahroh
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Grouping Indonesia’s Provinces According the AIDS Case’s Number by Using Importance Performance Analysis ............................................................................................ 357 Edy Widodo, Novi Setiawati, Lira Fuji Astuti, Gustiara Dayu Amrinda, Welly Nur Armawati, Molydah S Test of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Detection and The Specificity in Gen Hd Salmonella typhi in RS. Ibnu Sina ................................................................................................ 366 Hasta Handayani Idrus, Yusriani Mangarengi, Nurul Salsabila Mustajar Expression of ɣ-H2AX in Nuclear Medicine and Cath Lab as Medical Radiation Workers ............................................................................................................................................... 370 Iin Kurnia, Yanti Lusiyanti, Nastiti Rahajeng Detection of Micronuclei and γH2AX on Lymphocyte in Medical Workers Cronically Exposed to Low Dose Ionizing Radiation ................................................................................. 376 Yanti Lusiyanti, Iin Kurnia, Siti Nurhayati, Nastiti Rahajeng The Influence of Distance House with Waste Shelters Against Leptospirosis Incidence in Yogyakarta City ............................................................................................................................ 383 Lilis Suryani Relationship of Knowledge, Attitude, and Action with Symptoms of Poisoning in Pesticides in the Village of Pematang Cermai, District Serdang, Bedagai on 2017 .. 387 Lina Tarigan, Isyatun Mardhiyah, Muhammad Ridwan Growth and Storage Medium for Endophytic Actinomycetes UICC B-92 ....................... 395 Rina Hidayati Pratiwi The Effect of Extract Purple Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) on the Decrease in the Count of Spermatids in Male Mice (Mus musculus) Exposed to Cigarette Smoke ...... 399 Siti Julaikha, Soelistya, Muhlis Steroidal Saponin Isolates of Dioscorea alata L. Induced B220IgE and B220IgG1 In Vitro....................................................................................................................................................... 406 Sri Nabawiyati Nurul Makiyah Profile of 16sRNA DNA Barcode on Basillus licheniformis Indigenous West Halmahera Island ............................................................................................................................. 412 Deasy Liestianty, Muhammad Amin, Muliadi, Sundari The Identification of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus Bacteria Found on Fish Paste Sold at Pasar Baru Market in Tuban City ............................................................ 419 Supiana Dian Nurtjahyani, Kholifatul ‘Ulya Relationship of Physical Intelligence with Healthy Living Attitude of Factory Employees ........................................................................................................................................... 427 Tri Pitara Mahanggoro
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Science and Technology Education The Development Strategy of Science Learning Based on Paikem Model With Discovery Learning to Increase Students' Activities in Laboratory Especially in Sub Topic The Meaning of Environment .......................................................................................... 432 Agus Salim, Mohammad Masykuri, Maridi The Effectiveness of Thinking Aloud Pair Problem Solving (TAPPS) Strategy on Student’s Achievement and Curiousity About Mathematics ............................................. 440 Annisa Hasanah, Karyati Development of Teaching Materials Chemistry Model Guided Discovery Based KAPRA (Relating, Nature, Thinking, Discuss, Apply) to Improve the Learning Result of Study Participants ....................................................................................................................... 445 Baiq Chairun Nisa, Yayuk Andayani, Dadi Setiadi Blended Learning: An Adaptive Learning Method of the New Age ................................. 451 Chici Yuliana Nadi, Brian Trinanda Kusuma Adi Science Process Skill (SPS) of Elementary Students in Indonesian Curriculum (2013 Curriculum) ........................................................................................................................................ 458 Elfrida Novianty, St. Y. Slamet, Sri Yamtinah, Idam Ragil Widianto Atmojo Learning Media Development to Increase Learning Interest ........................................... 463 Eliana Trisnaning, Heru Nurcahyo Research Design Prototype of Teacher and Student Book to Train Critical thinking Skill of Class VII Junior High School ........................................................................................... 468 Eva Lestari Development of Chemical Learning in SMA Based VAK (Visual Auditory Kinestetic) to Optimize Critical Thinking Student’s High School ................................................................ 472 Falentina Lede, Agus Abhi Purwoko, Nyoman Sridana The Development of Learning Device with Guided Inquiry Model’s using Virtual Laboratory on Kepler Laws to Improve Learning Outcomes for High School Students ................................................................................................................................................................ 478 Fitriya S Increasing Science Proses Skill Using Guided Discovery Learning Method in Biology ................................................................................................................................................................ 485 Galuh Arga Wisnu Saputra, Bambang Subali Meta Analysis – Effect of Project Based Learning Model on Metacognitive Skills of Student in Chemistry Learning .................................................................................................... 490 Hidmi Gramatolina Ramdhayani, Agus Abhi Purwoko, Muntari An Analysis of Outdoor Learning in Biology Learning ........................................................ 494 Istanti Yuli Astuti, Djukri
