Crossley Fields School Summer 1 Newsletter 2016

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They each received an Easter egg from school, and some mini-eggs from the Apple Tree Sweet. Shop where their creations w
Crossley Fields School Summer 1 Newsletter 2016 Year 6 SATs The 2016 SATs will take place on the following days: Monday 9th May: Tuesday 10th May:

Wednesday 11th May: Thursday 12th May:

Reading Test Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Test Maths Paper 1: Arithmetic Maths Paper 2: Reasoning Maths Paper 3: Reasoning

It is extremely important that all year 6 children attend school on these days. Children are invited to come into school at 8.30 am to have breakfast on the above days. We would encourage all children in year 6 to join us for breakfast as not only does it ensure children have eaten before their tests, it also provides the opportunity for them to ‘relax’ with friends prior to the tests. The year 6 children need to come to the year 6 cloakroom door at 8.30 am to join us for breakfast.

Trip to Tropical World

On Thursday 21st April, the Foundation Stage children went on a trip to Tropical World, as part of our 'Gorgeous Gardens' topic. We particularly wanted to see the butterflies and cocoons, as we have been learning about the life cycle of a butterfly. We certainly saw lots of butterflies! We also enjoyed looking at the different habitats, and the animals and plants which live in them. The meerkats and fish were popular too! We were very lucky to have lovely weather and enjoy a picnic in Roundhay Park, followed by an ice cream. Both children and adults had a great time, and we are looking forward to the children producing some super follow-up work.

Summer Uniform It has been great to see the children starting to wear their summer uniform. This comprises in Key Stage 2 of white shirt (long or short sleeves), a tie, grey shorts, trousers or skirt, a school jumper and a pair of black indoor shoes. In Key Stage 1 children need to wear a white polo shirt, grey shorts, trousers or skirt and a school jumper. Girls, in both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 can also wear blue or red gingham dresses. If the weather becomes very hot the children will be informed that they can stop wearing their ties. In order to ensure the children are safe in the sun, hats may be worn at playtimes.

Sport Relief A huge thank you to everyone who donated books for Sport Relief. The Lions club have collected the books and they will soon be transported to Sri Lanka to fill the shelves of community libraries. Once again, thank you for your generosity. Summer Fayre Wednesday 22 June 2016 The school is holding a Summer Fayre in the Key Stage 2 grounds (weather permitting) from 3.30 – 5.15 pm, in order to raise funds for school. We have many attractions lined up for you and your children so prepare to be entertained with many stalls, games and musical events. In order for us to make it a success, we are asking for your help. Please start hunting for tombola prizes or practicing any delicious recipes for baking! More details to follow nearer the time about when to bring donations into school. Easter Egg Decorating Competition The children were eggstremely creative this year, thinking of some super ‘eggy’ titles for their work. Thank you for your support. Year group winners were: Oliver Ball (Y6), Morgan Schofield (Y5), SophieLeigh Cole (Y4), Alex Mukhin (Y3), Alexander Carter (Y2),Ibraheem Dalall (Y1), Zaynah Rasul (R) They each received an Easter egg from school, and some mini-eggs from the Apple Tree Sweet Shop where their creations were displayed over the holiday period. Class winners were: Hibah Ahmad, Ethan Wilson, Subhan Bashir, Hamnah Ahmad, Rosie Brocklehurst, Maryah Sajawal, Muhammad Ismail, Lucas Ferry, Jack Milligan, Aleeza Mohamed, Tilly Bonner, Max Montgomery, Hasnain Younis, Lindsy Kalanyos, Rubie Carter, Zainab Dalal, Haaniyah Dadibhai. All children who participated received a small egg and a certificate. Below: Eggs on display in the shop window

Crossley Fields School Sporting News After School Clubs this half term: Monday 3.00 – 4.00 – Y5 & Y6 Football Tuesday 3.00 – 4.00 – Y5 & Y6 Cricket Wednesday Lunchtime – Y3 & Y4 Cricket Thursday 3.30 – 4.30 – Y1 & Y2 Gymnastics Friday Lunchtime – Y5 & Y6 Tri Golf Sports Coaches in this half term: Year 1 & Year 3 – Gymnastics with Leigh Millburn Year 2 – Fundamentals of striking and fielding with Mr Goodall Year 4 – Baseball with Mr Goodall Other Activities: There is a cricket tournament for selected children in Year 3 & 4 on the 10th May and one for Year 5 & 6 children on the 18th May. Both will be held at Moorlands Cricket Club. A golf competition on the 4th May for Year 5 & 6. World Orienteering Day on the 11th May. There is an event in Greenhead Park: 3.30 – 5.00 pm and 7.00 – 8.00 pm, £2 a map which can be bought from the railway near the playground.

The Queen’s Birthday Celebration Last week, our longest reigning Monarch turned 90. We will be celebrating the Queen's official 90th birthday in early June. More details to follow. KS2 Dinner Money Please note that payments must be made in advance and accounts maintained in credit for school meals. Dinner money accounts are marked on a daily basis. Non-payment may result in your child having to bring a packed lunch. Holidays/ Inset Days 2016/17 Monday 5 & Tuesday 6 September 2016 Tuesday 3 January 2017 Wednesday 15 March 2017 (Parents Day) Monday 24 April 2017 For all holiday dates please see the school website or call into the school office for a holiday list.

MEDICINES IN SCHOOL If your child needs prescribed medication during the school day then please hand in to Reception and complete the necessary paperwork. Please note that all prescribed medication must be brought into school by a parent/carer and must also be collected at the end of the school day. Under no circumstances should children bring medication into school or collect it themselves. Y1 Walk to Church In our RE topic we have been looking at what it means to be a Muslim or a Christian. We have explored special places, features and people within the faiths. We looked at special objects such as prayer mats and clothing worn. We were very lucky to visit the local Church St. Mary's where Reverend Hugh Baker welcomed us with some information and an opportunity to look around. A special well done to Emily and Poppy Briggs who read from the pulpit. Also many thanks to all the parents who helped make this possible and joined us on the walk.

Sainsbury’s Vouchers We are collecting Sainsbury’s vouchers. The Sainsbury’s scheme ends in store on the 3rd May. To help make the counting of the vouchers more manageable, please could you send in any vouchers as and when you get them. The last day for us to receive vouchers from you will be 8th July. We hope to collect enough to ‘buy’ some more sporting equipment. Future Events 10 May 18 May 14 June 14 & 16 June 14 June (PM)

Yr 3/4 Cricket Tournament Yr 5/6 Cricket Tournament Y2 Trip to The Deep Yr 3 Trip to Colour Museum Yr 5 Crowlees Mirfield World Championship 15 & 16 June Class Photos w/c15June Yr 1 Phonics Screening 22 June Summer Fayre 13 July Picnic Day 5 July Rounders’ Competition Y5/6 at school