DANlELOPOL (1982), and revised for the Cypridopsinae Antenna by MAR1ENS et al. (1991). Terminology for the anatomy of the hemipenis is used according to ...
Mitt. hamb. zoo\. Mus. Inst.
Hamburg, November 2000 ISSN 0072 9612
Pseudocypridopsis petkovskii sp. nov., a stygobiont freshwater ostracod (Crustacea, Ostracoda, Cypridopsinae) from Montenegro (SE Europe) Iv ANA
Via Brescia 3, 84092 Bellizzi (SA), Italy ABSTRACT. - In the present paper the species Pseudocypridopsis petkovskii sp. novo is described. This species has been collected in a cave near the town of Podgorica, Montenegro. It is the second species in the genus; it can easily be distinguished from Pseudocypridopsis clathrata (KLIE, 1936) by the ornamentation of the carapace, as well as by the long natatory setae on the antenna KEYWORDS: Ostracoda, Cypridopsinae, Cypridopsis, stygobiont taxonomy, Montenegro
Introduction The genus Pseudocypridopsis was recently described by IVANA KARANOVIC (1999). Until now, it only comprised the species Pseudocypridopsis clathrata, which was originally described by KLIE (1936) from the spring Ribnica near the town of Podgorica, Montenegro. This species was first allocated to the genus Cypridopsis BRADY, 1867, but after reexamination of topo type material, certain features, that do not fit within the range of that genus, recently made by MEISCH (1991), were found. First, both male and female lack a furca. In all other genera of the subfamily Cypridopsinae KAUFMANN, 1900 males (if they are known) also lack a furca, but females have a furca which is flagellum-like (MARTENS 1985; MARTENS 1989; MARTENS & MEISCH 1985). Also, characteristics like the presence of the copulatory hooks and the absence of the double folded inner list on the posterior marginal zone of the left valve are not noticed in any known species of the genus Cypridopsis. On the other hand, enlarged fused zone on the antero-ventral side of both valves, appearance of the cleaning leg, as well as the chaetotaxy of the antenna are characteristics that clearly place the genus Pseudocypridopsis KARANOVIC into the subfamily Cypridopsinae Kaufinann (see MEISCH 1991; MARTENS et al. 1991). Pseudocypridopsis clathrata (KLIE, 1936) is stygophyl, because it has been found in springs, interstitially and in a cave, while Pseudocypridopsis petkovskii sp. novo seems to be a stygobiont species, because to date it is found in a cave only.
Material and Methods Samples were collected with a plancton net (0.05 mm mesh size), and with little rubber pumps. Material was fIXed with several drops of 36% formaldehyde and promptly washed in the laboratory. Ostracods were separated in 70010 ethyl-alcohol. Dissection was made using fine entomological needles. All drawings have been prepared using camera lucida on Leica DMLS microscope with C-PLAN achromat objectives. Chaetotaxy of the limbs follows the model proposed by BROODBAKKER &
DANlELOPOL (1982), and revised for the Cypridopsinae Antenna by MAR1ENS et al. (1991). Terminology for the anatomy of the hemipenis is used according to MARTENS (1985). Material for this paper has been collected during an extensive investigation of the ostracod fauna of Montenegro, especially of its underground waters. Montenegro is a typical karst area where the Mesozoic limestones covers 82% (11652 krn2) of its territory (PETROVIC, 1983). The new species, described in the present paper, was found in the cave Sutimska Jama which is situated in the Skadar Valley, west from the town of Podgorica. Underground waters from this cave are part of Skadar Lake drainage area. It is the biggest drainage area in Montenegro and it covers 5500 km2. All collected specimens were examined. Those dissected were mounted on the slides in Faure's medium, while other are preserved in glass test tube in 700/0 ethyl alcohol. The material is deposited in the collection of the Zoologisches Museum Hamburg (ZMH) and in author's collection. Abbreviations used in the text and figures: At - antennula, A2 - antenna, H - height, L - length, LV - left valve, Mx - maxilla, MxI -maxillula, Md - mandibula, RV - right valve, T1 - walking leg. Tl - cleaning leg. W - width.
Results Family Cyprididae BAlRD, 1847 Subfamily Cypridopsinae KAUFMANN, 1900 Genus: Pseudocypridopsis KARANOVlC, 1999 Revised diagnosis of the genus.- A~genus,withrelative1y small and ovoid carapace. LV overlapping RV anteriorly, caudaly and ventrally. Carapace omamented. Valves without double folded inner list Selvage peripheral Five adductor muscle scars present. Antenna with short or long swimming setae. Terminal segment on Mxl palp cylindrical, third endite with two smooth claws. Hemipenis with obtuse proximal shield and elongated distal shield. Furca absent in both sexes. Female's genital lobe with copulatory hooks. Type species: Pseudocypridopsis c1aJhrata (KuE, 1936).