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The Development of Student’s Attitude Assessment Instrument in Statistic Learning ................................................................................................................................................................ 499 Lian G. Otaya, Sumarlin Adam, Herson Anwar Analysis of Remedial Learning Activities in Biology Subjects Senior in High School ................................................................................................................................................................ 506 Lilik Tri Utami, Paidi Development of teaching materials based on problem-based learning (PBL) to improve student learning outcomes ......................................................................................... 474 Moh. Khaerul Azmy, Agus Abhi Purwoko, Saprizal Hadisaputra Polya Model Application to Solve the Problem of “Maximum and Minimum” in Civil Engineering State Polytechnic of Malang................................................................................. 518 Mutia Lina Dewi Meta-Analysis on the Influence of Problem Based Learning (PBL) Model on Students Metacognition .................................................................................................................................... 524 Nishfiya Ramdoniati, Muntari, Saprizal Hadisaputra Forest Utilization by Community in Wolasi Sub-District, Southeast Sulawesi ........... 529 Nur Hasanah, Hastuti Development of Prototype of Teachers and Student Book on Dynamic Fluid Material with Guided Inquiry to Train Critical Thinking Skills of High School Students ......... 533 Nur Hidayatur Rochmah The Role of Curriculum Integration Toward The Students’ Mastery in Disaster Knowledge at Senior High Student in Pangkalpinang ......................................................... 536 Reni, Dyah Respati Suryo Sumunar The Students’ Mapping Tools (SMT) Based on Psychological Response at Nurul Fikri Boarding School Lembang (NFBSL) ........................................................................................... 540 Riana Bagaskorowati Validity of Knowledge Test to Improve the Ability of Science Literacy on Global Warming Material Based on Socio-Scientific Issues (SSI).................................................. 548 Pungky Dilaka Putri, Tukiran, Harun Nasrudin Student Worksheet Based-Problem to Improve Student’s Creativity in High School ................................................................................................................................................................ 554 Try Setianingsih, YayukAndayani, Nyoman Sridana Development of Learning-Based Pogil (Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning) to Improve Mastery of Base Student Concept of Acid Base Material in Senior High School ................................................................................................................................................................ 559 Yaumul Chairiah Ningsih, Agus Abhi Purwoko, Saprizal Hadisaputra Improving Students’ Visual-algebraic Geometry Ability Using Geogebra in Analytic Geometry Course .............................................................................................................................. 566 Yurizka Melia Sari, and Shofan Fiangga
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The Effectiveness of Chemistry Module Using Compendium Verses of Quran in Boarding School ................................................................................................................................ 571 Nurul Hidayati, Sulistyo Saputro, Endang Susilowati The Effect of STS (Science Technology and Society) Implementation on Senior High School Student’ Learning Outcomes .......................................................................................... 576 Ni Putu Laksmi Cintya Dewi, Sri Atun Developing UNNES Web Framework as an Effort to Improve University Reputation ................................................................................................................................................................ 581 S Martono, Moh Khoiruddin, Ahmad Nurkhin, Suminar Empowerment Students’ Creative Thinking Skills on Different Academic Performance trough RICOSRE Learning Model ..................................................................... 586 Dewi Sumiati, Susriyati Mahanal, Siti Zubaidah, Tri Maniarta Sari, Nur Ismirawati Critical Thinking Skills of High Boarding School Students in Malang ........................... 595 Nuzula Khoirun Nafsiah, Siti Zubaidah, Eko Sri Sulasmi The Effects of RICOSRE Learning Model on Students’ Critical Thinking Skills Across Gender .................................................................................................................................................. 601 Tri Maniarta Sari, Susriyati Mahanal, Siti Zubaidah, Ika Dewi Sumiati, Nur Ismirawati
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Critical Thinking Skills of High Boarding School Students in Malang Nuzula Khoirun Nafsiah1), Siti Zubaidah1,a) and Eko Sri Sulasmi1) 1
Universitas Negeri Malang, Jalan Semarang No. 5, Indonesia 65145 a)
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Abstract. Critical thinking skills is one of the expertise in the 21st century which should be possessed by the students. Thinking critically is the self-regulation in deciding something which produces the interpretation, analysis, evaluation, and inference either the explanation that uses a proof, concept, methodology, and criteria or contextual opinion which becomes as the basis of the decision’s made. The purpose of this research is to know the critical thinking levels of X MIPA 3 graders’ students in MAN 1 Malang, Indonesia which the number of the participants were 29 students. The participants were given the five essay questions for critical thinking and their answers results were analyzed by using critical thinking skills rubric. The results show that 65.52% students get the score from 0-2 which means that their critical thinking is not developed yet, whereas as much as 34.48% students get the score from 3-5 which means that their critical thinking starts to develop or had developed. That result shows that the critical thinking skills of most of X MIPA 3 graders’ students is still less developed. Thus, it seems they need the further handling to develop their critical thinking skills through learning. Keyword: Critical thinking skills, high boarding school students, score
