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Croat. J. Food Sci. Technol. (2018) 10 (2) __ __ “ARTICLES IN PRESS”

Croatian Journal of Food Science and Technology j o u r n a l

h o m e p a g e :

w w w . p t f o s . u n i o s . h r / c j f s t /

Original scientific paper

DOI: 10.17508/CJFST.2018.10.2.xx

Nutritional properties of fonio starch–defatted moringa seed flour blends prepared at different ratios AKEEM OLAYEMI RAJI*1, HAJARAT O. NASSAM1, GRACE ABOLAJI2, JULIANA OLAYEMI AYORINDE1, MONSURAT OYEWALE RAJI3 1

Department of Food Science and Technology, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Kwara State University, Malete, Ilorin, Nigeria. 2 Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension Service, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Kwara State University, Malete, Ilorin, Nigeria. 3 Department of Food Technology,University of Ibadan,Oyo State,Nigeria. ARTICLE INFO Article history: Received: Accepted: Keywords: Fonio starch, dafatted moringa seed flour, fortification, nutritional quality, optimization

ABSTRACT Fonio starch was enriched with defatted moringa seed flour with the objective of determining the best blend that would give good quality attributes. A Central Composite Rotatable Design (CCRD) from the Response Surface Methodology was used for the process optimization. The independent variables were the proportions of the fonio starch powder (70-100g) and the Defatted moringa seed flour (0-30g) , while the responses were protein, moisture, crude fibre, fat, ash, vitamin C, riboflavin, thiamine, calcium, phosphorous, iron, potassium, sodium and overall acceptability. Data obtained from the study were analysed using ANOVA. The protein, moisture, crude fibre, fat, ash, vitamin C, riboflavin, thiamine, calcium, phosphorous, iron, potassium, sodium and overall acceptability ranged between 9.50-17.70%, 5.70-13.10% , 2.34-2.67% , 1.22-1.58% , 64.0-129.0%, 30.4-46.1 mg/100g, 26.0-27.0mg/100g,88.49-190.46 mg/100g, 168.4-282.08 mg/100g, 19.1128.25 mg/100g, 455.0-224.01mg/100g, 120.5-150.36 mg/100g and 5.17.4mg/100g respectively. The combined effect of the blends ratios significantly influenced all responses (p63 µg/day) (Okeke and Eze, 2006).

Riboflavin = 92.84 + 1.10X1 − 0.61X2 + 5.86 × 10−3 X12 + 0.04X 22 − 8.56 × 10−3 X1 X2 Eq. 7

Thiamine = 27.08 + 2.28 × 10−3 X1 − 0.73X2 − 5.79 × 10−5 X12 + 2.65 × 10−3 X22 − 2.48 × 10−3 X22 Eq. 8





Fig. 2. Effect of blend ratio of fonio starch and defatted moringa seed flour on: a) crude fiber content; b) vitamin C content; c) riboflavin content; d) thiamine content.

Akeem Olayemi Raji et al., / Nutritional properties of fonio … / Croat. J. Food Sci. Technol. / (2018) 10 (2)

Calcium content The calcium content obtained ranged from 88.49190.46 mg/100g (Table 4) with a mean value of 127.63±2.72 mg/100g. A cubic model was considered to perfectly represent the effect of blending ratio on the calcium contents of the variants (Equation 9). The model satisfied lack of-fit test at P < 0.05 and the coefficient of determination R2 was 0.99. The mixing effect was significant (P < 0.05) on the calcium contents of the blends, whereby percentage increase in defatted moringa seed flourin the blends led to an increase in the calcium contents of the samples (Fig. 3a).The defatted moringa seed flour contained 202.53mg/100g of calcium, while fonio starch contains calcium of 192.46 mg/100g. Fortification of acha starch with deffatted moringa seed floursignificantly increased the calcium contents of the variants. Calcium is a macro mineral needed in highest amounts for proper body functions (Sanni et al., 2010). Calcium is needed for muscle contraction regulation and it is also required by children, pregnant and lactating women for bones and teeth development (Olusanya, 2008). The variants had relatively high levels which can contribute significantly to recommended daily calcium intake of 1000-1200mg/day for adults and 1300 mg/ day for adolescence. Calcium = 115.28 + 85.32X1 − 103.53X2 + 14.66X12 + 2 30.50X 2 − 4.44X1 X2 − 98.33X13 + 154.51X23 Eq. 9

Sodium content The sodium content obtained ranged from 120.5150.36 mg/100g (Table 4) with a mean value of 143.49±9.23%. There was a significant effect (P < 0.05) of blend ratio on sodium contents of the samples obtained. A 2FI model was used to represent the relationship between the blends and the sodium contents (Fig. 3b), while the coefficient of determination R2 was 0.60. Equation 10 shows the mathematical relationship between the sodium contents of the variants and the blend ratios. The defatted moringa seed flour contained 152.28mg/100g of sodium, while fonio starch flour contain 132.14mg/100g of sodium. Fortification of fonio starch with deffatted moringa seed floursignificantly increased the sodium contents of the variants. Sodium is need in highest amount for proper functioning of the body system and it is the major positive ion in the extracellular fluid and a key factor in retaining body water (Sanni et al., 2010). High amount of sodium was observed in the variants which can contribute significantly to the

recommended daily intake of 2400mg (Greely, 1997). The ratio of sodium to potassium (Na/K) in the body is of utmost concern for proper regulation of blood pressure and prevention of hypertension. Therefore, Na/K ratio that is less than one is recommended (FND, 2002). All the samples had Na/K ratios that were less than one. Hence, consumption of fonio starch powder fortified with moringa seeds powder might not be connected with high blood pressure disease. Sodium = 11.33 + 1.62X1 + 7.47X2 − 0.09X1 X2