Pseudocypridopsis petkovskii sp. novo (Figc; 1-17) Ho lot Y p e. - Male, 0.481 mm; dissected and mounted on slide in Faure's medium. 18 September 1997. ZMH, K 39696. I. KARANOVIC leg. T y pe I 0 c a lit y. - Montenegro, town ofPodgorica, cave SulimskaJama /42l25'50" N, 19110'40" E. A II 0 t Y P e. - Female, 0.511 mm; dissected and mounted on slide in Faure's medium. 18. September 1997. Author's working collection, 0584/al4/24. I. KARANOVIC leg. Par a t y pes. - One male and 4 females; one female dissected and mounted on slide in Faure's medium, other specimens preserved in glass test-tube in 70"10 ethyl alcohol. 18 September 1997. Author's working collection, 0584/al4125 (dissected feinaIe), 6/0584/a (other paratypes). 1. KARANoVlC ~ . Add i t ion a I m ate r i a I e x a m i n e d. - One female dissected and mounted on slide in Faure's medium and one juvenile preserved in glass test tube in 70% ethyl alcohol. 03 February 1997. Author's working collection, 0466Ib/4/55 (dissected female). 6I0466Ib (juvenile). I. KARANoVlC leg. E t y m 0 log y . - The specific name is dedicated to Dr. TRAJAN PElKovSKI, fiunous ostracodologist, as a friendly acknowledgment for the great help in ostracod taxonomy he gave to author.
D i a g nos i S. - Small species with ovoid carapace. Carapace omamented with small pits. Natatory setae long. Tt four-segmented.
Pseuudocypridopsis petkovskii sp. novo
Figs 1-7. Pseudocypridopsis petkovskii sp. novo Holotype, male, 0.481 mm. 1 - carapace, general view; 2 - LV, internal view; 3 - RV, internal view, 4 - six segments of AI,S - left prehensile palp, 6 - right prehensile palp, 7 - hemipenis. Scales = 0.1 mm.
Figs 8-13. Pseudocypridopsis petkovskii sp. novo 8-12 holotype, male, 0.481 mm; 13 allotype, female, 0.511 mm. 8 • carapace, dorsal view; 9 • T2; 10· endopodite of A2; 11 - MxI palp; 12 Tl; 13 - two segments of Tt. Scales = 0.1 mm.
Pseuudocypridopsis petkovskii sp. novo
Des cri p t ion of the male (holotype). - Carapace (Figs 1-3,8) oviform. L = 0.481 mm. In dorsal view LV overlapping RV clearly on anterior and slightly on posterior end. Anterior end pointed. The greatest W lies around the middle, ca. S8% of L. Valves in lateral view subequal. Dorsal margin rounded with clear hump at the greatest H (first third of L) which equals 67% of L. Caudal margin less rounded than frontal one. Ventral margin more convex on RV than on LV. Selvage peripheral, but well developed on both valves. Marginal zone about 9% of L on anterior and 4% on posterior end. Fused zone very narrow, and only well-developed antero-ventrally. LV overlapping RV ventrally. Carapace surface densely covered with setae and small pits. Colour white. Al (Fig. 4) seven-segmented. First segment with two setae, second with one, third and fourth with two, fifth with three, sixth with four, while terminal segment caries three setae and an aesthetasc (ya) 13.S times longer than same segment. L ratio of five distal segments (from proximal to distal end) 1.9 : 1.6 : 1 : 1 : 1. Exopodite of A2 with two short and one long seta. Aesthetasc (Y) equals 62% of first endopodal segment (Fig. 10). Natatory setae long, the shortest one reaching 112 of the L of penultimate segment. Claw G3 seta-like, all other claws well-developed and serrated. G 1 1.3, G2 1.2 and GM 1.1 times as long as first endopodal segment. Claw Gm 3.6 times longer than terminal segment. Aesthetasc y3 well developed and seven times longer than terminal segment. Only one z-seta visible. Md without special characteristics. Terminal segment on Mxl palp cylindrical (Fig. 11), L : W = 4.3 : 1. Prehensile palps (Figs S-6) almost symmetrical. Penultimate segment on T1 (Fig. 12) incompletely divided, with strong chitinous septum just on one side of the segment. T2 three-segmented (Fig. 9); protopodite with three setae; pincer organ developed. Hemipenis (Fig. 7) with obtuse proximal shield and elongated distal shield (foot-like). Transverse fold present. Parts of the labyrinth not clearly visible, top of trabecule narrow and arrow-like. Zenker's organ with 12 whorls of spines. Des cri p t ion of the female (allotype). - L of carapace (Figs 14-1S) O.SI1 mm. Greatest W around middle, ca. 60% of L. Valves almost identical with males. Greatest H ca. 66% of L. Selvage well-developed on RV, on LV developed only anteriorly. All z-setae on A2 (Fig. 17) well-developed. Claw Gl 1.2, G2 0.96, G3 1.22, GM 1.04 as long as first endopodal segment Claw Gm seta-like. Claws not serrated. Mx without special characteristics. T1 (Fig. 13) without strong