Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea - J-Stage

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Jun 24, 1994 - based on samples collected from H a m a n a. Lake, Miura and Boso P eninsula, central. Japan, during a continuous survey ofthe decapod ...
C R U S T A C E A N R E S E A R C H, N O 29, 45-57, 2000

A n e w alpheid shrimp of the genus Betaeus n ・ omthe Pacific coast of central J a p a n (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) Keiichi N o m u r a a n d T o m o y u k i K o m a i Abstrαct.-A n e w alpheid shrimp , Betaeus gelasinifer, is described a n d il・ lustrated from the Pacific coast of cenJ apan. T h e n e w species is tral H o n s h u, characterized b y a set of the following characters: the frontal m a r g i n of the carapace is moderately indented; the p a l m of the first pereiopod is relatively deep and usually bears a shallow excavation o n the ventral surface; the lateral surface of the palm of the first pereiopod tubercles or setae; the lacks granules , mesial spine at the posterolateral corner of the telson is noticeably elongate; a n d the endopod of the uropod overreaches the posterior margin of the telson b y 0.3 of its length. It represents a second species of the genus from J apanese waters. A briefnote o n the taxonomy ofthe genus is provided.

tative of Betaeus from Japanese waters. T h e specimens examined in this study are deposited in the H a y a m a Siosai M u M u s e u m N as e u m ,K a n a g a w a ( H S M ) , tional d 'Histoire Naturelle ,Paris (M N H N), National Fisheries University, Shimonoseki (NFU) , Natural History M u s e u m a n d Institute ,C h i b a ( C B M ) , Nationaal Natuurhistorisch M u s e u m , Leiden (R M N H),a n d Sabiura Marine P a r k Research Station ,K u s h i m o t o (S M P). T h e abbreviation C L is used for carapace length ,as measured from the anterior margin to the midpoint of the posterior margin of the carapace. Taxonomy B e tαeus gelasinifer n e w species


N e w Japanese name:Ekubo-teppouebimodoki Introduction Most ofthe 14 recognized species ofthe 1998:43 , Fig. 1K. genus Betαeus are distributed in temper- Betαeus sp.:Nomura et al. , ate waters in the Indian a n d Pacific Material e x a m i n e d .- H o l o t y p e . though the alpheids are Oceans (Table 3) , generally inhabitants of subtropical or R M N H D 4 8 6 0 0 ,O (C L 6 .3 m m ), Boso Peninsula, intertidal , 24 tropical regions.Furthermore , species in Kominato , coll.K. N o m u r a. the genus are k n o w n to be free living or June 1994, 1 o (CL Paratypes.M N H N - N a 13605 , associated with other invertebrates such 20vig. (CL 4.5 , 5.2 m m), Bay as abalone ,sea urchins ,a n d porcelain 4.8 m m ) , Shizuoka 1995). In this paper , w e de- m o u t h of the H a m a n a L a k e , crab (Jensen , intertidal , 3 December 1994 , scribe a n e w species , Betαeus gelαsinifer, Prefecture , 2 o o (C L 5.7, based on samples collected from H a m a n a coll. M .Itoh; C B M - Z C 5209 , 1 (CL 4.7 m m ) , 2 ovig. (C L Miura and Boso P eninsula, central 6.8 m m ) , Lake , 7. 1 m m), H a s a m a, Tateyama , Boso during a continuous survey ofthe 4.6 , Japan, intertidal , 16 M a y 1996 , coll. decapod crustacean fauna of the area. Peninsula , This n e w species is the second represen- T. K o m a i;N F U 5 3 0-2-2132 ,1 ovig. (CL



Antennular peduncle (Figs. 2 A - C ) H a s a m a, Tateyama , Boso Penin5.8 m m ) , sula , intertidal ,18 M a y 1996 ,coll. K. relatively robust ,about half of carapace Nomura; R M N H D 48601 , 2 0 0 (CL 5.5 , length ,overreaching distal margin of 7.1 m m ) , 4ovig. Dvex





Excavation onv Dactyli of entral surfaceof posterior 3 palm of 1st pereiopods chela

slightly indented

。 I.

with brush hairs dorsally

Lateral surface of palm of 1st chela

B. em81戸 stus M .E dw 釘 ds) B. ensensdensIB

s位。ngly ∞nvex

Frontal margin ofωrapaω

not exceeding


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s m∞th


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Pω terior m 訂 g m of uropodal endopod against posterior m 釘 担 f telson


not exωeding

Extension of Diaeresis posterolateral ofuropod spine of telson against posterior margin of tel鉛 n

3. Distinguishing characters a n d distribution of the species o f the g e n u s Betaeus.

B. sus帥 lis



Pacific and Atlantic ∞ ast of South A merica (Holthuis ,1952;B ωc h i, 1鈍 6)

ast ofNor也A . merica Pacific ∞ 但釘t, 1964;Jensen, 1995)

Yellow Sea ∞ ωt ofChina (Yu , 1930)