Eq. 10

Phosphorous content The phosphorous content obtained ranged from 168.4-282.08 mg/100g (Table 4) with a mean value of 245.91±44.87 mg/100g.The mixing effect was found to be significant at 95% level of significance. From Fig. 3c, a quadratic model was the best to describe their relationship. The coefficient of determination R2 was 0.60. Equation 11 expressed functional relationships between fonio starch and defatted moringa seed flour. The defatted moringa seed flour contained 384.14mg/100g of phosporous, while fonio starch powder contain 164.6mg/100g of phosporous. It was discovered that as the percentage of defatted moringa seed flour in the bends increased, the phosporous content increased.Phosphorus helps to facilitate some roles of calcium in the body system (Dosunmu, 1997; Turan et al., 2003) and its deficiency may contribute to bone loss in elderly women (Wardlaw, 1999). The blends had a very high level of phosphorus and this indicates that they can meet the daily requirements of phosphorus (RDA for adults is >700 mg/day) ( Kayode et al., 2010). Phosphorous = 1536.74 + 37.74X1 + 22.89X2 − 0.20X12 − 0.38X22 − 0.16X1 X2 Eq. 11

Iron content The iron content obtained ranged from 19.1128.25mg/100g (Table 4) with a mean value of 24.28±1.94 mg/100g. The effect of blending of fonio starch with defatted moringa seed flour in order to obtain the best blend was significant on iron content (P < 0.05). The coefficient of determination (R2) was 0.80. The plot of their relationship is shown in Fig. 3d and the quadratic model was the best to represent the relationship between the variants and the iron contents (Equation12). All the model terms were significant (P < 0.05). The defatted moringa seed flour contained 30.09mg/100g of iron while fonio starch

Akeem Olayemi Raji et al., / Nutritional properties of fonio … / Croat. J. Food Sci. Technol. / (2018) 10 (2)

contained 17.14mg/100g of iron. Blending of deffatted moringa seed flour with fonio starchsignificantly increased the iron contents of the variants.The blends have high level of iron, indicating that the blend might meet the adult daily dietary iron requirements of 10 mg/day for men and 15mg/day for women (Wardlaw, 1999, Kayode et al., 2010).

Iron = 38.64 + 1.22X1 + 0.69X2 − 0.97 × 10−3 X12 − 0.03X 22 + 2.75 × 10−4 X1 X2 Eq. 12

Potassium content The potassium content obtained ranged from224.01455.01mg/100g (Table 4) with a mean value of 281.32±53.11%.The effect of blending of fonio starch with defatted moringa seed flour with the aim of establishing the best blend was significant on potassium content (P < 0.05). The coefficient of determination (R2) was 0.70, which shows that the model fits well for the data. The plot of the interaction is shown in Fig. 3e and the cubic model was the best to establish the interaction between the variants and the potassium contents (Equation13).




Sodium X = A:Fonio Starch Y = B: Defatted moringa seed flour 170.425 158.637


146.85 135.063 123.276

29.14 99.14 22.07 92.07 15.00

B: Defatted moringa seed flour

85.00 7.93

77.93 0.86

A: Fonio Starch




Phosporus X = A: Fonio starch Y = B: Defatted moringa seed flour


290.746 247.856

Phosporus 204.966 162.076 119.186

29.14 99.14 22.07 92.07 15.00

B: Defatted moringa seed flour

85.00 7.93

77.93 0.86

A: Fonio starch



Fig. 3. Effect of blend ratio of fonio starch and defatted moringa seed flour on: a) calcium content; b) sodium content; c) phosphorous content; d) iron content; e) potassium content.

Akeem Olayemi Raji et al., / Nutritional properties of fonio … / Croat. J. Food Sci. Technol. / (2018) 10 (2)

Table 5. Sensory evaluation of fonio starch fortified with defatted moringa seed flour Sample FOC GPZ JBC KDE KDW LXQ PGD SJT URB URV

Taste 7.4±1.22a 4.8±1.92d 4.8±2.21d 5.3±2.02cd 5.2±1.91cd 6.1±1.60bc 5.2±2.20cd 6.0±1.70bc 6.5±1.50ab 4.8±1.71d

Colour 7.0±1.11a 5.0±2.01c 5.9±1.30bc 5.9±1.42bc 5.2±1.91c 6.2±1.33ab 5.5±1.91bc 6.4±1.30ab 6.9±1.20a 5.7±1.60bc

Appearance 6.7±1.61ab 4.9±1.91e 6.0±1.60abcd 5.8±1.41bcde 5.5±1.91cde 6.3±1.44abc 5.5±2.01cde 6.1±1.61abcd 6.8±1.10a 5.3±1.90de

Flavour 6.7±1.62a 5.1±1.91b 5.2±1.98b 5.0±1.96b 5.4±1.81b 5.9±1.31ab 5.4±1.80b 5.3±2.10b 6.0±2.21ab 5.1±1.65b

Overall Acceptability 7.4±1.52a 5.1±2.01c 5.5±1.81bc 5.2±1.50c 5.8±1.43bc 6.0±1.82bc 5.7±1.71bc 6.0±1.45bc 6.4±1.52b 5.9±1.50bc

The mean values having different superscript within a column are significantly different (p