chitinous septum on penultimate segment. Genital segment (Fig. 16) with clear copulatory hooks. Other appendages as in the male. Rem ark S. - Pseudocypridopsis petkovskii sp. novo differs from P. clathrata by the ornamentation of the valves (like honey-combs in P. clathrata, small pits in P. petkovskil), L of the natatory setae (short in P. clathrata, long in P. petkovskil), ratio L : W of terminal segment on Mxl palp (2 : 1 in P. clathrata, 4.3 : 1 in P. petkovskiz) and by the number of segments on T1 (S-segmented in P. clathrata, 4-segmented in P. petkovskil). Also, many differences in the appearance of the hernipenis of these two species could be clearly noticed. A c corn pan y i n g S P e c i e S. - Together with Pseudocypridosis petkovskii sp. novo we have found the following species: 1. Pseudocypridopsis clathrata - one female (in the sample collected February 3rd, 1997); 2. Trajancandona particula KARANOVIC, 1999 - two males, five females, and one juvenile (in the sample collected September 18th, 1997). D i s t rib uti
n. - The new species is known only from the type locality.
Figs 14-17. Pseudocypridopsis petkovskii sp. novo Aallotype, female, 0.511 mm. 14 - LV, internal view; 15 - carapace, dorsal view; 16 - genital segment; 17 - endopodite of A2. Scales = 0.1 mm.
Pseuudocypridopsis petkovsldi sp. novo
Discussion Pseudocypridopsis petkovskii sp. novo is only known from the type locality. In one sample (18 September 1997) it was found together with Pseudocypridopsis clathrata, which was
the first known species of the genus. This latter species is found in a few localities, but all situated in the Skadar Valley. It is possible that both species are endemic to this region. Skadar Valley was one of the most important refugial centers in the Dinaric region during cyclic periods of the Ice Ages (KARANoVIc & PETKOVSKI 1999). Rich drainage of the area, as well as good climate conditions, gave refuge to many species that were withdrawing from the north which was covered with ice. After the last Ice Age some of those species never successfully re-colonized a larger area, so they became endemic. On the basis of the data about the distribution of the only two known species, Pseudocypridopsis KARANOVIC, 1999 is the genus with the most restrictive distribution within the subfamily Cypridopsinae. The following genera of the subfamily also have representatives in Europe (MEISCH 1991): Cypridopsis BRADY, 1867, Cavernocypris HARTMANN, 1964, Potamocypris BRADY, 1870, Sarscypridopsis McKENzIE, 1977 and Plesiocypridopsis ROME, 1965. All of these genera have cosmopolitan distribution, except Cavernocypris which is distributed in Holarctic. Other eight genera (see KARANOVIc1999) of the subfamily are mainly distributed in the tropics. Most of the species of the subfamily Cypridopsinae live in the surface water. They can be found in large water bodies (lakes) as well as in semi-terrestrial environments (mosses in splash zones), like, for example, Bryocypris grandipes IWEN, 1965 (see MARTENS 1989). According to DANIELOPOL & HARTMANN (1984) only genera Cavernocypris and Neocypridopsis KuE, 1940 of the subfamily Cypridopsinae have representatives in the underground fauna. The genus Cavernocypris has three species. C. subterranea (WOLF, 1919) is not a stygobiont because it prefers springs, and it is occasionally found in underground waters (MARMONIER et al. 1989). Other two species are stygobionts: C. correana (McKENzIE, 1972) is found in the caves in South Korea, while C wardi MARMoNIER, MEISCH & DANIELOPOI... 1989 colonizes the interstitial waters of the South Platte River, Colorado (MARMONIER et al. 1989). The genus Neocypridopsis comprises about nine species (see MARTENS & BEHEN, 1994; DANIELOPOL & HARTMANN 1984) with probably only two real stygobionts. Neocypridopsis mexicana is described from a cave in Yucatan (FURTOS 1938) and was later found in caves in Cuba (BROODBAKKER 1984), while N. yucataniensis was also descnbed from caves in Yucatan (FURTOS, 1936). Pseudocypridopsis is now the third genus in the subfamily Cypridopsinae with stygobiont species. After wider research on the ostracod fauna of Montenegro we have collected P. clathrata in three underground localities (two interstitial and one cave) and in nine springs, so this species is not stygobiont but only stygophyl (KARANOVIC 1999), while the new species is a real stygobiont. Pseudocypridopsis petkovskii is the only European stygobiont species of the subfamily.
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