P 8(蛍icα泌 tofNa:制h A m eri沼 但釘t,1964;Jensen,1995) Pacificα渇st of North A.meril:沼 但 art,1964;Jensen,1995)

Atlantic ∞ 蹴 of South A.merica (Boschi, 19(6)

Pacific 聞 stofNor也A . me民 a 但 art, 1964;Jensen, 1995) S o u t h A創 ca (Ba m釘 d;1947,1950)

Pacific ∞ ast of North A.merica 但 art,I964)

China Jap叫K o r ea, σo k o y a,1927;Miya,1972)

Pacific ∞ ast of North A.merica 但 a此,1964)

Pacific ∞ ast of Chile 但 olthuis,1952) Paα fic 蜘 stofN剖 h A.merica 但 art, 196の Pacific ∞ astofan回 1Japan

ωu t h 句 ω 'utheastem Aus仕alia (B anner & Banner, 1973)

Di且tribution (Literature)

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K. N O M U R A &

back of rock crevices in the intertidal zone , where it w a s emersed at low tide , a n d usually occurred in male-female pairs. T h e congeneric Betαeus granulimα nus sometimes occurred sympatribut it seem to prefer cryptic habically , tats under 1訂 ge stones or boulders in tide pool. T h e n e w species w a s also observed between stones at the intertidal zone near Shizuoka the mouth of the H a m a n a Lake , personal communicaPrefecture (M. Itoh, tion).This location w a s in an estuary. Distribution.-So far k n o w n only 仕 o m H a m a n a Lake ,Miura and Boso Peninsula , the Pacific coast of central Honshu , J apan. These locations are in the w a r m temperate region. Etymology.-The specific epithet is a combination of the Latin words , gelαstnus (= dimple) and fero (= bear) , in reference to the characteristic excavation on the ventral surface of the palm of the first chela. Remarks.ー T h e genus Betαeus is represented by 14 recognized species , the distinguishing characters and the distribution of these species are summarized in Table 3. T h e indented frontal margin of the carapace links Betαeus gelasinifer to the following six species: B .e mαrginαtus (H. M .Edwards , 1837) known 企o m Chile; B. h αrfordi ( K i ngsley,1877) 企 o m California to Mexico;B. granulimαnus Yokoya , 1927 from Japan ,Korea and China; B. 1930 from the Yellow Sea coast pingi Y u , , 1964 仕o m Caliof China; B. gracilis H a此 fornia;B .setosus Hart,1964 仕 o m British Columbia to California.T h e usual presence of a shallow excavation on the ven tral surface of the palm of the first pereiopod appears characteristic of the n e w species.Further, the smooth palm ofthe first pereiopod , which is devoid of granules or tubercles ,immediately distinguishes Betaeus gelasinifer 合 o m B.e mαrginαtus , B. grαnulimαnus and B. pingi . F r o m B. hαrfordi , the n e w species differs in having the m u c h more elongate mesial spine on ・


the posterolateral corner of the telson , which overreaches distinctly the posterior margin of the telson. The endopod of the uropod overreaches the posterior margin ofthe telson by the 0.31ength in the n e w rather than about 0.11ength in B. species , hαrfordi. T he less deeply indented 仕ontal margin of the carapace distinguishes B. gelαsinifer 企o m B.grαcilis 出 ld B. setosus. Further , B . setosus is easily separated from the n e w species by the densely seantennae and pereiopods. tose carapace , Although two nominal species ,B. yokoyαi K u b o ,1936 ,and B . m u rα .y αm αi Yokoya ,1936 ,were described from the Pacific coast of central Japan ,M i y a (1 972) concluded that they were s戸l Onym o u s with B. grαnulimαnus. W e agree with Miya's opinion. T he taxonomic position ofthe two taxa described from the Far East Russia , 1950 , and Betαeus levifrons Vinogradov , B. vlαdivostokiensis Vinogradov, 1950, rebecause the original demains unclear , scriptions of these taxa are too brief to provide adequate information for establishing specific identity . H o w e v e r , Betαeus levi斤ons is clearly different 企o m B. gelαsinifer in having a convex frontal there margin of the carapace. Moreover , is a possibility that B . vladivostokiensis might be actually referred to the genus Alpheus because of the presence of the distinct rostrum and the well developed orbital hood on the carapace. Acknowledgements W e wish to thank K. Hagiwara ofMarine Biotechnology Institute Kamaishi Laboratory, K. Tsuchiya of Tokyo Fisheries University , and M. Itoh of Shizuoka Prefectural Fisheries Experiment Stafor providing specimens.W e are also tion, indebted to C . H. J . M . Fransen of N ationaal Natuurhistor匂 ch M u s e u m for inand to tensive reading of the manuscript, A. A nker of M u s e u m N ational d'Histoire Naturelle for providing literatures and



