START In Seward Park, --95 yards north of bollards at N. end of Art Studio. Even with metal pole with sign "Boat Landing
USATF - Certified Course Map
Crowne Plaza 5K for Mary's Place
START In Seward Park, --95 yards north of bollards at N. end of Art Studio. Even with metal pole with sign "Boat Landing Zone". 67.58m N of light pole "1" PK on W. side of path. FINISH Westbound just West of southern shelter. Even with pole with sign "Ped Xing" Obey Leash Law" Mile I -120 yards S. of NE corner of park. 13.68m S. of hydrant on W. side of path. A blue "turtle" is opposite the hydrant. Mile 2 Southbound on picnic loop, - 30 yds S. of West corner opposite Playground. 6.39m S. of sign "No Parking Any Time" in Median between Road and playground. Mile 3 About 15 ynds E. of southern prking lot. Even with easternmost post of bulletin board on N. side of path. There arc no restrictions on the path the runners take.