INTRODUCTION Critical thinking skills have been largely defined by experts in many ways. Critical thinking is a sensible and reflective thinking that focuses on deciding what to believe or doing [1]. Critical thinking is a self-regulation in deciding what results in interpretation, analysis, evaluation, and inference or exposure using a proof, concept, methodology, criterion or contextual consideration on which decisions are made [2]. Critical thinking skills are also defined as students' ability in analyzing arguments, making conclusions based on reasoning, judging or evaluating, and making decisions or problem solving [3]. Critical thinking as thinking that involves reasoning and logic to solve a problem [4]. Critical thinking has the characteristics of: (1) having a determination to see something more thorough and detailed, (2) analyzing ideas to seek a more thorough and detailed explanation, (3) analyzing ideas to find more accurate explanations, and the last is (4) open-minded and broad-minded [5]. There are six basic elements of critical thinking abbreviated to FRISCO [1]. The components are described as follows. 1.
F (Focus), focusing on questions or issues that exist to make decisions about what is believed.
R (Reason), knowing the reasons that support or reject the decisions made based on relevant situations and facts.
I (Inference), make a reasonable or convincing conclusion. An important part of this inference step is identifying assumptions and seeking solutions, considerations of interpretations of situations and evidence.
S (Situation), understand the situation and always keep the situation in thinking to help clarify the question (in F) and know the meaning of key terms, relevant parts as supporters.
C (Clarity), explaining the meaning of terms used.
O (Overview), review and thoroughly examine the decisions taken.
However, one of the 21st century skills that students must have and be learned is critical thinking skills. The ability to think critically becomes one of several capabilities to prepare students for education and working world [3]. Critical thinking skills should be sought through learning in schools, especially science learning, because critical thinking skills are the 21st century thinking skills students must have [6]. Students as a golden generation in the future must be equipped
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The Proceedings Book of The 8th Annual Basic Science International Conference with critical thinking skills, because someone who has critical thinking skills will be able to solve problems differently by asking questions, gathering relevant information, conducting investigations and communicating well [7]. Critical thinking skills are indispensable in the learning process because a person's critical thinking skills can influence the learning outcomes to be achieved. Critical thinking ability has a positive relationship with students’ learning outcomes, meaning that the ability to think critically can improve student learning outcomes [8]. In fact, the students' critical thinking skills have not been fully empowered. Students' critical thinking ability is still low. The low level of thinking ability of students is due to the biology learning so far only tends to hone aspects of remembering and understanding. In the present, learners tend to sit still listening without being able to develop information obtained or discussed. Basically, students have critical thinking skills in learning such as questioning skills, hypothesis, classification, observation, and interpretation. However, these skills sometimes do not develop well [9]. In some high school level in Malang, the ability of critical thinking has not been fully empowered. This is evident from student learning activities. Students tend to be less actively involved in learning that involves thinking ability. Students listen more to the teacher's explanation. Constructivist learning such as inquiry and cooperative is also less applied. The test or daily test used is also limited in the low cognitive level with the form of multiple choice questions. These conditions lead to the achievement of learning outcomes are still low, especially the results of cognitive learning [10]. Research which has been done by [11] also revealed that most critical thinking skills of State Senior High School Batu students are in the category that has not been developed [11]. In addition, the other research show that critical thinking skills of State High School in Batu on biology subjects is still not well developed and need the empowerment of critical thinking skills in the learning process [12]. Based on the description that has been submitted, it is known that critical thinking skills is a very important skills to be empowered to support students' success in learning. This study aims to determine the level of critical thinking skills for the tenth-grade students of Science 3 at MAN 1 Malang. MAN 1 Malang is an Islamic school based in Malang city. In this school, students take more Islamic religious subjects than other public schools. MAN 1 Malang has good facilities to support learning, both classroom, and laboratory. The critical thinking skills of students in the school need to be known. If the level of critical thinking skills of students has been known, then it can be used by the teacher as a material to improve the learning process to support students' critical thinking skills.
EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS This research is categorized as a survey research which was conducted in December 2017. Participants in this study were the tenth-grade students of Science 3 in the academic year of 2017/2018 in MAN 1 Malang. Participants consist of 29 students. Data collection of critical thinking skills is done through the provision of Biology test on Protista. The instrument used is essay amounted to 5 items that have been made to know the level of critical thinking ability. Here are 5 items used in the essay test. 1. In the development of the classification of living things, originally the classification of living things into only two kingdoms that is Plantae and Animalia. Then Ernst Haeckel added another kingdom separate from Animalia and Plantae that is the kingdom of Protista. In your opinion, why is Protista made its own kingdom apart from Plantae and Animalia? Please explain! 2. Protista kingdom is divided into 3 groups that are plant-like Protista, animal-like Protista, and mushroom-like protista. What do you think is the basis for the grouping of the three Protista types? Please explain! 3. Euglena viridis is a microscopic organism that moves actively and has chlorophyll. Euglena viridis is a member of the Protista kingdom. Why do you think Euglena viridis is not included in the kingdom of Monera, Plantae or Animalia? Please explain! 4. Some members of the water fungi (Oomycota) in certain phases of life obtain nutrients through adsorption and produce stringy yarns similar to mycelium in fungi. So, why the water fungi (Oomycota) are classified in Protista kingdom? Please explain!
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The Proceedings Book of The 8th Annual Basic Science International Conference 5. Currently, we often encounter waters whose water is green. This happens because of the explosion of algae populations in these waters. In your opinion, do the algae blasting event in the waters have a negative impact? Explain your answer! The students' answers to these questions were analyzed descriptively by using the critical thinking criterion integrated with the essay test [1], [13], [12], [14]. An explanation of the points in the rubric is described in TABLE 1.
TABLE 1. The rubric of Critical Thinking Modified from Finken and Ennis (1993)
Score/Point 5
Descriptors All concepts are true, clear and specific All the description of the answer is true, clear, and specific, supported by a strong, correct, clear argument Good thinking flow, all concepts are interrelated and integrated Good and correct grammar All aspects are visible, good and balanced evidence Most concepts are true, clear but less specific Most of the description of the answer is correct, clear, but less specific Good thinking flow, all concepts are interrelated and integrated Grammar is good enough but there is a small mistake All aspects are visible, but not yet balanced A few concepts are true and clear A small portion of the description is true and clear, but the reasons and arguments are unclear The flow of thinking is good enough, a small part is interrelated Grammar is good enough, there is a spelling mistake Most aspects seem to be right The concept is less focused or redundant or dubious Description of the answer is not supported The flow of thinking is not good, the concept is not related Good grammar, incomplete sentence A few aspects seem to be right The concept is incorrect or insufficient The reason is not true The flow of thinking is not good Grammar is not good Overall aspect is insufficient There is no answer or wrong answer
The criteria used in determining the students' critical thinking skills level are listed in TABLE 2. TABLE 2. Criteria for Critical Thinking Level
Criteria It has not yet visible or still underdeveloped Start developing or developing well
Score 0-2 3-5
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The result of analysis of students' critical thinking skills which were assessed by using critical thinking rubric section then compared with the criterion shown in TABLE 3. The results showed that from 29 students as participants, 65,52% students got score 0-2 which means the ability of critical thinking has not appeared or is still less developed and 34.48% of students get a score of 3-5 which means start developing or developing well. TABLE 3. Results of students' critical thinking skills analysis based on criteria of critical thinking level according to Finken and Ennis
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The Proceedings Book of The 8th Annual Basic Science International Conference Criteria It has not yet visible or still underdeveloped Start developing or growing well
Score 0-2
Students’ number 17
Percentage 65,52 % 34,48%
The Level of Critical Thinking Skills The results of this study indicate that as many as 65.52% of students are still not visible or have not developed critical thinking skills yet. Critical thinking skills that have not appeared or less developed is indicated by answers about the essay that has not shown the concept of the true and clear, the reasons or arguments are less clear, the flow of thinking is not good, the grammar is less good and the aspects that are not sufficient. When students have not been able to provide logical reasons and clear arguments then the student does not have good critical thinking skills [15]. The answers of students who fall into the criterion of critical thinking skills have not been seen, among others, because the concept is not correct and the flow of thinking is not good. Here are the answers of AMR student when answering question number 1: "Because if it is not separated, the researchers will be confused to do their research, therefore researchers divide the 2 so