tions of some n e w species. Proceedings of the California Academy of Science ,7: 2836. Milne Edwards ,H .,1837. Histoire naturelle des crustaces ,comprenant l' anatomie ,la physiologie et la classification de ces animaux, 2. 532 pp. Roret, Paris. Miya ,Y .,1972. T h e Alpheidae (Crustacea , Literature cited Decapoda) of Japan and its adjacent w a Banner,D. M . and A. H . Banner,1973. The ters . Part l. Publications f r o m the alpheid shrimp of Australia.Parl 1. T h e A m a k u s a Marine Biological Laboratory, lower genera. Records of the Australian Kyusyu University, 3: 23-10 1. M u s e u m,28: 291-382. N o m u r a ,K., K. Hagiwara & H. Ikeda,1998. K. H. , 1947. Descriptions ofnew speBarnard, T h e alpheid s h r i m p s (Decapoda: cies of South A 企1can decapod Crustacea , Alpheidae) recorded 企o m Kanagawa Prewith notes on s戸l On y m y and n e w records. fecture ,on the Pacific coast of central A nnals and Magazine ofNatural History, Honshu, Japan. Natural History Report of 11: 361-392. K anagawa, 19: 39-48. (In Japanese with English summary) 一 一 一 一 , 1950. Descriptive catalogue of South African decapod Crustacea (crabs and Rathbun, M .J. , 1904.Decapod crustaceans of shrimp). A nnals of the South A 企ican M u the northwest coast of North America. 10. 210 pp. Harriman Alaska Expedition, s e u m, 38. 837 pp. Boschi ,E. E. ,1966. U n a neuva especie de Stimpson, W . ,1860. Crustacea macrura. Pars crustaceo decapodo caridea para las aguas VIII of prodromus descriptions animalium costeras de la provincia de Buenos Aires , evertebratorum ,quae in expeditione ad A rgentina. Physis B , Aires 26:83-88. (with O c e a n u m Pacificum septentrionalem ,a Cadwaladaro repubrica federate missa, English summary). Ringgold et Johanne Rodgers Ducibus , D a n a, J.D. , 1852. Crustacea, Part 1, In United observavit et descripsit. Proceedings ofthe States Exploring Expedition during t h e under Academy of Natural Science of Philadelyears 1838,1839,1840 ,1841 ,1842 , the c o m m a n d ofCharles Wilkers , U. S. N ., phia: 22- 47. L. G ., 1950.[A key to the shrimps, Vinogradov, 13.685pp. Glassell, S. A., 1938.N e w and obscure decapod lobsters a n d crabs of the F a r Eastl . Iz vestiya Tikhookeanskogo NauchnoCrustacea from the west A merican coast. Transactions of the S a n Diego Sciety of Issledovateliskogo Instituta Ribnogo K hozyastva i Okeanographii, 33: 179-358. 8: 411- 454. Natural History, Hart , (In Russian) J. F. L. ,1964. Shrimps of the genus Betαeus on the Pacific coast of the N orth Yokoya ,Y .,1927. Notes on two alpheoid America with descriptions of three n e w shrimps 企o m Japan. Journal ofthe C 0 1lege of Agriculture, Imperial University of species. Proceedings of the United States National M u s e u m , Tokyo, 115: 431- 466. 9: 171-175. L. B., 1952. The Crustacea Decapoda 一 一一一, 1936. S o m e rare and n e w species of Holthuis, Macrura ofChile.Reports ofthe Lund Unidecapod crustaceans found in the vicinity versity Chile Expedition 1948-49. Lunds of the Misaki Marine Biological Station. Universitets A rsskri氏 Japanese Journal ofZoology, , N y olid A v d.2 ,47: 7: 129-146. 1-110. Y u, S.-C.,1930. D e u x nouvelles crevettes de Chine. Bulletin Societe Zoologique de Jensen , G. C. ,1995. Pacific coast crabs and Califorshrimps. 87 pp. Sea Challengers , France , 55:454- 463. ma. Kingsley, J. S .,1878. A s戸lopsis of the North Addresses: (KN) Kushimoto Marine Park A merican Species of the genusA lp h e u s . Bulletin of the United States Geological Center,Arita ,Kushimoto ,W a k a y a m a 649・ 3514 , Japan; (TK) Natural History M u s e u m Survey, 4: 189-199. K u b o, , .1 1936. T w o n e w littoral macrurous and Institute ,Chiba,955 2 Aoba-cho ,C h u o Chiba 260 8682 , Japan. crustaceans 企o m Japan. Journal ofthe Im- k u, Emails: (KN) alpheus.nomura@ ni氏; 31: 47-54. perial Fisheries Institute , Lockington ,W . N. ,1877. R e m a r k s on the (TK) [email protected] Crustacea ofthe Pacific coast, with descripuseful suggestions. T h e manuscript w a s i m p r o v e d b y c o m m e n t s of K. B a b a of K u m a m o t o University, M . K. Wicksten of a n d t w o anonyTexas A & M University, m o u s referees.