that knowledge can be understood by the future" The answer implies as an incorrect concept because the mentioned answer from the student is a benefit after the grouping of creature is not the reason for the grouping of living things as requested. There are also student answers that show improper concepts and incorrect reasons. Here's an example of a ZA student's answer when answering question number 1: "Protista is classified into 2 kingdoms consisting of plantae and animalia intended to facilitate the observation and division is also very necessary as a differentiator and learning" Here is an example of an AMR student's answer that shows improper concepts, incorrect reasons, and poor grammar when answering question number 1: "Because if not separated, the researchers will be confused to conduct their research, therefore, the researchers divide the two so that knowledge can be understood by future" Some examples of the answers above show that students' critical thinking skills have not been seen because some of the concepts are wrong, the answer is not focused, the flow of thinking is not good, the grammar is not true and the reason is not true. However, as many as 34.48% of other students already have critical thinking skills that begin to develop and develop well. Students who have critical thinking skills will be able to think to make decisions and solve problems by taking into account various considerations [16]. Here is an example of student answers that show good critical thinking skills that is the answer of DPA students when answering question number 1: "Protista has no animal (animalia) characteristics and plants (plantae) in conventional classification. If Protista is categorized as animalia, then it is less precise because there are Protista which has a cell wall. Yet, if Protista is categorized as plantae, it is less fit because protisa have motion device like animalia. Thus, a scientist Ernst Haeckel (inventor of the term Protista) to propose the grouping Protista itself" The student's answers show good critical thinking skills because the concepts are true, clear and specific, good thinking, good grammar and can draw conclusions from the description.
Empowering Students’ Critical Thinking through Learning Strategy Critical thinking skills are the most dominant skills that should be explicitly taught [17]. Critical thinking skills should not be taught separately, but be included in the teaching and learning process in subjects taught in schools [18].
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The Proceedings Book of The 8th Annual Basic Science International Conference The role of teachers in the 21st century must shift from the pattern of "knowledge growers" to the role of mentors, discussion directors, and a measure of student learning progress [19]. The primary goal of 21st century learning is to build individual learning abilities and support their development into lifelong learners, active, independent learners; therefore the teacher needs to be a learning coach. Teachers as learning coaches will provide guidance to assist students in developing skills and offer a range of support that will help students achieve their learning goals. Teachers as learning trainers will encourage students to interact with knowledge - to understand, criticize, manipulate, design, create and change them [17]. Empowering critical thinking skills of students in learning can be done with various activities. Critical thinking skills can be improved by applying problem-based biology learning and conducting experimental activities [20]. Problem-based learning can be integrated using scientific procedures to solve problems. When students are accustomed to apply scientific methods in learning activities it will be able to familiarize students to think first before solving problems, rather than accept explanations and think [21]. Empowering critical thinking skills can be done through reading [14] and writing [22]. Assessing the literature is also one of the efforts to empower critical thinking skills. Empowering critical thinking skills can be done by studying science as much as possible and deeply to reveal as much information and as deeply as possible. Empowering critical thinking can also be done by involving students to think not as a recipient of information but as an information user [23]. The cooperative learning model is very important to train thinking ability in building knowledge through observation or experience, motivate students to be actively involved in the learning process, training students to learn to discuss and express an opinion [24]. Learning strategies have important factors in empowering students' critical thinking skills. The appropriate learning model is a model of learning based on the problem [25], [26], [27] which is expected to eliminate the difference in students' critical thinking skills caused by other factors. Other factors to consider in the empowerment of critical thinking skills are gender [28], academic ability [12] [29], [30]. Based on the results of this study, there is a need for empowerment of critical thinking skills of students in MAN 1 Malang. Empowering critical thinking skills can be done with a variety of activities in learning. Active involvement of students in learning is expected to improve their critical thinking skills.
SUMMARY Based on the results of the survey showed that 65.52% of the tenth-grade students of Science 3 at MAN 1 Malang, Indonesia critical thinking skills has not appeared or still less developed and 34.48% other students have critical thinking skills that began to develop or develop well. This proves that the need for empowering critical thinking skills is through learning.
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